Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Mugi found the night very relaxing. Maybe it was the soft bed instead of the snow she usually slept on, or maybe the girl the was laying down with her but she was just like a giant icecicle laying there. Still, there was this feeling on her cheek that kept prodding at her. It was a little annoying really, so she puffed a blast of cold air from her mouth that would have shocked whatever was prodding from the cold. Still, it woke her up slowly as she opened her eyes to the sight of Lyssa. "Good morning Lys...sa. . ." Her eyes started to close but she fought the sensation of sleep again and began to sit up to better fight the feeling. "Sorry, good morning." She said with a yawn following. "Is it time to wake up?" Obviously, the Yuki-Onna was not a morning person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chen Avarice

Chen strutted down the halls whistling a jolly tune as he searched for his dorm. Apparently he was looking for a massive tower, which should've been easy to find. He had decided to take the long route though like a dumbass and was now lost. this didn't bother him though, it was his dorm so it would be easy to find in the end. He saw a girl a white haired girl walking through the halls and smiled. She was probably heading for her own dorm if his intuition was correct.

And indeed he was when he finally made his way over to his dorms and found The Tower. He began to take out his key, then noticed a bunch of construction going on at the front door. "Well that's annoying. I need to drop off my stuff." Chen put his key back in his pocket and began looking around for a back door. While he found no back door, he did find a window ripe for the breaking. A few minutes and one shir wrapped hand through a window later, he was in. He stepped on the broken glass and put the torn up shirt in his backpack. 'Good thing I brought spare clothes. That could've been dumb as fuck.' He breathed in the air and began noting a few things about his dorm. It was humid, loud, and the room was circular. It also appeared as if he had broken into the kitchen. "First note, I should get a dehumidifier. Second note, HELLO FELLOW RESIDENTS!" He yelled out as he ascended the stairs to his room. He dropped his nag in his room and went back down the stairs. "WOULD ANYONE HERE KNOW HOW TO COOK? I AM QUITE FAMISHED AFTER MY JOURNEY HERE!" He continued to yell as he stood in the middle of the kitchen. He began rummaging through the cupboards and found some generic cereal. "NEVERMIND! I FOUND CEREAL! SORRY FOR THE POINTLESS QUESTION!" Chen finished as he pulled the cereal out. He paused for a moment and his mouth opened once more. "HEY! IT'S ME AGAIN! DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE BOWLS ARE!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
Avatar of Savo

Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

Indentured servitude is the #1 cause of nosebleed related deaths - Part 1

Lukas and Sorcha

Lukas was escaping the realm of dreams, stirring from his slumber as he slowly began to awaken. A soft groan emanated from the teen who moved a hand to rub his jaw tenderly. The sting of the glaives shaft wasn't dissipating any time soon as he recollected on last night, half awakened for the most part. "The way that night went... I didn't expect things to transpire the way they did..." Frowning, the boy rolled up, before swiftly pushing himself up from his bed. Extending his arms skyward before bringing them back to his eyes, he slowly made it out of his drowsy state.

As his eyes opened, he was unpleasantly surprised to find that this wasn't exactly his bed... or for the matter, his bedroom. Shaking his head before stopping momentarily due to the lingering pain caused him to fume over if he was still asleep. Quickly, he gave his right cheek a quick, hard pinch that stung his face like a wasp. "Great, my face is sore, I possibly lost some respect that dragon had for me... if there was any, and I'm basically pitching a tent in... wait."


Turning his head to where he previously was rotated for the rest of the night was... what. what. what. His jaw dropped almost instantaneously, his eyes grew wide out of sheer shock, and his face grew a bright crimson. The teens heart felt like it was going to explode any second with the constant rush of blood... As he sat there, Lukas stared at his night time companion - Sorcha Ó Maoilriain. "Wh-what?"

An inaudible whisper escaped his befuddled lips as he stared, noticing something distinct about her, yet similar to both of them - they had no clothes on. Turning his head around the place, he frantically sought out something to cover up since he just wasn't going to be able to obscure his manhood with just his two hands, especially in this state. This hold imminent situation was embarrassing to the core. Averting his eyes from the sleeping body of Sorcha, he bent over to the side of the bed, discovering the locale of his garments. Shoving on his underwear, he swiftly then turned towards the dragon, albeit closing his eyes as he pondered when she would be roused from her slumber...

However, as he pondered upon this, something else crossed his mind... something he neither of them underwent - it was morally incorrect, outstanding, and plain... Ugh! Lukas wouldn't be bothered by this as his right hand was raised to his forehead, palm spreading over his temple. Keeling over, his arm positioned itself on his legs as he went through the nightmarish machinations. "... d-did we do it? Please tell me we didn't, please tell me we didn't, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeeeeeaaaaase!"

Lukas' whole visage was turning a bright shade of red, and as of now he wasn't calming down any time soon, flustered that he just slept with his crush on the first day of school... huh, that's a new record for sure.

Thankfully for Lukas, they had not in fact, done it. The dragon would never do such a thing with a human. Not with just any human that gave her a nice compliment, anyways. The reason for both of them lacking clothes were simple. Sorcha, never slept in her armor, or with any sort of clothes at all. She disliked clothing, and only wore such garments to shield humans from her blinding, radiant visage.

The reason he didn’t have clothes, was simple. She had made sure she didn’t seriously injure him in their fight last night, so she made sure he hadn’t suffered any serious, obvious injures.

Well, that and she wanted to mess with him a little.

As soon as Lukas left the bed, the dragon yawned, rolling over in the covers and pulling them tighter around her body, along with her wings.

“Already awake, my little fool?....” She sleepily said giving a slight groan of annoyance. “You humans always…wake at such earlier hours…I thought you’d sleep more,” She yawned again. “…especially after last night.”

Departing from his side of the bed after letting his fantasies freely control him, Lukas began to garner most of the clothes he wore. "Well, at least most of my stuff is still in one place," he denoted, glaring at his swords neatly stacked on the wall near the corner. Flexing for a few seconds of his time, Lukas snatched his shirt, slowly putting it on before listening to the sound of another rousing from the elongated twilight that beseeched them. His head was barely through the shirt as Lukas slowly turned around, shoving his arms through the sleeves as he tightly shut his eyes.

"L-Lady Sorcha," he exclaimed, rather anxious to listen to what the opulent dragon had to say. His head was still pounding, a metronome created between his own heart as he avoided staring at the unclothed woman. This only seemed to make matters worse form him as he struggled to get his pants on, responding with an unnerved smile that twitched every few minutes.


And now only despair was left as his teeth were clenched, his mouth forming a shocked frown as his cheeks remained red as it was beet. He tried to keep his orbs in his head hidden, but failure was imminent... so he looked elsewhere. What he heard was a revelation he never wanted to envision (for at least this predicament), something that shook the very foundations of his well-being. Slowly facing the woman, Lukas bent his head down, glaring deeply into his own clothing. "Pl-please tell me you're t-talking about the d-demonstration you gave last n-night..."

Lukas stumbled as he spoke audibly, still trying to develop in his head what transpired. His hands turned into fists as he softly thumped on his head in a rhythm-like fashion, praying to the realm that this didn't happen. "Uh, um, Lady Sorcha," he finally managed to ask after he finished gently banging his head like a bongo. "Wh-why were we both naked?! Please tell me we didn't do the deed Lady Sorcha!"

“Do the deed?” She replied. “Well, if we did then one would normally be honored to lay with a dragon.” She teased, a small chuckle escaping from her lips as she rolled over again, this time facing the boy, seeing his rather distressed demeanor. Wow. Really, was he that upset about the possibility of doing something with a dragon? She almost felt a little insulted.

“Aha, but no we didn’t do anything like that.”

Sorcha gave a final, rather loud yawn as she sat up in the bed, finally deciding that she might as well get up too. She had a fun little new toy to play with and she wasn’t gonna let it go to waste, so she had to go ahead and get starting playing with it.

As she rose, she tossed the covers off of her, stepping off of the bed and giving Lukas a friendly smile in greeting. She seemed to move in a way that emphasized her chest, just to toy with Lukas even more.

“So no need to be upset, little fool. We didn’t do anything to break some vow of Chasity or whatever you’re upset about.” She laughed softly, walking across the room, not even bothering to get dressed even though her armor was laying on the ground next to her bed.

As she made her way to the table that was filled with food the previous night, she turned around and leaned on it, giving Lukas a smile.

"Though it occurs to me that I haven’t heard your name yet, little fool.”

Bed a dragon? Yes, he... kinda would actually like to woo her one day, he wasn't going to lie... however, his own strict code and memories at this school would speak otherwise. Doing his best to slowly calm himself down, he let in small amounts of air before breathing out, dressing himself up once again as Sorcha proclaimed they didn't have any intercourse. A sigh of relief escaped him as he peered up at the... voluptuous body of the dragon, thinking she was fully dressed. His blush returned, Lukas tried not to think much of her nudity as a slight drop of crimson made its descent from the bowels of his nose.

