"A Thief for this life.
And a life for this Thief".
And a life for this Thief".
Deep within the forest, far from the road and paths. There is a Camp known as 'Crescent Dagger Camp', a safe haven for thieves of all ages to live in. No one is quite sure how this place came to be, but some say that it was a military outpost many years ago that was raided. Others say The inhabitants are nomads and have yet to leave. Crescent Dagger Camp is called many things, "A nest for scourge", " An un-honored den" or "Rat hole", but to those who live there, it goes why one name only. "Home"
Crescent Dagger Camp is home to thieves of many ages, many are adults, there are however children living here as well. Reguardless of such, Everyone has a reason for their place among the camp, some were cast out by society, others give to those who need help from those who don't, some simply turn to thievery for fun. No matter the reason for you to end up living with them, No matter who you are or what you have done, you are welcome at Crescent Dagger Camp.
If you are still reading this, welcome!. So you can kind of see what I'm going for with this Int Chk, a roleplay about a hidden camp of thieves who are like an unrelated family. Of course this idea will expand with time but for right now we have this little footnote. And some rules as well.
-No Magic.
-No godmodding.
-The characters are not related by blood, if you say someone is like a brother or sister to you, or son or daughter, that is fine. But they can't be literally.
-There WILL be lawbreaking without question, if that's not your thing, I am thankful you read this far.
-Keep it pg13, Romance is perfectly fine, but anything NSFW is for the pm's.
-You can only be human.
If you have questions or comments or suggestion, don't be afraid to shoot.
Happy Roleplaying.