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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bao was responsible for everyone else in her family before her day could even begin. She was to make breakfast for them, make sure her sister's were up and ready for school, make sure her father had a lunch, make sure her sisters got on the correct bus to school, and made sure the house was tidy enough so her mother didn't have to stress too much while at home. Sometimes this seemed impossible, but the girl did it.

Sitting at the kitchen table, her father and sisters already gone off for their day Bao stared blankly at her cold bowl of oatmeal. Her mother held gaze before speaking, "You have to eat so you don't get too skinny. Boys don't like girls that look like sticks. They don't like fat girls either so don't eat too much." Bao was discouraged by her mother's words. Every girl no matter how she looks deserved to be loved and be thought as beautiful. "Okay mom" Bao replied, not wanting to start a fight so early in the morning. Taking some bites of her oatmeal, her one leg pulled up underneath her as the other hung from the chair. Soon enough Bao's mother became tired of watching her oldest daughter eat, and left the table to do her own errands for the day. Soon after, Bao got up and scraped the remaining bit of oatmeal in the trash, washing and drying her bowl and putting it away before heading back to her room.

Plopping onto the bed a moment, Bao threw her head back with a sigh onto her pillow. Today was the first day back to school, and despite relatively liking school- she couldn't help but hate the pressure and the sneaking around that came with it. She would be a senior the following year and that meant that she would need to be super serious about what university she would be attending and what career she would be pursuing- despite her own personal dreams. Thoughts of Chris also wandered through her mind, thinking of how the festival went last night and what it meant for their friendship. Would it have been a one day fling or was there something more there? All of these questions were left unanswered after they parted ways last night.

A sigh escaped her lips.

It would just have to be something she would deal with when the time came. Pulling herself from her bed she grabbed her uniform attired and headed to the bathroom, taking a shower and the other daily routines. Brushing her brown hair into a high bun she let it sink a bit, being on the messy side. She chose to do the combination of skirt, white button up, and yellow cardigan. She refused to wear the blue bow tie, and made the red tie her bitch. Putting a small amount of makeup on her face, she finished the look with a bit of red lipstick; a deal sealer in her start to the new day.

Having packed her backpack almost a week before the school day, she knew she had everything she needed and then some. Placing it on her back she called to her mother goodbye and walked out the door. She walked every day to the high school, giving her some time to be by herself and have time to think.

Arriving relatively on time, she didn't make much of a fuss and sat quietly in her assigned front row seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ayumi was completely immersed in her writing. Not paying attention to her surroundings much.

The night Buenos dais

She put on a confused look as she began to take in the sounds around her. "Fancy handwriting you got there." Ayumi turned her head to see a boy looking at her. Huh? Oh. He must have said that. "I guess we are going to be in the same class. I'm Arturo." Ayumi smiled kindly at the man. "Haha, sorry, I was a little zoned out there." she said, speaking softer than usual. The boy was obviously foreign. Perhaps Hispanic? He towered over Ayumi by a lot which caused her to have to look up more. She was meeting a lot of foreigners lately. Ayumi closed her notebook gently and looked at him. She always made sure to make eye contact when speaking to people. Unless it was a rare occasion and she was actually embarrassed by something. But that doesn't happen much at all. Ayumi had on a sweet smile on face as she wondered what she was supposed to say next. All that continued to fill her head were thoughts of her story and the characters in it but they weren't very good references for making small talk. Well, no mind. Oh. I hadn't introduced myself. "Nice to meet you Arturo~ My name's Ayumi." her voice was still gentle as she looked at him. His hair was very pretty and reminded her of a character that she had in her story. Long hair with green eyes. It wouldn't be very pleasant if he actually acted like the man though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chris & Brandon

Chris finally got his things ready, walking to his class. He looked at people as they walked by and smiled at everyone he passed. He was trying his best not to make this day turn out like crap. He passed various groups of people. Chris saw more popular people show up now. He became a bit self-conscious. Did he look good? Was his hair okay? He tried not to think about it. But then Bao crossed his mind. His heart raced, a smile formed on his face, and he blushed lightly. Chris then noticed the bully group. Chis kept his head down after looking away as he was right outside his classroom door. He was too late, however. The leader of that group, Brandon Myers, grabbed Chris by his shoulder and turned him around. Brandon had made eye contact with Chris, not liking the blush he saw on his face.