Really? Oh, good..." He spoke, completely adorning himself with the same clothes he had last night. Looking towards his swords which were nicely displayed in the corner, Lukas brought them over at a much quicker rate than he did launching them last night. "I guess you could compare it to a vow, but chastity? Nah," he replied, carefully putting the swords back into place within the confines of his sheathes.

After adjusting himself and laying the weapons by the bed, not knowing if the dragon would care or not about his system, he decided to go on. "After all, just to bed a dragon or generally anyone with a sexy body for no other reason than to just plain fuck them is... empty, it doesn't feel right to me." There was some seriousness in his voice, an aloofness to his demeanor. "I mean, I will be honest with you if you don't mind - I would love to bed you, but I would like to meet the conditions of being in a... uhm, aren't you going to get dressed?"

Lukas seemed less taken back than before, noting that his fervent frets had been toned down to the same lax demeanor he heralded the other night. However, he question why Sorcha didn't bother putting on any garment she had before questioning on his name. Putting on a laid back demeanor, Lukas gave the woman a smile with tinges of red dotting his face. "Er apologies for me going off on that little spiel; my name is Lukas Kunze, Lady Sorcha! Apologies for not giving you my name last night." He gave the woman a fleeting, but polite bow before returning to the former, still holding an unwavering grin.

“Clothing?” The dragon sighed. “I’m a dragon, Lukas. I don’t normally wear clothing at all.” She laughed. “And do not be sorry, I did not exactly give you much of a chance to give it…little fool.” Fool, was probably going to forever be Lukas’ nickname now. After that, she fell silent, pondering Lukas’ words as she gave him a small smile that seemed to indicate approval.

“That is quite a…admirable trait of yours. Unlike that fool yesterday who would probably sleep with any woman who would let him, you actually have a bit of chivalry, don’t you? Though…you can be a little…overbearing.” She offered another laugh, though it quickly turned into a yawn. Ugh, normally she’d sleep in until noon. She wasn’t used to being up before classes even started for the students.

Oh wait, speaking of classes.

“Ah…I hope you haven’t forgotten about our little bet yesterday.” She said, walking over to a desk and picking up a folded piece of paper. “About how you’ll be my servant for twenty four hours?” She unfolded it, and read it once again just to make sure before walking over and handing it to Lukas so he could read it as well.

“You have permission from Headmistress Livia to skip all of your classes today and tomorrow morning.” As soon as he took the paper from her, the dragon offered him a somewhat mischievous smile, probably leaning in a bit too close for the boys comfort. “Which means…you are all mine until tomorrow afternoon.~”

"Er, yeah, right," he muttered, staring at the ground; yeah, she did have a point, although she was in her human form... hum, another question to pose for the day. Thinking once more, he found the woman laughing, eliciting a small chuckle of his own. Laughter was infectious to say the least. Lukas turned to look at the woman, his own body appeared relaxed, his heart however... "That's going to stick with me until the rest of my days now, isn't it," Lukas sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. She had been prominent in marking him as The Fool, and he hoped it would be stagnant with the passing of that singular night... but apparently it was here to stay.

Walking towards the table, Lukas kept his head down as the woman fell silent for a moment. He wasn't one to discern her feelings at the moment, since, you know, he wasn't staring at the iridescent lady in all her glory. As the teen approached the table, he dove straight into his satchel, producing eight more pieces of sushi orbiting around him. Procuring one and popping it straight into his mouth, he listened to the words of Sorcha, cringing mentally at the thought of another besides Alucard who might give the Radiant

Moving his head up with a slight smirk, he was often told this by some former companions that he was a bit... dramatic, to say the least. As a powerful yawn resonated from her Lukas moved his head up, taking quick heed of her body language. "I take it you aren't much of an early riser," he questioned, looking out the window. It was early - dawn was barely on the horizon; usually he would get up, got for a quick jog, and then dress up for classes and any other activity.

Speaking of the devil, the woman recollected the deal Lukas made with her. Eyeing the woman as she went about the bet, Lukas nodded as he wasn't one to back out now. "Hey, I made the deal, so I'm going to honor it through and through, but..."

Receiving the parchment, Lukas read over the whole deal, his jaw slightly agape, almost as if he was struggling to comprehend what he was even reading. This... he honestly did not expect this outcome at all. What he was staring at was a pass from Headmaster Livia, one which allowed him to avert attending any classes. Well... this was sort of respecting the time he had, he reckoned? Either way, he was spending time with Sorcha, so it worked. Swallowing his sushi, he then folded up the paper, letting it float into the recesses of his pocket, before finding his crush... barely brushing up against him.

It was stifling to say the least as his face remained a shade of crimson, shyly peering away as the woman conceived a perky grin. "I... honestly didn't expect something like this... best I adapt to your culture and get used to seeing you without armor in your human form, shouldn't I," Lukas spoke coyly, rolling his eyes in an exaggerated way, before tilting his head back, shining a gentle grin at the woman. "Either way, regardless of what form you take or what clothes you wear, you'll always appear heavenly Lady Sorcha." Closing his eyes as he spoke this, a small amount of ichor descended from his nose once again, crimson covering part of his lip once again. Lukas' heart began beating at an even swifter rate after that genuine quip, along with the magnificent creature near him.

"I should really get that checked out..." He quickly wiped away any of the remaining blood from his face with one fell swoop of his hand... hopefully this wouldn't persist throughout the day...

“Hmph. You flatter me enough, maybe I’ll let you even touch instead of just look.” Sorcha teased with a smirk, leaning back to a more appropriate distance. Not that it would ever actually happen just from flattery of course. So for now, she walked over to where her armor laid and started putting it on. She first put on her greaves, continuing to talk to Lukas as she did so.

“So, Lukas. I don’t normally leave my tower much. I prefer not to be bothered by the students, and Livia doesn’t like me causing a ruckus.” She finished strapping on her greaves, starting with the breastplate next, deciding to show him some mercy and not face him as she dressed.

“But today, I think I will. I also need to perhaps brush up on my skills since I haven’t actually done any serious fighting for…quite a long time.” After her breastplate was on, she turned to face him, finishing up with her bracers and belt.

“At any rate,” She said, walking over to him and giving Lukas a grin. “You are not to leave my side today. For any reason unless I tell you. Understand?”

"There's a difference between insincere praising and the truth," Lukas added as she mentioned him flattering, giving the girl a smirk. "Whether you believe it is genuine or not, it's up to you, however when talking to someone of such opulence like you, I mean what I say," he proclaimed confidently as he quickly plucked another piece of sushi from the air and chowed down. This might be the closest he would be getting to breakfast... and he really, really wanted some coffee.

Feeling the presence near him dissipate, Lukas opened his eyes to be greeted by the woman's back as she traversed over to her king sized bed to procure her armor from the looks of it. Noticing the pieces, Lukas kept to himself as the grandiose dragon began adorning her body with clothing from the previous night, continuing to give her input on the situation.

"So you prefer to not talk to any person then, making the Headmistress an exception, along with Ylva and I..." Lukas retrieved his swords from the bed as he swallowed the sushi wrap. Deciding to leave the rest for her, Lukas scattered the pieces among the masses of pizza and potato chips. It begged to wonder why she dined on such greasy and unhealthy items, instead of delicious meals that would keep a normal persons heart healthy. Shrugging, Lukas continued to lend a ear to Lady Sorcha, who explained that she might be a bit rusty in the art of war and decided to practice a bit.

"Preparation never hurts, especially with the beat-down you are gonna hand your opponent in a couple of days," Lukas commented, strapping his swords onto his well-being, as well as retrieving his bag. To be honest, as much as the teen wanted to attend the party, he would much rather watch the battle between Lady Sorcha and whoever that other person was... "Either way, I believe your abilities will be more than enough to best him... I feel like the dude would need a god-to-honest miracle to win."

As he finished his commentary, the teen noticed the woman in full gear once more, spared from being labeled as a pervert... the more he pondered upon this, he shouldn't be too worried at staring at another's body for the most part, especially if he had no intention of bedding them. Tapping on his lip with his thumb, Lukas tilted his head to the side, closing his head as he pondered... before returning to reality as she continued speaking.

Looking back at the shorter being, Lukas flashed the woman a mischievous leer as she stated what he was to do. "I wouldn't want to depart from your side regardless, Radiant Battle-Maiden." Nodding, Lukas left that coy smirk behind as he adopted his more friendly demeanor, with a simple smile. "I understand the conditions Lady Sorcha."

Processing further what she meant, that obviously signaled that it was going to be nigh impossible to hit on any random passerby instantly. Furthermore, it was hard to distinct between a compliment to flirting when it came to him which deepened the problem if she commanded him not to hit on anyone. Lukas honestly knew where this was leading and adopted a rather serious visage. That warm smile was replaced by an emotionless line, his eyes calculating per usual as he analyzed.

"Lady Sorcha," he spoke with the voice that could be compared to a corporate suit when presenting his own ideas. "Permission to tell you about my catalyst as we walk? I feel this might be somewhat important for you to know, seeing as the only entrance in and out of here is your window from what I've discerned."

