Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Arthur Shows Up Halfway Through

The moment Lyssa started pouting about familiars, the goddess was concerned about the fact that she was going to be getting an offer. When the hellion changed the subject though, the Phoenix was a little surprised. Touchy, not incompetent ...

A little surprise ran across the red haired girls face as Lyssa handed over the cake. Iravis quickly regained her composure though, a single thought running through her mind. Loyal as well ... If the Phoenix could keep Lyssa from being too touchy, the demoness would make a good follower. But first ...

"Allowing food to spoil is indeed wasteful." The goddess made the wall into a temporary throne, reaching in to grab the cake. "You have me at a disadvantage though. You are knowlegeable of the powers I possess, but I know nothing of what you hold."

The goddess took a bite of the cake, and she admitted to herself that it was indeed tasty.

Lyssa was glad that Iravis seemed to enjoy the cake. She offered a bright grin as she was asked a question next.

“Well, if excessive adorability is a power, then I possess tons of it~” Lyssa giggled mischievously in response, before deciding to give a proper reply. The best show of one’s abilities, were by example! So, she just needed something that she could use an example. Piece of paper or something...Ah. The dorm assignment sheet.

She reached into her pockets, pulling out the piece of paper. “See this paper? Of course ya do~” Lyssa replied, still wearing a slightly mischievous grin. A flash of red, and the paper completely vanished into tiny scraps of paper. “Poof, gone!~” she giggled.

“I’m an alchemist! But instead of creating things, I use my knowledge of chemistry and elements to disrupt the bonds between elements and particles. Basically, I can destroy anything as long as I can touch it, and know what it’s made of.” There, that was a good enough answer, then. “Ooh, I’m also a trained martial artist! But uhm, I don’t really like fighting a whole lot,” She added, her grin turning into a slight frown. “So I uhm, don’t really use…uhm, my physical abilities a lot.”

The goddess, despite her many years in this world, had no idea what that paper was made of on a chemical basis. So the four-thousand year old woman had to concede that this girl was fairly smart as well, and possessed a rather unique and destructive magic.

Pacifism though? That could prove to be a problem for the first member of her religion. Another bite of the cake though, and the seventeen year olds smile spread. "That's a rather impressive resume. A dislike of violence though? Why?" Some dissaproval entered the tone of the Phoenix as she questioned the hellion.

Lyssa fidgeted uncomfortably at the question.

“W-well…” She hesitantly began. “Violence is bad, isn’t it?” She replied simply. It was obvious there was more to it than that, but the demon didn’t seem too keen on speaking about it further, unless Iravis asked.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to spend some more time before trying to change the future servant's life for the better. For now though, a change of subject. "The use of another's lustful gaze is less sinful than violence, I agree." This was a reference to the demon's early claim of being adorable ... which wasn't entirely false. "One must be curious though ... four of us in that space ..." The Goddess shuddered slightly, obviously uncomfortable with being that close. "... the bed. I claim half of it." It was hard to tell if Iravis was being serious or not.

Oh, good, she wasn’t going to make her talk about it. Lyssa mentally sighed in relief, a small breath escaping. She would have if she asked, but well, it wasn’t something that she was going to…well, enjoy doing. Her demeanor did a complete 180, though, the moment Iravis brought up half of the bed.

“H-half?!” Lyssa replied, a bit surprised. “But you’re so warm! I’m not sure I could keep my hands off of you~” Lyssa teased with a giggle. “Buuut, I suppose I can always just snuggle the others. Mugi is adorable anyways, and Katie looks like she’d be fun to snuggle.” Lyssa continued, before giving her a mischievous smile.

"If you’re that really that against it…I could…be persuaded to…keep both of them occupied on the other half~” The demon finished with a giggle.

Well that went better than expected. This girl seemed to understand that a goddess needed her space. Of course, the mortal obviously requested something in return, the fickle heart needed something immediate in return for servitude. Play along for now.

So Iravis decided to respond to the giggling girl, requesting what she wanted in exchange. "What does my noble servant need in exchange?" She tried to maintain an aloof and buisness-like air. She failed, obviously a bit excited at the moment.

Noble servant? Well, whatever that meant, but she’d play along because it sounded fun.

“If…your noble servant requested a hug, would she get burned?” She giggled, before pausing for a moment, taking a little more serious tone.

“Hmm…what would I want?” She hummed, obviously thinking a bit hard about what she wanted. “Well, there is a ball coming up in a few days.” Lyssa replied, a little more seriously. “And I’m all for parties. Especially with drinks. Buuut, going alone would be kinda silly. So. How about you come with me?~”

Iravis blinked a few times in response to the final question. The girl was being serious. A blush ran across the seventeen year old's face, and soon her skin was closer to the element she wielded than the original pale tone. Fingers went together as thoughts ran through her mind ...

Well, she had been a good servant, and it would give her half the bed, and going alone wouldn't be worthy of a goddess....

"... Sure ... of ... of course! I require my retainers!" The blush hadn't dissapeared yet. Merciful Ra, have mercy on me now, and destroy me.

Lyssa smiled, rather mischievously. Whether she was actually finding Iravis adorable when she was flustered, or just happy that she said yes, was difficult to tell.

Arthur meanwhile was just entering view. Classroom aflame he had left, his students would be fine, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up for a pyromancy class anyways. Arthur assumed they had signed up at least, be a shame if someone got mixed up and thought they were in a class about math or something

Regardless Arthur walked towards the dorms, the female ones in particular. As Arthur thought before it was a shame Iravis wasn't at the class, the reasons she wasn't there obvious, and the fact that she may need to be cheered up after what was surely a lovely chat with the headmistress. Arthur then mentally reminded himself that he didn't need to remind himself what he was thinking about less than five minutes ago. Regardless Arthur easily spotted Red, and it looked like she had a friend. Demon? Most likely.

Getting within talking distance Arthur said, "Hello there, having a good day you two?"

Lyssa turned her head towards the somewhat familiar voice. He was a teacher, wasn’t he?

“Ehe, yep. I got to eat delicious cake and met a bunch of new friends!” The demon giggled, not mentioning the date she had just gotten out of Iravis.

“So…you’re a teacher, right?” Lyssa asked. “Uhm, I don’t remember your name, ehe. I probably, uhm, fell asleep during class~” She chuckled nervously.

The Phoenix looked down as Arthur approached, seeming to get more embarassed now that he was here and not responding to his question coherently.

"it's fine, my classes tend to be quiet boring anyways. People only get set on fire once in awhile, hardly a way to learn properly. I am Arthur Wick, your name?" Arthur asked.

“Lyssa Nemorienne!” Lyssa cheerily replied. “Yeah, I remember your class. Kinda. Mostly the time where my face decided the desk was kissable.” She giggled. By that, she meant she had whacked her head against the desk while she was asleep.

“Just call me Lyssa! Nice to meet ya, Mr. Wick.” She offered a friendly smile. “Say say, I have a question! Those doughnuts you gave out were delicious! Where’d you get ‘em from?”

"Be careful with those desks, they're full of splinters. Not very high quality, but they also burn rather well. Concerning nuts of dough though, I get them from a pleasant little place in America, California. Buy them in bulk whenever I get a chance to go. Thinking about it my stockpile is starting to get a bit low I'm going to need to buy more in a few months. Hmm...

Arthur would then completely change gears to say, "Iravis you okay? How'd the chat with Livia go?"

Iravis looked up after that, seeming to have recovered a little after Lyssa had distracted him. "I am in good health, Sir Wick." The goddess delivered a curtsy in his direction. For a moment, the Phoenix debated whether or not she should reveal more details in front of Lyssa, built decided that her loyalty to Arthur was worth more than keeping a servant in the dark temporarily.

"The woman wants me to teach. Children." She stated this as if it was the most ridiculous thing to ever occur.

"That sounds hellish. No offense to present company meant." Arthur said. "If you need any help I'll be here of course. Anything else of note happen yet today for you two?"

Iravis at that moment prayed that Lyssa wouldn't say anything.

“Well, I got to take my roommates out for cake! It was delicious!” Lyssa replied. So Iravis’ job was to teach children, then! Well, she could definitely help! She was good with children. Probably. She at least didn’t mind them.


“Other than that, deciding if I should go to class tomorrow, or sleep in, and finish my conquest of France!~”

Arthur nodded slowly, "If you have my class, attend. Otherwise, figure out who the teacher is. If they are sane, continue your conquest of France, then for good measure stomp on to Spain and wipe them off the map for me."

Lyssa gave Arthur a military salute as he spoke,

“Aye aye, Captain! I shall make those Frenchies tremble before the might of the armies of Lady Demon Candy!” Lyssa snickered, before loud laughter erupted from her. It took her a few moments to catch her breath and reply further.

“Ahaha, hey, you’re not so bad for a teacher.” Lyssa said, still giggling a bit. “I think I will attend your classes.”

"So, anything needed? I could get away with a few hours if I am required. Otherwise I suppose I'll just go home." Arthur asked.

The red haired girl shook her head, then paused. "What should a teacher do to disobedient little ones?" If she was going to do this, they would need some discipline.

Arthur mused over the question for a time, "It would be bad form to incinerate them, parents tend to hate that. Reason I'm teaching people old enough to offer consent and what-not. I personally feel the best way would be to be kind to them normally, let them get away with things, and then the moment they cross the line take away that kindness and be strict. The moment the child in question realizes their mistake and begins to act favorably again return to them the kindness." Arthur would then shrug, "Then again my normal teaching methods get people burnt so maybe my advice would be best taken with a degree of salt."

Even a goddess needed advice, so she took mental notes of what her savior was saying. "You advice will be used, Sir Wick. Wish me luck though, I'll need it." Smiting disobedient children did sound like a good pasttime, though.

“Waaah, teaching can’t be that hard.” Lyssa replied. “I mean, just don’t be mean and make sure they don’t get up to no good and it’ll be fine.” The demon said, adding her own two cents into the discussion. “Ehe, not that I would really know. I never really got along with the other kids a whole lot~” She chuckled.

"If I need it, I'll be sure to call on you for aid" It was clear she was skeptical. She turned to look towards Arthur. "I know I skipped out on our training today. Apologies." She gave a slight curtsy as well. It had been an expected absence, but still one nonetheless.

Arthur raised his hand, saying, "Think nothing of it, it was the first day of school and I was just as busy as you were. What's one day in the scheme of things anyways, not like either of us were suddenly going to go super saiyan today or anything." Arthur would laugh, before adding, "Though if that would have happened today then it is a shame we missed it, then again towering blonde hair wouldn't suit either of us..."

“Pfft, towering blonde hair suits everyone!” Lyssa replied cheerfully. [color=f6989d]“I mean, really! I’d look great with it.”[/clor] The demon said with her usual enthusiasm, she didn’t ask about the training. Obviously, since they were both Pyromancers, it had to do with that! “Eheh, you’re really not a half bad teacher, are ya?” Lyssa said to Arthur. “I’ve never met a teacher who was remotely interested in video games and anime stuff.”

She wasn’t one much for anime, really, but people who didn’t like or at least know of DBZ weren’t people. They were aliens masquerading as humans – she’d have to get her X-Com squad ready to annihilate them one of these days.

"Have you ever asked any of your teachers about their hobbies? Then again maybe you have been cursed with boring instructors up until this point in your life who am I to say? I think you and I will get along well Lyssa."

“Totally,” Lyssa replied. “We should play DnD sometime! Ooh, maybe Smash bros! I'll kick your butt~” She confidently stated.

"Now that is a claim. Me and Ike are ready any time then." Arthur said. "That said, I suppose I should be off, unless there was anything else?"

The goddess shook her head. "Thank you for your time, Sir Wick."

Arthur gave a short bow to Iravis, "Tis next me meet, both of you." Mr. Wick would then turn and walk away towards the town. Home seemed like a safe bet, bed would be good. Nothing like going to sleep early for the hell of it.

“Byyyyye!” Lyssa waved after the teacher.

“So, I guess I’ma head back to the dorm for a bit. See if anyone else is there.” The demon said, walking over to the brick wall and grabbing her laptop, turning to Iravis. “Unless there’s anything else you wanna do? I’m not really tired, so sleeping is kinda…eh.”

Iravis shrugged. This would be a good time to discuss arrangements for their date, and perhaps lay down and read a book. "I'll return as well, I have books to read."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alicia had had a busy morning. Several classes, mostly mundane subjects like English and math, had been intolerably long and boring. What was worse, the English teacher had given out a lengthy assignment, and she had to go to the library for research. As she made her way towards the literature section, she wasn't watching where she was going in the slightest, and she nearly tripped over a boy. Collecting herself, she made a rather sheepish apology to both him and the other boy she was talking to.

"My apologies, I didn't see you two there. I'm sorry for interrupting you."

@VanityMage Levi @RabidAnubis
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Draél Fahlmer

Having laid by the tower for a reasonable amount of time, Draél eventually would get up and attend to the classes like any other student would. He would however not say much during his time in the classrooms using the first day to mostly get an idea of what they would be about as well as taking whatever notes and sheets that were handed out. However he would also use the time to siphon any mana he could from anyone he could without their notice and also had the time to think about how he could mess with certain teachers and their classes by defiling their magic. It did sound like an interesting and funny idea too him, he liked nothing beter than to have a good time. When the classes were done and over with he would go and rest peacefully on his own in the garden and then right after that he would walk the campus for a while.

At this point he noticed that there was some kind of work going on at the tower, and to this he simply nodded before walking on. Eventually as he had wandered around for a while he were starting to get hungry, and he felt and heard his belly growl for some grup he decided to head over to the dinner hall. It didn't take too long to reach even if he were not sure where it was yet a campus map conveniently showed the way. Once there he picked up the presence of his familiar in the kitchen area, it was then it occurred to him that he hadn't really thought about her that much. Knowing that he could call her from whenever and wherever was kinda not as much as a problem, and he didn't really feel like exploiting that even if he could... Meria was qutie dense anyway so he figured she might still be mad at him... but he decided that maybe he should check on her anyway just to see if she was settling in okay.

Wandering over to the kitchen he spoke to the chef shortly about his errand before his entry, then it weren't really that hard work to search the area until he eventually laid his eyes upon the familiar and another female. However Meria were already on her way out yet Draél decided to gently interviene by stepping into her path. "Oh, Hello there Meria... you in a rush?... Well no matter. I was feeling a bit hungry actually, And wouldn't mind a sip of your blood to be honest~... after all with no other established sources, I guess you will have to suffice" he said and chuckled slightly, he was really thirsty by now too... and blood and essence sounded like a delicious treat right now... shamefully he had not established a better source of income so Meria would have to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VanityMage Levi
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VanityMage Levi

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Oh man... I made a complete fool of myself, how could this possibly get any worse tha-

As if on cue, he felt a sudden push from behind which almost caused him to fall forward with her but thankfully, he quickly reacted to this by putting his foot out in front of him to act as anchor to keep them both up. Once he knew they have collected themselves, he checked with the female student to make sure she wasn't injured and even felt panicky when he heard her apologize.

"N-No! I s-s-should be the one aplogizing, I-I didn't mean to get in y-your way!"

All this worrying was not good for him. His breathing was shortening and he couldn't tell but it could clearly be seen by the two students starring at him that he was shaking.

"Y-You aren't h-h-hurt anywhere a-are you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

The nervous boy stammered out an answer in response to his question as if it was a hostile inquiry that would result in him being put on trial. He hadn't intended it to be so, and was about to speak in such a manner as to relieve the commoner of any guilt.

Suddenly though, a girl ran into the bumbling kid likely because she wasn't paying attention. The fourteen year old smiled slightly as the commoner continued to fumble, but looking back and forth between them he decided he had better things to do than aid in the terror of one who did not seek company. Surely the presence of a lady would be far too much for the man.

"Excuse me, but I have other matters to attend to." A slight bow followed as he took his first step back.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 1 yr ago

and here we observe Vera in her natural habitat, talking to herself because people can't look after fucking flowers
Vera Rosenberg

The Gardens

The day went on just as Vera had predicted. The lessons finished in the blink of an eye, lunch didn't seem all that time consuming at all, and now Vera had settled herself down in the gardens, eyeing the colourful flower beds. This place was probably the only area where she could find some sort of peace from the other much louder students roaming around. And the much louder areas in general.

She didn't want annoying people coming in her line of sight.

Just like last year, Vera would tend to the flowers daily, making sure they were in brilliant, bright shape. There were some other students who would come to water the plants, students Vera had once conversed with, but the young Rosenberg seemed to be the most regular visitor. The girl continued to water the flowers in front of her, smiling down at the blossoming petals.

"Oh, that won't do."

Seeing the dying flower bed to her left, Vera zoomed over with her watering can. The girl sighed, crouching down to examine the plants.

"Goodness me, do some of these students not know how to properly care for a withering flower bed? A vast majority of garden plants simply require water and sunlight to be able to grow and flourish, but it seems some people are too... idiotic to notice such a simple fact."

Ah, the 'abuse' of flowers always got Vera in a bundle. She hated it when the flowers weren't cared for properly. It was a bit… sad, really. Vera seemed to care more for a rose's well being rather than another person's.

Maybe in a few minutes time she would head over back to her dorm and rest up. Maybe.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VioletRose
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vaegwen Ni'Tessine

| Archery Field |

The Elven woman stood absolutely still, her legs spread shoulder-width apart to provide herself a strong base. In her hands she held her bow and arrow at the ready, the string pulled strong and taut. With her left hand dominant in her stance, she aimed her weapon at its target. Her breathing was slow and lulling, her chest didn’t even seem to move with the intake and outtake of air. Her slate gray eyes were focused intently on lining up her shot perfectly. In a sign of concentration from years of habit she gently bit the inside of her left cheek, scrunching her mouth to the right. The hand that held the arrow knocked to the string tightened for a slight second before she loosened it again. She held the soft wood of the arrow between her index and middle finger while her ring finger caressed the feathers of the fletching. With her shoulders set and her elbow locked, she flicked her wrist minutely and let the arrow fly. It left her bow with a soft ‘fft’ and embedded itself into the dead center of the target with a satisfying ‘thwack’.

Vaegwen lowered her bow and turned to look to the two students who had come to her during their off period. Both were students of her who benefited using a bow with their magic. The two had been studying her form, trying to take notes from her stance to try to improve their own. The duo attempted their own interpretation of her form and tested their results. She read the shared look of disappointment that they shared with one another. Smirking slightly, Vaegwen pulled out one more arrow and waived to the two boys with it. “Don’t be discouraged. Remember, I have hundreds of years of practice more than you two do. The term ‘practice makes perfect’, well it’s overkill in my case. Take your stances again." Vae said as she slung her bow across her chest and moved towards the two boys. She adjusted her leather arm bracers that she used for protection and walked slowly around the boys as they held their positions. With the nock and fletching of her bow she tapped parts of their bodies to correct. They adjusted what was tapped and tested their aim again.

Vaegwen stood back as the two boys shot a few more rounds, noting on some improvement that could be made here and there. She tapped the shaft of her arrow against the knee high brown leather boots she wore. Many of the students that she taught always told her that she had a ‘very Renaissance’ look that they admired. Admittedly, she did dress in a simple and olden fashion but this was simply due to her age. She generally wore clothes she had made herself. All of her leather wear was animal skin that she had skinned, tanned, stretched, and stitched herself. When you were over 500 years you learned quite a few things; especially since she was born before the times were clothes were made in mass production. Vaegwen tossed the arrow she held into the grass, the head planting it squarely into the ground. Clapping her hands, she caught the boy’s attention. Nodding her head to the sun, she tapped her wrist, indicating it was time for them to be on their way. “It’s almost time for your next class to start.”

