Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@SephietheEvil "It would be my honor to join you, but maybe I should check wit the boss first you remember him right? But knowing him he'll be fine with it." Karl's body fully forms showing a well built man who look like he should be in UFC, or a gladiators arena, scars run across his body creating beautiful designs that look almost like tattoos where there at one point but where either scraped off or just faded away. "But hows bout we get out of this vent and go to my room it's more comfortable there."

An average sized , silver haired man stands over the fallen Sarchesker, with a blank face he picks up the spirit and throws him over his shoulder. Not walking into the lobby and past the front desk to a door that lay hidden behind a curtain, the man opening and entering the door, closing and locking it behind him, the man walks down a dimly lit hallway walking past a row of cells on either side of the hall he reaches a door. Opening the door he enters a brightly lit room, directly in front of him stands a wall covered in screens, pictured on the screens are various places in the hotel, one of them is the vent in which Karl, Amber, and Clancy are in. In front of the screens is a chair that spins to face the silver haired man, in the chair is a bearded man with long rusty hair. "Well, well Tobias where did you find that one?" Tobias, the silvered hair man, turns to his right and opens what looks to be another cell, tossing the load on his shoulder in the cell, he turns to the rusty haired man,"Outside, on the ground, most likely unconscious." Stepping out of his chair the man,who now stands at about 6"4' and is about a head taller than Tobias, Walks in front of the cage,"Odd thing spirits, this one looks like it came from the same place that Felixter and his group came from. Tobias go get one of those people I don't care who." Turning back to the door and the hallway he looks over at the man," Don't kill till I get back Srg, we need to question him." Walking out the door,with a middle finger flipped at his back from Srg, and back down the hallway and cells, Tobias exits and begins his search for someone from Felixter's group.

@ShadowVentusA while later Michael is lead to the room where Tobias had just vacated, Srg turns to see the man enter, the little man had disappeared a while before Michael had reached the end of the hallway, "Well, well. You're late. I have been given orders to keep a very careful eye on you. So I am going to put a tracking device on you, and every so often I am going to have you report to me. Don't argue and don't try and fight. Because I'm not the only one here you have to worry about. You even try and fight me MY boss will more than likely, and very personally, end you." Walking over to a dark corner Srg practically vanishes in the darkness,( and yes there is a dark corner in a brightly lit room don't question my narrating logic.), walking back out with a device Srg cuffs it to Michael's wrist."This is everything proof it's been enchanted to withstand practically everything, and only I can take it off. I'm going to tell you how I take it off, but that so you don't get any ideas. Now get outta here I don't wanna smell your stench anymore."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


As much as Girania wanted to burn people to vent her confusion, she decided against it. As fun as it would be to fight and capture this 'security', she had a bit of knowledge about random events. If something of magical nature happened, and it was out of randomness, then she could not simply burn her way back. Being a berserk pyromaniac would not help in the slightest, and may probably end up making the situation worse. She'd have to just roll with it, and hope that whatever happens doesn't get in her way too much. Of course, such a thing is easier said than done. Girania was addicted to the suffering of others, and having the inability to cause it was like taking a toy away from a child. It left her miffed.

Still, she took the key and thanked the man with a false expression of gratefulness. She looked at the number on it, and assumed that it was referring to the numbers on the room. As she made her way, she thought of all those people that she saw in that place. They all seemed...unique. She'd have to make an effort to learn more about them, if she ever saw them again. If things become bad, and Girania can't return, then she'd have to make do with using them as her test subjects. They seemed powerful, so maybe she'd end up finding something interesting.

In any case, she did find her room. She paid no attention to the screams coming from nearby, as they mattered little to her. The room was nice. It was plain, and filled with what she expected...as well as a few things she didn't recognize. This room would have to serve as her resting place and experimentation area, similar to how she did things back home. Still, she'd have to do some...redecorating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
Avatar of SephietheEvil

SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

With oxygen slowly filling her little cat lungs back up, and all of the moving around going on outside of her current location, kitty Persephone slowly opens her blue and green eyes, glancing around at the void she’s currently stuck in.
“Hm? Did Ches actually manage to get me in the Master’s claws?” Persephone yawns, stretching as she gets up onto all 4 paws. Or rather, she floats into an upright position, since there’s no floor here. Only now does she notice she’s been forcibly changed into her cat form.
“Interesting…” Persephone purrs. She seems excited by this, rather than afraid. “The plot thickens!...I think? Eh, I should figure out where I am first.”
She looks around, and eventually catches sight of something familiar. Her giant pencil sword. The light that barely makes out its form is what Persephone follows with her eyes to see that it’s coming from up above her.
“Ohhhh...so this is where Ches used to live! No wonder he got all gloomy, it’s so dark!” Persephone meows. She does a kitty paw swish (the cat version of the doggie paddle) up to the top of her bag and reaches her paw out. She manages to undo the latch, and sticks both paws and her head out of the opened bag.
“NYA! Why am I so high up?!” Persephone is surprised until she sees someone holding onto the bag. She looks up and blinks. “Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hi there Michael. Aww, did you come to my rescue? How gentlemanly! But, um...where’s Ches?”
Persephone’s ear twitches at the mention of her name, and she looks over to see Ruitsume riding towards them on her broom.
“Persephone, what the hell was all that about?” Ruitsume growls.
“Ohhh, you know. Just Ches being Ches.” Persephone mews.
“Yeah, but I know you. You could’ve fought him off. You have the power.” Ruitsume crosses her arms. Persephone doesn’t reply, and Ruitsume rolls her eyes. “Anyway, glad you’re okay, I guess. I broke your door, though. And I’m still making you pay for it.”
“Fine, fine.” Persephone sighs. “Oh, um, while you’re up, you might wanna go find Kana. I told her to wait outside until I found our room.”
“...Why?” Ruitsume blinks.
“She was getting spooked by all the unfamiliar people in the lobby.” Persephone replies.
“Ah...well, at least that part makes sense.” Ruitsume huffs. “Fine. But you better come back soon! I’m not letting you leave my sight anymore, weirdo, alright?!”
With that, Ruitsume turns around and flies back to the building.
“Byeeeeeee, friend!” Persephone waves a paw at her, then looks back up at Michael. “You should probably put me down soon so I can get out of this cat form. In the meantime, though, I’m gonna find Ches!”