"Hey, punk! Don't look at me like that. GOT IT?!" Brandon yelled at Chris. Chris' fragile body was shaken by his voice. Chris wasn't up to being handled right now. "Get off of me!" Chris demanded, pushing Brandon away from him. Chris then realized the major mistake he had made. He looked at the closed door of his classroom before looking back at Brandon. He had no escape as he saw a punch flying at his face. Chris closed his eyes as he felt Brandon's fist strike his cheek. Chris fell backwards and landed on his back. Brandon smirked and stood over Chris. "Don't touch me punk," Brandon said as he cracked his knuckles. "or there WILL be more where that came from." Brandon finished, walking away and disappearing from Chris' sight. Chris stood up and dusted himself off. He rubbed his cheek and opened the door to the classroom. He looked for the trash can, spitting blood into it a few times. He had a large, purple mark on his left cheek. He saw Bao and immediately smiled despite just being punched. He walked to her desk, completely forgetting he had gotten punched. He didn't know he had a bruise either.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 13 days ago

Robert woke up right about when he had planned to, which is about an hour before school started. He got himself ready, putting on the uniforms. He thought about modifying them, but this was not the day for it. He tucked his shirt in on one side only, looking rather rebellious. His tie is hung loosely around his neck. He swung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to school.

As he arrived into the classroom, he peered around the room. He saw some people he had seen at the firework the night before. However, one person caught his eye. He checked out the seating chart. "Dammit.." He whispered under his voice. He took out a piece of paper scribbled on it and walked to his seat. As he passed Ayumi, he set the note on her table and made his way to his seat.

On the note, it read:

Hey. I didn't get your phone number last night before you took off. Here is mine, text me yours.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@sakurasan @KillBox

A deep chuckle radiated from Arturo's chest as he surveyed her writing, which now included his words. "Ayumi. Nice name. I expect you are a studious person as well, considering you have arrived so early." He tilted his head slightly as he surveyed her. "By the way, you've got pencil all down your hand and arm." he gestured to the blackish grey pencil markings, a clear indicator of someone who wrote frequently. Likely because she brushed the paper with her hands while writing, a tic he found fascinating. He raised an eyebrow as one of his classmates passed by him, setting something on the table. A guy about his age who wasn't nearly as tall as him, with reddish hair and orangish brown eyes. The guy perched right beside where Arturo's seat was. Arturo wasn't the biggest fan of redheaded people.. but he would have to get used to sitting next to this guy. Shame that Ayumi was already claimed by another though, as she was kinda cute. Her red-headed friend?? Not so much.. but then again, Arturo had never been the biggest fan of redheads. Especially considering the red-heads he'd met in his life. One in particular he'd watched break the nose of one of his friends. Not that the guy didn't deserve it because he'd been cheating on her.. but it still scared the crap out of him. Good to know he'd never see her again. "Nice boyfriend you've got there." he commented, leaning against the desk casually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


'Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt'. Alex rolled out of bed and mashed down on his alarm. Wait, his alarm. He didn't have an alarm. Alex bolted up from his bed and saw a note beside the alarm, "This is from your friendly hallmate. You don't want to be late. I set an alarm just for you." Alex looked at the clock which said 5:30. "Really." He groaned and took a quick shower. He decided he might as well go ahead and get to school. He threw on his uniform and made the short walk to the academic buildings.

He walked around the school to familiarize himself with the layout before hunting for his homeroom class. He shot a quick text to Kiley saying, "Already at the school. Looks pretty nice. Been here awhile now. Stinkin' jerks set an early alarm in my room. I'll see ya whenever you get here." He walked into the room and noticed some he had never meet. Well of course he did. They had only been in Japan for a few days and only had talked to a few people. He checked the seating chart and went to his spot which was uncomfortably close to the Hispanic dude and the girl he was speaking to. Alex just laid his head down and hoped no one would speak to him.


