Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Keeping his head down and saying he was fine. An obvious lie. Alex had done it many times before but can now stare directly at who he was saying it to and get away with it. Alex would've said something, but he didn't know the guy that well. Didn't know if the guy wanted to keep his sorrow to himself or not.

Alex then turned to look at Richie. She was looking right at Chris and then her hand started to lift in Chris's direction before she quickly pulled it back and called the guy a crybaby. Alex turned to see a droplet on Chris' chin. He was about to say something now but when he turned to look at Mari all he saw was her looking out the window and clenching her hand again. This time though it looked a lot more red than a normal hand should be. Before he could say anything though Amigo went straight between the group and made some remarks of his own to Richie. She backed up and took it all in with a smug expression on her face. She gave a response that Alex expected and then looked at Beast then to the window.

Amigo came back over to comfort Beast some more and Alex turned his head slightly and leaned back but kept his eye on Richie. She glanced over at Amigo and Beast and her face changed a little but then quickly readjusted. She looked down at the hand she was clenching then looked at the other differently. She was being strange but Alex really couldn't say much. He thought he himself was strange too. When she turned to them and gave another smug expression Alex made sure to defuse the situation a little by making sure to keep Richie away from Beast and Amigo away from Richie. He stood up and walked over to Richie with his hands in his pockets and said, "Just calm down a little Richie. Leave Beast alone cause we don't need Amigo here blowing a gasket. Would not be a pretty sight."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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@sakurasan @jaybreezy @alexfangtalon


"I am glad you are well." Arturo stated, noting his dead eyes. He certainly didn't look well.. and this was not going to help the poor mousy guy.

Arturo just watched as the girl puffed up and started hissing at him, turning away from them all to the window. He turned back to see Mari, doing something weird with her hands. She looked slightly.. rattled.. and the arrogant expression looked the slightest bit strained. Though that could be just a trick of the light.

He raised an eyebrow as the tall guy called him Amigo, and walked over to the girl. He stepped over towards them, one eyebrow raised. "Disculpe.." he murmured politely. "Excuse me." He gave a sly smile to the tall man. "I would not fight her if that is what you think, hermoso. You have such little faith." he reached over and pat the girl on her head with a smile. "Es lindo finges odiar a todos . Siente cómo te gusta, corazón." he stated in thick Spanish. "Come on now. Come back and join the group. I think you can do a bit better at keeping some of your more nasty thoughts.." his eyes flickered to the faint red on her palm, the blood. "What is that?" his brow furrowed.


@rocklee @MissCapnCrunch


Mell flicked her eyes to Kiddo, raising an eyebrow as his face turned beat red. Maybe she'd been a bit too hard on him.. but after he'd said those rude things.. she'd kind of just responded in the only way she knew how. Whatever.. now Kiddo looked like he was probably sulking or something, a bit of rage and depression passed across his face. "You know just because your idea was rebuked doesn't mean you should sit down and give up." she stated. She glanced over to Bao just in time to see her staring at the guy with the bandaid on her face.. most of him was hidden by Arturo. There was something.. tender in her expression. Mell narrowed her eyes. That guy was pretty much a little whiny pushover.. which meant whoever had hit him had done so because they were stronger than him and he couldn't defend himself. She would keep an eye on the dude whenever he was around.. see if she could maybe transfer the fighting to herself. It had been a while since she'd had a good challenge.. and in the process she might gain an ally.

She listened to Kiddo as he said he essentially said he didn't care, becoming increasingly obsessed with his phone. She decided it was probably best to backpedal a bit. They did have something in common anyways. She reached into her own desk and pulled out her own sketchbook. "Hey man. I didn't mean to offend you or anything okay. I just... violence and shouting things is my system. So.. i need your help to design the uniforms for the bike repair shop." Displaying her sketchbook prominently, she flipped through page after page of sketches. Her style was decidedly different than his, with a more.. dark, gritty feel to it. There was even a rough sketch of her mother with her skeletal face and body caused by the cancer. Of course, she flipped rapidly past this one in the hopes no one had seen it."I can't draw people worth a damn. The hands or whatever." she admitted, slapping the empty page in front of him. "Go nuts."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

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Mari noted the fact that southern accent was coming near her, and watched, waiting for him to speak. "Just calm down a little Richie. Leave Beast alone cause we don't need Amigo here blowing a gasket. Would not be a pretty sight." Leave him alone? I wasn’t messing with him though. Mari scowled at the man and was just about to respond before she saw emerald eyes coming by them.

