Height: ~1.8 Meters. Weight: 55 kgs.
Name: Pablo Legazpi
Age: 16
Nationality: Filipino
Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Pag-Asa Ng Mundo (Hope of the World)
Noble Arm Abilities: Hope Sense - Pablo can sense hope, despair, or even related emotions such as anticipation as long as he has his Noble Arm summoned. This power extends for ten meters in a 360 degree angle around him, allowing the boy to sense people sneaking up behind him.
Hope Manipulation - The Kalis can use Pablo's own hope to create hard-light constructs that are as strong as Pablo's willpower, forcefields which are the same, and of course, heal people. However, the weakness of this is that it uses up
hope, meaning that if Pablo overuses it, not only does he get the normal effects of overexerting himself, but he also falls into deep depression caused by, well, emptying his reserves of hope.
Willing Gift of Hope - Pablo can take another person's hand, and, if said person is willing, take part of his or her hope in order to power his weapons. Can be used on multiple people.
List of Hope Manipulation Constructs:
This is by no means an extensive list; also, Pablo can choose what color his constructs are.
Basic Shield Aura - Pablo projects a basic shield around himself; said shield is a construct that he can move telekinetically and otherwise manipulate, allowing him to fly, float, or add speed and force to his movements. Color is most often Pink.
Wings of Light - Pablo manifests two Angel-like wings from his back, which can be used for additional flight, but are more often meant to intimidate, buffet objects like a blunt club, or sharpen themselves so that they can cut through steel. Colors are most often Pink, Purple, or Rainbow.
Rho Aias - Pablo can create a shield made up of seven flower petals made from light, which, again, is as strong as his willpower. You know the drill; it's colored Pink.
Bigsby's Giant Hand - A giant hand that can be used for punching, holding, and breaking things.
Imitation Object - Pablo can make a hard-light duplicate of an ordinary object, or even a Noble Arms, that has the same colors as the original, but upon touch, is easily detectable as a hard-light object. Useful for deception.
Enuma Eilish - Pablo can create a tornado of energy around his Kalis, and unleash said tornado as a blast of light at a target or group of targets. However, the power of said blast is dependent on 1.) how much hope Pablo has, and 2.) how much hope others are willing to give him with Willing Gift of Hope. Thus, depending on those two factors, Pablo's Enuma Eilish can be C+ Level or even A+. Again, depending on those two factors.
Personality: Pablo is a naturally reckless person who relies on his powers too often, but
can take advice when needed. He also has a high opinion of himself and his intelligence, as well as a sense of self-loathing whenever this high opinion is proven to be wrong. Despite this, however, Pablo is a kind person, one who focuses on helping others as well as himself, and is aware of his flaws. He is someone who wants to have friends, and goes to great lengths to get people to like him and keep liking him.
*Likes: Sweets, Swordsmanship, History and Literature.
*Dislikes: Bullies, Spicy Food.
Fears: Showing his darker side to his peers.
Bio: Pablo's great-grandparents were migrant workers who came to the city of Manila in the Magsaysay Administration, looking for opportunity, and unlike many others, finding it. While said great-grandparents were menial workers, their children, Pablo's grandparents, were lowly clerks, while Pablo's mother became a lawyer and his father an Eskrima instructor. And so, Pablo grew into some wealth and affluence, despite his mother frequently taking on cases for free. Despite this, Pablo's life seemed normal, although he was more intelligent than his peers by a large margin, to the point where he took advanced classes. This made him feel isolated, and also the target of bullies. It became worse when he realized that he was bisexual early on.
He was afraid that if anyone found out, he would be expelled from his family and left out in the streets; he didn't want that. But at the same time, this was what he was born with, and he couldn't change it - he tried. The only people he can confide his secrets to, as well as doubts, were people on the Internet. Yes, foolish idea, but as long as he didn't reveal his name and personal details, he would be all right, right? Wrong, because eventually, one of those people, a woman, found out his personal details and tried to blackmail him for money.
Pablo had to make a choice; risk his secret coming out, or steal from what was not his? He chose the former, and he 'came out' to his mother that day. Surprisingly, his mother was understanding; not entirely approving, but not rejecting, either. And so they chose to confront the potential blackmailer together, Pablo's mother had a gun, just in case.
The blackmailer turned out to be one a former plaintiff that Pablo's mother had successfully prosecuted, and now sought to ruin the life of her family in response. She was also a Noble Arms master with the a Gauntlet that controlled darkness. Caught in a trap, Pablo and his mother risked death...until Pablo manifested his own Noble Arm, the Noble Arm of Hope. Taken by surprise, the blackmailer was defeated through a combination of quick moves and sucker punches by Pablo. And after that, the boy transferred to Trinindad Academy, rejecting offers from more reputable institutions because Trinidad Academy was both in his country and closer to home.
Besides, he wanted to see if the New Director can pull off what he promised...
*Current Goal: See if the New Director
can make Trinidad Academy a place for heroes.
Student Rank: 1000