Io Nervald Caprixan Leneus Marx Murkveld

Almost always hidden under his coal-grey
cloak, the only features readily apparent are his short and childish frame and his youthful gait; Io looks exactly as if he were in his preteens, if not younger. Io's dusky red hair reaches past his shoulders, his dull black eyes peeking out from underneath his bangs. His skin is a translucent white from constantly being in the shade of either his robes or the indoors. The faint smile that occasionally peeks out from under his hood practically chills the air.
Arguably a merchant, arguably a researcher.
unarguably kinda creepy Personality/Bio:
Io was a peculiar child, always keeping a certain distance between himself and others. His eerily calm demeanor frightened other children--not that he cared about that. Instead, Io usually locked himself away in his room, reading books that he'd found in the dark corners of a storehouse. He'd memorized every detail of them, including the state of everything else in the room at the time. The abnormality of Io's absolute memory was never brought to his attention, having been isolated and possessing the misconception that, since one memorized by studying, something that was studied could not be forgotten.
Newspaper articles were also objects of great interest for Io. Although he originally started reading them as something to pass the time with whenever he ran out of books, Io became deeply immersed once he realized that there were some "stories" that spanned across the years: seemingly individual murders could be connected and point towards a serial killer, criminals from years to decades ago reformed into current-day philanthropists. With his memory, these nigh unnoticeable connections were completely clear to Io. Before he knew it, Io became obsessed with knowing everything about anything at any given time, whether it'd be a person, or even the daily events that occurred in the city.
Through a variety of suspicious means, Io managed to learn exhaustive, in-depth information on every citizen: their heights, weights, birthdays, relatives, histories, day-to-day activities, hobbies and possibly more. Unable to track how Io was doing so, and thus unable to imprison him, law enforcement decided to take advantage of his knowledge and bought information from him to solve dozens of crimes. Though Io was happy with being able to
stalk study everyone for a living, he often wondered about the world outside the city. When there was news of an expedition, Io decided that, since there would be plenty of people to keep him entertained, it wouldn't hurt to let his curiosity run wild.
Despite being shy to the point of hiding when others look at him, Io genuinely and creepily-affectionately loves everyone he knows. Even if they don't know him. Although he's easily excited by the prospect of learning something new, Io normally just has a tired, dead expression that's matched by his hypotensive movements. The only other exception is if he gets touched; he'll actually get overstimulated if he gets poked right.
One journal for recording everyone else's actions for the day, another for any discoveries.