“Before you go though, let me see your forearms.” Vaegwen said as she noticed on of the boys rubbing his aforementioned body part. The two boys strolled towards her and produced their red and whelped forearms. “And this, gentleman, is why we wear bracers when shooting with Elven silk-stringed bows. It is some of the toughest string known to man and can even cut through the skin.” Vaegwen chided as she turned one of their forearms slightly to inspect the wounds. Clucking her tongue, she produced two simple bracers that she had tucked into the band of her belt halfway through the training session when she had noticed their bare forearms. “These are braces I have crafted myself. They’ll be able to fit you though since they’re lace ups. Now, I have spent much time into creating both of these so take very good care of them. If you damage them I will not repair them. However, I will teach you how to repair them yourselves. Understood?” She said as she handed the leather braces off. “Yes ma’am.” Both boys replied in unison as they took the presents gratefully, their arms already sore from the beating they had taken today.

“Thank you, Ms. Vae.” The taller of the two boys sais before turning to walk off towards his next class. The other male, bowed slightly to Vae. “Thank you, Lady Vaegwen.” He said, showing his respect. He was of Moon-Fae descent, as well, even though he was mostly human. Vae offered him a half smile before she waved him off with a flourish of his hand. She hated the honorifics that the students offered her but would never insult one of them. The boy smiled widely at the miniscule smile she had offered him and ran off to meet up with his friend.

Vaegwen began to gather up the extra equipment that had been left out from a previous class and began to make a mental note to start dealing out repercussions when equipment was left out. Bending over she scooped up a bow, her long ash gray hair fell down about her like a smoky veil. With an annoyed huff, she righted herself and shook out the mane in hopes of knocking loose the pieces of grass that had collected. “By the great Mother above, I will cut you." She threatened her hair as she began to pick out the residual grass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lukas, Ylva, and Sorcha : The Tower-

That insufferable creature! She didn’t even bother to grace his ears with her voice. She didn’t waste a breath replying to him, but she did accept his challenge. In four days, she’d end his miserable existence – barring she could make it…and well, things didn’t happen. Her…condition hadn’t acted up in a while, and Norns willing it would stay that way.

While Ylva was observing the dra- tower from her tree branch, she saw that there was some sort of argument happening on top of it. And soon the situation quickly spiraled out of control. More individuals were getting involved with the argument and soon they appeared to be fighting. A massive fire tornado was summoned forth, it actually looked really cool. But the action died down almost just as fast as the argument had heated up.

A boy who seemed to be some sort of demon-kin leapt off of the building with a large amount of force. This one was definitely a tough one. However, a few seconds later there was a loud roar could be heard. The source of this roar was the mighty dragon and the roar was a challenge. In one week there would possibly be a fight, a proper one. Ylva was already excited to see the Dragon fight against whoever it had just issued its challenge. But she quickly forgot about this when she heard the name of the dragon. Sorcha Ó Maoilriain, that name had a familiar ring to it but it sounded kind of Irish and Ylva never really learned about Irish dragons. Atleast, not knowingly.

Anyway, it seemed like the dragon was not in the best of moods and almost everyone vacated the premises. Ylva decided that this was probably the smartest course of action for her to undertake as well because she definitely did not want to risk invoking a dragon’s wrath… Plus it was getting time to head to classes. So she leapt off of the tree branch she had been standing on for all this time and tried to remember what class she was supposed to head to.

The classes were not ‘serious’ lessons yet, as these were just the introductory classes. Ylva quickly picked up on the names of the teachers and tried to be a productive student, trying to answer every question that the teacher asked. Overall Ylva would say that her time in the classes was a success. However, she did not get much time to socialise with other students as of yet. Come to think of it, she had actually not talked to anyone as of yet. Maybe it was time to work on that.

At first Ylva wanted to go to the dining hall and see if there were some other people in there which she recognized from her classes, but later decided against it and just set out to explore the campus. And after almost an hour of traversing the campus, Ylva came to the conclusion that it was not just pretty, but also had a lot of practicality build into it. And she wasn't talking about the perspective of an academic point of view.

By the time the sun was setting she reached the tower again and Ylva wondered what kind of magnificent creatures besides the dragon would live here. The tower seemed to be build quite sturdy, yet its age was showing in the form of cracks and missing bricks. The tower was however surrounded by building materials so it seemed like the academy was planning to renovate the place. Several windows were lit, including the one on the top floor. If Ylva were to guess as to where the dragon would sleep, she’d guess straight at the top. Not just for practicality, but also because dragons tend to be picky and usually want the best.

Ylva could see that the top window had been opened. To her this could either mean that the dragon was away or that she was just airing her room. She was thinking about climbing up there and say hi to the dragon, but who would be so foolish as to see an open window as an invitation?

After the fiasco at the tower today, Sorcha was feeling much more…welcoming to people visiting her. She was still rather angry about the Oni, his recent appearance, that Drael fellow, and that teacher she didn’t know the name of, but nothing she could do about it at the moment. They all left when she had commanded them too, and Arthur and the nameless teacher wouldn’t receive her wrath. If that Drael fellow so much as looked at her again though, he would be met with a furious bolt of lightning from the heavens.

The cretin may speak kind compliments and sugar coat his words, but he was simply a lecher that wanted nothing more than to bed her likely. She had seen his type quite often, and she had never once done anything with them. There was no way she would in the first place. She didn’t feel the need for such things anyways. Over the course of her life, she had only done such things with a grand total of five people, and all were greater men and women than that Drael people could ever hope to be.

The dragon huffed, her tail hitting the ground in annoyance. Livia had already been by to see her about causing a ruckus, though it wasn’t a huge deal to either of them. Her treasure horde was depleted by the smallest fraction possible, but she was fine with that. She owed Livia a great deal, after all, and she didn’t mind using some of her trinkets to help fund Livia’s little Academy.

After all, she didn’t have much of anywhere else to go, and Livia was…well…helping her, in a number of ways.

The dragon sighed, walking over to her window and unlocking it, taking notice of the rose on the window. It was likely left there by that Drael fellow earlier. The dragon simply picked it up, and crushed the flower in her hands. She wanted nothing from him.

A cool evening breeze flowed in, and Sorcha looked around her room. A large, circular place with rich decoration. The king sized bed was situated opposite of the room from the window, and the wooden floor was covered with a thick, white carpet. The walls were stone, but it would have been difficult to tell from the paneling covering them. The wooden paneling was thin, but definitely of refined taste. They were a red color, with golden accents decorating the center and edges of them.

Several paintings decorated the wall. They were very old, and likely magically preserved as immaculate as they seemed. Probably worth a pretty penny, should a thief be as bold as to attempt stealing one.

A door on one side of the room led to a rather large bath, which was amply big enough for the dragon to completely soak in.

The dragon, fully dressed in her armor once again, laid her glaive on its proper resting place and walked over to a table, where a meal had apparently been prepared. A rather…large amount of food was donning the medium sized table. A large steak, a whole large pizza, a various few other bits of junk food, and a few bottles of wine as well.

She grabbed a slice of the pizza, and wondered if she should go out tonight. She wasn’t particularly tired, and that whole thing with that cretin earlier still had her a little on edge.

As Lukas approached the tower, he was undaunted by its rather prominent size of four to five stories from what he discerned; a gargantuan beast that he was going to easily scale. It would be simple to knock on the door like a regular person, but where was the logic behind that? At most, he would probably be told to bugger off by the inhabitants... so he did what any other magician with telekinesis would do. "Alright, lets make this count..." Stuffing one of the spicy sushi wraps he made earlier into his mouth, Lukas set his right foot onto the building, and then his left.

Lukas slowly trudged up the tower, swords, satchel, and unchanged clothes on him. Lukas did say he would return to the dorms later in the eve, but he never displayed the reasoning for why. Meria was the only one who probably knew the truth for his late night rove and he was honestly unsure if leaving them with a lech was the most intelligent of decisions. "I mean, the only thing I know about the dude is that he has an endless amount of euros on that card and the facet that he loves getting laid just as much as the next dude in that dorm."

His feet moved in rhythm as he chewed, each bite mimicked each step took and could be compared to a beating heart. Swallowing the savory delight, he rotated his head to look back at the ground. He was fairly certain that he could see his dorm from here... in fact, there was also that gorgeous tree house in the garden. "Someone must of gotten lucky if they were roomed up there; the breeze must be refreshing," he uttered to himself, smirking jubilantly. Lukas felt some of his blood sloshing around, but eh, it didn't matter, the journey was almost over.

Whether he got his ass kicked or not in the next few seconds would probably define how his night ended, so there's that. Cheers in hopes that this peculiar meet up goes well, eheh...

Ylva was just about to get on with her scouting mission when she noticed some movement on the tower. And what she saw amazed her. Some idiot carrying swords was climbing up the tower walls… and he was heading straight to the open window. Does that guy have a death wish or something? is the first she could think of when seeing him. Death could come so easily to him. He would surely break every bone in his body if he fell down. And besides that, is he really that stupid as to try and get into the den of a dragon? Especially the den of a dragon who already had a shitty day? If nothing else, he’d surely ruin the beautiful creature’s day even more.

Dragons are fiercely territorial. If that guy didn't watch out then he might soon find out that the wrath of a dragon is not something to be messing with. And the more he climbed, the more he risked deadly injuries. Someone had to get him away from there before he would kill himself. And judging by the lack of anyone with enough interest surrounding her, Ylva figured that it was up to her to stop him.

Ylva quickly made her way to the towerwall and after a few seconds of calculating the fastest probable path she started to scale the structure. She had been climbing mountains since she was very young, so this would probably be a cakewalk compared to the massive Norwegian mountain ranges.

Ylva ascended the tall building rather quickly. It of course helped that there were these neat foot-shaped dents in the wall, though she wondered as to what the practical purpose was of this. Sometimes when it was not clear if she could manage to hold on to something she would use her Ice magic to freeze her hand against the object and use it as a firm grip with which to ascend further. When she looked up Ylva saw that the guy was practically next to the window. This only caused her to pull herself up even faster, but she was already fearing for the worst.

A couple of more minutes went on by before Lukas was three meters away from the open window... huh, it was almost as if it was inviting him in. Of course, he wasn't one to zerg rush in like a complete moron due to the implications(dragon, might tear him to shreds, the works)... so, like any polite, neighborly person, he would do what any curious person would do when wishing to inquire about their neighbors.

They knock on some of the window or give a holler to notify said person of their presence. Foolproof plan, 100% swell; nothing could go wrong here, save the fact that his blood sloshing around all over the place if he just stood there for an elongated amount of time. Losing consciousness at five story's isn't fun, and he wasn't exactly going to be the next crimson Leonardo da Vinci splattered on the cement below. Plus, it would probably suck for the janitor who would have to clean up the ichor and intestines.

"Alright, the final stretch... lets do this," Lukas murmured into the wind, taking his words away as he approached. Traversing up the remaining few meters, venturing closer, and closer, until finally he was within hands reach. Suddenly, he shoved himself off the stone bricks, did a flip, and was soon floating near the window. Of course, gravity was attempting to make him their bitch at this point. Nah, simple physics wouldn't stand in his path as he stood off to the side, rapping on the sill to express his appearance.

"Yello hello? Is the lovely Lady Sorcha Ó Maoilriain, Harbinger of the Heavens home?" Lukas situated himself on the side of the wall, leaning, or well, looked as if he was leaning on bricks, staring at the empirical twilight and the harboring presence of the moon above, stoically waiting for some reply from the war-maiden inside.

Who…who could possibly be bothering her now?! If it was that Drael idiot, she’d smite him. She had given the fool enough warnings, and she wouldn’t be giving him another chance. She considered herself merciful, but she wouldn’t be treated with such disrespect. She had told the cretin to leave, so she had expected him to leave. The fool must have a death sentence if he came back here a third time.

That asinine compliment seemed like something the fool would utter from his lips. Maybe she should rip out that tongue of his…not that it would do much good. Meredith could probably fix that…meh. At least it’d make her feel better.

So, the dragon walked over to the window, glaive in hand. She was going to show this Drael fellow when she said leave, she meant leave. No words would be spoken, a bolt of lightning would be her only form of communication.

She approached the window, expecting to find the idiot there, but was pleasantly surprised to find someone else entirely. She leaned out the window, resting her arms on the windowsill as leaned the glaive against the wall. A student, from the looks of him. Great. Wonderful. In all her years here, she had never interacted with the students as much as she had today. As soon as she relented and let Livia use the base of her tower as quarters for the students, stuff like this happened.


Well, she couldn’t blame to students for something they had zero control over.

More importantly….

“Well. You’re not who I was expecting.” She replied with a relieved sounding sigh. “But you are a welcome guest, unlike those other fools who intruded on my tower today.” She seemed entirely unimpressed with his antics for the moment. At least this boy seemed to have some common decency and manners. Such as knocking. Judging from his demeanor as well, he wasn’t going to cause her trouble. She hoped he wouldn’t, anyways. She was already annoyed as it was, so it wouldn’t be good for his health if he did.

“Do you need something, human?” She asked. “Or do you intend to waste energy and float there, plying me with flattery until gravity works as intended?”

Lukas tilted his head to the side, neutral and unrefined for the time being as he gawked at the dragon lady for a few seconds before leaning forward. Detaching his hands from his back, Lukas a glint of mischief was displayed through a simple smirk as he was locked, loaded, and ready to fire (or be lit on fire). "If gravity started working as intended, I would feel a major attraction to an illustrious and stark dragon. Her name? Lady Sorcha Ó Maoilriain.~" Propelling himself off the side of the vandalized tower, Lukas almost looked to begin his descent... before floating momentarily and landing on the gaseous air.

"Aside from my genuine compliments..." Lukas rotated his form as a whole, positioning himself towards the window. "If you don't mind, what I desire is just a chat with you." Walking on thin air, his movements were a combination of jagged to polished as he traversed a singular meter to the window. "Because for five years, I've always pondered on the reason for this towers existence."

"Then on one of those years, I caught a glimpse of someone or something near the top of the tower... ok, yeah," Lukas stop abruptly, stretching his arms upwards before continuing on. "I'm sure you would love to hear my reasoning," he spoke, sarcastically emphasizing the love, "but lets just skip to the chase. I'm up here because I was curious about you; never before did you reveal yourself to the public, until some moron thought it would be a good idea to prod you with a figurative spear."

Lukas sneered, lowering his head as it moved back and forth like a pendulum. "Guy sealed his death warrant if you ask me." Lukas shrugged, his visage hardening upon mention of the mystery student. He then paused for a moment before going on, not even noticing the other lady down below, scaling the side of the tower through the holes he averted walking on. "Anyways, that's my reasoning for clambering up the side of your tower - curiosity in learning a bit about you through chatting, because that is definitely the most intelligent thing a guy could do, especially after someone destroyed your home; pretty sure that guy could use a class to refine his manners."

Lukas shared some of his condolences for the destruction of her house, but that's all he could actually do right now, save display his eagerness for meeting Sorcha. Reaching into his satchel, he opened up the bag that contained his spicy sushi rolls. Holding his hand out, he offered the dragon two of his sushi as an act of kindness. "Here, you want some sushi? I was going to share these with my roommates, but I can always create a couple of these baby's later." Lukas urged her to take one as he nodded his head every few seconds.

As Lukas stood there, he marked that he probably shouldn't falter for too long in the air. Concerned, he stared at the entrance to her domain, before deciding to speak up. "Er, mind if I come in," he quizzed, becoming somewhat disgruntled that he was still standing out in the open at an uncomfortable height.

Sorcha simply gave the boy a stare. It was impossible to tell if she was thinking of smiting him then and there, or simply wondering how much of an idiot the human was. However, soon enough a rather loud laugh erupted from her, probably much to the relief of the human. The dragon leaned on the windowsill, trying to catch her breath and stop her little outburst, but failing rather miserably.

After quickly traversing another couple of meters Ylva was getting close to the window, and by extent, the suicidal idiot. The climb was not as taxing as one would imagine, largely because Ylva managed to cheat with her ice magic. But when she was within a few meters Ylva realised that she had come too late. The boy had just knocked on the window and had started to address the dragon and he didn't even do that in the respectful manner that was befitting of a creature of such legend!

Soon after he knocked a silhouette appeared and a voice rang, the dragon’s voice. It demanded that the boy stated his business and the boy proceeded to do just that. His goal? To have a chat. Just a chat, that was where he had risked his life for. But… He did appear to be flying, so falling down probably wouldnt have killed him. And then he started offering the dragon some sushi, really? What was going on in his mi-

Ylva’s train of thought was interrupted by the dragon’s sudden and loud laugh. It caught her so much off guard that one of her feet slipped off of a brick and she almost fell. ”Jævla!” is what she cried out… a bit too loud. Once she recovered she immediately covered her mouth with one hand before looking up and putting up a forced smile.

Sorcha’s laugh was immediately stopped by another voice, other than the boy standing in front of her. The dragon was immediately put on alert for anyone watching them. She grabbed her glaive again. Was it merely another curious onlooker from earlier today, or someone else? Not that it mattered. The momentary good mood she had been put in by this human, was completely destroyed in another instant.

She left her home, completely ignoring the boys’ presence for the moment. With a frown, she scanned the roof around the tower and the tower itself.

“I take it you didn’t bring friends?” Sorcha growled, though she didn’t wait for an answer, however. A few feet below Lukas, she spotted the source of the voice. Another human who had intruded on her tower. Another curious onlooker? One was humorous. Two was annoying.

“You there!” She said, pointing her Glaive right at Ylva. “State your name and business. If it is simply to sate your foolish curiosity, then I suggest you leave before I smite thee. I will not be entertaining curious onlookers like this fool.”

Lukas was taken back by the sudden burst of laughter emanating from Sorcha, as he wasn't certain that it was going to be that elementary to acquire her acquaintance, let alone get her to explode laughing. Lukas' head nudged back a bit, slightly dazed by the woman's heartiness. "Well, if anything, I made her day, that's for sure," his shoulders that were hunched back after that resonating laugh, drooping down in immaculate relief. If anything, he could be a (horrid) comedian for the woman. His scrunched face began returning to normal as well; a soft glow of enthusiasm filling it as well.

In an instant, a foreign feminine voice rang out from beneath him, catching Lukas unprepared for the sudden acquaintance of another. Looking down, he observed that a colorless bunch of hair below with a plastered smile on a similarly aged lady's face. Curiosity crossed his face, an eyebrow raised and a smidgen of doubt on his lips signified that he didn't trust her at all, as much as he liked beautiful women such as her.

"I didn't invite any guests... and I honestly am just as curious to who she is," Lukas thought to himself, pausing momentarily as he raised his right hand to his lips, completely obscuring his mouth for the moment. Squinting his eyes, he scanned over her face, mainly her smile. It seemed... fake to him, probably nervous that she interrupted the whole situation. Whatever it was, it basically screamed "I'm sooo damn screwed..."

