I love it! Approved, assuming that the Ch'ak don't start world-eating the entire the universe away, bit by bit...
Remember Hael: the place is Ch'ak, the people are Ch'ak'ii.
And why whatever do you mean? Consuming the universe slowly bit-by-bit is exactly what they're doing! Just really slowly and not out of any desire to consume the universe. They just need raw materials.
<Snipped quote by TheSovereignGrave>
Oh, you people with actual nonchaotic navies....
The only thing nonchaotic about the Grand Fleet is that it has standardized ships. There's almost literally zero permanent organization above individual ships and they're just kind of grouped together into fleets/groups for actions as necessary.
Ok I think I'm ready to submit my sheet for approval. I'm basically done besides military organization and important people, plus my explorer. Lemme know if you feel anything is wonky.
The Cormyrean Confederation
Population and Demographics: The Cormyrean Confederation control a total of 22 star systems which are divided between the Core Systems and Rim Systems. The Core Systems are the Nalloth home system of Cormyral plus the first six star systems they colonized. They are, by far, the most heavily developed star systems owned by the Confederation and contain about 60% of the entire Nalloth population. The Rim systems are more recently colonized and possess far less population density and infrastructure as the Core systems.
Total Population: 144 Billion
Nalloth: 91% Synthetic Intelligences: 2% Other 7%
Species: Nalloth are a species of animal that exhibits traits of both mammals and reptiles. They possess six appendages, each of which can function as either a hand or foot equally well. They are covered in small scales that are used primarily for protection. These scales can change color and pattern over time in response to changes in the environment, acting as camouflage as well. Perhaps even more interesting how Nalloth seemingly switch between being warm and cold blooded. Typically they exhibit the traits of a warm blooded animal, but under certain circumstances, namely when food is scarce, a Nalloth can rely on the environment to regulate its body temperature. Heavily vascularized osteoderms not only allow a Nalloth to rapidly raise or decrease its body temperature, acting as a heat-exchanger, but also act as a sort of body armor. They possess four eyes, each of which rest on an eye stock that can swivel to look in any direction independently of the others. Nalloth are omnivores, preferring to use vegetation as a supplement to animal protein.
Their languages consists of a series of shrill whistles, whines, and grunts with small differences in pitch and tone having a small effect on the meaning of a 'word'. While a human might be capable of understanding a majority of the native Nalloth languages they cannot hope to speak it and many of its intricacies would be lost on them. Nalloth are incapable of speaking human, and most other species’, languages. They can, however, attempt to use whistles, whines, and grunts to mimic words found in other languages to varying degrees of success.
They have evolved to have very good reflexes, spatial awareness, and eyesight when all of their eyes are looking in the same direction. Having evolved in a jungle and mountain environment, Nalloth are excellent climbers and hunters. In comparison to humans they have superior reflexes and agility, but inferior physical strength. In terms of endurance and intelligence Nalloth and Humans are roughly equal.
System of Government: Unsurprisingly the Cormyrean Confederation is a union of sovereign countries that have come together to deal with issues such as defense and foreign relations. Power between the confederate government and independent countries is roughly balanced, but the confederate government’s power has been steadily growing since the Confederation was first formed and it is only a matter of time before the government is reformed into a federation.
Like many of the countries that are members of the Confederation, the confederate government has three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive branch is headed by the Tribune who is elected into office by a direct popular vote. The Tribune serves in five year terms and has no term limits, although by tradition Tribunes do not serve more than two terms consecutively. The executive branch is in charge of the Confederate Military and has the duty to enforce laws passed by the legislative branch.
The legislative branch is made up of an upper and lower house. The lower house is a democratically elected parliament and is referred to simply as Parliament or the Confederate Parliament. The Confederate Senate, which is the upper house, is made up of one senator from each member country of the Confederation. There is no explicit law stating how senators are picked, meaning each country has a slightly different way of picking its senator. Normally democratic countries allow their citizens to vote for their senator while the governments monarchies and dictatorships simply designate a senator on their people's’ “behalf”. The Senate has more power than Parliament, able to veto any bill passed by Parliament; however, the Parliament’s power has been growing and it is believed that in time it will surpass the Senate in political power.
The final branch is the judiciary. The judiciary, headed by the Confederacy’s High Judiciary, is in charge of confederate courts. They have the power of judicial review, thus can invalidate laws that they find are either unconstitutional or immoral. The High Judiciary can also impeach any member of the confederate government. Members of the High Judiciary are selected by Parliament and confirmed by both the Senate and Tribune.
