Hopefully this is good. I re-tooled an old character from an old RP that never made it. :(
Name: Serizawa "Sugar" June
Age: 18
History: June got lucky, incredibly lucky, and has been living her dream for a few years. But that's where she is at now, and where she came from is more important, no? June Serizawa is the youngest child in the Serizawa household, which had a total of six children - June included. Her parents owned a small chain of convenience stores situated throughout Th'Gato, not the wealthiest family, but they made enough to live comfortable with six children. June was an 'accident' or at least that's what her older siblings - two sisters, three bothers..errr...brothers told her. An 'accident' because her name was June, not an 'actual' name like those of her siblings. June took it to mean that she wasn't an 'accident' but 'special', special name, special birth, special child.
As a child, around age six, June was given a toy microphone for her birthday, it was the same year her siblings took some strange group interest in music and each got their own instrument. That phase lasted all of six months before the children decided to do something different. But June was different, she was special. She loved that toy microphone. She would sing into it constantly, playing back her recorded songs at full volume, annoying her siblings in the process. June stuck with music, moving from a toy microphone to her brother's drumset, her sister's bass, a real microphone.
By age 14 June and some friends from school were in a band, mostly limited to playing at festivals at school and in the city, An all-girl band, something they all decided on after their first guitarist only joined to hit on the other members. June was on the drums, but she was also a vocalist. Their frontwoman, Haruna, was good at the guitar but her vocals left a lot to be desired. They never figured they'd get anywhere, especially since they didn't play traditional, typical music, but loud music bolstered by the sweet sounds of June's vocals. It's why her stage name is Sugar, because her saccharine sounds will satisfy your sweet tooth.
The year after, when June was 15, the band made their debut, having been found by a small time record label. It started with minor raido play but word spread, aided considerably by people sending messages and footage of the band through their fairies, and by age 17, June, or rather 'Sugar', was a well-known musician. Her siblings still can't believe it, but June makes sure to rub it in their faces that while they're busy doing menial work, June was able to quit school and perform.
She told them she was special.
In order to blend in and not be photographed or stopped on the street all the time, when she isn't on stage or in 'Sugar' mode, she lets her hair out, its length longer than expected given that she keeps it short on stage.
Hobbies/Interests: Loud music, Spicy foods - the spicier the better, showing off - it goes in line with her performance minded career, being the center of attention, her legs - especially the way they look in her on-stage outfit and in the boots she wears on stage.
Dislikes: Sweets - she can't stand them which is almost ironic given her stage name, Working - working in the traditional sense. It's not fun; Heights - she is terrified of heights, her siblings - though it is a case of love/hate, Cold weather.
Extra: She's been trying to get a solo career going, but it's not yielded any results so far. She's about 5'4", 5'5" in her costume, and she wishes that her breasts were smaller, to help maintain her image of 'Sugar'.
To get an idea of what June's band sounds like take the music from something like this:
And mix in the vocals and music of something like this: (The first song)
Fairy Element: Sound