Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Welcome to the new age of machines and steel! Welcome to the Age of Steam!
Inventions like steam engines have revolutionized the world, replacing the times of feudal holdings with the growth of industrialism. Yet the switchover is not yet complete. Nations only change in baby steps while society at large is growing in turmoil. This is the age of both wonders and horrors, a dangerous time of ideas and ambitions. You're a nation in this mad world vying for power. Will you succeed? Or rather you succumb to the tides of change?
The choice is yours!

Welcome players to the Age of Steam!
This is a roleplaying game set in a fantasy world equivalent of the 19th century. You can use various fantastic elements like elves, griffons or unique materials but the essence of the game will be on two concepts: Technology and change in society. As the title implies this game would involve heavy steampunk elements. Did you like the spider mech from Wild Wild West? You can build it. Would like to have ironclads in the skies? You can have them. But keep in mind the world has yet to truly catch up with technology. Cavalry charging war engines of steam would certainly not be out of place in this setting. In a way you can imagine this as a weird world caught between the Napoleonic era and World War One. Yes, the sharp contrast between the new and old will be actually one of the game's charms.

You can have dwarves, elves, orcs, halflings and anything else you imagine. Humans are preferably the dominant species in the setting but it's entirely up to what the playerbase wants. While fantasy-inspired think less about mystic explanations and rather something you'd use to describe aliens in Star Trek. More often than not fantastical races represent a stereotype, a nationality, an ethnic or even a social group. Fantastical racism, indeed. While not a clear requirement it's always easier to draw up a conflict between two different races.

You can have various non-intelligent fantastical creatures to enrich the game. They can range from weird looking equivalents of regular animals to truly mighty creatures. In case of the latter though try to think of the balance, even retroactively. If your mighty dragon can shrug off bullets then how did anyone defeat them during the medieval times? I am not against weird creatures but think of how they would fit into the setting, too.

In the ages of old there had been mysterious wise men treasured by all nations. They were the magicians who turned for ancient mystic arts to perform what often could be only considered a miracle. Yet with the Age of Steam their position faltered and magicians became an increasingly rare sight. Magic had almost disappeared from this world, enough that most commoners believe their existence is a myth. Yet they exist. Magic is an old art with only a limited number of practitioners. Spells, potions, enchantments and curses are all plausible to those with money and the right connections. Magic can do things impossible with science yet in general technology provides similar results at more affordable cost. Magic is the most popular in nations haven't yet experienced the full effects of industrial revolution.

Again, I mentioned steampunk. You can have various amazing inventions which might seem fit to the 19th century Victorian theme at first but in real life they would be impossible. For example it'll be generally accepted that steam engines can be made lighter and more compact than they historically were. You can have walkers, airships and so on. Same way you can invent fantasy metals and unique elements so long you can insert them into the setting well. Lastly, keep in mind that more often than not all these technologies would be new and very expensive. Again, the contrast between these amazing machines and the relative mediocrity of anything else is one of the points.

World Map

Nation Submission Guide

The change had already begun!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

@LauderAs I said in that other thread I am interested in this game.

I am not sure if I should make a Dwarven Socialist Republic or create the 19th century version of Yllendthyr.
Those are the two most likely ideas I might do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Willy Vereb

I would support doing whatever seems more fun to do!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

Marxist Dwarves are possibly something other players might want to play as so I am thinking more about Yllendthyr. Kind of think about 19th century Spain with them.

Alternatively I can also try making an orcish nation which just recently declared their independence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Keyguyperson@thorgili@Jotunn Draugr@Clockwork giant
While this isn't my game I took the initiative to invite people from the other thread.

If Jotunn and @Lauder agrees we might even consider this a sorts of "restart" of the Time's a Changing NRP.
Time to steal some life back into the steampunk genre, I say!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Keyguyperson@thorgili@Jotunn Draugr@Clockwork giant
While this isn't my game I took the initiative to invite people from the other thread.

If Jotunn and @Lauder agrees we might even consider this a sorts of "restart" of the Time's a Changing NRP.
Time to steal some life back into the steampunk genre, I say!

It would be nice to see a steampunk thread that doesn't die on the vine, for a chance. I'll see if I can't throw a nation sheet together, maybe using some elements from the last steampunk RP.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

@Jotunn DraugrI would also participate with a nation which is not the Martians for a change.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Willy Vereb

Thanks for inviting people Willy ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saint Peccator
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Saint Peccator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I've never done a nation building RP before, but I have always wanted to try and I do love steampunk. I'm definitely interested in this if you'll have me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Clockwork giant
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Clockwork giant the real hooman

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ah ha! I was wondering when a new steampunk NRP would start! Thanks for inviting me @Jotunn Draugr. I think I'll do some kind of über religious group who worships steam engines as a gift of God, and a sign of some kind.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Saint Peccator

Of course! By all means display your interest, it would be great to have you!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

Ah ha! I was wondering when a new steampunk NRP would start! Thanks for inviting me @Jotunn Draugr. I think I'll do some kind of über religious group who worships steam engines as a gift of God, and a sign of some kind.
It was me who "invited" you, though.
Yeah, if you want to make a very literally technocracy then go ahead.