Kiley had been awake since 6:00 of her own choice. She was fixing a small lunch for her and Alex just in case it was a little confusing for them on the first day. She hoped today would go well but wasn't to positive of it depending on who they ran into during the day. She also wanted to see Meria again. She was the only link they really had to the rest of the small world they were in at Arctane.

When Alex's text came in she laughed a little. Alex loved sleeping until the last minute and hated being early at times to. She got the rest of the way ready and rushed to the school building and was really happy when she saw that she was at least in the same class as Alex. She didn't get on to him for already napping in class but went ahead and checked where she was sitting.

Yes. front and centerish. Oh, also Meria was in their class as well. Kiley scanned to the rest of the chart to see if anyone else they might have known was in class but no such luck. She just sighed and walked to her seat and sat down pulling out a book and started reading.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ayumi was surprised by how deep his chuckle was. "Studious?" she looked down at her notebook and a gentle smile formed on her lips before she smiled brightly at him. "Haha, a bit I suppose." she said to Arturo. Ayumi glanced down at her arm and noticed all the pencil markings. She didn't really care since appearances were the least of her worries at the time. Writing was all that mattered. She was a lover of writing and reading indeed. Ayumi chuckled before wiping a few off and shrugging. Besides, somehow, she had grown to love the smell of pencil markings. "It'll hopefully come off sooner or later." she said with a smile. Ayumi then looked past her to see someone familiar. Robert.

She was just about to greet him before he put a note on her table and walked over to his desk. "Nice boyfriend you got there." Ayumi looked up rather quickly, looking at Arturo. "B-Boyfriend? Just a friend." she said, a surprised an a bit embarrassed expression on her face. However, she wasn't one to ponder on such things so she threw the feeling of embarrasent away as she smiled. "We just met yesterday at the festival." she said before glancing at the note. Phone number. "Robert!" She called out as she waved to him with a smile before frowning a bit. "Sorry, but I can't give out my number... It's nothing personal or anything, don't worry! I just... can't. At least, not without permission." She looked at him apologetically. Ayumi had walked over to him and given back the note. She could see the homeroom teacher talking to someone just outside the room. It wasn't important but she thought she might as well return to her seat. Ayumi sat down at her seat and looked up at Arturo. All she knew was that he was quite prone to jump to conclusions. But well, he seemed like a nice person. "Did you go to the festival?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I fucked up..."

Saori woke up at 3:00 am. She rolled around in bed, trying to get back to sleep, but she just gave up. She rolled around in bed, thinking about what potentially happened between that redhead and Ayumi. Why the hell did she leave like that? Even though she met someone new, that guy was probably off making moves on her! From her perspective, it ruined every chance she had. "I'm a fucking idiot. A gay idiot, at that."

Why does she care? It's not like she had a chance anyways. It'd either end up like her last relationship, or not start up at all...Whatever. Whatever! Who cares? She's just going to stop-

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Oh. The alarm isn't broken. Sai turned it off and got out of bed. She stretched and she yawned, and after a quick shower she put the disgusting uniform on. It looked straight out of some trash anime, like that something Connect. Sailor suits with anti-gang blazers were just the worst. They could even be modified with red Nazi bands! "Absolute trash." She scoffed. She had to wear it anyways, so she did.

She fixed herself a small lunch. Nothing too big, just a sandwich, a bag of chips, and a soda. She didn't feel hungry just yet, so she didn't get anything to eat for breakfast. That seemed to be a trend for her recently. She shrugged it off. It couldn't be anything too important.

Upon walking outside, the warmth of the sun welcomed Saori to a new world and a new day. School started today! New school, new her, etcetera. She acknowledged a couple of 'Hi's from students at her old school before arriving at her new one.

She got to her locker and saw Chris getting up from something. She saw his face, and immediately became worried. Did he just get punched? He was bruised and stuff...but who did it? And why would someone do that? He never did anything wrong, did he? No, Chris wasn't like that...she shaked her head as she got back to earth.

Saori walked into the classroom, and saw the redhaired hugger give Ayumi a note. Then, she heard something from the boy next to Ayumi.

"Nice boyfriend you got there."