The Cormyrean Confederation is dominated by a group of countries collectively referred to as the Big Five. The Big Five are the most powerful member countries of the Confederation and are Atrya (Federal Republic), Coibeyya (Parliamentary Republic/Theocratic State), Joiunga (Federal Republic), Ifliington (Federated Parliamentary Republic), and Sioelia (Constitutional Monarchy).
The end of the Great War in 1523 AD (Sol Calender) would prove to be a milestone in the history of the Cormyrean Confederation, as the new democratic powers of the world, led by Atrya, proved to be victorious over the old monarchist powers. New forms of governments sprang up as the world order was changed to one centered on Atrya and its rival, Sostan. Over the next fifty years Atrya would prove to be the stronger of the two and becoming the hegemonic power of the world. Still quite powerful, controlling roughly a sixth of the world’s land, but isolated due to Atrya’s system of alliances, Sostan waged a war of desperation on its neighbors. Out of this war Ifliington, a fledgling regional power, would grow into one of the world’s most important countries. Provided with technology from Atrya, an Ifliington led coalition not only beat back Sostan, but began a mad dash to conquer as much of its territory as possible; Meanwhile Sioelia, a former great power that had been on the losing side of the Great War, marched on Sostan from the opposite direction. Atrya and the new Ifliington Commonwealth became fast allies even as Sioelia began to rebuild its once great naval empire. Elsewhere in the world Coibeyya turned to religion in order to incorporate its neighbors into its own growing empire.
The world soon found itself with three rapidly growing powers, the Ifliington Commonwealth, Coibeyya, and Sioelia, the last two of which very much desired an end to Atrya hegemonic power. Things wouldn’t come to a head, however, for another fifty years. The use of space for military control and communications as well as the movement of troops was now commonplace, for Atrya at least. Atrya had, up until this point, held a monopoly on the use of space for the military. A cunning plan on Sioelia’s part put all of this at risk. Sioelia spent ten years to secretly transport the materials needed to construct a base on the far side of the moon, using the existence of a civilian research base as a cover. It then used the base as a launching point for thousands of rocks, equipped with small rockets, to destroy most of Atrya’s satellites. Sioelia and its ally, Coibeyya, fought a fierce war against Atrya and Ifliington.
The war itself proved to be a milestone in Cormyrean history, as the concept of total war was thrown out the window. The countries of Sioelia and Coibeyya didn’t desire the destruction of Atrya; they only wished to be recognized as growing powers and realized that to fight a total war against Atrya and targeting its civilian facilities would force Atrya to fight to the bitter end. Atrya, on the other hand, had learned from the mistakes of the Great War and didn’t want to destroy Sioelia and Coibeyya, instead it only desired to contain them and maintain its hegemony over the world. The war would later be hailed as the “most civilized war in history”, with civilian casualties at a historic low. Ultimately the Atrya-Ifliington alliance proved to be victorious, affirming Atryan hegemony over the world and space. Atrya used its most recent victory to bar all other countries from space, except for the use of basic communications satellites. All of the resources of the Cormyral System were open for Atrya’s use, and the world’s hegemonic power quickly rushed to set up mining operations in the nearby asteroid belt. Meanwhile the developed countries of the world found themselves with a rapidly growing population problem.
Whereas in the previous hundred years the problem was halting the flow of immigrants, the problem was now the exact opposite as the populations in developed countries steadily dropped. Atrya turned to its neighbor, Iscxa, for immigrants. The other developed countries of the world turned to their neighbors as well. All except Sioelia and Coibeyya. Coibeyya itself was a developed country that had recently annexed numerous undeveloped and developing countries, meaning it had more people than it knew what to do with. Sioelia was hit particularly hard by declining population, losing an entire third of its population when its oldest members passed away; however, it was keen on maintaining its ethnic purity, thus turning to robotics as a means to solving its growing labor problem. Atrya and Sioelia became the world’s leaders when it came to robotics.
Fifty years later (1623 AD Sol Calender) Atrya and Sioelia’s labor issues were solved by advancements in robotics. All was not well for Atrya, however, as diplomatic issues between Iscxa and Atrya over immigrants came to a head. Atrya, with its labor problems solves, no longer had need of Iscxa immigrants and many in the country wanted to deport them. Iscxa, now fully developed, had no desire to have to deal with millions of refugees. Issues of historic Iscxa claims on Atrya territory added fuel to the fire. Eventually war broke out between the two countries. Despite Atrya’s vast technological advantage, Iscxa’s much greater population size proved to be almost too much for Atrya to overcome. Atrya eventually won the war, but the effort nearly broke it. Atrya could only watch as first Sioelia, and then Coibeyya and Ifliington rushed to develop space.