There was a tinge of pity for the girl and he felt the need to think fast, lest she is chopped in half by... a very nice glaive. Lukas noted that the materials were unlike anything he had seen before and appeared to be more beautiful than his steel swords. Anyways, ask her about the materials later, first figure out the identity of who this chick with snow white hair and cerulean eyes. Not speaking up in fear of possibly making life much more difficult for the lady, instead gave an awkward wave with his free hands. Lukas' arms heralding the sushi dropped, the two spicy wraps coming down as well.

Maybe he could reattempt to make the offer later when Sorcha wasn't so piqued?

Well, things could have gotten a lot smoother than this, but at least she wasn't instantly killed for trespassing. The dragon was rightfully furious, just the thing that Ylva had wanted to avoid, and demanded to know who she was. Luckily the boy above her didn't complicate matters further and spoke honestly about not knowing her. Even if her life depended on it, Ylva would not resort to lies like that! But now she had other things to worry about, like that dragon which is about to skewer her.

Ylva spoke out in a clear and calm voice. ”My name is Ylva Edlehjerte of clan Harkon.” She did not look directly at the dragon’s eyes, as this would come across as either an attempt at intimidation or viewing herself as an equal, something dragons are not really fond off. After finishing her first sentence a small ice platform grew out of the tower which allowed Ylva to stand and face the dragon, still avoiding direct eye contact. ”And I come here not out of malice, creature of legend, but I merely came here to try and avoid the demise of the other interloper as I feared for his safety.”

She spoke the truth, this had indeed been her intention as to why she climbed up here. The fact that Ylva wanted to see the dragon up close, well, she thought that wasn't really relevant now. But at the moment she had nothing to make the dragon trust her beside her word. And the dragon didnt really look like it would take Ylva’s word for the truth. So there was only one other thing she could offer…

”If you do not trust my word, then you may smite me down here and now. I have no reason as to fear the afterlife because I will go there with a clear concious.” She knelt on the ice platform, bowing her head and awaiting the dragon’s judgement. A smile formed on her face. ”Besides, there are worse ways to die then by a creature of legend.”

Ylva Edlehjerte of clan Harkon? That was a name from what today she was sure was called Scandinavia. That…it had been awhile since she had met anyone from her old domain. Sorcha turned her glaive away from the girl. Her attitude was something she had yet to see in anyone in sometime in this modern age. The dragon was definitely pleased with the girls’ behavior. She was certainly under the ‘brave’ category and not the ‘foolish’ one like this man was. Sorcha could definitely say she at least respected that.

“Raise your head, Ylva Edlehjerte of Clan Harkon.” Sorcha replied as she looked down at Ylva from where she was hovering. “Your words seem honest and you are indeed brave for walking into the den of a dragon to protect a fool who doesn’t know what he is getting into. You shall not be sent to Valhalla by my hand this evening.” With that said, she turned back to Lukas.

“Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from this girl, human.” She said to him, before addressing Ylva.

“Ylva, You have my permission to enter my home. You are free to enter – I was about to have dinner, but I wouldn’t mind some company.” She turned her head to Lukas, almost as an afterthought. “You amused me, human. You may enter as well, but know your place. If you plan to continue your foolish behavior, then I do hope you can continue to entertain. I may even care for your name, then.”

With that said, she returned to her abode, laying her glaive against the wall once again. She took a seat at the end of a table, in a rather grand chair.

As Lukas stood there, hovering in midair, he could only stood there befuddled by the woman and her actions, procuring a new name to label the lady as. "Lady Ylva Edlehjerte of a clan known as Harkon... name is European in origin and reminds me of vikings... Harkon is the name of the antagonist in Skyrim's dlc, Dawnguard..." Alright, so formulating an identity for this girl was something he could do as he knew little to nothing about her... so guessing her birthplace was one way he could get inside her head for now...


or not.

The girl stated herself to be attending to this location out of sheer heroism of making sure an "interloper" didn't meet his demise at the hands of Sorcha. Ugh, interloper? Well, he may of been traversing up her tower, but he knew what the consequences were if he failed to impress. Either way it looked as if she was prepared to lay her life on the line. Heroic, but Lukas could only frown, feeling it was a bit unnecessary since her life was now at risk.

"As sweet as it was for you to clamber up the side of this tower, you've just endangered yourself!" Lukas really did look a lot more down than he should of, feeling a twinge of guilt for causing Ylva to come after him so he could return with no risk. For a moment, his processes were slow, dulled a bit... before she struck out, causing the young man to spring back to life with shock and awe across his face, afraid of what was to come.

She made herself an offering if Sorcha didn't buy into what she meant. Lukas was paying attention, albeit slowly to her, and came to the conclusion that she wasn't lying. That petty facade of a smile was gone, only a clear, crisp truth remained. This was no time for inaction, as he was already over the limit, and began his descent at an adjacent angle... before stopping abruptly.

In that previous moment, he was rigid, calculating, ready to possibly shield her and attempt to dissuade Sorcha... however, from the looks of it, Ylva disarmed the whole situation. A huff of relief escaped his mouth as he returned to his prior position. Lukas slightly minded the dragons hurdled insults, but he wasn't bothered to the point of departing from the tower... though he did want to have a word with Ylva. Eventually after leaving him as an after thought, Lukas decided it was his turn for now.

"Well, this uneventful eve ended up better than expected," he spoke gleefully with a tinge of disappointment somewhere there too. The teen then flipped himself over, now upside down to the girl. He looked as if he was leaning on an imaginary wall, his foot on the nonexistent bricks themselves. "Miss Ylva, you gave me quite a scare, offering up your life like that... honestly, that wouldn't bode well with me, not at all..."

Shrugging with both of his hands in the air, he gave a playful smirk as he began standing up straight once again. "At least neither of us ended up charred... though, to be honest if she did try anything..." Lukas paused closing his eyes as he imagined his death with counterfactual thinking. Pondering upon his scorched body as the twilight lit up like the fourth of July. "I would of made sure I went first, and made your efforts in vain... sorry, but I just wouldn't want a lovely lady of your caliber to die just to safeguard me; that ain't my style, it never will be."

Moving up to the window after the way he gravely spoke, he situated himself on the wall as he looked at the heavens, a solemn smile was stroked across his face. "Best you go in first, after all, tonight I'm the third wheel and you, Lady Ylva are Lady Sorcha's guest..." Closing his eyes for a mere moment, he relocated his arms to the back of his head, before tilting it downwards and opening one of his eyes.

"Besides, there are other days anyways, and generally speaking, today isn't my day... also." A small spicy sushi wrap was seen floating towards Ylva, steadily making it downwards before it was evenly a foot away from her face. "Here, take one of em; I was going to share some with Lady Sorcha later, but you kinda threw a wrench there... eh, I can always deliver a wrap or two later I suppose."

Ylva kept her head lowered while the dragon was talking to her, but internally she could dance of her happiness. Not only did she not get toasted, which was reasonably helpful, but she also got complimented and even invited inside the dragon’s residence! Ylva let out a sigh of relief and rose up as the dragon went back into its chamber.

It was at this point that the boy who had been spectating this all along came down. He started to talk to Ylva about how he would not have accepted her giving her life for him. It was good to know that he had his heart in the right place. Yet he seemed disappointed by something. Ylva couldn't really figure out why exactly he would be. After all, didnt everyone end up unscaved and were they not both invited inside? But when he offered his sushi wrap and explained what he had hoped to do it made Ylva feel sad for him. Also kind of mad as he apparently went out and risked his life just so he could share some food, but that’s in the past now, no need to get upset about that.

Ylva did not know how to respond to this, she did not have any experience with these kind of problems. So she just did the thing that she thought was logical. ”Why don’t you come along anyway? You were invited after all.” she said with a genuine smile as she looked at him and took the sushi roll, bowing her head in thanks. ”I think only a few ever had that honor, so cheer up and come on!” With that she turned around and started to quickly ascend on the building, the ice platform dissolving in a few seconds after she left it.

When she finally reached the window Ylva grabbed the ledge and pulled herself inside with one smooth move and landed on her feet inside the gorgeously decorated room. While others might have been standing here gawking at the exquisite pieces of art, it did not interest her all that much. She was far more fascinated by the creature which had seated itself near a dining table filled with all sorts of junk food.

Ylva tried to hide her excitement of being this close to the creature of legend, but she was just radiating it. Before she walked closer to the dining table Ylva first bowed her head down as a sign of respect to the Dragon. “Thank you dragon for this generous invitation.” A smirk formed on her face as she lifted her head up, still avoiding the eye contact. ”I’ve got to say, this is not the outcome that I had expected.”

“No, Ylva?” The dragon replied from her seat. “Expecting me to smite you? Earlier in the day I likely would have.” She replied with a sigh. “Foolish idiots, fighting on my tower. Now the headmistress seems intent on letting that fool that challenged me do what he wants in it.” She frowned, though there was no malice behind her voice. “It can’t be helped really, I owe the headmistress a lot. I shall smite that fool in four days anyways and remove his presence from it. He may make whatever changes he wishes, he shall be simply improving my domain with his own hands.” She laughed at that, the thought amusing her greatly.

“But I will not bore you with talk such as that. I am more interested in you, Ylva of house Harkon.” She replied, a small smile forming on her lips as she leaned forwards on her table. “It has been awhile since I’ve met anyone from…they call it Scandinavia these days? I haven’t been there since…the second crusades? I am curious as to how the land of great warriors such as the mighty Beowulf is fairing. From your demeanor, they still carry that tradition.” As she finished speaking she addressed the other human.

“If the Fool will not enter my domain, at least he shall make a lovely Picasso when gravity works as intended.” Her voice carried no malice in it, in fact it seemed rather playful.

Ylva was surprised that the dragon asked her about her homeland. Of all the questions the dragon could have asked, this was one of the least expected. The fact that the dragon mentioned Beowulf was equally surprising and it piqued a curiosity within Ylva. However, before she could ask her own questions Ylva would first have to answer dragon’s question.

A gentle smile formed on her lips as she replied to the dragon’s question. “Well, it is no longer the land that it used to be. However, the citizens of the Scandinavian countries are some of the wealthiest and healthiest in the world. So I guess there are worse faiths.” She ended her sentence with a nonchalant shrug. ”There was a certain period in time where one of the countries took on half of Europe on its own and nearly won, but after that Scandinavia didn't really have a lot of war ambitions anymore.”

”I know that it’s not a lot, but to be fair, I am not a great storyteller. I let my actions speak for me.” as she finished her sentence she put her hands in her pockets and her smile turned into a smirk. ”However, if I may be so bold, I have a question of my own. Ylva looked up to the dragon. ”Involving you and Beowulf.”

As Lukas lied there, he lent an ear to Lady Sorchas den as Ylva entered the unforeseen domain. He beamed at the girl as she quietly headed in. Of course, there was silence for the first couple of seconds that allowed him to contemplate on his further opinions over Ylva. "Ylva, there's a difference between an invite and offer; I was given the offer, you the invite," Lukas murmured as his eyes traveling down from the sable above to the land below. Studying the landscape, he found the rest of the garden to be quite... engrossing as he traced his eyes over the maze.

"And of course, you are absolutely right on very few garnering the privilege of speaking to an opulent dragon," Lukas uttered, his words mute to the rushing wind. The conversation went on with both of them, and he had to say he was a bit jealous of the lady. At most, he felt nothing could really be offered, save for some food he delivered. It felt like an intrusion to him, complete and utter disrespect if he entered voluntarily.

"Whelp, I think I should take my leave for now, they're enjoying themselves... besides, I can always find the time to speak with her on another day." Lukas pushed himself up once more, staring at the earthen below. It felt really trippy, but it would probably take him a couple of minutes to reach ground level. Before he could even take the first step, the dragon called out to him, saying that he might make a nice Picasso if he were to plunge...

Swerving his head to the window, his rather morose smile faded, the more negative implications vanishing. He seemed to feel a little bit better as he let out a huff of fresh air, put on a confident smirk before returning the woman's beckon. "I dunno, I would fancy making a better Leonardo since his paintings revolved around landscapes and portraits..."

He then "jumped" into the luxurious dragons home, using the momentum he had to make himself perform a front flip before nailing the landing. His left leg extended back, his right crouching, and above all his arms spread out like the wings on a bald eagle. Magnificent... If he was too hammy, Lukas was impartially certain that he might get added to the "Things I (Lady Sorcha) want to devour," list, and not in that way either, dang pervs.

"But, I have no intention of creating a scene down there, whether it be a portrait of gore or a landscape of death..." Lukas moved out of his exaggerated pose, brushing what ever imaginary dust managed to get onto him. While he did take notice of the room, his interest was keenly on Lady Sorcha and somewhat on Ylva... but mainly on the alluring dragon. "Because I'm not that type of fool; I say I would fit the bill of being referenced to The Fool, zahl null... after all, The Fool takes risks, but he takes them with vindication and no fear."

Walking forward at a slow rate, he noted the major amounts of junk food on the table, ranging from chips to pizza. Lukas was rather... surprised that she indulged in items such as these, expecting her to eat more glamorous things besides the steak. Tilting his head, he pulled out an extra spicy sushi wrap and flicked it into the air. As it flew, it suddenly stopped, pulled by an invisible force. Showing signs of respect to the Radiant King, Lukas bowed down before returning to the former position.

"Whether it's undulated foolishness or unrepressed bravery, that's left up to us to decide," he said, widely smiling at the dragon, expressing nothing but warmth for the lady. "Anyways, enough of my chattering, I came here to acquire more knowledge about the mythical being that inhabits this tower... and, er, here, you want some sushi wraps Lady Sorcha, Harbinger of the Heavens," he inquired as the two pieces slowly hovered towards Sorcha.

“Beowulf?” Sorcha mused as Lukas entered her home, ignoring the ‘sushi roll’ for the moment as she addressed Ylva. “That is a tale I do not recite often, but ask what you will. Tis a rather long tale, that is more of an ending than a beginning. A tale that starts further west, in Britannia.” She frowned, looking at the sushi roll floating before her, giving it a suspicious look. “I shall answer any question you have about it, but I am not in the mood for storytelling.”

With that, she turned her head towards Lukas.

Sorcha simply looked at the fool who stepped into her domain. He had…actually…thrown a ‘sushi’ roll at her. She had no idea what that even was, but one does not simply just throw something at a dragon, using magic or no. Sorcha fixed him with a rather unamused stare, plucking the floating object from the air.

“If that was an attempt at assassination, then it was a rather poor one.” She replied. “This is…food, you say? I have yet to eat such a thing. ‘Sushi’, you call it?” Sorcha eyed the thing curiously, before turning to Lukas.

“You certainly have a…unique way of presenting food to on such as I.” She said. “I find myself rather amused, so I will at least give it a chance.” Wasn’t like poison or something like that was going to be a problem for her anyways. So she popped the thing into her mouth, immediately greeted with a rather pleasant flavor, trying, and rather poorly trying to hide her excitement.

“These are…indeed acceptable.” She replied, plucking the other one out of the air, and swiftly eating it as well. “At any rate. You said you were curious about me, human? Then be curious. Ask questions, and I might actually be impressed.”

Er, throw? Lukas didn't exactly try to toss them at the dragon, rather, extended his invisible hand towards the Lady in offering the wraps. He could only chuckle nervously as he eyed the lady, who appeared to be staring at him with disapproval. The teen felt as if he might of screwed up for a moment, before she exclaimed over tasting his sushi after commenting over the failed "assassination" attempt. "Maybe next time I'll walk over and present them to her like a normal person..."

Lukas scanned the dragon attentively, looking for signs that she enjoyed the wraps, and did a poor job of concealing his own delight as he saw what was etched on the woman's face. He had the Cheshire Cats smile as the woman swiftly devoured the second one in an instant. His hand formed a fist, his right arm jutting back as Lady Sorcha acknowledged him once more. Nodding, he tilted his head, responding euphorically to the approval of the majestic dragon. "I'm glad! I actually wouldn't mind sharing a couple more if you like.~"

As he commented playfully before straightening up his visage as the woman requested that he display his questions. There were myriads upon myriads of items he wished to interview the illustrious lady over, ranging from her journeys that caused her to emerge in this realm or the various styles and impressive techniques she refined over each passing century... intrigued as he was, Lukas knew this time would be fleeting and eventually he would have to depart for his dorms.

Tapping his lip for a moment, he stared at the food as if unbeknownst to every living being, these slices of pizza, these crispy chips heralded the true meaning and lifeblood of this place. After his pause, he stood upright, fashioning himself almost like a militant - back erect, face cold as it was bold, and a slight grin. "Lady Sorcha, if we could have the honor, could you display some of the various techniques and abilities you have honed over the years? After all, a stalwart dragon who has bested the mightiest of warriors and overcome many challenges will likely have the wisdom of a thousand campaigns... and such knowledge would assist us in our own growth; it would be unwise for me to squander this significant opportunity of being a dwarf on the shoulder of a giant."

Bowing downwards, he spoke of one last thing before staying quiet. "Whether I am granted the honor or none, being in your presence and being praised for my culinary creation is just as grand, regardless." Receding to his previous position, that stoic glance was replace with the glints of curiosity and wonder in his crimson eyes; the similar grin still unwavering as he awaited her judgement.

The dragon gave Ylva permission to ask her question, but judging by its response Ylva already had her answer. This truly was a legendary dragon, though in a much smaller package then she at first thought it to be. With her smirk still plastered on her face Ylva made a small chuckle. ”On second thought, I don’t think I need to ask the question anymore as you’ve already given an answer to it.”

Suddenly the floating guy made a comment as he entered inside. Something about that he’d make a better Da Vinci painting than Picasso if he were to fall down. This comment made Ylva frown. What kind of savage would say that Da Vinci’s beautiful portraits could be compared to a splatter on the ground. Picasso on the other hand, well just look at his Guernica painting and you could make that assumption. Well, not everyone knew the intricacies of art so it wasn't that surprising.

He entered with what seemed like over exaggeration, especially that pose he did at the end. He then went on to some sort of monologue about foolishness and to be honest, it got kind of monotonous. That is, until he suddenly tossed a sushi wrap over to the dragon. At first the dragon seemed frustrated by him, but luckily for him it enjoyed the sushi rolls.

Ylva still had her hands in her pockets as she made room for the other guy but had to restrain herself from both laughing and cursing at him. Did he really think that this legendary dragon would just show it's combat prowess because someone asked nicely? Well, to be honest, dragons do like to show how superiour they are. And Ylva would be lying if she said that she wasn't interested in seeing the dragon's martial skills. That being said, there was something about the way this guy asked his question. A bit too much praise, even for a dragon.

But now that there were questions being asked, maybe it was time to sate her little itch which had piqued her interest earlier and put her theory to the test. ”Ooh, I do have one question actually.” Ylva started grinning as she looked up at the ceiling, seemingly in deep thought. ”What brings the legendary Vandrende Uvær to a magical academy like this?”

Sorcha listened to both quietly. The way he offered to make more of these things made her a little agitated. She definitely didn’t mind people willing to make her food. In fact, she had never once made her own meals, unless she was…well, snacking on cattle and other things back in ye olden times.

He then proceeded to ask about her abilities. Hmph. She wasn’t in the mood for doing the entertaining. She was the one supposed to be receiving entertainment. Perhaps though, she could turn this into entertainment. A small smile formed on her lips. Indeed, she would play with him, just a little.