“Confidence in ones abilities is good, Lukas.” She replied, walking over to the window and throwing it open. “But overconfidence leads to one’s demise quite often. A harsh lesson I learned ages ago…and had to relearn quite often.” She chuckled, leaning out of the window and looking at the ground below. Various materials of construction littered the ground. No doubt that cretin was going to be doing whatever he wished with her tower, but…that was fine.

“If I must confess, I am not entirely certain I can best him. I am strong, to be sure, but I am not at my best…I haven’t been in a long while. No amount of your needless flattery will change that.” She sighed, shaking her head but didn’t seem to wish to elaborate further on the matter. Instead, she stepped away from the window, and looked back towards Lukas.

“You may tell me if you wish, once we are on the ground.” She motioned for Lukas to leave first. “Please, do go first.”

Surprised by the sudden change in acting, Lukas took it upon himself to heed what she meant about her own strengths. The dragon displayed some sense of humility, which Lukas respected. "I understand that sentiment of yours, after all, I abuse overconfidence to learn about opponents." Walking towards the window where Lady Sorcha was, Lukas took a glance over the edge, noting the construction down below. "... or at least attempt to."

Turning towards Lady Sorcha, he was slightly frowning as he stared at her. Wanting to set some of the record straight, he decided to refrain from acting too relaxed to the point where she wouldn't take Lukas too seriously. "Lady Sorcha, it isn't flattery... I'm vocalizing my belief for you," he spoke, almost challenging her to prove him wrong otherwise. "Whether you are at full strength or not, I surmise you have the skill and willpower to take him on..."

Pausing for a moment, he stared over the edge, adopting that similar smile he always had, one of patience, one of tenderness. "Regardless of how things turn out, know this - I'll support you till the very end, whether you claim victory or garner defeat... if you choose to not believe me, you might as well strike me down where I stand." He nodded his head, staring at the academy from this height. "Anyways, I'm also positive the beaut with snow white hair will too, seeing as she isn't sharing a bed with us," Lukas chuckled as he made his final statement, stopping once the woman directed him to make his way down.

Looking over the edge of dawn, Lukas used his mind to bring over the remaining pieces of sushi as a snack along the way instead of leaving them here for now. Put both of his legs over the ledge, he sat there, before saying one last thing. "Either way, I look forward to seeing you in action... Master." He left the last part teasingly with a coy smile as he plunged off the edge, plummeting to the earth. Using what he could of his mind, he controlled the descent, the force he would feel upon landing. As he neared the bottom, he slowed himself down, nailing the landing. Dusting himself off as he confidently stood up, Lukas eyed the looming tower above, awaiting the dragons next command.

Sorcha simply rolled her eyes at Lukas’ continued flattery. That was what it was. She had full confidence in her abilities. That wasn’t what she was worried about, but there was no way he could possibly know such a thing. At any rate, however, standing here wasn’t going to get them anywhere. So, following after him she left the tower, closing the window behind her.

She landed gracefully next to Lukas, deciding to leave her glaive behind for now. It was unlikely she was going to be getting into any conflicts, and even if she did she was confident in her other abilities.

“Showing off, hmm?” She commented. “But it matters not…shall we head into town? I am finding myself wanting food. Perhaps something from the Mediterranean.”

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not," he winked at the woman as she pondered on where they should go.

"Hmm, well, I just dined at a seafood place the other day with my roommates," Lukas mused for a few seconds before responding. "Maybe Japanese?" He pondered for a moment before shrugging and looking back at Sorcha. "Eh, whatever, it's your choice for now Lady Sorcha, either way, I'll pay for the meal... just don't exhaust my funds, please." Well, he did have lots of money built up from over the years of missions he undertook... however, he had no idea what her appetite would be like, whether ravenous or mild.

As soon as the woman began to walk, he too would follow behind her. "So about my catalyst..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
Avatar of Pyromania99

Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

How long had it been? Much too long. Not only did was there a detour, but a wrong turn as well. How one could make a mistake from Luxembourg was beyond belief. The puppeteer pondered the subject on the ride to the French border. Seeing as it was a small country, the mistake was easily fixable. . . Compared to a wrong turn in most other countries at the least. Luckily, she wasn't as late as she could have been, by only missing the first day. Now finally in the vicinity of the school and no longer using transport from an aquaintance, her puppets were a great help in carrying her belongings towards the dormitory room where she would be staying. . . Well, she'd make sure she got it all in the dorm after she figured out where her dorm was.

Katherine couldn't help but gawk at the sights of the town outside the academy. She wasn't quite at school yet, but she sure as hell was going to get everything together today so she could start classes as soon as possible. While she was a greatly competitive girl, she was also fairly studious. Overall, anything to make her stronger was her goal. As she walked through the town her small army of dolls followed behind.

Then, for comedic effect for those around, she spoke, "Alright, Doll Brigade, assume marching stance!" A few seconds after the utterance of the sentence, the dolls started to march together in synchronized step. "I don't know but I've been told!" She repeated the lines of some military cadence she heard while watching some American show about the US Army, but of course added her own lines to it. There was a silence where the soldiers would normally repeat back, but the dolls don't talk of course. "The Doll Brigade will reach its goal! Katherine added after the dolls should have said something. She continued with a few added verses as the dolls marched through town with a smiling puppeteer leading them towards the school. . .

Then. finally, the small troop reached the school. It was a great day to live. . . For Katherine at least. Now she just needed to find her way around to the headmasters office. Firstly to apologize for her tardiness and secondly to get her dorm assignment. She needed to drop her belongings off before she considered going to class. "Now then. Which way am I suppose to go?" Katherine wondered as she slowly moved away from the path to the town.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
Avatar of Ashifili

Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Katsumi ate quietly without paying attention to her surroundings much. Before she heard a noise near her. Loud. With that, she looked up to see someone staring at her food like it was their prey. Bought it? I don't even know where to get food near this place. He looks hungry. She looks back down at her bento and began to take off one section. There was 5 parts in total. This section had yakiniku with rice right next to it. The yakiniku was meant to be eaten fresh but with her magic, she managed to keep it tasting good.

With that, she pushed it in front of him with a slight nod. “It isn't store bought. I made it.” She looked at him with a serious expression before continuing. “However, I made far too much and would be delighted if eating it would make you happier.” She gave him a small smile and continued to eat her food after that was said and done.

Huh? Arata was taken back by her gesture for a moment, before gathering himself. While he appreciated her kindness, he was also sick of pointless ‘charity’ after seeing all that had transpired on the Tower during the day, and, in response to the layer that she had pushed towards him, the oni stuck a hand in his pants and pulled out the wad of cash that he got for that day’s labours. Though he didn’t exactly count it, or anything, Arata didn’t find much value in money to begin with, and simply dropped it beside the young lady.

“Payment,” he said flatly, before upending the contents of the bento box in his mouth. Despite being homecooked and lukewarm, it was surprisingly palatable. The meat was saucy and strong, while the white rice had a subtle and cleansing flavour to it, as if it had been recently brought out of a pot. How odd. Was this also a form of magic? Or was she just that good? As the oni thoughtfully swallowed it, he decided that it was definitely the former.

After all, this was just a human child, not a chef with a lifetime’s worth of practical experience in cooking. At the end, Arata allowed himself a semi-satisfied burp. His stomach wasn’t full, but it was still good. Clapping his hands together, he said, “Gochisousama.”

Katsumi looked at the money, a confused look on her face. People paid for this type of home cooked food? She took one bite and looked at it. It didn't even taste good. Not that she ever believed anything she ever did was good enough.

She looked at him after he said his thanks. At least he has some form of manners I suppose. She looked up at him, “Was it good?” She asked. She didn't mind either way but…Katsumi just read somewhere that you were supposed to ask this to people after they ate.

“Yeah, it was alright,” Arata responded. “Though I can eat more. You’re new here?”

She was just about to put away her food. So, she gave him her part with fried tempura, tomatoes, and tamagoyaki, as well as a small portion of mini salad on the side. This was one that her little brother always loved. Saying that she made the best fried tempura and her replying with a laugh. “Yes. I just got here. Are you not?”

Arata blinked as she handed over more food without another word, before scratching the back of his neck. Well, wasn’t someone interested in unloading all her food. He wasn’t sure how she could cook this much food just for a single person by accident, but he graciously accepted regardless. The salad, small as it was, was basically insignificant, but the tempura had a nice snap to it, while the tamagoyaki was sweet enough to freshen up his palate after all the umami flavours. “I’m new as well,” he replied, after finishing the food in seven seconds, “Pretty disappointed with everything though. Honor is dead, dragons are disrespected and women are still sex objects...no offense meant.”

She was glad that he didn't seem to hate the rest of her food. He was new as well? “Hm?” She hummed as he mentioned that he was disappointed. Then, he mentioned sex objects. Katsumi couldn't help at laugh at this almost immediately. She hadn't been outside of her neighborhood before this and the only thing she wore was a kimono that most definitely covered her chest.