Atrya, Coibeyya, Ifliington, and Sioelia collectively became known as the Big Four. Micro-wars over colonies and mining sites became the norm as Atrya desperately tried to maintain its space holdings. As the Big Four built up their infrastructure in space, so too did tensions grow. War eventually erupted between Coibeyya and Sioelia over control of the most far flung colonies in Cormyral. Inevitably Atrya and Ifliington were pulled into what would later by called the Great Cormyrean War. Once enemies became allies as Atrya and Sioelia teamed up to battle Coibeyya. Ifliington officially remained unallied with both sides, but more often than not teamed up with Coibeyya to counter the Atrya-Sioelia alliance. At first the war was confined to space, but eventually it spread to the homeworld as most of the countries picked one side or the other. Through the use of shrewd politics, espionage, and the proper application of military power, one country by the name of Eiclein quickly grew into a power during the Great Cormyrean War.
Eventually the Atrya-Sioelia alliance won the war. Atrya maintained control over the asteroid belt and its colonies on the nearest planet while Sioelia became the dominant power in the outer edges of the Cormyrean System. Although battered and beaten, Ifliington and Coibeyya escaped the war with only modest losses, although they were expected to pay reparations. For its part Eiclein had managed to rapidly grow in power, becoming part of the now Big Five, but in doing so had managed to anger the other four members.
By this time the Big Five had long known that intelligent life existed beyond their system thanks to the radio waves they’d been picking up for years. The responses from the Big Five varied from country to country, but ultimately they decided to form an organization with which they would face whatever might lay outside of their home system, thus the Cormyrean Confederation was born. The apparent unification of the Cormyrean Confederation turned out to be little more than a farce as competition between the Big Five grew even more intense. Cormyral's most advanced countries raced to develop true extrastellar FTL technology and be the first to colonize worlds beyond their home system.
Naturally Atrya was the first to develop the capabilities needed to travel beyond their home system. A massive campaign of exploration was launched to find the best worlds and asteroid belts to claim. Several years later Sioelia developed its own extrastellar FTL systems and it too launched a campaign of exploration and colonization. Ten years passed before the next member of the Big Five, Ifliington, achieved extrastellar FTL; during this time Atrya had gained a firm grasp on two neighbor systems while Sioelia had control over a third. Ifliington rushed to claim its own star system before either Coibeyya or Eiclein could contest its claims. By the time Coibeyya and Eiclen did develop the necessary technology to colonize other star systems the closest such systems were already dominated by Atrya and Sioelia, and Ifliington to a lesser degree. Over the next few decades Coibeyya, Eiclen, and Ifliington would race to colonize what became known as the rim systems, a collection of ten star systems, while Atrya and Sioelia focused on developing the core systems. As the Big Five colonized space more and more some of them designed AI of immense power to aid in their efforts. Atrya, Sioelia, and Ifliington, as well as the periphery power Joiunga, all created their own AIs, each with a slightly different purpose and design philosophy.
For more than fifty years the Big Five searched for life beyond their homeworld, yet found no clues beyond radio signals that could be millions of years in age. Then, as some took sighs of relief while others felt despair over finding no evidence of other intelligent life still alive in their part of the galaxy, an exploration fleet from Coibeyya made first contact with another space faring civilization (1713 AD Sol Calendar). In no way was first contact peaceful. The Coibeyyan fleet was destroyed on sight, unable to put up much of a fight against the much more advanced and war-oriented alien fleet.
At first the leaders of the Big Five panicked and their responses to the alien threat were uncoordinated at best. Soon, however, they rallied together and formed a unified front against the aggressive aliens they had come to call the Xruusk.
The early stages of the war were primarily intended to delay the Xruusk and attempt to prevent them from finding an actual Nalloth colony. For five years the countries of the Cormyrean Confederation sent entire fleets to their death in order to simply delay the Xruusk. All the while they worked furiously to build up their military might and research what Xruusk technology they could bring home. In this the AI developed by Atrya, Sioelia, Ifliington, and Joiunga would prove to be invaluable. All the while Ifliington’s AI, called Aegis, become increasingly influential and eventually became the country’s Prime Minister while deceiving the public into believing it was actually a Nalloth.
