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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yes." Tsukiko paused for a second as she acknowledged the first part of what Shiyu had said after he had introduced himself to the group and the one to be her partner. She was indeed the Tsukiko Ikushirou he was talking about. She then added as she bowed toward him to return the favor. "Pleasure to meet you." She once again paused wanting to get that off her chest that way she wouldn't give others the wrong impression. It would certainly help establish a better connection if she did things that way. That much was for sure. "Let us do the best we can, okay?" She also added trying to encourage herself and her partener to make sure they gave it their all since she would certainly try to do the same. It was hard to think that way when the fact her mind said some disturbing things to her earlier. She would shake those comments off for now and focus on what she had to do.

She needed to circumvent making the same mistake twice like in her last two duels. That one blunder she made a week ago ate into her mind and certainly didn't show any mercy as it wouldn't go away. The best part was, Shiyu wasn't a dick like a certain person she thought about earlier though she didn't want to think about their name. She found that to be a great trait making him an actual person who cares, because she didn't give a damn about sorry ass excuses or people who only thought of themselves.

Certainly was a plus in her book when it came to her despite how awkward she felt around him. The school needed less ignorant morons like that anyway. She decided to put her trust in her partner Shiyu this time around. Judging by his demeanor, he couldn't be that bad of a person and maybe this person she was thinking about was someone else completely and just looked like him. Shuffling those thoughts aside back into her mind she thought at least Shiyu had some sense of dignity unlike two other people she knew though she wouldn't be naming names at the moment. Now wasn't the time to think about that though for a moment her mind did fade away from the group.

Tsukiko took her attention of the two for a moment as she looked over toward her brother who were leading Brad the person she trusted and the other person who she didn't care whose name was anymore into Arena 1 to duel him. She just hoped that he didn't forget what she asked of him when she whispered into his ear before the two confronted him. Well, she didn't care about the one getting hurt, because he could fall off the Earth and she still wouldn't care. The other one was Brad which was a person she wanted to get to know better. One thing was for sure, the other one and her brother shared the same arrogance which made her grimace. She almost puked at that thought, because she hated to think about that. Shinrei was her brother and it bothered her to compare her to that other person who sat behind her earlier. "Good luck, Brad." She yelled in Brad's direction not knowing if he had heard her or not. It still bothered her that they dueled her brother which was the same level as the people who raided the academy a few weeks ago. He had the experience to go with it too and his mind was strong to not be intimidated by weaklings who flew too high into the sun with their waxed wings like a certain individual she remembered a moment ago.

"Hopefully he tears that paper up. I don't know what possessed me to give it to him in the first place. He would be doing me a great favor by doing that since I could completely disconnect myself from him. Otherwise I'll have to try to steal it back myself." She complained as she remembered a little bit earlier she had handed him a piece of paper with Brad. To never be associated with that other person who ignored her earlier would be quite a luxury since there were eighteen other students who probably had a more interesting personality than that guy anyway. She needed to get her attention away from all that though. It was unsettling and nerve racking that she had to be reminded that she handed the person who she considered the worst of the worst her confirmation number. Worse enough, it tickled her tolerance that he could annoy her if he wanted to which she hated the most. Perhaps she would go and see if she could get a new D-Ceiver so she could just get it all out of her mind. Nah. She thought as she would wait before she did anything rash. There was plenty of time to wait and see if that would become reality since she needed to stop jumping to hasty conclusions for the moment being.

Right now she needed to put all her faith and trust in her partner Shiyu even though he made her feel very uncomfortable. She just didn't have the words for her, but it made her feel a very unpleasant tingle inside her body like she was about to be possessed by a ghost. The feeling shot up her spine which bothered her quite a bit. She had to set this aside for now, because there was a girl in front of her who seemed innocent and very shy. Giving her the kind of impression she was getting from Shiyu wouldn't help her situation at all. Tsukiko decided to approach the nervous girl named Amelia keeping a safe distance not to startle the girl. Unlike most people she had most, she felt a rather warmth inside her that drove her to try to comfort the girl, but she couldn't explain why she felt that way. "You're Amelia, right? I'm Tsukiko Ikushirou, it's very nice to meet you. No need to be afraid or shy of me. I promise you with all the pureness inside my heart that I won't bite." She reminded the girl as she introduced herself to Amelia. There was no need for an introduction to Leander since he met her awhile back when she was accompanying her brother to class. She did though try to offer her hand toward the girl to see if she'd shake it. She could see that she was not in the best condition, but she certainly didn't want to make the atmosphere worse for her given her health.

Amelia managed to give Shiyu a small smile before following Leander. She stuck close to him but stopped and turned around once they were in the arena and Tsukiko adressed her. She managed another small, shy smile before slowly reaching out and shaking Tsukiko's extended hand.
"I-it's a pleasure to... meet you Miss Iku... Ikushirou. A-and you to, Mr.S-Shiyu. I'm Amelia... Amelia Averyonna." She said, struggling a bit with Tsukiko's last name. Once the handshake was done, she moved back over to Leander and looked up with him. "Sorry if we lose in advance."

At first, Leander had no idea who the girl in the hooded cape was. Try as he might, he just couldn't figure out who the girl was, even after she revealed that she knew his name. The cape was certainly doing a good job of hiding the wearer's identity. Her voice was somewhat familiar, though, so that was something at least. Only after she introduced herself as Tsukiko did Leander finally remember who this girl was, a knowing look appearing on his face.
Then Leander finally realized that it was probably a good idea to introduce himself to Shiyu, who he certainly hadn't met until now. "Oh yeah, Shiyu, I should introduce myself too," Leander said to the boy. "My name's Leander Xenovia. It's great to meet ya!" Turning to Amelia, who was apologizing in advance, Leander gave her a wide smile and said, "Don't worry, Amelia. Just have fun, and everything's good." Now announcing to the whole group, Leander said, "Anyway, let's go find a spot to Duel in before they're all taken!"

