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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Karn/Edo-Karn || Crocus || Phoenix Wing Hotel


Edo-Karn continued to stuff her face, feeding this body's gluttonous appetite in a hope to appease it. Glancing to Ariel, the blonde slowly smirked in amusement. "So you could say.... You and that Penny girl's relationship... Is on fire. Hope it doesn't get too steamy." she said as she finished her plate and poked at it.

"I'm hungry..." Karn suddenly took control and whined before the ethereal eye flashed and the pouty expression melted back to a neutral monotone.

"We just ate enough for breakfast, brunch, and lunch in one meal. You eat more than a Legion." Edo-Karn said, rolling the emerald orbs slowly.

Looking to Ariel for a moment, Karn took control again and gave a more cheery expression, thinking it over. "Umm... I don't remember anything... He's usually uncomfortable with girls in general." he hummed in a sing song voice before once again his cheery expression switched to a neutral calm as his Edolas counterpart took over.

"Maybe you made him clean your chimney." Edo-Karn mused in amusement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Online

Most of the guild recognized the funeral procession as a grim and serious affair, and drew quiet and still in respect for the literal and metaphorical passing. One soldier, however, allowed his impulsiveness to drive him to various hasty conclusions, and General Sanders found much displeasure in the declaration. Enma’s words drew looks not just from the nearby cleric, but from the morose funeral-goers as well, not filled with hostility, but with an indignant unhappiness. The cleric’s gaze lingered the longest, the bemusement obvious on his face. As far as he knew, the only business this mercenary company had in Belka was to stay for a day, refuel, and depart. What was this about infection and searching?

Sanders did not reply to either Enma or Damian, though his did appreciate the Blade’s discretion. The near-outburst of Argus did, however, require his attention. ”I suggest that you do just that then, Mr. Leandros.” he murmured, managing to make a quiet and unassuming tone rather imperious. ”I recall specifically requesting that nobody flaunt their magic while here. Kilo will accompany you.” Hearing his name, the huge warrior gave Argus a slight nod, and slipped toward the back of the group to leave.

As the two melted away through the crowd of soldiers, another figure approached. The portly cleric appeared to have made up his mind about the visitors, and with the departure of the funeral procession made his way over in earnest. Singling out the man at the front he recognized as the leader, he told him, “If you’re havin’ concerns about some kind-a sickness, please don’t be alarmed. The ashes what just passed belonged to poor Singed Willard, Belka’s only pyromancer. Last night his little hut by the cliffside caught fire and collapsed with him inside. It’s a mighty sorrowful affair; he were a kind and godly soul. Anyone who saw his amber charm knew that a fine young man was comin’ their way.” The solemnity on the cleric’s face did not pass, but he at least attempted a smile to seem personable. “Anyway, enough about that. Lemme show ya folks a good spot to set up camp. We got a little inn in Belka, but it’s sure not big enough for the lot of ya. If ya got any question ya might like to ask, Evgeny is at the schoolhouse just next to the pens.” By the way the cleric spoke, he expected the soldiers to be at least passingly familiar with ‘Evgeny’—perhaps either the farmer woman or the nobleman who greeted Frenzy Plant just a moment ago.

Giving a slight bow, the cleric began to walk in the opposite direction of the graveyard, subtly mindful of the spikes on his walking club.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Isa Grand-Arc

Isa let out a hefty yawn as he closed the Archive window in front of him. Looking at the clock on the wall of his room, he realized the night had completely gone by. It wasn't anything unusual for him. He'd regularly waste the night away using his Archive to compose new songs and choreograph stage effects. He stood up from the chair and decided to take a shower and start the day. Isa emerged from the shower shortly with a towel draped over his head. Gathering his standard get up and gear he proceeds out of his room and down to the lobby. On his way down he leaves behind a common sight around him. Women swooning, red faced, sighing in reverie, or huffing in contempt. Such was the result of Isa's unintentional flirting as he made his way to the dining room.

As he arrived he couldn't help but notice, though he probably wasn't any exception, a large pair of crimson wings sitting at a table. No one would blame him, but curiosity got the best of him and he sauntered over to the unusual sight. Summoning a small Archive screen he recorded the sight and saved the image. "If elbows on the table are a dining faux pas, I can only guess what this might be considered. Though, they are quite dazzling to look at~" Isa spoke as he approached the table, his usual speech patterns in full effect.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Phoenix Wing Hotel

@Silver Fox@Vongola_Hasayo@CirusArvennicus
Glancing at the Karns Ariel laughed a bit at the fire joke. The second half didn't really click though. "On fire, haha. Good one." It was pretty obvious that Ariel wasn't all together at the moment. The other Karn took over and complained about being hungry. "Yeah I know what you mean. I'm really hungry too. This magic requires a lot of energy." She started eating again and went through the food in front of her quickly.

