◆ A P P E A R A N C ECompiled from a rather courteous selection of genetics, and a blessing of generous categories of fair and dark — rich and pale — and the massive pool from a deposit of myth and lore of both Abendroth and Faye; Monika is impressed to be a beauty of harsh athleticism and discipline. Rigid proportions and posture are gilded and framed by the cadaverous inflection of her palour; a near translucent tone of pallid flesh that is only blemished by the harshness of rigorous training and methods of practice that have forged into the intricacies of being a Guardian. Dissented to stagnation and languorous qualms, and regaled with persistent cardio has afforded Monika with visual, self-endowed perfection by her musculature and fortified prowess by the impart of her inner whorl of spiritual inhabitants. Translated easily to the perfect warrior.
Her countenance of manipulative delicacy hosts harsh eyes of a crystalline blue, a gift from her infamous mother, but without the glowing pain and sorrow of sapphire to make them glimmer — these are the glimpses from the unification of sky and water, boring into a foundation of ice and just as sharp and piercing like the turmoils of winter. Combined with this conviction of icy azure is the most contradicting foundation on Monika’s overall debut: the long mane of black hair that reaches and curls in the minuscule dip of her spine. The practicality of it is lost, and more so gestures to the means of fashion and appeal though the latter is not crucial to her process. Often taming this mass of ebonette appeal into a plait or an elaborate mess about the crown of her head, Monika is noted often for its sheer mass in comparison to her other featurettes; such as her height, her musculature of slender arms and thin shoulders, or even the myriad of scars decorating the expanse of her palms and limbs from the requirements of deadly efficiency incurred from swordsmanship.
Her wardrobe is practical, if anything, and without restraint despite her aforementioned appeal of discipline. Some things need to be given lee way to ensure nothing is hampering in the least, and sporting in the smallest of athletic wears is the common representation Monika dons for, only to be sheathed by grey or white blouses of loose restriction that taper off her shoulders and the common place uniform of black trousers that cinch about her hips and tighten to her thighs and knees before sectioning off just beneath the caps. Being a creature of habit and consistency, as it were, she is seen in little else aside from the requirement of uniform.
◆ I D E O L O G YIt’s universally known that Monika is the reflection of her peers: antithetical, the standing poise and caretaker of fluctuated personalities by the means of spiritual influence and lack of restriction despite military bondage. Where some are oft to be ridiculed as a child, Monika is often berated for being beyond maturity, that her presented attitude is strict, bound, and rigid in that it doesn’t yield to informal injustices and influences of a luxurious mindset. She has a suspicious and offensive nature to her inquires, always questioning against the initial judgment of her peers and betters by speculation that her original impression is not pleased. This settles her standards to be developed to extreme means of near perfection and must uphold to her regulated measures of battle conduct and capability. Due to her inquiring spite, Monika has a difficult time in being impressed or swindled into favour by her various military comrades, this leaves Monika in the assumption that she does not even have sympathy beyond her impressive walls and chasm of emotional discipline, often assumed as cold and dissociated.
Due to the manner in which Monika grew up, by her own childish misconception, she adheres to the belief that she has to be stronger, faster, better — to achieve a standard she has imposed upon her self by the simplest words ever uttered to her during her youth. She religiously follows that she must be the best to protect those dearest to her, a feat that has only been achieved by a selected few. But, just how far can those close to her be when Monika continues to shield herself from the unacceptable concept of failure or weakness. Certain parameters have warped Monika’s desire of self improvement to a desperate, inner need of value and importance; to be worthy and to earn the splendors of life even if she does not personally go out of her way to enjoy them otherwise.
Whilst fortified in a rigid plantation and philosophy of what she should be, rather than what she could by her potential, and inner personality in which remains an entire mystery by deliberate endeavors, Monika only smiles and seems nurturing around her family. And goes to the extremes of protective kinship that alludes to an obligation beyond commonality. It’s only around them that she seems to relax and temper down, however slight that might be.
◆ B A C K G R O U N DBorn in the darkness and cold tundra of an Anatolian village, dotted with farms and forgotten, legendary history, the settlement that birthed the infamous Abendroths: Thuringia. Here, the memoirs of Monika Renne Abendroth-Faye are askew in the common conception of childhood carelessness, burdened from the introductory age of impression and inclination to the intricacies of the world. She knew, from the very beginning, that she was different. Though, standing next to her twin, their differences and leagues of development were never the same and whilst they flagged behind, she charged ahead with the silent ruthlessness of a child blessed and very well informed and intuitive of their own advantage. However, to purge her from arrogance, the infamous Magdalena Abendroth — the pale WARG veteran — bent to her daughter and informed her with no less than confusing words that she had to protect everyone: be there for them, guide them, shield them from the ugliness of the world that had burned, scoured, and mocked her before she had been saved. They told her the truth: about their families and ties of Abendroth and Faye curses melded into her very soul, and the soul of her brother. But, salvation rested in the palms of family and friendship, and Monika took that and warped it into the obligation of being better, stronger, and above the means of mediocre and nurture it into a self—torturing need for achievement and exceptional growth to eclipse the infections of her birth rite.