Sarchesker awakens to find himself locked up and sighs. Well, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time, but still, it’s unpleasant for him to deal with. Because, the last time this happened...his only saving grace was-
“CHEEEESSSSSSSSSSS! YOU THEEEEEERRRREEEE?” Persephone’s voice calls out to him in his head.
As he grips his head and grimaces, he begins to recall how he ended up here. He was carrying Persephone off to his ex-boss when some shadowy blur sent him plummeting at a horrid speed to the ground. After that, he blacked out. Someone must’ve taken him here.
“What do you want?” Sarchesker replies through his thoughts.
“Where’d you go, Ches? I thought maybe we could try to patch things up between us, but...you’re not in this huge crater on the ground I see up here.” Persephone replies.
“I’m in a cell. I don’t know where.” Sarchesker huffs. “And patch things up? You and me? I’d rather rot away in here for an eternity.”
“I’m sure you don’t mean that.” Persephone giggles. “C’mon. Why don’t you let me help you get outta there? It’ll be like you’re my lost kitty, and I’ll be picking you up from the pound!”
“...I hate you. So much.” Sarchesker clenches his fists in rage, but eventually give into the idea with a sigh. “Well, I don’t see how I have any other choice...fine.”
“Yaaaay! Lemme know as soon as you find out where you are, pet!” Persephone cheers.
“Never. Call me. That. AGAIN.” Sarchesker finishes up the mind conversation before walking up to the bars of his cell. He looks around for anyone he can talk to.
“Excuse me, could someone please tell me where I am? My charge is very worried about me.” Sarchesker uses his least malicious and most polite tone.

“I suggest we round up everyone for a nice gathering outside. Sounds like Felixter should require such a thing, after keeping himself locked up in that lab for a few days straight.” Marko offers his thoughts to Ammi. “It’d be nice for all of our friends, at least the ones we have here in this dimension now, to get together again and just...share some laughs. Not think about the tragedy.”
“That’s a splendid idea!” Ammi grins. “I’m sure everyone would love it.”
“How many people...do we have here with us that we actually know?” Silversa murmurs.
“Well, besides our new friend, Michael, and his family, none of which you two have met, there’s Felixter, Mirui, Kayori, Me, my children...and that’s it for now. I do believe Omoina and a few others said they’d try to make it here, however.” Ammi replies.
“Y-you guyyys!”
The three calmly conversing in the hallway are mildly surprised, and a little concerned, to see Kayori running as fast as she can towards them (which is still a little tough considering the huge shadow arm she has that drags on the ground at her current height), tears in her eyes. Mirui is quickly following her, not in tears, but looking frightened and confused.
“Kayori? What’s wrong?!” Ammi takes a step closer to her and puts a paw on her shoulder. Kayori is trembling.
“I-I can’t find Felixter!” Kayori whimpers. “I-I checked everywhere in the lab, and he’s gone! I’ve been looking through the hotel, b-but I still...still haven’t seen him!”
“Kayori, listen-” Ammi responds calmly, but the girl is too frantic.
“I-I’m just so worried that he did something terribly drastic to try and get Sephie back! I-I mean, w-what if he went all the way to Hell? What if he went to Lucille and made some sort of...demon compact thingie?! What if he’s begging Death to do something in the Underworld, a-and trading his soul for it or something?! I-I-I can’t take the thought…!” Kayori begins to hyperventilate.
“Kayori.” Ammi says slowly, finally getting her to listen. “Look...Felixter has long been known as the more rational of the cat demon twins. Just because we lost Sephie...doesn’t mean that will change. Not too much, at least, I hope. No matter how desperate Felixter gets...there is no way he’d do something like sell his soul. And, if he were to trap himself in some situation, I know he’s smart enough to get himself out of it. And if all else fails...we’re here for him.”
“Y-you mean...you’re...not mad at him…?” Kayori mumbles.
“Mad? Goodness, no!” Ammi chuckles, pulling Kayori into a hug. “When he attacked me, it was out of grief. I know this, because I’ve gone through the same thing. Lest you forget...all of my children died and left me years before I could become a goddess and join them…”
“Still...I do wonder where Felixter went off to.” Marko frowns. “I don’t doubt he knows what he’s doing, but...it is unlike him to just leave his girlfriend, and Mirui here alone without saying anything. They’re like family to him…”

