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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xaiver let out a soft moan stopping himself form moving his horse anymore,Turning his head to see the demonic man fallen over and on the ground along with his steed.Getting off his own horse and helping the man onto his feet brushing the dirt form the body making sure that he was okay.

The blonde haired man moaned once more getting the man to his feet hoping that the man was not injuries or had broken any bones.Xavier knew a little bit of bandaging people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc thanked Xavier for helping him up, though it had looked more like Xavier pulling himself down. "It collapsed. Please help me get my armor off, I hope it can carry my bodyweight alone without struggling too much." He felt embarrassed and it was quite obvious that he did so. "When we're in Meche I'll search for something better." Without his armor, he was indeed pretty vulnerable. Luckily this was the main road, so nothing really dangerous to expect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier did as he asked removing the armor of the man blushing a little form seeing his body,Although that could not be seen because he had his helmet still on.After removing his armor the mute man handed him a piece of parchment with something written on it,"Is their a way to store your armor on your horse or are you leaving it behind?" Was what was written on the parchment paper.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc raised an eyebrow. "Leave it behind ? I'd rather walk before doing that!" he answered decisively. He started thinking and looking around if he had got any ropes or something with him to tie the armor to the saddle. He hadn't. So he placed it loosely across the saddle, hoping that it wouldn't drop down too often.

He had two horses, one would only carry the armor and his weapons and one would carry him. He tensed his legs, then jumped so he could get onto its back without having stirrups. Certainly Xavier wouldn't have any of his problems, as just by looking at him Madawc could see that he was so much more lithe tham him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Soon enough the two started to move on their very quiet journey,When they finally arrived at the capital of Meche a city called Ja'rel that was not as large as the capital of Bravado and not as clean and fancy as it but was good enough.The young mute made his way towards the palace of the king hoping that he would not be angry for Xavier being late or was just a anxiety that he was having.

Walking though the city their was many prying eyes mostly towards Xavier who was wearing his scare yet impressive armor.Some turned their heads some where even looking at Madawc strangely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc was glad that Xavier, or better what he was wearing, was attracting pretty much all of the attention. It had been so long since he had been in such a buzzing town. That explained why he had no idea where the young man was actually heading to. Things had changed, the demon-man had no idea about the current roster of kings, lords and nobles and even less about where they lived. However it didn't take that long until the pompous building came into his view. "Erm... Xavier ? You do indend going in there ? Perhaps then I should be waiting outside for you ?" There were plenty of taverns around here, and he had some coins left in his pockets. And the architecture itself was literally bombarding him with opportunities to investigate and be astonished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier just nodded his head thinking that he could head inside and give the message before heading back to meet with him,Letting out a soft moan before heading towards the luxurious building in front of them where the king lived.Soon enough Xavier was inside of the building leaving his horse waiting outside.

Heading into the foyer before long being lead into the building bowing to the king who was a jolly looking man nodding back at the young man with a smile. Business then was conducted as Xavier gave the king the letter who looked over at it then looking at the council around him."Very good...good to know that your king is not as greedful as i thought" The king spoke which made Xavier scold the man form behind his helmet.

The king had asked him to stay in the castle since it had been a long ride for him but the mute humbly refused since his friend was waiting for him and he wanted to stay with his friend to keep him company."How nice.." The king muttered while the others in the council were gossiping like midwives.

After their conversation the mute warrior was sent away and meet with Madawc at the local inn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc was sitting on a chair with his feet resting on another. In front of him on the table was a really big meal composed of meat, bread and a bit of wine. Apparently he was enjoying the sun touching his skin - there wasn't that much of it in the woods. He waved at Xavier and pointed at another chair.

When the young man was close enough so he hadn't to speak loudly all across the place, Madawc started talking: "So... was your audience a success ?" He took another large bite of his meal, leaning back lazily in his chair. He wondered if it would be too indiscreet to ask about the circumstances. "And what are you gonna do now ?" It would've been a bit of a shame to loose contact to him already.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier took a seat beside the pudgy man looking over at the meal with some disgust because of now much their was,Taking off his helmet placing it on the table beside him.He ordered some milk for himself form the bar maid who nodded and went to get his order,Writing down something on a piece of parchment and handing it to his companion.

