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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elizabeth and Flint

A drunk and a werewolf

A Few hours later

As Liz exited the back room, she walked lazily behind the bar and crouched, looking for the good stuff. There were multiple liquors, in a wide variety of colors ranging from clear to a dark amber that was almost black. She was going to hate herself later, but for now she wanted to take pity on herself for who knows what.

She looked around, and grabbed some rum, vodka, and a bit more gin. Loading the three bottles into her arms, she grabbed a glass and carried the handle between her teeth. She carefully walked back up the stairs, and into the room she called home. Setting the bottles down, she started to pace the room, going in wide arcs around the bottles as if they were some dangerous material she could not touch.

She thought about why she was doing this to herself, and grabbing a pad of paper, she started to write: Liz, you're probably too incoherent to read this, but here's why you've decided to go too far. One, you almost got raped on a date with the guy you thought was your only friend here. Two, you know the others are hiding something from you, and they won't tell you what. Three, you're upset and you think this is the only way to fix things. Have fun~ your sensible self. After she finished the note, she crumbled it up and threw it onto her vanity. There was nothing else for her to do, but drink.

She started out by pouring herself small drinks, that hardly took up the bottom of the glass. The alcohol coursed through her veins, lighting them in fire. She was used to this feeling, so it gave her a sort of comfort. She also realized that being used to it wasn't a very good thing. She didn't want to think, or realize, or even process anything. So after that, she started to fill her glass to the brim. She chugged every last drop, until, through her blurred vision she saw the bottle was only dripping. She put it up to her eye, and looked into the empty bottle. With a groan, she tossed the bottle across the room, enjoying the sound of it shattering against the door frame.

(note: someone could hear her and come to investigate.)

She moved onto the next bottle, her senses so muddled she could hardly tell what it was. Instead of bothering with the mug, she simply chugged straight from the bottle. Again, she threw it against the nearest wall, and she continued to repeat the process until her supply ran out. She wanted to get more, but wasn't sure she could. She fumbled as she tried to get up, gripping the bed for support. Her brain was pounding against her skull, and her stomach was doing flips. All sure signs that she should stop, but whenever she gathered enough strength to stop falling, the first thing she did was head out the door. Her bare feet were cut by the glass she had shattered there, but she didn't seem to notice in her stupor.

She walked along the wall for support, and grabbed the railing with both hands at the stairs. As she made it to the last step, she yelped with glee at her achievement. She looked around, making sure Bobby wasn't there (note: if he is there he would see her or she would flee to her room) as soon as she knew the room was clear, she loudly crept back up to the counter. Her liver was probably screaming at her to stop, but she was too far gone for that. She grabbed a random bottle, it really didn't matter at that point, and started on the way back upstairs. She passed the back room, and gave it an empty stare. She reached for the handle of the door, but when she looked down at her bottle, she retrieved it.

When she got back up to her room, she stumbled inside, shut the door behind her, and fell lazily on the bed. She almost immediately got into a fetal position, and started to drain the bottle. Whenever she would start thinking again, she pounded her head against the pillow. She must have looked like such a miserable wreck at that point. Her hair was too tight and it made her head ache even more, so she aggressively tore apart the braid. Her clothes squeezed against her stomach, and that made her want to vomit, so with a shaking hand she took off some of the layers underneath her outermost clothing. Her feet were also bleeding steadily, and they throbbed which only added to her overall annoyance. She moaned in pain, but continued to suckle the bottle like a small child.

Bobby and Fenros were busy, talking about their ‘friends’ that had paid both of them a visit outside and away from the bar, so they were not there to catch Elizabeth in her drunken stupor. However, Sophie did… sort of. She heard the noise outside in the bar, and only expected it to be Bobby, as he was often loud while walking around. She waited for him to come to the kitchen, but he didn’t come back. She thought it was weird...for a moment, only hearing the noise again and this time going away from the kitchen and upstairs.

She wiped her hands on the front of her blouse and and made her way to the bar, then to stairs. She didn’t see Bobby. She then noticed bloody footprints that went down the stairs, to the bar and back up. She hurried up the stairs and followed it to Elizabeth’s room. She knocked loudly and frantically. Blood was never a good sign, “Elizabeth!?” She yelled When she didn’t receive an answer She pounded on the door, repeating herself. She would get Bobby, but she didn’t know where he was… as he had the spare keys on him. Fenros was with him…Emiliah was somewhere else as well. She didn’t know any other hunter that she trusted was near by Besides Flint.

Elizabeth heard a pounding on the other side of the door, but instead of getting up to answer, she moaned louder. She didn't want anyone seeing her like this, but she had no strength to tell them to go away.

She hurried back down the stairs and into the back room, almost tripping over Mishka as she entered, She started to shake him. “FLINT! WAKE UP!” Slapping his forehead to gain his attention more.

“Wha uh HUH OW SOPHIE!?” Flint yelled as she attacked him and his still sore head throbbed in pain. His eyes squinted as he still waking up and looked at the flustered woman. When he noticed her worry, he quickly sat up, His adrenaline kicked in. Sophie was NEVER worried. Bobby was always here. “Sophie!? What happened? What’s wrong?” His body screamed in pain but he ignored it for the moment.

“I just went up to Elizbeths room, because I found bloody foot prints leaving and entering her room! I didn’t hear anything from inside and I don’t have a spare key. Bobby is out with your brother.” She said quickly, “I need you to break it down! Ill go get my medical supplies.”

Flint was already standing up as she was speaking, same with Mishka. He didn’t even answer Sophie as he started to make his way towards the bar and upstairs, but not before grabbing his knife from his belt. He saw the bloody foots and quickly made it up the stairs, ignoring the pain in his back and head as he did. Once at her door he pounded it again. “Elizabeth?!” He called. Only waiting a few seconds for her reply.

Elizabeth was surprised to hear Flint at the other side of her door, at least she assumed it was Flint. Her head was throbbing too much for her to focus on the noise. She couldn't let him see her like that, but since she was so far gone, the best thing she could do was cover herself in her blanket. Once he came in the room, he would immediately smell the alcohol, and her jig-if you could even call it that- would be up.

Flint didn’t hear anything so he took a step back. After looking at the lock...he knew Bobby was going to be mad...but he will take care of it later. He mustered all of his strength and kicked the door right at the above the door latch. The small metal piece snapped the wood that was supposed to hold it and he took a few steps in, Immediately being bombarded with the smell of Alcohol. He shook his head as the smell was almost too strong. He saw her in the bed, covered with a blanket. His often charming demeanor was gone as he ignored the broken glass on the ground and made his way to her bed, his own feet cutting in the process. He pulled back the top of her blanket just enough to see her face. “Elizabeth?!” He asked, seeing that she was indeed awake. Then looking at the foot of her bed to see the blood soaking through the sheet. He pulled it back to see her feet bleeding. “What are you doing?” He asked concerned.

“I'm...I'm drinking myself to death, didn't I tell you that?” Elizabeth took time to think about her words, but she still slurred them and exaggerated every s. She giggled, and patted Flint's chest. “Go away Flint! I'm busy right now.” She tightened her grip on the neck of her bottle, and went for another swig. “Who else was here? Someone else tried to come in.”

He sighed in slight irritation when she said she was drinking herself to death, while being giddy about it. She patted his chest, which was still bare besides the bandages. She then took a swig and asked who else was there. As if her mentioning it summoned her, Sophie came through the doorway. “Oh my Goodness. Liz Dear what are you doing?!” She moved to the end of the bed and grabbed her ankles, looking at the gashes on her feet.

Flint reached down and grabbed the bottle just under her hand, while he took her hand that held it in his other, slowly trying to pry it away. “Why are you drinking yourself to death?” he tried to say to get her to ignore the bottle. “Sophie was trying to get in, she was worried about you...I’m worried as well. “ His voice was gentle as he spoke, though he took this VERY seriously.

Elizabeth giggled hysterically when Sophie came in and grabbed her ankles. They felt ticklish, and very, very sore. She kept up her happy mood until she felt Flint's hand touch hers. She glanced down at it, and saw that he was trying to take away her alcohol.

With an earsplitting scream, Elizabeth started to thrash around on the bed, she kicked her feet violently to make Sophie release her, and she tore Flint's hand off of her bottle. “Don't! Don't you dare!” She said, starting to sob.

Flint winced as her scream took him off guard, it felt as if it was cracking his already sore head. Sophie tried to hold her feet but to no avail. Flint raised his hands and said, “Alright! ALRIGHT! I won't!” He said in a said in a comforting tone. As he gently touched her shoulders to calm her. “I won't take your bottle. If you stop thrashing around. Will you do that for me? Sophie needs to take care of the wounds on your feet.” He tried to look Elizabeth in the eye. Sophie how ever reached down and grabbed a cork, moving it into Flint’s other hand which was stretched out behind his back.

Elizabeth considered the compromise, and she slowly nodded, her thrashing coming to a halt. “Fine, but after that you need to leave. I don't want you here.” Her eyes started to water, and she held the bottle tight against her chest, not at all concerned about the liquid that splashed against her chest. “Why won't you just leave me alone?” her tone was somber, and her eyes started to water.

Flint sighed as he hid the cork in his hand. He noticed her starting to cry as he pulled his hand away from her shoulder. What happened today that made her like this? He cleared his throat. “Why do you want to be alone?” he asked as he shifted his position, preparing to cork the bottle after he got her attention focused on him. He reached out again and moved some of her hair out of her face, gently brushing her cheek as he did so before pulling his hand back again.

“I can't tell you that silly, it's a secret.” She giggled, but tears made red lines down her cheeks. She reached up and traced his bandages. “You all keep secrets from me, so why can't I have some of my own?”

He gave a smile as she said it was a secret, trying to show that he was being playful as well. He was going to say that he is a good secret keeper, but when she stated that fact his eyes opened wide. Looking back at Sophie who heard that as well, as she took a pause in cleaning her feet.

He looked back as she was still tracing his bandages. He reached up and took her hand gently into his and said very gently as if talking to a child. “Well we all have different kinds of secrets. Some are dangerous...some we are not proud of. “ he looked at her for a moment and decided to ask. “Why do you think we are keeping secrets from you? Is that why you are upset?”

Elizabeth considered his words, taking extra time to process everything he said. She felt like such a child, not understanding his words fully. She stopped tracing his bandages and looked away, avoiding his eyes entirely. “You don't know the half of it Flint, and you'll never know it. Not until you tell me the truth.”

Flint took the opportunity while she looked away, with his right hand under his left arm to cork the bottle. He managed to do it while shifting in his spot so it didn’t look so awkward. He managed to get it on and squeezed it as hard as he could without breaking it. Then pulled away before she would notice.

Part of Elizabeth knew her threat would never work, but she didn't stop trying. “I'll stay like this, never without a bottle. So you can leave now, or tell me the truth. It's your choice.” she bit her lip, and went to take another long drink. Unfortunately for her, the bottle was corked. “Why are you doing this to me? Why do you hate me!” she screamed, as she pulled desperately at the cork.

He narrowed his eyes as she spoke. Until he told her the truth? What truth? She started to pull at the cork and scream again, he then tried to sell her on a story. “LIZ I DONT HATE YOU! YOU put the cork on yourself!” He tried to confuse her on the point, often drunks were very easy to fool into thinking they did things without them knowing. He then said, “What truth? What do you think I’m hiding from you? Ill tell you I promise.”

Sophie looked up worried that he just promised to tell her a truth...even she didn’t know what she was talking about, but with the big secret that had come up this last few days...she had an idea. “Flint…”

He ignored Sophie and continued to talk. “I have secrets from when I was just a boy...you are going to have to be specific when you tell me which truth you want me to say. PLEASE… calm down.”

Elizabeth momentarily forgot about the corked bottle, in fact, she loosened her grip on it. She was much more interested by the fact that Flint had just promised to tell her the truth. This made her sober up just a bit, and she calmly say up in the bed. “Okay, I'll ask you when Sophie leaves. Three's a crowd, as they say.”

Elizabeth glanced at Sophie, and smiled. She was excited by Flint's promise, until a sudden realization struck. “Wait, do you even know your own secret? Because I'm not talking about your boyhood at all.” She furrowed her brow, now slightly concerned. Did they not bother to tell him about the werewolf lineage he may possess?

Flint looked back to Sophie with please written on his face. While she did not looked pleased at all she was told to leave. But she said, “Well I’m done here anyway…” SHe said while standing up and gathering the blood soaked rags.

He then looked back to her when she grew confused, it was kinda cute and funny, as he smirked at her. But it quickly went away as he then sat up and gripped the bottle, slowly trying to pull it away. “How do I know I know a secret that you think I know of, with out telling me what the secret is?” He said with a smile...trying to confuse her a little. Before saying. What did you want to know? One secret though.”

Elizabeth let him take away her bottle, as she tried to understand his confusing words. What was he trying to say? One secret, was all she could understand. “I want to keep my end of the deal. I want to be clear headed when I ask you, not drunk out of my mind.” She scooted closer to him, and rested her head on his shoulder. “Flint, today...wait...yesterday right? Yesterday was a rough day, for both of us. You got it worse though.” She closed her eyes, not because she was tired, but because she was trying to think straight.

Flint raised an eyebrow as she sat up and scooted closer to him. He was surprised when she rested her head on his shoulder. The smell of alcohol strong on her breath. He didn’t pull away though… kinda felt odd though sitting half naked, on a bed...with a woman.

He looked at her, their face mere inches apart. “Yeah… it was a rough day for me you can say. But what happened to you Liz? I thought it was just boring…” He asked, hoping maybe she would open up first before he had to reveal a secret.

Elizabeth opened her eyes to find their faces mere inches apart. She could have kissed him, if she had wanted to. However, she was more than done when it came to boy drama. She raised her hand and pointed wearily at her vanity. “There, the wad of paper.” she said, her voice low and sad. She put her head into her hands, to protect herself from his gaze. “You know, I'm almost certain the promise you made means nothing to you, and everything to me.”

He raised his eyebrow as he looked over to the vanity. She lifted her head from his shoulder, and he took that opportunity to stand up, taking the bottle with him. His feet stung as the glass he stepped on earlier sank deeper into his feet. He didn’t care though as he moved over and grabbed the piece of paper. He looked back to her as he made his way back and uncrumpled the paper. “Yeah?” He asked as he started to read it. He paused...looking up to her after he read the first line.

“Elizabeth…” he said as he saw, how this all made perfect sense. “Who did it? Was it Emiliano?” He said gritting his teeth.

Elizabeth stayed silent for a few thoughtful moments, and she looked up at Flint with fresh tears welling up in her eyes. “I...we kissed and he tried to...he tried to…” she couldn't finish the sentence, not while looking at him. So she tucked her head back into her hands and took a deep breath. “He thought I wanted it, I didn't. Don't be upset. Keep reading.” She shook, feeling miserable.

Flint sat down on the edge of the bed. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he doubted that would be the best choice. He was silent, mostly because he was fuming. He will find Emiliano later and teach him how to treat a woman with respect. But he was also surprised when she said that she thought she wanted it...That hit him a little hard. But he pushed the thought away… as she did come visit him, but still.

He looked at the paper again. He looked up to her. “Who is hiding things from you? Bobby? Sophie?” He didn’t know who she meant, as he touched her hand.

Elizabeth interlocked her fingers with his, and squeezed tight. She felt relieved that he wasn't totally outraged. “You're all hiding things from me, even you Flint. I just don't think you know what it is yet. That's not my news to share, but when you figure it out, I want you to know that I won't think of you any different.” she smiled at him, her head finally feeling clear.

“For now, tell me any secret you want to share. I could care less about what it is, I just want you to stay and talk to me. If that's okay with you.” Elizabeth smirked playfully, and squeezed his hand once more. “I feel better now, thank you.”

Flint looked down at their hands as she squeezed tight, after interlocking fingers. She then said he was hiding things from her. WHen she didn’t say what it was he wanted to grunt. He wasn’t a freaking mind reader.

She then asked to tell her any secret. Which he drew up on a blank. He tried to think of what he could say. Obviously the major secret was that he was part werewolf…. The fact that maybe he would be getting to know Liz a little more...looking at their hands, and she already saw him getting better…. With in a day. She might be wondering what is going on with him. Also the fact that she said she wouldn’t think of him any different. He looked away… not feeling that any secret that he said wouldn’t be good enough...as his mind started focusing on his curse.

He looked to her again. “I don’t say this to anyone… it is something that could get me killed.” He looked down at his chest, with his bandages. It will be hard to explain all this tomorrow when her head was fully cleared. The nearly dead man kicking down her door like a perfectly healthy one.

Elizabeth's heart started to pound a little faster as she realized he would actually tell her a secret, she smiled until his face turned serious, and she followed his lead. When he looked down at his chest, she pursed her lips and used her free hand to gently lift his chin, turning his head to face her. “Flint, you can tell me. I would never judge you, I couldn't do it if I tried. You've seen me at my worst, and if you make it confusing enough, I'm sure I won't remember it in the morning.”

Elizabeth smiled, hoping to comfort him enough so he would tell her. She wanted to know what it was, but she didn't want to force it out of him. He was too kind to push. “It's okay Flint, I promise.”

Flint looked to her He took a breath as she explained why he need not worry. He wondered why he was going to reveal this secret, he felt impressed to do so...which was strange, he’s never had it before. He decided to go with it...besides he promised to tell her a secret… and even if she said he could make it confusing, that would be going back on his promise.

“This cannot be told to anyone...It will effect my family.” He hesitated. He then said. “My father, and all my grand fathers in the Digard side, up to six generations were part werewolves...including me. “ he said looking at her hesitantly.

For a brief moment, Elizabeth was filled with glee. She wanted to jump around the room shouting about how she had known it all along. Then she cleared her throat, and whisked away all thoughts of excitement. “Well, as surprised as you may be about this, I already knew. Emiliano was drunk and he let it slip.”

Wondering what his reaction would be to that, Elizabeth started to fidget with her tangled hair. “I'm glad I got to hear it from you though, and I'm extremely happy that you decided to tell me at all.” with that, she bravely wrapped her arms around him in a loose hug, she stayed there For a few moments, wondering what he would do.

Flint pulled back slightly when she said she already knew. Emiliano told her? Ohhh he was dead. Telling his secret, and even trying to get frisky with her. He was about to stand up though and find him when Elizabeth started to talk again. Telling him that she was glad he told her. He was surprised that she didn’t care. Many people ran for the hills if anyone was just a hint of evil in them.

She then wrapped her arms around him, which caused him to blush slightly, not expecting this. He then wrapped his arms around her as well loosely. “Wait….was this the secret you were thinking of then?” Slightly confused

Elizabeth sighed, breathing in his scent. She rested her head against his chest and was surprised at how warm she felt. She thought of all the things that had happened to her that lead her to this moment, and she was grateful for once. She wanted to stay in this moment forever, and if that wasn't possible, she would savor it as long as she could.

“Yeah, I was being silly and I thought you didn't know.” She laughed, and it was anything but empty. She glanced up to Flint and stared, unsure of whether or not she should smile, or smirk. “Someday I'll find out about those childhood secrets though, I'm a pretty good detective.”

He shook his head, A smile on his face. “ OK?” As she gave a heartfelt laugh. “I of course I knew...but didn’t know that you did. Obviously….” She mentioned finding out his childhood secrets. “Well see about that” he said as he sat there, not wanting to leave….wanting to make sure she was fine before he would find Emiliano. “I’m sorry what happened to you Liz…. Just know that I will always be here to help you. Don’t do this again...if you need to talk, talk to me.” He said more seriously but he gave a small smile to show he wasn’t mad at her.

Elizabeth realized he was trying to find a cue to go, giving him one final squeeze, she let go of him. “Don't feel sorry for me, I already have enough self pity to light a city's worth of hearths.” she wasn't sure if that made sense, but she said it anyways. She looked around her room and grimaced, it was in tatters. She didn't want to stay here. “Can I...can I take your room tonight? This place is a total war zone.” she put her hands together in a pleading motion.

Flint narrowed his eyes and shook his head, “I-i-i Didn’t mean to feel sorry for you...it’s just that these things piss me off. I’m going to talk to Emiliano after this...about a few things.” He then looked around the room to see her handy work. “Well I was going to offer my room anyways… You can’t sleep in here with the busted door anyways.” He casually pulled the glass from his feet while looking to around. He then stood up and turned to the glass all over the floor, He then looked to her. “Please…. Let me carry you over this I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

Elizabeth was overjoyed when he offered up his room. She would have to spend a while cleaning this place up before it was back to its original state, and she was far too tired for that. She pulled herself up, finding it easier to stand than it had been before. She yawned, sleep finally starting to overcome her. She wished she could stay and chat with him in the back room, but she was sure she could find time for that later today.

When he offered to carry her over the glass her cheeks went red. She wanted to accept his offer, but he was far more injured than her, and she didn't want to make it worse. “Oh no, you really must not.” She said quickly, in a lame attempt at charm. “I would be honored if you could lead me to your room though.” She said, walking up to him and giving him her hand.

He wouldn’t take no for an answer, as she took his hand he used his other hand to sweep her off her feet. Grunting inwardly on the strain on his back muscles. He then smiled “I must insist.” he started to move to the door, slowly as to not cut up his feet again, as they slowly started to heal. Once outside into the hall he moved to his room, pushing the door open with his hip and setting her down on the bed, so she didn’t have to stand on wounded feet.

“Ill let you get some sleep Liz.” He said with a smile as he pulled the blanket out enough so she can slip under the covers.

Elizabeth yelped in surprise as he swept her off her feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck for support, and smiled giddily. When he opened his door to her and brought her to his bed, she felt the drowsiness that started to creep up on her. With a yawn and a stretch she buried herself beneath the covers, and waved at Flint before he left.

“Goodbye, wolf-boy. Don't get yourself into trouble.” As soon as he left, Elizabeth curled up into an eager ball, and fell asleep.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A collab feat. @Ellion


Medusa paced her circular bed chambers. In her hands she held two rolled up scrolls. On one was written the name of everyone who'd ever betray her, on the other was listed the manner in which she'd die. The Elders stood around her, urging her to read them. Taunting her with the question she feared to know the answer to. "Will Lorelai come for me?" She let out a snarl of frustration as she sat on the foot of her bed.

Angharad let out a little yawn, she'd been watching Medusa struggle with opening the letters for the past hour and now she was rather bored. She slithered out of the blankets, the cool air prickling her naked skin. She then wrapped herself around the sitting form of Medusa and whispered in her ear. "The only way to know love, is to open them," She nipped the woman's ear. "You know, I still stand on the side of you burning them. Keep life a mystery,"

Medusa's face heated at the unexpected affection from Angharad, but then again everything the woman did was unexpected. "There's something I need to know, but I fear the answer to." She sighed. "Lorelai was my best friend, but I fear I've pushed her too far. I fear she's planning a coup, and I fear that if she does she'll succeed." Her eyes widened at her sudden admittance. "You can't tell anyone that though! You understand?"

Angharad reaching around, pulling Medusa's head to the side and placing a soft kiss on her lips. "I came here for you to be with you in this moment, and when the moment passes, I shall be elsewhere. There is no one for me to tell," Angharad then reached around, taking each of Medusa's hands in each of hers. "Friendships pull and push, perhaps this push will bring you closer, or pull you apart. You already know you want to look. Shall we open it together?"

Medusa simply nodded. Angharad had a certain...comforting madness about her. She was right, why delay and torture herself so. "When this moment ends, you'll have to visit me sometime." Medusa offered the other witch a shy smile. The scroll opened, and at the top in golden letters was her deepest nightmare: Lorelai Von'Strauss

Tears spilled over Medusa cheeks as she trembled with sadness and fear. "It's true then, the dragon of Von'Strauss comes for me." She set the scroll aside and rested her face in her hands as she began to weep.

Angharad slipped around Medusa, resting on her knees by the woman's feet. She lifted Medusa's skirt up to her knees, planting a soft kiss. "Knowing causes pain, it is the curse of the gift," She whispered. tracing circles on the woman's calves. "You cannot unknow now, but you can know what to do next," She then reached up, pulling the woman's hands down away from her face.

"Know what to do next!?" Medusa shivered from the warm sensation on her leg. When Angharad revealed her face her cheeks were stained with tears, but her eyes burned with madness. "How do you fortify your gates against Hell!? It will take everything I have to survive Ang..." She stroked the witch's cheek. "I'll have to begin immediately."

Medusa pulled Angharad from her perch at her feet towards her, she pressed her lips lightly onto the other woman's. "But perhaps I could use a little...relief first?"

"Wherever and whenever you need, I am but your humble servant," said Angharad, pushing Medusa back on the bed. She placed her legs on either side of the woman. "When one enters hell, it is best to get out before the devil even knows you're there," She dipped down, placing a kiss on the woman's neck. "Gather your friends before she can," She reached down, yanking Medusa's dress up towards her waist. "But, perhaps if we can talk battle plans, I might be doing something wrong right now,"

A couple of steamy hours later

"Medusa." Medusa was brought back to conscious thought be the voice of an Elder. "Do you plan to roll around naked with that...woman...while Lorelai prepares your demise?"

She opened her eyes, the room had grown darker since the earlier festivities. "Ang...darling, we'd best prepare don't you think?" She stroked the woman's hair listlessly. Medusa didn't really want to get up, but the Elders were rarely wrong. There was a part of Medusa that simply wanted to relax for the next few days she'd have, and hope for Lorelai's forgiveness. That was no way for a witch that wanted to keep her coven and castle to think however, she'd need to make plans, gather allies, and soon.

Angharad blinked up a Medusa, pushing herself up into a semi-seated position. "If you wish it," she said, she placed a soft kiss on Medusa lips, before sliding out of bed. "Or perhaps," She said, standing off to the side, "One might consider packing a bag and leaving this moment for another moment with me...and the sea,"

"Grethu never told you about what was coming did she?" Medusa swung her legs out over the floor as she took a sitting position at the edge of the bed. "Something's coming, the Elder's speak in hushed tones of it." Medusa paused to wipe the sleep from her eyes before standing. "Although I won't say I'm not tempted, I'm still needed here."

"My Grandmother knew I cared not to know what the future held," She said, pacing the room. "The deal being that when I want to know the future, I will have to see it for myself," Angharad walk towards the window where one of her children were sleeping. "However, I assumed as much, it was something that most of the seers chose not to face, my mother included,"

"Perhaps this moment will stretch until it's over...and when it passes we'll both be somewhere else? Near the sea, away from Von'Strausses and their Dragons?" Medusa made her way over to Angharad and slipped her arms around the woman. "Or would that be too much for an old witch to hope for?"

"We could seize the moment and take it with us to some place warm with sand and penguins and turtles," Ang then turned to face the woman. "But, if here is where you must stay, then here is where we are until the moment you let me take you somewhere better,"

"Thank you." Medusa closed the distance between their lips for a brief kiss before releasing her. "Shall we get to work then?" She grinned at her newfound companion.

Angharad gave a little bow, grinning "As you wish,"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Elizabeth and Emiliah

collab with @Sunsetroses @Aerandir

Hunters of Artemis

Emiliah returned the next day to check on Flint, wanting to talk with him when he wasn't..narcoleptic. She could tell the moment she entered the tavern that something was...off. There were a few earlier to midday risers muttering about something that happened last night. Emiliah wasn't shy about her eavesdropping and the people who she heard seemed more than eager to talk louder about what had happened after she left last night.

It took her less than a moment to hear about what Elizabeth had done at the bar and less than fives to hear about last night's activities.

"That...stupid," Emiliah could feel her blood start to boil, as though it was her that these men were talking about. It might has well have been. "No," Emiliah thought. 'I'm not going to let that drunk....cow ruin everything that I have worked to create here. Not in a million years,' with that she bolted up to the top of the stairs to Liz's room. Inside she found the door busted in and everything broken. But no Liz. With a growl she started raising down the stairs, only to run straight into Sophie.

Sophie was just getting ready to put away her medical supplies, and start waiting tables. She smiled when she saw Emiliah, and was about to start a friendly chat when she noticed the grimace on the girl's face. "Emiliah, what's wrong? What were you doing upstairs?" Sophie's brow furrowed in concern.

"Where is SHE Sophie," She said, her voice only a new octaves away from a growl. "She is ruining everything,"

Sophie chewed on the inside of her cheek, and shook her head. "Elizabeth you mean? She should be in her room. Flint and I had to calm her down, but they kicked me out." Sophie sighed, wondering what trouble they were getting into.

"I was just in her room Sophie, no one is there," she said "You have to tell me, where is she. I swear that girl has already ruined half the reputation I built for female hunters in less then half a night. I need to find her, do you have any idea what they are saying out there?"

Sophie pursed her lips, and wiped her hands on her blouse. "You'd have to check Flint's room, that's the most likely spot." She did hear a few whispers as she walked around, but she hadn't thought much of it. "Do you really want to do that though?"

"Why wouldn't I want to do that Sophie?" asked Emiliah, raising an eyebrow. The worse thing that could happen is that she walked in on them having sex. While the thought left a heavy weight in her stomach, she found it unlikely, as Flint was still pretty beat up.

"Well, you were fighting rather heavily before." Sophie recalled the previous argument they had just had, and she raised her eyebrow at Emiliah. "Well, you can do what you want. Just don't make it loud, it disturbs the customers."

"How about I promise to make it quick instead?" She said with a quick smile to Sophie, before taking off towards Flint's room. She knocked once, before shoving the door open. She saw Elizabeth laying in bed, but no Flint. She walked across the room and grabbed the blankets off the sleeping girl with one yank. "Get up," she said in her near growling voice again.

Elizabeth groaned as light flooded into the room. Who just barged into a room like that? She only had to wait a moment before she knew who it was: Emiliah. She sighed as the sheets were pulled off of her, but instead of getting up, she curled herself into a tight ball and placed a pillow over her head. "Go away Emiliah. What are you doing here?" As soon as she spoke, she felt her head throb. The hangover was coming faster than she had expected.

"I'm hear fixing the mess you've gotten yourself in," she said crossing her arms. "Now, you may either get your clothing and come down with me willingly, or I drag you out dressed as you are," She crossed her arms, although Elizabeth had a good three or four inches on her, Emiliah had slightly more muscle from a life time of training. "Make your choice, you have three....two....on-"

"Fine! I'm up, I'm up." Elizabeth grumbled, sitting up in the bed and rubbing her eyes. It was far too early for this. She didn't want to see anyone, especially not Emiliah. "What are you doing here? Where are you taking me?" She got up from the bed and stretched her legs, her feet still sore. She checked her bandages, and glanced at Emiliah. "I can't walk too much, guess you'll have to save this for tomorrow." That was a lie, because although her feet were sore she was able to walk just fine. "Goodnight." She crawled back onto the bed, and yawned.

Emiliah reached out and caught Liz by her foot and yanked her off the bed. "Fine, nightclothes it is," she said, dragging the girl towards the door. "And if your feet hurt, you should have thought of that BEFORE, you decided to break everything in your room," They were almost to the doorway now.

"I didn't break everything in the room, just some bottles." Elizabeth countered, her argument so weak it could snap like a twig. As they exited Flint's room she shook her head, thinking of the things that had happened earlier that morning. "So, while I change would you like to tell me what's going on? And not just some vague answer like you usually do. The actual answer."

"I never give vague answers," She said. "I'm always directly to the point, it is your own fault you always miss it," She then paused. "Are you sure you want me to tell you what is going on? And are you sure you want me to tell you what I am going to do about it?"

"If it's about last night, then I'm definitely sure. But if it's something else, I think I'm good." Elizabeth remembered how she had acted last night, but it was vague at best. The most she could remember fully was her discussion with Flint at the end of the night.

"I'm fine now, it was just a bump in the road." As they got closer to Liz's room, she realized just how much she didn't want to go back in. The bloody sheets, the broken glass. It all made her feel so disgusting.

Emiliah all but frog marched Liz back into her room. "Oh, you know, just how the 'the new hunter is already drinking her feelings' and 'how typical it is for little girls to not be able to cut it," She paused. "Shall I go on? I think I shall 'I guess this one has an open door policy so wide she took the door right off its hinges' and 'thats two down already' and finally 'used up or not, I'd like to go hunting with her, if you know what I mean,"

Emiliah put her hands on her hip. "Let me make something very clear to you," she growled. "I have spent years giving women hunters a good name, and I won't have it ruined by the likes of you,"

Elizabeth shrank when she heard what had been said about her. She had expected some of it, but what had happened was worse than she ever could have thought. It made her want to go away forever, to return to life as usual inside of a mansion where she was always treated with respect. However, if she did that, it would prove nothing.

With clenched fists, she nodded her head and turned to Emiliah. "I doubt you would understand, but it's not as it seems. However, it was still wrong of me to act that way just because of my own problems. I'm glad you've come to my aid, I don't want to ruin whatever reputation you've made for female hunters."

"I was hoping that you'd decided to leave," said Emiliah, relaxing ever so slightly. "However, if you are going to stay, I need to get to the point where to aren't an embarrassment. Are you ready?" She asked, now resting on the door frame. "And, you better inform Sophie on the way down that you are going to personally see to these repairs,"

"Oh no kiddo, I would love to stick around and be a thorn in your side." Elizabeth shook Emiliah's hair, just to piss her off. She had on her regular training clothes, with her knapsack slung over her shoulder. In it she had her weapon, a skin of water, and some dried beef. It was what she usually carried during travel. "As for the room, I'll take care of it. Let's head out."

Emiliah reached out and caught the offending hand in her grasp, squeezing it tightly. "Darling," She said with a deadly smile. "If you want to keep that hand, never do that again," She then released the girl so she could finish her packing.

Emiliah lead the girl out of the tavern and out into the woods, heading towards a clearing near where the battle of the Demon Wolf took place. Setting her gear down, she turned to Liz. "Alright, hit me with you best shot,"

Elizabeth squinted, she had heard this line quite a lot before when she had been training with the guards. She knew that if she went for Emiliah, the girl would outclass her, and the battle would be over like that. So she would have to get a bit creative. Elizabeth shrugged, placing her knapsack on the ground and stretching. "We can't pull any muscles. Why don't we stretch first?"

"Stretching with cold muscles is the quickest way to injury yourself," said Emiliah, crossing her arms. "I was intending to have your...assessment, be the warms up, but if you'd rather, we can run and then stretch and then assess,"

"Yes, that sounds like a much better idea. Lead the way, Emiliah." Elizabeth stopped stretching, and picked up her knapsack. She pulled it over her shoulders, and pointed ahead of them. She had a plan, but she had no clue if it would work. Emiliah was smart, but she hoped she could outsmart her.