Atop the ghost dragon, Felixter lets out a sigh.
“Hm? Something the matter…?” Negloria asks without turning to face him.
“It’s...nothing. I only got a...flash of restless guilt…” Felixter admits. “I can’t help but feel bad. Kayori must be worried sick about me…”
“Did you want to take her with you…?” Negloria glances back only a bit.
“No, no.” Felixter shakes his head. “I’d rather have her worrying for a bit and far away from me than to have her come with me and be in unpredictable amounts of danger.”
Negloria smiles only a little bit, and turns around to face Felixter.
“...Perhaps you and your twin aren’t as different as you seem…” She says.
“...You mean that Sephie’s motive for leaving is similar?” Felixter blinks.
“...I shouldn’t really say. Best to let her speak for herself. At any rate...we are approaching the settlement you need to be at. This is where you shall start your journey...and where my help shall end. Or, at the very least...be limited.” Negloria turns around again as the ghost dragon begins to descend into what looks like a small village, but with buildings of a slightly more modern design. They all have some element of purple or green color to their design, and in the middle of the settlement is a huge, 9-story tower of a building. The dragon lands at the front gate. The village...has no name.
“What is this place?” Felixter asks.
“...It was not named...but rumor spreads fast. They call this place Takai Town, since it’s so close to the Takai Mountain…” Negloria answers this last question before turning away, and letting the dragon carry her back into the sky.
“....I suppose I’m on my own then.” Felixter turns back to the town. “...how familiar.”

“The boss? Ohhhhh, yeeeeah, the boss!” Clancy nods, then whispers to Amber, “I have no idea who he’s talking about.”
Amber opens her mouth to reply, but is distracted by Karl showing his full person, as is Clancy, the two grin.
“Saaaay, those are some wicked battle scars, man!” Clancy grins. “They’ll look even better when you’re like us!”
“Well, we’re comfortable anywhere, except for in the presence of too much light, or too many Lights, but sure! Your room it is!” Amber nods. “Lead the way, good buddy!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Taking Srg's advice into consideration, Michael simply chuckles. This attempt at detaining him made the tactician laugh. Fortunately for him and everyone else in the hotel, he was not a destructive person. Sure, he had fought countless battles, but not once had he harmed an innocent being. In fact, more than often, he fought to protect those he deemed to be innocent of the actions of any opposing force standing in his way. "You don't have to worry that much about me. I have every intention of enjoying the company of my friends as peacefully as possible..." However, as he says that, a voice drizzled with the faintest hint of malevolence spoke up from a cage in the corner of the the security room, drawing his attention towards it. The energy reading he was getting from this entity was the same as the one that had tried to flee the building with Persephone. He allowed shadows to trickle from his hand, indicating his raw amount of power, a cold look taking over his person. "Just who might you be?" He inquired to Sarchesker.
Decrypting their dad's message in very little time, the siblings approach the nearby window to receive a view of Ruitsume flying away from a winged carbon copy of their father, who appears to be holding a familiar bag. "Well played, father! We'd best head out there before his shadow dissipates. How about a friendly race, sister? First one there gets to deliver the bag to its rightful owner!" Morgan giggles, her eyes lighting up at the thought of this fun activity. "You're on, brother! Of course, I'll give you a ten second headstart, since you'll have to go the long way." She responds, causing Inigo to chuckle. "You're too kind! Alright, I'll see you there!" With that being said, Inigo takes off, moving rather swiftly down toward the lobby of the hotel. As soon as the ten seconds are up, Morgan dives into the shadows, slipping out through the window and pushing herself off from the wall outside, this strong amount of momentum allowing her to perfectly land underneath her father. Inigo is only a few seconds behind, his feet touching the ground as soon as she lands. "Looks like I win! Let's see what I get!" As she says this, the shadow's eyes flicker, the color turning into an eerie yellow, before its body fully dissipates, the hands being the last thing to go. This sends the bag into a full-on free-fall. Luckily, Morgan is there on the receiving end, and catches it with ease. Her eyes light up as she realizes just what's inside the bag. "Aw! You make an adorable cat Persephone!" She exclaims. Meanwhile, Inigo is slightly sulky after seeing just what was in the bag. "Father is too generous to you. Oh well! I'm certain I'll earn his favor soon enough." He states, chuckling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The frame entered the bathroom and closed the door, as BRIAN was working on an escape solution. In old Earth movies, there was always an escape route from the toilet. BRIAN scanned the room whilst the frame looked around. After a bit of searching he found what looked like an escape route. A window. Tha frame climbed up, halfway through the window, until BRIAN stopped it. Below them were clouds, and the nearest landmass was about 600 meters below. Or more. BRIAN assessed the situation until the frame was back at the bathroom's door. Info was needed about this place. He headed out, going straight for the weird bear. BRIAN rather not think about it, because it might fry the frame's systems. ű
"I inquire you to tell me all about this place. Please. "Also I am here to pick up the key you talked about."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
Avatar of Snarfulblast

Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@6slyboy6"Sign yourself in. Then I'll give you the key. As for information about this place-",After a few short seconds Zed pulls out a giant book."-read this." Placing the large tome on the counter, Zed returns to his reading.

@SephietheEvil"Right your "charge", who happens to be the person you tried to kidnap just a few minutes ago, is worried about you. Well kid unfortunately your gonna have to wait for "mommy" to come pick you up cause, due to Hotel rules and regulations." Srg turns his back on the spirit and sits back in the chair, pressing a button a microphone appears grabbing it and placing it near his mouth.