First though, she would answer Ylva. She was a bit surprised to hear her call her by name in such an older tongue. Not to mention, she had discerned her identity quite well. She would ask the woman about it later. It was rare for someone to recognize her. In fact, no one recognized who she really was in this day and age. A talk for later, however. For now, she was going to have entertainment with the fool.

“That is also a rather long story. One that you could say spans most of my life since I clashed with the one called Beowulf.” She frowned. This story was not one that she liked reciting. In fact, simply thinking about it made the dragon angry. Her tone of voice made it quite clear as well.

“Ask later, if you wish, I am in no mood to repeat that tale.” She sharply replied. “But to answer your question. The headmistress is helping me find someone. Someone I would very much like to have impaled at the end of my glaive.” Sorcha’s voice took a turn towards a low growl as she spoke. “A damnable, traitorous creature that thinks itself mightier than a dragon.” She realized she was possibly becoming a bit too angry for the moment, and immediately took a moment to recollect her composure.

“I would…look for it myself.” She continued. “But…certain…conditions prevent me from doing so.” She was, of course speaking of the curse the phoenix placed on her, but she wasn’t going to elaborate on that just yet. If she continued talking about this subject, she might very well smite both of them for no reason at all. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the Headmistress and her rather unique abilities when it came to dealing with soul related things, she probably would have died years ago.

Instead, she turned to Lukas.

“You…wish to see my abilities, then?” She mused, eyeing him carefully. Well…it certainly couldn’t hurt. This boy was curious about what a dragon was capable of. That’s why he was up here after all. She might as well…humor him. “I am feeling generous. I do believe I shall reward your curiosity with a demonstration.”

She stood, gesturing for Lukas to walk to the other side of the room. There was a clear space in the floor of the tower, where they could have a friendly little…duel, if he wanted too. She walked over to where her Glaive was laying, before turning back to Lukas.

“I was trained personally by King Arthur. He taught me to wield both sword and spear.” She held her glaive in one hand, facing Lukas.

“Try to make this entertaining for me, hmm?~” The dragon then took a few quick steps towards Lukas, the sharp end of her glaive aimed right for his head.

It seemed she had no intention of holding back, either.

As the woman spun her reason to the duo, Lukas couldn't help but ponder over the rationale of Sorcha, seeing as she went from being a relaxed dragon, to a flared up, angry being who wanted to cleave a bitch. He raised his hand to his mouth, pondering on what the creature performed to incur Sorcha's wrath. Lukas felt the rage emanating from her voice, the woman's body shaped in response to the vexation that tormented her. Lukas kept his head down, closing his eyes, thinking, dreaming, and praying for the dragon.

"Once a dragon is enraged, their hatred for said person will never be quenched... their eyes will glow with undiluted grudges... nothing will get in their way." Lukas hoped that maybe she could find peace in the near future.

Lukas pulled his head up to face the Radiant King once again, his frown dissipated, replaced by nothing more than an unmovable wall. Again, he was piqued to the precedents set out by her, chaining her down firmly in place. The teen could only wonder if Headmistress Livia performed a feat that bound Lady Sorcha to Montagne.

After her monologue, she turned towards Lukas, who now displayed a lax smile as she plotted something so inconceivable, that he honestly did not expect. That lax smile quickly was flip-sided as the woman retrieved her glaive, and pressed her fingers to the other side of the room. Lukas honestly felt in his gut that this whole spiel was probably going to end with him with an inch of his life and barely conscious to boot.

"Well, at least I can use this time to gauge my own skills as well, though," Lukas unequiped his satchel, yanking it up and gently placing it by the table. With a huff and the snap of his fingers, his for swords slowly floated out of their sheathes, dancing in the air as Lukas grabbed a hold of one of the blades. "I understand that this is going to end with me probably recovering after receiving myriads of bruises... but I'm not going to back down. Even with the very odds wagered against me, I won't falter."

Upon reaching the wall, Lukas pivoted around facing his opponent as he gripped the hilt with both of his hands, his might all being set into his steel sword. He could only smile as his heart began pounding harder and harder, his eyes a blazing crimson as he stared the dragon down. In a fit of excitement, he decided to gamble a bit, even if this was a dangerous game.

"Alright, how about a bet then, Lady Sorcha," his voice was cool and unwavering, but his torso to head to legs below told another story. "If you best me, which I'm certain you will, I'll do anything you want for any twenty-four hours... but, if the gods grace me with some form of luck and by a stroke of miracle I win, then it's the reverse... however." He paused, standing there staring the woman down as he prepared his final statement.

"Even once you do win, could you respect the times I have for classes? Headmistress Livia doesn't like freeloaders after all and I am not one to avert procuring knowledge and wisdom..." Lukas bowed his head, letting a soft breath of fresh air escape from his lungs.

It's time to fight.

Lukas saw the magnificent lady rush forward, at as quick as he could, put his swords up as a shield to safeguard himself. He did anticipate the facet that she would probably not be at all slowed down by flimsy barricade and focused his mind on doing his best to keep the glaive and her armor firmly in place. As she rushed forward, the woman smashed through his blades, knocking them to the sides like a bowling ball to the pins. For one, he was not going to find himself on the receiving end of the executioners axe and rolled to the side, completely evading the hit that was supposed to hew him in half.

Lukas understood that there was no dodging this next hit and instead had his blades recover from the blow. Aiming at her back, two of the blades shot forward, with the latter preparing a sweeping strike. As Lukas attempted to raise his blade to block the next blow, he was by all means slower than the dragon... and before he knew it...

Oh, he wanted a deal, did he? Well, that was fine. She would accept the terms, then. He would be hers for twenty four hours after their little duel. But first, though...

The dragon didn’t miss a step. As soon as Lukas dodged, she twirled her glaive, slamming the other end of it, right into Lukas’ sternum, likely cracking it. He would probably be thankful she wasn’t actually using her entire strength. As soon as it impacted, she leapt to the side using thrust from her wings to avoid the blades aimed at her back. In fact, unless he stopped them they were probably going to injure their wielder.

... his body was met with the receiving end of her glaive, too slow to moderately nullify any chance of receiving damage. Of course, that was to be expected when a novice boxer goes up against Mayweather or some analogy like that. His reactions - sedated, the pain - his chest really friggin' hurt! Clenching his teeth, he grunted in discomfort, squeezing his eyelids shut for mere seconds before opening them up, noticing the dragon flow to the side. Staring down his blades, he decide this little charade wasn't going to work for now...

and made his two blades swiftly ricochet in different directions adjacent to him, the sweeping strike imminently stopping, before spinning and shooting off at Sorcha once again. Tossing his held sword upward, his own invisible hand caught the blade, and began wielding it exceptionally. He wasn't to be held back by amounts of weight. While he understood his speed wouldn't measure up to hers, it would at least keep him from being a tinge slower and made him somewhat lighter on his feet.

The dual swords looked as if they bounced off the side of the walls, as if they were super bouncey balls. One rebounded to the ceiling at a gradual angle, while one went off the carpet at a similar angle, constantly moving around. Their target the same as always - Sorcha; though, from the way they were moving, they seemed erratic and wildly inaccurate... but never did they really near Ylva. Lukas was certain to miss the spot, even if they were relatively in the same vicinity. Using what energy he could, he began putting as much distance as he could between Sorcha, jumping back and not bothering to rush right into her like some moron.

Trying to distract her with random attacks? Was that his plan? Well. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. A mediocre skill for a mediocre fool. She was honestly a little disappointed. She avoided the swords expertly, dancing upon the air with feats of almost impossible acrobatics, wings tucked close to her body to avoid them being injured. Or having a wing extend outwards, making more drag to slow her down to just barely avoid one of the blows. Truly, she probably didn’t need too, but she couldn’t resist showing off just a little.

It was indeed, even a good effort on the boys’ part, she admitted. But he was slow. In this human form of hers, speed was her greatest weapon. Not brute strength, even if she was stronger than the average human.

But this was getting tiresome. He wasn’t showing her anything fun or interesting at all. So, she was going to end it.

“Do try to avoid this if you can, my little fool.” She suddenly commented as she danced between Lukas’ blades.

Suddenly, she stopped moving, planting her feet firmly on the ground. The next set of events would be too fast for most human eyes to follow.

Electricity danced upon her body and glaive.

An instant later, there was a flash of brilliant white light.

The next, a clap of something that sounded like thunder as Lukas was pinned to the opposite wall, a few feet from the floor with the haft of Sorcha’s Glaive pressed firmly into his throat.

“How’s that for a demonstration, Human?" Truthfully, she probably over did it just a bit. A little bit of showing off like that could have been a serious problem for her. She was already breathing a bit heavily from the exertion of even moving a few feet with that move. Of course, it wasn’t something that was going to easily be noticeable by just anyone.

Pinned, unable to move, his own consciousness was fading at a swift rate just as the fleeting white light. Most of every thing was in doubles or triples to him. Thoughts were rattled, trembling, jumbled, unable to do anything with that little amount of strength he displayed. He was frowning, struggling, holding on with dear life. Lukas even with that blow, his mind wasn't disrupted at all. Even though this was the end, he wasn't determined to fade as easily as he did before. With what control he had over his blades, all four rushed towards the wall, his last resort began.

Lukas made them all come at different angles, one attack from above coming for her head left, another aimed at the side of her torso, a third targeting explicitly the tail from the right, and the final blade shooting at the location of her spine. He put as much force as he could into these strikes, though, he had an idea of what to perform next... something akin to a yo-yo, unless she decided to knock him out at this highlight.

“You really should stop. It will make your life easier.” Sorcha said with a somewhat amused smile.

Still conscious enough to attack her after getting slammed like that? Well. That was impressive, she had to admit. Still, it wasn’t enough to even harm her in any way. The dragon merely smiled. She released Lukas from her glaive, letting him drop to the floor, following suit herself. Once her feet met the floor, she crouched and leapt backwards, keeping her wings tucked close to her body. The one aimed for her tail, flew just under her. The one aimed for her torso missed completely, with the one aimed for her head impaling itself in the floor.

The dragon twisted her body, using her wings to aide in her acrobatics. She landed on the floor, facing Lukas once again. She wouldn’t use her lightning again, but there wasn’t much he could do. It took the dragon mere seconds to accomplish this, and the moment she landed again she was already back to where Lukas was.

She aimed the end of her glaive right at Lukas’ chest, before turning it upwards and slamming it right into his chin. It wasn’t a powerful strike, not at all. It was intended to mostly knock the fool out at this point.

"Honestly, this was not the outcome I expected for this night... Was hoping to talk and chat for a bit, but nope, instead I'm going to lose a battle against a majestic, and head turning dragon... well, at least I get to spend one whole day with her in the future..."

Falling to the floor, Lukas made sure to completely halt the blades before even one was close to impaling themselves. "Making life easier will do nothing to improve me," he uttered, standing up straight as his blades began to violently spin, kicking up the air... before falling to the floor, clanging and banging, signifying the end of the fight as his jaw was wracked with a ton of pain as he slowly began drowning in darkness.

Eh, there were worse ways to go, besides garnering a concussion. Lukas knew what the entirety of next week was going to be once he woke up - leg day.

“Well, that is that then.” Sorcha sighed, a small flourish of her glaive signaling she was done as well. “I was honestly expecting a bit more from a fool who would walk into a dragons den out of curiosity.” Sorcha simply shook her head, decided that it wasn’t worth speaking of at the moment.

For now, she left Lukas where he had fallen. Once Ylva left, she would make sure her new…toy, was comfortable. He would probably be fine, barring possibly a minor concussion, but it was nothing a little rest wouldn’t cure.

“So, Ylva of Clan Harkon.” She said, turning to the woman. “Perhaps you would put up better entertainment than this fool?” The dragon asked. “I admit, I am a bit curious about you. You know who I am very well it seems.” The dragon kicked one of Lukas’s swords out of her floor, over to the unconscious boy.

“Perhaps If you entertain me, I’ll answer more of your questions.”

It surprised Ylva that the dragon would agree to the ridiculous request made by the boy, but she just shrugged and leaned at a wall to observe whatever was going to transpire. The fact that this guy also made a wager and basically sold himself as a slave for the next 24 hours was even more ridiculous, as he surely wasn't thinking that he’d win, did he?

The fight was over rather quickly and the boy, as expected, didn't stand a chance. But Ylva did not pay a lot of attention to him after he got hit the first time as it was already clear at this stage that he was out. Quite a lot of determination in him though. Instead, she focussed almost completely on the dragon’s movements, even using her sonar ability as to get a complete as possible picture of what it was doing. After the dragon used its lightning ability Ylva also noticed that the dragon’s breathing had changed to a more winded state. That was very interesting indeed.

The fight didnt take long after that even though the boy would try to fight on even till the bitter end. Admirable for sure, but giving up earlier would have probably saved him a lot of pain. Then again, Ylva did learn a thing or two because he stuck around for so long. Now however, he was out cold.

Then the dragon, after first making a comment about not being impressed with the boy, faced Ylva and… seemed to challenge her. For a moment she visibly hesitated because of the suddenness of it. She quickly recovered however and looked just in front of the dragon’s feet with a grin on her face. ”Me? Entertain a dragon?” She said in a playful, yet dark tone as she got her hands out of her pockets and seemed to remove something from her eyes.

Ylva looked up at her target, for the first time looking it in its eyes, her own near-golden eyes practically glowing. Her tone had shifted to a much colder one. ”Well then,” she said as ice shaped claws started to grow along her fingers “I guess I’ll have to do my best for this one.”

“Well, you certainly changed demeanor quite quickly.” Sorcha smirked, her own eyes catching Ylva’s. There was no fear in this girl at all it seemed, unlike the fool. Heh, maybe this would be entertaining. “And yes, please do. I rarely get a chance to spar with anyone these days.” Yes, there was definitely something this Ylva girl was hiding, judging from that darker tone her voice took.

“So let us battle, Ylva of Clan Harkon.” Without another word, the dragon approached much more slowly than she did with Lukas. Instead of playing around with Ylva, It seemed she was taking this fight a bit more seriously. Whether she just wanted to finish this quickly, or she legitimately thought Ylva was the better fighter was more difficult to tell, but it seemed she wasn’t going to go easy.

Suddenly, Sorcha leaped forwards, swinging the glaive in a horizontal fashion at Ylva with one hand.

As anticipated, the target would make the first attack, and it would do so with its gleave which gave a considerable reach advantage. Just like in the other fight. Using her lightning magic which was coursing through her veins thanks to her catalyst, Ylva amplified her muscles to increase their reaction time, narrowly dodging the edge of the glaive.

As the glaive passed her, Ylva used her amplified reaction time to grab the glaive just below the blade. She knew she had no chance of overpowering the target so she opted to use this as a means to close the distance, pulling herself closer and raising her knee in the process. A sharp piece of ice formed on said knee in order to both be able to penetrate the target’s scales as well as protect her own kneecap from impacting the armour.

Well, that was a bit surprising. Much better moves than the Fool had indeed. Maybe she could actually enjoy this! She was at a bit of a disadvantage, however. Her lightning abilities would likely have zero effect on this girl. Which meant, she would have to rely purely on her physical abilities, and amplify them the same way the girl was doing. Such a thing would normally be easy for her, but considering her already slightly winded state, that might be troublesome. But well, at the moment she had other options.

Despite her being mildly impressed, she didn’t seem at all concerned with the attack. With the dragons’ free hand, she grabbed Ylva’s leg, just below the knee – mimicking her previous action.

With a swift turn, Sorcha pulled the girls leg, intending to throw her to the ground and put her on the floor.

While the likelihood of the target spotting Ylva’s attack beforehand was rather low, it did react in an almost perfect counter. She couldn't do anything about the firm grip with which it had grabbed her. Instead she formed an ice shell on her back which would absorb most of the impact, leaving small cracks in the floor. She still felt the impact but it was nothing that would hamper her combat abilities too much. However, in these microseconds Ylva had to release the glaive or else risk getting her shoulder dislocated.

Ylva had to think quickly about how to act now. She was basically pinned to the ground and that glaive was probably going for her head real soon. Something she’d much rather avoid. Luckily for her, she had her counter ready.

First Ylva “detonated” the piece of ice on her knee which fragmented into several sharp shards which flew in the direction of the target. As an immediate follow-up she blew a cloud of ice crystals in the target’s facial area, hoping that the cloud would at least obstruct her vision and possibly temporarily blind it. As a final measure she rushed upwards with her claws, one was aimed at the arm which pinned her, while the other was aimed at the target’s most vital organ, it’s heart. The reasoning being that the target would only be able to defend one of these two, thus forcing it to either release Ylva or gain a possibly fatal injury.

The first thing Sorcha did, was quickly wrap her wing around the front half of her body, creating a makeshift shield around her face to prevent being blinded, and from the fragments of ice. However, she couldn’t keep her grip on Ylva without risking injury, and her wings could not easily withstand an attack from an attack with those claws. So she decided to do the smart thing.

Mimicking her first attack, the dragon made a horizontal slash with her Glaive, but instead of leaping forwards, she instead leapt backwards.

Ylva knew that she was lucky with managing to get out of the target’s grip. However, she saw the glaive coming in just a little too late. She had expected the target to stay close where it’s raw strength would have been an advantage. A pity that this wasn't the case as she knew that she wouldn't be able to completely evade this attack. At the last second Ylva tried to raise an ice barrier between herself and the blade of the glaive, but it was too little, too late.

The glaive, slowed by the barrier, cut over her upper right arm. While this was only a scratch, in Ylva’s eyes this signified her loss. Her opponent had more experience than her and was the first one to deliver damage. All Ylva could do now is prolong the fight as much as possible and probably injure her target before either fainting due to fatigue or by her death. None of those were things she wanted to happen.

As the dragon put some distance between itself and Ylva, the latter rose to her feet and she too took a few steps back. Her iceclaws dissolved as she had a broad smile lastered on her face. ”Well, guess I lost.” she said as she pointed at the cut. ”You drew first blood which means that my chances of beating you are very slim indeed. If we were to continue our fight, chances are that I might end up fataly wounded and you great Vandrende Uvær could maybe be injured before your big fight, which is something I do not want to happen.” Ylva said in a much more friendly voice then she did before.

”And thus I offer my submission to you, if you would accept it ofcourse.”

Sorcha gazed at Ylva. She was disappointed the girl decided that she wished to stop, but if that was her choice, then that was her choice. It was the sensible thing to do after all, and she was quite right about her being injured in her duel with that creature. So, Sorcha decided to grant Ylvas request. She had been entertained quite well by both the Fool and Ylva. So she was in more than a mood to allow her to submit.

“You are a great warrior, Ylva of Clan Harkon. Your movements were well trained, fluid, and well timed.” Sorcha lowered her glaive. “I accept your submission.”

Ylva gave a respectful nod to the dragon when it accepted her offer of submission. “Thank you for accepting my offer.” she said with a smirk. She knew that it could have ended a lot messier if the dragon decided to continue on fighting. Instead, Ylva was just relieved that she didn't have to go to the nurse to get her bones reattached.

Ylva looked over to the pile of broken bones that was left of the “Fool” as the dragon called him. That name did seem to be fitting for him, maybe she’d use it as well… But he did seem in a rather bad shape and the day was running short.