“Women are sex objects here? Honor is dead and dragons are disrespected, is it? How so?” She said with a light chuckle. How interesting. Was that how it was around here? Never read about it in books.

Arata forced himself to laugh alongside her, but already, he could feel his anger bubbling underneath as he recalled the days events once more. “Yes, for some inane reason, every single male I’ve encountered this day leapt to the defense of some bat-winged bitch just because she had big boobs, child-bearing hips, and barely any clothing. Of course, said bat-winged bitch called herself a dragon, of all things, and not only that, but she claimed to be King of the Heavens. King! Can you fucking believe it?!”

The oni’s grip tightened on the box, breaking it.

“Not only that, but when she challenges ME to a fight, with all the high-minded declarations that she will defeat me, you know what else fucking happens? I get blindsided by one of her fucking fanboys, and she commands another to attack me as well, while the third is just there, licking her fucking boots and heaping shit tons of praise onto her!”

“And what of respect? Where it is something earned, not something due? Holy fucking shit, by the two golden balls of Izanagi, she literally just throws around a bunch of foreign names and claims that I have to bend over backwards to accommodate her because of that. Like, fucking seriously...”

“This fucking SCHOOL!!”
He seethed, stomping a hole into the ground. “You’d think that a century or three was enough for men to see women as equals and not fuck toys. You’d think that a century or three was enough for battle-honor to be cultivated amongst individuals. You’d think that, at the very least, there would still be respect for the gods that bring forth rain and prosperity upon the land. But nope! Fucking disappointing as all fuck.”

“Of course,” he sighed, “Doesn’t help that I was promised a school filled with the brightest prodigies in this vast world, and was given a bunch of weaklings who haven’t even known a proper war.”

My. Katsumi’s eyes widened a bit but not for long as she simply listened to his rants. He looked like he had a bit to release after all. Bat-winged bitch? What a funny nickname. With that, she looked down at her Bento box that was now being broken by this man.

Placing her hand atop of his, she lifted it and got her Bento box out of harm’s way. She wasn't weak after all. After that, she continued to listen to his speech about war and honor. War wasn't very pretty at all. She had seen a few wars and partially been in some… And they never were. Blood. Screams. Civilians being killed. After he was done, she nodded and opened her mouth to speak.

“Swift as the wind. Quiet as the wind. Conquer like the fire. Steady as the mountains.” She said calmly with her eyes partially closed. Katsumi then looked back up at him. “In wars, at times people lose small battles only to rejoice at winning the much larger ones.” the school most likely wasn't that horrible. The people that occupied it, who knows?

“There can't not be any hidden gems, now can there? They're most likely out there. Maybe you'll meet them later on in your school year, hm? It's only the first day after all. Look forward to a better encounter tomorrow. Either that, or simply strive forward on your own with high hopes for yourself.” Smiling a bit at the man in hopes that he would understand what she meant. Katsumi apparently had a habit of over complicating things. She knew that days weren't always pretty. She understood that fact fairly well.

Furinkazan? Arata slowly released his crushing grip on the bento box, relinquishing it to the woman apologetically. He picked out a few plastic sharps that were stuck in the palm of his hands and put them in his pockets, before leaning back. Hidden gems? A better encounter tomorrow? And striving on his own…

Arata looked at his hands, clenching and unclenching.

What was the meaning of strength if it wasn’t used? What was the meaning of an oni who had no wars? What was the purpose of a ‘tomorrow’ in this stagnant ‘today’? His shoulders sagged. He needed to stop thinking about this.

“Perhaps you’re right,” Arata said, non-committally. “Perhaps.”

She looked down and nodded. In reality, she knew. She knew that people die and that the meaning to live is apparently love. In most books at least. Watching people you love die is probably worse than a lot of things. Watching it over and over doesn't help. A broken record starts to play after a while. In your mind. Taunting you. Of course, you can't do anything about it.

She looked up to speak. “So. I heard that there was an announcement that I missed. Was there anything important that was said?” Katsumi asked him.

Arata waved dismissively. “Just some party in four days. Nothing important.”

“A party? For what?” her eyes brightened a bit, though she did wonder why they needed to host a party. Was this those so called ‘modern day parties?’ She had never been but she had read about them. They seemed… Interesting at the very least.

“Welcoming party or whatever. I didn’t really listen myself.” Arata cracked his neck. “Anyways, gonna fight the bat-girl properly on the night of the party, so it doesn’t matter.”

Hmm.. This school's party doesn't seem like it would be anything significant. “Haha, I suspect there is going to be an unwanted crowd formed around the two of you?”

“Who knows? Seeing how much of a natural attention whore she is, that’d probably going to be the case.”

A laugh slips out but she immediately suppresses it afterwards. God, just who is he talking about I wonder. “Well, in your case, I suppose it will simply be the more to see her lose, hm?” She smiled lightly at the seemingly confident man. How entertaining.

“I don’t care about shaming her in front of her dogs,” Arata said. “I just want to make it clear that she’s no King of the Heavens, and certainly not a true dragon.”

She smiles and simply murmurs, “Hmmm~” she honestly had no idea what she was supposed to say. She didn’t know the woman but it must be someone interesting if they were managing to irritate someone so much on the first day.

“So yeah. That’s all.”

Oh! That’s right. “Do you happen to know where you get dorm assignments?” She asked. She didn’t quite know if she was supposed to ask a certain person or just… waltz into a room and sleep there.

“You should have gotten it from some green flying midget, but...go to the Headmaster’s office and ask for it, I suppose.” Arata paused for a moment, before stating, “You don’t know where that is, do you.”

She looked at her hands for a moment. Agh, this was what I got for accidentally getting on the wrong… bus? Train? I forgot what they were called. “No… I’m sorry.” She said, packing her things to stand. “I’m sure i’ll be able to find it though..” Smiling at the man right before getting up. It would be rude to impose on a stranger that much.

“It’s night, and I still owe you for the box, so…” The oni rolled his shoulders forwards, and then backwards, before promptly picking Katsumi up and tossing her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. A very empty sack of potatoes. “...I’ll just deliver you there. Try not to scream too much.”

With that almost negligible weight, the oni took one earth-shattering step and leapt through the air. The night winds turned his white cloak into a set of wings, as he bounded from rooftop to rooftop, until finally arriving at the Headmaster’s now-repaired window. One hand sunk into the stone to secure his position outside the wall, while the other one lifted Katsumi up by the scruff of the neck, awkwardly, gently flinging her through that large window.

“There you go.”

Katsumi’s eyes went wide at his sudden movement, “Hya?!” She yelped, before finally realizing what was happening. That scared me… she exhaled but her eyes went wide again once he started jumping around. Wh-wha! Is this normal? Jumping on rooftops? She shook her head once he stopped and regained her posture, gently patting down her kimono and not really knowing where she was until she saw the headmistress. “Phew. Ah, thank you… haha.” She laughed a bit before smiling happily at him. Probably the first smile that wasn’t fake whatsoever. “That was fun.” She said, walking backwards and turning around.

Right when she was going to speak to the headmistress, she flipped her head back around. “See you around I suppose.” And waved at him.

“Maybe. Seeing how bat-girl’s harem includes teachers, I might get kicked out before fight day instead. Sounds like something she’d do.”

With that, Arata dropped down from the building once more, off to find something else to use up his time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, Lyssa certainly wasn't expecting a blast of cold air to be greeting her first thing in the morning. It definitely woke the demon up though, and by the time Mugi had sat up, the demon was shivering quite a bit. Needles to say, if she wasn't already awake she was now.

"M-morning M-mugi." She said through chattering teeth. Well, now she could say she was definitely almost a block of adorable ice. "Y-yep, time to w-wake up." The demon started rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm herself as she sat up on the bed as well, careful not to disturb Iravis. "W-we probably have classes soon. Or at least I do." Lyssa said, making her way carefully off of the bed, trying not to stumble over Katie either as she got off.

"Not that I'm actually gonna go, hehe~" The freezing chill was slowly leaving her body as she spoke. "I've gotta go to town and do some stuff. Can't not have something to wear for the party~"


Looks like that creature had been working throughout the night on the construction. A good deal of whatever he was building was looking fairly completed. The dragon, though didn't even acknowledge it, or his presence should he be anywhere around. Until their Duel, she wouldn't think too much of it. She had better things to do then waste time on petty thoughts like that. Dwelling on things to come too much wasn't good. For now, she focused more so on Lukas and this catalyst of his.

After he had explained it...well, it just sounded too fun to not mess with him a little.

"Well...that's quite the troublesome catalyst." Sorcha turned her head to him as they walked, giving him a mischievous smirk. "I hereby order you to not flirt with anyone other than I until your time as my servant is over with." She said that almost a little too calmly, in fact, and without waiting for a word of protest from him, she continued walking.