"I guess it's the hood and veil that is making you so nervous. Here, for you I'll remove it." She said as she grab her hood and pulled it back unveiling her silver hair and letting people get a better glimpse at her crimson red eyes with her other hand while she shook Amelia's hand. Tsukiko's long hair finally came into sight where it stretched down her entire downside completely down toward her lower leg region. She shook her head as she tried to whip it around to get it all outside her cloak so it all flowed down her robe. Even though she didn't want to remove her veil as she preferred to keep her appearance hidden, this girl was pure and probably even innocent and keeping her face covered might come off as scary toward her. It's the least she could do for this girl. "Better?" Tsukiko questioned as she shook Amelia's hand hoping that revealing her entire face would put the girl's mind at ease. Certainly was easier to communicate with someone who didn't look like they were some kind of evil cult which wasn't the impression Tsukiko wanted to give to this girl.

Shiyu kept to himself for the most part, letting everyone take a turn to get to know each other. He didn't really feel like interrupting all of them, even if he was the newest one of them all. Leander found it a great thing to meet Shiyu, to which the boy nodded in reply with a sly grin. But Tsukiko interfered before he got the chance to really say anything, taking off the hood to reveal those silver locks of hair to the other girl. That... Was pretty long. How do you even get it that long...? Either way, that didn't matter much. "Errr... Leander, right? I gotta agree, might be best for us to find an arena to duel in." Shiyu replied, taking a step back to look around. To be honest, that other guy that was going solo seemed like he gave off a really nasty vibe so the arena next to them didn't look like a pleasing option. But there were still two free on the other end of the room. Arenas 1P and 2P. "How about over there?" Shiyu asked, pointing to those two. They'd have to squirm their way through the hallways built underneath the audience seats, but the guy really didn't feel like dueling next to Shinrei.

Amelia turned back to Tsukiko when the older girl spoke to her again, saying she would remove her hood and veil to make Amelia more comfortable.
"No, you don't have..." She began but Tsukiko already removed said items. The older girl's appearence left Amelia speachless for a few seconds. Once she got over her initial shock, she spoke again. "Why were you covering your face up? You look so pretty without anything covering it."

"That looks like a good spot," Leander said in response to Shiyu. Leander made his way over to the Arena, stopping at one of the corners. Leander then readied his Duel Disk, the blade unfolding from its resting position, and the device turning on. "Let's have fun, everyone!"

Shiyu noticed that Leander ran off and quickly followed suit, wanting to get this started as much as the next guy. It was a good thing the guy went along with his idea, too. The white haired boy disappeared into one of the corridors, ending up on the other side of the arena. Seemed like Tsukiko was still a bit behind, but that wasn't of much concern. "Alright, I'm looking forward to this!" Shiyu yelled with excitment, taking out some sort of pad from the pockets of his uniform as well as a deckholder of sorts. The guy threw the pad up into the air, slid his arm into the holder and caught the thing as it was going down on the side of it. The pad's screen lit up with five slots sliding out the front, and two extra ones from the side. "I'm set!" Shiyu shouted over to the other side, letting his opponent(s) know that he was ready.

Tsukiko heard the girl speak toward her when she was about to prepare her duel disk. She also had two brand new cards which were unused which she added to her Extra Deck. While she was preparing her deck and getting everything ready she decided to answer the girl who gave her such a nice compliment, "Why thank you." She paused for a moment remembering that the girl asked her why she covered her face in the first place. She wasn't really sure why she started to wear the hood and the veil. "I'm not sure why I was wearing it. I guess because I just felt like it." She said unsure of the reason why she chose to cover her face in the first place. She would certainly leave it off if the girl felt more comfortable. It wasn't in her interest to startle her in the first place. "Let's follow them." Tsukiko nodded at Amelia as she decided to catch up to Leander and Shiyu not wanting to be rude and leave the girl to follow all by herself.

"You should wear it less often. I'm sure people would like you better that way Miss Ikushirou." Amelia said. When Tsukiko mentioned that they should follow Leander and Shiyu, Amelia nodded and followed alongside the older girl. Once they reached the arena, she made her way over to her corner, activating her duel disk and letting it shuffle her deck for her. "Uuummm... Good luck everyone."

Tsukiko prepared her duel disk as well when it was ready after she had arranged the cards into her deck then shuffled them thoroughly. She considered taking the girl's advice where she answered before she had her duel disk all set up and prepared to duel, "I'll certainly keep that in mind." She remembered that she also wished her luck where she would also return the favor. "Same to you and Leander." She said as she looked over toward Leander as well before she walked off to her side of the field where Shiyu was waiting for her.



"Because friends are meant to support each other, aren't they? And we can be friends, can't we?" Amelia said which almost made Tsukiko laugh in a good way, but right as she was about to a cold looking casual gloomy look was back on her face. Tsukiko remembered earlier that Brad talked about friends. She still didn't quite understand the concept being that she had never had any to begin with. Unless you counted her brother who was more family which put him a higher level than everyone else. "Heh, after what I said back there you'd still call me a friend? Heh, I find that strange." Again the girl almost smiled, but when she attempted to it disappeared before anyone could really notice it. Tsukiko's eyes were full of sadness as you could see the fire that still burned in her eyes unhappy about the result earlier. She had really let herself down and failed at what she was trying to achieve. The fact her deck and strategies weren't working didn't really help her situation either. She lost it near the end putting all her hopes on a prayer that came unanswered. Maybe that wasn't the card she should have put her prayers into. She thought about her opening move and knew had she drawn one other card the duel would have went differently. The card which failed her in the last duel, but had she gotten in the duel she just had she would have won. Neither player had a card that could match a monster with 5000 ATK.

"Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on myself during my previous duel before the tag duel. The card I needed to win the tag duel rejected me not appearing once." Tsukiko revealed as she contemplated again about her duel with Haas. Had she not hated Power Bond like she did in the duel she had now it probably would have pushed bother her opponents into a corner where she could have won that duel. But her anger for Void Twin Dragon really cost her. "I should have had faith in Void Twin Dragon despite it failed me twice. I felt like it was calling to me that duel, but I ignored its call. I summoned Void Dragon instead and had I waited I probably would have been rewarded with the Power Bond Spell Card that cost me heavily in another duel I had." She regretted as you could see it written all over her face as the guilt was slapped on her face. Her distrust in her deck she finally realized was why she lost the tag duel. Thinking about Void Twin Dragon she realized something, both duels it was summoned by her darker counterpart. But her darker counterpart left her with the shame of defeat while it hid within the shadows of her own body. Tsukiko actual self had not summoned the dragon even once. Maybe it didn't like her darker counterpart and that's why it was so determined to shatter her trust in the Void cards.

She then realized something that never occurred to her. She finally was starting to understand that there was a darker version of herself that lie in wait in her body. When she thought Shiyu looked familiar a dark aura erupted around her body and the card Void End Dragon. She had a vision of what looked like her, but wasn't acting like her and there was a boy she was talking to. Then it finally hit her as her eyes widened. Fear embraced her mind as her eyes enlarged when she finally realize why Shiyu looked so familiar. Her darker counterpart had come into contact with that individual and she had to tap into her inner darkness to realize it. "Leander, where's Shiyu?" Tsukiko said frantically as she jumped then realized her Duel Disk and cards were not on her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Shiyu had asked Leander to hand him Tsukiko's cards, so he could return it to her later. She was his tag partner after all, so it felt only just that he did her that little favor. But even as the blonde boy left, the white haired one remained. They stared at the deck of cards clutched inside of their hands with clenched teeth. Some of them were just straight-up mistreated! That girl didn't have any respect for them at all! Not only that, their individual cries... Each of those forty-five cards wailed a song of sadness. The boy couldn't help but stare sorrowfully at them. "This isn't right..." they muttered absentmindedly. This continued on for a little while before they finally took action, scouting out the nearest exit and heading for it.

Shiyu had a feeling that the stairwell was the place to go, for some reason. But maybe that was the cards again, trying to tell him something. "Sheesh... You guys are more vocal than my own deck..." they joked, letting out a rather forced laugh. Cards were like friends to the guy, and lifting up the mood was the job of any good friend. After a bit of walking, Tsukiko's frantic "Leander, Where's Shiyu?" echoed loud and clear it the narrow, vertical room. "I'm here, I'm here." they replied from above, walking down a few more circular steps into sight. It seemed the meek girl from earlier and the blonde boy where there as well. "Oh. Hi guys... Err, Girls." they nonchalantly waved, still holding Tsukiko's disk in the other hand. Speaking of which, as soon ad the guy stopped waving he gave that girl a glare that could crush souls.

"I'm returning something you forgot," Shiyu commented from above. His tone was absolutely frigid, unlike that pleasant one he spoke in during the duel. It was rather obvious the guy was doing everything else, except for enjoying himself. Eventually they came to stand face-to-face with Tsukiko, carefully holding their Duel Disk in one hand. "I can't believe it," Shiyu started to speak with a shaky voice. "I can't believe they'd let a horrible person like you in the academy." he continued. Rage and fury were mixed inside of his voice, and the blue eye was squeezed into a tinier form due to the eyebrow pressing down on it. "The way you treat your cards... They don't trust you at all anymore. Not one bit. I can hear their voice... Their heart. A-And..." the boy lectured on, but bit his lip at that last part. He looked like he was about to burst into tears, with that face of his... "...Just take them already! I can't stand listening to this any longer..." he shouted in her face, with the hand holding the Duel Disk shaking heavily.
The man standing outside of the Principal's office was polite to the Ray twins, even when questioning about why someone would bring the practice version of their weapon of choice with them. It didn't take too long for them to get called inside, greeted by a young and short nurse at the door. When they stepped inside they could see the luxurious sight of paintings, plants and the absolutely stunning view just as others have before this point. Only, most of them had seen them because of less than stellar reasons. "Welcome, welcome!" the old coot greeted from behind his mahogany desk whilst in the middle of putting away some documents. "My, my, though... Aren't the lessons going on right now? You're not skipping class, are you?" he questioned them both, with the atmosphere suddenly becoming a lot more dark and cold.