Karn mentioned that Nolan was afraid of girls and Ariel nodded slightly. "That's right. How could I forget that? I'm not sure if this was the same. He was acting... weird." Wishing she could remember things she glanced at Edo-Karn after she made a comment. The expression relayed that she didn't understand the reference. "Clean my chimney?" Her attention was diverted when Isa walked up. She hadn't really had the chance to meet the new guild member. "Hello, I don't think we've met. I'm Ariel."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

"Oooh, the memory of a Phoenix is a little sketchy at first, is it? Interesting..." Trinity set about eating her breakfast sandwich, an eye watching the young lady. Penny said it was dangerous? "She's got that right. I'm not supposed to be wandering around on my own, either." She ignored Edy's puns, she nodded in agreement with Nolan not liking girls.

And then the crass came out.

It took Trinity a moment to catch on, but the time she'd spent with Edy so far was enough for her brain to catch on. She turned red and shook her head. "Don't worry about it, Ariel. Edy makes bad jokes all the time." She shrugged and set her sandwich down, drinking a bit of orange juice and letting the food settle in her stomach before she'd eat the rest. At that time, the three of them were approached.

Trinity looked the man over briefly, raising an eyebrow at him. "Well, I don't know of any dining etiquette pertaining to wings, myself. Do you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

He had barely slept that night. His mind was swarmed with returning memories, and everything that had transpired that day. He made his way downstairs. perhaps some food in his belly would make him feel better. He slumped down next to Sasha, who looked like she had lost her appetite too. He tried to eat something, even if it was for the sake of keeping his strength for the games tomorrow. "I did a lot of thinking." He spoke much more calmly than last night. "I have the feeling that we were too late to realize anything." He sighed, resting his head in his hand. "I was a loner back then. But what if he has others? followers even? Going after him will be meaningless if he has shared that information with anyone else." He kept his voice hushed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


On their way thor was advised to ride one of the horses so she could get some rest on their way towards the city they were headed. Thor kindly took the advice and rode on one of the horses between the Frenzy plant group. The animal didn't seem as pleased with Thor as Thor felt towards the horse. Thor tried to suppress her powers but due to the recent fight she had it seemed rather difficult to suppress the tingling feeling she gave the horse. It would sometimes try to get her off it's back but to no avail she would keep sitting. They would need to endure each other for the time being.

It was a long tiring trip but it was needed to accomplish their goals. Thor hadn't spoken of shown any signs of interaction along the way. Some of the members of Frenzy plant tried getting her into a better mood but she simply couldn't. Maybe after a night of sleep it would get better but as to now there wasn't any sign of improvement. The sun was already setting when the guild master decided that they would set up camp and rest through the night. They were located on a high plateau that seemed about the ideal location right now, furthermore there was a small town located close by where they would be able to stock up on some supplies before they would venture forth again.

Thor set up her tent further away from the rest of the group. It was a little reckless to do such a thing in strange territory but it was of high priority to her. Thor had gotten Heisty the smith to make a long metal rod for her that she could put down next to her tent. Knowing that he didn't speak the english tongue didn't hinder her from conversing with him, it did take some time to make everything clear to him but he was happily helping her in the end. He had gotten the rod for and also had gotten some metal wire so that she could lay wire throughout her tent and connect them to the rod. She was forever gratefull to the smith and had payed most of the expenses she made for him.

The night went by quick but to no avail was there and thunder that helped her regain her lost energy, with the amount of electricity she had within her body it was hard to conjure a lightning strike on the spot unfortunately. Still the rod would make it a little easier for her to do. But now Morning had arisen again it was time to do other things rather than hunt lightning. The higher ups went out of their way to approach the village while the rest of the group peacefully went through the morning by hunting and the likes. Thor wasn't allowed to participate since her arm was in bad shape so she helped around the camp with simple chores that didn't require much stamina.

Soon the higher ups were back and had gotten frenzy plant back into a frenzy, the members quickly disassembled the camp and already started moving, Thor made sure she didn't leave anything precious behind and followed. Her tent was still on the same spot knowing this was the best place to conjure lightning. She would have to walk between the two placed once before they would be moving the whole camp again so it was no problem for now.