At this time the Cormyrean Confederation was still weak and in many different ways. Militarily it was far inferior to the Xruusk. Politically it was at best a weak alliance made up of the Big Five. Culturally it was divided in a thousand different ways. This would be made painfully clear when Eiclein, along with a collection of smaller countries, waged war on Atrya despite the ever looming threat of Xruusk invasion. The Atryan-Eiclein would have been a long and bloody war had Ifliington’s AI not intervened.
Utilizing advanced memetic engineering, Ifliington’s AI a new religion and philosophy called the Starborn Faith. The Starborn Faith spread quickly throughout the Nalloth population and eventually led to the revolt and open rebellion of Eiclein’s colonies, bringing the Atryan-Eiclein war to a sudden end. Just as importantly, the Starborn Faith would prove to be a beacon that would lead to the unification of the various Nalloth cultures.
In 1720 AD Sol Calendar the Cormyrean Confederation found its second intelligent lifeform, one that was not only not hostile but less advanced than the Nalloth. The problem was that the atomic age civilization was located in the path of a Xruusk war fleet. The Nalloth found themselves with a horrible decision: allow these undeveloped aliens to die in order to by the Confederation some much needed time or risk losing an entire fleet in order to possibly just delay the civilization’s demise. The commanding officer of the nearest fleet, looking to the teachings of the Starborn Faith for an answer, chose to fight for the civilization. In the end they saved the civilization, although the price the fleet payed was great.
By this point the Cormyrean Confederation was becoming more and more powerful both militarily and as a political body. The Ifliington AI Aegis, still masquerading as a Nalloth, was elected to be the Confederation’s first Tribune, its head of government. Under Aegis’ rule the Xruusk were defeated, but not before their war fleets bulled their way into the Confederation’s Core Systems.
Following the end of the First Contact War in 1725 AD Sol Calendar, the Cormyrean Confederation entered a Golden Age of exploration and technological progress. Following the tenets of the Starborne Faith, the Cormyrean Confederation sought to avoid war with their fellow “children of the stars” even as they selectively uplifted developing civilizations and placed them under their protective wing.
At times the Confederation would be pacifist. At others they would actively wage wars on those who were a threat to the survival of other intelligent species. At all times the Confederation would serve to be a stabilizing entity in its region.
Culture: It is difficult to define the culture of the Confederation due to the fact that it is a blending of a great many cultures from the Nalloth homeworld and the collection of aliens the Nalloth have brought into the Confederation. Cultural characteristics can change drastically depending on the planet or system. Even so there are a few core values that seem to be more or less universal and the Starborne Faith is something that the vast majority of the Confederation’s citizens follow. As a whole integrity, respect, and collectiveness are the most common core values in the Confederation. Nalloth rarely outright lie and even intentionally misleading another is looked down upon, except in the case of during a war, and it is expected that a certain degree of respect is given even to one’s worst enemy.
The Starborne Faith was a philosophical and religious concept first designed by a highly advanced AI called Aegis. The core teachings of the Starborne Faith are fairly few and simple. All things are born from the stars, thus all intelligent beings are brothers and sisters and should be treated as such. Some wars are Just, but a war can be Just only if all peaceful options have been exhausted first. War must never be waged in the name of material gain, profit, or pride. Those who have enough to spare must aid those in need. All intelligent life is sacred. Interestingly the Starborne Faith says nothing about non intelligent life, implying that that a creature’s intelligence, sentience, or consciousness is what makes its life sacred.
As one might expect the Starborne Faith has formed three distinct ideological branches: the Sentinels, Collectivists, and Free Progressivists . The Sentinels are the largest ideological branch of the Starborne Faith. They believe that it is their duty to defend less advanced civilizations from the more warlike civilizations that can be found in the galaxy. They argue that the most terrible thing imaginable is to simply watch as one civilization destroys another, hence they are far more willing to intervene in a conflict than the other two ideologies. While they do not believe it is explicitly their duty to uplift less advanced civilizations, they are usually more than willing to do just that with the intention of bringing the uplifted civilization into the Confederation.