Suddenly sounding out across the entire Hotel a voice is heard,"Grand Witch Persephone, please come to the front desk we have something of yours in the lost and found. If you would like him back make haste." Srg presses another button and the mic disappears.
Spinning the chair around Srg stands up and walks over to the cage."Alright ecto bag, tell me why where you trying to kidnap a guest of the Hotel? And before you ask how I knew what you where doing. See that wall, every one of those screens is connected to a camera."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
Avatar of SephietheEvil

SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Eh? What’s that I hear?” Persephone’s ear flicks a bit, as she can hear chatting coming from a nearby window of the hotel. The voices sound familiar, and before she can make any guesses, there’s two people she recognizes outside.
“Oh, those are Michael’s kids. Why are they he-EEEEEEE!” Persephone squeals when Michael’s shadow dissipates, leaving her falling to the ground in her bag. Persephone cringes and prepares for another death, or at least another unconscious spell as a result of hitting the ground, but when she dares to open her eyes, she sees Morgan holding her by the bag’s strap.
“Eh…? Oh, thank god someone caught me! I’ve already been killed once and sent into unconsciousness once since I’ve been here….I’d rather that not be a running theme during my stay here. There’s a few people I know who would be frightfully upset…” She purrs. “Adorable? Hmm, perhaps, but really-”
Persephone is cut off by the announcement coming from the hotel, summoning her to the front desk.
“Ah, I bet I know what they have for me! I gotta get over there, or Ches’ll be upset.” Persephone flicks her tail, and jumps out of her bag back onto the ground. There’s a flash of purple light, and suddenly, Persephone is back to her regular (if you could ever call her that) witch form self. She takes her bag from Morgan’s hands, and grins at the people in front of her.
“You can follow me if you want an explanation, but right now, I have a friend who needs me.” Persephone tells them before walking away back to the hotel’s front doors. She Enters the hotel once more, making her way up to the front desk.
“I was called here because there was something in the lost and found for me, yes?” Persephone asks politely.

Sarchesker glances over at Michael from his cell and studies him for a brief moment. The vibe he gives off, and his appearance, are vaguely familiar. He just can’t put his claw on it-
“Oh! That’s the guy who knocked you out of the sky! He’s also my friend.” Persephone interrupts his thoughts, making Sarchesker jump a bit.
“D-don’t just suddenly pop in like that, you wretch!” Sarchesker hisses back in his mind. He looks back at Michael.
“Um...my name is Sarchesker, my good man.” Sarchesker pulls off a polite smile. “How do you do?”
Sarchesker’s attention is turned towards Srg when he addresses him. His ears flatten a bit, like an upset cat’s, at the mention of his attempted kidnapping. Ah, so this man knew. Charming. And it got even better when Srg called Persephone his “mommy”. These people around him, though he’d only been here for a short amount of time, had already succeeded in making him wish he could be killed again.
“Don’t worry, Ches! Mommy’s right outside here at the front desk, waiting for the good people to let her in to see you!” Persephone assures him through his mind.
“If you call yourself that ever again, I will slice your throat while you sleep.” Sarchesker replies back weakly. He looks back at Srg.
“Why I tried to kidnap my charge? Oh, it’s...a strange thing to explain. I might need her help. She’s a bit...odd, you know…” Sarchesker pretends to be nervous and meek. “I think the best way to show the lady her respect would be for her to speak with me.”

“I say we go ahead and start setting up our little fun gathering outside of the hotel.” Marko brings his suggestion from earlier back up. “We could obviously all use it.”
“B-but, shouldn’t we look for Felixter?” Kayori asks.
“I think that, wherever he is, he’d want you to enjoy yourself, and not be so sick with worry as you are now.” Ammi chuckles. “He wouldn’t leave you and never come back, just out of the blue like that.”
“I….guess you’re right…” Kayori mumbles.
“I’m still here, Kay-kay!” Mirui raises her hand.
“Yes, you are. And I’m glad.” Kayori laughs weakly at the 7-foot monster girl.
With that, the small group heads back downstairs, past the people in the lobby, and outside of the hotel. While looking around the perimeter for the best place to have their gathering, they run into two figures, ones that only Ammi recognizes.
“I-I’m sorry…” Kanashiko whimpers.
“It’s fine, alright. Persephone getting into weird situations has nothing to do with you. Let’s just get you into your room, alright?” Ruitsume huffs.
“Excuse us, ladies, but who might you be?” Marko narrows his eyes. There are few witches in this world who hadn’t tried hurting him or his friends here…
“Oh, don’t worry. They’re not related to the Master, I don’t think.” Ammi waves off his suspicions. “I helped them earlier when this one here accidentally killed her friend.”
“Eh? Oh...yeah. Hi again.” Ruitsume turns to face the group, as Kanashiko shuffles behind her to hide.
“Forgive me if you gave them earlier and I just didn’t catch them, but what are your names?” Ammi inquires with a friendly face.
“I’m Ruitsume. And this one hiding behind me is Kanashiko.” Ruitsume crosses her arms, but more as a sort of default position than any kind of signal of annoyance. “Say, have you seen Persephone around here? I just went to go fetch her on the other side of the building, but she was gone again. Then I heard some announcement calling for her. She looks like us, but with a much more colorful witch outfit. She’s absolutely impossible to miss, I promise.”
“I think we saw her waiting at the front desk.” Silversa tells her.
“Is she in trouble again or something? Ruitsume growls.
“No, I think it was just for her to pick up something she lost, if I heard the announcement right.” Kayori shakes her head.
“Hmph. More like someone...someone I have no idea WHY she wants back…” Ruitsume rolls her eyes.