The guild enter the city, at first sight it looked horrible. It was undesirable on what state this city was in. It looked grim, everything was gray there were skinny people sitting all over the place starving to death with nothing to do and on top of that there was a burial going on, or what you would call a burial at least. Seeing that his much people had died in this short time was truly sorrowing. Thor squinted her eyes and turned her head back towards the group of Frenzy planters not wanting to see any more of it.

With all the commotion going on within the group she could only barely notice Argus almost losing his composer seeing all this sadness around the city. Thor pushed her way through the Frenzy members and made her way towards Argus his side. She looked up at him seeing how irritated he was. He did not only display it but also let it know to the other members with his voice. Thor glanced down at his hand and placed her own hand onto it holding it softly with her own hand. She made sure he didn't get electrocuted by her passive ability so it would only tingle a little bit since it was hard to stop completely. She made a small smile towards him and let her soft voice sound for one of the first times ever to be in Frenzy plant.

"It's okay..."

Her glance turned towards the front of the group again as they went deeper into the town to discover the truth about this place.


Walking was a pain, to be exact why did she even have to walk! Why would she need to go with Frenzy Plant all the way towards this stupid plague thing. Her feet were sore and she hadn't slept well in days. This was truly slavery. She groaned and mumbled but they eventually set up camp. She was thinking about trying to escape when they were all asleep but knowing there were still lookouts she eventually decided not too.

The next day she had to help out with washing clothes so that she could earn her food. She wore the same clothes as yesterday which would be a simple red tight shirt that looked like a mini dress and nothing more. It wasn't to bad actually but she preferred her own frilled clothes more. The whole camp packed again and went inside of the city to set up camp once more. During their entry Isla noted a rather weird person. She had been walking all alone the whole time and didn't look like she belong with the others. During her stay in Frenzy Plant she hadn't seen the person either so she might just be an outsider. It didn't look like she had a symbol of Frenzy Plant on her body either so it was unexplainable to why she was here in the first place.

"Hey redhead, why are you here? You don't look like the Frenzy Plant type. Are you perhaps a spy? Nihihi."

She placed her hands on her back bundled together and bended her body over a little as she stared at the red headed girl waiting for an answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago


He stared into space as he showered, ever slowly beginning to wake up from his dazed state. So, what was the plan with Jess today? All he could remember was that they were going out to meet someone though he just can't remember the damn person. Oh well, he'll just ask her who they were going to meet. How bad could it be?

Ferris soon finished his shower and dressed in a casual men's khaki blazer, a white v-neck, and jeans. He had spent more time styling his hair than the average person should. As usual, vanity certainly proved to be one of his main traits. Still, it did help him make him look ever so fabulous. One doesn't become a famous model without a single ounce of vanity. He looked in the mirror and gave himself a wink before walking out of the bathroom with absolute confidence in his appearance. Then that confidence took a cliff dive as soon as he saw what Jess was doing.

Panicking internally, he thought to himself,Oh shit oh shit oh shit shit shit shit! She was reading one of the comics he had bought before the games and hadn't gone around to to reading yet. It was pretty much Fairy Tail's equivalent of The Avengers, which has pretty much earned a massive fan base in mainstream culture though Ferris enjoyed them before they were popular. So why was Ferris ever so worried about Jess reading his comic? For starters, he was a closet nerd. He never showed anyone his nerdy side of himself and as a model it was crucial he didn't reveal it to the public since he was marketed as a suave, cool character. Secondly, he didn't want her to spoil it for him.

"Hey Jess! What'cha reading!" Ferris hopped on the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. Maybe he can play it off and convince her that it wasn't his?


Enma glared at Argus explode in his own rage as well, which was directed at the oni for his own anger. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Enma would've loved nothing more than to make Argus know the flavor of dirt at the moment, but Sanders had already intervened before things between them could've gotten heated. Kilo would take the God Slayer away though it seemed that it wouldn't be doing much good since both of Enma and Argus' outbursts had drawn the attention of the cleric with the spiked club had approached them. Apparently, Enma's concerns about a sickness were completely wrong as it was just the only funeral of the town's only pyromancer. The oni flushed in embarrassment for jumping to conclusions and embarrassing the guild though why did it feel like that there was just not something right with this place. It didn't make sense; Belka was a town famous for its medical knowledge and yet death was everywhere. It has looked like that there were many cremations as of late so there had to be an illness. What the hell was going on in Belka?