"I would not fight her if that is what you think, hermoso. You have such little faith." Why would he have faith in someone he just met? Mari was about to make a remark when she saw his hand raise and Mari flinched, turning to the side. “WARNING! WARNING!” When she felt someone’s hand pat her head, she placed a puzzled expression on her face. ”Wh-what do you think you’re doing? she asked, smacking his hand off of her head and retreating back a bit.

Then, he spoke in Spanish. She knew a bit of Spanish herself but not much. The only words that she could unscramble were pretend, hate, and heart. "Come on now. Come back and join the group. I think you can do a bit better at keeping some of your more nasty thoughts.." She scowled at this and let out a “Hmph” as she turned to her right. His next mention was something that made her panic a bit. "What is that?" Mari looked at him with a look that said “What?” For a moment before she realized what he was talking about. She immediately put her hand behind her smoothly and glared at emerald eyes. Just like Verona. “It’s nothing. Stop allowing your eyes to wander so much.” She said, snapping her fingers in front of his face as she walked past him.

Mari internally exhaled, relieved that she got through that act. She tilted her head backwards toward the two boys that had decided to do nothing but get in others business and ponder on useless things. “So, this project.” Drifting away from what emerald eyes said, she continued to speak. “ Are we going to be doing a cafe or something else?” She asked them seriously. She needed a good grade after all. “If we need anything, we could just go to my house and get materials. I don’t care. Just tell me what we’re doing.” Mari had a serious expression. She didn’t know where she got the thought to go to her house but it was too late now. Either way, anyone would obviously turn down such a request so it didn’t matter. All she wanted to do was get started. And finish fast.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Saori frowned when she saw the packet. She never really liked math, but she understood it. She finished all the questions by the time the groups were up for the project, so she read them.

Ayumi, Saori... Nice! At least she was in a group with her... friend. Robert, and Andrew. Who were those people? Maybe she heard Ayumi talking to Andrew at the festival, but she never caught that red-haired guy's name. Was that... nope. Couldn't be.

Of course, she was wrong. She looked in the direction where Ayumi waved and it was the red-haired guy. Forget about that for now, she thought, accept her apology.

"Oh, it's..." Her eyes went over to the red haired boy for a brief second. "Fine." She said, her voice shakier than she would like. It wasn't fine. Not anymore, at least. Whatever. "We could do a café menu." Good idea. That was easy. They could finish faster. Finishing faster was what she wanted so badly right about now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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"You know just because your idea was rebuked doesn't mean you should sit down and give up.". Great now she thinks i'm pouting, how embarrassing. 'So much for good impressions i bet the impression she's getting is ' stupid little brat'...UGH.'I hate speeches like that 'don't give up' shit..I mean honestly what if its the smart thing to do? Damn I want chocolate...but I don't want to go over my calorie count....damn. GAWD i want food...'Kiddo looked over to Mell who looked over to Bao who looked over to band-aid boy. What a sob story...honestly its sad. Can we just get this shit over with?
"Hey man. I didn't mean to offend you or anything okay. I just... violence and shouting things is my system. So.. i need your help to design the uniforms for the bike repair shop." kiddo twitched "Im not offended!" he exclaimed trying to remain composed but mentally slapped himself for sounding like a child. She pulled out her sketch book and flipped through some pictures and a portrait of something. Then she finally turned to a empty page. "I can't draw people worth a damn. The hands or whatever." she admitted,"Go nuts." 'Wow...she really does think i'm a whiny kid'. He sighed as he pulled out his copic marker case and sketch pack. " first give me a color theme and level of formality." Fine as long as he gets an A and get this shit done, its fine by him. Kiddo just hopes to satan that Mell doesnt go around talking about him. Kiddo sketched a few basic models of the human body. One male the other female, he loved drawing people. HE loved drawing in general and acting..but then again having a successful career in those fields is social suicide...but fuck society. He waited for further instruction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

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@sakurasanHe took one look at the list the teacher had given all of them. Ayumi was in the group. Thats all that mattered really. Of course, he took notice of the tasks within the project. They were to create something. Be it a menu of things, a clothing line or whatever. This was no simple task. The other two members of the group would have to help as well. He is expecting the work to be shared evenly.