Felixter wanders into the eerily empty town, heading for the big centerpiece of the whole thing, the tower in the middle. As he makes his way there, however, a voice stops him. A voice he recognizes...or thinks he does.
“Oh...how we dreaded this day.”
“Who’s there?” Felixter whips around. He doesn’t see anyone. Then...there’s a cold hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t be afraid...it’s just me. I know you haven’t seen me in years, but…”
Felixter turns back to face this figure, but slower this time. What he sees is a floating girl in front of him, bearing striking resemblance to Meora, but...also very different. Her body is the same, her face has the same structure, her hair, eyes, neko ears, and tail are the same color...but, everything is softer. Her hair and tail are more...tidy than Meora’s ever was, and her eyes are much kinder. Her voice is a little different, also. More...polite-sounding than Meora’s.
Then, there was also the fact that this figure was wearing a green and gold kimono with purple paw prints and a black cat design on it. And that she was, very clearly, a ghost. This wasn’t Meora.
“I know you…?” Felixter mumbles
“Well, I did say it had been years.” The ghost girl laughs. “It’s me. Maore. Meora’s...well, until she found out I was her real twin that had died, you all called me her “magical imaginary friend”...”
Now it made sense to Felixter. He smiles lightly back.
“So...if you’re here, then Meora surely is.” Felixter nods.
“Yes, yes she is...but before I take you to her...I am obligated to ask if you truly wish to go on.” Maore frowns. “This isn’t going to be the reunion you expected…”
“...I think I can handle it.” Felixter answers.
“...Very well. Come with me, then.” Maore begins floating towards the center tower. Felixter follows her on foot until they get to the tower entrance. She stops here and turns to face him.
“You might wanna take my hands here. This building is full of assassins like Meora, and the whole top floor path to her office is rigged with deadly traps, so...um…” She smiles nervously.
“Ah, I see. Typical of Meora…” Felixter chuckles briskly before taking the ghost girl’s hands. Maore turns the two of them transparent, and floats up next to the top of the building, before flying through the wall and onto the final floor. She guides takes him down long winding hallways for about 10 minutes before they finally reach the office. Once they enter, Maore lets go of Felixter and turns both of them back to normal.
“Meora? I...brought him…” Maore speaks up.
In front of them lies an interface with cameras for all the rooms in the whole tower, with someone sitting in a huge, fancy chair watching them in front of it wall. All around the room are bags of money and...strangely enough, cigars made entirely out of catnip.
“What…” Felixter seems bewildered, but amused at the same time.
“Zan-nen da koto desu…” The person in the chair sighs out. The chair swivels around to show Meora sitting there, in the same kimono her dead ghost twin in wearing, and pointing her signature pistol at Felixter. A lit catnip cigar is held in her teeth as she smiles a pitying smile at Felixter. “Truly, what a shame it is to see you again here.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Girania was not an artist, but she knew what she liked and wanted. She also knew what she did and did not care about. So when she got started on redecorating, she refrained from holding back. The once plain room had ended up turning into a complex, decorative room that was forged by the flames of a fantasy with a pinch of hellishness for taste. Every object crafted served a purpose, and everything that was already there was either used to create it, or left alone to be inspected by a curious nightmare.

Girania, feeling a need to take a break to assess the situation, and plan for what she wanted to do in the meantime. She sat down on the bed. It was different from the type of bed she was used to, but it didn't bother her enough to distract her. It did however, made her curious about it. She'd have to inspect it later. For now, however...It simply made her lazy. It was as if the bed was enchanted with some sort of relaxation or sleep spell. She didn't want to get off of it. In fact, she wanted to lay herself down onto it, and...!

Girania had to focus. It seems that whatever this place was, it had manipulative powers over her human host, or at least the physical form anyway. She had to think and act quickly. For now, she thought of the immediate things. Plenty of interesting people that are unknown in terms of capability. She needed to assess them somehow. Attacking them herself would prove useless in her current state. What other way could she...Summoning! Of course! It was quick and efficient. Of course, she'd have to weaken it, so it didn't kill them, or cause too much trouble, but it would also have to prove a challenge.

The Girania's Sigil glowed a deep red. She had it move onto the floor. It slid across the floor, onto the wall, and out the window. As it made its way to a suitable space on the outer wall, Girania smiled...then she fell asleep on the strange bed.

The sigil found its spot, and grew. It glowed brighter, and four arms found their way out from it. They placed their hands on the wall, and pushed down lightly, allowing the rest of the giant body to enter the new place. It landed on the ground outside the hotel. The construct was not at its strongest, but it was still noticeable. If it wasn't...then the sound of a roaring inferno would do the job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

BRIAN looked at the bear and tried to think of anything intelligent to respond with. He gave up halfway and signed himself in. The quiet running of the pen on the paper. The air freshner's humming. Seemed idillic. Once the paper was signed he took a glance at the book, and decided to read it before handing in the transcript. His frame sat down in a couch next to the wall, not like he nedded it, just because that's what humans do. He started to instantly burrow through the pages lighting fast, and the sounds of paper swoshing once again filled the quiet room.