But that lifted almost as soon as it came, with the old man letting out a hearty laugh. "Well, no matter! You two must be here for a very important reason, I'm sure. Otherwise you'd never think of visiting the principal's office during class time. So, sit down!" they beckoned, gesturing to the two seats in front. Once Hayate and Hayato had taken a seat, the man had his nurse Jay dismissed for a little bit. He placed both elbows on the desk in front of him, gazing over the folded hand palms at the Ray twins. "So, what brings you here?" the headmaster asked them, somewhat eagerly awaiting their response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Leander accepted Tsukiko's invitation and sat down next to her. He listened to what she had to say about Void Dragon and Void Twin Dragon, nodding as if he understood. Then Tsukiko asked about Shiyu. "Hmm... where is Shiyu...?" Leander asked thoughtfully. Fortunately for them, Shiyu appeared quite quickly. "Hey, there you are!" Leander said cheerfully as he raised a hand in greeting, though Shiyu seemed to have other matters on hand to respond to him. Shiyu made an outburst about the cards and their lack of trust in Tsukiko. "Uhh..." Leander said once it was all over, then turned to Tsukiko. "What was that all about?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Angelo nodded to Ben as he said to get his guys on the field, which meant that Angelo had to avoid his usual trick with his falcon. Angelo looked around. "Well, it looks like we don't have a lot of options in terms of dueling partners, but lets do our best," Angelo said as he put his cards away and shuffled them before putting them back into his duel disk. "Well, let's go and hope we can win," Angelo said, but the hope was more for him. He was getting sick of losing and he wanted to win.

Ben grinned at Angelo and nodded, setting the duel disk on his arm to the proper settings and shuffling his deck nice and cleanly before inserting it into the duel disk. He bounced up and down and breathed in, slowly psyching himself up for the upcoming duel. One could never be too prepared for a challenge, and Ben wouldn't let this opportunity pass him by to prove himself more than capable as a duelist. But would Lady Luck be so nasty to him as it was last time? "We got this, don't worry! Even if we lose, it's all good. It's only important that we try our best. It's not winning or losing that matters, it's showing off your skills! I'm ready when they are!"

"I'm doing alright," Michelle said in response to Joshua. Michelle looked around and noticed that people were already beginning to find their partners and opponents for the Tag Duels. Not wanting to fall behind and find some good opponents before they were all gone, Michelle said to Joshua, "Um, maybe we should find some people to Duel before it's too late."

"Yeah, I suppose we should, shouldn't we.." Joshua said, getting up from his seat before lazily looking around the room. He quickly spotted Ben and Angelo and pointed them out to Michelle. "What about them? Think your Lightsworns will be able to handle them? Or are you using a new deck now, given how things went last time?"

Michelle looked down over at Ben and Angelo, then at her Duel Disk and replied, "Yeah, sure, they look good. Oh, and I, uh, I'm actually using a new deck. It's not really a, um, a specific archetype. It's about Spell Counters, really."

"So, like a Spellbook deck kinda. Still, that could prove interesting as a combo deck." Joshua said before moving over to Angelo and Ben, tapping the former on the shoulder. "Yo, you two taken?"

Angelo soon noticed that two people came over to them and they asked if they were taken. "Not at all. I'm guessing the both of you want to duel us?" Angelo asked with a smile, thinking that maybe they had a chance against them.

Joshua could've smacked his forehead at the question.
"Words fail." He said simply before sighing. "Of course that's what we came for. Nothing else to do here, now is there?"

Angelo frowned a little at him when he said that like a smartass. "No need to be rude about it, you know. After all, you could start by saying 'hi' and 'yes'," Angelo said to him, starting to understand why Angelo has never talked to him before. Angelo was honestly starting to think that Ben was a good choice as a partner.

"True enough, but I would assume anyone approaching me in this class is looking for a duel unless I have reason to believe otherwise." Joshua said.

"Look ladies we can save the arguments for the duel. I'm ready to go when you guys are. I've got my deck shuffled and ready! I'm just waiting on you guys too get your act together and duel. So how about it we going to sit around like a bunch of house wives or are we going to get our games on?" Ben asked with a smile as he pointed at the other boy with his finger. "Give all you got hold nothing back!"

Michelle looked away awkwardly when the arguing began. She would have liked to stop it, but she felt too nervous to attempt it. Fortunately, Ben seemed to already be on the case. On that note, Michelle smiled ever so slightly and suggested, "Let's go find an arena to Duel in."

"I never hold back in a duel. It really comes down to the cards I draw, and if I am able to use them." Joshua said, looking over at Ben. "But I do agree, we'll settle this in a duel."

Angelo sighed a little when Ben had stopped the situation from escalating by saying not to hold anything back and to duel. Angelo didn't like the housewives bit, but Angelo knew he was just saying it so he would get them to move past the argument. "Well, the only thing to do now is find an arena and see who has the better tag team," Angelo said, leading the group to where the arenas were to see which was available.

Angelo soon found an empty arena for them to take as he lead the way, taking one side. He waited for everyone to get in their positions before he called out, "Duel start!" Then just as he said it, the holograms started to work, each players' status was put on screen above the middle of the arena itself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 9 days ago

After being called in when Hayato stepped into the office he was impressed by the interior design of the office, it almost reminded him of his fathers office though his father's office was more simplistic "You have a impressive office sir" Hayato politely commented as he sat down and also beckoned his sister to enter who looked nervous compared to the confident brother "I-I'm here..." Hayate said kind-off out of character she never really tried talking to anyone important approaching the chair next to Hayato "G-good morning..." Hayate said bowing thinking its polite to do so before taking a seat next to Hayato "U-um... well... it's... I..." Hayate kind off tried to get her words out but and couldnt think of way of starting the conversation and was shortly interrupted by Hayato "Can't come up with words huh? i'll help you out then..." Hayato said placing his head on Hayate taking over "So sir... my sister wanted to request something and its very important to her... but i can probably explain some of it but the request will have to come from Hayate... Hayato said and continued talking "You see... Our mother is a very busy woman who invents and develops various duel equipment and or ways to display people cards without having to engage in duels... but due to this she barely has any time to visit Hayate who has been alone for around 5 years... I myself have been busy traveling with my father..." Hayato started to ramble about business and what his mother and father had been doing the last few years trying to get every single detail only stopped by being interrupted by Hayate "Hayato It's okay now... you are going on for too long now... So what my brother is trying to say I have been alone for 5 years... and mama only has time off 2 days a month and mama really likes seeing me during those 2 days... so I was wondering if it was possible for her to visit... I told her she could visit before even asking you..." Hayate said to the principle as she finished up looking at the man a bit concerned about what she promised her mother
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EviiPaladin
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EviiPaladin Generating Dank Memes Since 1993