He made his way over to where Ayumi was standing and speaking to another girl. He smiled as Ayumi waved him over. As he made his approach, he heard Ayumi say the name Sai. So that is the girl's name, or perhaps even nickname. There was another male as well. He did not catch his name, though. Therefore, he sat down with the group and introduced himself "Well, hey guys, my name is Robert, and as you can tell by my accent, I'm not from around here..." He said, as he chuckled. "So, does anyone have any ideas of what to do here? A restaurant menu perhaps? I can make some things I picked up from the different places I've been...?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Oh, this guy. Despite calling him Amigo Alex highly doubted he could be that great a friend with someone who apparently had no restraint. And did he just call him handsome. Alex couldn't tell. He knew Spanish but wasn't to great at it and had only taken one year of it. Then he did something Alex thought was utterly stupid. Why on earth would you pat the head of a practical stranger. Let alone one who seemed off kilter. She however didn't react as bad as Alex thought she would have.

Amigo then proceeded to say a full sentence in Spanish. *Rude. Might as well see if I can figure out what he said. 'It's - hate everyone. - you like, heart?' That's all I could understand. Ugh.* Either way Alex could guess the general idea of it from what he's seen so far. Amigo has pretty much figured out what Alex has, that Richie is being fake to everyone and herself. Only reason Alex could tell was because he has been fake to himself his whole life. Doesn't even know his real self anymore anyway.

But now it just seems as if Amigo doesn't have an off button, seeing as he brought to light the blood on Mari's hand that she obviously didn't want others to see. When she walked over back to Beast, Alex turned to Amigo and whispered, "Okay first off, don't call me whatever you did. I know it was some sort of compliment but I don't really care. Second, it's obvious she doesn't want just everyone knowing what she hides inside herself. You can't just unbottle someone's emotions, especially if you barely know them. Third, I know you wouldn't have attacked her. You don't seem like a muscle head so I doubt your stupid enough to just attack someone for no reason. However, I will say this. If you end up proving me wrong on that point and try to hurt anyone don't think I'll just sit back and watch. I wasn't raised to just let someone get hurt and I not try something."

With that Alex turned and walked over to Beast and Richie without even waiting for Amigo to give a response. "Sure. I don't care if we do a cafe or not. I'll do whatever yal need me to do." He was actually surprised when Richie offered they go to her house. "As long as your fine with it. You're richer than us so you should easily have more than enough stuff for us to use."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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@sakurasan @jaybreezy @alexfangtalon


"Whatever you say, picante chica." He shrugged before casually sauntering over to the others at the table.

At this point, he just waited for everyone else to do whatever they liked. He'd offered what he could do and what he wanted, the others could do as they liked as well.

Arturo just shrugged, and paused as the other tall guy attempted to tell him off. "Firstly.. if you don't call me by my name, then i have no reason to call you by yours, gilipollas." he stated slyly. "Secondly I have no idea what you are talking about, and thirdly, I am sorry to disappoint you but I am a pacifist. If you are so insistent on getting in a fight, go over there and punch that girl on the shoulder." he pointed towards Mell, who was working on her project with her group.

He realized the guy probably wasn't listening to him having turned around. What a rude guy. Whatever, Arturo didn't care. At this point he just kept quiet and watched everyone else, because he had already offered what he could to the group. It was their decision to do with it what they would.


@rocklee @MissCapnCrunch


Mell smirked and clapped him on the back perhaps a bit harder than she should have. She meant it as a friendly gesture, a smile stretched across her face. Her eyes sparkled as he practically shouted that he wasn't offended. "Good, I'm thinking we go with something that sticks out, but not too obnoxious. Nothing too fancy because they are working in a bike shop.. which is not a very clean job. The practical part of me says put them in black.. but we don't have to because this in in our imagination."