In aabout 5 minutes he was done reading the entire book, and was on standby to analyze all the data. It didn't seem like a bad idea to sign in. He had nowhere to go anyhow, and time was of little essence to him. BRIAN stodd up and handed in the paper along with the book. As he did the walls shook once. Then twice. Then a loud sound began growing more and more irritating. BRIAN quickly dampened it and the frame took a defensive position, readying his weapon. He watched silently. and readied himself for the worst.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With a loud crackle and a lot of static,loudspeakers squawked to life with the sound of Srg's voice. "I would like to ask that every person currently staying at the Hotel, GET YOURSElVES OUTSIDE AND DEAL WITH WHATEVER THE HELL IS OUT THERE. It's ruining my interrogation, oh but you Sephie you still have to come get your package before I have Tobias shoot it." Another crackle and the sound of static is heard from the loudspeakers. Tobias who had made his way back to Srg's security room and stared at the spirit in the cage with nothing but disdain. Meanwhile Zed has led Grand Witch Sephie to the door of Srg's security room.

Karl on the other hand has brought the two Shadows to his room/supply closet."Well friends here we are my home is my home, but you can stay here if you want."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Michael smirks at Sarchesker. "Sorry, but if you think you're getting away with an explanation like that, you've got another thing coming. I'm not letting you anywhere near her..." His train of thought pauses as he senses some sort of creature spawn outside the hotel. He put his shadow to work once more, it unnoticeably sliding towards the nearest exit, taking his form once more as it makes its way outside. Fortunately, it won't be alone in the fight to come, for not too far away from the hotel are Morgan and Inigo. They had planned on tagging along with Persephone, but the sudden appearance of this construct has them create a slight change in plans. They'll follow her AFTER they deal with the raid boss.
With that being said, the trio regroups once again to enact their assault upon the creature, Inigo brandishing one of his many swords, and Morgan and her father brimming with their respective shadow magics.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Ohhh, please don't shoot him!" Persephone looks as if she's genuinely concerned about the spirit himself, until she follows it up with, "You'll waste your bullets! You can't kill him that way!"
As she's led up to the door, she opens it and steps into the security room. Her eyes first catch Michael and Sarchesker interacting.
Sarchesker represses the urge to glare or make a snide comment at Michael, and tries to keep up his facade of harmlessness. "My good sir, I'm not so sure she'd agree with you on that. I mean, look! She's here, coming to help me, instead of participating in a battle!"
"Yeah, and it looks pretty fun too." Persephone huffs. "Displaying my battle skills would be awesome, considering the only impression I've probably left on some of these people is that I'm weak, since I got killed and knocked out in my first hour here! What are you gonna do if others start trying to attack me, because they think I'm an easy target?"
"...Honestly, knowing you, you won't need help." Sarchesker replies. "However, if it came to be...I'd help defend you."
"But you know that I'd really just leave you, right? I cannot believe what I just said." Sarchesker thinks to his charge afterwards.
"That's just rude!....Hehe, but I know it's true~." Persephone thinks back with an unchanged expression. She turns to Tobias. "So, what's the deal? Do I just take him with me now, oooorrrrrr....?"
"They want clarification on why I tried to kidnap you." Sarchesker reminds her.
"AH! Yessss, yes, yes. That!" Persephone laughs. "Well, sometimes, we play a game when I'm bored! We call it Warrior-Princess-Witch-of-Awesomeness and Beast!"
"I opted for a different name than beas-" Sarchesker starts with a certain reluctant look in his eyes. He knew this was about to get bad. For him, specifically.
"Anyway," Persephone cuts her spirit guardian off, "Since I don't have any warriors to fight for me usually, I have to be both the person who's kidnapped, and the person who beats up the beast! Sarchesker here just gets a little too rough sometimes!" Persephone stepped in front of Sarchesker's cage, and grinned at him. "Don't you, Chessie?" She cooed.
"You're having way too much fun with this and I do NOT appreciate it." Sarchesker kept his expression from changing.
"Too bad. Gotta comply with me if you want out..." Persephone's thoughts were spoken in an eerily malicious tone, though her innocent grin only grew.
"Yes, well...you're usually so strong, combat-wise, that sometimes I forget how physically frail you actually are." Sarchesker nods.
"Hahaha, most magic users are like that! We pack a punch with out weapons and magic, but when it comes to muscle....well, why do you think we're primarily magic-users?" Persephone snickers gleefully before turning back to Tobias. "So, does that satisfy your questions, sir?"
"I really don't know if there's much more to say myself..." Sarchesker's eyes trail back to Michael as he speaks.

Ruitsume is still on her way to get Kanashiko back to her room when a commotion starts up. There's noise, the presence of some big beast, and flames.
"I hope this has nothing to do with Persephone." Ruitsume breathes out a weary sigh. She's reassured by the announcement she hears over the hotel's intercom that comes next, but still looks annoyed. Mostly because she's not looking forward to what's coming next.
"So, Kanashiko...change of plans." Ruitsume turns to her. "...We might need your help with whatever the hell is out there."
"Ohhhh....but it sounds terrible." Kanashiko's eyes water, as they usually do. "A-and, I wouldn't be any help...I'd just ruin everything..."
Ruitsume tries her hardest not to roll her eyes. Kanashiko was her friend, and she can't really help her personality, considering her job, but still, the constant put-downs she dished out onto herself would get grating on one's patience.
"Kana, there's fire out there. And what is your main magical ability?" Ruitsume attempts to get her on board with a new approach.
"...Tears..." Kanashiko sniffles.
"And what are tears made of?"
"And what does water put out?"
"Exactly." Ruitsume takes her depressing friend by the hand. "So, logically, even if you can't fight the monster itself, you can still help. So, we need you. Come on."
"Okay, Rui...if you're sure..." Kanashiko agrees weakly.
With that, Ruitsume leads the way outside to where people have already gathered to try fighting off the construct.

