Avaleigh Dawson
Location: Annabelle House, Room 2
Interacting with: Jasper by phone and Olive Darcy

The previous night..."
THAT STEAK WAS DA BOMB!" A scruffy, average-looking man, with light jeans, and a black hoodie, walked on the sidewalk beside his glowing 19 year old sister, who wore a black dress, a plaid button up shirt, and boots.
Do you ever treat yourself to a decent meal, Ted?" As they walked, the silver haired woman glared at her fingers and began picking at the dead skin on her nail cuticles.
I'm too cheap for that shit. I'm surprised dad wanted to eat at a steak joint. I guess this is a mini vacation for them-- in a bittersweet kinda sense." His tone grew dramatic, "
Little Ava darling is leaving the nest!" He placed the back of his left hand on his forehead, like he was a distressed southern belle.
Rolling her eyes, Avaleigh looked up toward the New York sky and stretched her tired body, her arms reaching high into the air.
Enough with the boring chatter. Tomorrow is a big day! There's gotta be something planned that you know about, hmmmmmm? School doesn't start for few days and--"
Cutting her off, Jasper jumped on an empty park bench and gestured for her to grab his hand "
Milady." Resting her hand on her brother's palm, he pulled her up onto the bench. Almost simultaneously, they sat on the back support, both equally enjoying the cool of the night.
We can talk about that tomorrow. I'm too sober to care about people right now."
Around 1PM the next day...
(Weather: High 84° and Lo 62°)
Waiting. Waiting on the other line using her stone-age, flip phone, the light haired, thin woman impatiently tapped her pointer finger on her upper right thigh. This was the first call she sent, but the fifth call he had received. For once, she wore a lighter ensemble:
a off-white long sleeves shirt and a teal skirt. Avaleigh waited for her brother, a disheveled man, who was probably passed the fuck out, TO PICK UP HIS DAMN PHONE. He owed her one, that's for damn sure. Last night at dinner, Jasper had promised their parents he'd help them move her in.
Yeah, right. A yawn slipped out of her mouth, having gotten hardly any sleep the previous night (thanks to Jasper for bringing her home late and herself for not thinking it was a good idea to take her sleeping pills). She was prepared to hang up when FINALLY the ringing noise came to a close and a muffled grunt was heard from the receiving end.
Oh, thank god. She knew right when he made the promise, he would be a no show. He hated moving.
Along with his loathing of changing homes and the inconvenience of packing and unpacking, he hardly drank last night while he was with her. So, Ava suspected the moment he got home, he went straight to the hard liquor. Moving was absolutely terrible and she couldn't blame him, but that doesn't change the fact that he didn't say goodbye to their parents before they caught their flight back to Cali.
Avaleigh narrowed her baby blue eyes as she leaned up against the confined hallway, on the first floor of Annabelle House, "
Good afternoon, Teddy." She kept her voice rather low, not because she was trying to be secretive, but just in case her brother had a hangover. Clearing her throat, she continued, "
I'll cut to the chase. Call ma in like six hours, if you can even remember that. They were annoyed until I told them you had a meeting with your editor. So. Yeah. I'd like wine for my fridge." The ballsy First Year requested alcohol in a demanding fashion.
When you're not being a bum, bring me some. Please and thank you~" She listened to the other line and laughed, "
Like I care! You told me yourself, they don't look into people's fridges. You're the one to talk!" There was a brief moment of silence, "
Either way! Last night, you were gonna tell me about--" The man explained something inaudible for any ears but her own and a slight grin grew on her face.
Perfect. Text me the deats ASAP! I need lunch. I'm fucking starving and I don't expect you to leave your place anytime soon. I better see you later~. Love ya!" Closing her flip phone, Ava looked down the hallway to see if anyone was around. Luckily for her, most people left. Her roommate was probably in her room unpacking though. Maybe she should invite her?
Making her way to Room 2, Ava swiped her Student ID card in the reader and waited for the door to *click* open. Lightly pushing her door open, the dancer gave a friendly wave to her roommate and went to her suitcase on her bed. As she took out some of her clothes and went to her drawers, the elegant and proper poised woman inquired (since they already did introductions hours ago), "
Hey, Olive, do you have any plans tonight?"
Jasper Dawson
Location: 46 Park Point Drive, Apartment 2D
Interacting with: Avaleigh by phone, Maybe King?
@Liriia, eventually bitch-I-don't-know
Alex @reiko

club song ringtone invaded the peace of mind of the messy haired, droopy faced man, who had drooled all over his pillow. No, he did not necessarily like the song. It just amused him.
And annoyed him.
Perfect for a ringtone. All morning it was going off... can't a grown man get some sleep in his own bedroom?! There was black curtains that covered his windows making his room completely dark. Darkness was nice. Especially when it came to him sleeping like a baby for a few hours. After his late night walk with his sister, Jasper totally raided his alcohol (tequila) and had a party with himself in his bedroom. He even drew a couple of awesome character designs: a innocent succubus and a horny angel playing a game of chess. Last night would be a success for him as a brother, a drunk, and an artist!
But Usher's voice wouldn't shut the fuck up. He should just throw the damn phone at the wall. With his eyes closed, Jay patted his bed to find the disruptive destroyer of all things peaceful... where was it? Follow the bass, follow the... AH-HA! Finding his Nokia 5230 Nuron, a basic smartphone, under his chest, he growled at the bright light that blared into his eyes.
Ah, it's Noey.Wiping some of the drool from his mouth, he slowly but surly began to comprehend the world, as he picked up the phone clumsily.
Wahhhhh" he yawned. Listening to his sister with only half of his brain working, he muttered to himself some of her words, "
Call...flight...editor...wine...". His eyes widened at the last statement, "
HELL no! You're underage, missy! I'm not gonna be a--" He grimaced when she turned the situation on him, since Ava knew very well he always figured out a way to obtain alcohol, even when he was 'underage'.
Sighing, he let the silence linger on for a moment.
Finefinefine." Sitting up now, he rested his chin on his palm as his elbow rested on his leg. His energetic, probably sleep deprived, sister brought up their conversation from last night. Jeez, Ava really wanted to get out tonight. Most likely start making her own connections and get her drink on. Sounds like an awesome night out to him.
Cutting her off, Jasper assured his sister that there was indeed a major party tonight, "
A ritzy ass senior is throwing a big bash tonight at his father's penthouse. There's a pool on the roof and basically anyone, whose anyone is going to be there. The place is fucking HUGE, Ava!"
Getting off his bed, the weary man reached down to his toes and gave his body a little stretch, as his sister said her goodbyes, "
Yeahyeahyeah. Love you too." Hanging up his phone, he tossed it on his bed, not bothering to look at his missed calls or texts, and prepared for his day.
Sometime after his morning routine...No shower or coffee would make him energetic and ready to face the world and the annoying people in it. Clean and fully clothed in some
random outfit he picked up off the floor, Jay had one goal only: the fridge. Shuffling his boots against the ground, he ignored all his surroundings and opened the keeper of great and tasty things. Sticking his head in for a long minute, he let the coldness inspire his eyes to open wider. Nah, nothing. Looking through the drawers, a sudden expression of shock fell over the man's face.
Suddenly, the man, who needed to feed his craving, was extremely perturbed but because he had little to no energy all he could do was close the fridge and mumble, "
Fucking great."