Emiliah took off, heading towards the mountain. Running had never been something she craved. She did it simply because hunting meant running and it was important to be able to keep up. She figured they'd just get to the river and loop back around. She really wasn't expecting Liz to do anything.

Liz jogged behind Emiliah at a steady pace. She could have gone faster, but It would ruin what she had planned. As soon as Emiliah started to get comfortable on the trail, Elizabeth knew she was ready to strike. She started to pick up her pace, not even trying to be quiet. If she tried to sneak, it would be to suspicious.

As soon as she was just a few steps behind Emiliah, she lunged, aiming to tackle Emiliah to the ground. Getting the girl pinned was the only way to defeat her.

Emiliah heard the girl pick up her pace as assumed she was simply trying to catch up. That was until Emiliah felt something crash into her back, hard and she wound up sprawled out on the forest floor, she felt twigs, rocks and pine needles dig into her skin, but she barely even noticed. It took her less then a moment to figure out what the girl had done. "What the hell?!" She growled, trying to get her hands and her feet under her to stop herself from getting pinned by the taller girl. 'What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Elizabeth stayed silent for a moment, focusing her efforts on keeping the girl pinned down. She was little, but she was definitely strong. Elizabeth forced Emiliah's arms down, so she couldn't move them or try to pick herself up. When she felt that her grip was firm, she started to speak. "Well Emiliah, you did say to hit you with my best shot. So here it is, how do you like it?" Elizabeth almost chuckled, but her teeth were gritted as She tried to keep Emiliah pinned.

Emiliah tucked her self into a tight ball, pulling her legs in and using her lower body to pull the rest of her around. She was still under the girl, but now she was facing up. "You stupid--" Emiliah seemed to hold the word she most wanted to use back on her tongue. "Do you see that I am trying to help you?" She then reached up, wrapping her arms around the girl's neck, pulling her close before rolling again, putting Elizabeth on her back, with Emiliah on top.

Elizabeth's eyes widened as she started to roll. She considered fighting back, but instead she shrugged, giving up. "Yes Emiliah, I realized that you're trying to help. However, I thought it would be a greater assessment if I could actually pin you." She stared at Emiliah, but instead of the usual hatred she felt when they were around each other, it was more amused. "We can get back to work now, but how did I do?"

"A hard assessment to judge," Said Emiliah, getting off Elizabeth and holding her hand down to help the girl up. "Taking in to account that I knew you were behind me, but I didn't expect you to protect me...most of the people you are hunting won't be so nice as to ignore the fact that you are behind them," She paused. "However, you have show that you tend to know what you know about your enemy, so I'll give you points for that,"

Elizabeth accepted her hand, and her praise, with a smile. "Thank you kindly Emiliah." She dusted herself off, and nodded at Emiliah. "You're an amazing fighter." With that she started to run again, not waiting for Emiliah to catch up.

Emiliah chased after the girl, not to the first time, cursing her much shorter legs. By the time they reached the clearling again, she was slightly out of breath. "Okay," she said shortly. "Now, for real this time, I wanna see you fight. What wepons do you like to use, which do you know how to use and which do you avoid?" She said, shooting of questions left and right, trying to get an idea of what kind of fighter the girl was.

"I like to use my whip, because I'm good with things that I can have a little leeway with." She thumbed her knapsack, "As for weapons I don't like, axes aren't my thing, anything too heavy just weighs me down. I like to move on the battlefield, but staying away from my enemy is my best bet in case I'm overpowered."Elizabeth played with her hair, wondering how Emiliah took her answer. "I can use a bow pretty well, daggers, short swords. That sort of thing."

Emiliah nodded. "Mid to Long range fighter then," She said, looking at the girl, a finger under her chin. "Do you want to try to improve your close combat or specialize as mid to long range? The choice really is yours, but the types of training are drastically different,"

Elizabeth considered Emiliah's offer for a moment, she was more experienced with her whip, but if she ever got into close combat She wasn't sure how good she would be. "I would like to improve my close range combat, you never know where it could be useful." She smiled thinly at Emiliah, knowing that she would end up pummeled at the end of the day. "So, should I bring out my weapon?"

"Course," Said, Emiliah, still standing utterly unarmed. "A whip is probably best paired with a small sword or dagger I would guess," She said, taking a defensive stance a few feet away from Liz.

Liz was doubled over, panting. Her cheeks were red, but it wasn't from exhaustion, it was from laughter. They had just had one of the worsts fights of her life, Liz had been way out of her league. "Well, I must say that I admit defeat. I don't think I have a choice." She held up a hand in defeat, and picked herself up. "So, what's next?"

"Seeing how the day is all but shot, it is probably best that we--" Emiliah then froze, looking at something behind Liz. "Turn around, very slowly," she said under her breath. On the far side of the clear stood a ridiculously beautiful girl, with long silver blond hair and large blue eyes. "Do you see that? Does she look...a little...too beautiful?"

Elizabeth tensed, and she turned slowly, just like Emiliah said too. She saw the girl, and she felt like throwing up. The girl was beautiful, unnaturally beautiful. Her blond hair was perfectly straightened, and it rested just below her neck. Her eyes were such an intense blue, it was like staring straight at the ocean. "I see her. Be quiet, she's obviously otherwordly. How do we approach?"

"Hello," came the girls voice, sweet, like liquid honey. "Hello can you come help me?"

"Don't talk to it," whispered Emiliah, as the girl stepped forward into the clearing. Emiliah grabbed Liz's arm, pulling her back into the trees. "I think I know what it is," she said. "Some kind of ...wood nymph, Veela or something. And we are lucky we didn't bring any guys with us," She thought a moment. "You wouldn't happen to have ....oil? Or...Fire? Or...maybe...I'm not sure,"

Elizabeth stepped back into the trees, attaching the dagger to her whip. She searched through her bag for flint, but came up dry. "I have no firestarters. Or oil. Nothing." under her breath, she cursed. Didn't wood nymphs travel in groups? "Emiliah, aren't there more?"

The girl on the other side of the clearing tilted her head when they didn't answer, and took a few more steps forward. "Please come help me."

Emiliah froze at the thought of more, she scanned the woods, coming up with nothing at first.
Then slowly she started to see humanoid figures appear in the shadows and in the braches of the trees. "I count...five..no six, three in the shadows, three in the trees," She thought again, he spear hanging in her hand. "Okay, Okay....keep backing up, get a tree to cover your blind side. Don't stray from me and..I'm guessing a blow to the heart will take them out,"

Elizabeth wanted to remark when Emiliah told her the basics of fighting, but she kept her mouth shut. She needed a clear space to use her whip, so once again she detached the dagger, gripping it tight in her hand. "Okay, I think I understand." She followed Emiliah's to the tee, but she was still afraid of something creeping up behind her.

"Why won't you help me?" asked the girl, slinking future and future in the clearning. "Is it becaue I'm...UGLY?!" she shouted, storming even closer, her siblings falling in behind. Only...they weren't so lovely any more," Their feature became more bird like, angery, ready to kill. "When they hit the tree, start tossing knives, don't let them get to close, I'll try to get as many as I can before they get too close," she said, adjusting her spear.

Elizabeth nodded, but felt the need to inform Emiliah her supplies were limited. "Emiliah, I didn't prepare for a fight. I only have my one dagger, and my whip." She wanted to punch herself. She should have come prepared, or at least brought a different weapon. "They're going to be in top of us soon. We should just head in, using trees for cover, and make sure they don't surround us. We can take them as they come." she thought the plan sounded pretty good, but she didn't move, waiting for confirmation.

".... Okay," said Emiliah, backing up more. She sure didn't have any other ideas to go with, so Liz's plan was a good as any. She took off, deeper into the forest, making sure to keep her eyes glued on Liz the whole time.

Liz headed into the forest as well, staying a little bit closer to the clearing than Emiliah. She could hear the sounds of the gorgeous Veela as they searched, and Liz knew they would be on top of them in just a moments time. She saw a flash of feathers, and her heartbeat quickened. Gripping her dagger, she lunged towards the bird woman, aiming her blade towards its heart.

The Feels let out a confused mixture of a squawk and a screech, using her talons to claw at Liz. Liz yelped through gritted teeth as one of the talons hooked her arm and cut into it. However, this attack gave Liz an opening to the Feels,a heart, and she plunged her blade in as far As she could. With a final gurgle, the Veela dropped. Liz gripped her arm, cursing wildly. She figured it was just a flesh wound, so after tearing apart her blouse and covering it, she left it be, returning to her previous hiding spot. "Emiliah! They're coming closer!"

One of the Veela lept from the side, Emiliah caught her with her spear through her chest, causing the creature to shriek loudly before falling limp. Emiliah stepped on the Veela, using her weight to yank the spear out of it's chest. "I know, I see them," she called, her voice a little strained from getting the deceptively heavy creature off of her spear. There was a piercing cry as a large creature flew up above them. A trio of veela were circling, claws and all. It was only the trees that were keeping Emiliah and Liz safe, but even that wouldn't keep them protected for long. Emiliah picked up a near by stone just as one of the veela chucked a fireball towards the girls. The creature let out an angry caw as the fireball exploded, causing a small fire to start.

Elizabeth covered her face as a burst of fire exploded somewhere in the forest. She could see orange flames licking at the leaves of surrounding trees, and she felt like curling up into a ball and letting whatever God there was take her away. "Emiliah we need to get away from the forest, but I think you know that!" she looked up and watched as the three Veela circled above them. If they left the forest, they would be safe from the fire, but open to a full force Veela air strike. She glanced around the forest, wondering if they were already circled. "A plan would be great!"

"Head towards the river," she called. Pointing the way that they had run earlier. "Perhaps we can...drown them...well, at least it'll be harder to burn us there," She wished she had thought to grab a bow, but honestly, what were veela doing this close to town?

"Okay, I'll run behind you, to make sure you keep up." Elizabeth prepped herself for running, her legs stretched tight. She waited until she saw Emiliah run ahead of her, then she started herself. Using the trees as cover, she tried to avoid being seen by the veela, lest they target her on her way.

Emiliah ran a few steps into the river, before turning to look at Liz, to make sure she also made it to the safety of the water. Water wasn't much of a plan, but it was better then standing in a pile of very flammable wood. Out of ideas, Emiliah reached into the water and pulled out a river stone, then reached into her pocket and pulled out a small bag of silver. She coded the rock before chucking at the veela. It screamed as it fell to the ground, twitching and foaming in pain. "How much silver ya got?" called Emiliah to Liz.

Elizabeth was busy peeling the piece of her blouse off of her wound and scrubbing it clean under the creeks surface. "Hmm?" She looked up at Emiliah and quickly recovered the wound. "Oh I have plenty of silver, are you talking about coin?" Elizabeth dug through her bag, and pulled out her coin purse. It was filled to the brim with some of the allowance she had gotten a long time ago, when her mother had tried to coerce her back. That was when her mother had actually talked to her through letters. She tossed the purse to Emiliah after grabbing a handful of coins. "So after we take them out of the air are we going to just leave them on the ground?"

Emiliah caught the purse that was well heaver then any she'd carry into the woods. abut she wasn't about to stick her nose up at the only tool they had. "Once we get them on the ground, I was thinking something along the lines of stab stab stabby," said Emiliah, thrusting her blade into the air. "One of us will just have to cover the other while the stabber stabs. Got it?"

"It's a deal. You have a better arm, so I'll stab." Elizabeth waddled out of the river, and when she looked up she found a fireball hurtling down towards her. Her body was heavy with water, so when she rolled, she was hardly as agile as she could be. She felt the flames of the fireball catch on her pants, but fortunately for her, they just smoked before fizzling out. Feeling more inspired, Liz ran the rest of the way to the veela on the ground, stabbing her quickly and efficiently before running back to the river.

Emiliah nodded before tossing another silver coin at one of the still airborn veela. She missed with the first, but was able to draw its attention away from Liz. She chucked another coin, catching it in the face. It went down screaming in pain. "Liz, there!" She called, before chucking another coin at the furthest Veela.

Liz ran from the water to the veela, performing the same tuck and role she usually did. She was being hit at so many places that she couldn't avoid them all, so she ended up scorching the tips of her hair, and the soles of her shoes. She approached the veela, but it continued to fight even after being hit with silver, she had to wrestle it to the ground before she could hit it with a killing blow. She wanted to scream her frustration, this method was only causing her pain. She didn't have a better plan though, so she would have to deal with it.

Eventually, Emiliah was able to down enough Veela that she could leave the safety of the water and help kill the rest of the downed Veela. Soon, all that could be heard was the crackling of a few Veela fires that had not gone out yet. Finally, once she was sure that the threat was gone, Emiliah turned to face Elizabeth. "You all right?" she asked, looking the girl up and down.

Elizabeth hid her wounded arm behind her back, the blood loss had made her feel woozy, but she didn't want Emiliah to make a big deal out of it. "Yeah I'm fine, I may need to trim my hair, but a new style would be good for me." She laughed, showing Emiliah her burnt ends. "Should we head back? It's getting a bit late."

Emiliah frowned, the silvery blood of the veela spattered the ground and both of the women's clothing. However Elizabeth very clearly had bright red blood all over her from...well since Emiliah wasn't bleeding, there really was only one possible choice. "Let me see your arm," Said Emiliah, reaching down to rip a large chunk of material from one of the Veela's dresses. "And as soon as it is wrapped, we'll head back. I can't have Bobby thinking that no hunter is safe with me,"

Elizabeth nodded, letting Emiliah wrap her arm without any fuss. "I am very glad you pulled me out today, I think I needed it," she paused, thinking of what to say. "If I hadn't gone out with you I'd probably be at the bar drinking. I swear I've taken off years of my life that way." Elizabeth chuckled, but it was heavy and pained. She had never admitted to being a heavy drinker up until then, and she had never thought she would have revealed it to a girl as rotten as Emiliah. "I know you were just saving your skin, but thank you." Elizabeth straightened, holding out a hand for a quick shake.

"Well, I wasn't going to leave you behind, even if I could have escaped," she said, looking at the girls hand. "And I am happy that you enjoyed yourself today....and I won't mind if you came with me again sometime....That is...if you cut the daily drinking down to say...two gallons of ale a night?"

Elizabeth was taken aback. She did enjoy drinking, but was she really over the gallon mark? She couldn't believe herself, and the shame she felt crept up on her face in the form of reddened cheeks. "I'll...Have a chat with Bobby." she said, sounding a little bummed. If her mother heard about her condition, her title would be stripped, and she would never have contact with her family ever again. "I think we should head back."

Emiliah felt her own face fall, she had been kidding really. Sure Liz tended to drink a ...fair amount, but....she didn't mean to depress the girl. "Hey," she said, stopping the girl "You did really good today, okay? Let's just...replace drinking with killing, I bet you won't even know the difference," she nudge her slightly giving her a smile. "I'm sorry, I'm not really good at this...making friends thing...."

Elizabeth shrugged, still feeling a bit upset. Her smile returned though, and she straightened her posture so she wouldn't look depressed. "Yeah, I think I can do that." with that, she started to walk into the forest and back to the tavern. She turned to Emiliah and considered her words for a moment, "You aren't a bad talker. Don't be shy about things."

"I'm not really shy, I think that might be the problem, oh well...friend? Although...after bringing us underprepared into a wood only to be attacked by veela...I would understand you rather...not...being...well," She said shrugging, she could see the town growning larger by the second and was already bracing herself for Bobby's gruff about bringing back an injured Liz.

"Neither of us were prepared for a Veela attack this close to town. It isn't your fault." Elizabeth smiled slightly when she saw the town. She was ready to get her wound tended to, so she could go and have fun the rest of the day. "What are your plans for the day Emiliah?"

"I guess...mostly getting your arm looked at and getting some food from the tavern?" She said, shrugging. There really wasn't much else for her to do. The reached Bobby's and she pushed open the door to let Liz in. She then saw the bar keep, making eye contact with him "....She did that to herself,"

Bobby had looked up from helping a hunter with some info, when he heard the door open. In walked Elizabeth and Emiliah, Interesting that they were actually together after what happened the night before with out any inju...... He noticed Elizabeth holding her arm, as blood dripped from a cloth soaked in her blood. He narrowed his eyes and looked to Emiliah, after making eye contact with his barkeep, explaining Elizabeth did it to herself. "Oh sure lassy, with wot happened last night and now today, I'm starting to sense a pattern..." He said angrily. He never liked seeing either of the girls hurt. He reached under the counter and pulled some clean cloth's. He then added, "Yuu two, in the back." he said with a jerk of his thumb as he was going to the back room where Flint was supposed to be. Elizabeth started to speak.

Elizabeth nodded when she saw the bar keep staring down at her arm. "Yeah, accident with a dagger. I'm clumsy." She felt like she had exaggerated just a bit too much, but she pushed on anyways. She walked through the bar, ignoring the other patrons. She glanced back a few times to make sure Emiliah was following. "That sounds eventful. I want to do something ente-" before she could finish, she heard Bobby calling them into the back room. Elizabeth wondered why he was so angry at them, but she assumed she would find out when they went back. So with a sigh, she trudged into the back room.

Emiliah followed Liz back to the room, almost like a child being sent to the headmaster's office. However, before they arrived she gave Elizabeth a cheeky smile. "You wanna see if these boys can hunt instead?"

He didn't see them speaking to each other as he had already gone back into the room. Flint was gone, along with all his stuff, and the new bow Emiliah had gotten him. He pointed to the bed for Liz and pulled up a stool. "Yuu two at each other's throats again?" He grumbled as he sat down and waited for Liz to sit infront of him.

"Course not Bobby," said Emiliah, sitting on the empty cot. "What kind of people do you think we are?"

"Don't know anymore...It's been a mad house with yuu two Idjits the last few days." He said as he started to pull off the blood soaked cloth. He inspected a wound. "This aint from a dagger..." He looked at the both of them. "Mind tellin the truth this time?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Well it wasn't from Emiliah, she's the one that helped me dress it. We were just hunting Bobby." Elizabeth's tone was a bit more sour than usual as she realized she should be mad at Bobby. "As for the truth, I believe I'll tell you after you come clean. That is a private discussion though," she crossed her arms and took up a strong stance next to Emiliah. "We're not the ones in the wrong, she was helping me become more capable."

"Besides, she's fine, in fact, we are thinking of going back out tonight,"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xathi
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Xathi The Solemn Sophisticate.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Unlikely Encounter

Thoughts crossed her mind at supersonic succession, puzzled and perplexed by recent events. Her newfound affection towards a certain member of the Coven was a peculiarly toned concept for her, and she wished nothing more than to abandon these feelings and return to her ploys of eventual tyranny.

Her mix of emotions and foiled plans irritated her and made her wish things were easy. Things were simple. But things had never been so in her life. Although she seemed to be the preppiest and outgoing lass she could be, a dark and malevolently perturbed history proceeded her, shrouded in excited demeanor and lies.

She prowled the hallways and dormitories of the castle. As much as she didn't want to be there, there was a certain bliss in the small chatter and relative silence of the dorms. It really allowed her to think, allowed her brain to function at a more intrepid pace, not clouded by hordes of angsty new witches such as herself finding their way and gossiping aro-

"Shit Shit Shit," chirpt Angharad chasing after the terrified mouse-cat creature. "Oh, shit, Moz, come back!" The strange create kept crashing into holes that were simply too small for its suddenly much larger body. "Moz, come...stop that, you are going to hurt yourself. Ohhh, Rebecca help!" It was only then that she noticed the other witch in the hallway. "Hey you, help me,"

Rebecca came charging out of her dormitory, trying to catch up to Moz. Well, by her standards it was charging, but anyone else would consider it no more than a fast walk. Rebecca had never been in the best of shape even when she was alive. The lich managed to catch the chimera in a corner, grabbing it and handing over to Angharad. "Here you go, then." It was at that moment that she noticed the new witch. "Hello, there. I don't believe we've met before. I'm Rebecca, one of the Coven's new members."

"Hello there..." , she said with a confused stare. She had absolutely no idea what had just transpired before her eyes. But nevertheless, the strange feeling she had felt when in the presence of...her...reared it's ugly head once again. Though this time it was not a feeling of longing, but but a feeling of...adoration? She thought some more. And more. And more. She simply stared at the two witches in front of her, almost astounded. And when her verdict was up and set in stone, she uttered the words that her thoughts transcribed. "You two...are adorable."

Angharad held the little ball of semi-matted fur and started whispering soothing words to the creater, petting it softly. "Adorable?" She glanced over at the new woman. "I'm am usually only called that after the shag," She gave the creature another kiss on it's forehead before placing it into her pocket.

Rebecca threw her head back and laughed, It was a rich, clarion sound, the kind of thing that makes hearts sing and spirits lighten. "Adorable? That's a word you rarely hear with witches. If you believe us to be so, though... who am I to argue? It seems that there is a person out there for everyone, I guess."

She blushed a small bit and caught her words. "Oh, sorry about that.." , she said meekly. They were right, that was no thing for a witch to be stating. She should be more integral than that! Her honor, and more importantly, her pride was damaged from the statement of the witches. She felt...for the first time..vulnerable. Like she could have emotion. This was an unsettling feeling. She needed to..she needed to escape. "I'm...I'm sorry cuties..I mean fu- I have to leave!" What was she thinking with a remark like that!? As she sprinted past the girls and their cuten- she means repulsive natures, she cursed to herself.

As the girl ran past, Angharad reached out and caught the girl around the center, using her momentum to spin them both into something like a hug. "Don't apologies sweet one," She said, still holding the girl chest to chest and nearly nose to nose. "I'm Angarad, interim mistress to your mistress," she didn't let the girl go after the introuction however. "What are you doing today, precious one?"

Oh, gods. Rebecca buried her face in a rotting palm. This woman was completely embarassing herself. It was just plain sad. She shook herself out of her musings and turned to Angharad. "I think she intends to look like a child, with the way she acts. We aren't emotionless monsters; we're humans first, witches second. If you feel affection or attraction to someone, don't be afraid to let it out." Rebecca realized that the other witch had been withholding some information about herself. "By the way, miss, you never did tell us your name."

Between the tall witch holding her down in a caring embrace, to the woman shouting at her about how feelings are acceptable, she was overrun by a flood of conflicting instincts. She didn't know what to do! Should she fight...? Should she try to escape the grasp..? She..was conflicted...mabye..she should just.. "S-sheevi...Sheevi Mekedo.." , she said in a hushed and shy tone. She.. She...she didn't know how to react to the woman holding her...but her body told told her she should..she..should. She returned the gesture as lovingly as she could, however awkward it was.

Angharad squeezed the girl back in delight. "Well, aren't you just the most lovely thing," she said. "With those eyes, they would look even more stunning with cat pupils, tell, me...how do you feel about a tail and wiskers, I think they'd inhance your beauty greatly. Don't you agree Rebecca? "

"I don't know," Rebecca said with a mischievious smile. "The cat pupils and the tail would be excellent additions, but I don't know about the whiskers. I was thinking something more along the lines of ears, personally. Maybe something in a calico pattern, too." A quick nod to Angharad would let her know she wasn't quite serious. Hopefully.

She stared at the one named Angharad with a look of astounded confusion. She was relatively new to the coven, and was led to believe they were as well. Was it possible to even do that? It's not that she was interested in such a thing. Altering her body in any way wa- Alexina. She was...Queen of the Forest, was she not? That is a...nature focused occupation. Perhaps getting in touch with her more animalistic side would help her gain leverage over Lorelai in the bid for Lexi's ambitions. She adored Lorelai and her big heart, yes, but she could not help but feel a tinge of jealousy towards the affection she received. "You..you could do that..?" , she said, a barely noticeable hint of hopefulness in her voice.

"Well, yes. Course not right now, I just used my last cat creating Moz. Pockets only fit so many kittens you know," She said, reaching one hand up to pet the girl's head. "But I would love to do that, there is always room in the family for more children,"

Sheevi debated a bit more in her head...was she actually considering this?! It was a ridiculous thought. How could even frisk with the thought of pawssibly encouraging this kind of behavior?! It was a ludicrous and honestly purrturbed process of the mind, detrimental and degrading in it's- oh who was she kidding of course she was interested. "I..think I would l-like that very much, yes.."

So. This new witch was open to having her body manipulated. Very few would be willing to do that, despite her own beliefs on the subject. What was more, unlike herself, Sheevi didn't have anything blatantly obvious to gain. In addition, Rebecca knew the raven-haired witch wasn't aware of the side effects of the transformation. She hadn't seen it like herself. "Are you sure about this? The transformation process is... unpleasant, from what I've seen."

"Trust me." , Sheevi said while giving a blissfully aware glance towards Rebecca, a warm smile planted on her face. "With my reasoning, any repercussions from the transformation would be well worth it." In reality, she had no clue whether she should be doing this. What if something went wrong? What if the process rendered her a full on feline? There were many thoughts pacing through her brain, but one remained constant. If this worked, she would be a step closer to Alexina's heart.

"The woman has agreed Rebecca, try not to scare her," Said Angharad, perhaps a little too eagerly. It had been a while since she had had a willing human participant. "The only thing we need now, is to find a worthy feline," Perhaps she'd be able to slide a little something...extra in there. Like a hedgehog. Or a bat. Or a snake.

"I was just making sure she knew the risks she was taking, Angharad. I know that she made the decision of her own free will." A little haughtiness crept into Rebecca's voice. She did not appreciate being talked to in that particular manner. There were certain lines that simply were not crossed, even among witches. "It may take some time to procure such a specimen. Perhaps Sheevi would prefer joining with another species."

"Another...species?" , she asked timidly. She was still quitr unsure on how this...interspecies amalgamation was to be done. A different sort of witchcraft? Was this Angharad woman simply a mad scientist? She could not be sure. But one thought had crossed her train of thought, however. "Well, I've always loved cats, and...I've also always had a particular affiliation with.." She looked up at Ang and cleared her throat. "...snakes."

"Snake?" asked Angharad. "It'll be wonderful," she finally releast her holding hug on the girl to take her hand. "We must start the hunt at once. We will find you a nice omen snake, or perhaps not a constrictor...maybe something with a little more ...bite," She pressed her finger under her chin, looking the girl up and down. "Perhaps the Iridescent Shieldtail. What do you think Rebecca?"

"Personally, I think she'd look good with scales, but witches have always been associated with more deadly creatures." Rebecca tapped the side of her head in thought. "You sure she wouldn't make an excellent viper?"

She nodded her head at Rebecca, actually enthralled at the thought of being transmutated with a viper. Perhaps she would have cute little fangs! But those cute little fangs are more deadly than you think~ Suddenly SURPRISE ATTACK! She would strike with deadly venom, brutally smiting her foes where they stood! Yes, yes. This is sure to catch Lexi's attention. Yesssss...

Sheevi was unaware that she was standing there pretend hissing like an idiot.

"See? She is getting into it already," grinned Angharad, using her free hand to boob Sheevi on the nose. She found the girl utterly adorable. Even if her name had already escaped her. "Well, come along dear, the fast we catch the viper, the faster you'll be able to put a fang in that hiss of yours," Another idea flashed across her mind. "If I built you a mate, you'd have wonderful children," and just like that she was already planning a creature to place along side the girl.

It was hard to tell who was the bigger fool right now. Sheevi for hissing like a toddler, or Angharad for commiting yet more crimes against nature (though admittedly, Rebecca was not much of one to talk on that particular subject). Yet there was still something about this whole procedure that had Rebecca's attention. Maybe she just wanted to watch the impending catastrophe (or was that snake-witch-cat-astrophe?), for her own sick amusement. "I'll come along. Someone's got to be the responsible adult here."

Even though her mind screamed at her to run away, and her mouth instinctively twitched at the thought of sharp fangs invading, her heart told her that she had to do this. Not only because she wanted to, but because Lorelai had been ahead in the game for too long. For far too much time had Alexina pursued her hopelessly. It was blatantly obvious Vespa gave her no chance. And not only to fulfill her romantic yearnings, but to quell the unyielding chase of Lorelai's ambitions, she would do this. "Yes, let us go now."

~magical hunt for a viper and a kitten. Only four dead. It was a good day!~

The snake hissed as it tried to escape Angharad's grasp. Clearly it sensed that it was about to die. Yet, Angharad kept whispering to it, like it was a kitten or a puppy and not a deadly creature. "Get on the bed Sheevi, this will take a while,"

Rebecca turned away and shut the door. She'd seen this mess once before, and she didn't need to do so again. Better to steel herself for her own chimerization. She'd made a commitment to herself and didn't want to break it. If that meant living the next few days in denial, so be it.

She watched Becca leave the room, taking note at her obviously distraught expression. It was apparent that she had seen this before, and...possibly a mishap? Sheevi started to have second thoughts about whether or not this was a good idea, but before she could finish the process, she was interrupted by the cut- she means repulsive voice, demanding her to lay back on the bed. "Oh, ok..", then she did so.

Angharad waited till the girl was on the bed, before climbing on herself, she put her legs on either side of the girl and pressed both the kitten and the viper just above the girls rib cage. "Once I start, you will have to kill the animals on the inside. It is unlikely that the kitten will try to take control of the body, it'll be too scared, but the viper won't be so easy. It'll be hard, it'll feel like killing a part of yourself, but never forget...the viper wasn't a part of you before. It isn't your friend," She then gave her a smile. "Ready?"

Sheevi had never been so terrified in her entire life. "No..no I am not.."

"Yes you are," and with that Angharad started her chant. Utterly ignoring the girls worries.

On the outside, it looked like the animals were slowly melting into the girl, more than that, the girl where making slow changed all her own. It seemed...almost peaceful. The inside was a different story~

"Please," came a voice inside Sheevi's head. "I don't want to die,".

She knew this was coming. "You're not dying, you're becoming one with me. Now shut up." She was now tuning the voice out.

"Please, help me. I'm scared and...and it hurts," the Voice's voice broke as it said the last bit and was followed by...crying.

"I'm doing this for Alexina...I'm doing this for me...SHUT UP IN THERE!", she screamed at the crying voice.

"Please, I have to live," The voice was full on balling. "I know you Alexina, she is my friend. I would see her in the woods all the time. She wouldn't want this."

"Yeah, well now I'm thinking about what I want! And I...want you...to DIE!" She strained against the voice.

The voice was silent for a moment. "You cannot kill me or you would have done so already," said the voice, suddenly more angry than sad. "You may have control of the body. But'll be here. Here to tell you, that she will reject you anyway. She cares for another, and what are you compared to a dragon?"

She thought for a moment. Perhaps this voice was right. Alexina would never want her. Lorelai was simply perfect. She was powerful, she was beautiful, and she was wise. Everything that Sheevi was not. Mabye..mabye she should give in..obey the voices...give up. "No. I may not be a dragon. I may not be wise. I may not be all powerful. But I know what I am. I have what surpasses even the most megalithic of witches. The prophets. The seductress herself. It is...determination!"

The voice grew silent. "I will never be gone," and with that the voice faded, leaving Sheevi in silence.

Exhausted and emotionally wrecked, Sheevi wallowed in the silence, finally ridden of the voice. She prayed it was over...that everything went fine.

The screaming had stopped. Rebecca knew that meant the merging was over, or at least nearly so. It was time for her to see what exactly Angharad had wrought Sheevi into. Rebecca opened the door to the bedroom. What she saw was fascinating, even beautiful in a macabre sort of way.

Her eyes fluttered open, as she felt a strange sensation. She felt...weightless...like she had no substance. She tried wiggling her body a bit...was she dead? Had the procedure gone awry? No...she..she felt movement. Her arms...yes...her legs...definitely...her- "Oh fuck."

She quickly launched to her feet, looking around the room. She saw Ang staring at her new creation, and Rebecca standing in the doorway, gazing in astonishment. She looked down at her...tail. It was fluffy and long, with a black fur and unmistakably violet tinge. She looked over at the mirror that was stationed on the wall nearby. Short pointy ears, the same color as the tail, sat on her head like jutting spires. Small intricate patterns of lightly shaded purple scales arrayed on her cheeks and down her arms and legs. She opened her mouth, and sure enough, two long fangs protruded from her top row of molars. She stared at her new look intently, then peering over at Angharad again, opening her mouth to speak.

"Mind your fangs, can't have you bitting yourself," Angharad's face was nothing short of prideful. "You look astounding my child," There was a little sense of possessiveness in her voice, but mostly she just looked pleased.

"Well, this is most... unusual. I must say, you make a truly wonderful. hybrid." Rebecca took Sheevi's hands in her own. "I would never have thought that a snake, a woman, and a cat could be combined to make such a pleasing form." She turned towards Angharad. "And you have a wonderful eye, to combine so many disparate species into such a beautiful creation."

A small bit of blush formed on her cheeks, further accentuating the dark scales. "You...really think so..?"

"Indeed. I doubt many people in the cities and towns would find you attractive, but we don't need to worry about them. Here, in this castle, you're beautiful, and this is the only place that matters."

A flurry of emotion overwhelmed Sheevi, her entire face turning red with blush, and her tail curling up instinctively. "T-thank you...both..", she said before pulling both Angharad and Rebecca into a tight hug.

"Ack! Angharad, are you sure that was a viper? Seems like it was a constrictor instead!" Rebecca was grinning like a fool, returning the hug with all the strength she had. She didn't feel that she had done all that much, certainly not as much as Angharad, but she was not one to turn down any affection showed her.

"Of course, she is wonderful, I make nothing less," She said, putting her hands on her hips. She embraced the hug with full force. "I do not think we can blame the snake for this, I think she had the constictor in there before ," She ran a hand across the girls scales. "So...what do you feel? What do you seen? Anything different?"

"I feel...amazing!", she said as she pranced around with her feline feeling legs, a nimble pep in her step. She paused for a moment and a thought crossed her mind. "ALEXINA!! SHE'S GOING TO LOVE ME!!!", she said practically loud enough for the entire castle to hear, as she purred and hissed with excitement.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by wildeyes
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A collab feat. @Meiyuki


Lorelai stepped into her tent, after the march. She had been covering a great number issues. She was met in her tent by a bubbling pile of meat. She stared at it for a moment. The pile squirted a small geyser of blood into the air, bathing the mound in a dark copper red reminiscent of an especially ugly volcanic island.

"I got a present for ya." Alphonse said, suddenly visible to Lorelai's left.