Saori looked uncomfortable. She was confused. She set down her things at a desk, and walked outside the back door and in front of a wall. She lifted a fist and rammed it straight into the wall. There was a loud bang, and mostly pain in her hand, but she did see a small dent in the wall. "Fuck..." She mumbled under her breath. She walked into the classroom again and sat down where she had put her things, holding her hand in slight pain.

This year was going to be torture. She could feel it. In her hand.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

KIDDO glanced at the clock...hmmm I guess now would be a nice time to drop in. He dressed in the uniform and waltzed to school. Ugh who would actually care if their late for school..Besides he had better things to do...Like message all the 1000 stupid people who commented on my picture that I hate them...umm, took care of my kitten so he wont be a little dick and mess with my stuff. He also Choose the right phone cover, like the one that says "i hope your phone dies". He groaned eww walking all the way to this hell hole is stupid...Then again its not like he has anything better to do. It was fun to look at the stupid little freshmen stumble around the school. To see all the idiotic bullies that think they're scary. or even the pathetic student body kids stressing out in the halls trying to greet everyone. The thought made him scoff "what fucking losers" he murmured to himself as he giggled. He finally reached the steps and entered the now empty halls and into the damned classroom eww....eeewwww....everyone looks even more stupid then last year..I plopped in some seat and kicked my legs on the desk. He smiled to himself as he looked down at his phone..This year is going to be a blast...whoopdido.

@sakurasan @Draconequis
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@sakurasan @rocklee

Arturo smirked as Ayumi stuttered when he said something about Robert being her boyfriend. There was an embarrassed look on her face as she denied his assumption. Hah, embarrassed people were definitely the cutest people, he was glad he'd said what he had. If not to incite a reaction, to make certain she wasn't seeing the guy before he decided to flirt with her. He would have probably been her friend regardless, but this made everything slightly more.. interesting. A sly smile spread across his face as he removed himself from the desk beside Ayumi, glancing to the one he was supposed to be sitting in somewhere behind her. He glanced back to her quickly as she asked about the festival.

"Oh. No. I had to work actually. It was a busy day, people all wanted to go out to eat i guess." He commented. "I heard the fireworks though. Sounded nice. Maybe some year i will be able to go."

Arturo paused for a moment, thinking of something to say rather quickly. "So.. do you work anywhere?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago


gentree poofs from existence cuz lowkey

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bao had been off in her own world, admittedly she was already tired of the day- having had such a busy schedule before school even started. It would be a long day, including her clubs all beginning as well. Her head rested in her hand as she heard several people talking around her and filing into the classroom. She felt the presence of someone in front of her as she brought her gaze up. There stood Chris a cheerful smile on his lips and a large purple mark sprawled across his cheek. Her mouth gaped in shock, as she raised her head completely up, "What the hell happened to you?" Bao said bluntly, a bit of anger in her voice. She was not angry at Chris, but angry at whoever had took their anger out on Chris of all people.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chris sighed. "I got...punched." He answered, pure innocence in his voice. He looked at her, sadness in his eyes. He wasn't sad from getting punched, but sad for angering Bao. He felt terrible. He took his phone out to see the bruise on his face. He put a hand on his cheek, cringing at the pain. He looked down, ashamed and disappointed in himself. He felt like he should have at least fought back. Or tell someone. But he wasn't too upset about the punch. But now he was upset that Bao was upset.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Here comes Miss Waitaka~!

"That's a shame. I went there with someone but they ended up having to leave early." she said, frowning as she thought of Sai. Ayumi had a habit of chatting to random people and always seemed to forget about her first priorities for the night. She quickly averted her thoughts and responded to his question. "Mmmhmm! I work at Cure Maid! It's a really nice and relaxing place, you should stop by if you can." she says, a kind smile on her face. Soon, she looked up and realized that Sai had come in. Automatically, she wanted to go over to her but the teacher then walked in, causing Ayumi to simply wave to Sai and the man in front of her as she turned to face the teacher.

"Good morning sweeties! My name is Ms. Waitaka and i'll be your homeroom teacher as well as your math teacher!"

Nyara looks around, surveying the room and seeing who was there and who wasn't. A few seats weren’t filled but there was a reasonable amount of students to start off.