The Collectivists are the second largest ideological branch of the Starborne Faith and its oldest. Like the Sentinels, the Collectivists believe it is their duty to defend less advanced civilizations from the more warlike civilizations that can be found in the galaxy. Unlike the Sentinels, however, they believe it is also their duty to uplift less advanced civilizations and in fact help any other civilization in need so long as they have the resources to spare. They will go to great lengths to prevent intelligent species from dying to natural or even self-inflicted causes as the lose of any intelligent species would impact the galaxies diversity and thus would be an event to lament. The Collectivists give out their aid without the expectation that those they help join the Confederation.
The Free Progressivists are the smallest and youngest ideological branch of the Starborne Faith, although they have been rapidly growing in number. They are similar to the Collectivists in many ways, namely they stance in regards to defending and uplifting less advanced civilizations; however, they believe that this aid must be provided in a way that does not inform less developed civilizations of their existence, except in extreme situations. They believe that civilizations must be allowed to develop however they wish, even if they form values and traditions that the Confederation would find abhorrent.
The basic unit of measure in Nalloth society is the ‘niche’, which is a grouping of eight adult Nalloth and their offspring that function in a similar fashion to human families. The adults in a niche are collectively in charge of all the offspring and are responsible for their care and early life education. Commonly all the adults in a niche have open sexual relations with each other and it is in fact encouraged to have offspring with different mates in the same niche in order to have better biodiversity and strengthen the bonds within a niche.
Important people, places, and organizations: This is self-explanatory.
Military size: Standing: 4.32 Billion (3% of total population) Reserve: 11.52 Billion (8% of total population) Military details: Describe the strength, organization, command-structure, and any other necessary details of your military. 3 paragraphs minimum.
Weapons tech:
By placing a charge on the particles created by a zero point generator and then dispersing those particles in an area a magnetic field can be generated. These particles essentially form a “cloud” of plasma that can vaporize projectiles and cause intense diffusion and blooming in energy weapons that go through it. It is important to note, however, that defensive smoke isn’t as effective of a defense as the shields and that multiple attacks will cause it to disperse. It is also important to note that a sufficiently powerful attack can punch through defensive smoke, although it will lose some of its strength in doing so. A ship technically has an unlimited supply of defensive smoke, however using defensive smoke means there are less particles available for other applications such as propulsion or weapons.
These weapons function by taking the particles produced by a zero point generator, giving it a charge, and then accelerating these particles with a circular accelerator to produce a beam. These weapons are useful as they have more impact damage than lasers and possess greater penetration. On the flip side they have far less range than traditional lasers. Advancements in the miniaturization of the circular accelerator have resulted in even fighter craft being equipped with these weapons, although they are much weaker and have far less range than the models found on larger ships. Particle beam weaponry effectively have unlimited ammunition due to how the zero point generator functions, but this means that there are fewer particles available for other applications. Continual use can also overheat the weapon, decreasing its effectiveness.
As technology, especially those related to communications, became more advanced the need to destroy or defend the various satellites orbiting the worlds of the Cormyrean Confederation grew in importance. Instead of simply building bigger satellites with more capabilities or having warships escort satellites, countries deployed smaller specialized satellites. Hence the satellite battle group was born. Satellite battle groups are collections of specialized satellites that perform a variety of tasks designed to assist and defend a central satellite in the same fashion that warships protect a carrier. Satellite battle groups can be surprisingly effective, capable of defending a satellite from all but the most dedicated of attacks.
General Technology:
The artificial intelligence used by the Cormyrean Confederation is surprisingly advanced to say the least. Sioelia has used drones operated by artificial intelligences to augment its military for decades now and most members of the Big Five employ artificial intelligences for research and industrial uses. Atrya, Ifliington, Joiunga, and Sioelia each have developed “synthetic intelligences”: artificial intelligences that are hundreds, if not thousands, of times more powerful than “traditional” artificial intelligences. The use of “personal intelligences”, very limited artificial intelligences stored within a being’s cyberware implants, are commonplace in most countries nowadays. The use of limited purview and sophisticated moral and reinforcement coding ensures that AI do not become a threat to those who made them.
A broad term, cyberware refers to essentially any machine or hardware that is implanted into an animal. Cyberware can be divided into two categories: interfaces and prosthetics. Interfaces are implants that are used to interact with other machines, usually wirelessly, or store information. In many countries, specifically Atrya, Ifliington, and Sioelia, interfaces are required to be citizens as without them a person couldn’t even pay for groceries at the store. Specialized interfaces are used by the military to allow soldiers to link with their hardware to achieve better control or gather more information quicker. Interfaces are also used to accelerate the learning process. Prosthetics are hardware used to replace limbs or re-enable their use should they or the nervous system be damaged. A darker side to this technology involves replacing limbs with prosthetics to increase a soldier’s physical capabilities or use interfaces as a means of surveillance and control.