He glared at the cleric. He hated it here. It was foul, much more foul than what the yokai were capable of. Even in his village, there was no poverty on the same level as Belka's. It would've been a stain on his noble heritage and a disgrace as a main leader of his own home if there were those who lived in such meager conditions. His thoughts returned to that noble in his frilly attire, how well fed and clean he looked. How could someone like him let this kind of squaller happen? What kind of person can let his own kind fall into such a state? Was this just human nature?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ike Riven

The walk to the city was nothing to worry about, except Gabriel denying the offer to ride on horse back and collapsing a few moments later. yet that fixed itself and they would set up camp a while later, and then the next day arrive in the walls of Belka, which was pretty shitty looking, considering some fatass was dressed wonderfully. Enma would flip out followed by Argus to whom the latter got a nice nifty companion now, while the chubby man with the club told Enma that it was the ashes of the pyromancer who died when his house caught ablaze and collapsed on him, yet he made it seem like this was an accident. This man felt like a fat blub of lies, he was certainly leaving something out of the story, yet Ike simply kept his composure and just stuck with the group.

Yet he being somewhat close he saw and hear Isla start speaking to the red head that Riona was with earlier and heard Isla ask her a question. This resulted in him picking up a pebble and tossing it at her, hitting her arm. If she would look too see, she would find Ike glaring at her, giving a look that practically said, that if she dared do any dirty tricks that he would finish what he started a couple days ago. He would then proceed to march over to Sanders and whisper him a question. "Sir are you sure it was wise to bring that little toad with us? Couldn't we have just handed her off to the law enforcement and let them deal with her? I don't trust her enough to not screw this up." This most likely sounded like a personal grudge which it somewhat was, but he wasn't lying either. It was shady enough and with everyone so far flipping out and a shady place already. Should they really just have her wandering about?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cody Bloodstein

Cody gave him a weary smile as the paladin clapped him on the back....that kinda hurt, what with all the bruises the very same man had given him just the previous day, so he winced slightly. Although Cody couldn't quite complain...he kinda asked for him to teach him, although he wished it didn't hurt so damn much.
"That's reassuring." He said simply, trying to sound sincere however he couldn't quite shake the memory of last time the two hung out.
When they had just met, two days ago and ran into trouble with that Celestial Beasts. However Cody decided not to comment on it.

Ashlyn Johnson

Ash looked slightly startled as her train of thought was suddenly cut off by someone, a small girl with white hair and red eyes, talking to her. Looking down towards the little girl as she listened to what she had to ask, she raised an eyebrow. She sure looked interesting enough to at least talk to, so she decided to humor the girl.
"Me? I'm here to join the-" Ash cut herself off by catching the rock Ike threw towards Isa, plucking it straight out of the air on instinct before shooting a menacing glare towards the man. What was his problem? If it wasn't for the fact she had to avoid causing trouble, she probably would've slugged him one here and now.
That, and attacking him might also lessen her chance of joining the guild since he was obviously a member.
The rock crumbled away into tiny pieces in her now clenched fist before she turned back to Isla.
"Friend of yours?" The fiery red head asked rather bitterly. She wasn't sure what had gone down between the two, but she wasn't a fan of people who threw rocks at anyone. Let alone this rather harmless looking girl.
Of course Ash knew from being around such people for a few years, that appearances weren't always what they seemed. However, one look at her and Ash knew she was no physical or magical threat to her.
"You also don't look anything like a Frenzy Plant member." Ash remarked. Well she wasn't wrong, this was a military based guild. This little girl certainly didn't look like she belonged here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Karn/Edo-Karn || Crocus || Phoenix Wing Hotel


Edo-Karn smirked a little as Ariel laughed then seem confused, but didn't bother telling what exactly she meant. Flicking her eyes to Trinity, the blonde just grinned a bit. "Can't help my bootastic spirit." she answered before flicking her eyes to a boy, of maybe nineteen. He sorta reminded her of someone back home, but more goth. The kid seemed sorta interested in Ariel's wings, or just the girl, or maybe both. Humming a little at the mention of proper dinning etiquette, the trapped soul pondered if the manners were different in this world.

