Name: Genesis Kobayashi
Age: 18
Power: Beast Taming - can establish an organic, empathetic, and psychic link with a creature which allows her to develop a mental link with with a creature, able to speak with creature telepathically. Mind controlling even far powerful creatures and able to mount or use creatures for fights or other purposes. The animals may see the tamer as their alpha. However is still training, so her powers have some limitations, mostly related to length.

(The girl)
Personality: She is certainly bizarre to anyone that crosses her path, she is extremely strange, hyperactive and has some mannerisms of a dog but only sometimes. Not extremely trusting of others, but also not immediately antisocial. Often getting curious about anyone she happens to run into. Doesn't really have a sense of humor, not understanding jokes as they usually went over her head. She isn't afraid of anyone, mostly because she is deeply trusting and caring for her brother. She doesn't like being touched. She is peaceful and tends to avoid direct conflict.
Color and location of symbol: Black center of her back.
Bio: Genesis lived in a most peculiar deeply connected village of several hundred people that was peaceful and prosperous and quite lively, a place where nobody was reprehensible and everyone had a smile on their faces, it was even nicknamed “The smiling village” by the few that would travel there. Which they fully accepted outsiders, though kept cautious regardless. Their only problem was everyone didn't really like one particular family in their village, unfortunately it was Genesis's family, rumored to be raised by wolves, than adopted by two eccentric grandparents considering all her mannerism's liking growling at people and scratching her ear with her foot, or the fact that she had wolf wars and a tail, that no one could exactly tell if they were actually real. She in fact doesn't know most of her past as it just draws a blank in her mind, but that didn't stop her from trying to living a normal life for most her life, helping her parents out with farm work, finding immediate connections with the farm animals learning she could control them, and even protect them from creature trying to hunt them for prey, she slept on the roof instead of her bed almost every night unless specifically instructed otherwise, so she could watch the stars, and she loved the pale glowing of the moon. Starting to express interesting in magic, and secretly practicing beast taming through her adventures in the forest the villages didn't dare to enter, seeing it as a territory boundary that as long as it wasn't crossed, the villagers was safe.
However, everything changed where she decided she was a burden on her parents, feeling as if she never belonged there. Escaping the prison that she had been put in for the night because of disobeying the strict orders never to enter the forest again. Becoming a runaway, after the village had chastised the parents plenty of times that they were considering banishing the trouble maker. After being worried that her constant trips inside the forest and back would encourage monsters to attack their village. Which after getting as far away as she could from anyone else, without saying goodbye. She suddenly had to learn to survive completely on her own. She suddenly found herself in a dangerous situation, when camping out, one night full moon when there was a harsh storm blowing. Without warning, Surrounded by malicious creatures and her power wasn't enough to keep them from approached closer inch by inch, thinking she would die that night. Closing her eyes fearfully expecting the worst, only to open them as see a large black wolf that eliminated every single creature, blood and gore covered the area as it was covered in several fresh battle scars, approaching her and telepathically asking if she was alright. And from that fateful day onward, she wasn't alone anymore. After several others adventures bonding quickly with her brother, at least that's what she thought of him and how Fenrir, which what was Genesis named him figuring him remaining nameless would make it had to address him in future. As they traveled together from that point onward...
Name: Fenrir
Age: ???
Power: Supernatural Strength and Speed
Appearance: Same pic as above. (The Wolf)
Personality: Protective of her, and seemingly very obsessed with her keeping a close eye on her at all times, and never going too far away from her. He is extremely cautious toward any strangers and is aggressive to those he finds as threats, extremely loyal and obedient to only her words. He is not afraid to become violent and will mercilessly kill anything that he sees harming her. He usually is calm, if not completely unconcerned about his surroundings, not interesting in making friends. However is very talkative and not afraid to express his two cents. Speaking to her often through telepathy.
Bio: ??? (Fill out in RP, if I have to)