Lorelai frowned slightly at the pile of...person? That Alphonse had evidently deigned to leave in her tent. "More for Sousiel to clean I guess." She turned to Alphonse. "Next time flowers will suffice, but in all seriousness what is that?"

Alphonse held up a common daisy from behind his back. "That, is the Hunter party's glorious leader. He's durable. I had to bathe him in oil and fire before we set out this morning, just in case. Steve says he's a vampire. Any of that tell you anything?"

Lorelai took the daisy and feigned swooning, rolling her eyes heavily. Turning back towards the pile of vampire she nodded. "That explains a few things." Stepping forward she removed her ritual dagger and began cutting listlessly at the mound of flesh. "That, my dear Alphonse, is a Ruvin. Their damnable regeneration is why we're here."

"Did you notice none of the hunters routed last night?" Lorelai punctuated her point with a vicious stab before she returned the dagger to its sheath. "The captive we had at the castle hinted at their talent for magic, I guess we can confirm that."

"I did, in fact, I didn't know vampires could put someone under their thrall like that. What's so special about these guys? I've never seen anything come back from charcoal before. Unless you count the fire elemental." Alphonse shrugged after his anecdote.

Lorelai favored Alphonse with a wry smile before continuing. "They claim to be the predecessors to the Ruvina witch dynasty, and to have a compliment of magical talents." She explained as she dug through the notes in her scroll case. "Their regeneration not only foils mundane destruction, but also defeats all of the hexes available to me in the library as well as a few that demons treasure."

Lorelai removed a sketch of their seal - a black raven silhouetted against a full moon - and handed it to Alphonse. "Vampire's are well known for their thralls, but they didn't even seem aware of their forced allegiance. I guess we know this one's talent don't we."

"Sure glad it wasn't ice breath." Alphonse said wryly. "We should ask his friends what their special tricks are then, I suppose. You mentioned that their regeneration was the reason we were here? So there's a way to stop it. How'd you come by that intel if I may be so bold?"

"You'd be surprised to find how difficult it can be to interrogate someone who doesn't fear death." Lorelai sighed. "I'm putting some stock in the claim that these Ruvins are the same ones Vespa told me about. Evidently the Ruvina scriptorium houses information on the old family, but to be honest Al?"

Lorelai turned a frustrated gaze towards her companion. "We're here because Medusa hasn't offered me the time to follow any other lead. I'd sent off to a scholar of some note, someone I'd worked with in the past. I'm going to be unfortunately mirthful if the information we find here is mirrored - or even improved on - by his reply.

"Ok, so we're out here on a potentially pointless mission, fighting unexpected mega vampires. Important question: how close are these Ruvin vamps with the Ruvina? Was this guy on his way up to meet with the great, great, great grandkids and offer them a sacrifice of hunters? Or maybe they've experienced a schism?

"I've no idea, although the idea of them working together had crossed my mind." Lorelai rested her face in her hands. "Although I would think a force this size may have served as a very nice offering. I've got a couple of salt-the-earth style pacts up my sleeve if that fear materializes."

"I'll need you on your toes though." Lorelai turned to Alphonse. "If it is as I fear and these Ruvins are working with their successors then you'll have to be the one to slip in and steal what we need, otherwise we'll have to siege one of the best defended keeps in this region."

Alphonse let out a long sigh. "I was really hoping for a happy family reunion between Vespa and her folks. I'm going to guess that her family doesn't have any softer constitution than she does though, so yeah, I'll be on my toes." Alphonse turned to the disgusting display he had left in her tent. The flesh had dug its way into the ground, as if planting roots. "So, no waking up mister disgusting meat pile then? Maybe we can find out if he's allied with the Ruvina at least?"

"We might, you have a way with people that I just don't." Lorelai rested a pre-emptively consoling hand on Alphonse's shoulder. "I'll leave that to you? As you might imagine managing this little expedition has been a nightmare."

"As you say, my lady murder buddy." Alphonse smiled at her with the familiar term. His face turned somber almost immediately after. "I suppose I'll introduce him to darkness, my old friend."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

There was a knock at the great gate to Castle Bloodrose's keep. Rebecca had been lounging at the entrance, so she had the task of answering it.

A man opened the door, holding a woman by the wrist. She was shackled in iron chains and poorly dressed, with dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. "I assume by your looks that you are Rebecca. Then this would be your property."

Rebecca took the girl with a mildly upturned nose. She had a dislike of slavers, but it would have too risky to try to kidnap someone from the town. She paid the slaver with several gold coins, then he departed.

"I am Rebecca. Your new mistress. Tell me, what is your name?"

The slave recoiled in horror at Rebecca's dreadful visage. "B-Botaira. I was trained as a bed slave, but I don't think you want that. In fact, I shudder to think what you need me for."

"Botaira?? Such a mouthful. We'll need to shorten it. I think Bo will do quite nicely. As for what we need you for, well... There's a spell a colleague of mine and I want to cast, but we need a sacrifice to do it. I'm sure your mind can fill in the blanks for you."

Bo let out a pitiful moan, and Rebecca stopped in her tracks. What was she doing? Killing this woman so Angharad could bring her closer to life? She was better than this! "No. No. I can't do this. Not in good conscience. Yet I paid too much for you already." She thought for a second, then an idea came to her. "I'll do something for you, if you do something for me. How would you like to be my familiar?"

Bo was unfamiliar with the term, pardon the pun. "Familiar? I do not know what that is."

"A servant, bound by a magical contract. At least that is the commonly accepted definition. Yet to many witches, a familiar is something more. A trusted friend, a compatriot. An equal."

This got Bo's attention. When she was born, she was property. The same as a pair of shoes, or a farmer's scythe. To say that someone would treat her as an equal was beyond her wildest dream. "And what do I get out of it?"

Rebecca gave a one-word answer. "Immortality."

Several hours later, the two were alone in Rebecca's room. "Now, the ritual of binding has two parts. First, I need you to give me a drop of blood, and swear your loyalty to me."

Bo did as she was bid. Obedience was one thing she was taught early on. "And in return, I swear to protect you, provide you with all your needs and wants to the best of my ability, and to treat you with respect and kindness." Rebecca made her own offering, then placed her fresh wound over Bo's, sealing the contract. "I don't feel any different," said Bo.

"That's because there's a separate ritual for the immortality part. Now, the lichdom ritual I used won't work on you. Not enough magic in your blood. But there's another way to do it. Just close your eyes, and I'll take care of the rest. You might feel a sharp pain, but it won't last long."

Bo closed her eyes, wondering how the ritual worked. As it turned out, there was a certain irony to it. Rebecca whipped out her knife, and with a smooth, practiced motion, slit Bo's throat from ear to ear. She might not have been able to cause a human agony, but a quick, clean death... she could do that.

Now, the sigils and symbols Rebecca had drawn on the floor did their work, causing Bo's soul to manifest as a sphere of violet light. Rebecca grabbed a skull that had been engraved with more runes from a table and held it up as Bo's soul flowed into it. The eye sockets of skull lit up with violet flames as it started speaking in Bo's voice. "You know, you might have warned me that you'd have to kill my body for this."

"And spoil the surprise?" Rebecca said with a wink.

"I think I'm going to like you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All the hunters

Just another day as a hunter

He looked at Elizabeth as he sensed the sour tone, " Ann wot's the tone with me missy?" He said as he folded his arms in reply to hers, shifting in his seat to get more comfortable. He had an idea of what she was mad about, but he didn't want to say anything without knowing exactly what she meant.

"I think you know why I have a tone, Bobby." Elizabeth wanted to scowl, or glare, or show some sure expression of anger but she couldn't put forth the effort. It was Bobby after all, and he had been like an Uncle to her ever since she had come here. "Let's talk about this at the bar, it must seem strange that the hunters have all been having meetings in the back room lately." without glancing back at them, she walked out of the back room and took a seat at the bar. She thought of what she would say to them when they came out, and how she would explain her wounds without getting into too much detail.

"You heard what the lady said Bobby," said Emiliah following Liz out to the counter. The tavern wasn't full, but there were a number of hunters milling about. A giant of a man and a few others she remembered seeing the night before. "So, Bobby, is there anything good out there tonight or do we just need...to poke around?"

Bobby growled as they walked away from him, "No it doesn't!" He said softly as he stood up and walked into the bar with the two girls, taking his spot behind the Bar, Looking at Elizabeth. "No I don't know why you have a tone lady...after smashing up one of my rooms I don't now why you are mad at me for being worried what yuu two are doing." He looked at Emiliah and said, " Just the normal." He had a lead but he was waiting for more info.

Andri hadn't come to eat anything the day before, but he had achieved to get himself drunk until he basically had fallen into a deep slumber right where he had been sitting. Completely unaware of the events that had taken place during the night, he woke up now as there was more noise around him. The first words he understood were something about somebody having smashed up a room. He mumbled "Smashing ? What non-professional person does that..." and rubbed the back of his head. This headache...

It was about this time Fenros walked into the bar, and over to Bobby, Emiliah and Elizabeth. He glanced at the giant who was still in the same spot from the night before. Rasing an eyebrow when he talked about smashing. He then looked at Bobby, ignoring the coversation Bobby was having with the girls. "Bobby... I need my fathers Journal. Did you find out anything about..." He looked at the girls. "The deals we had?"

Marcus was sitting in the bar the entire time, looking at the mark board and figuring out what he needed to do. He noticed Emiliah who he walked home the night before...she seemed to have been busy, as well as a Blonde woman who he had been hearing about tearing up a room. He noted the fresh bandages. There was also a giant and in walked Fenros...again. He had yet to speak to him about Flint. He didn't move from his spot for now, As he was sitting at a table with his legs crossed as he sipped a glass of wine, and the only Bottle of wine Bobby had rested on his table.

Fenros' face appeared blurry. The assassin pushed his hands onto the table to help himself get out of his chair, but due to his...impaired...state, he didn't pay that much attention to that wooden crossbeam that protruded downwards from the ceiling. The result was a bang, a loud moan, more headache and a bump that had started to evolve right now.

Emiliah was about to probe Bobby for information on some of the 'normal' stuff, when two thing happened. Fenros walked in and a giant of a man cracked his head on the ceiling. "Ah....hey Fenros," she said....still a little awkward about the whole marrige thing. She then turned towards the man who had just added a dent in Bobby's ....ceiling. To be honest, she'd never seen someone so tall anywhere. "Hey, are you okay?" she called across the bar. The man seemed a little...intoxicated.

After Fenros showed up, Elizabeth's attention was turned away from Bobby. She watched the other patrons at the bar, and noticed a few hunters from last night. She figured she could talk to them until she had Bobby's attention. Before she could start a conversation, she saw a giant man pick himself up, and hit his head on the roof. She figured he was drunk, and she realized that was probably how she acted when she was under the influence. "He needs to sit down before he falls, or if he doesn't want to do that, someone should escort him to his room."

Fenros looked at Emiliah, as she said hello, he was still kinda mad about what happened a few nights ago, He could have killed her family because of a rumor that started because of Jack. He simply nodded and jerked his head around when the Giant stood up hitting his head. He reached out and steadied the man with a grip to the shoulder. "You ok there?"[/color] He asked as she looked up at the mans face. It was not often he met anyone taller than him. actually ever. Especially a half a foot or so. Once he made sure he wasn't going to fall over he turned back to bobby.

Bobby had shook his head at Fenros's request. "No Nothing in your fathers journal about our...issue." He said glancing around. Fenros had come to him the night Emiliah's family almost got in a tussle with him. Telling him about his 'deal' with Medusa. Where he then told him about his 'deal' with Lorelai. While Fenros was out finding all the info he could on the Ruvins, Bobby was combing his fathers journal. "I sent a letter to an old friend who is a high priest...but it's going to be another day or so."

Andri's mind took a noticeable amount of time just to comprehend that it was him who was being talked to. "Err...yes, I think so. It just hurts... Didn't remember the ceiling being so low." he responded to Emiliah. That was an understatement: He hardly remembered anything from the first time he had entered this tavern. He turned his head and looked upwards. "Sorry for that... impact." However this quick turn revealed the delay his sense of balance was operating with. He clinged to the desk in a violent move, but it was Fenros who really stopped him from falling. "I probably shouln't repeat this, should I ?" He appeared to be a bit unstable as his weight was constantly shifting forwards and backwards, not stabilizing at the point of balance. The giant sat down again. "Did I miss anything ? Must've been here the whole night..."

"Nothing of importance," said Emiliah, "However, perhaps you should sit down yeah? Like my friend said...you know, just until the world stops moving?" She then turned her focus back on Bobby and Fenros, clearly the two knew of something that she didn't. "What are the chances that you two will stop being cryptic and inform the rest of the class about this....issue?"

Elizabeth chuckled at Emiliah's retort, but she agreed With what she was saying. They were being cryptic, and it was making her a bit curious. "I agree with the teacher, you should both stand up and say everything aloud." Elizabeth looked at the other hunters at the bar, wondering if they were also curious. "What do you guys think?"

Yeah... world stopping moving... right. He felt like crippled as he now couldn't even get himself something to eat. Asides from that he had no idea what the others were talking about, although the word 'cryptic' attracted his attention. It was really hard for him to concentrate. "I..I... don't think anything at the moment.. I think..." His stomach was about to kill him, and probably even the others could hear it rumble a bit, so he lifted himself off the chair again and approached the counter at a slow, unsteady pace.

Bobby looked at Emiliah as she asked him to stop being cryptic. "Unlikely at the mom..." He stopped when Elizabeth agreed, and then turned it to the entire bar, trying to make him annouce his buisness to everyone. He glared at Elizabeth. as the Bar grew quiet at her question, leaving both he and Fenros looking around the room. This was something he wasn't ready to share, and dangerous enough that he would only trust the Digards with.

Fenros sighed and shrugged. Maybe someone knew something. Bobby then spoke up. "How bout no. Don't tell me how to handle my information." He said gruffly. "EVERYBODY BACK TO YOUR BUSINESS." He yelled. Some of the hunters jumped in their seats and turned away...some got up and left.

Andri froze where he was when Bobby yelled. Now this did piss him off - from what he had been told holding back information to the extent that the others started arguing about it was no good thing on the long run. He stopped himself from saying this and noted to himself that he probably wanted to talk to Emiliah later when she wasn't busy anymore. For now, he opted for being diplomatic: "Can everyone just calm down a bit ? This permanent excitation can't be a good thing. Besides... I'm not sure if I have already introduced myself to everyone. So... I'm Andri. Andri Hymir. Arrived just two... three days ago. I could use a bit of fresh air. Anybody interesting talking ?"

Emiliah rolled her eyes at Bobby. "Fine, keep your secerts, I'll find out soon enough," she said shortly. Before turning to face the rest of the bar. The drunk giant from before seemed to decided that it was his time to introduce himself. She gave him a wave before her attion was draw to a man sitting at a near by table drinking wine. It was then that she noticed the man who had walked her home...was it last night, or the night before. It was one of those things that she had simply forgotten about until his face jogged her memory. "Hey--" She said, suddenly realizing she had no idea who this man was. "You.... Man who walked me home,"

Elizabeth was only slightly surprised about Bobby's outburst. He had them often enough that they no longer scared her, or made her jump. She was however a bit intrigued by the giant drunk that introduced himself. With a shrug she turned away, looking at the man Emiliah had brought up. Immediately she noticed his posture, and the wine he was drinking. She squinted her eyes, considering what this meant to her. She shrugged it off for now, figuring she would discuss it with him later. "I would love to know who took Emiliah home last night. Pleasure to meet you...what can we call you?"

Marcus found this quite entertaining, watching the girls and Bobby and Fenros. Even the Giant trying to Calm people down, Andri he said? Interesting. He swore he heard of an Andre the Giant before....could it be the same? Probabbly. He took a sip of his wine when he heard Emiliah calling to him. He glanced back at the bar to see the woman he walked home last night looking at him. He blinked a few times as he placed his glass on the table. "Yes?" He asked her, wondering what she wanted. Then the blonde woman called out to him. He stood up and tugged at his white shirt, his armor upstairs in his room. "My name is Marcus, It is a pleasure to meet you both." He said with a bow. " He looked to the three hunters and motioned to his table. "Please, care to join me with a glass of wine? I'm sure Bobby and Fenros have business to attend to, I would on the other hand, would love all of your company..." He looked to Andri "Including yours my massive friend."

"Rightt...Marcus, I knew that," Said Emiliah, trying to get over the fact that she let someone who she didn't even know the name of...walk her to her house. She was reluctant to leave Fenros and Bobby without her information. On the other hand, dropping the subject might lower their guard just enough to finagle the information out of them. "Ah, sure," She said, sliding from her stool and taking a seat in one of the chairs near this...Marcus person.

When the boy-Marcus-stood up and bowed, Elizabeth raised an eyebrow before standing up herself. Keeping her eyes trained on Marcus, she fell into a deep curtsy. "What an honor, I'm Elizabeth." with a giggle, she raised a hand to Marcus, wondering just how far he would take this. The hand was meant to be kissed, if he knew what it meant she would assume he was from higher birth. Or maybe he was just another gentleman, like Flint. "So, how does the wine here taste, Marcus? I've never really had it."

"Wine ? One more tiny bit of alcohol and I'm gonna collapse right here." Andri said when joining the other hunters. Besides of that, he wasn't accustomed to wine at all. He had been a peasant all of his former life - wine was just way too expensive.

Marcus smiled as they came over, Emiliah took her own chair, and didn't give him a chance to pull it out for her. The other woman however, introduced herself, and had gave him a deep curtsy Giggling as she introduced her self, giving her hand at the same time. She was of higher birth. No doubt. Any woman who was not never did these things. He took her hand ever so gently into his, and bowed deeply, kissing her hand just as lightly as well. He stood up and smiled, his hand not leaving hers. "I am the one who is honored Mi'lady." He then guided her to the seat he was just sitting at. pushing her in and motioning to one of the wenches for more glasses. He then moved over to the last seat and sat himself.

"The wine is surprisingly good for a bar. Bobby has taste Ill give him that." He said with a smile. Once the glasses came he took the bottle and filled up two more glasses, as andri did not want any, "That is a shame Andri, i like it far more than ale." He looked to Emiliah and asked, "May I ask your name Mi'lady? I did not manage to catch it last night, I am sorry."

Emiliah watched the bizarre interaction between the Marcus and Liz. It was almost like a secert handshake and certainly something she had never seen happen before. It looked...tedious. "Do...you two know each other?" Emiliah finally asked as the two of them sat down. Andri certainly didn't do any weird dance before sitting down, so cleary it was...something that the two of them shared. She looked at the wine in front of her. It wasn't as though she didn't drink, just...not often enough to know the difference between good wine or bad. Or to have more than one glass and still trust her feet. But it would be rude to turn it down after not performing the cerimonial sitting down for wine handshake.

"It's Emiliah," she said, not quite sure what to make about the m'lady part. In her haze, she suposed that she did miss many key steps in introduction. "Nice to meet both of you," she said, looking at Marcus first, then Andri. At least he had the sense to stop drinking.

Elizabeth politely took her seat, letting Marcus push her chair in for her. She straightened her posture and when the wine was poured for her She swirled it in her glass, taking in the aroma before indulging herself with a small sip. The flavor was pungent, a mixture of sweetness and bitterness she hadn't tasted in a long time. She turned to Emiliah when she suggested that Marcus knew her. "Oh, no. We were greeting each other Emiliah. It is a silly little thing people of class do to say 'hi'."

Elizabeth took another slow sip from her glass, before turning to Marcus. "I believe I can call you Lord Marcus? Or something along those lines." She smirked, sizing him up. He definitely carried himself like someone who was raised in high society. She wondered what family he was from, she had never seen him before.

Andri carefully looked around in order not to constrain anyone as he settled his massive body onto the chair he had grabbed from another part of the room. Marcus had to be some sort of nobleman of something like that - the way he acted was indicating this. And that meant that it would possibly be considered impolite if he would interrupt his conversations with the ladies. So the assassin waited until there was a long enough gap between words until he came back to Marcus' mentioning of ale: "I have to honestly admit that wine didn't count to the things that were widely available where and when I grew up. So ale is fine for me." He, as a former peasant, had no real idea of what ritual was actually happening right here, but he felt that lack of knowledge and so he was very worried about committing a blunder. He attempted to return a friendly look towards Emiliah and nodded, though his face likely was still marked by his alcoholic escapade. Then he wondered where he could direct his eyes at without appearing to be staring at something or - much worse - somebody. He noticed the word 'Lord'. Now he knew that he was outclassed at this table. He became nervous and started fiddling around with his own fingers, not noticing what he was doing.

Marcus glanced at Emiliah when she asked if they knew each other, but before he could answer Elizabeth did so for him, He simply gave a deep nod while raising his glass just lightly to indicate she was correct. He then said, "It is nice to meet you as well. " He glanced at Andri who seemed to be a little nervous...a giant who was nervous? Marcus hardly was threatening. The way he acted before and now, one might call him the jolly green giant. But then Elizabeth looked to him and asked if she should call him Lord Marcus. He smiled politely, a woman of class as she said would have certainly figured out he was lord. "In some circles...yes. But this one?" He motioned the round table they sat at. "Marcus will be fine. I am just a hunter, like you all." The best they steered away from the talks of Lords and ladys, the better the chance of people finding out who he was, He was trying to stay away from home as long as he could, his mother and father hired men to find him and bring him back. He already ran into them a few times.

He looked at Andri and said, "quite... Not everyone can afford it. I tend to forget that Forgive me." He noted his hands and took a sip of his wine. "There is no need to be nervous around me, my friendly Giant. I am not like most Lords."

Emiliah's eyes returned to Andri as he recounted his childhood poverty. Her own family was very far from poor. Even now, she didn't ever have to worry money. However, she also knew that she lived a...simple? lifestyle. She didn't buy dresses or jewelry unless the jewelry could be used to kill something. She gave Andri a reasurring nod. She didn't care about lords and ladies, but she could see how others might. Speaking of ladies... "Say, Liz...If he is a lord, and you are both of 'class', doesn't that make you a lady?" She was doing a very poor job of keeping the laughter out of her voice. But Liz being a lady certainly explained somethings. Like the fact that she was willing to drop over a hundered silvers fighting veela and never even mention going back for them. She picked up the wine glass and took a sip...It tasted like wine.

Elizabeth smiled politely at Marcus, he seemed to understand things the way she did. In a whole other world, they were both high and mighty, but here they were all equals. "That's how I see it. In a field of battle, we are all the same." she didn't bring up anything else about his background, and she expected him to do the same. With that conversation over, she turned to Emiliah...who brought the topic up again. Elizabeth's cheeks turned a bright shade of red, as Emiliah laughed about her heritage. "Uh...well...Yes Emiliah. It does make me a Lady."

Flint pushed open the door, groaning. his back was so sore from the practice he was doing with the bow, trying to get a feel on how it shot, as it was differnent from his bow. He paused looking at Fenros and Bobby talking. They both looked at him and he smiled, giving Them a wave. As he waved though he looked over and saw Emiliah and Elizabeth. He was about to walk over to Fenros when he saw Marcus. He paused in midstep as their eyes connected.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He said with a smile as he walked over. He then realize he was sitting with the others. "What did you tell them?"[/color] HE looked at the girls. "Don't believe a word he says. It's all lies."

Marcus stood up as he saw Flint. Glad he didn't call him Duke, the nickname Flint insisted on calling him. " Flint! I heard you were in a cave in last night. You don't look like it."

"He doesn't look like he was in a cave last night because I did an excellet job of saving him," she said, momentarily distracted enough to leave Liz alone for the time being. She looked at the bow in Flint's hand. "How do you like it? Not as nice as your old one...but if you do like it, my brother said that you have to tell your friends. If you hate it, it was made by those 'Damn Shevi Brothers the Crooks,"

Friendly giant ? He called him a friendly giant ? Apparently he had done something the right way. "It's just... not that I would have seen many Lords in my life so far, but everytime I did I felt like there is an entire world parallel to the one I live in, an unknown and yet extremely powerful world. To be nervous in front of the great unknown is a human trait I think... Sorry." He forced himself to stop his fingers with a somewhat delayed success. The talk between the ladies and Marcus continued. The influence of the alcohol seemed to wear off a bit - he felt better. Before being able to formulate more words, he heard a door being opened behind him and his well exercised instinct made him turn around his head at top speed in order to identify the source of this event. It was Flint, so not a threat to be worried about. Andri thought about having to stop this, with this super sensitive sensing and fast timings it wouldn't take that long until everyone knew or at least suspected his exotic way of getting things done.

"Good afternoon" he greeted Flint and inspected the bow he carried, acknowledging that the explanation of him being involved in a cave in did fit to what he started to remember from the day before. "This appears to be a fairly good weapon to me."

When Elizabeth saw Flint enter the bar her eyes brightened. She felt happy seeing him, and she was surprised when he came to greet Marcus. "Well Flint, he didn't say anything about you, so I'm sure he wasn't lying. How are you doing?" she kept her focus on the both of them, but her words we're specifically meant for Flint. She wondered if he had talked to Emiliano yet, and if he had, what words had been exchanged? She decided these were all good questions, for a later time. "You two know Each other?"

Flint walked over and said, "Well, you know me, I'm super lucky." He said with a smile. He looked at Emiliah, "I'm pretty sure I techincally saved myself. Because I saved you, if I didn't save you the you wouldn't have saved me." He smiled as his voice was clear he was joking. He then heard the massive man mention that the bow looked like a good weapon. He nodded, It was for the most part. An archer of his skill he noted that it was not as powerful as his longbow, and it seemed a little lighter than his taste prefered, but For a black smith he did a good job for making it. Usually archers would go to a carpenter to handle the wood properly. But he didn't want to sound ungrateful, as it was a gift. He nodded to Andrie

"It is a good bow. A little light for me but I am indeed grateful for the weapon." He rolled his shoulders as his shoulders ached pulling the bow. It irritated him that a lesser weapon was hard on his back muscles. He barely managed to fire it, he guessed he would have never been able to fire his longbow.

He then looked to Elizabeth and smiled. "That's good to hear. I'm doing fine, Us Digards bounce back pretty quickly." He looked to Marcus and added,[color=0054a6] "We are practically brothers. Marcus and I have been Best friends for a while."

Opening the door to the bar, Yuri pulled his scythe down so it wouldn't knock the top of the frame, and stepped through. As he closed the door he shook his head at the silhouette of the crow that had perched itself across the road. "Feed it once, and it expects you to do it forever." He muttered to himself as he crossed the floor, and found himself a chair, giving a tired wave to Bobby and a friendly nod to the others as he took his hat off.

"I'm happy it'll get you through," Said Emiliah, smiling, her brother had been over the moon when she mentioned that a Digard would be using his bow, something he was just getting into making, he was over the moon. Nearly forced the dam thing on her to be honest. She was about to comment on the 'brothers' bounce back powers' when another person entered the tavern. Yuri or something...from when he...broke into the back storeroom. "Hey Yuri!" She called, waving at the man. If anything, it would at least kill the bromance.

Yuri looked up at Emiliah and waved back slightly, still slightly emberassed about what had happened earlier. As he did his mind raced for a name, with him quietly cursing his inability to recall such a simple thing. But with it eluding him succesfully, he settled for the next best thing. A greating with no name at all. "Hello! Nice to see you've moved operations to a more sutible location."

Being the stubborn hunter he was, Mat had been attempting to walk the entire day despite almost everyone telling him how terrible an idea it was. In the morning Mat had gotten up and snuck out of the tavern as soon as he found a chance. Of course, he extremely regretted his mistake but refused to turn back and instead explored the town. By the time the afternoon came, Mat had gotten his arsenal back (minus his spear) from the various venders of the town.

Stepping back into the tavern Mat attempted to proudly walked in but it quickly turned into a limp where he had to lean against the wall. He quickly noticed the group of hunters all drinking together and decided to invite himself to the group. Using the tables for support, the hunter made his way over to them. "Mind if I join you all?" He inquired, sitting down in an empty seat.

"Yeah, the backroom was getting a little crowed," She said, before seeing the door open again...only to see Mat walk in. She was a little irratated by it, it was like the man wanted to reinjure himself.

"Are you certain you should be walking Mat? I'd hate to have to drag you back to the tavern again," she motioned for the man to sit down in the empty chair across from her.

Yuri looked over his shoulder at the new arrival. He made no attempt to hide the grimace that worked its way on to his face as the wounded hunter stumbled his way across the floor. "I've got no qualms with the company. But I have to agree with her, why in all the hells are you walking." Yuri responded to Mat's question, obviously trying not to offend.

But as he looked at Mat, his face suddenly changed, as if a light whent off in his head. He stood quickly, and grabbing his scythe he handed it to Mat, turned so that he could grab the pegs on the handle. "How could I forget!" He whispered on a panicked, hushed tone, before switching back to a more relaxed one "Here I have to uh.. step out for a moment, forgot something. But If you need to move, use this for the love of it all, dont go falling down." And after placeing his weapon in Mat's care, Yuri hustled out of the door, an almost happy caw meeting him on the way out.

Mat looked down at the scythe as Yuri left the room. "A scythe? I thought you people didn't want me hurt," he said, then looked over at Emiliah. "And yes I totally believe I can walk, if I didn't I'd be in that annoying hammock being super depressed. That's something I don't believe any of you would like. Instead, I decided to be productive with my life and got fancy weapons, though I couldn't find the spear." Mat pulled out a flintlock pistol to show off one of his items.

Emiliah gave him a disbelieving smile. "Okay, fine you have the ability to walk, but just because you can do something, doesn't by any means mean you should," She took another drink of Marcus' 'fancy wine', she could feel the drink starting to warm up every part of her body, from fingers to face. She glanced over his haul of items. "I'm honestly shocked you were able to get so many back AND return with all your body parts," She eyed the pistol, she'd never trained with the wepon herself, long ranger wasn't really her thing, but she could appearicate its beauty. "The sellers must have taken pity. But the leg is feeling fine? Ready to go for...say a jog?"

The door to the bar swung open as Yuri walked in, his face beaming as he carried a long object, wriapped in oilcloth and tied in several places by long strands of twine. Closing the door, he hummed quetly to himself as he crossed the floor and deposited the bundle in front of Mat with a supriseing amount of care. Reaching over he also grabbed his weapon back before he spoke, "Here we are. Took me a while, and cost most of what little coin I had left. But I figured it was worth it." Retakeing his seat with a sigh, Yuri continued to grin as he motioned to the strings. "Well go on, I promise it wont dissapoint."

Mat rolled his eyes at Emiliah's comments. "Oh come on, you meet me once and assume I'm close to death everytime I go out? Please, it's only every other time," he assured. "And as much as I want to go on a jog I'd rather not be mocked when I immediately fall to the ground." He noticed Yuri coming back and looked at the rather odd bundle he carried. "Christmas already?" He asked when the fellow hunter placed it in front of him. Mat slowly opened it up and grinned when he realized it was his spear. "Oh hell, thanks for getting it mate!" He called to Yuri. "Here, I can pay you back for it." Without waiting for comment Mat grabbed a handleful of gold coins and tossed them to Yuri.

"Seeing how I have nothing else to go on other than that one time, I'd say it is a fair assessment of your state of being," She took another sip of her wine, nearly finishing the cup. "Well, at least you are starting to understand the fact that you are, indeed, injuried," It was at that moment that Yuri came back with an usual package. The moment she saw the spear, she could tell it was something speical. Something so special that Mat was lucky that it wasn't she who found it. Otherwise, he might not have it back right now. "Wow," she said. "I didn't think that your spear would ever be found. Can I see it?" she asked.

Catching the coins , Yuri set them down on the bar behind him "Bought it off a peddler, who says he bought it off a kid, or something like that. Had the thing sticking in the dirt like he didnt know what to do with it. But I'm just glad to get it back into your hands honestly." He tapped his fingers on his scythe absentmindedly as he spoke, leaning it ageinst his shoulder as he sat. "Interesting choice in the color of the haft I must say."

Mat was still excited to see his spear returned to him. He thought he had actually lost it this time around. "It always returns somehow," he said to himself. "Through it all, it's the only thing that stayed." It took Mat a moment to realize that Emiliah was asking to see it. "Hm? Sure," he said, handing it over to her. "I trust you won't manage to break it instantly." Looking over at Yuri he shrugged his shoulders. "Black shaft, it makes it harder to see. Simple as that." It wasn't really but he didn't feel the need to discuss it.

"It would be a crime to break something as wonderful as this," she said in awe, taking the spear in both hands. Flint might have his bow fetish, but this spear really was a thing of beauty. She stood up away from the table, giving the spear a few experimental twirls. ""Where on earth did you get something like this?" she added, an almost longing in her voice.

Mat made a small smile as he watched the huntress twirl his spear. "It was...I found it off a vendor. Ripped off the poor guy," he quickly lied. "Shame for him, win for me." Mat stepped up and used the table as a lean. "You use a spear too right? I think I can remember you with one when you found me. Nasty weapons, very nice to use."

Emiliah gave the spear another thrust. Before standing straight and almost sadly handing the weapon back to the man. "I hope that I am someday as lucky as yourself to get such a weapon," Her own spear was being kept behind the counter, more out of habit than anything. "Yeah, spears really are natures killing machine. You hear people go on and on about the sword and bow, but you really can't be the basics." She then turned back to Yuri. "You must really have a knack for finding this if you were able to spot a spear you've never seen before and bring it back to its owner,"

Yuri watched the two hunters in front of him descuss the finer points of working with a spear with the same grin as before. As they spoke he slowly put the coins that were given into him into his coin pouch, the last one clinking in as Emiliah asked her question. Yuri placed the pouch back inside his coat as he responded "I wouldn't say I have a knack for such things. Just simply remembered the description I was given yesterday, not many silver headed spears with black shafts and inscriptions running around this place."

Mat gently took his spear back from Emiliah and ran has hand over it. He looked over at Yuri and nodded his head. "Right, Aminy anao aho. That's the key to finding it! Thanks again for locating it Yuri," Mat said as he began to lean on it. "It's also a much better walking stick than most as I can stab people with it without probably stabbing myself in the process."

"That is does make it quite the walking stick. Also think nothing of it, was mearly a favor to another hunter, one im sure you'll pay back in the feild." Laughed Yuri, before he quickly added on "After you heal obviously. No sense in rushing out to get injured again, well so soon at least."