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shinrei only ever so slightly acknowledged the arrival of his two opponents, Vincent and Brad, by opening one eye as they did. He'd heard footsteps take place on the opposite end of the arena, and had to sigh once they stopped. "I can't believe you people are this slow. I could have finished a duel in the time it took you to get here." they sneered to the duo, stretching out his arm to let the Duel Disk on it activate. "Unlike you two, I'm not a fan of wasting time. Let's get this over and done with." he commented, now having both eyes opened and gazing straight into Vincent's eyes. That boy in particular had an aura of mischief around him, and that look in his eyes showed Shinrei that he can at least expect a serious effort from them. Whether their effort was good or not, though, he'd have to find out in this duel.

Vincent was quite honestly getting ticked off by the personality of the guy opposite him, It seemed like Shinrei was either a uptight delusional asshole or was actually just generally an asshole. Either way Vincent disliked the guy. Or felt sorry for him, besides the guy seemed at the very least to be able to put up a interesting fight. Vincent looked over to Brad. "Why just show him what we can dowhy not show him how bad of a idea it is to underestimate the opposition." Vincent said making sure Shinrei was out of ear shot as he ready his duel disk.

Brad nodded at Vincent, before hearing the good luck wish from Tsukiko. He turned to repeat the sentiment to her but she was already beginning her duel. Part of him felt bad for Shinrei; his own sister siding with his opposition. But then again, Shinrei seemed to have a severe case of beingadickitis and Vincent's proposed treatment sounded like a good start on the cure.

Shinrei raised an eyebrow due to the silent treatment he was getting, just because of how strange it was. But it also had been surprisingly refreshing, as it wasn't needless banter like some others tried to initiate. He watched the both of them ready their Duel Disks with a slight curve of their lips. An upwards curve, that is. "Good. Seems like you get it." Shinrei commented, before drawing his five cards.

"DUEL!" proclaimed the tag team, meeting silence from their opposition.

Turn 1: Shinrei
Shinrei: 8000 LP, 5 cards in hand
Vincent & Brad: 8000 LP, 5/5 cards in hand

Shinrei looked over the five cards in his hand, but then felt something ring in his coat's pocket. "Hm?" they muttered to themselves, folding the stack of cards back on top of each other and taking out a cellphone. Ignoring Brad and Vincent, Shinrei started to talk with someone from his company. "...Alright, I understand." Shinrei finished the conversation, shoving the phone back where it came. "I'll surrender. As much as I'd love to break you guys, more pressing matters are at hand." Shinrei dismissed the two students, deactivating his disk. He also took it off, throwing it to the floor. "Can't say it's been fun being here, but I'll have to go. 'Good luck' with your studies," the boy sarcastically wished them before walking out of the door, and thus also out of sight.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The principal of the school nodded in agreement to Hayato complementing his office, even adding a "Why thank you, m'boy!" to show how pleased he was. "No need to be so nervous, child. It's unbecoming of such youth," the principal laughed with a creaky voice, beckoning Hayate to sit down. He listened carefully to Hayato and Hayate's explanation of the problem, closing his eyes and nodding infrequently. "Hm... That is serious, yes." They confirmed the two students' worries, rolling back a little in their wheelchair. The principal turned around for dramatic tension, now facing the window. "So, the reason you skipped class was for this?" they asked Hayato and Hayate, their voice able to send chills down the spine of even Colonel. Then the principal turned 180° in an instant, looking at the twins with a beaming smile on his face. "Such a pure and innocent request! Very well, I will allow it. I'll take some notes now and work out the details with you later," he energetically replied.

"Oh, my! Look at the time..." the principal suddenly commented, raising up their finger to point at a grandfather clock in the far end of his office. The time showcased that this hour's classes were about to end soon. He cleared his throat and told them: "Well, it's time to return to class! Jay, would you please help them out of my office?" Jay could only nod in response, politely ask the twins to stand up and guide them out of the door. She helped them inside the elevator, wishing Hayate and Hayato good luck with their studies. The principal leaned back in his wheelchair, but as soon as he did, the telephone went off. They picked it up, answering with a curt "Yes?" After a bit of back-and-forth, the caller finally got to the point. "Shinrei Ikushirou has... Left the building you say?"
Shinrei clicked his tongue as he made his way down the staircase, wondering where his sister could have run off to. The damn enterprise wanted the both of them to return because someone screwed up and couldn't manage it on their own. But it didn't seem like there was anything of interest to be found here after all, and his sister hated the place. So it was probably for the best they left. Surprisingly enough, Shinrei actually found his blood relative without much issue... Though surrounded by who'm she had dueled with earlier. "You kids should go back to class," was all he told them, before shifting his gaze to Tsukiko. "Tsukiko, get your things. We're leaving again," he told her and didn't bother to stick around for a reply. Tsukiko accepted the deck back from Shiyu with scorn, disappearing down the stairwell alongside her brother.