While not the only means of FTL travel available to the Cormyrean Confederation, FTL catapults are definitely the most prominent. Essentially the way a FTL catapult works is that it “hurls” a smaller craft into warp. The craft requires only the most basic of functions, as all it has to do is “drop” out of warp at the correct time to reach its destination. FTL catapults are typically viewed as highly efficient systems, as the craft expends no energy to enter hyperspace and very little to exit. Most commonly FTL catapults take the form of massive space stations that are used to launch civilian and even military craft into warp; however, carriers and even smaller specialized ships are equipped with FTL catapults and can launch smaller craft than themselves.
Short for quantum vacuum plasma thruster, Q-thrusters are a type of reactionless drive used to propel almost all of the ships used by the Cormyrean Confederation. Q-thrusters make use of the virtual particles produced by a zero point generator by charging the particles, effectively turning the particles into plasma. The particles are then exposed to a crossed electric and magnetic field which induces a force on the particles. As the particles are expelled in one direction an equal force is applied on the rest of the ship, thus propelling it in the opposite direction. Because of the way they function Q-thrusters do not require fuel, thus saving space in the ship and eliminating the risks inherent with many conventional fuels.
Arguably the most important technological achievement of the Cormyrean Confederation is the harnessing of zero-point energy. Using the dynamic Casimir effect, two reflective flat plates are placed a few nanometers apart. These plates are then manipulated in such a way that they osculate, producing particles and energy in the process. The zero point generator first saw use in spacecraft, which they were used to power and propel without fuel. Later developments allowed for the construction of massive zero point power plants that provide power for entire countries. While the virtual particles produced by a zero point generator are inherently useless, due to ceasing to exist after a short amount of time, by charging these particles they can be made useable for a wide variety of applications. It wouldn't be an understatement to declare the zero point generator as the foundation of modern Cormyrean technology.
Economy: Like all economies, the economy of the Confederation has its ups and downs. The actual strength of the Confederate economy can be difficult to gauge as it is actually made up of various smaller economies; however, overall the economy is fairly strong. The colonization of space has down much to reduce the scarcity of resources and unemployment throughout the Confederation is currently low. Even so not all of the economies of the Confederation are doing well. Coibeyya, one of the Big Five, as well as many countries situated on the Nalloth homeworld are suffering from a recession. In fact were it not for the more powerful economies of Atrya, Ifliington, and Sioelia bailing Coibeyya out it is likely that it would have fallen into a depression.
Iksu-class Carrier Length: 2,000 meters Crew: 5,000 Complement -600 craft -2000 pessengers Armaments -4x Particle Beam Cannons -180 Cell VLS -200x Particle Beam PD Turrets -50x Railgun PD Turrets Typically viewed as the default flagship of large Confederation formations, the Iksu-class carrier is a large fleet carrier outfitted with a wide variety of command and control systems. By itself it is rather weak, possessing few offensive and defensive options, but its fighter wing is impressive. This class of ship is moderately armored, but its true strength lies in its mobility, which is on par with much smaller ships such as heavy cruisers. This allows it to quickly move from battlefield to battlefield while avoiding enemy battleships, although battlecruisers and heavy cruisers are still represent a significant threat.
Furious-class Battlecruiser Length: 1,500 meters Crew: 2,300 Complement -4 craft (10 in ground support configuration) -2000 passengers Armaments -12 Heavy Particle Beam Cannons -12 Particle Beam Cannons -6 Railgun Cannons -12 Cell VLS -58 Particle Beam PD Turrets The Furious-class was, like all true battlecruisers, designed to “outgun anything it couldn’t outrun and outrun anything it couldn’t outgun.” In this the Furious-class has shown itself to be a great success. Packing the firepower comparable to battleships while maintaining speeds close to what heavy cruisers can obtain, the Furious-class excels at taking advantages of weaknesses in enemy formations and destroying isolated carriers. In recent years the Furious-class has found itself playing an increasingly important role in ground operations, supporting troops on the ground and sometimes serving as their transport to the theater. Unfortunately all of this comes at a price: the Furious-class has thin armor, lacks proper point defenses, and can not take much of a beating. There have been instances of battleships or fighter wings destroying Furious-class battlecruisers in a single lucky volley. Even so when utilized properly the Furious-class excels on the battlefield.