That was, until she was met with a rather curious sight. A group of dolls arranged in a...military formation, following a girl. They were...marching, and chanting some sort of military song? Now, she had seen some things in her two-thousand year long life. Things that would make most people go 'wat'. Very rarely did she ever come upon such situations any more, especially in regards to magic.

This, was one of those rare times.

"Uhm...Lukas....is this normal?" The dragon asked.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

My Little Melody

Friendship is... Unnecessary at the moment.

And as the stream of time continued never ending, the circle of life started and ended anew. The keepers of the records, studier of scrolls and master's of the great codex should have seen her now... Melody, the song of the wind and minstrel of ballads, harmony and all other random stuff she could think of had actually gotten a brillian, dazzling and maybe even radioactive idea. But for that she needed supplies, the ones in the library was simply not enough, and she was set on creating a welcome party that none would forget for the rest of their lives even if it would leave them scarred for the remains of it or possibly kill them during it. It was with determination, a Pink maned pony bounced out of the library set on the idea to create something of legend...

Bouncing down the path towards the town, over rocks and branches in the way and over students, dolls and dragons along the path. She didn't stop for anything... and nothing could possibly stand in her way on her quest for success and victory over the hearts and minds of everyone. Caring naught for the audience, naught for the passerby's and naught for anything that conflicted her objective... she bounced around... bounced over... and bounced over, under and even right through if necessary. "Comming Through, get out of my way~" she chimed as she bounced past people until she eventually reached town. It was then with a squeal of joy she shoot forth in a pink blurr and stopped in front of a shop that looked like it could have anything she needed... She kicked toe door down and rolled inside by the cower of the smoke created. "I NEED EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!" she said as she bounced up on the Cashier's desk and starred them in the face.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Lukas Kunze : Preparing to get Genderbent-

"... so yeah, that's basically the gist of it; hit on about five to twenty different women or else I turn into a girl with limited abilities..." Lukas grumbled something additional that he was rather piqued about, but for now that didn't matter. Hopefully she would understand the predicament, the need to hit on any girl they passed, and- "She is definitely going to restrict me from flirting with any girls today from what I can deduct, especially with what happened this morning..."

Looking at the woman, she remarked that The Lecherous Band was quite troublesome catalyst to an extent... before demanding that the boy did not hit on any girl. Groaning in annoyance, he attempt talking Sorcha out of such a thing, saying things like how he would have a difficult time getting up or down her tower... but alas, it fell on deaf ears as he pouted, crossing his arms as he glared at the woman in disapproval. "Ugh, out of all the things... hmph, I understand Lady Sorcha." He nodded, displaying his obedience for Lady Sorcha, defeatingly groaning.

Lukas could only hope she would avert trying to mess with him on the other scale, because it was rather... stifling to say the least, unless they were in some sort of relationship. Obscuring his face with his hand, he shook it slightly before returning to normal, albeit disgruntled. "Can we at least stop by m-" Before he could finish his statement, he noticed a rather beautiful, but eccentric girl who was marching with some... dolls. Honestly, he couldn't say that was anything out of the ordinary, save for the facet that they were marching through town.

Even that wasn't enough to befuddle him; thanks Meredith.

In response to the dragons confusion, he stared over at the girl for a moment, marching her dolls along the pavement. The silence was a bit deafening as he swiftly formulated his thoughts, tapping his lip as he scanned the girl. "Alright, soooo her actions are a bit irregular, however I wouldn't say this is anything out of the ordinary and would classify her as one who relies on another for combat... mainly her dolls... she also has the age of someone who might attend Montagne Academy..."

Looking at the dragon briefly before looking back at the blue haired girl, he formulated another response based on this new theory. "Nothing out of the ordinary to me since some students act peculiar from prior observations... but there is the facet that she is marching around town instead of heading to class." Noticing the girl nearing the duo, Lukas' voice remained nonchalant, until he smiled again at Sorcha. "Maybe we should remedy this and talk to her, m'lady, after all, you only said I couldn't flirt with anyone other than you..."

Lukas gave Sorcha an impish wink as the blue haired doll approach, whispering something only the dragon would hear. "But with a beauty like you at my side, I don't actually mind those conditions for the moment," he said, playfully grinning at the Radiant Battle-Maiden. Eventually the doll and her army was within a few meters of the duo, which signified that he might make his move. Giving a relaxed wave to the girl with a warm smile, despite her inordinate actions.

"Hello Missy," he exclaimed to the young lady marching along in sync with her figures. He gave the girl a welcoming smile as he continued on, "Do you need directions for heading to Montagne Academy as you appear lost," he pushed forward the question, giving her a patient grin. Lukas honestly never saw this girl before, and decided to give the teen the benefit of the doubt and not denote her as a delinquent.

@Rune_Alchemist @Pyromania99
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VanityMage Levi
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VanityMage Levi

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Conner woke up slightly to the sound of paffendorf playing on the alarm app on his phone. He remembered reading somewhere online that having alarms you would like listening too helps with getting up in the morning. Not that he needed an alarm though, he has a pretty good sense of when to wake up at the right moment. The reason why he has one is so that he can restrain himself from getting out of bed too early. He waited for the meme to replay itself before hitting the off button and getting out of bed. First thing Conner did was stretch his arms above his head until hearing the satisfying Pop sound, he then gathered his toothbrush, and towel before headeding to the bathroom. After a good shower, the doors opened, letting out steam as Conner walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist and a toothbrush in his mouth. He wanted to make sure he got his clothes out on the bed before going back to spit out the contents of toothpaste and saliva into the sink. Feeling all dried up and fresh, he put on his common attire of an undershirt, sweater, and long cargo pants.

He passed by the other rooms silently to make sure he didn't wake up his other roommates although he could have sworn he had heard one of them leaving earlier in a rush. For breakfast he had eaten two smore flavored pop tarts straight out of the wrapper and some orange juice which was too light of a meal but was enough for the boy. Before leaving, he made sure he had his wallet, phone, and a small bubble blower bottle able to fit in his secondary side pocket. He noticed on his way out of the library that some of the books were misplaced, likely cause of yesterday. It took awhile for him to properly shelf some of them and there was still more to go but Conner knew that Gall wouldn't want him missing classes and he was going to be helping the reaper out later today anyway so he left the rest of the fixing too the librarian.

It was only as he was walking through the dorms hallway that Conner realized that he didn't have any supplies for classes today and contemplated on either going to town to buy some of the common things needed or go on with his day and get a syllabus so he can go shopping later on. This was where his bubble blower comes into good use. He walked over to the gardens just outside the dorms, where he thought it was the perfect spot to blow bubbles. Much like a smoker would light a cigarette to relieve stress, Conner blows bubbles whenever he feels the need to think deeply. He took out the container and stirred the plastic wand a bit before bringing it to his lips and blowing out a smooth stream of air that caused a lot of bubble to float out into the sky. He would continue to repeat this process over and over, constantly thinking about what action he should take.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Agh, fuck this. Meria and Drael collab
Warning: Fluff and blood sucking

Meria happily chops up the new peice of meat as she said her thanks mentally. So far, she had finished at least around 30 bowls of food so far and was feeling pretty good about it. Humming away as she brought the water to a boil. Of course, good times don't last as long as you always want them to. Meria turned around and saw that Drael was now inside the room with her. "Oh! Drael! I think I saw you earlier." she said, right about to swerve past him.

Before he opened his mouth to speak. She frowned, shaking her head. She had a knife in her hand at the time. Meria looked at it and took the knife and cut her wrist, blood pouring out as she brought it up to his mouth, flinching a bit at the pain. "There. Drink." He was her master after all. She looked at him, waiting for him to get it over with. She wanted to continue making the food.

To the act of self sacrifice Draél frowned at first, yet as he saw the blood ooze out of her would he couldn't simply let it drip on the floor now could he?. He caught her arm in a firm grip and placed his tongue at the bottom of the flood and licked upwards trailing up slowly to the source of the blood. Once he reached the cut he lapped it clean and firmly stopped it from flowing out with his lips. His eyes glowed slightly as he suckled up the blood until he had at least a slight fill, he didn't want to overdo it after all as she could possibly die if he got a bit too lost in this. Once he were done however he squeezed her wrist harder to stop the bleeding, then held her like that firmly in a titan' s grip as he dressed the wound for her.

He glared at her right after, and for a second his hand moved just by her throat as in an attempt to grip it for a choke. Yet it landed softly towards the side of it as he rubbed up her neck and up to her chin and ear. ”Thank you… ” he said before letting go of her and turning away. He looked to the meat she had cut up and took a piece into his grip, he then chomped down on it raw as he didn’t qutie care that much if it was cooked or not at the moment. He then slumped down at a nearby table after walking of, crashing his head towards it as he just groaned. After that he simply laughed for a while... "Yeah... I guess I were playing tower defence earlier with a random picked party" he said and shook his head.

