Name: Arin Kurokawa
Nickname: just Arin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Human: Telepathy Dinosaur: Can breathe ice.
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Crush: Ayaka
Relationship: Ayaka

Personality: Arin is a very nice guy who would go out of his way to help someone in need even if he doesn't know them.
Bio/history: TBR
Likes: The beach(either to watch the waves or meet Ayaka there), his girlfriend(loves her actually), anyone who is nice to him.
Dislikes: a certain necromancer he refuses to name(Hunter), anyone who purposely tries to anger him or hurt his girlfriend.
Other: If he is really angry, he will become a giant dinosaur. So if you're looking to be his friend, don't anger him.
Name: Kendra
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Plant Enancement
Species: She-wolf(my idea of a female werewolf)
Crush: none yet
Relationship: Single

Personality: Adventurous, imaginative, industrious, curious and loving.
Bio: TBR
Likes: TBR
Dislikes: TBR
Other: none
Name: Viktor Quintus
Nickname: Vik
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Camouflaging, Blood Boiling, Force Blasts(Only uses this as a last resort).
Species: Demon
Crush: none
Relationship: Single
(without the chains of course)
Personality: TBR
Bio: TBR
Likes/dislikes: You'll find out at some point in the rp.
Other: none
Name: Vile
Nickname: none
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Transmutation. and Portal Creation(he mainly uses this to get around).
Species: Demon
Crush: (Insert something witty here)
Relationship: (same as above)
Personality: Evil, cunning, persuasive and a trickster.
Bio/history(optional): TBR
Likes: Toying with the innocents and creating things.
Dislikes: Everything and everyone else.
Other: none.
Nickname: just Arin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Human: Telepathy Dinosaur: Can breathe ice.
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Crush: Ayaka
Relationship: Ayaka

Personality: Arin is a very nice guy who would go out of his way to help someone in need even if he doesn't know them.
Bio/history: TBR
Likes: The beach(either to watch the waves or meet Ayaka there), his girlfriend(loves her actually), anyone who is nice to him.
Dislikes: a certain necromancer he refuses to name(Hunter), anyone who purposely tries to anger him or hurt his girlfriend.
Other: If he is really angry, he will become a giant dinosaur. So if you're looking to be his friend, don't anger him.
Name: Kendra
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Plant Enancement
Species: She-wolf(my idea of a female werewolf)
Crush: none yet
Relationship: Single

Personality: Adventurous, imaginative, industrious, curious and loving.
Bio: TBR
Likes: TBR
Dislikes: TBR
Other: none
Name: Viktor Quintus
Nickname: Vik
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Camouflaging, Blood Boiling, Force Blasts(Only uses this as a last resort).
Species: Demon
Crush: none
Relationship: Single

Personality: TBR
Bio: TBR
Likes/dislikes: You'll find out at some point in the rp.
Other: none
Name: Vile
Nickname: none
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Transmutation. and Portal Creation(he mainly uses this to get around).
Species: Demon
Crush: (Insert something witty here)
Relationship: (same as above)

Personality: Evil, cunning, persuasive and a trickster.
Bio/history(optional): TBR
Likes: Toying with the innocents and creating things.
Dislikes: Everything and everyone else.
Other: none.