Shiyu looked a bit miffed at what just happened, being unable to lecture Tsukiko on how she treated her cards. He sighed, turning back to Amelia and Leander as they both seemed to be confused at what was going on. "I'm sorry about that," they apologized. The boy rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, then quickly added: "I'll tell you some day what I meant by that. But not today, alright? We should get back to class, I'm sure the teacher wouldn't want us to loiter around here. I just hope we come off the hook easy, haha..." Shiyu tried to laugh and reassure the other duo, looking up the staircase. "I'll go first, like in the duel! See you guys in a bit," the boy cheerily told them before scooting off at light speed up the staircase.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Amelia Averyonna


"Miss Ikushirou..." Amelia began, only to stop when Shiro arrived on the scene. She turned to wave at the boy, only to stop when she caught the intensity of his glare. She thought his words to Tsukiko were rather harsh but also agreed on some level that the way the older girl had reacted a bit inappropriately. She was once again about to speak when Shiro was done, but then Tsukiko's older brother showed up and told her they were leaving.

Amelia watched as one by one, everyone left until it was only Leander and herself. Despite Shiro's warning, the girl simply turned back to look out at the desert before them. Her thoughts drifted between Shiro's words to Tsuki and whether or not it was best for the other girl to actually leave the school. Maybe she should try to stop her? But it sounded like Tsuki and her brother had been ordered to go somewhere else. If that was the case, she couldn't really do much. Giving up on that, as much as she didn't want to, she sighed before turning to Leander.
"I guess... we should do as Shiro said... shouldn't we?" She asked, her tone a bit upset.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Angelo left the area and he went back to where they stated from before the teacher asked them to the duel area. He sat down at a desk and proceeded to relax. Losing was becoming a regular thing for him and unfortunately it wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to win a few at least but with everyone advancing their decks week by week it would be much harder for Angelo to catch up if he didn't make some changes soon...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Leander Xenovia

Leander was still a little confused about the situation, but it seemed like there was no longer time to think about the issue as Shinrei appeared on the scene. Leander gave Shinrei a friendly wave and smile, which Shinrei seemed to ignore, of course, as he only spared his time for his sister Tsukiko. "Leaving? Where ya going?" Leander asked the two, but they didn't answer. Shiyu went on to apologize about his rant before running off back to class. Leander didn't know what to make of this. Friends were just leaving left and right... he wasn't sure if he like it. No wait, of course he didn't; however, there wasn't much he felt he could do about it, which felt like a shame to Leander. Still, at least one person was still around.

Turning to Amelia, Leander replied, "Ehh, yeah, we probably should. Can't have Transformer mad at us, after all." Leander then extended an open hand towards Amelia and displayed a wide grin as he said, "Let's get a move on."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ethel gave a hardly noticable nod in response to all the affirmation she was getting from everyone. It seems the girl didn't have to do much to win them over. She bowed to Maisy and Andre out of politeness, and added in a "Then it is settled," when her back was straightened again. The girl looked around the room, seeing that most arenas were already taken at that time... Though strangely enough, one duel seemed to end early. The one with that silver haired boy from Light, whom Ethel forgot their name. Well, it seemed like that arena was free at least. "Let us go." She spoke, though it nearly sounded like an order. The girl was the first to leave as per her suggestion, or well, silent suggestion. They took the proper route through the hallways connecting to one end of the arena, taking her spot and waiting for the others to arrive as well.

Andre followed the girl as they went to their spots on the arena. He stood on the left most spot and held his hand forward. "Come at me then! I'll show you the power of the darkness! My archfiends will rend flesh from bone!" Andre said with a chuckle at his own haminess. He was in a good mood after finding out that his partner actually had a fairly compatible deck with his. Still he wasn't foolish enough to let it go on from there. In fact he was already regretting opening his mouth. He was already Light Dorm's freakshow, he didn't need to further that annoying title along even more. Still he wondered how well the duel would start off for him. Even the best duelists fell prey to a bad hand every once in awhile. "I'll go first for my team, but I'll let you guys go first. Seems more than fair." Andre said with a cockiness that befitted that of a guy in his position.

Maisy blinked a couple of times at Andre's eagerness, and just smiled a little, scratching the side of her hat for a moment before saying: "Um...I guess I'll be going last then." before she gave Andre a thumbs-up. She didn't really know how Archfiends worked in the slightest, but was glad that Andre had confidence in her deck. Opting to focus on supporting those Archfiends as best she could, Maisy readied her duel disk and slotted her deck into it.

Ignia had followed Ethel like a sheep followed the shephard, "I guess I'll let Ethel go first." Ignia declared with a slight shrug. She was ready for this duel, even though she was absouletly destroyed by Ethel on her own, perhaps working with 9/10 could elevate Ignia to new more powerful heights or she could just be riding on Ethels glorious coattails either one was fine by Ignia. She slotted her deck into her academy duel disk her face becoming slightly more serious but not quite.

Ethel cast a sideway glance at her partner who suggested she went first, letting out a quiet and dissapointed sigh. She had been hoping that her partner took the initiative on her own, since her deck seemed to be focusing on needing to set up, but she wasn't going to complain about it. "I accept, then." Ethel aimed at both Andre and Ignia, raising up her Duel Disk. "Not letting me attack... Interesting." Ethel threw at Andre in particular, a small smirk starting to creep up behind the collar of her hoodie.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The tag duels drew to a close, with Haas, Nathan, Camryn and Megan's duel lasting the longest out of all of them. Leander, Amelia and Shiyu managed to arrive back to the arena floor right in the nick of time, and both Hayate and Hayato were able to witness the tail-end of the class they missed. Everyone lined up in front of Transformer, a man whose expression was as stern as ever. They looked over every single duelist without saying a word, pausing each time he jumped to a new person for exactly five seconds. Those five seconds could instill fear in the hearts of even the most fearless beasts, and it told the students everything they needed to know. Finally, when the face-checking was done, Transformer settled on Shiyu, Leander and Amelia as the fist victims. "YOU THREE ALL HAVE DETENTION TOMORROW FOR RUNNING OUT OF CLASS, UNDERSTOOD?" Transformer turned up his chin, then continued. "REGARDLESS. YOU ALL HAD NO TEAMWORK. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU PLAYED AS IF YOU WERE ON YOUR OWN, WITHOUT REGARD TO HOW YOUR PARTNER WAS DOING. YOU HAVE FAILED. LEANDER AND AMELIA, YOU ARE STUDENTS OF THE STANDARD COURSE. I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU," he lectured. "NEVERTHELESS, YOU ALL DUELED WELL. THAT'S MORE THAN I CAN SAY FOR OUR NEXT DUO," Tranformer shouted. He turned his head to Angelo, Ben, Joshua and Michelle.