The shadows glance around at their new surroundings, before grinning some more.
"Man, you picked the best place to live!" Amber says to Karl. "Closets are the best!"
"They're perfect for scaring people!" Clancy nods in agreement. "Especially children!"
"Definitely children! Of course, the second place spot is deffffiiinitely under the bed." Amber's grin turns a little more wicked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tobias turns he cold steely gaze over to Sephie, not saying a word he just stare at her unblinking. Srg steps between the two,"Yes well I don't care what you do with it just get it out of here, if it tries anything then Tobias will shoot it with his shotgun which was forged by priests to kill the undead. Which is what im guessing your little spirit here is." Turning to face Michael," As for you, I'll be keeping a careful eye on you."

Karl puts his hand up to stop Amber and Clancy."You can tell your tales later, right now is time for Shadowing." Karl pulls out a chair and sits down as if he was going to get his haircut.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago


The flames that burst out of the construct's joints and waist were fierce and intense, licking the ground with the fire's many tongues. The heat that it emanated could be felt at quite a distance as it stood, waiting for challengers to arrive. It sensed sensed several individuals approach, each one moving through the heat of its flames. Unable to make a sound aside from the blazing roar of fire, the construct jumped into the air and clapped its hands. All four of its limbs were encased in fire.

When it landed, it slammed its arms onto the ground, and the fire slid off the limbs. The flames slithered towards the challengers, and rose quickly, becoming pillars of flames that spat out fireballs. The Construct, finished with its first move, clapped its hands once more, surrounding its hands with fire again. It was time to start this battle in earnest. It charged toward the group with the intent to harm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Quickly starting to sense an attack pattern from this construct, the trio weave their way through the relentless onslaught of fire and flames, attacking the boss from their respective ranges. Inigo hits the golem point blank with an ice sword, the freezing aura given off by his weapon allowing him to not be overtaken by the immense amount of heat being produced. Morgan and Michael are attacking from a distance, breathing shadows at the enemy. Utilizing her stave, the female tactician places a ward upon Inigo, giving him a fair boost in his current resistance towards the construct’s flames.
Back in the security room, the real Michael is cringing due to the rather poor explanation for what just happened between Sarchesker and Persephone, pinching the bridge of his nose in indication of his annoyance. “Please, if there’s anyone you need to be keeping an eye on, it’s your stray cat right there. However, if you truly insist on keeping me tagged, then I believe I have no choice other than to accept your conditions and move onward. If you’ll excuse me, I have a flaming creature to deal with outside...mark my words you insolent cur. You’d best keep your eye on the shadows. Who knows what could strike from them…” Before fully leaving the room, Michael threatens Sarchesker with not only his words, but with a rather painful strike from behind, manipulating the spirit’s shadow into a sharp point and stabbing him with it. Of course, even if Sarchesker were to turn around and investigate what had just injured him, he’d see nothing, for his shadow had fixed itself almost instantaneously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"I understand sir. I assure you that if Chessie knows what's good for him, he won't do anything worth killing him over. Killing him would be bad anyway. Because it'd kill a part of me. So...hopefully it won't come to that!" Persephone nods to Srg. She turns to Sarchesker. "Come on then! Let's stop bothering these people and go help beat up whatever is causing all that trouble outside."
"...Fair enough, I-GYAH!" Sarchesker jumps when he feels something strike him. He sees nothing when he looks, but he does shoot a glare at Michael, knowing he was probably responsible. He shakes it off, slips out of the cell, and follows Persephone and Michael out of the security office.
Persephone gives Michael an apologetic smile. "I know you're worried about me, but I'll be fine. I can handle Chessie." She assures him, then runs out of the hotel in front of him, Sarchesker on her heels.
She leads him outside, and for a bit, Sarchesker follows automatically. It's a little too late by the time he realizes Persephone has traveled in the opposite direction of the construct outside.
"...Persephone, what are you doing?" Sarchesker stops in his tracks. Persephone stops too, but her back is still to him. He opens his mouth again to call out to her, but in a flash, the words are knocked out of him by a sharp strike. He doesn't even know what's going on until a few seconds later, when his eyes and mind catch up.
Persephone stands on top of him, pinning him to the ground through the chest with her pencil sword.
"...You better not try that again." Persephone isn't smiling anymore, and her cheerful attitude seems to have left her. All that's left is a piercing stare and an eerily expressionless face. "You know what I'm capable of. You know to consequences for disobeying me."
"Tch...what, are you going to kill me? Your soul will suffer irreversible damage." Sarchesker hisses.
"No. I can't kill you. But...I can surely torture you." Persephone stares straight into the eyes of the spirit, unblinking. She can see him trying to hide the little bit of fear rising up, but his eyes betray him. "I've done it before, Sarchesker, to others. You know I have...you saw it all. That's why you left in the first place, isn't it?"
"..." Sarchesker doesn't answer, simply scowling at Persephone.
"...Maybe you'll stay this time. Try to 'save' other people from me...kinda like Rui did once. Of course...that didn't work out in her favor either, did it?" Persephone cocks her head to the side, a small, creepy smile playing at her lips.
"...L-look, we should get going. To, er...help the others with the flaming monster attacking the other side of the building." Sarchesker avoids giving an answer by changing the subject. Persephone laughs, and pulls her weapon away from him.
"Ahaha, you're right!" Her cheerful attitude and grin are back, as if nothing had just happened. She puts the pencil sword away, and replaces it with her multi-color pen weapon. "Can't just abandon our friends like that, can we? Onward!"
As she hurries off enthusiastically for the battle on the other side of the hotel, Sarchesker follows, but at a distance. He gazes upon her with disdain and unease...

