@TimeMasterX I mean, does it count as a spoiler if everyone says, "Hey, is the new Thor ___?" And Marvel goes, "Hah, no!" Then proceeds to drag it out as long as humanly possible before revealing that it was everyone's first guess all along? 
EDIT: @Morden Man, fair. He is a bit of a one-trick pony, voice-wise. It just so happens that that voice works for Spidey, but he tries it with everyone. And he puts Kitty Pryde in everythingggggggggg.

EDIT: @Morden Man, fair. He is a bit of a one-trick pony, voice-wise. It just so happens that that voice works for Spidey, but he tries it with everyone. And he puts Kitty Pryde in everythingggggggggg.