"Well, it looks like we have many kids that aren't here yet but we're starting 10 minutes early so we'll just have to wait. It's wonderful to see so many familiar faces as well as new ones! I just know that this year will be a wonderful one~"
Nyara smiles sweetly as she looks over to her desk. Even if it was the first day, she was going to make them work. Nyara passed out a packet of math from the grade before. It was just a review mixed in with some higher level material.

*foundational math (set theory, logic, proofs)
*linear algebra
*calculus/ real analysis
*abstract algebra
*number theory
*probability theory
And a few more. The packet had about #35 questions in it.

"Now, I don't need you guys to finish it today. It's simply some review and such to see where you guys are, OK? Also!" she says, putting her hands together. "I'll be presenting a project for you guys to start off the year! It will be a group of 4 and I already have the groups made sweeties." she says, walking over to her desk.

"I suppose we'll wait for the rest and you guys can get started on that packet!" She was just about to go over to sit when she noticed Chris had a bruise.

"My... What happened to you sweetie?" @jaybreezy she asked, a frown on her face as she went near him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Mellia slowly rolled over in her bed, an irritated scowl spreading across her face as she took a glance to her closet. Instead of her own clothes and being allowed to choose her individual style as she normally did, she was forced to wear a school uniform. Not just any school uniform though. A female school uniform. Which meant it had a skirt. She was pretty much stuck with wearing it though, as when she'd talked to her dad about it, he had just told her that it was only a year of her life. She could go back to wearing whatever she liked as soon as she wasn't in school. He had pulled the 'your mother would have loved to see you in a skirt' card.

Still, the idea of being forced to wear a skirt. For one thing, they were degradingly short.. and the pockets were tiny. But she respected her father's opinion, and since he'd pretty much roped her into wearing it using her mother as an example.. she would wear the stupid thing. However, she was going to make her own modifications.

She pulled on a set of black dance shorts first, and then a white tank top. She pulled the white dress shirt over top of her tank top, leaving it unbuttoned. She took the beige cardigan and tied it around her waist, stuffing the blue ribbon and her phone in the tiny pockets of the skirt as she slipped it on. If they made a fuss, she could easily put it on when she got to school. Though she would prefer not to wear anything around her neck, as it would be easy to grab the bow and use it as leverage in a fight. She stuffed her books and supplies into her small backpack, sliding it over her shoulder before yanking the skirt down as far as it could go and heading to the bathroom. A light dusting of her face, and a little lip gloss as usual, and then a skull clip in her messy red hair to keep the bangs out of her face. She rolled her eyes at herself in the mirror, scampering down three flights of stairs and into the kitchen. She buried her face in the fridge, thinking of what she wanted to eat this morning.

A low whistle made her stiffen as her youngest brother wiggled his eyebrows in her direction. As she whipped around, her fist up in the air, he snapped a photograph. "Sooo posting this on facebook." he laughed.

"Do it and i'll kick your ass." Mell snarled.

"Too late." her brother grinned at her.

Mell heaved an annoyed sigh. "Right. No 'thanks for raising me as a child' mercy." She reached into the fridge and pulled out an egg and some bread. "You will just have to make your own breakfast today."

Her brother started to whine. "But.. I.."

"But I.. should be nice to my older sister." she mocked him, sticking out her tongue as she started making herself toad in the hole.

She laughed as he pouted, throwing an orange at his face. "You are twelve now. By the time i was your age, i was making you and our brothers a meal, and helping dad out with the business while juggling school at the same time." She ruffled his hair. "You can figure it out." She glanced at the clock, seeing that she was probably going to be late considering she lived an hour away. She shoveled the toad in the hole in her mouth, giving her brother a smile. "Hey. You've watched me make breakfast a thousand times. You can do it." She ruffled his hair again before grabbing her keys and her Motorcycle helmet. As a last touch, she slipped on her knee high leather boots. The one thing she refused to leave home without. She sauntered out of the room and out the front door, where her motorcycle was waiting from where she'd packed it last night.

"Boys." She nodded to the two Yakuza guarding the front of the house, jamming her motorcycle helmet on her head. She mounted the motorcycle, kicking down the stand and revving the engine, zipping off towards school.