Mat made a small grin as he thought for a bit. "Well, I suppose I can act like ye olde' mage guy standing in the back for now as I watch you all kill some witches. Shouldn't be that boring to spectate." The hunter reattempted to balance without any support, but failed pretty quickly and had to grab the spear again. "I'm not going to get used to it though, be sure of that."

"If you really wanted to fit the part, all youd have to do is continually yell about burning things and I would certainly hope it wouldn't be boring to spectate. If a day that a hunt becomes boring, even just to watch, ever comes. I will eat my hat." Yuri said as his face flashed with concern as Mat lost his balance, but all was well and Yuri relaxed. "Also I'll hold you to that not getting used to it bit." As he finished talking Yuri bought and poured himself a drink, taking a long sip from it.

Mat looked over at Yuri and shrugged. "Well in the moment of murdering stuff it's not boring but you gotta admit having to track, wait, locate, wait, search for, wait, and then wait even more has got to be somewhat boring, especially the waiting part. In fact my dad an-" Mat stopped himself pretty quickly. "Waiting's boring, but the other stuff isn't. Speaking of weapons which one do you use?"

Yuri grinned as he put his drink down and picked up his scythe, and upon standing, gave the weapon a quick jerk twords the ground. The mechnism within the upper shaft going into gear as the scythes blade folded out with the motion, locking into place. "Its a bitch to repair and find replacement parts for. But it's mine." The wepon itself looked fairly nice, the darker metal contrasing ageinst the lighter wood used for the shaft. "Been through a lot with this blade. quite fun to use in combat. Almost like a dance.." Yuri's voice trailed off a bit before he shook his head slightly and grinned at Mat, giving the weapon a couple slow swipes here and there.

Mat gave a nod as he watched Yuri show off his scythe. "Impressive, the folding motion does add a nice flair to it," he commented. Mat switched sides with his spear. "I do need to wonder how many heads you've decapitated with it. I imagine quite a lot."

"A few here and there" Yuri said as he tripped the hidden mechinism once more, folding the blade away. "I wouldn't say going for the decapitation is the most safe or reliable method. However, I will not lie, it is undeniably satisfying when you land it."

Andri waved at Yuri when he entered, but apart from that only the corners of his eyes started paying attention to recovered spears and retractable blades. It would've been very interesting though and perhaps the discussion unfolding between Yuri and Mat would have made him show off his comparatively puny, but excellent looking, noble metal plated wires of death - but not now. He just wasn't the person that hopped in and out of conversations at high speed, especially not when his thinking was still slowed down a bit.

Making use of his giantism, the assassin got hold of a chair standing by one of the neighbouring tables without standing up himself and offered it to Flint. "There you go. You must've been really lucky." He had already heard about the robustness of the Digard family. "So... a little too light, you said ?" He started to scrutinize the bow as good as he could without holding it in his own hands. "Aren't there any ash trees around here ? If we acquire a suitable piece of wood and find a craftsman we could come over this drawback without spending too many coins."

Elizabeth lost track of the conversation, as they tossed around a spear and grunted about how amazing it was. It was really a pointy stick, a well made, pointy stick. With a shrug, she ignored them and turned to Flint. "When did you two meet?" She glanced over the comment about the Digards and their amazing healing. She briefly remembered a flash of light, but she didn't know where to place it, and the memory was fuzzy.

Flint glanced as Emiliah began to have her little thing about spears... but before he could make mention, the giant spoke to him, offering him a chair and suggesting finding an ash tree. He shook his head and took the seat, "Thanks. But Ash is a poor subsitute for a bow, They are very brittle and break easily. I need wood from a Yew tree. It makes the best long bows... and I prefer to make my own bow. As I've done before to complete my training."

He looked over to Elizabeth and said, "We met about five years ago on a hunt. He just started out and I had a few years on him...Taught him all he knows...well sort of." He said with a smile. He then noticed her arm and reached out to gently hold her elbow. "What happened?" He asked, wondering how this woman can hurt her self so often.

Elizabeth pulled away when Flint grabbed her arm, not because she didn't want him to touch her or be concerned, but because she was fine and she didn't need him to baby her. [color=ff00ff]"It's a flesh wound, nothing serious. Right Emiliah?"[/ she smiled at Emiliah, a flash of something mischievous in her eyes. She wondered what Flint would think about the two of them working together, then she realized he was probably out of it during most of their fights. "It was a fun day, but more of a girl's thing."

"Ah okay." Andri answered. "I'm just a basic woodworker. Would've been a bad peasant if I hadn't known how to fix things on your own, but I never had to do much with bows. I prefer weapons you can throw at your enemies or very close combat with small, nasty things."

"Right," said Emiliah, getting drawn away from the spear conversation by Liz. "The veela barely touched her," She said, flashing a smile back at her. "Speaking of, we are...thinking of heading out again. Any body know of anything?"

Emiliano groaned as he began walking downstairs into the bar, rubbing his eyes... he had drunk far to much last night trying to drown away his... memories from yesterday. He entered the bar and immediately wanted whiskey, but saw the group forming up and sighed as he walked up, and asked no one in particular, "Whats going on?"

Flint furrowed his eye brows when she pulled away from him. Wondering why she did so. Then explaining it's just a flesh wound...then being all buddy buddy with Emiliah, though he must admit he never saw them fighting the night before. But he didn't know they were friends. He simply said, "Ah..." Not knowing what to really say at the moment.

Glancing back to Andri he explained his reasonings. "Not many people do know what's best for a bow. And while enjoy getting up and close and personal with my enemy...trust me, growing up with my brothers often resulted in wrestling, and learning how to defend myself from them. But Being able to bullseye a mellon at two hundred meters is simply gratifying."

Then Emiliah spoke up, asking if anyone knows anything. He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know..." He looked over and saw Emiliano walking down the stairs and over to him. Acting so casual after what happened the day before. He stood up, as he stood between Liz and Emiliano. Subconsciously trying to protect Liz...even though he was sure she could protect himself. He folded his arms "Nothing that Concerns you."

Emiliano raised an eyebrow sluggishly at Flint and his aggression,"Uhm... Ok... I was jus' askin Flint, no need to bite my head off.", he looked at Elizabeth sadly behind him and sighed,"If you think its not my concern fine, I'll just get a drink... need to get drunk some more to stop this hangover...", he tapped the bar for Bobby to get him a drink,"But... are all of you doing something? IS this a hunt? And if so, how is it not my concern?", he turned to Flint confusedly.

Andri had just been about to tell Flint about being gratified by being able to approach the enemy from two hundred meters without being noticed, but it never came that far as Flint suddenly stood up. His body language and words didn't appear very friendly, but he had no clue about why. Obviously confused, he looked at Liz, then Emiliano, then at the other hunters one by one as if any of them could yield him additional information.

Elizabeth was about to make a few jokes with Emiliah, when Emiliano walked in. She cringed, but when Flint stood in front of her like a guard dog, she rolled her eyes. Tugging on his shirt she pulled him aside, crossing her arms in front of her. Did he honestly think she was incapable of defending herself? Well, you did drink yourself to half to death. shoving her subconscious aside, her gaze caught on Andri's. He looked confused, and as much as she would love to explain herself to him, she didn't bother. "Flint, don't you think we should clue Emiliano in? It is a group discussion." her tone was sharp, and she hoped he would get the message and back down.

Yuri looked up from his drink, and had to resist the urge to kick himself. The bar had certinally filled up while he was engrossed in his drink, and several conversations had sprung up. Both of which culminated in the hunter feeling a bit lost "Note to self, do lose track for a second around here." He thought to himself as he turned slightly to catch more of the conversation, and perhaps be a bit less lost.

Emiliah notice the change in Liz's stance the moment Emiliano walked in. What she found even more surprising was that it was Flint who seemed the most hostile in the situation. Emiliano on the other hand...just seemed...very very confused and sad. But judging by all involved, it probably had something to do with last night. But she decided it was time for lesson number 4. "Liz, if this has anything to do with last night...Don't let Flint defend you. Punch him in the face, you don't need protection"

Flint looked back to Elizabeth, now confused that she was even willing to allow this creep near her. He blinked a few times. Before looking back to Emiliano, then back to Elizabeth. He then heard Emiliah telling Elizabeth that she didn't need protection. He looked to her with a confused look as well. This was the mans job. to protect women...of course Liz and Emiliah were hunters, they could take care of themselves. But that wasn't the point, As a gentleman, it's his duty to protect a womans honor.

He looked back to Emiliano, and dropped his arms from his chest, He took a step backwards, turning his body to the side. Normally it looked that it was going to allow him to join, but he didn't offer his hand to a chair. What he did do was ball his right fist and launched a powerful jab into Emiliano's jaw.

Emiliano raised his Eyebrow as Emiliah mentioned something about last night... he was getting drunk last night. As flint stepped out of the way he stepped forward to join them,"Wait what happend last n-", it was then Flint's fist collided with Emiliano's jaw. He hit hard, the strength of his blood adding to the strength in his arm, a harsh smack was heard as Emiliano was thrown back, and the back of his head smacked the table. He smashed into the ground, his eyes rolling in his skull and his vision blurring, the back of his head bleeding. He tries to sit up but fails, groaning loudly. Though he was able to form semi-rational speech,"W-w-why... ahhhh... f-f-fu-fuck... ahhhhhh...", a small puddle of blood was beginning to form under his head. He choked a bit, rolling his head to the side and spitting, two bloodied teeth clattering in the floor as he groaned in pain and the world swam around him.

Elizabeth had been tense in her chair, so the second Flint swung, she had been up and ready to take action. She flinched when the punch connected, and Emiliano fell backwards, hitting his head on the bar. After she did a quick assessment of the damage, she turned Flint so he was facing her, her eyes burning with rage. "That is not what I meant, you didn't have to attack him!" with a frustrated squeal, she threw a hard punch at Flint's jugular, knowing that any other attempt probably wouldn't hurt him enough to feel satisfying. After this, she threw her hands in the air, and stormed out of the tavern. Once she was outside she paced around, wanting to throw something, she buried her head in her hands and gritted her teeth.

Emiliah blinked as she watched Liz punch Flint. Although she had suggested the action, against Emiliano, such was more than a little shocked to see that Liz had actually done it, but to Flint . There was a part of her that felt...bad. But another part of her that felt...proud. Emiliah pushed herself away from the table. "I'm just....going to go check on her," she said following the angry Liz outside.

"Well, you certainlly showed him," said Emiliah, a poorly hidden smile on her face.

Flint wasn't expecting his hit to land so well, and the fact that despite his age and his ability as a hunter, he still often forgot how much strength he really had in comparison to...well normal humans. He watched as Emiliano smashed his head against the table. He honestly thought that he was going to be well... getting into a brawl, not just knocking out the man in one punch.

Suddenly Elizabeth was looking at him as if he was the one who did wrong. "I know..." He couldn't even finish his sentence when he was throat punched by the smaller woman. He coughed and bent over as his windpipe was collapsed for a moment. He gripped his throat and tried to breath, focusing all his mind to the single act to survive. Once his thoughts suddenly jumpstarted his breathing, he coughed more. Standing back up and leaning agianst the table as he watched Elizabeth walk out and Emiliah holding back a laugh.

Bobby and Fenros had both moved over to Emiliano, seeing the blood pooling under emiliano's head. Bobby snapped his fingers to gain the attenion of Emiliano to see how bad it was. While Fenros stood up and looked at his younger brother. "What the hell did you do that for Flint?"

At this point Mat had little to no idea what was going on, and most of what he was thinking was wow that guy can really punch! Everyone around him seemed to be running around and discussing what was going on. "What the hell did I get myself in to?" He asked himself as he continued leaning against a wall holding his spear as both the huntresses left and Bobby went over to check on the downed hunter.

Yuri coudln't help but flinch as everthing transpired, as all the punches were thrown. Quickly putting his drink down, Yuri got up and went over to see if Bobby needed any help with the wounded hunter, keeping a small distance until he was needed. All the while looking around as confused as ever. "Any idea what promped that?" He asked Bobby, honestly at a loss for any other words.

Elizabeth pulled her face out of her hands when Emiliah came out to check on her. After the anger wore off, she realized just how horrible she felt. She was the one that had caused this, if she had just kept quiet about the situation, it wouldn't have happened at all. “Showed him what Emiliah? That I'm a horrible person? I punched him in the throat! What do I do? I need to apologize.” though she said this, she didn't rush through the doors and go apologize to Flint. That would make her look weak, when she apologized, it would have to be to private and sincere. [color=ff00ff]“I cannot believe myself. I caused this, by being a little girl.”

Emiliano was not really capable of real thought or speech at this point, he had a fairly serious concussion and severe head trauma from his fall onto the table edge. Currently his vision was swimming about in his head and his thoughts could not form coherrently, only able to groan in pain.

Bobby looked to Yuri. "Hell if I know, Flint usually has a good reasons for doing things like this." He looked at Flint who looked confused at what happened as well as not sure what to do. "SOPHIE! We need your Expertise in the back room!" He lifted Emiliano and looked at Yuri to help him. He still was a gimp and all. Once Yuri helped he would walk him back to the room and lay him on the cot, where sophie would come in with some clean cloths and water. She then shooed them out of the room.

Fenros looked at his brother, he almost just killed another hunter. He saw the hit, he knew he used his full strength. Flint shook his head, "It's not your Business Fenros. Stay out of it." He picked up his bow on the table making his way to the front door. He pulled the heavy oak door and slammed it with great force as it slammed into the wall behind it.

He noted Emiliah and Elizabeth talking, but with the recent throat punch for what he didn't understand he recieved. He turned and continued to trudge away, off to find a Yew tree so he can make a new bow...the only thing that really calmed him down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Flint Digard, Elizabeth C. James

Elizabeth watched as Flint stormed past. She flashed Emiliah an exasperated look, mouthing a sorry before rushing off after Flint. He was walking, but he definitely wasn't taking his time. She jogged to catch up to him, her eyes apologetic. "Flint, wait, please. I'm so sorry about what happened, I can't believe myself. I know that I caused this, I'm the one that made myself look like a damsel." She ran to get in front of him, placing her hands on his chest to stop him. "I'm sorry Flint."

Flint only glanced at her, not hesitating in his walk. She started to apologize for what she did, and that she was the cause of this for looking like the damsel. He didn't understand what she was saying, as she got ahead of him and placed her hands on his chest. He stopped reluctantly as she said she was sorry.

He raised an eyebrow. "So your sorry that you made it looked like you were a damsel? or that Emiliano got hurt?"

"I'm sorry, because of what I did. I made him look like a bad guy, and then when you defended me I...I hit you." Elizabeth bit her lip, slowly retracting her arms. She looked up to him, breathing deeply. "Are you okay? I swear I'll tell them all Flint, I'll tell them that I caused this. That I exaggerated. I don't want them to see you as a villain, when I'm the one at fault." she cast her gaze downwards, fiddling with the burnt ends of her braid. She felt disgusting, even more so then when she had woken up from her night of drinking. "I apologize, and I understand if you're upset with me."

Flint looked at Elizabeth He was lost at words. He wanted to be mad at her, Yet she appologized for hitting him, and making him out to be a villian. "Elizabeth....Why do you not like the fact of me defending your honor? Also the fact that I may have just killed an innocent man? What happened that day? Really?"

"I already told you what happened, Flint. He kissed me, I kissed back, and then he took it too far too fast and I left. I shouldn't have told you, I should have kept it to myself. If I had just stayed quiet and handled things on my own, none of this would have happened." Elizabeth felt the tears welling up in her eyes, but she didn't let them make it past there. She knew that if she had kept quiet, everything would have been more calm, but it also would have made her feel a thousand times worse. She was on the fence, unsure if she had made the right choice. "Do you need me to go, Flint?" her voice cracked, and she mentally cursed herself. voice cracked, and she mentally cursed herself. So much for being strong.

He looked at her and said, "Well when you wrote it down you said he almost raped you Elizabeth." He kicked himself mentally. She then went on to explained if she handled things on her own this wouldn't have happened. He thought of what to say, as he did though her voice cracked, asking if he wanted her to go. part of him screamed yes, the other made him think otherwise. Despite her throat punching him, he didn't want her to be hurt any more from his actions.

Flint shook his head, She had to be crying... "Elizabeth..." He didn't know what to say, He shook his head. "If you didn't tell me, you would probably be drunk still upstairs, or worse. dead." He rubbed the back of his head as he turned away. "Guuuuah!" he yelled at himself. He didn't even know what he was mad at any more. " Why did you hit me?"

Elizabeth glared at her knuckle, it was still red from when she had punched him. "Because I'm an idiot, Flint. I'm an idiot that exaggerated everything. I pushed you to help me, then I didn't except your help." her voice wasn't as sad anymore, instead it was fierce. She was angry, but the anger was directed at herself. Everything was in shambles, because she had exaggerated her silly little adventure with Emiliano. She held out a hand to support Flint, but her fingers only brushed his back before she pulled them away. "I'm the cause of this, all of it."

"Why? Why did you exaggerate about what happened?" He turned back to look at her, after feeling her fingers on his back. He looked at her. Wanting to just leave the woman there and walk away. He could have Killed an innocent man.

Elizabeth's lip quivered, and she almost laughed at how desperate she must have looked. Like a child who was given his candy, or a dog who wasn't allowed table scraps. A sudden realization appeared in her mind, and she flew back as if someone had hit her. "Do you think I did it to...to attract you? To get your attention? Do you really think that low of me?" her eyes became hard, and her face emotionless. She squared her shoulders to look more dignified. "If you think that's the reason, then good for you. It's not. The note was for myself, I shouldn't have exposed you to it, it was childish of me. Indecent."

Elizabeth pulled the remaining string of confidence she had inside her, and used it to point at him. "However, if you think I did it to get you on my side, I didn't. I'm not that idiotic, I wouldn't manipulate you. I am no whore, I am-was-a lady, and I got in over my head. Thinking I could be different, a hunter. How foolish am I?" she laughed at her own expense, it was hysterical, and bitter.

Flint looked at her with a confused look on his face, not knowing where she was pulling these accusassions from. He never even meant those things, he was really wondering why she exaggerated it. As her rant continued he stood straight up with a blank expression of his own, waiting for her to finish. Once she was, and it looked like she was about to leave him. He grabbed her arm gently but firmly enough to show that he did not want her to leave, but soft enough to show that he didn't mean harm. He looked at her with calm eyes as he said, "I never, ever thought those things Elizabeth...I was just asking why you said that... that is all. I do not think you are a whore... nor did I think you did it to get my attention. I never thought that low of you." His anger flooded away despite her word.

He hesitated and reached up with his hand to brush her cheek. He then leaned forward slowly and kissed her on the lips gently, and for only a second. As he pulled back he said, "If you never became a hunter, I would have never have met you. I don't care that this happened, I would have done it again if given the chance. I never like Emiliano anyways." He said with a smile. He dropped his hands from her shoulder and cheek and took a few steps as to leave.

Elizabeth kept a stern face as he looked at her with eyes that were far too calm for her liking. She was about to storm off to prove a point, when he grabbed her arm and held her there. Her anger dispersed, as he explained that he had never thought that way to begin with. She was about to apologize, when he moved suddenly, brushing her cheek and leaning in to kiss her. She had no time to react, or do anything, because as soon as his lips were against hers, they were gone again. She furrowed her brow, her brain working hard to come up with a response. "Uh...yes." She said, as if that single reply was enough to make up for everything.

Liz punched him in the shoulder playfully, deciding on whether or not she should smile or frown. "Flint, you know that we can't ever...never mind." Liz thought back to their previous interactions, how they had both admitted to not wanting to settle. That conversation had seemed to drift away, but it came back with a force that crushed her. She trailed her fingers across his cheek, and forced a smile. "Do you even remember that talk? I wish it had never happened." She seemed to be far away as she said this, her voice plain and emotionless. They would never work, not if those words remained true.

Flint looked away and closed his eyes when she said they could never, He didn't need to hear her finish the sentence to know what she was about to say. She turned his head and trailed her fingers acrossed his cheek as she tried to tell him of a talk they had. He remebered, The fact she brought it up seemed to mean to him that she didn't want to settle down...not that he was asking that. He looked at her as she said it and closed his eyes. He remebered what the witch said in the caves. That he would eventually settle down. "People can change... Elizabeth." He took her hand, figuring that she mentioned the talk to try to put him down gently. Even though it was more like dropping a bag of flour ontop of him. He lowered her hand with his. "I understand though... "

Even though Liz had pretty much said no to him, it still felt like a ton of bricks falling on her when he returned the favor. She nodded, staring at their hands and squeezing his tighter. "I know people can change Flint, and I know that you will be one of those boys that change for the better." She felt like it was a good thing to say, but she wasn't sure how he would react to that. "I think that I'm a step in the right direction, you just aren't there yet." with that, she pulled him into a hug. It was mostly so he couldn't see her face, as she started to tear up, but it was also so he would feel better. She wanted to be there for him, even if it wasn't in a romantic way. "You are such an amazing man. You have a lot going for you, you're charming, for one thing."

Now he felt like he was being treated like a child. He simply nodded, though he didn't return the hug. She didn't get what he had meant, even with the kiss. He remained silent as she said he was an amazing man, and that he was charming. If that was the case why did he feel like this was the case at the moment. When a moment had passed, he then said. "Right... sure." He then pulled away. "I...need to be alone for a bit...Sorry." he said as he turned and continued to walk to find a yew tree.

Elizabeth didn't resist as Flint pulled away. It made her feel a pain worse than any she had felt, knowing she was letting him walk away. Distancing herself from Flint was something she never thought she would have to do, but a small part of her encouraged it, telling her that all would be better with time. She leaned against the nearest tree for support, forcing herself to smile through the pain. "Goodbye Flint, stay safe." with a nod, she turned and headed in the opposite direction, away from him. Unsurprisingly, those steps were some of the heaviest she had ever taken.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"The catfight"

Alexina and Vespa

collab with @Meiyuki@SillyGoy

Sousiel was roaming about camp. She didn't sleep so she kept watch with the witches throughout the night. She'd just spotted Vespa exiting her mistress' carriage. Sousiel smirked at the witch's noble bearing, even as she was undoubtably on the way to piss in the woods. "Such grace...I wonder if it's largely wasted though." She muttered.

Climbing on top of Lorelai's carriage Sousiel decided now would be a good time for a snack. She removed the jerky her Lady had given her from her dress pocket. She scanned the trees as she ate. She spotted something curious. Alexina's familiar frame was striding in the direction that Vespa had gone minutes earlier.

"Now I can't miss this." Sousiel giddily hopped from atop her perch and took on her cat shape, stalking towards what was likely to be a show to remember.

Unfortunately for the shapeshifter's perverse expectations, Vespa, now mostly recovered from the debacle last night, did not stop to undress and squat among the brush like some common plebeian urinating, but kept on walking. Again, she walked in even, measured steps, with her hands clasped over her waist. She was wearing a long, dark dress with red highlights, flush with elaborate embroidery as was befitting of someone of her respected pedigree. The Blood Witch appeared to be contemplative, as to her forested surroundings she gave no interest. She stared rather passively at the air in front of her as her mind threw thoughts around from one side to the other.

As Alexina followed Vespa, her thoughts were conflicting on what she should do, or say. She never really talked to the other witch due to her stealing her first love from her. She thought her arrogant and sickening as it seemed she loved death...it came with her magic, but still, compared to Elina, she was a completely different person.

She wasn't hiding the fact that she was following the other witch. Mostly because she was lost in her own thought and also she wanted Vespa to know she was there. She hated the fact that when ever Vespa was around Lorelai, it seemed that she was invisible to her. That will stop soon enough.

She stopped about ten feet away from Vespa, despite her wanting to cuss the witch out she simply asked, "Going for an early morning stroll?" Her voice soft, yet almost with a hint of Venom in it.

Alexina's voice brought Vespa about from her reverie. She had not been expecting company. "Alexina," she said, as she turned around to face her. Her smile was polite, but only just that, and without any real affection. The two witches never really knew each other. "A pleasant surprise. Yes, just an early morning stroll. Did you sleep well?"

Alexina just stared at Vespa for a few moments before, saying, "I hardly sleep well any more...for a bout a year now." Ever since Lorelai left her for Vespa. She took a breath. "How is Lorelai? Is she doing better?"She asked, her voice more sincere than before, a lot more. She took a few steps closer, with her hands folded behind her back, bouncing on her behind. as she took her slow steps towards Vespa.

Vespa stayed where she was, failing to quirk a brow at the Forest Queen's strange and carefree gait. "Why, yes, much better. Elina is far more gifted in the healing specialities of blood magic than I thought. Had she not been there..." her voice trailed off, and she shook her head. "But thankfully, she was there."

She allowed her eyes to fall to Alexina's feet, and worked them up till the two were again sharing stares. "Tell me, how many did you kill last night?"

Alexina stopped a few feet away in a comfortable distance but still close as she turned to look at Vespa. Yes...Elina, another strange thing as Vespa allowed her sister to kiss her lover... and by the sounds of it, it happened before. Biting the inside of her cheek as she felt the rage of jealously begin to boil in her blood. She blinked as she asked how many she killed.

"I frankly don't keep count." she said flatly.

She then sighed as she looked at the woman. "Honestly... I grow tired of this...'playing nice' Lorelai was almost killed because of this stupid mission to go see your mother. That is something I take seriously. I mean... where were you? You could have been defending your love but you were off....counting kills."

Vespa blinked once, then twice, flabbergasted by Alexina's sudden break of decorum. She allowed herself a scowl began looking sidways at her opposite, but otherwise restrained her voice. "Had I not leapt for them, you would have had to deal with ten more at the same time."

Alexina's face was calm and almost bored as the other witch tried to explain her reasonings. "I would have taken on the whole group if it meant protecting Lorelai. " Her eyes narrowed as she resisted the urge to rip the girls throat out."I've sat by for this entire year...thinking that this was for the best...that I must forgo my happiness so Lorelai can be happy....with you But no longer. I will no longer allow myself to be helpless and sit idly by."

Her only reaction was to laugh, covering her mouth with a ladylike raise of a hand. She had suspected that Alexina might've had feelings for Lorelai, but for her to confess them like this? Such a crass action elicited only mirth and incredulity from the aristocratic witch. [color=f26522]"So," she said, stifling giggles. "What will you do, hmm?"

Alexina's eyes narrowed as Vespa giggled. It was true she had no grace with words... no one really understood her as she grew up in the forest her whole life. As much as she wanted to attack Vespa, and blame it on another forest animal, she knew Lorelai would know better. In all honesty she didn't know how she was going to win Lorelai back. She never actually fell in love with anyone before her... she did not know these things...on how to win over a heart. Normally it was just the strongest got what they wanted, to be the Alpha of the group. But she knew the way's of the forest did not translate to the ways of humans.

"Why would I tell you?" She said through her teeth. " I just wanted to give you a fair warning, unlike what I recieved when you stole her from me." She turned and started to walk away.

Vespa's brow remained mockingly raised as she stared at Alexina's shrinking back. "Whatever it is you are planning, you had better do it quickly."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

a collab. feat @agentmanatee and @Meiyuki
"Dreadful Prices"

Finally the witches arrived at the mighty Castle Ruvina. Home to the great and terrible Reyna Ruvina. Or so they thought. The caravan came to a halt outside the ruins of a once grand estate, the castle walls were covered in vines from neglect, the black iron gate lay twisted on the ground leaving the path to the castle proper unimpeded but for the tangle of weeds and the roaming undead - the last of the castle's defenders.

Lorelai dismounted Ardat and took a deep breath. "Be careful everyone. Split up and find out what happened here, but don't go alone." She removed her blade from Ardat's saddle. "We better not have come all this way for nothing."

"God," Vespa whispered. Brow furrowed, she stepped up to Lorelai's side, and put a hand on her rapier. "Elina. Elina! Come see this."

The silver-haired witch had already descended from her carriage, and the horrible condition of her family's small demesne shook her to the core. The normally serene young woman took upon a startled expression. An mild ache formed in her chest, and she put her hands there to quell it. "Oh, oh my. What has happened here?!"

"Hunters likely, or perhaps rival witches." Lorelai replied mildly. "We'll know more once we get inside."

The castle itself was situated upon a hill, where under the orange glow of the setting sun it was ominous, domineering, and prominent. A curving path of ruined, mossy cobblestone began at the remains of the gate and crawled all the way to the distant castle doors, passing by the overgrown courtyard and grounds where dozens upon dozens of undead shambled aimlessly with rusting weapons and dilapidated gear. At their wobbling feet lay their comrades who were unlucky enough to cross Fenros several years ago, devoid of all magic and decomposed to their bare bones. The smell of death still lingered, and the mild breeze of dusk deigned to ease it towards the party of witches. Vespa grimaced. "What a horrible stench!"

"Indeed. What should we expect as far as the remaining defenses?" Lorelai turned to Vespa. She wished she could just console her love, but they'd work to do. "I do hate surprises."

Vespa put her index finger to her mouth, and bit hard. Drawing it out, she pinched the bead of blood with her thumb and attuned herself to the castle's hex network - and found it breached, neglected, and almost useless. "I... I don't know." She put her hand down, frowning. "This looks like it was a proper siege... everything is... broken, in one way or another."

"These undead are aimless," she added, gesturing towards the walking corpses. "Whoever attacked... has eliminated our Household Guard, my mother's chosen undead warriors who command the lesser ones. The ones before us are feral, and will try to stop us out of instinct."

Genoveve quietly exited Phagora's carriage, not wanting to wake her up when she was sleeping so soundly. She made her way to where Lorelai and the Ruvinas were standing at the aged gates of a once proud estate. Even still Genoveve marveled at the decrepit edifice, her eyes wideninng at the way the ancient place managed to hold its nobility, even as old and ruined as it was she could still see the extravagance and beauty once held by it. She could not help but express her ownn opinions,"This place... its amazing! So ancient and ruined but even still I see what it was... proud and tall, and so incredibaly extravagant... you lived here?", she turned to the Ruvina sisters with a look of awe, yet the two were too shocked to give her a reply.

She turned her sight back to the crumbling gates to observe the shambling dead just inside. Some were little more than shambling bones by now, sustained by aged magics long since beginning to fade, but walking still. A gust of chill-fell wind blew from within the gates, knocking one of the less sure shamblers of his feet before blowing past the tall crimson haired woman, her bright red hair set to disarray by the gust. She shivered, not because she was cold having lived in the woods her body was use to such temperatures, but because the smell of hate and death picked up by the spirits in her... and the loss. "Someone... powerful lost something important here... something as dear to them as their own life... p-perhaps we should tread carefully... the restless dead may be afoot here."

"Someone powerful lost a great many things here, perhaps even her own life." Lorelai nodded at Genoveve, a bit of pride stirred at her keen eye. "Such is the folley of hatred and grudges. They're poisonous, much better to direct your energies to more active threats than to expend it on vengeance."

"Mother," Elina said, her voice trembling. "We have to find my mother."

Genoveve nodded at what Lorelai said,"Indeed Mistress but... how shall we proceed? There are undead everywhere and while not intelligent in numbers... well I don't feel safe if we travel alone, we could get overwhelmed.", she watched the shambling and rotting corpses lurch this way and that, nails turned to jagged and filthy claws, teeth rotted and sharpened. She gulped slightly, she never liked the undead... well at least not zombies, they were far too unnatural. She turned to look at Elina, somewhat worried by the way her voice trembled, and she leaned in to whisper to Lorelai,"Mistress, I believe you should accompany Ellina lest she make a... an emotional decision."

Lorelai nodded. "We'll all have to keep our heads." She began walking forward through the gates. "Keep your eyes peeled, I doubt this place is yet devoid of danger."

"It isn't. I shall lead the way." Vespa unsheathed her rapier and walked briskly a few paces in front of Lorelai. Elina followed suit, nervously looking around. The ruined, uneven cobblestone was unkind to the silver-haired maiden and she struggled as she walked. At times, the moss made it slippery, and at others, she would bump against a hole in the ground or a misplaced flagstone. Her gaze constantly shifted between the surrounding, oblivious undead and the backs of Lorelai and her sister - and to her unashamed relief, they were also having some trouble with the dilapidated carriageway.

Indeed, and she also saw Vespa cleanly driving her sword deep into the throat of a zombie that had gotten too close. She groaned and grimaced at the putrid stench of thick, rotting blood and at the weighty, fleshy thud as the corpse fell from unlife into true, still death.

There was a hedge maze there, and neatly kept pines over there, in a time that felt so far away now to the two sisters. Now those areas were overgrown forests, and the crawling vines, moss, and random shrubs reached all the way into the main entrance. The party had gotten close enough to see that the front double doors of heavy, iron-fitted oak had been forced down.

"I hope mother's alright," Elina said, mostly to herself. "We really should... tend to this horrible mess with her." Vespa said nothing.

Genoveve began to grow worried, and suspicious, as they moved ever further into the dilapidated edifice of a once grandiose estate. The more Elina spoke of her mother the more certain Genoveve became about the identity of the force of loss she could feel in this estate. She did not wish to tell the girl, which would likely only put further strain on their... tenuous footing with one another following the whole wealth thing. She came up alongside Lorelai again to whisper to her, "Lorelai I fear... I may know the identity of the spirit which may still reside here...", she made he voice as quiet as she thought she could.

Lorelai simply nodded and whispered her reply. "So old scratch hasn't claimed her yet. Interesting, but not unexpected." She reached into her pouch and handed Genoveve a small bag which contained various salts useful in bindings. "Ensure she doesn't trouble us overmuch?"

Moving over to Elina she placed a hand on the silver-haired witch's shoulder. "Elina, dear... I'm sorry." Lorelai did her best to offer a consoling look, but the truth was the Reyna Ruvina wouldn't have survived this expedition either way. She had the bloodmoon stones to ensure that. What Elina didn't know she couldn't hate her for though. "Look around... I don't think your mother is here."

Vespa stopped and waited, but did not look around as she found the topic distasteful. Looking into Lorelai's eyes, Elina blinked once, twice, before forcing a smile and shaking her head. "No. No, you've not met my mother. She's not that weak. Let us continue." And without waiting for a reply, she ambled on.

No words passed among the four as they came up the hill and as the sun set behind the Castle's massive body, draping them in shadow. Things looked worse the further the party went, and the courtyard's central fountain of what was once a finely sculpted marble statue of a manticore had all but collapsed, the water gone and the plumbing destroyed. The lumen globes, which were supposed to light up automatically by nighttime, and contrary to the twins' expectations, lay dormant and dark in their lamp posts. So there was nothing illuminating the massive seal of House Ruvina that hung above the breached entrance, that of a passant black wolf upon a blood-red escutcheon. That greatest of symbols which welcomed them every time they came home just a scant few years ago was nowhere to be found - and they both knew that they would find no comfort here anymore.