She pulled her wrist away to fix the wound herself. Nodding at his thanks but clicking her tongue at the sight of him simply eating the food raw. The food that she was using to make for others. "I'm using that." she hissed, pulling the meat away and setting it down on a table. Meria went over to the sink and rinsed off the wound. "Were you aiming for dragon lady?" she asked. Her friend did seem interested as well after all. Meria wanted to know if he actually succeeded in any way.

"It was meant to be eaten possibly by me... but whatev" he muttered towards her defensive reaction towards him eating a piece of meat. After all it was one piece and he came here to eat something in the first place so to him it shouldn't matter. He were in no way really satisfied with his hunger or thirst right now... she only had stalled it. "Not really... I was supposed to stay in that tower when hell broke out on the roof... I had to see what was going on and ended up in the middle of a fight" he replied as he thought about it, he then sighed.

"The Dragon Sorcha seemed to be attacked by a Weird Angel man, so obviously I attempted to break her out of the spell. Can't just have them angels attack people after all... So it got into a standoff with several induviduals trying solve the situation... and After it calmed down the Dragon lady could reclaim her home succcessfully" he said as he crossed his arms. "I went to check on her later to see if she was injured... but it appered that she had made it out just fine... after that I simply left." he said as he leaned back in his chair.

How boring. She nodded her head as he spoke, continuing to make the food. That's not interesting at all. She finished another bowl of yakiniku and placed it in front of him to eat. I think i'm just about done. She had finished making a lot of food so far. "Oh! Who are all of your roommates? she asked curiously. The tower seemed like a beautiful place to live.

Draél raised a brow as she asked him who he lived with, giving a slight shrug he simply glanced ahead and let out a sigh. Looking to the plate she so kindly placed in front of him he smiled and grabbed a spoon to eat with. "Apperently some Crazy Lune... who's scrumpled brain only can think about fighting... apperently a The Janitor Goblin army or something... and The Dragoness on top... its like the weirdest crew ever" he said as he dug into the food. Then after chewing a while and swallowing he glanced to her "Thank you..." he said again. He thought for a while actually before smiling to her. "Well, I've actually considered Gating... If I don't feel like staying in the tower I think I might Gate home to nap... have quite long since I visited home... besides its not like its a lot of effort for me to open an oblivion gate... unless I get a better offer of course... I rather avoid my old man if I can... " he said as he thought about it.

Meria wondered who those people were once he had mentioned them. A crazy lune? His descriptions aren't very good at all. She frowned once he mentioned gating. She knew for a fact that he wasn't a fan of going back home and that didn't sit well with her. A better offer? Hmmm... Meria had a certain type of memory. See it 2 times. Practically photographic memory but she well, had to see it twice. However, her mind tended to forget other things pretty easily. "Oh... You don't like going home..I remember you mentioned that..." she pondered on the thought but then she saw a solution. "Oh! You could just sleep in my room?" a smile on her face. With this, he wouldn't need to go home and he wouldn't need to stay in his dorm which was apparently unpleasant.

Hearing her response Draél smirked as he gave himself a slight facepalm. She was so kind... a bit dense at times, quite a lot hard to make understand things... but very kind. "Yeaaah... I might have said that" he said before smiling to her as he thought about the offer, it was in fact a lot better than going home. "That would be very kind of you. I can't turn such an offer down. Thank you... Honestly Meria... from the bottom of my heart I thank you. You probably don't even understand how much this mean to me" he said as he got up to give her a kind and gentle hug.

He looked to her and smiled as he let go, "One of these days... I will repay all you've done for me. Now... if there's anything you need... please state it, I don't really have much to do at the moment and you seem kinda busy" he said sincerely as he looked at her.

She was releived that he took her offer. Well, that's done but... Where would he sleep? Hmm~ I guess with me? She smiled at him, releasing herself from his hug and laughing a bit. "Haha, if you're happy that's enough. I don't need anything" she said smiling as she turned around. Now, I suppose i'll get this stuff to where it's supposed to be. "See you master Drael." she said, giving him another smile along with a wave as she went to go deliver the food.

Draél couldn't possibly muse more, she didn't ask for anything in return... gave him a lot, and even went so far as to call him master. He shuddered with the feeling of happiness at the moment... he wanted to just pull out a ring and propose to her on the spot so he could spend an eternity with her. He gave her a bow and smiled "I am... all because of you. " he replied as he ate peacefully until he emptied the plate. He then placed the plate and tuff into wherever the dishes went and decided to stick around nearby until Meria finished her job for the day.

As their day ended, the two of them would probably peacefully return to Meria's room. Once there Draél looked around before leaning towards the wall. There he pondered about their sleeping arrangements for a while, but figured he could ask if she already had thought of a solution too it. "You certainly got a nice room here" he said and glanced to her bed before looking back to Meria. "So where do you want me to sleep for the night?" he asked.out of curiosity.

Meria placed down anything that she was holding and set it beside her bed. She nodded at the mention of it being a nice room. It wasn't bad I suppose. "Eh? I don't really care? You can sleep wherever as long as you don't bother my roommates I suppose." she smiled before looking around the room. "Oh~ Lukas isn't sleeping here tonight. You could sleep there!" she mentioned cheerfully. A wonderful coincidence. She honestly didn't care where he slept at the moment as long as he was satisfied. Meria laid on her bed, exhaling as she pushed her hair away from her face and slightly closed her eyes. Meria hadn't noticed that she was this tired.

Draél tilted his head slightly and then smiled as she offered him to sleep anyhwere. Well there was an offere he couldn't possibly abuse in any way was it?... "Oh?... is that so?... that' s curious" he replied looking to Lukas bed. Honestly he didn't think he would be using that bed... he thought it was a great moment to Snuggle up with Meria and get all cozy. As she laid down in her bed he sat down next to it and gently patted Meria's hed. "Hey... want to grab a shower together before bed time?... I could use the oppertunity to make it up to you for being so nice earlier" he asked kindly.

Meria opened her eyes a bit and looked over at him. "Nnn~" she moaned turning in her bed as she flipped onto her side. "You can... Go ahead and take your shower first. Just... Wake me up when you're done.." she said quietly, closing her eyes once again. She would take a shower but it would have to be later. Meria barely paid attention to the request for the shower to be taken together and simply nodded a bit at his thanks. "Mmhmm~ she muttered at him, a your welcome in her mind.

Draél realized now that Meria was really tired, perhaps he could have used the oppertunity to carry her to the shower and get in with her... but instead he nodded and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Okay... I'll do that then" he replied as he walked off for a shower. He took a quite a few in there, making sure to get his body clean after all that had happened before, it was also a good chance to relieve himself of built up stress. Then he returned wrapped in a towel as he left his pants and the rest in the washing bin somewhere. He then snuggled up with Meria wrapping the blanket around the two as he hung the towel next to the bed.

Hugging her, he pondered if he really should wake her or not... she seemed so tired. Thus he decided to gently pat her a few times as he snuggled up close. "The Shower's free now" he would say gently to see if she awoke to it or not, otherwise he would just use the oppertunity to kindly undress her... depending on how deep she slept already.

Meria groaned, opening her eyes. She slowly got up, rubbing her eyes and standing up. Meria whispered, "Nn, thanks.." quietly before slowly getting up. She kissed him on the forehead without really opening her eyes all that much and went over to the shower room with her pajamas, towel, and other neccessities. Meria took a slow shower, her hair drenched as she awoke a bit more from her tired state. The water setting was set on medium but more so on cold without her realizing. She washed her hair gently after she had washed her body and rinsed off the water, shivering at the cold.

Once she was finished, Meria stepped into her pajamas and exited the shower room. Opening her eyes a bit as her partially dried hair rest on her right side, she looked over to Drael and smiled, going over to Lukas's bed. She stepped onto it, releived that she would at last be able to sleep. "...Lukas." she muttered quietly. She meant to say 'My bad Lukas' to mentally apolagize for intruding on his bed but at the time, words were not able to form easily so she just said his name and closed her eyes, pulling up the bed sheets. Meria had assumed that Drael was already asleep so she didn't bother saying goodnight, not wanting to wake him.

Meanwhile Draél felt cold in the other bed... eventually deciding to do Meria company anyway after a while after she had returned... after all it was much more fun to do that anyway, and he didn't Care if it was Lukas bed either... it would probably just be very hillarious if said Lukas decided to return to find two people sleeping in his bed...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


"Ahhh, Party Dress time for you. I think the elder is sending one of my nicer Kimonos so I don't need to worry about it." Mugi really hadn't noticed Lyssa was cold until she got a look at her from further away. Well, the demon couldn't blame her for the cold. Only herself overall. Yep. "Also, I just want to make sure you know I warned you that you might get a little bit frozen if you fell asleep with me." She couldn't help but to giggle at it, uncaring if it woke up both Iravis and Katie. If Mugi had to be up at this time, then those two sure as heck needed to be up too.

"Still, if you wanted me to go with you I could. I still have a week to get my Shaved Ice stand up and running. Actually, I guess it's a little less than a week, but you know what I mean." She also felt that it was a good idea to get to know the location a little bit better anyhow.