Ylva pulled her lenses out of her pocket and covered her irises with them before addressing the dragon and putting her hands in her pockets. ”Thank you for inviting me over to your chambers Vandrende Uvær. I very much appreciate it.” She walked over to the window and turned around to face the dragon. ”I hope we can have more intensive sparring matches at a later date when you do not have a score to settle with someone else.” she said, still with that same smirk on her face. ”However, I must take my leave now… Plus I think that it might be a good idea to check that guy’s pulse if you still want him to be of any use.” Ylva nodded over at the Fool’s wrecked body as she leapt on the window frame's edge.

”I hope to see you around again Vandrende Uvær.Maybe we can then discuss enjoy that food for which you invited me.” And with that Ylva dropped herself out of the window, creating a small slide underneath her feet to safely make her way down. After touching the ground she went on her way to the dining hall, because man was she starving.

“Indeed Ylva. We shall be seeing quite a bit of each other I think…” Sorcha mused as the other girl left. But for now, she better check on Lukas. The dragon returned her glaive to its proper resting spot, and walked over to the unconscious Lukas. Well, he wasn’t dead judging from the pulse, so he’d be fine then. Without much effort, she picked up Lukas and placed him on her bed. Next, she picked up his swords and laid them next to her glaive. It was then she remembered, she had yet to eat. Ugh, she hoped her steak hadn’t gotten cold. Meh, she’d eat it regardless.

So she proceeded to finish her rather impressive meal, before locking the window to her room, and turning in for the night herself. Lukas would have quite the experience tomorrow, heh~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cupido left the library slightly frustrated. For him one of the ways to relieve that irritation was his perfect archery. He stopped by his office and grabbed his bow in its lovely case and his hip quiver. After a glance at the rest of his weapons he paused. He lightly tapped his 3 sided dagger and smiled. Among all the weapons his bow and his dagger were his favorite. Both being fine quality and very good for his uses.

He left his office and flew up then paused. Another archer...interesting. He landed with grace and ignored the woman completely. He did his usual walk behind her and set up. His posture perfect, his aim perfect, and the release perfect. The arrow shoot through the air with a sharp noise and not just hit his mark of the center of a tree...it also went through it. He had a target set up behind a tree in the archery that he helped make up...his own little half secret. That and the large baskets set up along a post. He doesn't seem to be showing off...in fact he hardly seems to be even trying. His wings folded neatly as ever, as he finally looked over at her. "Oh hello...You know...those boys should be the ones picking those up darling" He shot another arrow as he spoke. "Not you...would you like me to teach them a lesson darling?" Yet another arrow shot. He really would love to dish out apple duty so early in the year, it would be a new personal record. His tone sounded very serious, and somehow this is his way of being...kind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VioletRose
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Vaegwen Ni'Tessine

| Archery Field |

Vaegwen paused with messing with her hair when a large shadow flitted across the field and a rustling of wings grew near. She didn't look to the winged man who landed behind her. She looked slightly to her left as her students had both stopped to watch Cupido fly above them and land behind their teacher. With a small quirk of her eyebrow she saw them slowly make their way back over to the archery field, their curiosity peaked by the new presence. Vae turned back to her hair and continued to pick out the grass. When she was satisfied that most of the hair was cleaned that she could manage for now, Vae gathered it all up and threw it over her left shoulder.

When watched as Cupido shot a few arrows, a little annoyed that he had shot an arrow through the target itself. What a waste, it would have to be fixed for the students to be able to use. There was really no such reason for such a display of masculinity. Really, when it came to archer you didn't need to drive straight through something so long as you could hit the hard. When you drove straight through a target it most times resulted in a broken bolt. With a small sigh she turned to pick up a discarded arrow. When she saw that the hard wood of the shaft had been damaged her turned it over in her hand, examining the rest of the arrow. She ran her fingers along the fletching, deciding that most of it could be salvaged.

Vaegwen looked up to Cupido as he spoke to her. Her face a mask of neutrality, she responded. “Those boys? No, this was not left out by them so I won't hold them accountable for cleaning up other's messes. This was out before we three had arrived. Speaking of which, boys. Class. Now." Vaegwen shot the boys a pointed look. They nodded and turned to make their way back to the school. "Go well under the Moon, Lady Vaegwen!" Her Moon-Fae counterpart called as he waved over his shoulder at her. “Go well under the Moon." Vaegwen called back to him and waved the broken arrow at him.

She turned her attention back to Cupido. “As I was saying, this equipment was here when I had arrived with my students in their off period. Seeing as I did not have a class before this, I wonder who else could have had a class out here with equipment." Vaegwen said as she walked past Cupido, tapping him on the arm with the broken arrow gently. The Elven woman took the broken arrow to the equipment table that was set up out on the field for such situations. She began to strip the arrow of it's head and fletching. She deduced that most of the wood could be salvaged and could just be reconstructed into a shorter bolt for bird hunting.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Oh, I'm quite alright. How about you; are you hurt?" Alicia glanced at the young boy and saw a sketchbook in his hand. A-ha! A possible connection! "Oh, you like to draw too? I do a lot of pictures of animals, myself. I've even heard there are some magicians who can bring their artwork to life, though I can't do that myself."

She managed to catch herself and give a proper introduction. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot my manners. I'm Alicia Sanders, first-year Bratus mage."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Katsumi flipped the page of her book, solely focusing on the story rather than actually getting to the school. Soon, she lifted to her head to see that she had already arrived. Oh… Since when was I so close to the place, I wonder. With that, she closed the book and put it inside her book. I suppose i’ll have to read later. She walked over to the entrance, completely ignoring those around her. Right now, she had no need to pay attention to others. All she wanted to do was figure out where she would have to go. Katsumi had on her black and white katana that flowed gently behind her as she walked.

Many people were already there. Katsumi gripped her sleeve and exhaled, looking down for a second and then lifting her head once again. I wonder how they’re doing… She wanted to see her siblings but.. They didn’t want to see her. She had a serious expression on her face as she walked inside the building. Impressive but unfamiliar to Katsumi. Non-Japanese traditional places weren’t places she had ever visited. No mind I suppose. She didn’t want to be extremely rude so she did, in fact, smile at a few people as she walked.

“Next time you're out walking about, you may want to give passers-by a smile, or at least a nod. Recent research reveals that these tiny gestures can make people feel more connected.” Was what she read in a book. She didn’t really get why people needed to feel connected to strangers but she understood that it was something that people felt the need to have. Connection.Connection to the world and to the people inside it. To feel special. At least it was a bit interesting to read about.

After a while, she decided to eat. She had brought a full traditional Japanese meal with her that tasted divine. She wasn’t exactly hungry but… She decided to eat a bit before she started doing something else. It was already pretty late and that meant that classes were most likely over. She headed over to the garden that she had seen earlier in front of the dorms. There were benches as well as a few small tables.

Taking a seat, she opened her grand bento box. The aroma was strong. However, food was never as good when no one was there to enjoy it with you. “Why did I make this much? I can’t eat so much food myself..” Used to making large portions for everyone, her bento had an assortment of food that she now had laid out. Taking a bite, it tasted delicious. I wonder what my classes will be? Her black hair fell over her shoulders as she ate. It really doesn’t taste as good without them here but… They’re hopefully having a good time. That was the thought that managed to make her smile a bit but… they’re probably not. She looked down at her bento, “Tastes fine.” Even though it tasted far better than fine. This is where i’ll be attending from now on, hm? Looking up at the school for a moment before continuing to eat her bento that she would most definitely not be able to finish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VanityMage Levi
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VanityMage Levi

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


He let out a big sigh when he heard that she was okay, Though the situation wasn't any better now once he noticed the boy from earlier was taking his leave. Why wasn't that a good thing, well he was first planning on finding a way to get the two of them to distract each other with talking so he could make his get away but that opportunity was now thrown out the window. He blushed when she said her name to him and also talked about her being an artist like him.

Oh I'm perfectly f-fine! ....My n-names Conner and uhhhh and I-I'm into drawing scenery and stuff...

He replied. Only giving forward answers as to keep the conversation short. He then realized that some of the students were now heading out and now was his chance to go find the librarian. He quickly put his sketch pad away in his duffle bag and looked back at Alicia.

S-sorry to cut things short but I forgot I w-was looking for someone.

With that said, he quickly ran past her with his face still looking flustered from their random encounter.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 15 days ago

The Audition | A Tooth for a Tooth...

While love and friendship alike blossomed elsewhere on campus, young Jérémie Vincent was struggling with fear and worry. The next few moments would decide whether he would finally be able to achieve his dream of becoming a world-class singer, or if he’d simply waste his life as a mediocre mage. He was in the office of a very powerful man, and he knew it. One could practically see the influence resonating from him, like a bright golden mist. Which made the office itself seem all the more odd. The walls and flooring weren’t much more than just concrete. It seemed like little more than just a garage, all things considered. Yet, it still had extremely nice furniture, which made the clash even more jarring. There was the boss’ high-backed chair and desk, with a computer and an ashtray sitting on top. Two more chairs were in front of the desk for guests, presumably. And then there were a pair of couches facing each other off to one side, with a coffee table separating them. A water cooler stood defiantly by the couches, blissfully unaware of how cheap it looked in comparison.

“So...Jérémie Vincent is it?” A voice called out from the other side of the very beautiful, very expensive-looking mahogany desk on the far side of the room.

”Ye-yes sir. That’d be me, Boss Glazkix. Thank you so much for agre-” the boy choked out. Jérémie started to approach the desk, to grab a chair to sit in, but he felt a hand clasp down on his shoulder. Hard. He turned to see one of the two brutes standing at the door looking at him with dead, intimidating eyes and shaking his head. Jérémie nodded and stopped. His heart was racing.

“My associate here, Hugo, tells me that ya fancy yaself a bit of a singer, eh?” the voice rang out again. From behind the desk, a high backed chair swiveled around and Jérémie laid his eyes on the Boss for the first time. He was...not exactly what he was expecting. He was short and scrawny. And rather than some expensive suit, he was wearing the same gray jumpsuit that the thugs at the door were wearing. The same gray jumpsuit that ALL of the maintenance people were wearing, come to think of it. And damn, if he wasn’t ugly.

And terrifying.

“He’s got him a real purdy voice, Boss.” another voice, presumably Hugo, called from behind him. Jérémie didn’t turn to look. Too risky.

“Heh, a real purdy voice, eh?” the goblin repeated with a small chuckle. “That true, Jérémie? You got ya a real purdy voice?”

The two behind Jérémie chuckled a bit at that, so he forced a smile despite his unease. “I-I mean, I’m not too shabby, I guess. My mother likes it. She says tha-” he replied quickly, before catching himself. Horror slowly flooded him as it donned on him what he had just said.

A second passed. One, solidary, horrifying second.

Then the goblin burst out laughing. The two goons joined in after the boss.

“‘Not too shabby’, he says! You hear this guy? ‘My muddah likes it.’” The goblin repeated, still having a laughing fit. The goons also kicked up their laughter, though Jérémie wasn’t sure how genuine that was. Embarrassment hit him like a truck. It was over. He’d shot himself in the foot before he had even begun. He started to shake, but then the boss spoke up again. “Ehhehe...well a muddah’s a precious thing, kid. I loves mine. She might be a fat, ugly, ol’ whore, but she’s my muddah and I loves her. How’s about you, Hugo?”

“My mama’s a saint, boss.”

“See, that’s how it should be. Always respect yer muddah, kid. If ya learn nothin’ else while yer here, learn that.” Boss Glazkix nodded at that before pulling open a drawer of the desk and removing a black case. He opened it and pulled out a large cigar, which he then looked over before bringing it to his nose and taking a large whiff. He sighed then held it out towards Jérémie. “Smoke?” he offered, though when Jérémie shook his head no, he simply shrugged and stuck it in his own mouth. Hugo moved out from behind the young kid and crossed the room to Boss Glazkix’ desk, offering him a light. When he leaned down, Jérémie could have swore that it looked like the goon whispered something, but he couldn’t make out what it was. The goblin nodded and Hugo crossed the room, exiting out the door he had been guarding.

“Ahh...yer missing out, kid. Shit’ll ruin yer lungs, but I ain’t planning on livin’ forever. But ya didn’t come here ta talk about muddahs or smoke. Tell me, what’re ya singin’ fer me today?” When the boss spoke again, Jérémie startled slightly. He hesitated for a moment, considering.

“I-I was going to begin with ‘Ave Maria’. Then ‘Vesti La Giubba’, if you enjoyed that, Boss Glazkix.”

The goblin chuckled. “Eheheh...a little on the nose, dontcha think? But sure. Let’s hear that purdy voice that Muddah Vincent’s so proud of, eh? Paul, don’t be rude. Get the kid somethin’ to drink already. Jesus Christ, dontcha got no manners?” he barked out.
”Sorry, boss. Right away, boss.” The large man behind Jérémie mumbled before he moved across the room, off to the boy’s right. He filled up a small, plastic cup with cool water, then turned and offered it to Jérémie, who took it as an invitation to move from out in front of the door.

The boy took the drink and downed it greedily, eliciting another chuckle from the goblin. Hugo returned to his spot by the door, eyeing Jérémie the entire time. The boy prepped himself then looked at the boss. The goblin had leaned back in his chair and propped his legs up on the left side of the desk. He puffed on his cigar, then gave a nod.


“Ave Maria…”

It was such a beautiful song. Not that the kid was doing anything special, really. He was decent, but nothing to write home about. Hell, Kon could pick up ten people off the streets and half would sound just as good, if not better than this pipsqueak. No, sometimes the song simply outclassed the performer, and this just so happened to be one of those times.

Not that it really mattered. Kon couldn’t care less about this snot-nosed brat or his fucking ‘muddah’. Really, he was just a prop. He could do what he was about to do without the kid, but...well...Kon always did have a flair for the dramatic.

The meeting’s real purpose would be coming through the door any moment n-

The door to Kon’s office opened and a sobbing, squirming short, fat guy was kicked in. Hugo swaggered in after the little piggie, shutting the door behind him. He had a bit of the flair in him too, that Hugo. It was part of the reason why Kon kept him around as long as he did.

The kid startled and drew back. He stopped singing. Tsk tsk tsk...bad move. When he saw who the hogtied kid was, he yelped. Not a scream...just a yelp. Ugh...well, it’d have to do.

Kon looked from the newcomer back to the singer. He raised an eyebrow. “Oh? I didn’t say stop.” he called over to the boy, who was practically shitting himself. The boy started to say something, but he only got the word brother out before Paul had a hand on his shoulder. “Please...keep going. You can even start over, if ya want.” Kon purred with a grin. The kid sobbed, but complied, picking up the first words once more.

The piggie began sobbing louder. He was confused and scared, obviously. It was pretty much the universal response to being jumped in a bathroom, tied up and gagged, shoved into a trash cart, and hauled across campus. It was also a sound that Kon utterly detested. The goblin nodded to Hugo, who picked the kid up and placed him into one of the chairs in front of the desk. Piggie’s eyes nearly bugged out when he saw who he was speaking to. He might not have seen the boss before, but it didn’t take a genius to connect the dots. His sobs loudened. His squirming increased. Hugo’s grip on his shoulders tightened, though, and that kept him nice and still.

“Why, if it ain’t Baptiste Vincent! So nice of ya to join us, bub! Come to hear yer little bruddah sing, eh? Why don’tcha say hello?” Kon asked in his jolliest, friendliest voice. He nodded to Hugo again, who pulled out Baptiste’s gag.

“It wasn’t me! I didn’t do it, Boss Glazkix, sir! I-” he started to rapidly plea before getting slapped by Hugo.

“Boss didn’t say whine, bitch. You don’t wanna make him repeat himself.” The loyal henchman reminded. Obviously this knocked some into his fat head, because the boy immediately twisted around and tried to wave to his singing brother. All that came out was a sob though. Hugo moved to strike him again, but Kon raised a hand, so the larger man stopped and reinserted the gag. When he was finished, the goblin spoke.

“Now Baptiste, I gotta say, I’m just thrilled that ya decided ta stop by. I’ve been meanin’ ta talk ta ya fer some time now. See, I’ve been hearin’ some not-so-nice things about ya. Some real nasty rumors.” he paused to take a puff off the cigar. Now, I know that they ain’t true. Yer a real stand-up guy. But my buddy Hugo here’s a little unsure. Ain’t that right, Hugo?”

“That’s right, boss.”

“And that? That’s gonna be a problem. I mean, I believe ya, bub, I really do...but Hugo’s family. And with family, ya gotta listen to ‘em. Ya gotta trust ‘em. So if he doubts ya, well...I’ll have ta doubt ya too. It ain’t nothin’ personal, ya just gotta stick by family. Ain’t that right, Hugo?

“That’s right, boss.”

“And ya don’t lie ta family. You never lie ta family. How ‘bout it, Hugo? You ever lie ta me?”

”Never, boss.”

“Phew. That’s a relief. So...tell me, bub-no, Baptiste. Have ya ever lied ta me...?” he asked, pausing to take another puff. God it was good. He narrowed his eyes on the sweating Baptiste, who answered his question by shaking his head frantically.

“Hahaha! See, Hugo? I told ya he was a damn good man. Do ya-do ya know what he thought ya did? It’s so silly, but Hugo here says that he’s gotten some reports of ya sneakin’ inta places ya shouldn’t. Takin’ things that don’t belong ta ya. STEALIN’ from yer fellow students. And he tells me that ya were confronted on this...and that ya blamed one o’ our boys fer it!”

The goblin broke into a hysterical laugh. After a moment, Hugo and Paul joined in. Even Baptiste added a muffled laugh when Hugo gave him a gentle reminder. The laugh dragged on for a bit, but eventually Kon calmed down. Then he spoke.

“That’s just ridiculous. I mean, then you’d be calling one o’ our boys a THIEF! And surely ya wouldn’t do that...would ya? Hugo, let ‘em speak.”

The goon pulled out the gag again. Baptiste jumped straight into his lies.

“No-no! I would never steal anything! Please, Boss, I wouldn’t call your guys thieves! They’re good people! Kind people, just like you, boss! They’re just lies!” he whined, taking the bait.

“Oh? I don’t think I heard that correctly. What are lies?”

“The rumors, boss! Just nasty lies, they are!”

“Oh Baptiste...I wish I didn’t just hear that. Because that sounded an awful lot like ya accusin’ Hugo of lying to me. Is that what ya meant?”

“W-wha...no. I mean…”

Kon held up a hand and the blubbering fool shut up. A few moments passed where Kon simply enjoyed his cigar and the lad singing. But the singing soon ended. Kon waited for it to start again...but it didn’t happen. He shot his gaze past Baptiste and Hugo over towards the young dreamer.

“Keep. Singing. Don’t make me ask a third time.” He practically growled at the guy, who flinched, then started Vesti La Giubba. He was a bit sloppy for Kon’s tastes, but it would serve the purpose.

“How’s ‘bout this, then: tell me the truth, God’s honest truth, and I’ll let you and yer brother here walk outta here, no questions asked. But look at me, Baptiste...I’ll find out the truth. You know this. Just keep in mind that I respect honest people. I forgive honest people. I promise.”

Kon pulled his cigar away from his mouth and stared at it. He stared for a good while, just listening to the troubled singing once more. Then he looked at Baptiste.