What lay before the four was an abyss in the shape of an archway, where there was no light whatsoever, and sickly groaning could be heard from within.

"Shit." Vespa cursed. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Mother... might have gone to Cathay again?" Elina weakly offered.

Genovve could feel it here, the spirit of the old Matriarch of the Ruvina household. Genoveve breathed out slowly, and turned to Lorelai, "She is here Mistress, I beleive I should contact her now... it may perhaps give her daughters closure.", as she said this Genoveve opened the bag of salts and began a binding and contact circle, chanting in the language of the dead. As she finished the intricate symbols and circle around her and the others she took a small aged book from her pack, its covers blackened by age and fire and its pages yellowed and faded. Even still she opened and recited in a guttural ancient language from this, one of the few remaining copies of the ancient book of the dead.

As she chanted from the heirloom and went to her knees it seemed as if a chill wind picked up around the witches, and strange phantasms swirled around the circle as if some hellish gate had been opened. Slowly they tied down, until a single force seemed to scream in the air, the poltergeist attempting to enter the circle before giving up, its connection established. Genovev exhaled calmly, and spoke with a strange and soft spectral voice, "Lady Reyna Ruvina, we seek to contact you, your daughters have returned, show us your presence.", her eyes glowed a strange spectral green as she spoke, the book of the dead open at her knees, and its script glowing similarly.

Lorelai surveyed the area warily. Her mind writhed with pacts, ready to be called on at a moment's notice. Hand on her blade she finally settled on watching the door in anticipation of whatever ugliness awaited them. "Quickly now."

The sisters looked towards Genoveve's crouched form, with the older one shifting her gaze towards the entrance. Elina, meanwhile, was utterly transfixed. She had never seen Genoveve at her craft, and were the circumstances different, perhaps she would have appreciated them more - alas, her mother's disembodied voice shook her, and even Vespa was surprised.

"Indeed they have," Reyna said. Hers was a voice with a deep tone and a commanding presence, and had enough of an outline of her power in life to give a chill and a buzz in the air even in death. "To this place which was once their home, and which they had abandoned. Do you see now, dearest Vespa, dearest Elina? This is the price of your failure."

"M-Mother?" Elina said.

"Three years and twenty-one summers old and yet you are still a child, Elina. Do you not know? You are the reason this all has happened."

"I... I-" Elina began, but Lorelai cut in.

"Silence, dead old witch. This is the price of your arrogance... nothing more." Lorelai wore her disdain and condenscension plain on her face. "Blame them if you will, but we both know who caused this. Continue to speak of it though, and you'll find I've little patience for such things."

Vespa joined her lover in step. "Neither have I the patience for misplaced choler, mother."

"Oh Vespa," the party could feel the matriarch rolling her eyes. "You could have been the greatest witch to have tread upon Christendom, yet you chose to split your sacrifice with your weak-willed sister. Perhaps I should not have expected so highly of you. A woman? Instead of cockslaves, you turn to a woman for your bedside comforts? Disgusting."

"And you, Von'Strauss? Fool, when death inevitably takes you, your fate will be infinitely worse than mine. No matter how many demonic cocks you take up your putrid womanhood, your soul is damned forever to the most miserable depths of Hell."

A Dark Chant from the book cut of the angered Lady Reyna with a guttural word before Genoveve spoke again,"Quiet spirit! You have not been called upon to show your ire to the living, a poltergeist may do such upon her own eternal time. You are called for answers to questions, and you will bend to your caller,", Genoveve chanted again and the spirit seemed to writhe and scream as the pages of the book turned on their own and Genoveve rebuked the ghost in the guttural tones within, "Lady Reyna of Ruvina, we seek the knowledge of House Ruvin, a fowl coven of Vampires. What connection is there to you poltergeist? Tell us your knowledge lest I force it from your tortured soul."

Reyna's ghost, even amidst the pain, found room to laugh. "Fool. You think I am obligated to help you? Do you think that just because you have come all this way from that whore Bloodrose's coven, you deserve answers? You demand knowledge, when you bring to me the instruments of my demise - my daughters?! You insult me, yet you expect courtesy? FOOL."

And as the word was uttered, a gust of wind blew across the ruined face of the castle grounds, beckoned there by the sheer might of the fallen matriarch even beyond death. This gust soon kicked up to a steady gale, which made the most horrible noise and elicited awful groans from shambling undead both near and far.

Vespa looked towards the scene with a paind expression. "You damned monster! You're a blight upon this world, in life and in death! Genoveve, do something!"

"Do you not know who I am? Do you not know who rules this castle upon which you are trespassing? I AM REYNA RUVINA, BANE OF KINGS AND DEFILER OF PLACES! HEAR MY NAME AND DESPAIR!"

Lorelai pushed the smaller pacts from her mind. A spirit so powerful, even in death was deadly in the extreme. The circle wouldn't bind her for long, and even Genoveve couldn't keep her at bay forever. Gripping the stone in her pocket she pulled at the black thing pulsing in her mind. Conjuring up her darkest impules she begain to make way for her birthright, she begain opening the way for the Dragon. "You're but the shadow of a cowardly whore too weak to let go, and you were never anything more than that."

Genoveve had not expected Reyna to have such a solid connection to the world of the living, and decided she needed to sever the connection. She began chanting again from the book, the guttural tounge filling the air with her spectral and ghostly voice, but the matriarch's ghost would have none of it.

"You think a woodland savage like yourself is worthy enough to address me? Foolish girl. THIS PLACE WILL BE YOUR GRAVE!"

Genoveve screamed loudly as the Poltergeist threw her power down into the closing link beteween them. She was flung backwards with quite a bit and with some force. She skidded along the floor and came to a stop smashed against a crumbling pillar. Then she was dragged up it, but was now screaming in the guttural speech from before, desperately trying to close the link even as Reyna strained to keep it open. She was flung back down to the floor, and managed to finish the spell with a painful grunt, severing the link. She tried to sit up but screamed in pain, several of her bones likely broken. She whimpered as loudly as she could to Lorelai,"Mistress... I think... I ca-can't move... on my own... ergh!", she grunted in pain.

"Get Genoveve out of here Elina!" Lorelai gave the girl a rather harsh shove to shake her from her reverie. "Go!"

Lorelai called in the numerous pacts she had prepared. Out of the shadows in the courtyard stepped a pack of twisted infernal wolves. They stalked forward snarling with voices to deep and too human to come from any natural wolf. Their fur was matted already with blood and viscera, and bone spikes protruded from their shoulders. Lorelai's grip tightened on her blade.

Vespa, meanwhile, called upon the energy of the grand sacrifices she had made the other day to pump her body full of supernatural vigor. It appeared to her that their mother was the greatest threat, although whether she could actually harm something incorporeal was something she didn't know. Regardless, she readied her blade, and scowled at the unified howls of the hundred zombies which had suddenly found a common purpose. No longer shambling aimlessly around the castle grounds, every single rotting head had turned to the way of the party. Elina, who was carrying the wounded Genoveve in her magically-charged arms and making way for the front gates, was stopped dead in her tracks.

The silver-haired witch despaired. "N-No! It can't be!"

"I told you," Vespa said solemnly. "She's not above killing her own daughters for the sake of her ego. Put Genoveve at our center. It's her we need to defend."

Elina did so immediately. As she rose, she looked at her older sister with eyes on the verge of tears. "I- I can't fight; I've never-"

In her other hand suddenly materialized a rapier, of a make and look identical to her usual swordarm. It was a spell set many years ago but only activated now, just in case she would lose her sword. Vespa never imagined actually having to hand Elina a fighting blade in whatever manner. "Then it is best you start learning. Ready yourself. The horde is coming."

The horde indeed came, pouring from the darkness behind the archway and from the grounds in a tide of dead flesh and ruined steel. Lorelai's wolves darted forward to meet them, but were woefully outnumbered. For each drug to the ground and brutally dismembered two seemed to crawl either from the earth or the shadows. Lorelai quickly found herself surrounded. The blade of her scythe flashed and parted bodies with ease, but she was losing ground. Soon she was covered in decades old viscera, and breathing heavily from exertion.

"We'll have to cut our way back to the carriages!" Lorelai screamed over the clamour of battle.

Vespa fared no better. As the bodies fell and formed stinking mounds, her thin blade dulled and developed a predilection for being stuck in wounds. Covered head to toe in unholy blood, what she could not kill by her sword, she dealt with her superhuman strength. Her desperate punches shook the air and detonated heads. It was woefully inelegant, but given the circumstances, it was necessary.

"We just might have to! Elina, quickly, get Genoveve!"

And Elina, for whose protection Vespa fought more than to actually kill the enemy, nodded meekly and did so. The groaning witch's long arms fell limp, almost to the ground. The young woman carrying her, who felt so betrayed, had rivulets of tears running down her cheeks at this point.

"Yes! Fight for my pleasure, fight and die, fools! The denizens of Hell have placed high prices on your souls, and I will be the one to claim the bounty!" Even disconnected from Genoveve, Reyna could still deliver her voice to the mortal world.

"Fuck you!" Vespa yelled between sword strokes. "I should have killed you when I had the chance!"

"You had no such opportunity, fool. Now you will pay for your treasonous arrogance!"

Lorelai did her best to ignore the spectral voice that seemed to fill the courtyard. Focusing instead on clearing the way towards the gates they'd entered through. The horde finally seemed to be thinning. Her infernal wolves - those that remained - were steadfast in their task of keeping Elina and Genoveve unimpeded as the witches slowly made their way towards the exit. Lorelai was tiring, the dead had opened up small cuts along her legs and arms.

When they'd reached the gate Lorelai turned back towards the castle. Planting her feet she called her wolves to her to bar passage against the remaining dead. "Quickly now!"

Lorelai's heart sank as a figure appeared in the archway. Over the moaning sounds of the few dead remaining could be heard the tell-tale sound of hooves on stone, and rattling armor. To her increasing dread the figure revealed itself; Astride a massive skeletal horse in steel barding was an imposing knight in full, black plate. The seal of House Ruvina was emblazoned on its kite shield, and in its other skeletal hand it grasped a long wicked lance that seemed carved from a metal too hard for any mortal to ever work. Slung over his back was a massive, sheathed greatsword. The knight's eye sockets were filled with a purple flame that conveyed its malevolence and fury emphasized by the ornamentation of his helmet, which had a crown of steel thorns crudely forged on. Hanging from his shoulderguards, a tattered, blood-red cape fluttered behind him.

"Fuck!" Lorelai exclaimed. Lilith stirred in her blade, and with a familiar pain Lorelai invited her in, her wolves crumbling as their connection to this world was severed. "Vespa! What is that!"

Vespa paled. "Shit! It's John, the most powerful of our Household Guard. My mother resurrected him?! Careful! He might be just as powerful as Hector Digard!"

The horse upon which John rode was half again the size of the largest natural stallion, and cloaked in a raiment of deathly shadow. Each fall of its massive hooves was like the sound of a distant thunderclap, and each print burned with purple fire. The steed was strong and just as malevolent as its rider, as it crushed a score of weaker undead in its advance, sometimes even shoving them dead with an annoyed swing of its massive head. And so the path to the gates lay completely open, and amid its ruins were the four witches, of which only two were capable of fighting. John lowered his jaw as if in glee at targets so open and vulnerable. His massive lance shifted awkwardly as he secured it against his breastplate and brought the tip down. His armored boot kicked his horse once, and the unholy beast accelerated to a frightening speed.

"John, you failed me when I was alive - redeem yourself now!"

Vespa readied herself however she could, trying to think of a plan. She'd never actually seen John before, but read about him only from the family chronicles. The man had been a Crusader knight once, and earned the appellation of "Terror of the Saracens." The scriptures talked at length about his exploints and glory, but never of his methods. When he fell in battle, somehow an ancestor got a hold of the man's corpse and brought it to Castle Ruvina to transform him into a death knight. He died a second death fighting against a rival witch many decades ago, but Vespa never expected her mother to actually give this small legend a third wind.

John was large, in life and in death, and thoroughly appropriate to the size of his steed. Upon his superior position and the sheer velocity of his charge, he looked larger than life to Vespa. Perhaps three tons of armored demon were barreling towards her. She wanted to look towards Lorelai, but she stopped herself from doing so. One mistake and it was over.

The ground rumbled beneath Lorelai as the titanic knight's charge drew closer. She and Vespa had but a moment to halt the charge or face the dreadful consequenses. Lorelai stepped to the side, bringing her blade up in an attempt to unseat the mounted terror. Vespa leaped, her blade arcing up towards the smoldering flame of its eyes. At the last moment the steed leaped, sending both of their strikes far from their intended targets.

Lorelai's blade instead caught hold of the steed's chest plate, it clattered to the cobblestone below as her scythe ripped it from its bearer. Vespa's blade left a small wound on the knight's arm instead of blinding him as intended. They looked in horror as the knight landed well past them, continuing his charge towards the defenseless Elina.

She cried out her sister's name, once, twice. Vespa had only just recovered from her landing. The world twirled into slow motion as the death knight's cape and his steed's shadowy raiment became the sole focus of her vision. She kicked against the ground, and she saw that beautiful girl with the silver hair and the pretty red eyes stop running towards the carriages, but turn around instead, with Genoveve still in her arms. Vespa heard nothing as for a split second the two sisters made eye contact. Their shared gaze was broken as Elina abruptly fell, and the most horrible scream in the world pounded against Vespa's ears.

Elina and Genoveve fell into a heap. John slowed and turned around, hefting his lance up victoriously. Hanging from its crooked tip was Elina's severed, bleeding leg. Its owner was on the ground, screaming and gasping - from the awkward stump of what remained of her left leg, magic-infused blood poured out by her every heartbeat in sickly arcs, to form an immediate puddle on the soil.

Vespa sprang into a furious sprint. John simply let his lance and shield drop without a care and dismounted. His horse fled into the distance. She flashed her thin, dulled rapier while the ever-grinning knight drew a giant blade at least six feet long from his back. Forged from dark steel, its reflection under the rising moon was dim and sinister. Tears ran down the elder sister's cheeks as she, without any thought other than destruction, charged.

Lorelai pushed the rage and horror from her mind, for now. The black knight lifted its blade into the air in anticipation of Vespa's charge. Darting forward, Lorelai's blade caught the knight's shoulder during the blade's descent, diverting a mortal blow to the ground in a spray of broken stone. Pressing her momentary advantage Lorelai battered the knight's shoulders with a flurry of strikes in an attempt to remove its chestpate, and expose something vital.

The knight however recovered far faster than she'd anticipated. Lorelai felt Lilith scream inside her as the massive blade sliced up, catching her shoulder. Black smoke poured from the ragged wound as the demon accepted the strike on her behalf. Lorelai bought her prize though as the massive front plate clattered to the ground in front of her, revealing the matrix of animating engergies.

Yet she would never take advantage of it. Vespa tried to capitalize upon John's momentary stumble and attempted to drive her rapier into the knight's false heart, but the sword was shattered by a quick punch from his mighty, gauntleted fist. Vespa's momentum carried her straight into a vulnerable position and the shock of having her weapon destroyed gave the knight just enough of a moment to grab her by the hair, and throw her upon his ironclad knee. Both were blessed by the boons of blood magic, but the former Crusader's were stronger. Vespa could hardly even gasp as her ribs broke and punctured her lungs from the crushing impact. John threw her away towards some random direction. Stunned and incapable, her body was limp as it tumbled along the grass. When she came to a stop face-down, blood was already oozing from her mouth and nose, and her eyes were half-lidded and unfocused.

This happened in an instant, and in the next swift moment, John was running the direction opposite of Lorelai's, having thrown his greatsword away. For something so heavy, whose footsteps were like miniature earthquakes, the death knight was fast. Fast enough to reach Elina, pull her up by the hair, and press a quickly-procured dagger against her throat with Lorelai still having to run some distance.

Time slowed down again, this time for Lorelai. Elina was unfocused, succumbing to shock, while the knight, that unholy knight, grinned at the demonbinder and dared her to come. He was crouching now, with a knee on the ground, so that even Elina's diminutive form would shadow his now exposed chest.

Lorelai walked forward slowly. "What do you want? You know I won't let Elina die, surely you're aware you could trade your continued existence for her life." Lorelai's arm began to bleed as Lilith returned to her blade. "If that's what you want, simply release her and flee. I won't follow."

The knight's voice was like the churning of lava in an active volcano. "Saracens... pagans... God wills it... you will die." He leaned in closer, so that his massive, fleshless jaw was brushing against Elina's earlobe, making the girl shudder. "Do you abandon... your sinful ways... and accept the Son of God... as your eternal savior?"

He continued, "I... am John. I serve... King Baldwin... and I am a warrior... of Christ. Who is it... that I will slay today?"

"Elina...dear, I need you to relax ok?" Lorelai tightened her grip on her blade, her gambit would require timing and presicion. "You're a holy warrior then? Why do you serve Reyna then?" She addressed the knight again, buying time as she inched closer.

The knight cocked his head towards the side, and lifted his chin up an inch as if looking over the horizon. "Among these sands... only one king... His Majesty the King, Baldwin... of Jerusalem... the city behind me... Christ walked upon its stree-"

Lorelai cut the knight's insane ramble short with a thrust from the spear tip at the bottom of her scythe's haft. It impaled Elina and ran through the knight's false heart. Elina's eyes widened in shock as she looked down at her chest, but rather than the blood she expected to find, black smoke curled from the wound instead. John stopped talking and froze.

Lorelai's face paled as Lilith screamed from inside Elina, extracting her price from her own vitality. Her pulse slowed and she became cold, she'd survive this, if only just. Slumping down near a tree Lorelai spoke weakly to the silver-haired girl. "Elina, dear. Could you see to your sister please?... I can't lose her."

Elina but looked dumbly at Lorelai with bloodshot eyes and dilated pupils. Barely comprehending her words, the silver-haired girl just shook her head seemingly without energy nor emotion. Behind her, John's entire form glowed purple in one instant, intensifying to be white in the next, before disappearing entirely like the mist of night meeting the coming morn. Suddenly free from his grip, the wounded girl fell back, wailing pathetically like an infant.

Reyna's voice suddenly sounded again. "No... No! Impossible! Liars! They promised me- damn you, Von'Strauss!"

Lorelai chuckled weakly, her face bore a small smirk. "I'm sure they promised you all manner of things, whoever they are." She coughed.

Turning to Elina from her perch Lorelai spoke gently. "Elina, you faced the Betrayer with me did you not?" She clung to concousness. "You can do this, calm yourself... Your sister's life may depend on it." Lorelai's eyes fluttered closed as darkness took her.

Yet Elina remained there, prone and weeping and unconvinced. She remained motionless there, with her stump of a leg still bleeding heavily.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
Avatar of Bright_Ops

Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 day ago


Collab with @agentmanatee

It didn't take long for Draco to settle into his room for the... a quick glance towards the window reveled that the sun was somewhere in the sky through he couldn't quite remember where it had been when he had arrived at Seren's Folley. He had long given up noticing or really caring when he was able to safely bunker down enough to get some much needed rest; Sleep was sleep after all.

He tended to be somewhat nocturnal these days anyway.

Removing his cloak and using it to cover the mirror in the room, Draco finally felt comfortable enough to remove the cloth mask that covered the lower half of his face. He hated seeing his reflection these days.

Laying down in bed, Draco found himself staring up at the ceiling in silence as sleep refused to come to him while his mind hosted the totureous dance that were his memories. He remembered that night all to well...

*Eight years ago, in a forest far away from Seren's Folley.*

The undergrowth beneath his feet rustled softly as he brought his foot down on top of it, each traitorous noise endangering his life as Draco tried to keep himself calm while pushing ahead. That was the hunter way after all; Travel with caution but be unafraid. His knuckles were white from squeezing the handle of his saw-cleaver so tightly as nerves and excitement about his first hunt warred within him for domination.

The beast in question that he was hunting was rather green when it came to being a monster as well; A shepard who had been attacked by a wolf like creature some months prior and survived to tell the tale. While his father and a few other hunters went off to deal with the main threat, he had been tasked with 'clean up'. After all, what was the point of slaying one beast if you left another one alive to take its place right away?

By the time he had arrived at the shepard's hut the man had already fled into the nearby forest; To escape from hunters or to distance himself from innocent people was impossible to say, but in the quiet of the moonlit night, Draco stalked through the forest after the trail that the man had left behind as he turned into something much more beast like and dangerous.

Genoveve hummed as she happily moved through the forest, looking for the rare herbs mother had sent her out to get. She hoped she could find her forest friend, she hadn't been around as much recently... regardless she was happy to be on her own again as mother rarely let her get to far from home. The thick underbrush was not a problem for the young witch, she was fleet of foot and had traceled this way often. However, as she jauntily moved down the path she cam upon something new. It appeared to be a ripped shoe, the barefoot young girl cocked her head quizzically at it, picking it up and admiring the foreign object. She looked in the direction it had pointed and saw a trail.

Scraps of clothing, small drops of blood, fur and hair. Her curiosity got the better of young Genoveve, and she happily followed the new found trail, picking up bits of cloth for mother along the way for sewing new clothes.

For a moment, Draco came to a complete stop as he looked down at the trail in front of him. It branched off into two different paths, both of which seemed to have evidence to support that they were the path that his prey had truly taken. Bringing his weapon to bare in order to prepare himself for whatever was to come as he started to carefully edge his way forward down the left most path... before he heard a noise that sounded like something sharp coming out of wood above him.

Jumping to the side and rolling in order to create more distance between himself and where he had been standing, Draco felt something heavy hit the ground. Swinging his cleaver on instinct he felt the blade connect with something even if it was a weak, glancing blow. A pained howl filled the forest air as he was finally able to turn his head to see what had tried to attack him.

He had seen pictures, skeletons and the occasional dead body of various werecreatures as part of his education as a hunter but for that split second none of it prepared him for facing a live creature. It's fur was as pitch black as a light-less cellar at midnight, causing it to stand out amongst the shadows of the forest a lot easier then he would have expected. It's limbs looked disjointed and painful, but designed to allow the beast to swap between using four legs and two with relative ease. The beast was currently on four legs and its was just a foot or so shorter then he was; He didn't want to think about how big the bastard would have been on its hind legs...

And it was looking at him with a rabid insanity in its eyes, the pain it had felt at having its claw slashed by his blade being channeled into murderous rage. The fear that had crept into Draco's heart was driven out as his training kicked in, both of his hands gripping the blade of his weapon as he prepared for the fight of his life.

The werewolf didn't keep him wait as it lounged at him, Draco stepping to the side in order to avoid the attack and the creature's bulk before slashing it down its side in a spray of blood.

The dance had began.

Genoveve heard the howl of pain and her eyes widened. Was something hurt? Did it need her help? It sounded like a large animal had been injured... that was not good. The barefooted girl took off through the underbrush, jumping and running over vines and roots trying to get where ever the injured animal was quickly, she hated hearing things in pain. Eventually she though she glanced it, a large black beast, and she tried to skid to halt... but her feet were not so sure this time. The small red-headed girl tumbled head over heels into the middle of the tense fight between man and beast, coming to a stop right in front of the massive werewolf.

Her long and vividly red hair was somewhat dirty and unkempt, twigs and leaves were strewn within it, mostly on accident but a few small flowers appeared to be placed in it on purpose. She was only slightly taller than most girls her age should be, her skin was a bit tanned from her long hours in the sun, but possibly most drawing were her vividly dark blue eyes as she sat up rubbing her head. She turned and saw the werewolf and her eyes went wide, realizing what this was. Mother had taught her of all the most dangerous beasts... and she believed this was a werewolf. It was terrifyingly huge, and the little girl quickly attempted the get away from it, backing up and seemingly to stunned to try and stand.

The battle with the werewolf was a fast paced and deadly battle of attrition; Both combatants were fast enough to dodge out of the way of fatal strikes but Draco was much more used to the body that he was currently fighting in and he was using that to his advantage, striking and shredding chunks of the werewolf off of its body with every successful strike. Werewolves might be able to regenerate supernaturally fast from most injuries but the silver and wolfsbane on his weapon helped negate that, as well as the massive sizes of the cuts that he was making.

The beast was quickly losing blood and growing slower and weaker by the moment. It would be over soon...

A girl barely in her teenage years seemed to appear from the forest itself, landing right in between himself and the werewolf. While both man and werebeast were surprised by the arrival of the newest 'contender', the werewolf's rage and blood lust allowed it to recover much faster before it charged at its newest target.

Draco didn't think; Instinct took over as he charged forward and grabbed the girl's shoulder and forcefully threw as behind himself. There would be no dodging this one...there was no time. Grabbing the handle of his weapon as tightly as he could, Draco swung it towards the beast's neck while the werewolf swung a powerful claw towards his face.

Both blows connected. Pain threatened to consume Draco's entire world, but despite being blinded by the burning in his face he was able to manage one final jerk of his weapon before succumbing to the pain and falling on the ground, screaming and clutching at his face.

Genoveve tumbled backwards violently as the man had grabbed her shoulder and flung her out of the way. As she came out of the tumble she looked up to a disturbing scene. The Werewolf lay on the ground, its head very nearly severed and its body twitching in its death throes... but the man was a hunter. His garb and weapon were distinctive and Genoveve very nearly took off screaming, but saw that he was the one screaming and clutching at his face. She still debated running, mother had always told her one day hunters would try to kill her and she must not be afraid to kill first but... he had saved her from the wolf.

She stood and rushed to the young mans side, he was bleeding and screaming and she needed to see his face, so she mustered what she had in her for a small charm spell to calm him, saying,"Shhhh, shhhhh good hunter, you must show me your wounds for I may help. Please good hunter, remove your hands and quiet yourself.", the spell took quite a bit of effort but the hunter seemed young... Genoveve hoped it would work.

Draco didn't know what was happening around him. He didn't know that the werewolf was dead through he might have been able to guess that if he was able to process any thought beyond 'Oh gods it hurts!'

Someone was trying to talk to him, through he couldn't hear exactly hear what the voice was trying to say at first. The fact that someone was there through... it helped. He couldn't explain why, but the fact that someone was next to him, trying to help him seemed to dull the pain a little. Breathing shallowly and quickly, Draco somehow managed to force his blue eyes open in order to look at the girl that he had saved from the werewolf.

He didn't try to hide the fact that he was scared; This didn't feel like some minor cut that he could just ignore. This fault deathly serious. Slowly with his hands shaking all the while, he lowered them in order to let the girl see just how bad the damage was.

There was a great deal of blood as two claw like streaks have sliced their way across his face, starting from his left cheek bone and ending just beyond its right counterpart. If she looked closely enough she might have seen bone... but the hardest thing to miss was what wasn't there anymore. Draco's nose was quite clearly gone, leaving nothing but two dark holes in his face that would have allowed him to breath if he wasn't breathing through his mouth at the moment.

Genoveve exhaled and inhaled very sharply to calm herself, if she freaked out the charm may fail and he would start screaming and thrashing again. There was... alot of blood, and it appeared the werewolf had taken off his entire nose with his claw. Genoveve bit her lower lip as she tried to remember what to do... the herbs she had been gathering! She reached back to her small gathering bag, a tiny leather bag tied around her waist and rummaged through it. She removed several leaves and other plants and a root and placed them before her... she needed a glass. She quickly searched the hunter and found one, but as she drew it our the smell of wolfsbane hit her and she nearly gagged, but covered her mouth and nose to stop it.

She stood and walked a few feet away, carefully uncorking the vial and pouring the wolfsbane out, using he small leather waterskin to wash it out before coming back. She crushed up the leaves and flowers into the vial and ripped a small piece off the root, putting it in the vial as well. She re-corked the bottle and whispered a few words, the contents slowly liquefying within the vial. She turned to look at him frowning, and began to sing. It was a quiet and innocent tune, but she hoped it may keep him calm as the charm spell began to fade. She shook the vial violently as she sang, the now black liquid settling as she uncorked it, and then poured it over his wounds. The black liquid would burn for a few moments as it began creating scar tissue, hastening the healing of his wounds... she hoped it didn't hurt to badly.

Whatever little hope that Draco had that the injuries really weren't that bad and he was just being a baby as his dad put it were dashed when he saw the young girl gag at the sight of them. At least... he thought he saw her gagging. Everything was sort of blurring into the pain as he seemed to fade out a little. He remembered that there was singing... it really was beautiful...

A new layer of hell reveled itself as something was poured onto his face, taking him completely by surprise as he screamed aloud "MOTHER FUCKER THAT BURNS!" in pain before instinctively reached up to clutch at his face again. The pain this time started to... fade through. Rather quickly in fact, through there was a dull ache that remained. As pain stopped clouding his thoughts he started to piece together some thoughts. The girl was young, through she seemed to have a knowledge of medicines... a medicine woman in training maybe?

As he started to relax a little, he softly asked in a voice that sounded strange to his own ears "H...How bad is it?"

Genoveve watched as the bloody and ruined skin began to scab over and then scar over that... it was not a... pretty sight. Regenerative magic was far beyond her, so the scar tissue formed over the place where it once was, but luckily did not cover the holes. it was... well it was ghastly, terrible, freakish and hellish. "It uhm... well it's not... you are... I'm sorry...", was all she could say. She looked sad and tears began to well up in her eyes, "I-I-I... I'm sorry I can't-", she cried quietly, she couldn't repair his wounds completely. "I-I-its all my fault... if I hadn't b-b-been here-', she couldn't stop crying.

If there was one thing that you never wanted to hear from someone who was treating your injuries, it was the words 'I'm sorry'. Dread cast its iron weight down into the pit of his stomach, fearing just how bad the situation truly was when he finally saw it in a mirror. A part of him wanted to cry... but he still had a job to do. Besides, the girl was crying. He couldn't let her keep crying...

Forcing himself to sit up, Draco took a deep breath before looking at the girl who had treated his injuries. "Listen... no matter how bad it is, I do not regret saving you. I could have just let the beast attack you in order to buy myself an opening to finish it off but I didn't. I stepped up to protect you willingly and I don't regret doing that despite what happened. I didn't expect you to be training to be a medicine woman and I'm kind of glad that you seemed to have at least some idea about what you were doing... so no more tears alright?"

"What is your name?"

Genoveve sniffled as Draco told her not to cry, and that it wasn't really her fault. She was happy that he said he would have saved her rather than let the wolf hurt her no matter what... even after what happened. She cocked her head ssomewhat when he called her a medicine woman in training... did he not realize she had cast a spell? She stopped crying as he asked her name and smiled somewhat, "I-I'm Genoveve Boudicca I... I'm not a medicine woman though... I uhm...", she wasn't sure what she should say... he was a hunter but... he had saved her life and it just felt wrong to lie to him. "I'm... a young witch sir... I was gathering herbs for my mother and...", she sniffled, now afraid he would hurt her or capture her, "And... please don't hurt me...", she shrunk down, seemingly trying to make herself to small to see in fear.

Draco blinked a little at Genoveve's confession about the profession that she was being trained in. He had heard tales of witches before, but the Russ family were not some gang of superstitious ruffians. 'Witches' tended to be little more than pagens who knew how to use the environment to cure blights and illnesses that were targeted by the church to increase their own power and little more. "I'm not going to hurt the cute little girl that I just saved and helped me in return." Draco said with a smile. It hurt like the fifth level of hell to do so but right now Genoveve needed some assurance that he wasn't one of the idiots who were after her for being smarter then they were.

"My name is Draco. It's a pleasure to meet you... through I wish it was under much, much better circumstances."

Genoveve looked back up at him, smiling in releif that he had no intention of hurting her, "Well I don't know... I've never met a hunter before, mother says they hunt down and kill witches so... I am not sure how else we could have met heh heh.", she slowly stood up, he was very tall especially compared to her... it was ver intimidating. She blushed slightly at being called cute, "S-so... what are you gonna do now Mister Draco?", she was wondering what he was doing alone and so far out from a town, "Are... are there other hunters nearby?", she asked worriedly, not sure any allies he may have would be as open minded about witches as he was.

It took a moment for Draco to get enough of his breath and strength back to force himself out of his sitting position and to his feet, but when he did he made the effort to hide just how much pain he was in. "Your mother isn't wrong. Most hunters will mindless attempt to kill any so called 'witches' that they find. Some do so out of religous zeal, others because its a large, easy paycheck. Personally I blame the church; They seem to think that anyone who knows which herbs in a forest are healthy and heal and which ones are poisonous who isn't a church goer is a demon seeking to reap the souls of the faithful."

"This... is actually my first hunt. Dad and a couple of clan members are currently hunting down and dealing with the bastard that turned that poor bugger into that..." Draco pointed to the very dead body of the werewolf nearby. "They sent me after him to prove myself by killing my first werewolf..." A small sigh escaped him as he muttered "I can already hear dad telling me that I was an idiot for not letting you die and scoring an injury free kill..."

Genoveve's eyes widened as Draco talked about his father scolding him for not letting her die, "He sounds... brutal... he would really prefer you let the wolf kill me to get an uninjured kill?!... he sounds like the kind of hunter who would hurt me...", she said nervously. She looked curiously at him when he talked about his clan, "A whole clan of hunters? ... uhm... are any of them the kind that would... hunt withes? And that seems like a very dangerous test to become a hunter...", she said thinking about killing a dangerous beast alone.

"Dad wouldn't hurt you unless you got in his way for some reason. He just wouldn't care if you died because he wouldn't 'stick his neck out for an idiot that doesn't belong there in the first place'." Draco made it sound very much like a quote. It was. His dad had said it a few times and I was sure that he was going to here it again very soon in his upcoming rant.

The question about the honor of his clan caused him to chuckle somewhat darkly. "We're not a bunch of superstitious zealots or greedy murderers. Clan Russ are monster hunters to the core." Reaching forwards, he was about to run his hand through her hair to get rid of some of the excess twigs and leaves before he noticed the blood on his hands and stopped himself short. "You don't look like a monster and it's full moon out. So I'm afraid you're just an intelliegent, beautiful woman." There was a small, playful wink thrown in there for good measure.

"To be fair, I was meant to get him before or during the transformation. The guy ran away from home before I got there through and by the time I caught up... well..." There was a head tilt in the dead bodies direaction. Didn't really need to say anything about it really.