Katherine was surprised when someone asked her a question. She had no idea who this kid was and, honestly, he didn't seem to be someone to consider worrying about. Still, he was attempting to assist her, and that was worthy enough of respect. "My, my. Someone attempting to be helpful. In my travels I've had people try to steer clear of me." Then, the puppeteer took a peak at the person behind him. Wings and horns. She could be some sort of weird winged demon varient of course. But really, she had a more. . . Regal look to her. Less devious and more confident. Katherine was mostly sure that this was a dragon. Of course, most people probably like to stay clear of dragons too. Something about stealing sheep and kidnapping princesses. Strong opponents hoarding a cave of treasures slaying all the knights that attempt to subdue them. I've wanted to test myself against one." The doll-master whispered the last part before cackling to herself lightly with all the dolls just staring at her now. Anyhow, they're stories I'm sure. Some of them at least."

Katherine's eyes looked into the firey eyes of the dragon for a second or two before turning back to the boy addressed her originally, "But where are my manners? You may call me Katherine. You as well." She added looking at the dragon again before turning to the boy again. Regarding your original question, I would be simply estatic if you could point me towards the Headmaster's office. Apparently someone can take a wrong turn in Luxembourg and make a student a day late to school. I thought it might be best to apologize to the leader of the school."

It was about then that. . . Something. Yes, something. That was the best word that Katherine found she could use to describe what happened. Some. . . Thing was erratically running and bouncing(?) down the street. The dolls were giving off freightful reactions but not Katherine. She was ready to use the dolls in her rings to decimate the pink thing, but found no need as it harmless passed by and she returned her attention back to her conversational partners with no further heed to the whatsit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Was he really not going to resist? Sorcha was a little disappointed. Certainly she liked her servants to do what she tells them, but well...it was a little disappointing. Lukas didn't strike her as the type to simply obey such a ridiculous order so easily. Ah well...at least she could still have her fun with him this way. He'd be much better to play with as a cute girl anyways, heh. But a thought for later. For now, she was more interested in this woman in front of them.

"Well, I've never kidnapped a princess," Sorcha replied. "Though I do so love playing with little fools and knights that waltz into my den looking for a cave of treasure. Haven't stolen a sheep since Beowulf, though." She laughed softly. "I am Lady Sorcha, I reside here at the academy. Radiant King of the Heavens, though that Title holds little meaning these days." With that said, however, she had places to be and she wasn't going to let this girl slow her down. Though, for amusing her just a bit she would help the girl, just a little.

"But anyways, Lukas." She said, walking past him. "Come along. I would like to eat sooner rather than later. If you're looking for the Headmistress, you'll probably find her in her office." She said, pointing towards the main office buildings.


"Waaah? A kimono?" Lyssa said, perhaps a bit loudly. Hopefully it didn't wake Katie or Iravis up, but eh. "You'd look adorable in one. I mean, even more adorable." The demon giggled. It was a genuine compliment, definitely. Mugi was definitely adorable. Not adorable as she of course, but well, no one was adorable as she was. She would have hugged Mugi again, if she hadn't remembered how cold she already was. she did not feel like getting a bit of frostbite, no matter how adorable Mugi was.

"Ehe, yeah, but I can't help it. You're adorable and it's so hard to resist snuggling you to death. But really? You wanna come with me?" Lyssa giggled, sounding a bit happy that the Yuki-Onna offered. "Well, I don't mind at all!" The demon exclaimed rather loudly, definitely waking up Iravis that time. The redhead simply grumbled in her sleep, obviously quite annoyed at the noise, but that didn't seem to stop Lyssa.

"Hey hey, lemme take a shower and it's a date then."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Adria Solium

Oh no... Adria had missed the first day of school. Typically, nothing important really happened on those days, but it was still disappointing. At the very least, she could have sent word there was going to be a delay, but no. She could make it, she would be there, but she wasn't. Adria walked through the entrance to the school, still mentally kicking herself.

So, where did she need to go? She could see a few doors, all of them labeled something. Though even with labels she didn't know which one exactly to go to. Of course, the best way to find something is to poke her head in a door at random, and hope she got it on the first try. And indeed, that is exactly what she would do. Looking around, she would pick a door at random, before poking her head in.

"Hello, I'm new here, could someone help me find out where I need to go?"

(@Rune_Alchemist I'll let you decide if she finds someone, or no one at all)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Lukas Kunze : Regretful and Annoyed-

Lukas shined a suave smile at the girl, ready to go in for the kill with a simple quip. Looking at the blue-haired gal with playful eyes, stated his response to the girls first remark. "What? Ignoring some one as bfffft-" Oh, right, is your memory that short? Lady Sorcha basically said flirt with no one besides her for the remainder of the day. His gears were grinding in annoyance as he stopped mid-sentence, albeit, looking a bit irritated, but remained the same.

"Er, they shouldn't of ignored someone who needed their help," Lukas remarked, eyeing the dragon after that comment with much annoyance before returning his glare to Katherine. "I mean is it really that hard to take some time out of their day to assist a lo-lady! Yes, lady out in her journey?" Ok, maybe this was getting a bit on his nerves now since he basically was adjusted to hitting with every woman in sight... or trying to anyways.

Then there were the comments over dragons, which the girl easily identified Sorcha as from what he could identify. It appeared to be almost as if she was fangirling over them as she recalled the stories... Eh, maybe... However, near the end, Lukas noticed something strange - no words, mouth was still moving. Before he could actually question what the woman said, she continued onward, stating her name and business, how she was late to orientation... which meant she failed to receive the piece of paper regarding where she would bunk.

Pleasure to meet you Katherine," Lukas replied, jubilant at the discourse of meeting a new, cute girl that he would look forward to probably seeing. "My name is Lukas Kunze, it's nice to meet you," Lukas replied, bowing his head as she gave the girl a pleasant look. "Katherine... such a ggguh..." Ok, this was getting downright idiotic to the point where Lukas wasn't enjoying this request... maybe he might have word with Lady Sorcha over this once more, since she more than likely ignored him the first time.

... great name; it's a pretty one, I'll say... anyways..." Lukas' speech pattern was seemingly awkward to anyone passing by, and it was blatantly obvious that he did want to say something, before abruptly cutting it off. With his name called, Lukas whipped his head to Sorcha who told the girl which building to locate Livia in, along with beckoning him to follow.

Looking over at the girl, he gave one last added detail that would most likely assist the girl. "Also, her office is on the top floor, find some stairs, take a left, then right, stay that way, then you should reach her office." Lukas slowly walked past her before waving and saying one last thing... "By the way you rrr... Uhm, see you some time later Katherine." Lukas did his best to hide his aggression in his voice as he jogged to catch up with Sorcha, keeping it plain and short.

Lukas did not at all appear to be a happy camper; his face was scrunched up, eyebrows were furrowed, and he had an irritated frown plastered on his face. Above all, he shot a dirty look at Sorcha with that statement of hers denying him the chance to hit on anyone else. Yes, he didn't mind, but after that minor spiel, he was brazenly irked that he couldn't comment or say anything to hit on her... And the worse part that she was really cute!

"Lady Sorcha," Lukas spoke with a hint of irritation, leering at the woman as he spoke, almost wanting to vent at this point. "Mind if we have a small chat over that ludicrous statement you said earlier about... you know, not flirting with any lady besides you? Because I think you might of ignored some of my previous statements from earlier..." While his voice remained the same, it now heralded tinges of annoyance.

@Rune_Alchemist @Pyromania99
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alicia was finally starting to get the hang of life at Montagne. The classes both academic and mystical were tough, but she had managed to get through them relatively unscathed. She had come down to the garden to speak with some of the flowers and work on her magic. A runner of ivy had escaped its trellis and was making a break for freedom, so she used that for practice, bending it into new shapes with her spells. Idly, Alicia wondered if any students were going to wander by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In the end, Arata never actually slept. After sending Katsumi off, the oni, refreshed from a meal that was tasty if not filling, returned to the Tower. He could hear the shenanigans happening within the Tower simply by closing his eyes and focusing, and he was disappointed with it. Sure, he had seen it coming, but that didn’t mean it was any less sad to know of. The bat-girl had a man over and was most likely planning on fornicating with him later on into the night, like the stereotypical rule-by-sex King that she clearly was.

He looked upwards at the incandescent light that spilled from the windows, before turning away. The tools were all present, and Arata didn’t look forward to spending his night staring up at the sky with only his thoughts as company. So, all things considered, he might as well get to work patching up the holes.

This was harder than expected. The stone-glue couldn’t be applied too thickly or too thinly, and it was a job that required precision and patience. Arata could do the former, but the latter? After a few too many mishaps while walking along the side of the tower, he finally got into the rhythm of things, right as the day broke, the sun rising once more. Squinting from the scenery he could see from halfway up the tower, Arata spared a small smile. The world may be full of disgusting cretins, imposters, and honorless dogs, but at least Amaterasu’s glory was as brilliant as ever. With that, he placed the first stone brick, the first of many that will fill up the holes within the Tower.