Another moment passed. Then the fat fuck broke. “I’m sorry, Boss Glazwix. I did it. I took a couple o’ things, but...I mean, I didn’t think anybody would notice. And when I blamed your guy, I swear it wasn’t nothing! I just panicked! I was scared! I’m weak! But I swear, I won’t ever do it again!” he blubbered, actually crying now.

“...see? Now was that so hard? I forgive you, Baptiste.” Kon said kindly. He sat back upright and crushed his cigar in the ashtray before getting onto his feet and walking around the desk. He adjusted his jumpsuit before checking his pockets. “Hugo, break his hand and jaw. He ordered, not looking at the fat fuck. He wanted to...but the game wasn’t over just yet.

“Yes, boss. Hugo answered. He grabbed Baptiste’s arm and pulled it straight up. He was going to enjoy this. Kon just knew it.


Kon began to leave the room but stopped at the door. He hesitated for a moment, considering the boy’s words, before turning back and answering the sniveling fool.

“Now, now... I promised ta forgive yer lie if ya told me the truth. And you did, so I have. But Baptiste, ya see, one o’ the guys ya stole from? He was family. And don’t forget, ya accused poor Hugo here of lying ta me. He’s also family. And if ya steal from my family, ya steal from me. If ya slander my family, ya slander me. That, I never promised ta forgive. ” Hugo tightened his grip, causing the thief to cry out.


“...hmm...yer right. It’s not. This is a family matter, so let’s let the family handle it, no? I count...two of yer family here and two of mine. So let’s split things up. Hugo will break yer hand while Paul breaks yer brother’s jaw.” he laughed out, chilling the Vincent brothers to the bone. The singer muttered some protests and tried to back off, but Paul grabbed him, causing him to shriek.

“Alright! Glad that’s settled. So let’s go over some ground rules before I leave. Do NOT get any blood, piss, or shit on my stuff. My boys have enough to clean up as is. Do NOT let me catch ya doing this shit again. I don’t like repeatin’ myself. Do NOT bother Headmistress Fiore with this, either. That sweet woman’s got enough on her plate as is. Last thing she needs is to have a couple o’ punks come whinin’ ‘cuz they got disciplined. Break any o’ those rules and...hoo boy, it ain’t gonna be pretty. Gentlemen, I trust that you’ll take ‘em to Nurse Hillard if needed?”

The goons both grunted their affirmatives. The Vincent boys both begged, pleaded, and sobbed. Kon wasn’t sure if they were more terrified of him, or the nurse. Good on ‘em. Fear keeps a man from doing stupid shit like what got them there in the first place.

“Heheh...well then. I’ll leave you to it. Oh and uh...try not to hurt their legs too badly. I want them to walk out of here. I'm a man of my word, after all.” he muttered, dropping his ‘Boss Glazwix’ accent for just a moment. He left his office, closing the door behind him. As he crossed the maintenance crew’s breakroom, to the exit of the building that served as a combination office building/break room/outdoor supply closet, he could hear the commotion behind him, culminating in both brothers screaming.

Kon simply grinned before tuning it out and checking the note he had received earlier from one of the Headmistress’ spirits. His room assignment. It was the tower...of course. It’s where he had been every year since he started. Why would his last be any different? The roommates were different though. He didn’t recognize the names, but he had hopes that they’d end up being a couple of good fellas. He’d head over there right away.

Another round of screaming came from the office. It sounded like the boys were really getting enthusiastic about their work. The crewmen currently enjoying their breaks obviously heard it too, but nobody so much as looked up. Whatever it was, they didn’t need to know.

It was just the Boss cleaning up a mess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arata sighed, stretching his arms outwards to the night sky. It was a clear one, the sickle moon shining resplendently from above. And yet, despite how deep it was into the evening, he couldn’t hear the sounds of open restaurants at all. Wandering through the Academy, all the oni got was an occasional whiff of some oily, greasy, shitty thing, and while the few squirrels that he snatched from trees did a bit to fill his stomach, raw meat wasn’t something that he really looked forward to after a day’s worth of work.

Of course, he wasn’t even that tired to begin with. Just hungry for a hot meal, or at least one that looked fresh. The oni licked the animal blood from his lips, spat out a small bone, and then turned around.

When exactly did he get to a garden? Well, the place couldn’t really be called a garden to begin with, despite the few flowers that dotted the flower beds. More of a park than anything else. Too organized to be called wilderness, yet too plain to be called a garden. Arata sighed, looking up at the sky once more. His anger had hardened into charcoal now, and he realized that, maybe, it would have been better if he didn’t respond so angrily at the bat-girl.

Just maybe.

The oni recalled her attitude again, her foolish claims of her draconic origins, how every male in the vicinity was posed to lick her boots, and how she never even defended her territory in the end.

Yeah, no, not maybe. It was still fucking disgusting.

The oni’s anger flared once more, as his hand closed on a tree, carving through it and making a hand-sized indentation into it. Splinters fell onto the grassy floor, as he drew a fist back…and stopped.

There was something in the air. Food that he could recognize, if only partly. The oni sniffed the air, swivelling his head from left to right, until he finally got a sense of the direction. And with that, he took off. The ground shook as he leapt through the night sky, somersaulting over a couple of trees before landing directly in front of the source of the smell. Looking up towards the towering bento box, Arata said to the woman, “Where did you buy that?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

It had been a few hours since the demoness and her date had returned to the room. Iravis laid down on the bed as soon as she returned, pulling out a book and doing her best to read while she still had the chance.

Her roomate seemed perfectly satisfied to sit at the edge of the bed, playing around with two strange enchanted tablets that were combined at the joints. Probably some sort of experimental magical device. Maybe they would talk about it later.

A lot had changed about the red haired girl throughout her time her at the academy, but one thing that hadn't changed was her ability to be utterly absorbed in a good book, to the point of excluding the surrounding world. Since she was particullarly focused on ignoring the world around her though, it would probably take someone yelling at her to catch her attention.

Lyssa was sitting towards the edge of the bed, laptop in her lap, furiously pressing keys. Ugh, she really should get a mouse for this thing, but the touchpad was going to have to do for now. At least she could rebind certain mouse functions to the keys easily enough. Still was annoying.

Not that it mattered, she wasn’t going to be playing any game that would require heavy use of the mouse for now anyways. The laptop wouldn’t be able to handle their awesomeness anyways.

Ah, how she missed slaying dragons in her full set of enchanted Daedric Armor. Oh, and the hundreds of hundreds of mods. Life, thou art cruel for sending her to such a bleak space as this.

For now though, she would be content to play strategy games that didn’t require much use of the mouse.

Like X-Com.

Currently, with her headphones covering her ears, she was probably completely oblivious to any sound coming from anywhere else, not to mention she was attempting to be quiet since she didn’t want to disturb Iravis’ reading, so she kept the noise and evil cackling to a minimum.

Meanwhile, Mugi returned to the dorms from picking items she would have needed. "A couple of syrups, this hand-crank grinder. . . A good start!" The girl mused as she arrived at the door to her room. "Tadaima!" She exclaimed as she entered the room. She wasn't sure of a western substitute so she used her native language. "Today was interesting and I found what my job is going to be."

The Yuki-Onna looked up to see her two roommates invested greatly in a book and . . . Something. Was this a computer? She knew what the "desktop" ones looked like, but this was different. It was like, small and compact. Right! She saw them on her way to the school when she went through a really busy city in Tokyo. Still, they seemed oblivious to her at the moment so she set her items down and went to spy on what Lyssa was doing with her obssesive clicking and clacking every now and then.

Lyssa, who was still oblivious to Mugi watching her, had currently just stopped some pesky aliens from abducting some innocent civilians, like the tactical master genius she was.

Well. Okay, maybe not genius. She lost two of her best men, but their names shall be forever ingrained in her memories! RIP Colonel Hammer Pants and Captain Glubbers. But the civilians were safe, so that was a win in her books.

“Ya did good, Leader Demon Candy, ya did good. RIP Colonel Hammer pants, you will be-gah!” The demon jumped a bit in surprise as she turned her head and found Mugi right in her face. Thankfully, her want to keep her precious laptop safe was more than enough for her not to have an unfortunate accident with her magic.

“Mugi!” The demon shouted. “Sorry, you startled me a bit.” She took her headphones off from around her ears, hanging them around her neck instead. “Sorry, killing evil aliens. Did you say something?”

Mugi blinked a bit from Lyssa's shock. "That was quite the shock. I mean, I guess that I did not say anything to present myself, but still. . ." The Yuki-Onna thought over it for a few seconds but giggled and tapped the demon-girl on the shoulder with the palm of her hand. "Still that was a funny reaction." Then pointed an icicle of a finger at the moniter. "So is this a 'computer game'? I've not seen one before. It looks interesting. Who's Kernel Hammer-Pants?" Of course, she mistook the rank of Colonel for a kernel of corn or something of the like. She wasn't overzealous in the way she asked, it was slow, but consistent.

“Oh. Colonel Hammer pants.” Lyssa mournfully sighed, not minding Mugi’s cold hand. “He was a brave, valiant man. Him and Captain Glubbers were excellent fighters. They died saving innocent civilians from the evil alien hordes. They will be missed.”

The demon had no idea Mugi was getting the words confused, and was likely confusing Mugi even more.

“Replacing their bravery and stalwartness will be impossible. The world is a much darker place without them.” Lyssa finally finished her dramatic little speech, before giggling and giving Mugi a friendly smile.

“Yep, this is a computer. I was just playing some X-Com. It’s a game where you fight aliens that are invading earth. It’s pretty fun if you like strategy games.” She looked at the computer, then back to Mugi, a small smile forming on her lips.

“You wanna play?” She asked the girl.

Mugi's face turned serious as she looked between the computer and Lyssa's eyes. This was a moment of truth. It was the difference between mountain living and city living. "If you will allow me." Her face turned back into the cute, smiling look it usually had as she made her decision. It was not tough to make, not like it really was life and death like choosing between your adoptive family and your birth family. "You'll just have to show me since I have no idea what I'm doing. I hope you don't mind my body being cold to the touch."

Lyssa simply smiled, quickly saving her own campaign progress and starting a new one, just for Mugi, and enabling the tutorial as well.

“Don’t worry, it’s easy!” Lyssa replied cheerfully, handing the girl the laptop. “And ehe, don’t worry. I don’t mind. Kinda wants to make me hug you more to try and warm you up a bit~” Lyssa replied.

Mugi shivered in anxiety a bit and questioned Lyssa. "Is that your reason? If so I'd prefer if you didn't."

Lyssa laughed. Well, she wasn’t actually going to try and warm the other girl up but ah well. Anyways! The basics of using a computer. Lyssa started with the touchpad, and told Mugi how to move the mouse, and left clicking and right clicking. Next, she explained the arrow keys, followed by the WASD controls. She kept the instructions very basic, and very easy to understand.

Mostly. A few complicated instructions probably made their way into there, but that was probably unavoidable.

And a few minutes later, she let Mugi attempt a level by herself. Of course, she was going to watch and give her instructions on how to do something if she had too.

She was pretty sure strategy games weren’t going to be Mugi’s forte anyways.

"I will attempt to play this. Mugi muttered as she started the game. The tutorial took her through what to do and she took her troops to approach the room at the end. Sadly, the game scripted one of the soldiers to die a horrid death at the hands of some gray alien. Mugi gasped as the man fell dead. "Wait! But I did what the game told me! Why?" She didn't have time to react as the action started there. She remembered that there was cover. And cover meant not taking free shots. From there, she finished the mission without further casualties. "Yay! I think I did it!"

“Ehehe, sorry, the tutorial has one of the soldiers die.” Lyssa replied, a frown on her face, placing a comforting hand on Mugi’s shoulder. “But, yep, you’ve passed! The tutorial is pretty easy though, and from here on out you’ll have to do things yourself without hints or events the game forces to happen. Usually. So, go forth and drive back those pesky aliens! Otherwise, they’ll take all of our ice cream, and a world without ice cream is just sad.”

She would continue to watch and help Mugi when needed. She was content with that for the moment.

Mugi continued and followed the camera around the headquarters area and set up research as was recommended. She proceeded to set up her team as well and figured a team of all "classes" would be fine and proceeded to the first mission. She almost sucessfully proceeded to clear the mission when one of her units were downed. She quickly finished the rest of the mission and brought her unit from the brink of death. She never felt as stressed as she did playing the game, whether that was good or bad was beyond the point though. "I think I need a break from that." She said laughing it off slightly. The Yuki-Onna could only wonder how people found that fun to play for hours on end.

“Ehe, yeah, that’s fine. You’d probably like something a little less violent.” Lyssa chuckled, taking her laptop back from Mugi.

“But hey, you did pretty well!” Lyssa said, giving the girl a friendly pat on the shoulder.

Unbeknownst to the other girls, standing just on the other side of their door was a furious Kaitlyn. She stared at the door for some time, hoping against hope that she could will it out of existence. No dice. That was unfortunate. It seemed like she'd be stuck with the twerps for at least one night. She had stopped by to see about talking with the Headmistress, but there were fucking familiars lined up for a goddamn mile outside of her office. Lazy little fucks too good for class, eh? What'd they even do around the place anyway? Ugh...Katie thought that personally, the school would be a better place without 'em, but she didn't make the rules. Not yet, anyway.

Speaking of which...one of her 'roommates' was one, wasn't she? She was uh...God, what was it? A Yoko Ono? Some bullshit like that. Well, whatever. She'd avoid the little parasite.

But that'd probably be difficult. Considering that Katie could hear the other girls laughing and talking. It sickened her. But she managed to eventually steel herself and open the door. It still wasn't enough to protect her from the nausea of seeing the lovebirds getting all cuddly on the bed. Still, the girl didn't show her disgust. She instead donned the mask and waltzed in, shutting the door behind her.

"Yooo. Couldn't get in to see Fiore, so I guess we're stuck here guys. Sorry." she rattled on as she crossed the room to where her things were stacked up in the tiny hall. She placed a brand-spanking-new bow down beside her guitar case. She wasn't thrilled about having to buy it, but that wonderdork Cupido insisted. It was whatever. She could see how it'd be useful. She also tossed her backpack and a rolled up lump of fabric down. It was a sleeping bag. Since there was just the one bed, and Katie would rather die a thousand deaths than sleep with any of these losers, it wasn't even a question. A bit pricy for one night, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

With her things all sorted (somewhat) now, Katie turned back to the others. She leaned up against the wall, looking at the two on the laptop. "So uh...whatcha up to, guys?" she asked, moving her glance from the couple, over to Red, then back. At least one of the chucklefucks had some class and was actually reading a book. Go figure. She didn't even know chucklefucks COULD read.

Learn something new everyday, eh?

“Oh, I was just teaching Mugi the wonders of the laptop. And how to kill evil aliens in X-Com. She’s actually pretty good at it!” She was, really. Or at least she was decent. Anyways. So, Mugi and Katie were both here, so…that meant keeping them off one half of the bed for Iravis. Easy enough.

“Hey, you wanna play?” She asked Katie. “I got some other stuff on here, too.”

Book reading girl finished the last chapter for the day, and closed the book before placing it on the bedside table. Yawning slightly, she looked around the room and realized that two more people had shown up while she had been flipping through the pages.

After blinking once or twice in surprise, Iravis looked at the other two had arrived. The red haired girl turned towards Katie, and then saw the sleeping bag rolled up there. "... Sleeping on the floor?"

The godess didn't mind. That meant more space for herself.

Katie hesitated for a moment, then shook her head. "Thanks, but I'll pass this time. Wouldn't want to get in Mugi's way, after all." she replied to the disturbingly pale one. She widened her stand and put her hands on her hips before continuing in an exaggerated Texan accent. "Little Missie, I reckon Earth's a-countin' on ya, y'hear?" Holding back the torrent of hate she had built up was making her feel nauseous, but she just had to deal with it. It'd be worth it in the end...right?

The teleporter almost didn't catch Red's question, already trying to tune everybody out for the night. But she did hear the last word and stitched the rest of it together. She wanted to call the girl out on it. There was a single bed in the room and here comes Katie with a sleeping bag. No, she wasn't going to sleep on the floor. Not at all. She was just a goddamn bagging enthusiast.

"Oh uh...haha, yeah, I figured I would. Not that I have anything against you guys! It's just...well..." Katie trailed off, faking embarrassment to stall long enough come up with a suitable lie. It hit her quickly enough. "I just get really uncomfortable sharing a bed. Had something uhm...not so chill happen, y'know?" She answered, looking over at her belongings. A better person might have had some real ethical and moral hang-ups lying about what she had just implied, but to Katie, that was just a way to kill a conversation she didn't want to have while also gaining some sympathy points.

"So...yeeeaaah...enough about that. How was class?"

Lyssa closed the laptop, setting it aside on the bed, apparently done with it for now. Mugi was likely done playing with it, and she didn’t have much else she was gonna do with it at the moment. Now that they were all here, they could do fun stuff anyways!

“Ehe, I dunno.” Lyssa replied to the question. “I kinda slept through all of mine. Really, I should have just skipped like usual. Maybe go and see if the kitchens are hiding any delicious sweets~”

Less cheerfully, the goddess replied with minimal volume, "... educating kids ... kill that woman ..." She then proceeded to bury her face into a pillow, mourning the coming of the next day. Katie would probably realize that she wasn't human, and probably also think she was lazy for not going to class.

When Lyssa mentioned sweets, Mugi got an excellent idea. "I could make us shaved ice. I got a lot of the stuff I need here. Should I?" She asked the other girls, mostly aiming it at Lyssa since the other two probably follow along since it would be a pain to argue. That's what it seemed like anyway.

At the mention of shaved Ice, Lyssa’s eyes lit up in excitement.

“Ah! That sounds delicious! I didn’t know you could make shaved Ice, Mugi.” Lyssa grinned. Really, shaved ice was awesome. One of her top favorite things to eat. Right next to ice cream cake.

"But yeah, I’ll take a large one. Or whatever passes for a large. Make it as big as you can. Blueberry flavor.”

"I can do that, I guess." Lyssa seemed really excited with that. A little bit more than expected, still, Mugi needed an answer from the other two as well. "Alright, how about you two, Katie and Iravis? Did you want one? What flavor if so?"

Shaved ice? Katie shook her head as she turned back around to her belongings. "None for me, thanks. Cold things kill my teeth." she mumbled as she fiddled with the sleeping bag. It took her a few moments, but she eventually managed to remove all of the tags and whatnot. After that, she went about spreading it out at the foot of the bed.

The day had already been a bit too involved for her. She could feel the beginnings of a headache coming on.

Having lived normally in the lands of ancient egypt, the goddess simply proped her head up, looking at Mugi with something close to confusion. She had heard of cold desserts before, but had never tasted any. "Explain what it is, then I shall decide."

Mugi giggled a little bit. She really expected Iravis to simple reject the offer, but she was happen that she at least let the Yuki-Onna explain. "It's pretty simple. You take some ice." Meanwhile, she used her power to form a small bit of ice in her hand. Enough to demonstrate. "Then you put it in this grinder like so and grind it so it looks like you shaved it off bit by bit, The pour some flavoring on it and tada! Shaved Ice." She handed the small bowl and a small plastic spoon to the more heated girl after pouring some flavoring on there. She didn't really pay attention to which it was.

The blue colored woman grabbed the bowl, and looked at it with some confusion.