"I am going to head back to Bravado to receive my reward,But i don't know if my king will have a job for you" Was what was written on the parchment as the barmaid came by with the cold glass of milk which the mute took a drink of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Xavier looking disgusted didn't go unnoticed. "Why are you looking the way you are looking ?" Madawc asked straightforwardly. He continued eating at a rapid rate, his chair creaking when he got his feet off the other.

"Hm. Perhaps I'll just follow you and give it a try. Don't have that many friends around. But give me a few hours to look around here first, please."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier moaned softly like he wanted to apologize for the look but couldn't say it,Quickly writing something like he was in a hurry handing it to Madawc."I did not mean to offend you i apologize,Well you can come with me to Bravado if you want too" Was what was written on the parchment.

The young mute took another sip of his glass of milk looking at the ground in shame.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc read the parchment and laughed as he finally understood why Xavier had been looking this way. "Oh, you didn't really offend me. I was just wondering..." He looked at his meal and then at his belly. "I haven't always been pudgy, but the demon part in me is hungry like hell."

He tried to give the young man an encouraging gesture. "Perhaps I should walk while you ride along. What do you think ?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier wrote something else on the parchment making a quick note that he would need to buy more parchment and ink,"Well i didn't want to be rude and have you be angry at me. Im pretty skinny so i will need to build muscles for my body,You can walk with me if you like i would like that alot" Was what was written on the piece of paper.

The mute was now looking down at the now empty glass of milk,Meanwhile a group of merc came into the bar taking a seat on a table across the room that would have a view of the two.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Oh... well... yeah perhaps it would be better if you get a bit beefier. But that will take time. I've got a significant advantage as I'm..." He noted the group of persons looking like mercenaries too late. He continued to whisper, but the fact that he had started the sentence using a normal voice and then had continued it whispering would be suspicious by itself. "Well you know what I am."

Madawc pushed himself out of the chair, giving Xavier a subtle sign to follow him. "I don't know if you want to become so bulky as I am. With my belly added to that I'm weighing almost 300 pounds." He started adding up the money he had left in his mind, estimating if it could suffice to buy a really strong horse if he would manage to sell the two he had.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Xavier pit down some gold pieces onto the table to pay for his glass of milk and heading out the bar looking at the mercs staring at them.He had a bad feeling about them they could be people who are trying to hurt him in someway,Pulling his helmet back on his head as he walked outside hoping the mercs did not follow them.

Instead they got knights dressed in white standing across form them,"Stop right there...i need you two to speak to the High Councilor Marcus...he has a job for you two" The leader of the white knights wearing what seems like feathers on the sides of the leader's helmet.Also telling form the voice the two could tell the leader was a woman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc stopped abruptly, darting a glance at Xavier that was virtually asking a single question: 'What now ?'. Then he spoke to the woman directly: "What kind of job is this ? And who's Marcus and who are you ?" He really didn't like the word 'need'... it sounded like 'must'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"My name is Arella of The Holy Order Of The Red Doves...and to answer your second question High Councilor Marcus is one of the advisory of the king.He is wanting to speak to you personally about this important job" The woman identified as Arella was speaking in a commanding tone of voice.The way she was saying it sounded like a command with her guards standing right behind her.

Xavier nodded seeing since it was someone of power in Meche wanting his help them he would gladly help,Since doing this also will give some gratitude form Meche to Bravado.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc didn't like the tone this woman was speaking with, but given the presence of her many guards it was better not to complain about that loudly. Another thing he didn't approve of.

The demon-man glanced at Xavier, seeing his nodding. So he agreed to this ? Then he would as well, at least ror the moment. It could not hurt to listen what these Red Doves had to offer. "So... let's go."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Xavier followed behind the woman thinking that this job would be a good thing for Bravado since this would build a better relationship with the Meche king.Following her to a luxurious mansion being lead into the foyer and having them wait in the foyer while Arella fetches Marcus.

Soon enough they we're then lead into a grand dining hall where Marcus was sitting down eating lunch smiling at the two wanting them to sit down beside him."Come come sit down i need to speak to you about the task,Would you like anything to eat?" He said to the two of them sipping form his mug.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Erm... no." Madawc was a bit bashful when he answered the question. Hell if he had known that he wouldn't have spent his precious money on having his big meal in the tavern. He looked around: The building was impressive, so this Marcus who owned it apparently really was someone very important.

The demon-man turned to Xavier. "Help me get myself strapped into my armor again. Just in case..." Madawc had carried the thing all the way with him so noone could steal it.
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