Name: Hannibal Bartleby Hughes "Mr. Hughes"
Color: E0FFFF
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Hannibal's smile has a tendency to make any looking upon it either like him, or want to punch him in the face, and the two feelings aren't always exclusive. He absolutely oozes with self confidence, thoroughly captured by his own genius or insanity. Often garbed in mismatched clothing, the only thing consistent about his appearance is a rare golden locket around his neck of untold value. Despite his reputation for never shutting up about his deeds, he's remained suspiciously quiet about it.
Occupation: Adventurer! Explorer! Inventor! Savior of maidens! Duelist! The jewel of Oasis!And now Caravan Captain Extraordinaire! At least according to himself.
Personality/Bio: Was Hannibal orphaned at a young age, learning to make a living off the streets of Oasis, picking up his skills after a hard life of crime? Or was his the son of the aristocracy, disowned by his family and using his good start at life to seek fame and fortune? Both these stories and more have been told by him over the years, and nobody has come forward to confirm or deny either of them. What is known is that he has been a sensational news story in Oasis for nearly two decades.
At this point, picking apart fact from fiction in his life would be nearly impossible. If his story is to be believed: When he was still a teenager a scientist employed by the crown came upon him in a bar, after a lively conversation he was taken in as an apprentice, working on a project that may have had to do with the advancement of steam power. This station lasted a couple years, before he was kicked out of the palace after having received a personal pardon from the Queen herself over the death of one Lord Donaldson. He claims it was in defense of a maidens honor, however whispers of murder are still spoken by the aristocrat's family.
That incident alone would have kept him in the papers for a long time to come. This, however, would merely be the first of many incidents across Oasis earning him notoriety. He joined the city guard for a time, intent on becoming a beloved figure of justice throughout the city state. That career also ended spectacular, as word of his ties to the city's organized crime got out, and an old picture began circulating of him making merry with the group's ringleader. His attempts to explain matters fell on deaf ears, and he was only saved by another pardon. This time on the condition that he never work for the crown in any capacity again.
He took this charge seriously, perhaps too seriously, and vowed never to work for anyone but himself again. He continued to make headlines over the years, boasting about a myriad of insane feats. Working as a private investigator bringing down corrupt aristocrats. Being the first man to stalk The Pack and return alive (according to him, they do in fact breed on the move). Tinkering with the prospect of Human flight! The failure of which is one of the few confirmed and documented rumors about his life, a nasty fall off the wall of Oasis nearly killing him. Supposedly he won and lost entire fortunes gambling in the bars of Oasis, and drank away nearly as many.
Now... Now the world felt oddly small. It had been a growing discontent for years, that there simply had to be more to do in this forsaken world. Something other than the sand, The Pack, and the blasted Oasis. It was he who had proposed the idea of a new expedition to the Crown, pointing out that it wouldn't be employment per se. It's said that they agreed immediately, for no other reason than to get rid of him. How true that rumor is remains to be seen.
Possessions: A locket made of pure gold, simply in the shape of a circle. Two swords, one bronze and another, thinner blade, rumored to be steel however no one has seen it drawn. Other than these, he doesn't appear to possess much, at least not anymore. The crown was more than happy to take whatever other possessions he had in exchange for agreeing to this fool's errand.
Color: E0FFFF
Age: 35
Gender: Male

Hannibal's smile has a tendency to make any looking upon it either like him, or want to punch him in the face, and the two feelings aren't always exclusive. He absolutely oozes with self confidence, thoroughly captured by his own genius or insanity. Often garbed in mismatched clothing, the only thing consistent about his appearance is a rare golden locket around his neck of untold value. Despite his reputation for never shutting up about his deeds, he's remained suspiciously quiet about it.
Occupation: Adventurer! Explorer! Inventor! Savior of maidens! Duelist! The jewel of Oasis!And now Caravan Captain Extraordinaire! At least according to himself.
Personality/Bio: Was Hannibal orphaned at a young age, learning to make a living off the streets of Oasis, picking up his skills after a hard life of crime? Or was his the son of the aristocracy, disowned by his family and using his good start at life to seek fame and fortune? Both these stories and more have been told by him over the years, and nobody has come forward to confirm or deny either of them. What is known is that he has been a sensational news story in Oasis for nearly two decades.
At this point, picking apart fact from fiction in his life would be nearly impossible. If his story is to be believed: When he was still a teenager a scientist employed by the crown came upon him in a bar, after a lively conversation he was taken in as an apprentice, working on a project that may have had to do with the advancement of steam power. This station lasted a couple years, before he was kicked out of the palace after having received a personal pardon from the Queen herself over the death of one Lord Donaldson. He claims it was in defense of a maidens honor, however whispers of murder are still spoken by the aristocrat's family.
That incident alone would have kept him in the papers for a long time to come. This, however, would merely be the first of many incidents across Oasis earning him notoriety. He joined the city guard for a time, intent on becoming a beloved figure of justice throughout the city state. That career also ended spectacular, as word of his ties to the city's organized crime got out, and an old picture began circulating of him making merry with the group's ringleader. His attempts to explain matters fell on deaf ears, and he was only saved by another pardon. This time on the condition that he never work for the crown in any capacity again.
He took this charge seriously, perhaps too seriously, and vowed never to work for anyone but himself again. He continued to make headlines over the years, boasting about a myriad of insane feats. Working as a private investigator bringing down corrupt aristocrats. Being the first man to stalk The Pack and return alive (according to him, they do in fact breed on the move). Tinkering with the prospect of Human flight! The failure of which is one of the few confirmed and documented rumors about his life, a nasty fall off the wall of Oasis nearly killing him. Supposedly he won and lost entire fortunes gambling in the bars of Oasis, and drank away nearly as many.
Now... Now the world felt oddly small. It had been a growing discontent for years, that there simply had to be more to do in this forsaken world. Something other than the sand, The Pack, and the blasted Oasis. It was he who had proposed the idea of a new expedition to the Crown, pointing out that it wouldn't be employment per se. It's said that they agreed immediately, for no other reason than to get rid of him. How true that rumor is remains to be seen.
Possessions: A locket made of pure gold, simply in the shape of a circle. Two swords, one bronze and another, thinner blade, rumored to be steel however no one has seen it drawn. Other than these, he doesn't appear to possess much, at least not anymore. The crown was more than happy to take whatever other possessions he had in exchange for agreeing to this fool's errand.