This was strange. If one wanted something cool to eat, were fruits not sufficent for that purpose? Seeing the cold woman watch her though, Iravis picked up the spoon and tried a bite. After a second, the cold filled her mouth and the girl's eyes widened with shock, not expecting it to be so cold ... the flavoring wasn't bad though, and tasted similar to grapes. "This is sufficent for me, thank you."

Mugi giggled at the shocked look on her roommates face. "It is ice after all." Alright. Now she just had to get one more together. "Yours now Lyssa. Blueberry, right?" She followed the same process as she did earlier, just with a larger chunk of ice this time. She poured over the blueberry flavoring and gave a firm nod of pride as she finished. "Alright, here you are. I hope you enjoy it!"

Lyssa took the icy treat with a smile.

“Thanks Mugi!” She cheerily replied before promptly taking a rather massive bite of it. A really bad idea in hindsight. Not only seconds later her face scrunched up, the shock of a brainfreeze evident on her face.

“Gah!~” She groaned. “I always do that when I eat something cold.” She said as the brain freeze passed. You didn’t eat as much ice cream as she did without learning how to deal with one of those.

“Oh, and make sure ya don’t do what I just did, Iravis, or you’re gonna get a Brainfreeze. Thanks Mugi, this is delicious.” The demon then promptly went about devouring the rest of it.

"Well, I'm glad then." Mugi was mostly looking for others to enjoy themselves while eating the treats. There was little more satisfying than seeing that for Mugi. She didn't really feel the need to eat one herself at the moment. She was sure there would have been plenty of time in the future to enjoy it. "Now I can't think of anything to really do." She didn't sound bored, just uttering a statement.

A wave of nausea smacked Katie in the gut. Oh God...their happiness was actually making her physically ill. After she finished setting up her sleeping bag, she stood up and stretched. "So, uh...I'm beat. I think I'm just going to shower then head to bed. Anybody need in the bathroom before I go?" she asked, hoping that nobody would speak up. The sooner she could get that done, the sooner she could be asleep and not have to be conscious around these people any longer. It was sad that she looked forward to that reward as much as she did. Poor Katie, thought Katie, yours' is a life of tragedy.

“Nope, I’m good. I’ll take one in the morning.” Lyssa replied to Katie, finishing the shaved ice. Well, if Katie was going to bed she might as well go to bed as well. Iravis looked a bit tired herself, and if Mugi couldn’t think of much anything else to do…maybe it was time to go to bed.

Well then.

“Ahhh…might as well go ahead and go to bed.” Lyssa said, stretching her arms. “Not much else we can do, unless someone wants me to buy them more cake or something.”

Mugi looked around the room. There really seemed to be nothing else to do but sleep. The elder said she'd send some supplies, but they haven't gotten to her dorm yet. "I'm not too keen on eating too much cake in one day, so I'll take a pass on it." She climbed up on the bed and got into a corner. "I think I'm just going to sleep as well."

Lyssa, true to her deal with Iravis, jumped over onto the same side of the bed with Mugi, putting herself between the Yuki-Onna and the Phoenix. The demon wrapped her arms rather affectionately around Mugi.

“Ehe, got ya!~” She giggled, intent on keeping her on the side of the bed they were currently on.

Iravis simply rolled her eyes at the demons antics, but at least agreed it was time for sleep. So, she did exactly what she said, and claimed half the bed as hers, while Lyssa and Mugi got the other half.

"That's fine." Mugi mused, happy with what was happening but thought that a warning would be a good factor. "Just be warned that you might wake up frozen on one side." Frozen was taking it a little far, but a small joke never hurt anyone and she didn't think the demon would let up any time soon. The Yuki-Onna then continued with a giggle, "But if you're alright with that then it's all good to me."

“Hehe, of course it’s fine!” Lyssa giggled, snuggling Mugi even more. “Besides, I’ll just hug Iravis to warm me up if I get frozen~” She teased. The other girl was probably glaring at the wall trying to burn a hole in it, but the thought of that only caused the demon further amusement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Melody and Shino Koizumi

~And your Friendly Neighborhood Reaper~

Melody had enjoyed herself in Shino's presence, with cuddles and patting going both ways she had felt tremendously relaxed. It had only came to a short end towards the evening when all familiars were called in for work duty, and she had left Shino with the promise of that she would return later if she was still there. After that she had gone all nyan cat over it and now after all was said and done, she went to look for Shini again. Comming out into the garden once more, she knew she had a duty to fullfill namely of being a party arranger, yet she didn't know too much about how to do so.

However she weren't discouraged by this, and instead called out for Shino to see if she could find her again, perhaps that way Shino could help her... or at least keep her company while she studied up on Party arrangements. She assumed the previous shape of a Anubis anthro again as she didn't want to frighten Shino off with another form, after all the girl might have seemed slightly timid to her and she knew cats usually attached to unique scents and stuff. "Shino?... you still out here?" she called out in the campus area as she headed towards the place she had seen her last.

Shino left Melody short after and went back to her ussual, she wandered around campus seeing if she could hunt some food so she could less her hunger. After several hours of trying she still hadn't been able to catch even a single bird. Shino had grown tired and ate some insects instead so she would atleast have eaten something.

Her stomach growled violently when she was on her way back to her room. She really had to eat something or else she wouldn't keep her body running. Shino came across one of those food machines and did like she ussually did. She graciously kicked and stomped the machine with all her might. After several minutes of furious combat she panted a little and felt relieved to hear the sound of winning. A package of candy fell down into the dispenser. Shino quickly grabbed it and started eating like she hadn't eaten in a few days. Her jaw went up and down trying to work down the food as fast as she could.

After a while she was near the bottom of the small bag so she ate a little slower to savour the taste. Her ears curiously twitched about as someone called out to her. Her head turned towards the sound while she placed another piece of candy in her mouth. Shino headed towards the sound. It was not that far so she was at the spot in the comming 3 minutes. She walked at her own quick pace and would jump over any obstacle along the way, once she was near she climbed one of the fences around the garden and sneakily looked at the girl.

Shino tilted her head while the girl came closer to her. It was Melody from before, Shino pondered what the girl would want for Shino. Shino squated down a little while she was on the fence. She ate another piece of candy out of the bag and talked once she had gulped the food down.

"Melody-han! You required Shino's assistance? Shino will help Melody-han if Melody-han needs Shino."

Melody looked around until she heard Shino's voice, before that she simply searched around. Seeing Shino squatting down on a fence she tlted her head slightly but approached none the less. It was then she spotted her muching on what looked like candy, at first that might not be so odd... but then as she saw how feriously she chugged it down she wondered if Shino was really hungry or something. It occured to her then that perhaps the cat girl had a hard time getting food... that would be really bad.

"Perhaps... but you seem to requrie some assistance as well... " she said as she could almost hear Shino's belly lurch from the candy rather than food. She sighed as she thought about what to do... then it simply hit her. "You seem a bit hungry... I can help you solve that before we solve my problem~" she said cheerfully. She looked around finding the ocean to be closet, "Let me get some fish for you~" she said as she waved for Shino to come as she happily walked off towards the ocean.

Once there she looked around over yonder and shut her eyes for a moment. "Okay... I'm going to do some of my magical fish gathering~ How about you just sit here and wait for me?~" she said before she sipped out towards the ocean, once she reached it she dived into the water and started swimming out to the dephts... once there she dove under aand vanished transforming into a water spirit herself... It didn't take her too long to find fish actually... and then she just saught out the biggest she could find.

Sweeping into the fish's mouth she impaled it from inside then swept out again bringing the fish to the surface as she altered her form to an Anubis again. Then she simply strode ashore holding the fish high and waving to Shino. "Hope you like Bass~" she said cheerfully as she gave the fish to Shino. "Do you want me to cook it for you?" she asked as she settled down near Shino.

Melody looked weird at Shino. Shino wondered what was up with Melody, did she have something stuck on her face. She briskly brushed her hand past her face a few time with her eyes slightly squinted. Shino shook her head a little and look back at Melody when she started talking. Melody thought Shino needed help, well she was in a little distress but she would find something to eat sooner or later anyway. Shino shook her head in denial.

"Shino doesn't need Melody-han's help, Shino is fine on her own nya!"

You could say she was a little stuborn for a cat. Melody still continued trying to help Shino by helping her get some food. Shino didn't refuse the offer however and simple followed along with her. As they headed off to whatever place her pace fastened to keep up with Melody. Shino was a tad shorter than her so she needed to put a little more effort in her walking to keep up. She was right behind Melody and noticed she was too close when Melody halted before the ocean. Shino bumped into Melody and bounched back. She shook her head and looked up as Melody turned around. Melody was gonna get fish for her! Shino's face brightened as she barely heard the word. She couldn't get it as fresh as this out of the ocean. She didn't like water so it was hard for her to hunt the fish on her own. Shino cheerfully spoke back to Melody, her voice was a little weird because of her nose having closed up after the collision with Melody. It wasn't much diffrence, like she had a small cold.

"Ohhh! Fish! Melody-han will get fish for Shino! Shino will be forever gratefull to Melody-han!"

Shino jumped up and down and circled once while jumping. Melody dove into the water and Shino quickly ran to the spot she jumped in, she curiously looked into the water to see herself but nothing more than the darkness of the sea. Shino kept looking into the sea untill she saw something bubbling up. Shino ran back to a safe spot for the water and saw melody walk out of the water again. Shino's gaze averted towards the big fish in Melody her hand. She cheered up and had gotten close to the jackal. Her tail right up as she looked around the fish, her gaze was filled with wonder as she already started drowling. Melody asked if Shino liked it in which she immediatly nodded her head twice. The fish was given to Shino, she carefully got it from Melody and held it far away from her body so she wouldn't get wet herself.

Melody was cheerful in her effort to help Shino, even if the girl had turned her down she was determined to get her at least one fish or a couple as a token of friendship to say the least. And everything became worth it as Shino seemed beyond happy when she returned to shore. Seeing that look in the Cat girls eyes she felt happy, it was like for a moment she felt that she really belonged by someone's side. It didn't take long for the water stuck to Melody to evaporate in the warm sun and by then she simply absorbed the excess salt on her body without really showing much.

"you like it?" she asked smiling, it kinda was obvious That Shino did love it, but she felt the need to ask anyway. It seemed in all the excitement that Shino had forgotten about her nose pain which haden't seemed to slow her down from the bump before, and she also seemed to forget that Melody asked her something which she didn't quite mind. "I can cook the fish for you if you don't want to eat it raw... but perhaps you like it better that way?" she asked as she weren't really sure how the cat girl liked her fish best.

Shino nodded twice again and was already starting to lick her lips wanting to eat it. Melody asked Shino if she wanted the fish cooked or not. In the first place Shino her mind was so far taken away that she didn't even hear that Melody asked her. At the second time she would just barely hear it and felt quite startled when she looked back up at Melody. Shino shook her head a little to get herself together again and don't fall victim too such easy distractions.

"Can Melody-han cook? Shino likes cooked fish better but Shino feels like Melody-han has done enough already for Shino nya. Maybe Melody-han can tell Shino her problem so Shino can help Melody-nyan!"

Shino twisted the fish and held it up with both hands closer to her body once it was bit dryer so it wouldn't clumsly fall out of her hands. She would truly hate herself if that were to happen to Melody's gigantic present.

Melody watched Shino for a whille as she seemed eager to dig into the fish, she nodded to Shino as she told her to cook it for her "Okay Shino~" she said happily as she went to fetch a good grill stick from the woods before returning, she put the fish on the grill stick and then smiled to Shino as she focused a while. "Okay Shino, don't be afraid now... I'm going to grill this fish using fire... so stay back okay?... If you want you can go sit on that bench" she said pointing to a bench in the distance.

"Melody will become like fire... its nothing dangerous for Melody, but Shino should stay at a safe distance" she said as she transformed into a Fire spirit. She then gently circled around the fish on the stick altering her bodily temperature to become just about perfect for grilling the sea bass. After a few min it would be completely cooked and ready to eat, at this point Melody transformed back to normal and looked to see if Shino was still close by. "Okay your fish is grilled~"she sang before turning to watch her work with a smile.

Melody went into the bushes to get fetch a good branch to pierce through the fish. She was back rather quickly and immediatly pierced the fish with the spear so that she could cook it on a self made barbeque. Melody requested Shino to step back a bit so she wouldn't burn herself when Melody would become the fire herself. Shino hastfully nodded with her hands stuck before her chest and hopped a few feet away from Melody.

When Shino was a fair distance away from Melody she turned herself into fire just like she said. Shino gazed at the fire with an awe expression on her face. How could a being just as simple as that turn into a fire. She might have used it before too to turn herself into water. Maybe she had controll of all the 4 elements or another magic Shino didn't know about yet. The warmt of the fire felt nice and the fish grilling on top of it looked even nicer.

When Melody was finished she would walk over at Shino, she still felt a little bit hot but nothing too dangerous to be around. Shino hopped over towards her and happily retrieved the grilled fish from Melody. She quickly took a bite out of the side off the fish. Her canine digged into the fish it's skin. She had to pull quite hard with her teeth to pull off a bit of fish. But when she finally had a bit she cheerfully chewed. She had to blow a little while eating to let it cool down and she surely had burned her toungh a little but she didn't mind. She was happy enough to have some food at least. Shino placed one of her hands on her cheek out of delight and held the fish with the other hand. Her burnt toungh and the moutfull made it hard to understand what she was saying but she sure seemed to enjoy it.

"Melody-han kan cook veny hood!"

There it was again, Surely Melody could see it in Shino's eyes how impressed she was and delighted to gain food, it was a tremendously good feeling to give her food when she seemed so thankful for it, it was like if she for a moment wondered if the feeling itself weren't love... She bent down with a smile as she watched Shino eat in a rather funny way, it made her want to watch Shino eat each and every day. And if Shino had troubles getting food, Melody wanted to be the one there for her just cause how happy it made her feel.

"Thank you~" she replied to Shino quite much understanding what Shino was trying to say, but that might been because she slightly read Shino's mind to hear the whole sentance. She sat down in the sand and just waited for Shino to eat in peace until she felt ready to ask Shino her question. "Shino... do you know anything about parties?... Melody is supposed to make a party for everyone, but have no idea really how to do that... Melody figures she could read books, but if Shino have experience with parties it would be a big help" she asked, wondering if the cat girl possibly knew anything about the parties she needed to make.

The bass wasn't going down her throat very fast, she had a rather hard time eating the whole thing, it was quite much for such a little girl. Shino lightly panted in between her eating and began to look a little tired. Shino huffed and puffed as she worked down the last pieces of bass but once she was finished she felt with her hands back in the sand to support herself. She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes for a moment giving a sigh of relieve. She lightly patted her tummy and spoke up.

"Shino feels delighted nyaa~"

Shino looked back up at Melody again when Melody began to speak. She sat with her hands between her legs a little bent over towards her. Melody needed Shino's help to getting to know on how parties work. Shino angled her head a little in confusion.


Shino didn't really know on how they would give parties in this time and age. She barely even understanded the word. She had a vague idea on how it was done so she would give Melody the advice she knew about.

"Shino doesn't really know well about parties but Shino will do her best! Shino thinks Melody-han should dance to the sun and praise the gods after that Melody-han should sacrifice living creature for prayers to the gods."

It might have sounded a little weird but Shino was dead serious about the question. Her answere might not have been the best however.

Melody was glad to hear that Shino felt delighted and thus smiled to her, she silently shook her head however when she realized that Shino had managed to eat the whole thing however, and it made her laugh to think of little Shino as a Glutton.

When the issue about the party came up however Melody realized that what Shino was proposing for her to do sounded more like a festival of sacrifice rather than a party, and that gave some concerns. It were a bir curious too, to dance and sacrifice stuff was probably part of some religious thing somewhere, something that Melody herself din't know too much about.

Yet it probably meant it was time to get back to the books. "Okay.. I guess that means we have to hit the books... I don't think a ritual of sacrifice and dancing is going to be much of a party... but thank you Shino." she said and laughed slightly. She stretched out and turned to walk towards the Library, "Do you wish to tag along?... It would be more fun to have you around really.... but I won't force you to come to the library if you don't want" she said simply and smiled to Shino.

"Yea that is fine nya, Shino will help Melody-han so Shino could give Melody-han something in return for the fish nya."

When Melody reached the Library she decided to head right inside as she didn't really have the time to wait for anything else to happen, she quite much ignored her surroundings except for stuff she could bump into on the way and made it there quite fast. Once she stepped up to the door went in and then started looking around again. She knew there was some kind of Librarian here, and if she remembered correctly its name was Gall and was a Reaper. Thus Melody decided to do the only thing reasonable and pick up a Vaccum cleaner and transform to look like she wore a ghost busters outfit. "Gaaall?... you here?.... come out, come out wherever you are~" she sang happily as she looked around for him.

Shino quietly persevered as Melody had transformed into some kind of plumber outfit with a big vacuum cleaner to suck up all the ghosts. Shino realised she was looking for someone that was probably a very dirty person that Melody wanted to clean. She titled her head a little and looked around a little to see if she saw any persons that would resemble someone dirty. Shino did notice a list on one of the boards that displayed some of the catergories of the books that were there and had fitting row numbers and such. Shino quietly made her way over and looked through the list if something intresting would befall her mind while Melody was busy doing her own things.

And suddenly, just behind Melody, the reaper’s voice could be heard.

“Ghostbusters. How original. No one at all has ever thought of that before.” The Librarian’s otherworldly voice echoed as he spoke, a slight edge to his words. Gall had put up with such jokes for quite a while now, and he was utterly bored to death of them, one might say.

“Perhaps you could at least try something a little more original…” He continued, walking over to one of the bookshelves. At least it wasn’t a bone pun, or a pun about him being dead or something.

Ugh. Some people.

“What do you need aside from wasting my time?”

Melody glanced to the reaper when he spoke and then laughed slightly as she gently put the vacuum cleaner down. Okay she had to admit that he probably had seen that before, and if he wanted something more original she was prepared to make it her personal challange!... it weren't like she didn't have the time to try stuff out after all. "Well there you are~ I would love to shake your hand and all, but I've heard that a reaper's touch is quite bad for your health~" she said and laughed slightly about it.

However, she switched back to her usual Anubian self for once. And gave Gall a firm bow. The time had now come, the once uppertune moment to ask Gall for his aid. Thus after her bow Melody Sank down upon one knee, firemly showing fierce devotion to the taks and in this respectful gesture bowed her head. "Divine Unholy Lord... God of the Underworld, And mighty deity of the End. I Melody, beseech the for thy knowledge, as the hour glass empties and the circle continues around... " she said before raising her head to look at the reaper.

"I've Come here, upon this Day and summoned thy, For I wish to gain knowledge of how to launch a Party beyond those of this world. A Feast in honor of the past, and the future... One of the Night sky, Sun, moon and stars... One that can weave fate together, rekindle the flames of hope, and grant passion to those who attend." Melody said before pausing.

She got up and glanced to Shino before smiling "I seek not creation nor destruction, only the wisdom of Ages. Words or Tomes that can grant such knowledge. To kindle the idea inside of me how to make such an event possible... to be enjoyed by each and all... to let us dance, feast... and sing together. To make friendships, bonds and perhaps even love... until the end of our days. That is why I've come here Oh thy Mighty Gall" she said her tone for like once sounding rather serioius about something.