Again Genoveve was surprised at the way Draco's father appeared to consider non-hunters... and assumed he was going to berate him for saving her,"W-well... if you don't hunt monsters to save people... why does your clan do it?", she was legitametly curious, most hunters did seem to believe they were doing gods work or something.

She was happy to hear that the rest of his clan wouldn't hurt her or her mother. He reached out to touch her hair which she thought seemed strange but seemed to think twice and stop before reaching her,"Y-you can touch my hair... I don't mind...", she said sheepishly, before blushing when he called her a beautiful woman,"uuuhhhh uhm... heh th-thanks Draco...", she giggled happily until he mentioned the werewolf again,"Well... look at it this way, if you got him before you wouldn't have met me? Well... I suppose if you hadn't met me you'd be less hurt to...", she smiled morosely.

"Oh, most of us do it to protect people... Dad just believes that killing the monster and being in a condition to fight again is more important then saving a single life." Draco didn't agree with his father on the matter, but there wasn't much he could do to change the old man's mind now. "I don't want to get blood in your hair." He added, just to explain why he stopped.

Sighing a little at her statement about might have been, he smiled a little as he said "And if you had accidentally bumped into the right tree hard enough, it would have fallen and crushed him and uncovered a chest filled with riches at the same time. What's done is done and sometimes we just have to accept that and deal with the aftermath."

"I should collect the head and get going. I'm sure your mother is waiting for you too...Maybe when I'm passing through here next I could stop by and see how your training is going?" He asked, happy to have a reason to meet her again down the line.

"Well... I'm glad your not like your dad then... or that he wasn't the one to be here.", she giggled again, happy to hear that most of his clan were like him... of coourse they weren't there for her benefit anyways, seeing as she was a witch. When he mentioned not getting blood in her hair she shrugged, "Its really red, I doubt it would show up... besides my hair is always messy. Mother says its like the gods saw fit to place a burning blood fire in place of my hair.", she smiled about her mothers pagan superstitions.

She tilted her head at him about the tree being knocked over, not getting the point of his statement for a moment before grasping the concept, "Oh well... I suppose thats true... it would have made for a far more entertaining time heh heh.", she smiled at him, he was smart which was nice.

Her eyes widened when he talked about visiting her at her and her mothers hut and shook her head, "No-no-no! Thats... not a good idea... mother kills hunters! She has done it before... she'll do it again... and she is gonna teach me to and all the... other witch spells.", she looked down sadly, tears were welling up in her eyes again, "I-I... I don't know if I'll ever see you again... but if you try to visit me mother will kill you! Please... don't try to visit us at home...", she said moreosely.

Draco didn't really know what to say about the fact that Genoveve's mother had killed hunters before and was likely to train Genoveve herself to do likewise if need be. Some people who have denounced them both there and then but he couldn't help but look around a little. The both of them lived in a forest that didn't have anyone nearby... if they had encountered hunters in the past then clearly the hunters had come for them... "Well... I can't fault someone for protecting themselves and their family." He admitted rather calmly.

Taking a moment to walk over to the body of the werewolf and reclaiming his blade, he finished the job that he started by hacking through what little remained to keep the head connected to the body. "So I will never be meeting your mother then... Where would I be able to meet up with you then instead?" He asked, turning to look at her to watch her response.

Genoveve nodded, "I-I guess you can't blame her for that...", she said nervously, but she didn't think he would tell his clan that part. She watched as Dracco walked over to the felled werewolf and finished taking its head. She wondered how long it would be before the forest creatures got ahold of the body... maybe she would take some warm wolfs-blood to mother since she had used most of the herbs to heal Draco.

When he asked her where he could see her again she blushed a little bit before thinking about where he could see her again... "Well... th-there's a little grove east of here I go sometimes. Its nice and quiet and I always at least stop by there when I'm alone and out... though I'm only out at night and not always... b-but I am being out alone far more often now!", she smiled proudly at the increased freedom mother had been giving her. "We could... meet there sometimes... if you want to.", she wrung her hands nervously.

"I would love too." Draco said truthfully. "We're going to be staying for a month or so before we move on... make sure that there aren't any more werewolves running around before we head off. I'm not sure when I'll be free to go off on my own but I promise I'll meet you again before I go."

Genoveve smiled, "Thats wonderful! I mean that your going to see me again before you leave not the... werewolves obviously...", she shrugged then realized just how long she must have been out here, "Uhm, well... see you then I have to get back to mother before she gets worried... goodbye Draco!", she said quickly before dashing back into the forest. She did not want to get scolded to much on being slow.

Draco kept the smile up until Genoveve was gone... then it slipped away as he silently screamed at the amount of pain that he was currently in for keeping a smile on his face for so long. What she had done had gone a long way to helping deal with the pain, but he had been hiding what he could from her in order to make her feel better about accidently causing him to get injuried... even if it was by his own choice.

There was still work to be done however and the night wasn't over... Picking up the head of the beast, Draco started to make his way back to face whatever waited for him after a successive hunt... even if he had suffered for it. The knowledge that he would see Genoveve again did help to lift his spirits slightly through; It helped make the trip easier at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Don't mess with Bobby

A few hours later...

Bobby was sitting at the bar, drinking a beer. When a young man came into the bar. He was tired and out of breath. He walked up to the bar. "Are you Bobby, Sir?" The boy asked.

"Aye... I am." Bobby said as he looked at the boy. watching him as he pulled a paper from his belt. Handing it to Bobby.

"Silent falls is requesting your help." He said as he took a few breaths.

"Sit down kid." He said as he took the paper, He then mentioned to his barkeep to get the kid some food and drink as he opened the paper and read it slowly.

Folding it over he looked around the room to see which hunters were available...to send on this hunt.

Emilino awoke drowsily... if he had felt like a tree had hit him after last night it now felt like someone had dropped a house on his head. As he rubbed his bandaged cranium he tried to remember what had happened. Something about Elizabeth and last night... and then... Flint. Emiliano gritted his teethe as he stood up and picked up his hat, he was going to get an answer for why punching him in the face had seemed like such a novel idea. He burst ot of the backroom, looking pissed. He saw Bobby and the young man, his eyes full of anger, "Where the fuck is Flint?!"

Bobby looked over to Emiliano as he bursted from the back room, "Now calm down there Emiliano. Flint's not here." He knew this was going to happen... well with Flint almost killing him and all. He still didn't know why he punched Emiliano. "He never returned when he left the building a few hours before."

Emiliano was understandably livid, "Calm down?! Calm down?! I could have died from that! I don't even know why he attacked me! And I'm just supposed to what? 'Let it slide'? I am not just gonna fucking lie down and let him walk over me like that! Now, where is he Bobby? If he hasn't come back, where does he usually hang out?"

Yuri snorted as he woke up from his extended nap, as he lifted his head up from the bar and turned his head twoards the yelling that had disturbed his sleep. Yawning he smoothed part of his hair "Off to pick a fight with the man who decked you in a single punch? Sure thats a wise move at this point in time?" he asked, his voice still slightly groggy as he blinked to clear his vision.

Emiliah sat at the bar, eyeing Yuri with a look of envy in her eyes. When ever she tried to sleep at the bar, it was anything but restful. She took a sip of the coffe that Sophie had brought her. Sleep in a cup was the best that she was going to get if she was going to go out hunting tonight. Her eyes flashed over Emiiano who seemed ready to take Flint head on. "Emiliano, just sit down, live to fight another day," said Emiliah, before turing to Yuri. "Good sleep?"

Bobby looked at Emiliano and then said,"Well ye aint dead. He doesn't do it with out reason. And If I knew where he hung out I wouldn't tell ye. Yer too hot headed at the moment." Also the fact that he really only hung out at his place, and even then it wasn't really hanging out as he was always on the road. Same with Fenros. He glanced at Yuri and Emiliah, and then added, "Also I agree with Yuri, probably not the best choice to pick a fight with him...after he dispatched you so easily....even if you were drunk."[/color]

Emiliano glared about the room as they told him to calm down and tell him picking a fight with Flint was a guranteed bad idea, he seethed with every word, "I was unprepared and completely hung over! Pair that with an unlucky fall for me and boom, there's your one shot punch. And what the fuck am I supposed to do?! Just sit down and shut up?! That fucker nearly killed me for no reason! Or at least one I don't even know of! I mean... what have I ever done to him?!"

Mat looked over at the hunter who seemed particularly angry and frowned, listening to what he was saying. At the last sentence Mat just started laughing at him. "Oi," he called out to the man. "You're a hunter, right? Why the hell do you think we're going to have an ounce of pity for you? I was probably going to die two days back and if Emiliah hadn't found me I would be. I doubt anyone would've bat an eye over some hunter's death. Next time, don't give an excuse to be unprepared."

Bobby looked at Mat as he added his two cents. While harsh, he made a fair point. He then was going to tell Emiliano to take it out on a hunt that he was about to give them, but before he could even say anything Emiliano struck out at Mat.

Emiliano turned to the new hunter, and decided he had had just about enough. In one fluid motion Emiliano was next to Mat, had his bayonet out and had brought it down towards Mats hand, trying to impale it through the table. His knife darted in his other hand to press against his neck in case he tried to retaliate.

Mat almost ate his own words in being prepared, but fortunately he had his spear right next to him. His right darted to his spear while his left was stabbed by the bayonet. Having to forget about the pain, Mat held his spear near the other hunter's neck while he felt the dagger next to his own. "I also think you've got some anger issues, friend."

Emiliano scowled at Mat, seemingly unaware of the spear tip at his throat, "Listen you fucking prat, I'm not looking for pity I'm looking for Flint so I can kick his arse. That, and find out why he saw fit to deck me. As for my anger? Well, still a bit hung over and cross from the morning.", with that he yanked the bayonet out of Mat's hand and backed off, cleaning it with a cloth after sheathing his dagger.

Mat gave a slow nod to Emiliano as he clutched his injured left hand with his right. "Right, sure," he muttered. "Maybe just use that one phrase 'Words are wind' or whatever next time?"

And Em and Liz looked on, overly judgemental as they observed the strange mating habits of their male counter parts.

Bobby was shocked when Emiliano attacked Mat, he thought better of the Lad. Growling he walked around the counter, ignoring the pain in his leg as he walked up behind the damn fool and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt from behind and yanked him off his feet. Dragging him as he moved towards the door, "WOT DO YUU THINK YER DOING YOU DAMN FOOL!" He roared as he kicked the door open and with a grunt tossed the man out of his bar. "YE BE LUCKY YER ALIVE! YET YER PISSIN AND MOANING ABOUT TRYING TO FIND FLINT AND WHEN YUU DON'T LIKE WOT YE HEAR FROM A STRANGER YUU STAB HIM?? I THOUGHT BETTER OF A PARISI! YUU SHAME YER FAMILY YUU DAMN IDIOT. IF I SEE YUU IN MY BAR AGAIN, FLINT IS NOT THE ONLY ONE YE BE WORRYING ABOUT."

He snorted and slapped his hands together as if dusting them off and walking back in, slamming the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Night of Death

A half an hour later

Fenros stood next to his horse, prepping the saddle bags to his horse, waiting for the others to join them on the hunt that Bobby just recieved for Silent Falls. He wondered where Flint was, but he could take care of himself... He heard horse's coming up behind him as he glanced back to the town to see who actually agreed to go on the hunt.

At this current moment in time Mat really disliked horses, especially the one he was on now. "Stop, steady, stop, holy crap you're going to kill me aren't you?" He asked the horse. Honestly it wasn't really the horse and more of him as Mat wasn't very skilled with using one (and the vendor also probably sold him the worst one). Why did he have to injure his leg? If he hadn't he could've attempted to not get a horse and yet here they were going on a hunt with horses. It was almost heaven sent when Mat saw Fenros on the next street.

Finally getting the horse to obey him, Mat strode up to Fenros and nodded his head. "Horses. One of these days I will kill one or it will kill me."

Emiliah had one of her family's horses, a young mare that Emiliah was almost sure was hardly out of colt hood. Spirted, but...untested in battle. She looked over at Mat who seemed to be...doing something with his horse. He might have been trying to lead it...but he seemed to be struggling a bit. "Don't give the horse any idea Mat, for all he knows, you are Mat the cowboy, master of horses. Frankly, though, my money is on the horse" She looked over at Fenros. "Who are we still waiting for?"

Yuri walked along side his horse, which oddly enough had cost him less than the spear. It was in fine health and bore both his weight and his gear's weight with ease. Walking up next to the forming group he patted the beast's neck as it stopped. As the others talked a bit Yuri went about checking all the various ties and straps, and being satisfied with the results he joind the rest of the group, his horse's reins. Looking at the assembled hunters Yuri couldn't help but smile "My biggest question is how did you even get on it?" he asked Mat in a semi joking tone.

Elizabeth walked alongside her horse, stroking it's mane and guiding it gently. She had no horse of her own, but she had paid the stable boy a bit extra for one of his choosing. The mare beside her was strong and nimble, and though she had yet to ride her, she was sure she would be a fine companion. She was dressed in her full armor, with her whip dangling on her hip. She had her knapsack on, which contained an extra dagger, a map, her coin purse that wasn't quite as heavy as it had been before the Veela attack, a water skin, and some food. She sighed heavily, hoping this would be a long trip. She was ready to take her mind off of things, and actually prove herself to the rest of the group.

As Elizabeth approached, she took a place besides Emiliah. She nodded slightly to the girl, smiling wryly. “So, is everyone excited for the trip?” she asked, looking around and hoping for some eager faces. If she was the only one who wanted to do something, she would be rather surprised. “Who are we waiting for?” she scanned the faces quickly, “Flint, Marcus, and I believe his name was Andri?”

Fenros looked to Mat and let out one chuckle. "Better than walking. You get used to them." He then turned to Emiliah and added, "Just a few others..." But before he could say who, he heard Yuri. Making the qestion to Mat. He wondered as well, but remained silent as Elizabeth came, and added the people who they were waiting on. "I"m not sure on Flint...I haven't seen him since what happened earlier." Not knowing what had happened between Liz and Flint." He might not be coming."

Marcus rode to the group in a trot, his horse's head high and well trained stallion. He had his shield tied to his saddle, a pelt draped over the crest to hide it from sight. He came up to them and reined in his horse, hearing Elizabeth's and Fenros's comment. "Shame, I was hoping Flint would be here. Could use the entertainment along the way." He placed his hand on his sword's pommel , which was also strapped to the saddle. As his other hand shifted his leather/metal armor. He looked at Elizabeth and noted her full armor....bold, going in full metal armor. Especially with that weapon of choice.

Mat nodded his head at Emiliah. "Yeah, I'd put my money on the horse too," he admitted. "We got no happy relationships together, and I swear that vendor ripped me off for it."[/color] The horse attempted to take control again and Mat had to yank up. Hearing Fenros's comment he turned to look at him. "Yeah but walking is nice and adventurous and I can trust my feet, not this living thing under me that seems like it wants me to die." The young hunter had strapped on all his weapons on the horse and thankfully they were still on. If any went down Mat would loathe having to get them with his injured leg.

"Have you tried whispering sweet nothings to it? I find that sometimes helps," Emiliah held on the the edge of her reighs so that she could get closer to Mat's horse. She reached out to pet its nose, whispering to it "I know, I know, he just doesn't understand," She gave the horse and final pat on the nose. "I think that vender sold you a fine horse," She glanced down at his leg. "Are you sure you should be on this hunt? Has your walking improved any?"

Yuri chuckled as he once more checked his horse's straps, making sure his scythe in particular was secure on the side, before swinging himself into the saddle. Shifting his weight around the hunter found himself a comfortable position and settled in, walking his horse here and there to test a couple things. As he once more returned to a standstill with the group Yuri adjusted his hat and begain buttoning up he top few buttons of his overcoat. "So any idea what were being sent after, or are we simply being sent in blind?" He asked the group in general.

Elizabeth listened as the others conversed, her spirit lifting as they all laughed and enjoyed each other's company. She noted Marcus’ proud stallion, and realized she shouldn't be surprised, he was a Lord after all. She laughed at Emiliah's jests, finally feeling like she had before all the drama had started. “I agree with Emiliah, if that's not a fine horse, I have no eyes.”

Turning her attention to Yuri, Elizabeth nodded at the fine question he had brought up. Maybe she had missed it, but except for a general idea of the area they would be heading, she had no clue what they were doing. “I haven't a clue, Yuri. That's a good question though, what are we fighting?” She asked the question to everyone, but her eyes were directed at Fenros.

Marcus smiled, "Perhaps we have our entertainment." He sighed and looked to everyone as they asked what they were hunting. He too wanted to know, and looked to Fenros. Surely he knew what was happening, as Bobby told him to go meet him. He leaned back in his saddle as he streched out his back by raising his arms.

Fenros looked to everyone and said, "We are hunting a Necromancer. Bobby had just recived word that a town nearby is having graves dug up in their cemitery, the bodies gone. There is a darkness in one of the churches there... we were asked to investigate. So far they haven't seen anything." He looked to mat and asked, "Are you sure you are able?"

Mat raised his hands up in a mix of defeat and confusion as Emiliah seemed to immediately calm the horse. "Are you kidding me?" He asked the horse, then looked at Emiliah. "Hell, fine I shall be nice to the horse if the horse decides to be nice to me." He then heard both Emiliah and Fenros ask if he was capable for helping, to which he made a grin to. "Look, you think you people can just leave me while you go hunt something? Nah, I think not. Besides, my leg's...technically working and I can still stab things. I think I'll be good, probably."

"You should be nice to the horse just because, and the horse will think about being nice to you," She went around to one of the staddle bags on her horse and pulled out a cloth bag. "I've got some lobelia. It won't heal it, but at least you won't be able to feel it? Or the damage that you'll cause because you can't feel the pain." She offered the bag up to Mat. "...Also...don't let my mother know I have this, she'll find a way to ground me...and don't get it in your eyes. You'll go blind."

"A necromancer?" Yuri thought for a moment "Sounds good to me." He shifted around in his saddle again as Mat made his case for going hunting, which was honestly enough for Yuri, who spurred his horse into a walk to come next to Mat. Reaching out he patted his shoulder "Good enough reason for me, ether that or I've just heard enough bad reasons to go hunting that this one sounds valid." Returning to his neutral state in the saddle, he shrugged his voice once more returning to a half joking state "I honestly don't know anymore."

“Oh joy, we get to deal with decaying corpses.” Elizabeth muttered, much less excited about the trip than she had been moments ago. She nodded a thank you to Fenros, before turning her attention back to the group. Emiliah had pulled out a bag of lobelia, and Elizabeth found herself only vaguely surprised, it was Emiliah after all. ”Emiliah, how and where did you get lobelia? Well, I suppose it's useful. Good thinking.” Elizabeth watched Mat carefully, to see if he would accept the plant. ”Shall we ride?” She asked, straightening and gripping the saddle so she could hoist herself up.

Marcus nodded, as they heard that they would be going to be hunting a Necromancer. "Lovely..." he said, he's hunted some before, creepy as hell. He reached into his saddle bag to check for holy oil. He still had some left over from Flint. He then looked back to the group and said, "Well I agree with Elizabeth, we should ride. We should be in Silent Falls by night fall, and the better that we do. So we can get the lay of the land and some more info on what's going on." He looked to Fenros, who was still on the ground and waited to see what he would say. He heard teh stories, from Flint and others. It would be interesting to hunt with 'The Terror of Witches'.

Mat looked at the 'lobelia' for a little bit, then grabbed it from Emiliah. "Right, just don't blind myself or...tell your mom? I think I can manage to do that," he said, opening up the bag. He nodded to Yuri as he rode up to him. "See?" He asked everyone else. "I got supporters for this." Mat took out the lobelia and insepcted it for a bit before grounding it up in his hands. Gently swinging his leg up on the saddle Mat slowly loosed some of the bandages for his leg and rubbed the lobelia into his wound. When he was finished, Mat reapllied the bandage and nodded to the Emiliah. "Right, that should do it," he said smiling. "Now let's go murder a necromancer."

"Taking this knowing that I don't have to out run the necromancer, I just have to out run you," with that, she climb up on her own horse and took off in the direction of the Necromancer's Church.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The odd one out

Flint, Bobby and Coraline

While the others were traveling

The distinct rattle of chainmail and light plate armor filled the peaceful street that ran Saren's Folly. Along with the sound of mailed footsteps, horse shoes chattered in a measured cadence. The armored figure received a few looks from passerbys but no words were exchanged. The warm sun was hardly gleaming off of the armor, it was matted by dirt and scrapes that spoke of a long journey. The horse grunted quietly as it knew their journey was coming to a close and the armored woman smiled to herself. "A stable to rest, friend." the woman said and patted the side of her horse.

Most of her equipment being packed by the horse, the woman clearly couldn't bring herself to add her weight to its tired back. Her feet were sore from a long day's walk, she was relieved when the sight of an apparently popular tavern came into view. She spotted the simple stable where she could shelter her horse for the night and did just that. After quickly checking if all of the supplies were taken off of the horses back and secured, the woman headed for the entrance.

She opened the door to the Witches Paradise and looked around. The bright light from outdoors silhouetted her form; but as eyes adjusted and people could make her out, Coraline knew she'd have some explaining to do. It didn't take a lot to know what everybody was looking at. The markings of a strange witch coven were easily seen under her right eye and along her cheek. With a deep breath, Coraline stepped further into the tavern and headed for the counter. She removed her scabbard and set the sheathed weapon down on the bar as a gesture of nonaggression, hopefully to ward off some unhappy onlookers.

Bobby was sitting behind the counter, allowing his bar tender to help the customers as he combed through Hector Digard's journal again to find anything else that would give him a hint on how to kill these....'Ruvins'. Sighing as he rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb of his right hand as he slapped the book shut in his left. As he did he noticed a newcomer walking in, by her stride he knew it was a woman, and a hunter. He watched her as she came forward, un-clipping her scabbard and placing it on the counter, showing she meant no harm. It was then he noticed she had strange markings on her face, usually that were associated with witches covens.

He narrowed his eyes at her, wondering if she was stupid or not from around here. He heard stories of far east where they were a little more accepting of the old ways. Perhaps she came from there? Standing up and placing the book under the counter, he limped over to her and placed both hands on the counter as he squared up with her. He blinked a few times before asking. "Wot could I do ye for lassy?" He looked around the tavern at a few men who shot glares at the woman, only to receive a glare back from Bobby.

Coraline smiled right away when the man who approached her didn't open with some witty remark about her appearance. Coraline took a breath, "Room and board would nice," she paused, "I've been on the road for longer than I'd like to admit and I'm just about ready to sleep on a real bed. But before that... Perhaps a simple cup of water?"

Coraline did indeed look tired. Her eyes were dark with restlessness and her hair was haggard from the elements. Her shoulders weren't carried high like a fresh warrior and her back from arched after carrying her pack day in and day out. It didn't take much to convince one that deserved a good rest. Her eyes shifted around to the patrons that Bobby had stared down, she gave the men respectful nods instead of spiteful glares. She stopped thinking about the untrusting folk that surrounded her and decided to focus her attention to the burly, welcoming man in front of her. "There are many hunters here. I assume there are a great deal of supernatural creatures in these parts?"

Bobby raised his eyebrow. Water? Well some people liked that he guessed. He looked to the bartender and said, "Get this here lass a cup of water, and some food while yer at it." He then looked back to the woman, and said, "We still got some rooms available, to yer luck. They are all up stairs, when yer ready ill give yuu a key."

She then asked if there were a great deal of creatures up here. Which confirmed his belief that she was not from around here. "Ye assumed correctly lass. There seems to be a never end to them, thus all the hunters." He said while motioning to his bar. He then looked back to her and offered his hand. "Name's Bobby, I'm the owner of this fine establishment, a safe haven for all hunters." He thought of the fight that Flint knocked out Emiliano almost killing him. "Feeer the most part that is." he said with a chuckle. "Wot be yer name lass?"

Coraline chuckled along with the man. She had stopped in her fair share of taverns and seen just as many brawls. Such things are common in a place filled with drunken, boisterous men. She always got a bit of a kick out of it, though, what warrior didn't? When the man offered his hand and gave his name, Coraline took it and smiled, "Ser Coraline Toph, at your service." Despite her fatigue, Coraline was able to deliver that line with pride.

When the tender returned with the cup of water, she let out a sigh of relief and gladly took the wooden cup. Coraline wasted no time in drinking back the contents of the cup in its entirety. "Ahh... I needed that." she said with a small laugh.

Bobby's eyes widened when she said 'Ser' once she was done drinkin he asked, "Ser? Ye a knight then? Never met a woman knight before. That must be an interestin story to hear..." Genuinly surpirsed. Not many knights were hunters, only Marcus he imagined was as he was a noble, but still it was few. Even fewer were women...that was unheard of around here.

Corline smirked and nodded, "Aye, not many have met woman knights. They're very uncommon even where I'm from."

When Bobby mentioned the story, she took a deep breath, "It is a long story. Then again..." she looks to the rest of the patrons, "I'm sure we all have long stories. Mine simply involves stopping a conflict and unifying a province. Please understand, I can tell some of your patrons wouldn't take kindly to some of the details, so I'll leave it at that."

The tender returned again, this time with some food. Mutton and mashed up potatoes. It was simple, but damn was it good. She ate the food as quickly as any hungry warrior would. "My thanks, Bobby. A freshly prepared meal is always a treasure as of late."

Bobby nodded in understanding to her story, with her markings on her face, it was clear to him what it may have included. Actually he probabbly heard the story from travellers. Not that he could bring it up to his mind now. When she thanked him for the meal he nodded, "That's on the house for mi'lady" He said with a bow and a smile. He turned to see the door open again, this time, he knew who it was despite the sunglare.

Flint had returned, after retreaving his leather armor and green and grey mottled cloak from the lake that he had left while caving with Emiliah. Mishka, his wolf was by his side again, her tail wagging as she looked up at him. Can we get some chicken today? He looked down at Mishka and answered out loud, "Sophie doesn't make Chicken every day Mishka..."

Her tail dropped at the sad news as Flint continued up to the bar to Bobby and a girl eating some food. "Hey Bobby...." Looking at the girl. He noticed the markings on her face and then looked around at the bar, seeing the glares from some of the more hard ass patrons. This girl must be stupid...or very confident in her abilities. Flint smiled at her and leaned against the counter. "Hows it going? My name is Flint Digard, It is a pleasure to meet you..."

Bobby then said, interrupting Flint "If ye are looking for Fenros, he and a few of the other hunters...Including Emiliano, went to hunt a Necromancer over in Silent Falls."

Coraline followed Bobby's eyes to the door and saw another man enter. She raised a brow but simply went back to her meal. When he sat next to her and began to introduce himself as Flint Digard, she stopped eating and looked back to him. He was cut off by Bobby, so Coraline remained silent for now.

She studied the man, she had heard of the name and the exploits that came with it. Once Bobby stopped speaking, she nodded respectfully to him just like she had with the other patrons that looked her way. "Flint Digard, the pleasure is all mine. My name is Coraline, Ser Coraline Toph. I've never met a Digard but I have most certainly heard about your line. You must be a proud hunter."

Flint glanced over at Bobby as he mentioned his brother and the others going to hunt a Necromancer. He wanted to go as well, it had been a while since he saw his brother fight, and looking around the room, perhaps Marcus went with him. The woman spoke up and introduced herself. At which he smiled and cocked his head to the side at hearing the Ser. He then stood up when she mentioned that she heard his name. "Oh no no no, the pleasure is mine I assure you Ser Coraline." He gave her a slight bow and flashed one of his most dashing smiles. "While I am a Digard, it's not as interesting as meeting a woman with the title as knight. May I ask what brings you to this po-dunk Tavern?"

"Hey! Watch it Boy..." Bobby Grumbled.

The knight smirked and glanced back to Bobby, "I can't wait for the moment when my title doesn't surprise somebody." she chuckled.

Looking back to Flint, Coraline perked a brow. 'He seems like a man who can't resist women,' she thought, 'duely noted.' Coraline laughed lightly, "Please, just call me Coraline. We're all brothers and sisters in arms against the fel creatures in the wild, after all."

Coraline had managed to slowly finish her meal and now she was able to bring her attention fully to the two who had engaged in conversation with her. When asked what brought her around, she lets out a long breath, "I caught wind of some trouble brewing here. I came from far East of here to lend my aid. I'm afraid the news I've heard is true, what with necromancers out and about."

Flint nodded as she told him to just call her Coraline. While she finished her food he sat down and patted Mishka's head as she forced herself between Coraline and Flint, sticking her snout in his lap, trying to get him to get her some food. He then asked Bobby, "Hey Can I get some dinner as well for Mishka?"

Bobby nodded, as he walked away, "Only if it's for Mishka, I don't want you sneaking some for yerself" he chuckled as he slipped behind the wall to the kitchen.

When she answered his final question he looked back to her. "We do have a few around here... and it would seem my brother is leading a group towards one now." He glanced around the room again to see the men still staring. "I was about to head out after Mishka got her dinner, to meet up with them. I'm sure you can come along if you wish so...it's only a few hours west." He figured he would invite her, as well the bar was all noticing her marks...she could most likely take care of her self. But it would be better for Bobby to calm them down while they were gone.

Coraline genuinely debated whether or not to take the invitation. On one hand, she was terribly fatigued and really needed a rest. But on the other, what better way to earn the peoples' trust than to do away with a necromancer? Before she answered, she looked to Bobby, "Could I possibly have my waterskin refilled?" she asked as she removed the skin from her belt.

The red headed woman looked back to Flint and got up from her seat. "Well if it's just a few hours, I'm sure I could tough it out." Coraline grabbed her scabbards from the counter and strapped it back to her belt.

"I wouldn't mind seeing what a Digard can do in combat. I might learn something." she chuckled.

Bobby who had came out just before and placed some food on the ground, looked up to Coraline as she asked for her waterskin refilled. He nodded and took it back as well as Mishka enhaled the food on the ground.

Flint on the other hand smiled that she decided to join. Making the few hour trip would be boring...well, annoying actually if Mishka kept bugging him, like she was prone to do. When she then mentioned that she wouldn't mind seeing his battle prowess He smirked as rubbing the back of his head. "Well..." Not sure what to say, as he was an excellent shot, but the true warrior was Fenros. But he didn't like to brag about his skills. He turned to Bobby who had just returned with the water for her, then asked, "Bobby... Do you have any silver tipped arrows? My other ones broke during the Cave in a few days ago."

Bobby nodded and reached under the bar, which also doubled as where he kept his stock of Hunter accessories, he pulled two dozen silver tipped arrows from under the bar and laid them on the counter. Flint trusted Bobbies wares, but as habit he ran a finger along the flat part of the blade, slowly, but quickly enough for his thumb to start hissing as it burned and yet descrete enough for people not to notice.

He then grabbed the hole lot and raised them over his shoulder, wincing as his back was sore still and slid them into his empty quiver, before looking back to Coraline. "Did you need anything? Bobby has just about anything you could use to fight the creatures of the night. From holy water or oil, to silver powder or Lavender dust. You name it he has it."

Coraline eyed the silver arrows carefully when they were presented on the counter. She took a breath and let it out slowly before looking back to Flint. She watched as he quivered the dangerous projectiles and seemed to relax. The offer for more gear was a kind gesture, but she shook her head, "I have all of my equipment in the stable, next to my horse. But I don't hunt with many oils and herbs."

The knight patted her armor, producing a solid thud as her mailed fist hit steel plate. "I trust in my armor and complete the job with my blade. Witch hunting supplies," she gestures to the counter that hid the stock, "isn't exactly my forte."

It was easy enough to piece together what she was saying when her witchmarks were so easily on display. She began to head for the door, "I'll take one pack with me. We should be on our way before the evening comes about."

With that, Coraline left the Witches Paradise and walked back to the stable. Her horse and packed gear was exactly where she left it. She was glad that the people of Seren's Folly seemed to respect others' property. The red haired knight took one of the bags and slung it over her shoulder, the contents rustled about inside. She had taken camping supplies.

Flint nodded, realizing what she meant. While he was a part werewolf, he had grown accustomed to handling things that were equally dangerous to him. He looked at Bobby who gave him a Gruff look. "Emiliano's still looking fer ye. Wot was yer reasoning for almost killing him?"

Flint took a deep breath. "It was an accident, in the part that I wasn't trying kill him. It's not my fault the man is almost always drunk and his sense dull Nor that he happened to slam his head into a table. I was simply defending Elizabeths honor...I was under the impression that Emiliano was less than gentlemanly towards her, only though it seemed that nothing really happened in the first place. The fact that he seemed not the bit worried about it, or even tried to come near Elizabeth did piss me off to no end."

Bobby growled, "Ye better be careful Flint, Yer strength is inhuman...even if ye were the smallest of Hector's boys, yer punches are still more powerful than a normal human. Before ye start punching out people, how bout ye get the full story first..."

Flint shook his head. "Right, He still deserved it for blabbing to Elizabeth about my families secret." He turned to leave, leaving Bobby shaking his head as he did. Once outside he went to his own horse still saddled in the stables and quickly checked for all his items, his holy oil, firestarter, and a wad of tinder and oil that he often placed onto his arrows. He easily mounted his horse and trotted over to Coraline. His green and grey moltted cloaked looked raggid and lost it's original deep green color from sunbleach, with bits of string and cloth popping out here and there, as if it was once belonged to his great grand father. It covered his entire body as he sat on top of his painted stallion. "Are you ready?"

Coraline climbed up onto her horse and nodded over to Flint. "Aye," she said, "I take it you know these parts well. Are there any things on the trail I should know about? Aggressive wildlife?"

Coraline rode out from the stable and fell in next to the man. Her cloak was tattered and torn along the bottom. Splotches of mud and dirt covered the crimson red cloth, much like her armor. Coraline couldn't wait to take the time to clean her equipment. Her sword bounced at her hip as the horse trotted down the cobbled road. The other longsword at her back remained perfectly fixed in place. While she rode, she glanced over to Flint and studied his bow, "So, you're an archer?"

Flint tilted his head to the side as she asked about any agressive wildlife on the road. "Wolves perhaps, but we need not worry about them at all. I've never had them attack while passing." He glanced down at Mishka, who looked at him. yeah because you and Fenros dominated the Alpha's years before. She said to him mentally.