Speaking of which, @Jotunn Draugr what do you think of me pinging everyone else who were active in that game?

I've never done a nation building RP before, but I have always wanted to try and I do love steampunk. I'm definitely interested in this if you'll have me.
As their name states Nation Roleplaying Games are similar to most RPs with one big difference, your "character" is the nation itself.
Sometimes this means you have the use the third person view to talk about your nation or the actions of any large groups but in general you move the story by using various "PoV characters". Say, you impersonate your nation's leader during diplomatic talks or describe the battle from the viewpoint of your commander in chief. There are many ways.
I think you will get the hang of this kind of game quick.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saint Peccator
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Saint Peccator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As their name states Nation Roleplaying Games are similar to most RPs with one big difference, your "character" is the nation itself.
Sometimes this means you have the use the third person view to talk about your nation or the actions of any large groups but in general you move the story by using various "PoV characters". Say, you impersonate your nation's leader during diplomatic talks or describe the battle from the viewpoint of your commander in chief. There are many ways.
I think you will get the hang of this kind of game quick.

Thanks for the advice! I'll keep it in mind, looking forward to getting involved with this!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Clockwork giant
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Clockwork giant the real hooman

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Willy Vereb oh, woops. Thank you then, and sorry for not thanking the correct person!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Torguth Orc Clans

Torguth Orc Clans

Nation Intro
The Torguth are a fragmented society of orcs, with over a hundred and fifteen different clans, living in what is known to the world as the Torguthi Highlands. The Orcs, once considered a great threat to the world under the reign of Mognosh the Fyrbrand, fractured with his death on a raiding party in the Deep South. Fragmented, they spend their lives pillaging, murdering and attacking one another. United, they are a threat second to none.

The Torguthi Highlands cover over twenty-eight hundred square kilometers of fertile pastureland and grassy fields. Due to the sprawling location, the Torguth Orcs breed and expand often without incident. There is also a rather apparent absence of wood here, making it difficult to fabricate any sailing vessels to move out of the Torguthi Highlands. Along the southern edge of the highlands is the Mundath Mountains, which have created a natural boundary between the Highlands and the nations to the south/

(Talk about the history of your nation. You can make it barebones if you want or collaborate with other players to establish a shared history.)

The tribalism of the Torguth Orcs is primitive even by basic worldly standards. A genuine form of Machiavellianism exists in that the strongest rule, and any orc who feels he may be a better leader need do nothing less than challenge a ruler to a duel. Entire clans have risen and fallen on this sole premise alone. Orcs inhabit clans ranging from a few dozen to a few million, and new clans rise and fall with the seasons.

The Torguth orcs utilize a base form of Agrarianism and self-sustenance. They expand when necessary, but barter for goods back and forth. One tribe may trade a thousand bundles for two hundred axes, or a thousand slaves for a thousand mounts. This primitive economy has made it difficult for other nations to utilize any form of trading with the Torguth orcs.

The Torguth Clans have four different states: Feuding, Fragmented, United and Warring.
-- Feuding: While feuding, the clans are actively raiding and attacking one another. This is their general disposition and during it, military strength is localized to the various clans.
-- Fragmented: When two weaker clans desire to survive, they may strike an alliance and fight against a third. This form of fragmentation provides unity, but the stress is still internal.
-- United: When a orc warchief rises to prominence, he may possess the cunning or raw and brute strength to unite the clans. United, they are tentatively at peace with one another and the outside war. These periods tend to last for 3-10 years depending on the political climate.
-- Warring: In times past, the Torguth Clans have remained unity and waged war on an external enemy. The average orc stands six and a half feet tall and weighs almost four hundred pounds. Not only are they physically stronger than the average human, elf and dwarf, they outnumber their potential rivals as well. Past historians have noted that if united for long enough and turned against their enemy, few would ever be able to resist the stream of orcish hordes into their territories. Luckily, such states rarely exist for long.

The Torguth Orc Clans number around 6,500,000 warriors at any given time. Though this would be in a Warring Period, and fragmented, the Torguth would only be able to call up around 2,000,000 at best.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

So, that would be six people (including myself). I'll get the OOC up by tonight.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

alrighty I'm starting to work on my NS
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

Might as well ping everyone else.
Those who participated in the Time's a Changing NRP, we seem to be getting a new game to explore our steampunk nations.
Look forward to it!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 8 mos ago

I will dig it, about time I participated in a RP.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Slight change in plan, tomorrow is when the OOC will be up. Haven't had access to my computer, currently using my phone.
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