Seraphim-class Assault Carrier Length: 1,200 meters Crew: 800 Complement: 240 craft Armaments -4x Heavy Particle Beam Cannons -6x Particle Beam Cannons -2x Railgun Cannons -12x Missile Launchers (6 missiles each) -10x Railgun PD Turrets -15x Particle Beam PD Turrets The Seraphim-class assault carrier is what happens when the capabilities of a carrier are mixed with the firepower and armor of a heavy cruiser. The idea behind this design is simple: create a carrier that could survive a close-in fight with other comparably sized warships. In this the Seraphim-class was a complete success and more. While it possess fewer heavy railguns and particle beam cannons than a Warrior-class heavy cruiser, its complement of fighter craft and bombers, as well as its long range missiles, more than makes up for this. Its greatest weakness, however, is its relative lack of point defenses, causing it to rely on escorts to defend it from enemy fire, fighters, and bombers.
Warrior-class Heavy Cruiser Length: 1000 meters Crew: 650 Complement: 8 craft Armaments -6x Heavy Railgun Cannons -3x Heavy Particle Beam Cannons -5x Railgun Cannons -5x Particle Beam Cannons -10 Cell VLS -30x Railgun PD Turrets -30x Particle Beam PD Turrets Commonly referred to as a “gun cruiser”, the Warrior-class heavy cruiser is solidly built warship that can dish out damage as well as it can take it. Whereas the Adroit-class is commonly known as a “missile cruiser” on account of its combat potential coming mainly from its missiles, the Warrior-class relies on a combination of railguns and particle beam cannons to engage hostile ships. This class of ship is good at both long and close ranges and has been observed using its point defenses to engage other warships during close engagements. It is commonly used in a ground support role, providing accurate naval bombardments from orbit.
Adroit-class Light Cruiser Length: 750 meters Crew: 400 Complement: 12 craft Armaments -6x Particle Beam Cannons -6x Railgun Cannons -150 Cell VLS -20x Railgun PD Turrets -20x Particle Beam PD Turrets The Adroit-class light cruiser serves a variety of roles in the Confederate navy ranging from convoy escort to force projection. Of particular note is its fighter complement, which gives the Adroit-class a large degree of flexibility for its size. These ships commonly serve as the flagship for smaller fleets; in larger fleets the Adroit-class serves as a screen and reconnaissance platform.
Broadsword-class Assault Destroyer Length: 400 meters Crew: 140 Complement: 1 craft Armaments -1x Heavy Particle Beam Cannon -6 Cell VLS -5x Particle Beam PD Turrets The Broadsword-class is designed not as a screening ship, but as a warship killer. It boosts better armor and significantly more powerful weaponry that one would normally expect from a destroyer. The Broadsword-class is designed, specifically, to close with the enemy fleet and engage hostile warships with its heavy particle beam cannon. This particle beam cannon is actual the single most destructive armament currently used by any Confederation ship, although it’s important to note that the Broadsword-class still has less overall firepower than a heavy cruiser. The Broadsword-class can carry a single fighter craft which is mounted on the outside of the hull.
Sentry-class Corvette Length: 100 meters Crew: 30 Armaments -2x Particle Beam Cannons -2x Railgun Cannons -5x Railgun PD Turrets -5x Particle Beam PD Turrets This small warship is used primarily as a screening ship, protecting the larger warships in the fleet from enemy missiles, projectiles, and fighters. Even so it's four cannons pack a bit of a punch, thus a Sentry-class is something of a threat to other small ships. Sentry-class corvettes work best in packs, swarming larger warships as they approach the fleet.
ASF-11 SpaceRaptor Length: 20 meters Crew: 1 Role: Aerospace/space Superiority Armaments -2x Railguns -2x Particle Beam Cannon -2x Dual Barreled PD Railguns -8x Hardpoints Arguably the most powerful fighter ever designed by a Cormyrean Confederation country, the ASF-11 SpaceRaptor was designed solely to dominate aerospace and space battlefields. Larger than most of its counterparts, the SpaceRaptor boosts extra zero point generators and heavier armor, granting it far more durability and firepower than a smaller fighter would have.