The birds sang, the clouds drifted, and the coldness of the night was chased away by daylight warmth, until a shadow descended upon Arata, passing down moments later. Looking down at the sight of Sorcha alongside another, unfamiliar male, he felt a sudden burst of hatred, a flame that licked at coals once more. The queen bitch of the dogs must have had a nice night, huh? The boy was young and weak, and Arata spat to the side, a foul cloud descending over his features once more. The bat-girl was literally a cradle-snatcher now, huh, looking for lackey-servants instead of comrades who could fight alongside her.

Disgusting, filthy slut.

The brick in his hand crumbled to dust, and he pulled out another one from the box he tied around his waist. Regardless of whoever the fuck she was fucking, there were other things for him to pay attention to. Like the holes that he had patch up, and work that had to be done before then.

He turned away from the spectacle that laid below him, and got back to work, clearing his head of unnecessary thoughts.

Sometime later, the foreman arrived, and, after being called off the Tower, Arata leapt off, landing in front of the man. The man was middle-aged, a more modern, simple person that the colorful individuals that populated the Academy, and was also many times weaker, but the oni could tolerate that. After all, unlike those training to become the warriors of the nation, this man was a working man, one who had a job, had his own, ordinary happiness, and had no place on the battlefield. The raven-haired man was a creator, and Arata had a certain amount of respect for that.

“So, Arata, didn’t recall asking for you to pull a graveyard shift,” the man said, whistling at the work that had already been completed on the tower.

The oni shrugged. “Don’t really need to sleep, and I didn’t want to think too much.”

He smiled, looking up at the tower. “Girl problems?”

“Yeah, fucking disgusting shit just left with another man.”

“Oh wow,” the foreman remarked, “Watch your language, kiddo. And no need to get so jealous. There’s always others.”

“But there aren't others! She’s the first I found, and now she’s just dilly-dallying with these fodder? Couldn’t even have a proper engagement with her the first time I saw her.”

“Arata, my boy, relationships take time. You need to understand this, alright?”

The oni’s hands flipped upwards in frustration. “But time wasn’t even made! How do I eve-”

“Shush, shush, enough about that.” The man turned back to the construction material stacked up around the tower, before saying, “Anyways, you wanted to build a storage shed, right? What were the details again?”

Changing the subject? Fine, whatever. “Three stories high, made of stone, and large enough for each floor to have all the basic necessities that modern-day whelps require to live comfortably.”

“Pretty big for a storage shed.”

“There’s lots of tools here.”

“Well, alright. You’ve already patched up the holes, so just give me half a day to draw up the blueprint. You’re fine with working around the clock then, right?”

Arata grinned, flexing his bicep. “I’m Arata, the sole survivor of the Night Parade. My strength is divine and my stamina is legendary. Of course I’ll be able to.”

The foreman scratched his scruffy face, wondering why he always got the chuuni ones, before laughing. “Alright then, my boy! I always liked the can-do attitude that youngsters have. Head to the library, go look up those architecture designs, and tell me if you want anything super fancy, yeah?”

“Got it…but where’s the library?”

“Fuck if I know. Never went to this magical academy. I was more of a trade school person myself.”

“Alright, I’ll see you in the afternoon then.”

“Yeah, be teaching you proper techniques then as well, so eat a big meal!”

Arata jumped off, heading towards wherever the library was. Should be fairly obvious. He just needed to follow the smell of musky books to a large-sized building. A crater was left in his dynamic, and the foreman scratched his head. His crewmen were going to come in half an hour later, and he supposed that he could do some real work for once. With that, the man began to patch up that hole in the ground.

From the sky, Arata dropped dramatically from sky, a dust cloud rising from his impact as he landed before the building that smelled of books. Cracking his neck and shaking the dust off his pants, the barefooted ogre breathed in deeply, and shouted out, “THIS IS THE LIBRARY, RIGHT?!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Katsumi awoke, her eyelashes fluttering and she looked to her side to see a window that revealed the sunrise. She had never awoken from her sleep to be greeted with the beautiful scenery rather than study material scattered every where. She turned her head and got up. The other night, she had found out that her dorm was to be in the library and delightfully headed over there. Reading a mystery novel before falling asleep beside a bookshelf. Katsumi looked down at the book and nearly got up to place it back in its proper place. She was awake but not quite, her mind not functioning well at the time.


She flinched at the sudden noise. “Shut up she hissed, turning to whoever it was that felt the need to shout in a library. Her hair wasn’t messy at all and her face had no expression of anger. Simply slight irritation though she felt more than that. Once she saw that it was someone she had met before, she sighed “I apologize for that.” and with that, she got up and patted her nightgown down. Her pajamas were always comfortable and simple. Katsumi wasn't sure if she was quite presentable at the time but didn't pay much attention since she had just woken up. She placed the book back in its designated place. “Yes. It’s the library. Looking for something?” She asked, now wide awake from the noise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Meredith Hillard~

-Nurse, Alchemist, and insane Genius-

'Twas a normal day in the life of a certain woman by the name of Meredith Hillard. Munching on a celery stick, laying on a desk with her head dangling off the edge. The womans legs were kicking back and forth off of the opposite end. She was wearing a content smile on her face as she nibbled on it, seeming completely oblivious to almost everything else around her. Everything that was on the desk seemed to have been pushed aside, or unceremoniously dropped on the ground.

She must have been quite a sight to most people. A fully grown woman acting exactly like a small child might, but well...this was known to be normal behavoir for Meredith to some of the older students of Montagne.

To a new student like Adria, though, it might have been a little shocking. What Meredith did when she noticed the newcomer, probably couldn't have helped either. Without a word, she shoved the rest of the celery stick into her mouth, somehow fitting the rest of the vegetable right down her throat, nearly swallowing the thing whole. Immediately afterwards, the blond rolled off of the desk, just barely landing on her feet.

In one swift movement, she was already next to Adria.

"Hi hi! I'm Meredith!" She greeted cheerfully. "New here? Well, welcome to the infirmary!" She took a few steps back and motioned for the newcomer to come inside. "Don't have your dorm assignment, then?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Goodbye Lukas and Sorcha. May our paths cross again!" Katherine said as the two left before turning back around and heading in the direction that Lukas said the Headmistress' Office was. "And perhaps in the future I'll find myself a chance to test myself against her. Dragons are quite powerful beings. Now, come Doll Brigade, time to visit the Headmistress." She said to her vast collection that followed in behind her, losing the marching step they had before and instead being a little rowdy group of beings trying to keep up with their master. She urged them on as the walked through the school, catching the eyes of many magicians and familiars for such an unorthedox thing as an army of dolls. "Yes, gawk at your better you pathetic masses." From an outside look, one could not tell if it was pure arrogance or actual superiority in her attitude. As of now, that was solely due to her lack of testing her power against other students. Time would tell.

"Found it." Katherine muttered as she thought she found the place that Lukas described. It really wasn't that hard to find when one knew where to look. The puppeteer knocked on the door and waited a second before opening and walking in. "Pardon me, Headmistress Livia. I believe that was your name." The girl said before giving a slight curtsy, "My name is Katherine Lindall. 'The Dark Witch' some of my . . . Acquaintance call me due to some of my exploits. But please, just call me Katherine. Due to some reasons. . ." She started to say before looking at one of the many dolls that followed her into the room before that small thing seemed to try defending itself. Then looked back to the Headmistresss. "I was late and had to show up the second day. My apologies on that matter. That being said, I was hoping you could inform me of my dorm and I guess a small catch-me-up? I'd hate to interrupt the head of the academy for such things, but I could think of no better options."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Vera Rosenberg

The Gardens (again)

Again, classes flew by like usual. Of course, these were only the first few days of school, so lessons were bound to be a breeze. Not that Vera minded, though. Less tiring lessons meant more concentration and care for the flower beds. She needed to get to tending those dying flowers and empty flower patches sooner or later.

Surprisingly, somebody was already there.

It was that girl she had met on her first day back at Montagne. Was it Alice? Lucy? Lucia? Vera hadn't even bothered to take note of it.

A smile crept onto her face as Vera approached Alicia. With her soft steps, it would have been hard to hear her walking in for the kill walking towards the girl. The encounter would have probably gone along the lines of 'creepy tall girl appears out of nowhere with a smile that makes shit shit themselves'.

Or maybe something else.

"Well, I guess it's not much of a surprise seeing you here, Alicia," Vera interrupted in her oh so gentle voice. The brunette smiled.

"I see… You have the ability to manipulate plants, correct?" she questioned, pointing to the ivy on the walls. "I don't recall seeing those ivy in that position yesterday afternoon."

Vera then brushed pass Alicia like a majestic fucking eagle ghost, heading towards a nearby patch of soil. Slipping on a pair of gloves she crouched down and eyed the wilted, wrinkled flowers. There was no saving them.

Another smile could be seen on Vera's face.

"It's advisable to remove withered flowers, is it not?

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