He shrugged slightly at her comment and continued. "Perhaps the occasional werewolf. Apparently there was a pack not even a week ago here. " Packs of werewolves were unheard of, never happened as they were all insaine and always hunted alone. "Sadly I wasn't here to help with that hunt. From what I've heard it was an interesting one." He said with a smile as he looked to Coraline as asked, though stated that he was an archer.

Nodding. "Indeed I am, I know how to handle a sword, though I must say it has been a long while since my father trained me and sense I've used one in combat, I've always preferred the bow, and a friend of my fathers took me under his wing to teach me the fine art of it. With my smaller frame compared to my brothers, it felt more natural for me to use a bow. Though I do occasionally like to spar once and a while with my friend Marcus in the sword....mostly to make him feel good about him self. " He said with a chuckle.

Looking to her swords and her bow he then said, "It would seem you are more the swordswoman, but do you also fight with the bow as well?"
Coraline chuckled and shook her head, "No, I take it along to hunt. Nothing is more difficult than charging a deer with a longsword," she smirked, "But I do accept lessons in combat archery. Perhaps one day I can learn the tricks of the trade to be a bit more versatile on the field."

Coraline took in a deep breath of the fresh air. She had managed to regain much of her strength and spirit to travel after having a good meal. The knight looked off to the mountains while she rode alongside the hunter, "This Marcus man sounds like he has some talent with swordplay. I wouldn't mind a spar some day. If I'm going to be hunting with you lot, I'd best get to know everybody's strengths and weaknesses."

"So tell me about yourself, Mister Digard. How long have you hunted? Do you have a preferred mark?"

Flint then said, "Please, Just call me Flint, Mister Digard is my father." He smiled at the fact that she said she would accept lessons in combat archery. "I would be more than honored to help teach you a few tips. It's not often that I get to teach some one in my craft."

He looked to his bow, given to him from Emiliah. While in the woods looking for his cloak and armor he had practiced more with it to get used to it's slight awkwardness of being too light and the fact it was a recurve bow instead of his longbow. But he had grown used to how it fired, for the most part.

When she mentioned Marcus he looked over to her, and nodded, "I will inform him of that, though I'm sure he would ask for a spar before I say anything. He is also a knight, of birth, and received some of the best swordsmanship training his father could afford. I'm sure he will be a good spar for you."

A few moments passed away as he patted his horses neck, looking forward to see Mishka running ahead and sniffing out the things in the wild. Be it animals of the forest or of danger.

He heard her ask for what he normally hunted and how long as he allowed the reins to slack as he rotated and cracked his wrists. He looked over to her and said, "Please, Mr. Digard was my father, just call me Flint." He said with a warm smile on his face. "I've been on hunts since I've been sixteen with my father and older brothers. On my own? It's been about five to six years now. I usually hunt what ever is near by, but I do tend to hunt Werewolves and demons more often than not." He didn't want to go into Demon Lords at the moment with the fact that he never really...fought one yet. And they are still a very rare encounter...best not to scare everyone with that information.

He then asked, "How about you? How long have you been hunting and what... do you focus on hunting?"

Coraline chuckled when he told her to just call him Flint. She nodded and watched as the wolf ran ahead. She listened to the man speak while the rode, "Sixteen, how old are you now?" Coraline paused, "I'm thirty-one now. My father took me on my first hunt when I turned eighteen. My mother was always telling him that it was too soon but clearly it wasn't."

Coraline gave some thought to his question, there was a moment of silence while she picked an answer, "My preferred mark... This might sound strange, but I'd rather hunt criminals rather than monsters and cultists. Bandits and corrupt nobles will strangle a country far faster than a necromancer or werewolf." Coraline paused as she thought some more, "Simply because the innocent don't feel fear when they look at another human. They walk willingly to their ends without even knowing it."

He looked at her when she said she was thirty-one, "You don't look a day over twenty-four." He said with a smile as he then continued to answer the question. "I'm currently twenty-four myself. So it would seem you have more experience than I." An interesting thought. Perhaps even more then Fenros...but doubtful. Not with how much he hunts.

He then listened to her answer as he watched Mishka keep ahead of them about a hundred yards. "It doesn't sound strange at all, I agree, sometimes humans could be worse sometimes." He looked to her and asked, very bluntly, "Is it because you are part witch that you have that view?" He looked at her, calmly and as gently as he was speaking to her as before, as if her witch side had no bother to him...which in fact it didn't.

Cast a sideglance over to him when he mentioned the marks in a very simple way. She knew it was going to come up eventually. With a sigh, Coraline nodded, "Yes. Take this as you will, but witches are born and raised and taught that hunters are the enemy just like hunters are in the reverse. One grows and knows nothing else than what they're taught. Criminals exist in both communities. Innocents are lost to shadows. So I hunt the shadows."

Coraline stretched a bit and got more comfortable on her saddle, "It's because I'm born to both sides that I can look past this... To put it bluntly... Silly conflict."

Flint nodded as he looked forward as she explained herself. He agreed with her for the most part. He never told anyone this, but the fact that she was so open to the ideal anway he decided to tell her. "Oh I agree... Sadly the people here are not as forward thinking as you or I." He glanced to her and said, "I actually understand your view point very clearly... My mother herself was a witch, and my father also a hunter of course. It is from them I came to the realization that there are such things as good witches and evil hunters."

He wondered what her reaction would be, but he continued. "How ever, I don't know about the land you come from, but Evil is more rooted over here...alot more evil witches I've run into than good."

Coraline couldn't help but smile at the comment of good witches and evil hunters. She added, "There are more good witches that you might think. They're people as well, trying to survive."

Coraline listened to Flint's rundown of how things were in this part of the world. She nodded slowly before taking her waterskin and drinking some of the fresh fluid. "Well. Perhaps that is part of the reason why I came here. Perhaps I'll be the judge of that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xathi
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Xathi The Solemn Sophisticate.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xathi
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Xathi The Solemn Sophisticate.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

in collaboratons with @Meiyuki

"Tough Choices"

As she entered the library, Sheevi was cautious and aware, as she was in search of someone. Someone she heard could help her, or destroy her, depending on her prowess with words. As she tiptoed around the literary center, she heard what sounded like a female voice...it must have been her...she rounded the corner of a large bookshelf, and braced for what she was about to see.

Medusa'd been pouring over tome after dusty tome for the past several days. Her eyes burned, and hexes seemed burned into the interior of her eyelids when she closed her eyes. She'd not learned anything that would be of particular use in the battle to come. Hearing footsteps she turned.

"Angha-" Instead of the decidedly insane witch that had - for reasons she couldn't divine - elected to aid her she saw...something that resembled on of the newer witches. Shavi? Shayvi? No matter. "Ah...How can I help you?"

Sheevi could stare with nothing but confusion. This was Medusa? The unspok- Well...very spoken leader of the Coven? For such a high witch, her mind was surprisingly easy to read. She had thought her someone else...a lover. Then she had realized who it was, and...she couldn't remember her name.

"It's Sheevi. Sheevi Mekedo. And I'm assuming you must be...Medusa?"

"Indeed. Sheevi... aren't you one of Lorelai's? Come, sit." Medusa gestured to one of the leather armchairs in her nook. As tired as she might be she wasn't going to lose the opportunity to turn one of Lorelai's own. "Is there something I can help you with?"

She walked forward, placing herself in one of the chairs, yet sat uncomfortably. Something...was off. She could read the woman's mind, just like anyone else, yet...something seemed buried. Much farther than anyone else she had met could keep something. And...it seemed like she was thinking for more than one person. She heard her thoughts, yes. But then another's. Another's. It was a complete madhouse in there! She...didn't know how to respond. "Um...Alexina..", she finally said.

Medusa tilted her head quizzically. Alexina was hardly the most popular witch in the castle. Which was a shame given her steadfast loyalty. "Alexina? What about her? She's a close friend of mine, so if she offended you that means you either had it coming or I can assure you it was unintentional."

"No, it was more pertaining to...her being pretty pleasant, actually..", Sheevi said as a rosy blush came to her cheeks. "I..we..we got off on the wrong foot, and I want to..make...amends with the Queen.."

Medusa supressed a chuckle, if the girl's cheeks were any indication she wanted to do far more than 'make ammends'. She wondered mildly if Lorelai had set a trend with her shameless flaunting of her 'preferences'. "Did you now? Well, if you'd like to 'make ammends' with the Queen I recommend the direct approach. Maybe give her something that displays your reverance for nature, or at least a respect for life."

She did let out a small laugh as she added one more piece of advice. "Oh, and do it while Lorelai's not around, or she might largely ignore you."

The woman was obviously onto her affections. She cursed her insolence quietly, and responded to the woman's actually quite helpful advice. "Yes, Lorz does seem to be on the receiving end of most of her affections...although the Ruvina woman seems to have an already standing relationship with her. Let's hope they stay that way.."

"Yes, quite." Medusa sighed. "Although I do think...rolling around with Vespa consumes far too much of Lorelai's valuable time. Why she dotes on that arrogant - if charming - witch escapes me." Shaking her head she replaced her smile. "Anyway, I'm sure Alexina will come around. She's quite vulnerable to a pretty face after all."

Medsua looked off whistfully. "Things were much better back when Lorelai returned Alexina affections though, no matter."

"Lorelai...returning her...wha-" She processed what she was hearing. Alexina and Lorelai...affections...she slowly pieced the puzzle together. It all made sense now. They were ex lovers, separated. One moved on, one did not. All the more reason to pursue Alexina...to help her move on... I..I see...", she said as she clenched her fist with purpose.

"You didn't know? If Alexina has a vulnerability for a pretty face, it's one Lorelai taught her." Medusa laughed. "Twas quite amusing to see Alexina's face during the process, as huntress turned prey."

Medusa patted Sheevi on the shoulder. "Maybe soon she'll quit her pining though? Good luck."

Sheevi could sense that the bidding of well endowed fortune with her pursuit of romance was quite sincere. It was...sure to be a challenge. She needed to take desperate measures, and quick, if she was ever to gain Alexina's affections. "Yes, thank you...and..there was one more subject.." She pulled out a small scrap of paper, no bigger than a palm, and showed it to Medusa.

Inscribed on the paper, in clear purple ink, was "I know about the war."

"War?...You're treading into dangerous waters girl." Medusa narrowed her eyes at Sheevi. "Explain yourself, and your motives...Now."

"I have my sources, Madame...but I mean no wrongdoing with my newfound knowledge. There is a reckoning coming. And when that reckoning does surface it's ugly head, there will be those who persevere, and those who perish. I, for everyone in this castle's sake, want to make sure we are not the ones to end on the wrong side of the stick."

"Then you'll need to chose wisely Sheevi, and encourage others to do the same." Medusa's gaze was hard as she leaned back in her seat. "Will you stand with Dragons? Or with the Elders? You'll find no comfort in neutrality my dear, you'll want to ensure you stand on the right side of history."

A long ponderous gaze was taken around the room as she deliberated. "No matter what happens, Medusa, history is not written by the victors., she said as she looked back at her. "It is written by the survivors. And if I am to assist you in this war, I want a guarantee that Alexina will make it from this war, alive."

Medusa thought a moment, then smiled. "I can assure you she never makes it to the fighting... if I have your oath to stand against Von'Strauss." She extended her hand towards Sheevi, palm already laid with an oath spell. "If you survive or not... that remains up to you."

Sheevi was not yet convinced by her ominous response. "I don't only want her to not see the fighting, any common fool could easily detect that means crippling her beyond combat. I want her ABSOLUTE safety from this. That means not a hair on her beautiful head will be scratched. And if you cannot promise me extreme assurance, then perhaps siding with the Dragons will allow me to protect her personally."

"Levie your threats against someone who sees something in you worth fearing girl." Medusa simply smirked. "I assure you, Alexina will not be harmed, she'll just believe herself to be too wounded to fight. A simple enough illusion. Now...Make your choice Sheevi Mekedo, the time for bargaining has come to a close."

Her hand extended out with apparent confidence in her decision. She knew that based on the conclusion that came to her mind, the resolution of this conflict would be the best possible. She factored in the information she had been gathering from the minds of all involved, the struggles and romantic throes that must be persevered, and the eventual finishing act that would transpire from all this commotion. She was ready.

Sheevi lightly grasped Medusa's wrist and pushed her hand back, refusing the shake. "You are a woman of nobility and strength, Medusa. But you lack one thing that Von'Strauss' assistance would provide; Alexina." She stood from the chair and bowed slightly, before beginning to walk off. "Oh, and.", she looked back for a second, mischievously. "The more you underestimate me, the better." She gave a sly wink and disappeared into the hall.

Medusa simply smirked as the girl left. "How does one slay a dragon that hoards hearts? As if Dragon's weren't already hard enough to kill." She muttered as she returned to her research. At least Sheevi'd identified herself as an enemy, and without Von'Strauss' protection she'd soon discover what being her enemy detailed.

Sheevi was an idiot if she was to stick around for even another ten minutes. She had already sensed Medusa planning her removal before she even left the room. Her room, in reality, held nothing of treasure to her. It had simply been her place of rest, and that was all. So she immediately ran herself out of the castle, bolting quickly to the forest, and towards Castle Ruvina. Her newfound animal instincts and abilities allowed her to Sprint faster than most, although she was tiring swiftly. Knowing persistence would cost her her life, however, was what kept her running. She ran and ran, seemingly never to stop, yet eventually she did. And nearly passed out, laying on a rock and tiring like an expired lover, she looked up at the blue sky and was finally allowed to rest.

"This is going to be an interesting war..", she said before passing out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Ellion The Knowing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

a few hours later

The sun had set by the time that they arrived and an almost full moon was slowly rising. The church was one of the largest Emiliah had ever seen. A couple of stories at least. The had a strong feeling that it also extended far below. "So," She said, eyeing the area. "What is our course of action?"

Fenros came to a stop and looked up at the old church, it's ancient gothic steeples looked ominous in the moonlight, The lights were all out in the church...which was never the case. Fenros's horse let out a snort, as it grew uneasy in the shaddow of the building. He calmed the horse with a few pats. To the right of it, the cemitery was clearly defiled as all the grave's were dug up and headstones smashed. The group had stopped by the tavern to learn more, but not much. The Church was left alone a few weeks before as the graves were all dug up over night.

The villagers took it as a bad omen, especially when the priest of the church went missing a few days before that. They said that they heard screams and demonic sounds coming from behind the doors. And while waiting for a new priest to arrive, they barred the doors... hoping that it would keep what ever evil was in there from coming out. So far nothing... but each night it felt worse and worse.

Fenros shifted, and slowly got off his horse, the leather from the saddle straining as the leather stretched and he dropped to the ground. Answering Emiliah. "We take it slow. If all of those graves were used, then we would assume the church is filled. We take it room by room, make sure nothing double backs on us."

Yuri's eyes traced their ways up the walls of the church as his horse pawed the ground nervously. Gripping the reins Yuri kept control over it before it's pawing turned into a more panicked response. Slowly dismounting Yuri tugged at the buckles holding his scythe to his saddle, pulling it free and giving it a quick jerk to ready the weapon's blade Yuri led his horse over to a sutible location to tie it up. After that was accomplished he returned to the group, his eyes trailing up the churches walls. It was hard not to marvel at the thing's size, but then again that was often the point of churches and cathedrals wasnt it? To make you feel small, a mind game of sorts. Yuri slowly spun his weapon a couple times absentmindedly as he continued his observation of their hunting ground. A more religiously inclind person would most likely feel outrage at the desecration of such a place, but to Yuri it was just another stone building, only this one was filled with rotted and profaned corpses. Yuri nodded, his face hard to read under his hat and overcoat "Agreed, lets make this thorough. Less chance of becoming one of their number that way." Taking his eyes from the walls he look twoards Fenros "Who shall take point?"

Mat gazed up at the church as they approached it, giving a short whistle. "Why do these things always gotta look creepy at night?" He asked whiling looking around. "It would make the intimidation factor cut in half if they had some kind of optimistic sign or something but no, they just gotta be all creepy and weird." The young hunter pulled next to Fenros then hopped off his horse, tying the reins to a nearby cross gravestone. He then pulled the weapons off the horse and equipped them onto himself. He left in his hand his spear so that it could help steady him, though the leaves Emiliah had given him did really make the pain go away.

Mat stepped up to the front of the doors, giving them a look. "Well, this'll certainly be interesting. Someone brought a lantern right?"

Elizabeth dismounted her horse silently, she took the dagger from her knapsack and slipped it into a sheath on her armor. She took the horse's reins and tied her next to a patch of grass so she could graze. Giving the horse a firm pat on the back, she smiled and made her way back to the group. ”So, are we pairing up into groups? It would be faster, but probably not as safe.” Elizabeth looked around at them, considering their options. ”I suppose whatever plan we have is a good one. Fenros should take point, if he feels like volunteering, who wants to be last?”

The moment Andri spotted that the other hunters intended to travel on horseback, he got worried. It wasn't about him not being able to ride properly - in fact he was a fairly adept rider, but carrying him was a challenge most horses weren't up to. The farmstead he came from was far away, so he would have to pay for what he required, not only in coins, but also in people that were owning horses telling him to get off. What Andri finally came up with was a Clydesdale one could hear coming from afar. Such horses were primarily meant for heavy work like plowing, but one could ride them as well. For him, its sheer size and muscularity were just perfect. However the assassin would have to return to the animal's former owner and repay his remaining debt in labor...

When the question came up who would come in last, Andri's answer was straightforward: "I volunteer." One could already see him reaching into one of the larger pockets on his leather clothing. What he pulled out was a thin string reflecting the upcoming moonlight. The last half inch on either side was crimped into a small, circular and hollowed piece of steel that was flattened behind the wire's ending. A hole in that area allowed it to be hooked up with the handle. Being the last one probably was disadvantageous for survival, but it offered more mobility as he would not have to make his way around all the other hunters. The cathedral was very big outside, but who said that every room and every hallway inside would be spacious as well ? Strangling undead likely wouldn't work, but holding their throats in place while kicking one's boot in their necks would.

"Okay then, Boss Man," said Emiliah, turning to face Fenros. [color=bc8dbf]" What's our course of action? I favor Liz's partnering up plan. It'l be harder for anything to sneak up on groups. It'll also make it harder to leave a man behind should things fall apart," She looked over at Andri, who volunteered to enter last, that would leave six to split into no more than two teams. " That would be....three with two plus Mat," she said, counting the injuried hunter as slightly less than a whole.

Fenros looked at the others as they prepared themselves. Reaching into his pack he untied three torches and passed them out to the group, to who ever would take them. He then said, "We will split up like suggested." He didn't know who was the most experianced or the least. He looked over the group and thought for a moment, "Emiliah will go with Mat, Yuri and Marcus, Elizabeth and Andri," Just pulling the names out of the air. He walked over to the doors and pulled his massive sword off his back. He then reached under the massive piece of lumber they had used to blocked the door and lifted it up and shoved it to the right, causing it to flip 180 degrees before clattering to the ground.

He looked to everyone. "Are you all ready?" The doors slowly opened on their own, as the stench of death and rotting corpse drifted from inside the church.

The Parting of the Ways

Yuri looked over at Marcus, his eyes darting up and down as he sized the hunter up. If he had any reservations, he made no move to voice them, in fact he seemed to approve of having a stout sword watching his back. Gripping his weapon, Yuri returned his gaze to the church's main door, the bar holding it closed fell away. He gritted his teeth, thankful for the coverings over his mouth and nose as the stench found its way to him. Still he breathed deeply and answered Fenros's question "As ready as I'll ever be." turning his head slightly, Yuri spoke in a quieter voice to Marcus "So which one of us wants to go in first?"

Marcus looked to Yuri, the man with the scythe with interest. He had yet to fight alongside anyone who used the weapon. It would be interesting at that. Though he did regret not getting the chance to go with Elizabeth or Emiliah. For...Obvious reasons. When the man looked over to him, asking which one wanted to go first. He unsheathed his Bastard sword and slipped his kite shield from his saddle onto his left arm and grinned. "You sound scared my good sir. If you like I will go in first." He spun his blade in his right hand warming up as he made his way to the door.

The Door Bursted open as a rush of humid fowl smelling air rushed out, with a unholy demonic scream that seemed to consist of hundreds of voices, Spooking all of the horses near by. But....Nothing came out from inside the church. No shambling death, no rotting corpses. The air inside was unusually heavy and dark, after the scream had dissapated there was an erie, and unholy silence that seemed to surround them all, even outside where no sounds from any creatures of the night. Alltia crouched and tucked her tail low...whining at the feeling she was getting from inside the church.

Mat felt a small shudder pass through him as the doors opened up, then he gave a questioning look. "Uh...so we gotta go to the skellies?" He asked the group. "Lovely...I always dream of walking inside creepy churches at night with the lovely thought of never leaving. If I trip I swear I'll be pissed..." He looked over at Emiliah and grinned. "Well, ready to go through the haunted maze of horrors?"

"Course," She said, taking the torch from Fenros and look at Mat "I will admit that...if the 'skellies' are chasing us, I'm not dragging you out of there like I did in the alley," She then followed Marcus and Yuri into the church. Right away there was a fork in the road. Left. Right and Down. There used to be an up, but the stairs had recently crumbled away. "Left, right...down," she muttered to herself, setting her spear straight up and setting it in the ground. She let the spear go and it clattered to the left. She pointed "That is the way we should go. I can tell," She then picked up her spear, heading off into the darkness.

Fenros had taken a step back as the doors slammed open, Raisng his sword up ready to fight the possible flood of undead. But the fact there was nothing that came out gave him an uneasy feeling. He glanced at Mat as he made a sarcastic remark about the situation he was in. He reminded him alot of his younger brother Flint. Emiliah had trudged in first, much to all the mens pride that went out the window when a woman headed into the darkness first...alone. Fenros quickly followed suit, his sword in his right hand, raised and rested on his shoulder for easier carry. He found another torch on the ground, lifted it and lit it off of Emiliahs.

Looking up to the Alter at the center of the back of the chaple, everything looked as it should, nothing was desicrated...it all looked as if the priest was coming back in just a few moments. However, the massive cross was crooked, the image of Christ seemed...darkened...and his face masked in darkness. As if reafirming the fact that this holy place of the lord was desicrated.

When Emiliah allowed her spear to choose the direction for her, Fenros only raised an eyebrow in a queer look. But thought nothing of it. He looked down at Alltia, who looked to him, her eyes gleaming with the torches light so close. Down of course. she said to him mentally. Fenros looked to the others and said, "Be safe." Before heading down the darkened stairs.

"I sound scared?" Yuri muttered to himself as he moved with Marcus into the building "You wish." Still he couldn't help the hair on the back of his neck rise as the unsetteling nature of the seemingly untouched building. Calming his trepidations Yuri noted the direction the others begain to move towards "Looks like were taking right." Yuri said to Marcus as he begain to move past him, moving his weapon to a readied position, with the blade positioned slightly beside his right calf with the shaft crossed his body, held near the end by his left hand and in the middle by his right. Even his body moved into a readied stance, a slightly hunched posture, almost like he expected a fight at any moment. As he did this however a cold feeling flickered at the base of his spine, just a momentary flicker, but it was enough to make him set his teeth again.

Marcus nodded as Yuri stated about taking the right. As they turned, Marcus lifted his own shield acrossed his body. He lifted his blade and rested on the top of his shield. Personally he would have rathered of going first, as he had the shield, tactically it made more sense. As they walked through the darkend halls, Marcus could swear he heard whispering. so soft enough that he assumed it could only be from the dead...yet not there at all. They came to the first doorway on their right, "Wait here, while I clear this room." He said as he awkwardly twisted the old iron ring and pushed the door open. He stepped in, it was the priests chambers...He looked around the room and found it empty, save for the bed. "I think I found the priest." he said to Yuri. It looked like he was sleeping when killed... He looked away, as the entire bed was soaked in blood, including the walls beside him as his intrails were draped over the wall and bed posts.

Mat watched as Emiliah had her spear choose the way for them. As it landed towards the left, Mat shrugged his shoulders. "Hm, seems legit," he said as he began to follow Emiliah down the path. "Just remember, if there happens to be some scary skeleton monster thingy, be sure to let me know before it murders you OK? I'll be sure to pick up your bones. Then again I suppose we could just kill the undead skeleton guys..." Mat began trailing off in his speech about dying but not dying and even lost track himself on what the hell he was talking about. Mat had begun clutching his spear more tightly, listening to everything around them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 30 days ago

Let The Games Begin

Mat and Emiliah

Emiliah followed Mat's conversation as long as she cared too, which wasn't long. Their pathway seemed suspiciously...free of obstacles. There were signs of recent human death everywhere, dried blood spatters...more like stains on the swept floor. Like someone had been by recently to clean. The floor started to go in a vague downward motion, despite having been the left choice, it seemed that the church itself was leading them downward towards hell. Soon, arches started to apear, tempting travelers to go down the much tighter pathways. Emiliah also noticed that the tempture seemed to fluctuate greatly. One moment causing her breath to come up in thick clouds as ice criss crossed over her spear head. Then the next, being so hot that the air hurt to breath.

"Hey Mat," she said, she hadn't noticed how long the two seemed to have gone without taking, nor could see recall how long they'd been down there. "I think....I think something is wrong. I think we should turn back," It was at that moment they entered a room like none that had ever been seen before. It was large, a near perfect circle. The walls were covered with hundereds, if not thousands of human heads. The ones closest to Emiliah and Mat were more like skeltons, but the deeper into the room one got, the more the heads seemed to be going through variouse states of decomposing. A thick soup like liquid from the rotting flesh was pooling on the floor, slowly drifting towards the door.

"Turn back?" came a voice that sounded like a mixture of a deep voiced human male and some kind of clicking animal, and filled the room. "But you've only just arrived," Out of the shadows came a creature who seemed to be constantly changing in appearance, but never moving at the same time. It wore a cloak of shadows and carried a long pointed spear in one hand. "And look, you're just in time to join my army,"

Mat grimaced as they continued going down the hall, feeling like everything was wrong while they descended. "We turn back the problem doesn't get solved, and it'll just grow worse..." He whispered to himself, for once being serious. Mat quieted himself and slowed his breathing, trying to listening for anything that would come out of the darkness. His eyes darted from each skull, wondering which one would come to life and try to kill them, but then he heard the deep voice. Mat quickly turned to the voice of the creature, prepped to fight, but he lowered his spear slightly as he saw the creature emerge.

Mat tried to think of what to do, what to say even, but his mind just turned out two words. "Well...shit."

Emiliah looked at the creature standing in the middle of the room. Her heart suddenly trying very hard to escape her chest. A large part of her wanted to just...kneel down. To kneel down and never ever get up again. It was only a very small part that stopped herself. Instead, she reached without looking she reached out and took Mat's hand in her own, pulling him backwards towards the door. Her eyes stayed glued to the creature until the moment her back hit solid wall.

"Looking for something?" The voice called out again as Emiliah spun around to see nothing but wall behind her.

"T-The door, w-where was it, It. It was right here," she said to Mat. Suddenly her mind clicked as to what made her so scared as the image of the demon werewolf filled her mind. "Mat...we...we can't kill," she whispered.

Mat had completely stopped talking and allowed Emiliah to guide him back where the door was as he kept watching. He could feel a mental pull on him that just wanted him to collapse, but Mat focused himself and reminded himself in his head what he was doing. Right as they got to the door Mat's eyes opened wide at the realization that there was no door. "This is not a mere necromancer," he realized. Mat looked toward Emiliah and didn't know how to respond to her for a while until he focused himself again. "There's a way out of this, there's gotta be..." He mumbled to himself as he looked back out towards the darkness.

Emiliah pressed herself closer to Mat, if only to eliminate the number of sides that the demon could attack from. The gunk on the floor slowly creeping towards them, steam slowly starting to . She heard Mat say something about a way out. “You’re right,” She whispered “There is always a way out,” She said, unsure of who she was really trying to convince.

“Do you really think that, little girl,” said the Demon. If she didn’t know any better, she could have sworn that the creature was…amused.

“Y-yeah,” she said, clearing her throat. “There…there is ALWAYS a way out,”

A cackle came from the creature. “The little mouse thinks she can out smart the snake. I’m almost tempted to let you try,” He said, placing a finger under his chin. “Almost….but what is the fun for the snake if the game is over when the mouse dies?” Emiliah assumed the creature looked at Mat, then snapped its claws. “But the more….what fun. Okay, you can try, but you have to answer all of my questions first. And if you lie…both die,”

Suddenly some of the skeletons starting falling from the walls, creeping closer to Emiliah and Mat. “I decided to make it more interesting. I want to see what my future warriorsslaves can do. Now, who will fight my army and who will answer my questions? If you fall fighting, you both die. If you lie, you both die,”

Emiliah gave Mat a worried glance, tightening her hold on her spear. “We have to stall for time, do you want to answer, or fight?”

Mat paused for a moment, thinking about what to pick. The creature seemed to want to test their limits, and find their breaking point. At first instict Mat wanted to fight. Skeletons were easy to pick apart if you hit them right, but there were a lot of them incoming. Emiliah was right that they needed to stall, hopefully they could find some escape route from this hell. Mat gripped his spear tight, but looked at his left hand and injured leg. Despite getting the plant to get rid of the pain, it was still an injured leg in the end, his hand too. With this many enemies Mat couldn't think of a way to make sure that they wouldn't use his injuries to their advantage.

But, answering questions. There were many questions Mat would prefer not to answer. Most of what was asked of him he dodged around or simply lied. "Putting me inbetween a rock and a hard place," Mat muttered. If this creature asked even a fraction of what he was thinking, it would not go well for Mat. His hands clutched the spear even tighter, but then he felt a rush of pain surge from his stabbed left hand. I fight, we'll die. I answer, we'll live, he sadly thought. The hunter looked over at Emiliah and sighed before saying, "I'll answer."

Emiliah nodded, understanding Mat's choice and took a fighting stance a few steps away from Mat and...the voice. Almost at once, over a dozen undead were on her, attaking from all sides in a relentless stream of blows from all directions. Emiliah had a sudden realization that it wouldn't take long for them to start landing blows, if through their sheer numbers alone.

"Excellet, well Mat, or do you rather Matrim. Let's start easy, what is your worse memory?" came the Voice, a hint of glee clearly upon it.

Eventhough she shouldn't have been able to hear the voice over the sound of her fighting, it was like the sound was coming from inside her mind. At the question, Emiliah felt a flood of memmories fill her mind. Friends that had been crippled, lost. Until a single moment rested in her mind. Something she had long since tried to forget, to burry under other things. She was thankful that Mat was answering and not her.

Mat watched as Emiliah began to fight off the undead all around her. The sheer numbers of the undead by itself seemed bad enough, and Mat could almost immediately tell that he made the right call. Emiliah could handle herself, but now he needed to hold up his end.

The question seemed spoken in his mind, as if the creature already knew the answer. It seemed like the satisfaction was from Mat admitting it. As a normal hunter did, he had a lot of terrible memories but there was one that came clear and obvious. "My worst memory...is when after I had searched for my father for days but ended up finding nothing. Then I decided to return home, my first home where my mom was still alive. I stayed one night there and woke up the next morning to find my dad's head next to my mom's grave. The note was the real stinger, Just a small gift for the young hunter. Have fun! I never found the witch that did it..." Mat closed his eyes for a moment and clenched his fist, then released. "Next question?" Just answer and move on. Don't dwell on it Mat!

It was horrible....The moment Mat's mind settled on the memory..Emiliah...saw it. Saw the grave, the head. Saw the note. It wasn't only seeing it either. She could feel...feel the emotion that came with it. The pain of losing a father stabbed deeper than any knife. It was in that moment that one of the undead finally got through her defences. With a scream, it's long fingers dug into her arm, leaving three deep cuts. With a yell of pain and anger, Emiliah struck the creature down. Her breath coming in heavy pants now.

"Next question," said the Voice. My aren't we eager. You hunters are always so 'good'. Never raped, killed, tortured, stolen, abused... I don't believe it. What is truely, the worst thing you have ever done?

Mat wanted to run out when he saw Emiliah injured, but he stopped himself at the last moment. It would only ensure both of their deaths. Mat closed his eyes as he heard the next question and nodded. "I guess you're right about that..." he muttered as he searched his memories. Several truly terrible ones came up, but there was one that festered.

"After I found my father's head I went on a true hunt for witches. There was one in the pot that'll answer your question. The very first witch I found after my dad's death, I think her name was Abigail. I found her out, kidnapped her and locked her inside a small wooden cabin in the middle of the forest. It had to be far, or else people could hear her screams. Every day I was there I asked her, 'Was it you?'. She always denied it but I pestered, I needed to know. I skinned her, starved her, and let her hang onto a life by a thread. I never actually killed her, I simply just never returned to the cabin after I was sure she didn't do it. I let her starve to death in that cabin, making sure she suffered every second. I didn't even stop there, I kept going for years but at least I killed the other ones." Mat could see himself in the cabin now, watching the poor girl beg for death as he sawed off one of her fingers after skinning it. All he hoped was that Emiliah couldn't hear him over the fighting.

Emiliah couldn't hear him, but she saw everything. Four weeks of torture rushing through her mind in a manner of seconds. Filled to the top with nothing but the feelings of rage and pain. It blinded her for a moment as her stomach decided to leave her body or not. That was all it took for the undead to lead a few more blows. Her whole body was starting to hurt and her mind swam with the echos of Mat's memories. She felt her body hit the ground with a crashed. She immediately curled up in ball to protect herself.

"Change of plans," said the Voice. He held up a hand to stop the undead army from killing Emiliah. "I know the name of this witch," he said. "And I know where she is," The undead backed far away from Emiliah now. "Now, my question is. If I offered you a deal. Break one of Emiliah's finger for the name and another for the location, would you take it? We all know you aren't afraid of causing others a little bit of pain,"

Mat quivered where he stood, his eyes darting all around as he watched Emiliah fall to the ground. He wanted to rush in again, help her out, but he knew he couldn't. His eyes looked over at the creature, and then he heard the offer.

The realization that he could finally find her was stunning. All the years of searching, the number of witches he tortured, and it finally came down to this. This was what he had been searching for, no more asking and finding and running to false leads. Mat had no doubt that the creature knew the answer, but then he looked over at Emiliah. She was hurt enough from the fight, there was no doubt about that. How much would two broken fingers hurt over an answer? If it were him recieving it, there'd be no doubt about it, but it wasn't him.