She glanced at Bao. "Hey..Bao. What do you think? Any ideas to add? I kinda suck at explaining stuff.. i'd be better at thinking up the management or something."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

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Chris remained silent, listening to all the ideas thrown together. He smiled, hearing Arturo's banter with Mari. He thought the Spanglish was pretty funny, especially directed towards her. He then wrote more potential ideas down, most of them dealing with a cafe. He then decided to commit to the cafe idea as he heard everyone slowly agree to it. He wrote down some items that would be on a menu, making sure he'd be able to cook them if tested on it. He had a small smile on his face as he wrote, his free hand rubbing the bruise on his face. He ran his fingers over the bandage, tempted to rip it off in protest. He decided not to so he didn't cause another scene if Mari said something to her. He listened to the two guys start to seemingly argue, eventually zone them out. After a few minutes, Chris had almost a full menu on his paper. He had ideas on how to give a theme to their cafe. He even drew a few potential logos as well as names for a cafe. He stayed silent after finishing, not wanting to be bothered. Especially from Mari. Another bad encounter with her would upset him, probably even making him crack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

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"Hey..Bao. What do you think? Any ideas to add? I kinda suck at explaining stuff.. i'd be better at thinking up the management or something." Mell asked as Bao decided to take out her own notebook and start writing down ideas for the group project that was slowly coming together before them.

"Hmmm.." Bao started, tapping her pencil slightly at the crisp white paper. "Well, we could probably talk about what kind of services they offer and what prices they are. Maybe we can take a trip to a bike place in the area sometime after school." she suggested, thinking of grateful she'd be to have an excuse to not go home after school one of these days. "I'd be curious to see how much detail we really have to go into. I want a good grade, but I'm not trying to spend my entire life on one project, if you know what I mean. she explain, giving a small chuckle. On the paper below her she wrote the following items: outfits, management, services, layouts. Leaving it at that for now, until the group could think of any other things from the top of their head or after they possibly visited the shop.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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Kiddo jutted forward as Mell "patted" his back. "Good, I'm thinking something that sticks out..blah..blah..blah".He dozed off a bit but still nodded right.....so black...and nothing uh...too fancy". Kiddo listened to Bao talk "well we can probably talk about the blah...blah...blah...blah...". Kiddo couldn't help but doze off he usually does his work better when he multitasks and same goes for paying attention to what people were saying. He sketteched a simple black jumpsuit for the repair men and a black polo/pants for the other workers "maybe to decorate it more, we can make a logo". Oh no he sounds like he's actually trying what has he become!? Mel made him her bitch that's what happened. Damn he needed to really man up. He sketched along the side of the page some ran dome doodles and such. "what is the company's name?".

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

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She discarded the fact that the two boys were arguing or whatever. Once he turned over to her, she realized something. Not much people were saying anything against going to her place. Just Alex agreeing and the rest being silent.

What? What was wrong with this people? This was where they were supposed to band together and go against the idea of going to my house. What the actual hell was wrong with these people?! Mari bite her lip, fiddling with her hands yet again.

"OK then. My house it is." superiorly speaking. "Hmph, don't blame me if you start feeling bad about your own home." she said to them with a smirk. Mari pushed her hair away from her side, continuing to speak. "Ok. So after school. Today. We can go to my place." speaking as if it was definite. Mari was in a shit hole right now that she couldn't climb out of.

What if mother or father was home..? No... It's Wednesday so they shouldn't be. Yeah, they should be out somewhere. Hopefully they don't get in a fight while i'm out. Oh no... I'm scared.

Ayumi smiled once she heard the mention of a cafe. "Cooking? Sai, Sai, should we go to your place? Hmmm.. If you don't want to we could go to maybe Robert's..?" She asks, looking over at him. She just really didn't want to make Ayumi mad anymore with her sudden outbursts. Ayumi smiles at them, hoping they wouldn't realize that she hadn't mentioned her own place.

No one knew she lived in that run down place on her own and she wasn't sure that it would be a good idea to tell anyone. She usually just went over to Sai's place without mentioning her own.

"Ok! Take your seats! It's time to start class students~"

With that, everyone began to sit down, some glad they could get away from their group and some disappointed.

Ayumi had a frantic expression on her face now. "Ok! Quick! Whose place?" she asked them, her eyes wide since she didn't want to get in trouble but didn't want to decide things later on.
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