Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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@tsukune Okay I see, the way you worded it made it sound like they didn't have them at all. That makes a lot more sense.

What I said about Edward being fucked was supposed to be more of a funny thing than a complaint. But okay, weapons it is. XD

But seriously, seeing one of the most useless Final Fantasy characters try to fist fight a goblin would have been hilarious.

My bad. English isn't my native language, but thanks for pointing out my terribad wording, lol.

It can become a reality: like, he may have a harp, but it doesn't mean he knows how to utilize it to use his abilities properly...

@tsukune I'm working on a Cloud CS. The biggest problem I'm having is trying to condense his background down to a reasonable size. Could I get away with just putting a link to his wiki?

Sorry, but I have to say no. The reason why I ask for a summary is because:
(1) To show your understanding of the character you're taking up,
(2) To allow other players who may not be familiar with the characters you're assuming to get the gist and feel of them; the main idea is to deconstruct and rebuild the characters, not following the canon word for word,
(3) Don't be lazy! Lol.

Size of the summary doesn't matter. It's the content - as long as the main, important points are there. (And...don't plagiarize!)

<Snipped quote by tsukune>

If I can request some clarification on the IC set-up, are all of our characters waking up in the same location? Are they intended to be near/adjacent to one another? In the same region but not together?

Just want to make certain I have that detail straight for my first post.

Yes, all characters should be in the same location and as close to one another as possible. It would suck if they are all at world's end, all alone with their head all muddled and confused...and then a Malboro appears right behind you with Bad Breath.

Hey there. So I'm interested in joining this, there's just the small problem of wanting to do something from FF5. Which.....is complicated as far as a sheet goes. How should I handle that?

Ah, Kain Highwind from FF4? (AirBender is playing Edward from the same game title.)
For the CS, I did include a guideline just below the coded template. :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Ah, Kain Highwind from FF4? (AirBender is playing Edward from the same game title.)
For the CS, I did include a guideline just below the coded template. :)

Err, I said FF 5. Not 4. The guy below me said 5 and I'm not sure what he was hooking on to. Besides, 4 was 6 anyway, so I don't think it's an issue of confusing the Japanese for the English release or whatever.

Aaaand, I've probably made this more complicated than it needs to be. Sorry.

Though I do like Kain as a character, I just saw that we had someone from FFIV already and decided that I would do something different.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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@tsukune I'll have my first post up in a few hours. I just got home from work, so there's a few things in the house I need to do first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Much obliged for the clarification. I have some other things to tend to first, so please allow 24 hours for a rogue post. ^_^
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Since @Bounce and @AirBender won't have their first post up that soon, you guys are lucky to get a little more time to finish your CS!

So I have a 7-member party now - 3 confirmed, and 4 pending. Better change the status to 'full'...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

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@tsukune Should I hold off on posting until tomorrow? So that other people can get their sheets up? That way we know exactly who we'll have when we start.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

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@tsukune Should I hold off on posting until tomorrow? So that other people can get their sheets up? That way we know exactly who we'll have when we start.

Hmm, I think we should wait until 2 more players finish their CS then we can begin proper. I'm hoping for a 5-member party at minimum.

For the time being, enjoy this:

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Penultimate_Pi


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And finally, here it is!

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

And finally, here it is!

Now I just need one more...

@zaga2575@Flamelord@Grasshopper - the clock is ticking! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Given Jihl and Jecht's personality...

(No seriously please don't do the Moogle Toss, lol.)

And yeah my lame sense of humor knows no limit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@tsukune Well, like I said, I'm actually doing a character from FFV, not FFIV, and I'm not sure how to work thar inside the haracter sheet format. Once I figure it out, I'll have something for you in a jiffy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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@tsukune Well, like I said, I'm actually doing a character from FFV, not FFIV, and I'm not sure how to work thar inside the haracter sheet format. Once I figure it out, I'll have something for you in a jiffy.

It's my bad for mixing your comment up with the other member below, sorry. m(_ _)m

You don't have to strictly stick to the format - you can change a few things here and there, or even add other sections/categories - but those basic stuffs on the given sheet has to be present.

May I ask which part of the sheet are you having trouble with?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

May I ask which part of the sheet are you having trouble with?