"YOUR OPPONENT SHOWED COWARDICE, AND I CAN NOT FAULT YOU FOR THAT. BUT YOU SHOULD NOT LET ANGER DRIVE YOUR DUELS, MR. MORRISON. THAT IS ALL." Truth be told, there wasn't much Transformer COULD say to them with Shinrei's sudden departure. Now all that was left was to address the last four that didn't get a lecture: Ignia, Ethel, Andre and Maisy. "AS FAR AS DUELING PROWESS GOES, YOU FOUR DID THE BEST OUT OF ALL OF THEM. GOOD JOB. HOWEVER, ANDRE, YOU SHOULD NOT TRY TO DO EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN. YOU TREATED YOUR DUEL AS A ONE-ON-ONE, AND THAT KEPT YOUR FROM WINNING. I AM ESPECIALLY SURPRISED BY YOU, IGNIA. YOUR INSIGHT AND TEAMWORK LED TO THAT VICTORY." With that, all of the pairs had gotten a lecture sans for the two that had left. But there were two more people in the room. "THE PRINCIPAL INFORMED ME. YOU TWO ARE IN THE CLEAR," the teacher shouted to the Ray twins.

After that, the lessons went on for about twenty more minutes of Transformer yelling and instructing. He demonstrated a few strategies you could use to aid your partner, after which the bell rang signalling classes had ended for the day. "YOU ARE ALL DISMISSED." Transformer finished his class, leaving the students to their regularly scheduled free time.
Shiyu felt bummed about getting detention tomorrow, but it was kind of his own fault too. He couldn't really blame anyone but himself for that. Aside from that, the boy sat through the lesson patiently and with as little hearing problems as possible. Once it was over and done with, he sheepishly walked back over to Leander. "That detention stinks, huh?" Shiyu asked them with a little smile, trying to get those two to notice him. "I guess it's better than the Dark Dorm, right? I herd there were some students from that dorm that are causing trouble. It's crazy they'd even design a dorm for them... Any other school would just kick them out," the boy chatted it up. He whispered that last part just to be safe, looking away at the same time. He turned back to Leander soon enough, though. "Anyway, what do you plan on doing now?" he asked them.
Ethel had kept in the back to let her pains fade away, which they eventually decided to do. It's a miracle what 20 minutes of rest can do to you. She felt a lot more energetic now that the persistent stinging feeling was gone, but didn't quite know what to do now. Then she noticed possibly the last person Ethel wanted to talk to: Angelo. Funnily enough, because of the rumors, she did actually have something to discuss with him. It was going to be awful for sure, but there was a good reason for all of this. Ethel looked over her shoulder to a worried Ignia, nearly giggling because of the faces she was making. "Wait here. I need to do something." she told Ignia, the thing sounding more like an order than a request.

Ethel rose up from her seat and began walking over to where Angelo was. She was smart and careful enough to stay out of his line of sight for as long as possible, until it was no longer an option as the girl was basically right next to him. She immediately felt the urge to slap the bastard for the sexist behaviour last time they interacted, but refrained from doing so. "You." she addressed him, scorn in her voice. "You're the one that modifies Duel Runners?" she asked him in a deadpan voice, trying her best to hide the loathing in her voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ben was stupefied to say the least he couldn't help but feel being called careless was a bit right and wrong at the same time. Sure his reckless plays had forced a nightmare wheel on his team but he couldn't just dawdle his fingers and let his opponents keep building up a field. He had to make a fight worth noting and he gave it his all. He doubted if it was a single duel either player would've been able to stop him singularly. Not to knock Angelo of course but he felt if he had not been put under the restraint of the tower of babel he'd have been able to win that duel in a better fashion. But at the end of the day he did lose the duel. He had no right to complain one way or another about the outcome as his big brother always told him, 'Winning isn't what's important all of the time. It's about what you take away from that win or loss that's important. The real losers are the people who didn't walk away with any real improvement.' So all that meant for Ben was that he had to nut up and shut up and learn how to play better. It was his fault that they didn't win if he had been better...if he had drawn Merlin faster...Ben only could think about the problem at hand before he got up and left the room quickly his intent on perhaps getting more cards for his deck or maybe seeing what others thought about his knights. No man is a mountain after all.


