Name: Prince Ali Sekhemi
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human
Room Number: 222
Rooming With: Ruby
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Personality: Sekhemi cannot feel pain or emotions, thanks to this, he is considered to be very selfish, and very mean. He doesn't care about life at all, he doesn't find any worth in it. He cares for nothing, so much so, he doesn't even care about himself. He has suffered many battles thanks to this, taking a very high risk and going up on the front. He does what he wants, not what others want him to do. If somebody tells him to do something, he will just refuse to do it, and will probably do the opposite, though, reverse psychology doesn't work on him either. He is very stubborn, once he decides on something, there is a little chance of him changing his mind.
Bio: (I'll probably do this later)
Power 1: Fire Manipulation
Power 2: Darkness Manipulation
Likes: Respect, Obedience, complements.
Dislikes: Disrespect, Everyone who angers him, Animals.
Family: None to mention
Friends: None yet.
Sentimental Attachment: His Egyptian Items
Weapon: Golden Spiked Knuckles.
Pet Name: Sabertooth
Pet Age: 2000
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Sabertooth Tiger
Pet Apperance:

Pet Personality: Sabertooth is the fine example of Like master, like pet. He is arrogant just like Sekhemi. He doesn't care about nobody but his master. He would watch a mere child suffer and die and not even blink an eye. He gives Sekhemi advice every so often but ultimately follows his final decision no matter what it may be.
Pet Power 1: Energy Manipulation
Pet Power 2: Organic Constructs
Name: Prince Ali Sekhemi
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human
Room Number: 222
Rooming With: Ruby
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Personality: Sekhemi cannot feel pain or emotions, thanks to this, he is considered to be very selfish, and very mean. He doesn't care about life at all, he doesn't find any worth in it. He cares for nothing, so much so, he doesn't even care about himself. He has suffered many battles thanks to this, taking a very high risk and going up on the front. He does what he wants, not what others want him to do. If somebody tells him to do something, he will just refuse to do it, and will probably do the opposite, though, reverse psychology doesn't work on him either. He is very stubborn, once he decides on something, there is a little chance of him changing his mind.
Bio: (I'll probably do this later)
Power 1: Fire Manipulation
Power 2: Darkness Manipulation
Likes: Respect, Obedience, complements.
Dislikes: Disrespect, Everyone who angers him, Animals.
Family: None to mention
Friends: None yet.
Sentimental Attachment: His Egyptian Items
Weapon: Golden Spiked Knuckles.
Pet Name: Sabertooth
Pet Age: 2000
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Sabertooth Tiger
Pet Apperance:

Pet Personality: Sabertooth is the fine example of Like master, like pet. He is arrogant just like Sekhemi. He doesn't care about nobody but his master. He would watch a mere child suffer and die and not even blink an eye. He gives Sekhemi advice every so often but ultimately follows his final decision no matter what it may be.
Pet Power 1: Energy Manipulation
Pet Power 2: Organic Constructs