Well, the biggest problem I'm having at the moment is with the Abilities section, since there is no natural progression of abilities thanks to the Job system (or default abilities for that matter). So I'm just not sure what to put down there
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

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@Flamelord I see what you mean - unlike most other game titles, V replaces that with a job system.

If so, you can change "Abilities" to "Jobs"; for descriptions, you can choose to leave it blank for the time being if you wish to build and develop the character's skillsets in the IC first, then update the sheet accordingly. However, as there isn't any restrictions on the number of job class in the original game (in fact they can potentially master all 22 jobs), to prevent your playable character from being too "OP" compared to the rest, is it okay if I ask that you restrict the jobs to 2-3?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Flamelord I see what you mean - unlike most other game titles, V replaces that with a job system.

If so, you can change "Abilities" to "Jobs"; for descriptions, you can choose to leave it blank for the time being if you wish to build and develop the character's skillsets in the IC first, then update the sheet accordingly. However, as there isn't any restrictions on the number of job class in the original game (in fact they can potentially master all 22 jobs), to prevent your playable character from being too "OP" compared to the rest, is it okay if I ask that you restrict the jobs to 2-3?

Ah, alright, thank you.

Yeah, I'll probably do that, if only so my character can develop into whatever niche presents itself in the group or something like that. Is it alright if I do the same for weapons as well? I have a default one to start with, but the more powerful stuff also tends to depend on whatever Job you take, so it'd be hard to pick one to work with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by tsukune>

Ah, alright, thank you.

Yeah, I'll probably do that, if only so my character can develop into whatever niche presents itself in the group or something like that. Is it alright if I do the same for weapons as well? I have a default one to start with, but the more powerful stuff also tends to depend on whatever Job you take, so it'd be hard to pick one to work with.

No probs - and you're welcome.
(This is my first attempt at being a GM for any sort of RP, so hope you can be patient with my clumsiness.)

Yes you can just go with the most basic weapon for now, and expand the weaponry later as the IC develops.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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And, here we go.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

And, here we go.

(No I'm not meme-obsessed but I just thought it's more interesting than saying plain ol' "approved" yeah)


Anyway, now that the party is complete, application is closed - I won't be accepting anymore players, sorry.

Time to start the adventure guys! Just a quick reminder:

  • All characters will be close to each other in the same location.
  • Your character will hear two things before waking up: your Moogle's frantic voice, and also the speech by "The Voice" as stated in the opening IC post.
  • Your character has nothing on them except for the clothes they wear and their initial/basic weapon.
  • Your Moogle partner is a NPC that you'll control yourself.
  • Some time will be given to all players to get their bearings before the first plot hint will be PMed to a player chosen randomly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grasshopper
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I did it!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I did it!

In my previous post above I said that I won't be accepting any more characters, but it's a jerk move to turn people away (especially since I'm in a different timezone from everyone else), so I'll make an exception to approve your CS on account that...I'm living in everyone's "near future" the wrong timezone.

Have you guys decided how you want to meet up as a group? (EDIT: Kudos to @Penultimate_Pi!) After warming up to one another (can be friendly alliance or a tense squabble, you guys can discuss how your character is going to make an impression on the others), I'll be releasing the first "clue".

You might be wondering: why isn't the GM playing a character? Well, my job is only to guide you, the players. Otherwise you are on your own, sending your characters on an uncertain journey of self-discovery...and maybe something else more. (Besides, I'm probably gonna have my hands full controlling all the NPCs...)


...Internet at my side is horrible today, so none of the sites are loading properly and in time. Sorry I missed out your IC post, Pi.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


I believe that you two are the only ones left to put up your starter IC post. No hurries if you have other more pressing commitments at the moment; this is more of a mental note to myself to keep track of the posting progress.

(I do want to keep this RP stress-free to all as much as possible.)


Here it is - the common collaboration pad!
Of course, you're free to create your own for private collabs with specific players.

Also, feel free to play around with coding to make your posts look nice and awesome, such as adding headings, music vids and stuffs. (If you need the FF title font the link has been provided in the 'Resource' section.)

And...don't you guys feel the OOC is too quiet?
Where are all the hype for the FF7 Remake, KH3 and FF15? (Am I the only one anxious for their release?)
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