Once Ruitsume gets close enough to the construct, she lets go of Kanashiko's hand. Ruitsume tries to dodge the pillars of fire coming her way, but when she gets a little singes by a stray fireball, she starts to get pissed. Her anger-based magic activates, and she aims a powered glare at one of the constructs legs, sending a decent crack up it. She stomps on the ground once, creating a minor tremor in the ground, and a thin chasm crack leading from her to the construct. If she stomps a several more times, it could widen enough for the contsruct to get caught.
Meanwhile, Kanashiko has, shock of all shocks, started to cry. However, unlike normal tears, hers quickly gather up in her hands, and before long, she wields a large sword made completely of witch tears. She follows Ruitsume on the battlefield, using her watery sword to help her evade anymore burns.
"HEY GUYSSS! I'M BACK!" Persephone runs in, pulling back the blue switch on her multi-color pen weapon. Sarchesker takes in the scene behind her.
"There you are!" Ruitsume growls, glancing back at her friend. "About time! What the hell took you so long?! We need help!"
"I know, I know! I'm sorry!" Persephone apologizes, though she giggles at the same time. She aims her big pen weapon at the construct, and with the blue switch put on, upon pressing the trigger on the clip of the pen (the part that would normally allow it to hang off of things), she fires out a short stream of ice.

"Righty-o! One Shadow-ing, coming up!" Amber grins at Karl, then pauses. "So...uhhh, Clancy...got any shadow venom left in ya?"
"What? I thought you just replenished yours! Didn't you get back your monthly supply a couple weeks ago?" Clancy asks.
"Well yeeeah...but remember when you took me to the circus the other week?" Amber replies.
"Yeeeah...we turned it into a horror show and attacked people. It was fun! Why do you bring that up?" Clancy tilts his head.
"...I wanted to see the effects of shadow venom on an elephant." Amber tells him. "...It was totally worth it, and I believe the shadow-phant still runs rampant to this day...but sadly, I am drained until next month."
"Ohhhh! Why didn't ya say so? That's fine! I got this!" Clancy snickers. He turns to Karl with a grin. "Now, this might hurt a bit, but just count to 5 and it'll be over! Well, the injection will. The turning process won't."
Without further ado, Clancy turns into a shadow snake, slithers up the chair Karl in in, and bites his neck with long fangs. After 5 seconds, he slithers back down the chair, and transforms back into his original form.
"Ta-daaaa! How do ya feel, buddy?" Clancy inquires giddily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Karl jumps to his feet," I feel that we should go terrorize some kids!"

Outside Tobias watched the battle taking place from the roof a shadow a man slowly manifested behind the angel. Not even turning around Tobias acknowledges the figure, the figure makes a motion with his hand and a silent exchange of words passed between Tobias' and the figure. Tobias turns and says,"Find him, watch him, no more no less. Report frequently. Got it boss." Turning back Tobias walks to the edge of the roof and then steps off. A loud flapping of wings can be heard as Tobias soars off a few feathers fall slowly to the ground near the roof.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackHoleKin
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BlackHoleKin It gives up

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A pitch black room under the unknowing town above while the dream dream about what they want in life corrupted by greed. 5 hooded figures stand in a circle each with a knife in one hand and a book in the other. In the middle lays a fire cold, near death, and empty burns desperately clinging on to life for the taste of something to burn. They chant in a melody saying these words as one sounding more and more of the same with each word spoken.
"as thus i greet you, greet you into a empty world a world deprived from pain and happiness, to give this world the ability to feel what they missed for so long." After a long silent pause they roar these world with the taste of death in their mouths. "SHOW US THE PAIN WE DESERVE, SHOW US WHAT WE HAVE LONG FORGOTTEN ABOUT, SHOW US TRUE PAIN!" After they utter they last word they all one by one threw the books the held in their hands into the fire bursting into a bright green flame. As soon as they lest book left the hands of the figures they all stabbed the knifes they held for so long into their heart killing all in the room... the ritual is complete.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackHoleKin
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BlackHoleKin It gives up

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The ground filled with life trembled as the earth opened up to reveal thousands of tiny demons each twisted with their own deformity, each carrying a small piece of a dark metal with them some having a harder time then others. As more and more came out of the crack in the ground they all grouped up taking a look at the world they are now in. {what they see[a small clearing about 10feet in diameter with a small lake in the center. large mountain out east by 700 yards piercing the sky.]} with otter disgust of how green the planet began working immediately. As they build the obelisk the sky darkens, not due to them but due to the gods them selfs for this world was beyond saving now. as soon as the obelisk was built it began oozing the dark liquid, The demons filled with pride for completing this important mission recede back into the hole closing it along the way.

Its me I am home.
Its me I am home.
Its me I am home.
Its me I am home.

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