ASA-6 Hurricane Length: 22 meters Crew: 1 Role: Anti-ship/Ground Attack Fighter Armaments -2x Particle Beam Cannons (On the A variant) -2x Railgun Cannons (on the B variant) -4x Hardpoints Following the same ideology behind the ASF-11 SpaceRaptor, the ASA-6 Hurricane is a large fighter craft with an emphasis on durability over maneuverability. Depending on the variant the Hurricane boasts particle beam or railgun cannons, both of which are significantly more powerful than the kind found on the SpaceRaptor. While it only has four weapons hardpoints, these hardpoints have been reinforced, allowing the Hurricane to carry heavy bombs or heavy anti-ship missiles.
IF-37 Havoc Length: 12 meters Crew: 0-1 Role: Interceptor/Superiority Fighter Armaments -2x Particle Beam Cannon (Replaced by a railgun on some variants) -2x Hardpoints (An additional 2 internal hardpoints on some variants) While one of the smallest fighters used in the Confederation, the IF-37 Havoc is also one of the best, beaten only by the Atryan made SpaceRaptor. The Havoc is a rather frail craft, as one would expect given its size, but more than makes up for it with an incredibly agility that allows it to dodge incoming fire with apparent ease. This has caused it to be given the nickname of Dancer by many pilots who have flown against a Havoc. Few fighters built in the Confederation stand a chance once engaged in a dogfighter against a Havoc. Most Havocs are unmanned models designed to operate either entirely without outside instructions or as squadmates for manned models.
TSF-7 Vixen Length: 16 meters Crew: 1 Role: Multirole Fighter Armaments -1x Particle Beam Cannon -1x Railgun Cannon -6x Hardpoints Originally designed to serve as planetary defense fighter, the Vixen was altered during the late stages of development into an all environment fighter. It’s notable for being fairly balanced overall, although it has an emphasis on speed and agility as opposed to durability. It was designed to be a cost-effective craft that could perform various missions; despite its surprisingly low price tag it still manages to be a highly effective fighter craft and is widely used by many periphery and minor countries in the Cormyrean Confederation.
TSF-8 Virago Length: 18 meters Crew: 1-2 Role: Multirole Fighter Armaments -2x Particle Beam Cannons (Replaced by Railgun cannons depending on the model) -9x Hardpoints Designed by Ifliington to serve as a domestically produced counterpart to the Atryan made ASF-11 SpaceRaptor, the TSF-8 Virago is a high quality fighter that relies on advanced systems, speed, and agility to engage its targets at all combat ranges. It’s especially notable for its modular design which allows it to easily and quickly change its capabilities to match whatever mission it might be sent on. This also allows it to more easily be upgraded as time goes on.
TRF-2 Circe Length: 16 meters Crew: 1 Role: Reconnaissance Armaments -1x Railgun Cannon -5x Hardpoints (3 Typically reserved for sensor suites) The TRF-2 Circe is a specialized fighter designed to provide reconnaissance for a fleet. Toward this end it has been packed with sophisticated sensors and can carry specialized reconnaissance missiles and sensor suites on its hardpoints. Not intended to partake in actual combat, the Circe is lightly armored and relatively lacking in agility, but is significantly faster than the average fighter.
IU-67 Intruder Length: 20 meters Crew: Unmanned Role: Utility/Bomber/Combat Transport Armaments -2x Railgun Cannons -Up to 12 Hardpoints (varies depending on the variant) Capacity: Up to 20 soldiers The IU-67 Intruder is the workhorse of the Confederate navy. It's designed to do everything from close air support to stand-off fighter engagements to combat transportation. The most common variant, the IU-67a, comes standard with twelve weapons hardpoints and is used primarily as an anti-ship bomber, though it also works quite well as a heavy anti-fighter weapons platform. The IU-67b Silent Intruder, on the other hand, is a stealthy reconnaissance variant that typically is outfitted with decoy and sensor equipment on its hardpoints. Of particular note is the ability to link additional thrusters onto an Intruder. Each thruster has its own built-in zero point generator that is used solely for that thruster, allowing the Intruder to reach some pretty ridiculous speeds. Like the Havoc, the Intruder is an unmanned craft.
Hey @Hael, I notice that not everyone who's accepted and has posted has a finished Explorer Sheet. So is my Nation accepted? And can I make post, and just wait to make an explorer post until I get my sheet completed and accepted?
As I said, I'm going to be busy for a couple of days. I was hoping this would be able to move on without me trying to stir up conversation every now and then
But mainly, Sigma, they look like normal ships, just a little bit odder. I used "spaceship" pictures that don't show much metal or such. Some are just blobs of color, while others actually look like insects or animals in space. It's a varied bunch.