The family was supportive, loving, colourful in the massive unity that it was, despite the shadows that cantered after them. But, Monika only saw this as a need to grow and mature into a certain mold, she sectioned off her emotions, but one particular wicker of empathy could not be kept from her heart. Guilt soured her protective nature, in some way she felt responsible for her late twin's condition and no amount of forgiving and whispered recurrences from her parents could alleviate that blemish on her perfection. Even as a child, young and shadowing his every stumble, she couldn’t keep the sheer agony of being at fault, and thus spurred the near obsession to prove her worth — that despite it all, she had to be the best because of every circumstance laid bare in their connection.
The Calamity didn’t leave much of an impression, a tragedy to mark the pinnacle of growth, but not enough to emotionally tear apart her resolve. They were fortunate that the Calamity Gate was far enough to the East, that they suffered minimal influence until the Dark Zone spread, forcing the family to retreat further North in Anatolia in fear of the increasing Mordrem. It only served to thrust the initial premise of her overall obsession, to rise above the faults of war and exotic combatants as the years increased with muttered tales and anxious reports from the front lines. Though she lost her grandfather and her eldest uncles to the summons, whom later were filed to have become Husks, and taking her mother and father as well to the front lines in pursuit for the infantry. The family didn’t linger on the bereavements and instead found solace in the remaining and the ability to make a difference; or so they claim.
Thus it only seemed natural that Monika was drafted to become a part of Oak Ridge, her induction pre—determined by the involvement of her parents within the academic ranks and the military and the sheer empowerment of the spirits that have retreated into her being.
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◇] Adapting to the preference of melee warfare in the contingents of military force, Monika’s choice of weapon has fallen away from traditional masses. Where swords were slick, slender, and uniform in their aesthetics, hers was customized to absolute mass and power. Wielded in the slender vices of her hands, the towering, dual-wielded sword known as
The Cadalbolg preens both unadulterated strength and finesse; elegant and deadly in the unique customization of its’ overall design and as is long as she is tall, extending reach and blade. Her blows fall heavy, sundered from the consistent practice and religiously executed practices of her swordsmanship. Monika’s agility is queerly profound, even wielding such a claymore, singing promises of death and fury and near perfection in the intentions of harm and swift ruin.

The sheer mass of spiritual conglomerate within Monika has often been a pinnacle of observation and juncture of objectified quality and quantity. The benefaction of her birth rite from those of the Abendroth and Faye often favour the strong, their souls literal bedlams of empowered absorption. This curse of assimilation endowed Monika with thick weaves of spirits that naturally seeded themselves within her mind of fortitude, but also effected and plundered the soul of her twin. The result left him underdeveloped and later embezzled his very existence. Thus, Monika’s magnitude of remnants from the Etro exceeds that of traditional Guardians, fostered to extremes of power: so amassed that her methods of magical inclination can underpass into non—existence numbers, or override typical units to measure spiritual aptitude.
◇ Diamant. [ Ice ] [ + Reflect ] The progression of these spirit amass to two stages, or rather, two forms of provision. In the initial subject, the original is considered entirely passive, embellishing Monika's complexion to behold a peculiar glimmer, surrounding her like lamplight, and the surface blessed with a cold, frigid surface that inflicts her graces of physical touch to be a few degrees below normal circulation. At first, the caresses from her fingers appear slick and cool, however prolonged exposure and concentration grant her pores with lesser degrees of heat until nearly painful and arctic. The secondary premise of these spirits accumulate to splinter across Monika in slivers of ice, reflecting and shimmering like kaleidoscopes of diamond; hardened and deadly in refinement and protection. These splinters and tines eclipse skin and armour alike, usually surfacing upon activation to receiving injury or ill intent from enemies. These spirits adhere and value vigor, loneliness, protection and intensity. They manifest as glimmering, willowy figures of feminine likeness.
◇ Vergeltung. [ Holy ] [ + Empower ] Both divine and vengeful, these spirits have gathered and swarmed as one to reflect the harsh intricacies of divinity and enlightenment. The light of the good and benevolence can sometimes spear righteous and pain to those that oppose them, and with the swing of her mighty sword, Monika can direct and summon spears of burning, all—consuming energy to target her opponents. Consumed of an all righteous and holy flame that burns with eternal intensity, and also empowers her soul and those eclipsed in the luminescence of her vengeful blow and retribution, empowering her comrades as well. These spirits value justice, retribution, order, and fortitude. They manifest in the forms of winged creatures with feline attributes and the faces of mortals.
◇ Herrlichkeit. [ Dark ] [ - Meltdown ] [ - Curse ] Submitting to the extremes of power, and ambition, these spirits have unified to a unique severity. Deformed, warped and misconstrued empathy forming from the dregs of loss, woe, and fear. These spirits are harsh and unrelenting, escaping from Monika from the ducts of her eyes, lips, and releasing from the wells of her soul in the apparitions of tentacles, slithering to envelop the enemy in their grasp. They inflict wounds of psychological fear and terror, rather than psychical lashes or wounds. In their wake these spirits will often leave an irritated path of ebony from where they touched, but soon dissipate as the effects sink into their hearts and minds. These spirits value aggression, ambition, savagery, and fear. They manifest as a literal void.
◆ A S P E K T S◇ Lancer.
◇ Vicar.
◇ Sentinel.
◇ Adept.