"It is okay," she said quickly, still on the floor, everything hurt "I understand. I....saw it....I ...felt it. It is okay. I won't be mad,"

Mat's eyes went from Emiliah to the creature, and back to Emiliah, then stopped and closed his eyes. "Fine, let's say I do. But even with the info do we get to leave so I can find her? It's useless if we can't right?" He asked the creature, taking one step forward.

"The ring fingers. I don't need them to use my spear. Yes...it'll hurt...but...I will still be able to fight," She said, forcing herself up into a sitting position. There was a lot of her blood on her clothing, but over all she just felt...sore...tired.

"Those are two different games. But if you get out of here, would you really want to leaving knowing that the information was sitting there. All you would have had to do was reach out and take it," the Voice was all but smiling now.

Mat slowly nodded his head. "...fine," he muttered. He sadly looked over at Emiliah. Even with her saying it was okay it felt wrong, but two fingers would be the entrance to him finally ending his search. Mat walked over to Emiliah and sat down in front of her. "I'm sorry, I am so so sorry." With that he took her left hand gently then quickly grabbed her ring finger and snapped it. Without pausing he went over to her right and snapped the ring finger on that hand.

Emiliah let out an ear piercing scream as each of her fingers were broken. It took her a few moments to get them down to small sobs. Not caring that she was all but collapsed on the very person who did this to her.

After a few moments the Voice spoke again. "Come closer," he said to Mat, gestering with a single finger.

Mat grimaced as he felt Emiliah collapse on him from the pain. He stayed there for a moment doing his best to comfort her when he heard the thing speak again. Mat looked at Emiliah and gently let her down off him. Mat looked at Emiliah and gently let her down off him as he stood up and walked over to it.

The Voice waited until Mat was only a foot away, before leaning down and whispering into his ear. "I said if,"

Suddenly Mat was alone in the room. Then he too vanished into a curtained room.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
Avatar of SunsetRoses


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Beast
Andri, and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth looked calmly at the giant she was partnered with, and shrugged. She wondered how he worked in battle, given his stature. "Okay big guy, let's get to work." She smiled at him, and walked into the old church. It stank, like death itself, and she was not prepared for that. She almost gagged, before realizing how childish it would make her appear. "Okay, Andri, let's go upstairs and check it out." She pointed at the broken stairs, and looked around for something they could use as a makeshift bridge. Finding a plank of discarded, and rotten looking wood, she sighed. "I guess that's our bridge, help me move it."

There were like a myriad of questions roaming in Andri's mind, but pretty much all of them could be summarized with no more than six words: What the hell was going on ? He hadn't forgotten about those... stranges occurrences... in the tavern, and if he'd still been in the military he would probably find himself in front of a disgruntled, high ranking officer interrogating him as a witness. But this wasn't Seren's Folley, and the smell that was literally blowing into his face told him that this wasn't the appropriate place to ask non essential questions. Essential - that would be sheer survival in here he felt. He noticed Liz smiling at him while entering the church. The place didn't look as ruined as he had it expected to be, but the stairs were gone. "I hope this thing won't break when I put my feet on it." he commented on the object Elizabeth had found before he could, then helped lifting it and moving it into place. "I've got a rope and a grapple with me, just in case we need to come over other obstacles."

Elizabeth was appreciative of his preparations, and she nodded as he brought up his rope and grapple. "It shouldn't be too flimsy. I'm sure you can walk on it, and if not we'll find another way to get you across." She took a deep breath-immediately regretting it because of the smell-and took her first step onto the board. It creaked beneath her weight, and she bit her lip, unsure if her gigantic companion could make it across. "I don't know about this Andri, we may have to find another way for you to get up. I'm going to go across though." She carried on, taking light steps.

"I'll try it. It won't be such a long drop down if it breaks." He didn't add it to his words, but he felt that it could be wise to utilize any possibility to save time. Carefully he placed his right foot onto the wooden board and he could just feel it sag more and more with every step he took. But it was uneven, and he took his time to just stand still on it and feel which was the right direction where the board would be at its strongest. Maybe it looked as if he was evading an invisible enemy - or just being drunk again, vermiculating. Finally, he made it and had to supress a loud cough as the concentration of soot that had accumulated over the years was increasing up here. "Okay, let's go on."

Elizabeth watched with increasing worry as he walked over, his steps strange, he looked as if he was drunk. She let out an audible sigh as he made it over, glad she didn't have to go rescuing him. "Good job, Andri." she said, smiling until she saw his face as he suppressed a cough. "Do you need some water? I have plenty, don't want you dying on me." She laughed, but it was filled with actual concern. She needed him in peak condition, or they would be a lost cause facing the undead. She pulled her knapsack off of one of her shoulders, offering it up to him.

"No, no, thanks. It was just a plume of dust I've hit." His head was more closer to the domed ceiling where all of the dirt had deposited, thereby staining the beautiful ceiling frescoes. "Over the years I've learned to feel the ground I'm standing on. Very important thing. And speaking of it..." He made a gesture with his flat hand, indicating a direction. "It is just me or does the floor lean downwards a tiny bit ?" He seesawed, using gravity as his reference for what was a straight downward direction here.

Elizabeth hadn't noticed it before, but when she looked down, she saw that there was in fact a dip in the floor. "It may just be unstable, we should move on before it collapses." she took a few steps backwards, wary of the floor. She poked at spots with her foot, to see if it was soft or unsafe. "I think, the sooner we investigate, the better. Then we can move on downstairs and check in with the others."

"You're right." he answered and mumbled in a low voice "Sometimes I really hate it being a giant. If there's any weak spot in the floor and I hit it... that'll be fun." So he did what Liz did and started poking at spots looking abnormal. They made progress however and the next door wasn't far. Even before going through the Gothic arch, Andri noticed that there was a flow of fresh, cold air coming out of it. The room was small, but there was a bed and some other shabby furniture in it so it obviously wasn't just a storeroom. The assassin stepped over to the large, broken window, and looked down. "Ouch. " He commented on the damage that could be seen on the cathedral's roof and looking further down at on of the spots that were rather hidden behind bushes when one was standing outside he saw a crushed young man. "Something powerful must've thrown him right out of the building." he diagnosed the situation and quickly stepped away from the hole in the wall.

Elizabeth walked into the room with Andri, her weapon prepped at her side. She could feel the fresh air, and rushed towards the window, breathing in deeply. After a small glance down at the man that had been tossed through the glass, she blanched, and stopped taking in the fresh air. "This entire place...it's...tainted. Even the fresh air, it's all full of death." Her tone was solemn, this place was really weighing down on her. "Do you think it's still around? In another room maybe?" She asked, referencing the beast that had thrown that poor boy out the window.

"We better assume j..." He never managed to finish his words. There was a deafening bang coming from... Andri looked around, confused. Then he saw the fluctuation of that little amount of light that was coming through the narrow gaps in the wooden ceiling. Apparently, thus far up here, the ceiling and the floor of the room above were one and the same, rather thin layer of wooden boards - and something hammered onto them either with its bare fists or - which was more likely - with something made out of metal. "There has to be another staircase somewhere. We go up or wait until it comes down ?"

Elizabeth tensed as she heard the fists pounding above them, glancing at Andri to see if he had heard it as well. "I think we should go up and get the drop on it, we can't give it the chance to get to us first." With her whip ready in her hand, she started to silently creep out of the room. She waited patiently for Andri, encouraging him to take his time, she didn't want the giant to alert anyone.

Andri glanced at the unusual weapon while slowly moving forward. "In case it's a big monstrosity... don't hesitate to hit it with full force even if there could be one of my arms coming around from behind its neck." His view was totally concentrated on the floor and the things they were approaching since at his weight, one step on the wrong spot would probably cause a far louder noise than if Liz did it. They quickly found another staircase, this one in far better shape than the last one, and they could hear the yet unknown creature screaming as if in a total frenzy. The assassin got his garrote ready as they silently approached the door. "Who goes in first ?"

Elizabeth shivered at the blood curdling screams, goosebumps forming on her arms. She turned to Andri as he adressed her, and made a bit of room for him to push through. "You first, I need a bit of space to get my whip moving. Don't worry, I'll be right behind you." Elizabeth crept towards the door, and when he gave her the signal for 'okay', she slowly turned the knob. The door creaked, and Elizabeth had no time to curse as she heard the creature go silent. Through the crack in the doorway, she saw the grotesque creature, which had turned to face the door. It roared, and rushed towards Andri.

There were two basic ways to enter a room with an enemy inside: The fast and loud one or the slow and silent one. Andri hoped that the latter one would work out as the creature was still busy bashing the wooden floor. However that badly lubricated door spoiled the entire plan. The moment he wanted to rush in he saw the creature already coming for him. Let it come out and fight it in the hallway ? It could just throw them above the balustrade, so the room would be it! Andri accelerated for what was just doomed to be a head-on collision, ramming his foot into the creature's big belly. The maneuver had some effect but this... thing... had just been thrown back and recovered quickly. The assassin got out of its way to let Elizabeth start her attack. He would then try to go around and come from behind.

Elizabeth rushed in behind Andri, using his distraction to start spinning her whip. It gained momentum, moving so fast it was a blur to the untrained eye. With a flick of her wrist, she snapped the dart of her whip, sending it flying towards the creature. The dart was at the end of it's range, and it simply scratched the chest of the creature, drawing a thin line of blood that looked like tar. With a heavy hiss, the creature recoiled for an instant, before charging at Elizabeth. Elizabeth quickly rolled to avoid its charge, folding her chain whip so that the sharpened dart was held in her hand like a dagger. It charged for her again, but this time she was ready to take it head on.

This was so disgusting. The decay literally leaked out of this beefy entity of death. Andri now had to fight not only the beast, but the strong urge to puke right away. This wouldn't have anything to do with assassination, this would be just ugly he thought. At least his body, including his hands, was covered in leather clothing, so there was a very slim chance that he would get out of this without being infected with whatever diseases this thing was bringing along. He couldn't follow the whip's movement, it was just too fast for him. He just saw a volume of air that was blurrily mixed with something that appeared to be a chain. As the creature charged for her, he followed. He really would have liked to give that thing a kick into the neck at full speed, but that could unintentionally thrust it closer to Liz, killing the precious space between her and it. He put the garrote back into the pocket and instead went for the array of throwing daggers. This would be far less effective, but with that thing charging around all the time he would have to wait for an opportunity to start strangling it.

Elizabeth had braced herself for impact, but when the beast hit her, she was pushed back against the wall because of the force. With a grunt, she plunged her dart into the beast's abdomen. It squealed, and its blood dripped onto her hands, but it didn't fall. I'm screwed, she thought, as the beast pushed her against the wall. It was enraged, and although Elizabeth continued to twist her dart into it's chest, it didn't seem to be having much of an effect. The creatures mangled claws pushed into her shoulders, and Elizabeth screamed in pain. "Andri! Do something!" she cried, twisting desperately to escape the beast's grasp.

In horror, Andri had to watch what happened. His daggers indeed did not have that much of an effect. In fact, they only seemed to make this thing even more infuriated. And it was his fault... Now he charged, coming in as laterally as the limited width of the room allowed him to do. Having only three more steps to go, he jumped, kicking the creature from the side at its shoulder in an attempt to get its attention immediately. There was a cracking sound, but apart from its left arm now dangling from its massive body, the beast was far from backing down. Andri's face now was distorted by pure aggression. He pulled out the garrote again and got it over the beast's head. Instead of pulling with his arms, he just gripped the handles tightly while pushing his foot against the enemy's back in a forward and downward direction. It almost looked as if he wanted to start climbing a vertical wall with the aid of a rope thrown over its top. There was a choking sound and the creature finally let go of Liz. However, now it started trying to get rid of him, shaking violently. It turned its head, and turned it, and turned it... Its current state of decay seemed to have loosened enough tendons so that it could move it into rather unnatural angles, far enough to sink its rotting teeth into Andri's glove. He screamed, not even knowing if the bite was actually penetrating the leather or just squashing the back of his hand. He had to continue this as long as he could, buy as much time he could... The creature now wasn't able to look forward and thereby entirely occupied by him.

Elizabeth screamed as the claws were torn from her shoulders, she knew she would feel the full force of the pain whenever the adrenaline rush calmed down, so she would have to takw advantage of the situation now. She watched in horror as the beast's head turned all the way around, decay leaking from the loose tendons. The sight made her want to vomit, but she knew it was her only chance to do something. With a silent grunt, she lurched forwards, her feet unsteady. Though the beast's head was already starting to revolve back around to look at her, it didn't have any time to react when Liz stabbed her dart between the loose skin of it's neck. Using her remaining strength, she pulled upwards, hopefully snapping it's brittle spinal cord. The beast screamed in pain, but she assumed she had been successful as the screech turned into a gurgle. With a victorious smile, Elizabeth dropped to the floor next to the creature. With blood dripping from her shoulder wounds, she managed a tired sentence."I will never deal with necromancers ever again. Now come over here and patch me up, please."

It was dead. Dead again. Finally. Andri could feel a liquid accumulate between his skin and his left glove - he was sure that this wasn't sweat alone. It felt so warm and sticky. He could still move all of the fingers, though not as strong as he was used to. Attempting to ignore the pain for the moment, he kneeled down in front of Elizabeth. "Damnit! I'll see what I can do." Speaking this, he shoved the upper piece of his leather armor upwards so he could rip out a strip from the cloth he was wearing below it. These years of duty in the conventional forces did pay off right now as he had received very basic medical training as just every soldier did - injuries like these were prone to happen in the field and the experts weren't always available in time. Just like now. The bandage was very makeshift, but it would keep the blood loss at bay, at least for a while. He tried to limit the force he applied when wrapping the cloth strips around her shoulders, but he couldn't do entirely without it. "Can you walk ?"

Elizabeth closed her eyes as he wrapped her shoulders, allowing her head to throb. She was tired, and all she wanted was sleep. With a sigh, she opened her eyes as he asked her if she could walk. "I can walk, it's just a shoulder wound. I can't believe I have to get my armor fixed, again. Do you know how expensive the shoulders are?" She laughed, but it was half-hearted. She attempted to pull herself up without using her arms, finaly she had to give in and ask for help. "Do you mind helping a poor lady?" she asked, feeling a bit less tired. They had work to do, and she couldn't leave her partner alone, no matter how much she wanted to go to bed right then and there. "I have no clue how I'll swing my whip, I wish he had just got me in the face. I would rather have my shoulder blades."

Andri looked at her. "If that thing had gotten me or you in the face, me or you probably would be dead right now." As it likely wouldn't do good if he helped her to stand up by pulling at her arms, he wrapped his still healthy right arm carefully around her upper body, trying not to touch areas a man had not to touch unless given permission. Then he started lifting himself and her slowly before releasing his arm. The assassin just had to pull off his left glove now, and the moment he did so a chunk of blood splashed onto the floor. He immediately ripped off another small strip of cloth and wrapped it around his own hand before pulling the badly dented glove back on. "I'm afraid this could cause an ugly infection, let's hope it doesn't start while we're in here."

Elizabeth tried to help him as much as she could, but she was practically helpless. She gasped when he revealed his hand to her, and her eyes flashed with concern. If he didn't get that treated, it would become infected, and without immediate care he would probably have to have it amputated. "Come here, let me see it." She walked over to him, and carefully dropped her knapsack from her shoulders. The pain was excruciating as it rubbed against her shoulders, but she didn't let him see it. Slowly she dived down and reached into her bag for her water-skin. "Let's wash it off, it won't do much without medicine, but it will help." She grabbed for his hand and let the water run over it.

Andri had to clench his teeth although it was only water. If it had been alcohol, he likely would have screamed. However it was somewhat reassuring to see the water wash everything away on top of where his torn open skin ended. "I should have thought of bringing a considerable amount of water here with me myself." But he hadn't. He was just so used to go with what he considered a minimum of additional equipment. "Thanks." Having noticed how helpless Liz had been when he had lifted her onto her feet, he said: "If you feel your legs weakening, don't hesitate to tell me. Mine are still fine and perhaps I could try and carry you for a while."

Elizabeth lamely rubbed his back as she saw him clench his teeth. The water obviously pained him, but she knew it would feel better if then having his hand cut off. "I have some dried beef, would you like some? Be honest, I brought enough for both of us to have a small ration." She stared into his eyes, to see if he would give off any signs of hunger. She knew they needed to get back to work soon enough, but there was no point in going back to fighting too early. "I'll be fine, thank you though. I'm just tired."

Andri smiled a bit. "I take the ration." The situation seemed calm at the moment, so better to eat something now than not being able to do so at a later stage of their hunt. "I think we should continue to survey the upper levels before following the others downwards. We might have to go a long way then but just imagine if that thing had followed us and staged a surprise attack from behind." He searched for something to sit on as he could profit from a bit of rest, too. What he found was an old, ruined table that could be used for that purpose. He offered a large part of it to Liz.

Elizabeth went to sit down next to Andri, taking her knapsack with her. She dug around in it, and took out the dried beef. It was wrapped in parchment paper, so she unwrapped it and handed Andri three pieces, saving another three for herself. "I thought this would be easy, becoming a hunter and all. My father was rather good at it, so I figured I would take after him. It turned out to be harder than I thought it would be, but I'm glad I'm not amazing at it. It makes me work even harder." She sighed, closing her eyes. She was glad that they could sit down and relax just for a moment. Andri wasn't a bad partner, so far.

Andri placed himself next to her with the desk creaking. "To be honest, this is my very first hunt without my mentor. I'm basically a rookie. Something like witches or necromancers isn't included in the military's textbooks." He took a big bite from the drief beef. "Your style appears amazing to me. I've never seen something like this before. Did your father teach you this or did you learn it by yourself ?

"My style? Oh...no...I don't really have a style. My father taught me how to use a chain whip, I'm still horrid at it. You should have seen him in action, before he settled down. It was like lightning. Striking so hard, so fast." Elizabeth reminisced, thinking back to when her father would spar with the guards at the manor. She strived to be like him, and was very pleased when Andri said her style amazed him. "You are a great fighter, it takes a lot of effort for someone of your stature to sneak around like you do. Books or no, you work well." She smiled at him, nibbling on her beef.

In his mind, Andri tried to visually imagine what Elizabeth was describing to him, but he utterly failed and gave up. He was a bit astonished about her statement of him being a great fighter. Up to this point, he had thought of this fight to be a bad mishap on his part as he had not been able to prevent that creature from almost killing her. He smiled back, then replied: "I never found out the name of the guy that came up with the idea of assigning me to the infiltrators. Up to that point I had been convinced of not being good at any style of fighting. But then... I don't know what gives me this ability."

Elizabeth chuckled, feeling great that they could just take the time to relax in such a horrible situation. "I think they gave you the right assignment, you handle it well." She finished her ration, and put the remaining pieces into her knapsack. With a sigh, she pulled herself up and looked wearily out of the door. "We need to finish clearing the upstairs area, no more sitting around unfortunately. Come on Andri." She walked out of the door, and attempted to sneak upstairs.

The assassin didn't waste any time as Elizabeth had summarized the situation perfectly. He collected the throwing knifes still being stuck in the undead creature's back and wiped them. He had no ammunition to waste. Having stepped out of the door and seeing another staircase, he mumbled "How many damn floors does this cathedral have ? It's enormous." He started moving up the stairs. Everytime one of his feet approached the ground he slowed it down dramatically and made sure that he would make contact not only at the slowest possible speed between the sole and the floor, but also without rubbing against it. As he was behind Liz he had the opportunity to look at the way she did it, and it wasn't much different. It appeared that she basically knew how to do it very well, it was a matter of more training. On the next floor, he took a look over the balustrade. "We're very far up here." It seemed they were approaching the roof truss as the next thing that came was a long ladder that lead through a hatch in the ceiling.

Elizabeth was on edge the entire time they crept throughout the upper area of the cathedral. Andri was right, it was gigantic. Soon enough though, they reached the uppermost floor, and she peered thoughtfully at the ladder that led up to the roof. "We can turn back, since there aren't any undead. Or we could try to get up to the roof in our condition, and do a quick scan of the area?" She considered the grapple and rope Andri had brought, and started hashing out a plan using those to pull her up. Then she considered Andri's injured hand, and shook her head. "I doubt we could manage it. If there's anything up there, we would have to lure it down."

"I could try to get up there. One hand is still working fine. However it's risky: I'd be alone up there unless we find a way to get you up there as well." He hadn't thought about his rope and grapple yet. His mind was focused on how one could lure any uninvited guests down. "Do you think the beef could work as a bait ?" He paused, then added with a frustrated voice: "Oh no... that would still require one of us to climb and place it there."

"There's always the grapple, but I doubt you could pull me all the way up with one working hand. Although, that would be an impressive feat." Elizabeth gazed up into the hatch on the roof, and bit her lip in thought. "I don't think we can manage it, unfortunately. We can both try going up the ladder on our own, and if that doesn't work out, we stay down here and call our job done." She looked to Andri, wondering what he would think of the plan. If only they hadn't gotten injured, then they would have completed their job thoroughly, without any afterthought.

Andri didn't say a word. He stood there, thinking about the plan and staring at a somewhat random direction while donig so. Then his speech sprung back to life: "This really doesn't please me, but I think what you said is true." He looked at the ladder, then gripped the rung firmly with his right hand and bent his left arm around the ladder stringer. His progress was slow, but he did move. If there just wouldn't be another of these vicious monstrosities waiting for them right behind that hatch.

Elizabeth watched as he slowly made his way up, rung by rung. She felt like motivating him, but he would probably take it the wrong way, so she stayed silent. "Peek at the roof before you're all the way up, so you can come back down as soon as possible." She suggested, her head rising as he went up further and further. She was impressed by his progress, but she didn't want him to push it at all.

It took a while, but finally Andri's head reached the hatch and he took that last step it required so that he could peek around. The floor was littered with mice droppings, the debris of a few tiles that had come down and the dust of total abandonment. He looked down and informed Liz about the situation as lowly as the distance allowed: "It seems to be quiet up here, but I'll have a closer look." and he heaved himself through the opening.

"Eenie meenie miney moe," came a croaking voice from down Andri, almost as though coming from the walls themselves. "Catch a tiger by the toe, if it hollars let it go," The voice got louder and louder. "My mother told me to pick the very best one," Suddenly a hand with no body reached out and took Andri by the ankle yanking him back into the darkness. "And you are it,"

Elizabeth nodded as Andri went up through the hatch, he said it looked empty, so he should be fine. With a grimace, Elizabeth started up the ladder. She advanced, but it was slow and pathetic at best. "Andri you there? I'm making my way up right now, so hold tight." She waited patiently on the middle rung, for a response or some sort of acknowledgement. There wasn't one, it was silent. "Andri? Come on now, don't you play with me." Elizabeth picked up her pace, starting to get concerned. As she made it to the top rung, she peeked inside of the hatch, and saw no sign of Andri. She coughed because of the thick layer of dust in the room, and swore because she had just lost her partner. "Andri?" She asked, her voice low and weak. She didn't want to alert whatever had taken Andri, in her condition she would never survive a fight.

With a pained grunt, Elizabeth pulled herself up and over the hatch. On the inside, she worked her way onto her feet and looked around, in a wimpy battle stance. She kicked up a ton of dust, causing her to be thrown into a small coughing fit. There was no one in the room, she was alone. Whatever had taken Andri was long gone by now, she looked around for holes that a giant could fit through, but there weren't any. With a bit of panic, she sat down on the floor of the room, not caring how messy it was.

Suddenly the floor around Liz vanished, sending her tumbling into an unknown room.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by urukhai
Avatar of urukhai


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Yuri and Marcus


Yuri Looked into the room, his face twisting into a disgusted look, they say you get used to such sights the more your a hunter. But, as Yuri knew all to well, the mythical "they" were full of shit usually. Shaking his head he called over to Marcus "Nothing more we can do here for him, lets move on." Without really waiting for a reply Yuri carefully made his way out into the hallway, but the further he moved on the stronger the stench of decay became. Yuri tried to power through it, as he could see a doorway at the end of the hall. As he walked he shook his head from time to time as the walls seemed to melt away a points, leaving behind barely hewn or carved stone. All the while the cold feeling at the base of his spine flashed back to life, staying this time, causing Yuri to swear softly.

Finally he and Marcus came to the doorway, beyond which seemed to be a large side shrine. The gate leading to its modest alter was flung wide open, and its candles still burned as if someone had been tending to them this entire time. That mixed with the lack of any form of pew or kneeling area gave the entire shrine a sinister feeling. Looking left and right Yuri took a step into the room, his scythe at the ready, only to have his boot make a squelching noise as he put his weight on the carpet. Casting a quick look around the room, seeing no spilled containers or anything that would have otherwise soaked the carpet to this extent. Against his better judgement Yuri traced his gaze up. As he did the feeling in his spine began to work its way up, it's icy fingers slowly proceeding.

Hanging from the high roof were multiple bodies, in various states of decay, their feet spike to the ceiling. Yuri coughed slightly as he tried to keep from wreching. As he looked however the icy feeling made its way to his neck and forced him to snap his head back to the small alter, where a large skeleton, amalgamed from what looked like three bodies dropped to the floor, making it seem to tilt inexplicably downward at a slight angle. It shuddered as other bodies dropped next to it and began to move. "This could be fun, bad, or horrific." Yuri said to almost no one in particular, but loud enough for Marcus to hear "My bet is all three."

Marcus simply back out of the room as they made their way further in, He felt that the walls were somehow not real, at least not the stone moarder from the chapel. As they entered the room that instantly felt more sinister, He watched as Yuri stopped, slowly looking upwards. He didnt' want to, but he was torn to do the same. As he did he saw to his horror bodies hanging from the ceiling. Marcus instantly lifted his left arm to cover his nose of the stench. As he two felt the urge to puke. He looked at the skeleton, as it began to move he started side stepping and raised his weapon ready to fight, Hearing Yuri he looked at him, surprised. "Fun? You seriously worry me my friend." He said...even though deep down, his heart filled with adrenaline as he got excited for the battle himself. Perhaps he should really worry about himself.

A few more bodies fell next to each of them, each moaning as they grotesquely tried to stand up. Marcus instantly decapitated two of them with two quick swings of his sword. Kicking one of the heads up and at the large Skeleton, to gain it's attention.

Yuri followed Marcus into the fray, his scythe launching into a dervish of motion, catching one of the animate corpses under its chin with the point of the blade. Twisting the shaft and sliding his hands down towards the end of the shaft, Yuri wrenched the blade free into a wide vicious side stroke the clean cut another of the corpses head at the jawline. All the while he could feel his heart beat, the rythim of combat someone had called it once. but to Yuri it was a tempo to dance the dervish to. Still he remained conscious of the fact that the cold fingers had begun to try to worm their way into his mind "Stand down your not needed right now monster" he yelled internally, an action that prompted a response from the cold, a low cackling laugh as well as a wave of emotions. Still he fought through it in internally and externally, his fighting only speeding up as he fought to give Marcus some cover as well as move to a point where he could engage the Amalgam.

The Amalgam didn't even seem to register the impact of the head, save for the fact that the three skulls mounted on the thing turned towards Marcus with a grinding sound, their mouths falling open in a silent scream. Immediately it dropped and charged the hunter, its movement a twisting forest of legs and arms.

It was creepy, seeing the three headed skeleton monster focus his attention on him. He raised his sword arm high into the air, slightly tilted towards the creature in a 90 degree angle. While Yuri was taking the brunt of the undead, Marcus charged the skeleton, undaunted by the creature. He bellowed a war cry as he drew close he raised his shield and full on body slammed the monster with his shield protecting him, knocking the creature over The multiple arms and legs began to thrash as he rolled off and turned around striking at the arms one by one, breaking them with his sword. He was about to slam his blade into one of the heads but suddenly another body fell. Right on top of him. Letting out a grunt as the air was knocked out of him, he quickly rolled around till he was out from under the dead body which was slowly trying to get at him.

This gave the Amalgam time to get up, and a few more corpses falling to the ground surrounding him. He started to fight off the undead with precision strikes, lopping off heads, with relative ease. But the bodies kept on dropping, and pushing him back into a corner. "Ah shit." He said as the amalgam continued towards him.

Yuri couldn't help but grin as he threw his full body into a diagonal downwards cut, that tore one of the decaying bodies to its navel. Ripping his weapon free, Yuri turned to see Marcus be dropped by one of the falling corpses. "Hold on!" Yuri shouted as he began to sprint his way towards the sword wielding hunter. As he neared Marcus, Yuri twisted his body so his scythe made a full swing with the force of his entire body behind it, the point of the blade easily breaking into the skull of the shambling body. Now normally one would recover their weapon and continue the offensive, but it seemed that one of the cold fingers had wormed its way deeper into Yuri's thoughts than he had anticipated, as to him it seemed that he almost fell into a waking dream, watching from some far off place as his mouth broke into a wide toothy grin and he let off a slight cackle as he rushed the amalgam. Dropping his shoulder he hit it full force, sending himself and the thing sprawling. He could feel the monster inside himself pushing his body to keep going, but Yuri forced his way back into control, much to the monster's dismay. Rolling backwards Yuri came to his feet next to his weapon, which upon wrenching free he used to continue his bloody assault to cover Marcus.

The Amalgam once more tired to get up, it fumbling slightly as it tried to use limbs that Marcus had hacked away. But it eventually stumbled to its feet and seemed to begin to rampage it's way to the two hunters, crushing any corpses in its way. If undead could be angry, it was livid.

Marcus didn't notice the cackle as he focused on using his shield to bash corpse's and lopping off their heads. Saving his energy for the only sure way of stopping them. He did see the huge amalgam be toppled over again, but before he had the chance of clearing the undead, Yuri had managed to get next to him, easing the load. The man was a weapon, not dignified or trained like a knight, but his attacks were brutal and very effective. The Amalgam came back up and charged both of them. Looking more ferocious than before Crushing it's own minions as he came.

Marcus ran forward, and spun to his left, as he did swinging his all the way around his body and slamming it into it's legs, breaking two with one swing The creature had managed to stop and turn, but not before Marcus jumped and crushed the left head with his sword. Causing the creature to roar in pain. He even managed to smash his shield into the other, but only cracked it as he was thrown off.

He let out a grunt as he rolled backwards and onto his knees. The creature was relentless, rushing up to him and slamming it's remaining arms down upon Marcus. He raised his shield, blocked, parried with his sword as much as he could as he managed to get back onto his feet.

He tried to bash the body again of the Amalgam but he had not enough momentum and it did little to gain him an advantage. He missed one arm as it came from the side and hit him in the side of the face, sending him rolling like a rag doll and losing his sword as it skittered across the stone carpet.

He got back up, dazed though at the blow. "That's the best you can do? My sister can hit harder than that." he said, mostly to himself...he had no idea if the creature could even understand him. He looked for his sword, but while he did he changed his stance to a more defensive one with his shield raised for either attack or defense.

The Amalgam shook as it reared up to its full height, it's remaining arms reached out to seize the knight. Its broken head listed on it's neck as the creature moved, and the more it moved the angrier the thing became, its claw like hands moving rapidly, as if it was waiting to shred Marcus. But just as it began its final assault, Yuri's scythe embedded itself in the thing's shared rib-cages.

Pulling with all his might, the hunter yelled at the top of his lungs as he pulled the amalgam, working an angle on it's bad legs. Once more the thing came toppling down, roaring as it did. Spinning his body, Yuri got out of the way of the thing, but was unable to work his scythe loose before the amalgam toppled, trapping the weapon underneath it's mass.

thinking on his feet Yuri jumped on the amalgam's torso and quickly dropped to his knees, as he began to smash the cracked skull in with his fists and elbows. He could feel the cold working more holds into his mind, but at this point he didn't care, he just wanted this thing dead.

The Amalgam screamed in pain once more as Yuri managed to crack and break the weakened skull. It's hands lashed out wildly, a couple catching Yuri's face and side. The hands gabbed hold and smashed Yuri into the ground as they tore at his flesh. Yuri kicked at the thing and managed to get far enough to stand, blood oozing from the tear marks on his face and a large stain appearing on the side of his overcoat. The Amalgam stood as well, only this time with the loss of two of its heads, its seemed more off balance. Ignoring Yuri's weapon that was till embedded in its ribs, the amalgam roared and began moving. As before it seemed to cut down anything in its way towards it's foes.

Marcus was grateful for the distraction Yuri was able to give as he found his sword. But it was behind more undead. He ran towards it, using the edge of his shield to bash into them as they drew too close. Often having to spin three hundred and sixty degrees to gain the momentum to crush the skulls of the next one.

By the time he got to his sword, the amalgam was standing up once again, and Yuri looked worse for wear. He reached down and gripped his blade backwards, so the pommel was on the inside of his grip.

He then turned and sprinted at the monster, just as another undead was standing back up, he placed his left foot on it's shoulder and pushed off, jumping into the air as he came at the amalgam from the side. As he held the blade reversed, he only had to punch forward for the blade to catch the last head by the neck. easily breaking the last head off. He landed and rolled quickly spinning the sword properly into his hand, spinning and slamming it into it's lower back, severing it's spine,

With it's last head gone, the body of the amalgam shuddered and collapsed in on itself, whatever magic was holding it together undone by the loss. Yuri made his way to his weapon, stomping his boot down on the head a crawling corpse a couple times, until its stopped moving. Shaking his foot, Yuri grabbed his scythe and turned to observe the carnage. Now re-dead bodiess were strewn all over in pieces, bones from the Amalgam were dotted here and there, there were a few bodies still moving slowly, but probably no more than a couple.

Yuri took a deep breath, the sting from his injuries and forming bruises sending an ache shooting through his body. Still he remained standing, seemingly unfazed, but listing ever so slightly. "Well that could have gone much, much worse." He looked over at Marcus "Nice technique by the way."

As he spoke a latch seemed to open as a door appeared behind what once seemed to be the alter of a small shrine. As it opened it revealed a set of descending stairs, thankfully at a flat angle and not the slight incline the room was still in.

Marcus nodded at Yuri when he complemented his technique, He then said, "Impressive fighting style you have." He flicked his blade, blood splattering on the ground. "Never seen anything like it." He looked over to the door that opened, right in front it was the alter, and now he noticed there was a spear...an old spear. that rested upon it. Candles surrounded it and it looked like candles were added ontop of older ones, making a large mess dripping down the side.

He took a few steps forward looking at the spear."What is this?" He said mostly to himself.

"Tag," cackled a voice as a hand reached out and yanked Yuri down into the floor. As though he was standing in quick sand and not on solid stone. Dropping him in the curtained room.
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