The ride to school was nice and easy at first, but soon got annoying when she met rush hour traffic. Everyone trying to get to school or work or something. After checking the area for no cops, she drove her motorcycle up the sidewalk and then took a left, zipping into oncoming traffic smoothly. Shifting gears on her cycle she did a wheelie, enjoying the free feeling of the wind against her skin.

By the time she reached the school, Mell was in a great mood. She parked in almost full teacher's parking lot, killing the engine and stuffing the keys in her backpack. She removed her helmet and stuffed it under her arm. She was there maybe a minute till the late bell, sauntering casually to her locker and just barely managing to squeeze her helmet inside. It was lucky that these lockers were wide enough.

There was a lack of people in the hallways because everyone was in class. She kicked open the door just as the late bell rang, striding into the classroom casually. Without a word to the homeroom teacher, she set her backpack under her desk, and leaned back slightly, placing her feet on the desk. From here, her black dance shorts could be seen.. but since it wasn't underwear or anything.. Mell didn't seem to care at all.

She stared at the teacher, glaring at the math packets on her desk before turning to look at the rest of the classroom. She was way in the front for some reason.. and the only person she actually knew was Saori.. the girl was sitting in the back as far away from Mell as possible. Mell's eyes drifted to another familair face after a few moments. Arturo. She used to go to primary school with him. She could remember him as playing the harp at a few school concerts. He was really really good actually. So that was two people she knew. It helped that he was nice to look at, but his personality was definitely not her favorite in the world. He could be so negative and downright depressing at times.. not to mention he was a total wimp.



Arturo smiled at Ayumi , and nodded. "yeah, i might come visit on a day I'm not working. If you return the favor." he froze as the teacher walked into the room and smiled. "Adios. I will speak with you later. I must return to my seat." he stated.

Without another word he strode to his seat, shoving himself rather uncomfortably into his seat. As it was made for an average Japanese person, the desk was uncomfortably small and Arturo felt rather cramped with his long legs jammed underneath. Oh well.. there was nothing he could do now. He surveyed his packet, smiling as the numbers flowed in his head. Easy.. this was going to be so easy. And then he glanced up as a familiar face sauntered into a room.

Shit. Well shit. He'd not been expecting to see anyone from his former school.. especially not Mell. She was a rowdy, rough, violent girl who seemed to know more cursewords than regular ones. She was small compared to him, but size didn't seem to matter to her. He'd experienced her strength more than one time.. watching as she faced several men who towered over her, incapacitating them all with an easy flick of her wrist. He'd also watched her break the nose of her ex-boyfriend. The guy had been cheating on her.. so he'd deserved it.. but still.. the idea of that much power in such a small package was concerning. Honestly, he secretly admired her strength, and the way that someone so small could be so intimidating. Though.. he could do without her constant hello punches.. which hurt like hell.

Of course, the girl noticed and recognized him, giving him a casual wave from her seat as she leaned her feet against the desk, her familiar leather boots shimmering as she leaned back. Arturo gave her a smile and a nervous wave before burying himself in his math textbook, swearing internally in Spanish. He'd been hoping to start off fresh... well.. so much for that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

kiddo looked to see the kid who the teacher was talking to. Wow if he could clap right now he would. Someone had to be such a little shit in order to get punched the first fucking day of school. He looked down at the packet with boredom. No matter what school he went to they would give the same easy shit over and over. Kiddo went through the problems,taking occasional breaks to doodle something on the side of the papers. He glanced to the side of him..Well the desk next to him...another fellow chingchong. God he could already tell that this year is going to be filled more annoying little pests than the last. After the 15th question he tapped his pencil on the desk in a fast beat...How much he wanted to just jump out the window and go home...But fucking around with the other students isn't so bad either. Now he was on the 20th problem..ugh word problems....He glanced at the clock..damn you concept of time. Now 25th he scanned the room a bit...hmm. next to him was the 'victim' then the next desk over some big breasted bimbo...ugh.