Gall would have rolled his eyes, were he capable. This girls’ theatrics were not something he was finding himself liking. At least, however, she was being respectful. The reaper sighed quietly, turning his head towards the ground.

“I appreciate the words,” He replied fixing her with his eyeless stare. “But I am merely one who guides lost souls on their journey into the afterlife.” Really, he didn’t even do that much as of late. He was Livia’s familiar after all, which meant she was his first priority in a number of ways. That aside though…party? He had no idea how to throw a party. Had Livia tasked this girl with throwing one? She was probably going to help with the party in a few days’ time, then. Hrm…

“I suppose…though if you need help throwing something together for the party in a few days I can be of some help…” The reaper raised a skeletal hand to his chin, as though he was thinking of something.

“If there is a party, there must be drinks.” He replied simply. “At a gathering like this, Wine will probably be preferable. Actually…hold a moment.” The reaper vanished into the shadows in an instant. It was only for a few seconds, before he returned again with a book, checking it briefly before returning his gaze to Melody.

“Perhaps…you may get better ideas from records of the past yearly parties.” Gall replied. “There is a record of all the ones had here since its founding. If you wish, I will show you where the records are kept.”

Shino looked over at Melody once she had started talking to someone, her gaze averted towards the man in black. She curiously tilted her head and walked up to him. She glanced over him. Looks like Melody had found the dirty man she was looking for. The man was nothing more then a dog toy and Shino hated dogs and their toys.

"Hey hey Menony-han you can clean this gross pile of bones."

Shino didn't realise she was standing next to a man that she had just pretty much disrespected. Shino absentmindly looked over at Melody while pointing her finger at him. How was this thing even moving, it didn't look like it had any strings attached and the voice was another magic trick apart from the rest. She confusingly looked over the man once more raising her finger to her chin to ponder on the man's excistance.

Melody tilted her head slightly, she weren’t really sure why Gall disliked the things she made, sure he had seen nothing yet but that small prank, it weren’t like she meant any harm with it she just wanted to find out how he reacted. She gave a sigh but smiled as Gall at least seemed to agree to helping her anyway, it was good to know that he would help her, at least he appreciated the words she had spoken which made her happy. She hoped she was on the plus side after that, she didn’t want to make unfriends after all as that would be bad.

It seemed to Melody that Gall simply humbled himself by saying that he were just a guide, it was a nice thing to say probably or just a state of mind he were in. It didn’t really change the facts and the legends about reapers and that Gall were one of them, to have power to slay any fiend with but one swing of a Scythe of death, and shine their lantern to guide souls. She let Gall think and speak uninterupted, yet as he vanished into the shadows she pondered if he just decided to leave. Then he came back before she could ponder any further.

”I would appreciate any help you can give me.” she replied and smiled to him. At first he suggested Wine to be served… surely that was an interesting idea… but not everyone liked wine and divine wine that anyone could drink and like were hard to get. Not to mention it had to be something not everyone got drunk out of and started to fight. This caused her to poner rather hard as well.

When he showed her the book on the subject and offered to show her a record of the past parties she smiled, it sounded just great. Yet she was momentairily distracted by Shino and her asking her to clean the pile of bones up which made her laugh. ”Shino I’m not here to clean you know~… and I¨’m pretty sure Gall wouldn’t like getting cleaned up~”she sang before walking over to Shino and give her a pat on the head. ”Don’t worry kay?.. I be back soon just as before~” she said before turning her attention back to Gall.

Melody nodded to Gall and were very curious of what the past parties had been and how exactly they had been exectued. ”That would be wonderful… please take me there… oh wait just a minute”she said before focusing, her body transformed until she became uncorpreal and then she glanced up at Gall. ”Okay… I am ready… please Guide me to the knowledge”she would say in a haunted voice as she hoovered up in the air nearby Gall.

Gall seemed to completely ignore Shino. He probably didn’t take too kindly to being called a ‘gross pile of bones’.

He didn’t comment on Melody’s new form either, seeming completely unimpressed with it.

“Very well, follow me then.” Gall replied, the book he was carrying vanishing in an instant, going back to whatever shelf he had pulled it from. He led Melody to a section towards the front of the massive library, passing a few other students as he did so. It was simply labeled ‘School Records’, and was quite the large area. Montagne may only be a few decades old, but a magic academy like it always produced quite a large amount of paper work and it was his job to keep it all organized with the help of a few familiar aides.

The book he had previous been carrying, was laying on a table not far from them.

“The records of all the previous balls are here.” He said, pointing to one of the shelves. “Expenses, photographs, things like that.” He sighed, turning to Melody. “At the very least, it will help you understand what you do not want.”

Melody frowned deeper as Gall didn't seem impressed with this either, even though she decided to follow him anyway as he led her towards the right place after putting his book back. On the way there Melody decided to pass through several students and book shelves just to give them quite a chill, at least Gall did his job quite well of guiding Melody who now was a lost spirit for him to show to the after life... or at least where she actually wanted to go which was wherever the school records were.

When she reached it she decided to Transform back into 'normal' and glance towards Shino. "Shino~Over here... we can find out about the school here..."she called as she looked around the records. She then looked to Gall with a smile "Thank you~ Oh if you ever need a new Lantern or Death Scythe call me okay?... " she said as she suddenly transformed into Death the Kid from Soul Eater. "Just call me over Dad~ I've watched all episodes of Soul Eater you know~ I think I could match the size you need~" Melody said and chuckled as she twirled around and looked around at the records.

Gall actually seemed rather annoyed now. He didn’t know what she meant by ‘dad’, since she was most definitely not a child of his, so he ignore it.

“The scythe I wield, is no mere trinket you can duplicate.” He said sternly. “It is an artifact older than most of the gods themselves.” He thought about showing the girl the weapon itself, but ultimately decided against it. Using it for such a petty purpose would simply tarnish its blade.

“If that is all you need...then I have other business to attend.”

Melody groaned as she pointed towards Gall, she were annoyed that he were annoyed with her. It was the logic of being annoyed!... it spread and duplicated causing war, dread and terror over the land after all. "There's a Reaper... in Soul eater... you know what? just watch the show Gall. you'll understand" she said as she turned her attention to the books. "Besides... you scythe was constructed... meaning it could be reconstructed... " She said and started reading on her own.

She glanced to Gall, "And No, thank you. I have gained all the help I need" she said and kept on studying the records, wondering how she could surpass all of them...

With a rather curt bow, Gall disappeared further into the Library.

Melody eventually grew bored and decided to morph once more... this time into a Pink cloud of sugary sweet goodness... because what else can you turn into with near infinite possibilities?... well it was a answer for another day.

~Conner & Gall~

Gall left the girl, for quite a few reasons. For one, he didn’t entirely enjoy her behavior. Ones like hers were the ones he found the most annoying. In her attempts to be humorous, she only succeeded in making an utter fool of herself. If there was one thing the reaper hated, it was fools like her.

Another reason, was because he was needed elsewhere in his library. He could hear the footsteps of someone running. Wasn’t hard to find the location of whoever it was since the rest of the library was more or less silent aside from a few whispers between students who were reading or studying.

He turned the corner around one of the bookshelves, immediately turning to face the boy who was running for whatever reason.

“The last person who ran in my library, was banned for life.” He addressed the boy as his eyeless sockets fell on him.

Conner immediatly came to a halt when he encountered the robed man and upon further inspection, noticed it was actually a skeleton. He clenched onto his duffle bag for dear life, scared that one false move could be the end for him.

" I-I'm so s-s-sorry, I'll b-be sure too never do that again!"

At this point, Conner was starting to shake again. Those eyeless sockets staring at him were way worse than any other he has come across in his life which is understandable since these were literally death itself. But something it mentioned earleir caught his attention.

" Wait... a-are you by any chance in charge of this l-library? Iv'e been meaning to find you because I wasn't a-able to attend the opening c-ceremony and I'm struggling in finding my dorm..."

Gall sighed.

“I am indeed the Librarian.” He replied. “I apologize if I have startled you, but if you missed the opening Ceremony I suppose it cannot be helped. I am Gall. Familiar to Headmistress Fiore and caretaker of this library.” He bowed as he spoke, hoping that would at least help to calm the boy a bit.

“Missed the opening ceremony, you say?” The reaper straightened his posture. “Were you not on campus, then? Hrm…not that it matters I suppose. If you don’t know your dorm I can indeed help you if you will refrain from running in my Library.”

He was surprised when he heard the reaper apologize to him. He didn't feel like there was a need for it to apologize seeing how Conner was the one who made a mistake. His tension lessened as well as his grip on the bag when he watched the being bow to him. He quickly turned from scared to fluster to the sight of this as he started shaking his head.

" N-No there's no need to apologize! I understand I was the one at f-fault here! It is nice to meet you Mr.Gall... My name is Conner a-and your right. I w-wasn't on campus at the moment... You see I uhhh... am from the overseas program and m-my flight was delayed and yes... I will refrain from running again in your l-library".

He let out a small smile but then shortly he brought his bag close to his face to hide it.

The Pink cloud made of what looked almost like floating candy-floss and hoovering school records boredly floated up above the book shelves and circled around a while. After trying to make sense of budgets and stuff that was another thing she was in general bad with… why did she need to care about expenses?... couldn’t she just make stuff out of gold and all because it looked good?... it was confusing.

Wondering who she could question she noticed Gall with some boy in the distance, she decided that she might as well ask them what they thought of the numbers. Floating in over them heads she glanced down at them and then started raining... questions at them... or not. But at least she decided to ask "Numbers... additions... minus equal marks... So... Wine... songs... Clothes, food, How does one make sense of all these numbers?" the pink cloud asked.

“I see. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Conner. And please. It’s just Gall. I haven’t had Mr. added to my name since…well. For a while.” He motioned for the boy to follow him, and started heading towards the front of the Library just as the pink cloud showed itself.

He sighed.

“Do you not know basic math? I’m not a math teacher, go bother someone else.” Gall replied rather harshly.

“Ignore the thing, Conner. Follow me to the front and I’ll find your dorm assignment. I have them there somewhere.”

Oh uhhhm.... Sure M- Gall...

He caught himself before almost slipping up with saying Mr. He then followed Gall to the front but stopped when he noticed the reaper starring at something. Conner followed it's gaze until he saw the pink cloud as well. When the cloud spoke, he hid behind Gall, not knowing how on earth a cloud could speak in the first place but since they were in a magic school anything was possible he'd guess.

"Oh... o-okay but isn't it an acquaintance of yours?"

"Well You were standing in the way as I were asking that boy" The Pink cloud replied before sighing. She thought for a while and looked around "...Buut... I have an idea..."she said and started stalking another student instead, that way she could continously stalk people until they gave in and helped her out with the understanding of this party thing.

“Less of an acquaintance. More of a waste of time.” Gall bluntly replied. “She’s a shapeshifter. A student here. I do not have the time for her shenanigans.”

Gall lead the boy to the front of the library, not taking them long to reach it since there was nothing to distract him from business. The reaper didn’t even bother going around the wooden counter that divided the library from his office. Instead, he simply seemed to blink out of existence and then simply appear on the other side in the next instant.

“Hmm…What did you say your name was? Conner…?”

A shapeshifter? Well that explains it...

Conner kept a mental note of that as he continued following Gall to it's office. When they reached the counter, he was surprised by the reaper's sudden action of blinking behind the structure. He was starting to wonder how strong Gall must be to be put in charge of the library, not only that but he was also thinking how even stronger Fiore could possibly be for having a familiar such as Gall. His thoughts were soon brought to a colse though when he heard the said reaper calling his name.

" Ah yeah... that's my n-name. My last name is Sol i-if you need to lessen the search..."

He rest his bag on the floor and peeked over the counter in order to help Gall find them.

Gall hummed in thought as he flipped through some papers on the desk. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for. Pulling some papers out of a drawer, he began flipping through them, finally arriving where Conner’s name would be listed. He ran a skeletal finger across the page, finding his last name in a rather quick manner.

“Sol…sol…ah-here we are.” Gall replied. “You’ll be in the Dorm closest to the Library.” The reaper said placing the paper on the desk, sliding it over to Conner.

“An extension of the library, actually. It has its own bookshelves and everything. It’s not too far from here. I often go there to make sure the students are taking proper care of the books.”

Conner let out a sigh of releif. For a moment, he had thought that there was going to be some complications involved with finding his papers. He also felt lucky that his dorm was reletively nearby and the fact that the location itself was ideal for him. Already learning his mistakes, Conner would be sure to watch himself from causing any trouble to Gall and his books. The library is a silent place and he assumes that students that do visit, would only be there for studying. The only thing he would probably have to worry about are what kind of people his roommates are...

Accepting the paper that was given to him, Conner scanned the sheet first with his own eyes before folding it multiple times in a neat square and fitting it in his pocket. When he looked back over to Gall, the boy noticed something. Since the reaper didn't have eyes to stare Conner back with, it made it easy for him to look back. Progress, he guesses.

"T-Thank you. Uhmmm I wanted to a-apologize again for running earlier... If it's alright with y-you, I wouldn't mind helping around every often... A-As a way to repay for the help you've given me."

“I am merely doing my job, Conner.” Gall bowed his head slightly. “And just refrain from doing next time, if you would.” At his offer though, the reaper was genuinely surprised, though it didn’t show on his skeletal features. He would have smiled a bit, if he were capable.

“Ah…I thank you for the offer, Conner, but…” He raised a bony finger to his chin, seeming to think. After a few moments of consideration he seemed to come to a decision. “Very well. Any day you do not have class, if you would like to help me here then I will gladly accept. I am usually around here somewhere, unless the Headmistress has need of me so I will not be hard to find.”

He turned back to the counter, quickly re-organizing the papers he had taken out In search of Conners dorm assignment.

“I do think it would be best to get to your dorm for now, and possibly greet those you will be living with.”

O-Oh alright! I'll see you t-tomorrow after classes then!G-Goodbye Gall...

Conner replied as he went to go pick up his belongings, preparing to leave. He made sure to wave goodbye to Gall before he left, being sure to walk this time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Dawn of the Second Day~

~Livia's Office, before classes~

Livia was sitting in her office, quietly reading a book at her desk. It was still fairly early in the morning, and classes would be starting in a few hours. Familiars who had taken up a job yesterday, would likely be going to their first day of work. They of course, had until the end of the week to receive one before she actually did kick them off campus, but most decided to go ahead and get that out of the way. A few more would likely come today, or at least talk to one of the others and hopefully not bother her with it. She hoped she didn't have to deal with many at least. She was honestly feeling a little tired.

The headmistress closed the book, leaning back in her chair and placing it on the desk as she reached for a pot of tea. She poured it rather tiredly into a cup, splashing a bit on the book. Oops. Gall was going to be upset, but eh.

Sleep had been somewhat difficult last night. It wasn't often she had restless nights, but recently they seemed to be getting worse. Or perhaps, she was just anxious about something. When she was younger she often went for days without sleeping if something was bothering her, until it was taken care of. She had gotten better about it over the years, but sometimes...

"Ugh...Sometimes I feel like just dropping everything and heading back to my families estate and not coming back..." She grumbled, taking a sip of the tea.

"Now, that would be rather unlike you, Livia." Gall replied, immediately taking note of the spilled tea on the book as he arrived in his normal fashion. "Really?"

"Sorry, too tired to care about your book fetish." This earned a sigh from the reaper, who picked up the book. At least he had gotten here before it had stained the pages. "How are preparations for the party?" She asked, setting the tea onto the desk.

"Going well. That one student you assigned may perhaps have some rather...different ideas than what we've had, however." Gall replied, remembering his conversation with Melody yesterday. He had perhaps been a little harsh on the girl, but he was never one to sugar coat or mince words.

"Is that so? Well...perhaps we'll have some new entertainment." Livia yawned as she finished her sentence. Silence followed as the reaper studied her with his hollow eyes.

"....are you alright?" Gall asked, sounding almost a bit concerned.

"Hm? Just tired. Sleep eluded me last night. Now, I'm certain you have better things to do then worry about me." She said, waving him off dismissively. Gall simply bowed deeply, before leaving the same way he had come. Now...what should she do today?

Well. Lyssa had quite a restful night if she did say so herself! Nothing more restful than snuggling up next to a cuddly person. Since Mugi definitely hadn't frozen her, she fell into that category. The demon was a bit cold though, as in, she couldn't feel her arms which were still firmly wrapped around the Yuki-Onna, with her head resting on the other girls shoulder which meant the right side of her face was also rather numb. Nothing a hot shower wouldn't fix though.

Despite being awake, the demon didn't really feel like moving at all. Indeed, Mugi was very comfortable and despite being a little cold, she was still a ~very~ comfortable pillow. The pink-haired demon just really could have probably stayed there all day and not even attend class.

But well, she had things to do.

Like finding something to wear for the party. Couldn't go in her normal old clothes, nope! That wouldn't do at all. She could possibly find a good place in town to get a dress...actually, no. She didn't like dresses. Not flexible enough to move in well. Maybe a suit?....hmm....

Bah, she'd think about it later after getting breakfast and blasting some aliens or continuing her conquest of Europe. She'd be moving onto Britain next.

First though...well, she was gonna wait for Mugi to wake up, so she didn't wake up her friend. Pfft. Yeah right.

"Muuuuugiii~" Lyssa whispered quietly, taking a hand and starting to poke the other girls cheek.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shino Koizumi

Inside the library still Shino went looking around a little and found some old books about the time she used to live. She would just quietly look at the pictures and read a small portion of the book about something completely random. It got a nostalgic feeling rising in the small Shino. She was taken off guard when Melody called out to her. Startled she looked up at Melody and simply gave a nod at her. Shino took one of the books she liked with her while she walked over to Melody. She helped Melody a little and would sometimes read a little in her thick book when she had some free time. The day went by rather quick and she soon bid farewell to Melody thanking her again for this day.

Shino walked towards her own dorm room which the book tucked beneath one of her arms. It was already rather late and she was sure most students would already be sleeping. Shino was still pretty fit around this time and didn't have any troubles with going outside in this darkness at all. Shino took a little roundabout the school till she found the dorms. She had only been here once with the help of the janitor that found her outside sleeping late at night. She wasn't suppose to be sleeping outside anymore and was led to her dorm room all to herself. It made her a little happy to know she had a small home to come home too in this weird world even though she wasn't very fond off it yet. The room was a cold dungeon that was used to store supplies and stuff. It still had plenty of crates and stuff standing around and Shino was pretty sure that there were a few old beds placed against the wall. People used to lock themselves against the walls with chains and stay there for a long time till they woke up again. It was pretty handy, you would save a lot of room.

Upon entering a cold shiver went down her spine. The dark dungeon was pretty cold the whole day through since it was underground and din't have any heaters or such. Shino placed the book on the table and noticed one other person sleeping inside her dorm room! In confusion she looked at them and had another cold shiver. Blankets wouldn't help to warm up her small frame. But hot girls would!

Shino simply got over towards the girl her bed and went in. She didn't take off her clothes or shoes and would simply get in the bed together with the girl. Shino curled herself up a little and stared at the girl her sleeping face. She looked pretty and had some weird tattoo on her face. Shino kept staring at the girl till her eyes began to grow tired. She didn't even fell the urge to go against the will to sleep and so she fell into a deep slumber.
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