Andre sat at his seat bewildered at first...Ben had lost? How? How in the name of the devil had his brother, the god damn golden boy of his family, lose!? What in god's green fuzzy earth had led to that event? According to Doctor Loud Mouth no one there was worth noting. He could only wonder if that girl Michelle was the reason Ben had lost...he'd figure that out on his own later. But what came next shocked him and confused him. HE WAS ONE OF THE TOP FOUR?! What in god's name lead the man to conclude that? Two Armageddon knights, and a field spell were his contributions to the team. His partner went all out and shot herself in the foot. That was NOT DUELING. Was he referring to his milling choices? Archfiend Queen being the first and the combination of his thought of plan to pull out a big play with Skull Archfiend the next turn? Maybe that was it but in the end his performance was BEYOND pitiful in truth. He was still in need of tutoring which was why he was here. Perhaps in the future he'd get stronger. He supposed he'd take solace in the fact that at least his only downside was something he couldn't possibly have had a word in for. After Maisy's destruction he couldn't possibly have done anything to help her even if he wanted to at that point in time. The nitpick was only for nitpicking sake. Well at least Andre had a good reason to stick to single duels. Andre reached out into his pocket and pulled out a card he had traded away for his chicken game. He looked at it and chuckled, "I'm going to make good use of you. You can bet I will..." Andre chuckled quietly as he quickly pocketed his card back. He wondered who would be the first poor sod to have to fight his new ace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Angelo sighed as he was chewed out by the professor saying about Angelo hesitation and Ben's recklessness seemed accurate but honestly Angelo could hardly be called a coward for being careful. He felt that it was a good assumption at the very least though but neither his deck or Ben's was meant for tag team duels like this. Besides Angelo never really understood who would want to do this Angelo thinks that tag team duelists simply couldn't make it on their own or depended to much on their own friendship to win. Angelo simply would take this as a lesson on a different way to duel.

Angelo turned surprised to see Ethel even talking to him at all since the last time he talked to her she seemed close to killing him. Then when she asked if he modified duel runners then Angelo understood that this was business so no flirting this time around. 15 points for a modification of either duel runners or duel disks 30 for both. I do mainly personalization options if you want me to look into your engine to improve it or something along those lines then understand I do not add anything that would give you an unfair advantage depending on that design you want it could take up to 2-3 weeks to finish. If you want a paint job only then you set up an appointment with me. If you don't like anything I just said then do it yourself for free" Angelo said giving her a serious look of someone doing a deal with business he wasn't trying to flirt with her or give her any bull he wanted this done and dealt with....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Joshua Tamashii

Joshua listened to the deafening speech, if you could even remotely call it that, of the Transformer and when it came to him, he simply shrugged at the professor, clearly not going to disagree but at the same time, he felt their teacher was more then a little off the mark. He had to wonder if that was simply the guys style, to talk people down only to try and build them up again. Well, maybe the guy had spent too much time in the military or something. He returned to his seat after the verbal beat down was done, he took notes like a good student until class was over. Getting up, he left with the others and walked around until he found an empty bench, relaxing on it with his hands behind his head while staring up at the ceiling absently.
"The hell is that teacher's deal
?" He wondered to himself. "That teaching style is about as appropriate as cruel and unusual punishment. What is it, some sort of weeding out the weak bull?"

Amelia Averyonna

Amelia thought things might get better once they were back at class but it seemed like life was in the mood to play with her today. Getting up with everyone else and lining up in front of the teacher was one thing but him staring down at her so intently make her exceptionally nervous. As if that wasn't enough, he began shouting again. She didn't mind the detention, though she thought it was a bit unfair. They had gone out to try and help a fellow classmate, was that so wrong? In the end, she returned to her seat once the Transformer was done and had to take a minute or two to stop shaking before she began taking notes. Once class was over, she had to force herself to leave normally. Once she was out of that room, she put as much distance between herself and that thing as she could took a seat just outside one of the card shops, just trying to calm herself down a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ben couldn't help himself from noticing a girl from his class rush by him in a distressed state. Ben bit his lip and hoped she was alright but he figured it would be better to let her just deal with her problems on...her...own. No that wasn't nice of him yeah he should mind his business but what kind of person would he be if he just let her go and shake all on her own. Ben walked over to a nearby vending machine and pulled out his wallet. He put some of his money into it and bought a water bottle with a jack atlas seal of approval on it and a milk chocolate candy bar before considering to himself if he should keep on with his plan. He didn't want to seem like he was harassing the young lady but he also didn't want to come off as creepy. But more over he couldn't live with himself if he didn't help another person in need. It wasn't something he could stand for.

Ben shook his head and made up his mind as he walked over calmly to the young woman with a smile on his face. He cleared his throat before he walked up to her and in his gentle tone he asked, "Hey there are you ok? Would you like something to drink?" Ben asked with a cheerful expression as he offered her the sealed up water bottle with Jack Atlas on it. He kept the chocolate in his pocket for good measure.

@Joshua Tamashii
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Megan winced at Transformer's yelling, at least there'd be a compliment mixed in there as well. Of course as soon as talked about carelessness Megan immediately scribbled it down in her notebook. She wasn't entirely sure what he meant by that but she could worry about that later. After some more yelling, some of which was actually helpful, the bell gave their poor ears a break. Megan eagerly bumped Camryn, "Come on, lets go get some grub." she said and began running towards the elevator to get there before everyone else did. After all they probably weren't the only ones going for food.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 9 days ago

The two of them arrived and were quickly confronted by "Transformer" yelling at them saying that they are in the clear Hayato ignored what he had said and had heard everything that had happened and was temped to just say something back to him but he knew he'd only get in trouble if he did and turn around and left for the gym like he said he would "I'm heading off to the gym Hayate please sleep properly alright? i don't want to see you be late this often" Hayato said to Hayate leaving before Hayate could even respond

Hayate watched her brother leave and thought to herself that she really wanted to try a action duel and spotted Haas the first person she met at the academy and walked up to him tapping his shoulder Haas! It's me! are you planning on doing something?" Hayate asked hoping she can arrange a duel
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