Some chick busted in and sat at her desk. 'Total butch' he thought to himself. Now finally 35th, fuck you packet. Kiddo slammed the pencil on the desk as he finished and leaned back in his chair taking out his headphones. "Finished mother fucker" he murmured to himself as he smiled and closed his eyes.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Dominic yawned as he walked into the class room. He wasn't a morning person as the others talked he checked his phone. A couple of texts, a few notifications for some mobile games. Last night had been pretty boring Dominic had met some new people, a few were surprisingly in his homeroom, and after went out and got drunk. Rubbing his fingers on his temple to try and get the minor hangover to disappear. Soon class started, and a packet was handed out The fuck is this? he thought as he flipped through the pages. Fan fucking tastic.. he thought as news of a project Now I gotta work with some prick on a crappy project... As he looked around the room he examined his class mates Girl I missed with is behind me... neat... he thought as he looked behind him and saw Ayumi And that guy....whats his name Peter? Ryan? beetlemeyer? Andrew?...Maybe Andrew... His sight turns to Hinata huh...like a scared sheep among wolves, just trying to hide so as not to get eaten.. he thought as he watched her sit quietly trying hide behind a book.


keep it together... maybe he wont notice me. Hinata thought as she entered the class room, only a few feet behind A tall angry looking guy. Alright first day! gotta be good, gotta be confident To try and relax she took out her phone and her ear buds. Softly she listened to music as she waited for class to start. After a few songs The teacher came in, spoke, handed out the packets and talked about the project. Hinata's face went pale Welp now I am gonna be paired up and they will know I'm and idiot and I'm gonna mess it up! Thank you so much teacher...Now who ever I'm paired with is gonna tell everyone and its gonna be middle school all over... she thought with a slight shudder at the memories of the teasing and bullying. Almost on instinct she pulled out a book and pretended to read. My life is over...Please just let me die before they know I'm useless... she thought as she hid behind the book.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 13 days ago


As Robert sat down and spun his pen on top of his fingers, a woman walked into the room. Robert did not pay her too much attention since he assumed she was the one responsible for them, and the one that has to deal with them the most through out the school year. Her name is Ms. Waitaka. She said something about having a project in mind for them to work on. So, in that scenario, if he was paired with Ayumi... Nevermind that, he wondered about the topic of the project would be about.

Looking at the packet in front of him. Math. Hm, the questions are not too hard, but math was never Robert's strong suit. He flipped though the pages and did not see a question that was far too hard for him. This was a review, after all. He then got started working on the problems, looking at the people sitting next to him from time to time as well...

Looking to his right, he decided to talk to the person that sat there. "Uh, have you done question 10? What did you get for it?" He asked the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Meria had been silent the entire time she was there. She got in a little after Alex and Kiley and went straight to her desk. Meria simply began to draw a beautiful orchid in her notebook and looking up occasionally to see who had come in. Noises. So much noises. Annoying. Then, the teacher came in at last. She seemed excited and Meria wasn't a fan of the fact that they would be working on a project soon. It's the first day and we already have homework? Fu- dang it.

She accepted the packet with a thank you to the teacher and started working on it quickly. It wasnt too bad. Most of it she had studied over the break so she still had it lingering in her mind. Media was on question 20 when she heard a voice. She clicked her tongue, wondering if she should just ignore him or not. Question 10? One of the easiest on in the packet probably. But instead, she decided it would be far too disrespectful to simply ignore someone on the first day of school.

"1,345. It's a rather simple word problem." She said to him with no intention of being rude. But that wasn't what he probably heard. Meria's voice had barely any emotion in it as she spoke and she then turned back to her packet. I want to continue drawing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I got...punched."

Bao's straight face soon became a small pout across her lips. She felt bad for Chris and didn't know how to go about the situation. Was Chris being bullied by the group of bad kids? Was he causing these problems for himself? Bao didn't quite know why it had happened, and Chris was always too cheerful and forgiving to say any of the above. It wasn't very long after that the teacher made her presence in the room and Bao's focus switched to her, though her mind still was spinning.

"Good morning sweeties! My name is Ms. Waitaka and i'll be your homeroom teacher as well as your math teacher!"

Getting the packet of work, Bao went over the problems slowly but surely. Math wasn't her strong suit, but she got a long fairly well.

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