"Well, if we want proper dining etiquette for wings, we'd need a knife and fork. But, Ariel is much too pretty to eat. Like that form of term anyway." The blonde said with a ever so slight mischievous smirk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Master Jamie
@Joshua Tamashii
Sam made a mess of the bathroom happily, splashing water and bubbles all over the place, and pouted when it was over, but nevertheless, she allowed herself to be dressed, and waited patiently for them to go. She hummed as she waited.

Once both girls were ready, Jamie and Jarvis led them to a small cafe. It seemed shabby, run down, with a faded sign that read "Crocus's best breakfast!". Despite it's outward appearance, it was warm and welcoming, and the old woman that great them exclaimed wildly "Oh, well, if it isn't young Jarvis! Which means this must be Jamie, my, it seems like only yesterday you were celebrating your marriage here! But where is your brother?"

Jarvis stiffened slightly, but said smoothly, "Antony is no longer with us." The name had a more profound effect on Sam, who stared about wide eyed, as if her killer would just turn up right then and there, a solemn expression on the young girls face that was more serious then her years.

"We did mean to come back sooner, Mrs Pompfry, but, well, one thing after another happened, and our time was taken by our guild. This is our daughters, Amelia and Sam"


Sasha bit back a retort, and closed her drawing pad, putting it aside, she looked to Lazarus. "Well, that's kinda obvious from the fact that you were drawn in by others, that he has followers. But the thing is, Lazrus, we do too. We have the guild. We have partnerships with Dragon Fang, and maybe the other light guilds. Somehow, Lazarus, you're alone even when surrounded by others. By people who love you, and care about you. Even with me, you keep a distance. Like you're just waiting for us to die, or leave you. If it hasn't been clear from everything that's happened that that's not going to happen, then you're very thick. What's meaningless is doing nothing. We have to go after him, and put a stop to what they could do" Sasha looked away, wondering if Lazarus would have come to the same conclusion she had. She decided not to mention it, right then.

@Lugubrious @liferusher @hatakekuro @zarkun @lunarlors34 @raijinslayer @Oblivion666
It couldn't be more obvious that Gabriel was having trouble with Loki, the spirit seemed to enjoy annoying the blue haired mage, and no matter how much Gabriel ignored him, it just seemed to spur him on. Gabriel thought that perhaps the spirit was merely enjoying being out of the spirit world, and was inclined to give him some leeway, but having a running commentary of the area, the girls, even a few remarks about the cleric, was enough to put Gabriel on edge, and he turned to the spirit.

"Will you shut up?!"

Loki just laughed, and frustrated, he turned to his guild mates, "I know we have a job here, but will someone help me shut him up? Otherwise I might do something we'd all regret" Right then Gabriel didn't particularly care if he'd get in trouble for not maintaining the solider like behavior, he just wanted a few moment peace. He didn't even know what was going on, that was how much Loki was distracting him.

Loki grinned as if that was all he wanted

Jessie smiled, and put the comic down, wriggling slightly and turning to face Ferris, feeling cosy as he held her. "One of your comics" She said in amusement, "It's good. I missed getting this one. It looks new, so I guess you haven't read it yet" She gave him a swift kiss, and said amused, "You don't need to hide the fact you like comics. I'm not a repor-oh, well, I guess I kinda am" She gave a soft laugh, "But I'm not going to tell people you like comics, if you don't want that known" She smiled brightly.

She glanced at the time, regretting now that she agreed to meet her brother, she gave a sigh, "We should probably get going, my brother likes being early to places"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Lucus Griffonbane


"Are you sure you want to go to them alone? I'm sure Jamie wouldn't mind watching her and I'm sure I'll be seeing your father more often so it might be best if I met him as well." Lucus said, concern written all over his face. He didn't want Rose to do this alone, he didn't want to risk losing her again. He didn't know her father and as a result, he did not trust the man. But, if Rose's father truly cared for her, he hoped he would let her stay where she was.



Jackie took this news... rather well some might say. She simply nodded and stayed silent in thought for a few seconds before speaking again.
"I'm not going to ask how you got my DNA. You did it with the best intentions it would seem. My only question now is... how do I be a sister to someone I don't even know? I... I don't understand what you might consider normal family... functions? Problems?... I don't understand how normal families operate." She said, obviously struggling to find the words she wanted.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia followed her family, sticking a bit closer to Jarvis then Jamie, since she had known Jarvis longer and felt more at ease around him. At the sight of the run down café, she had to wonder if it was still in business. To her surprise it was and it seemed like her parents knew the owner, another surprise for her.
"You two got married here?" She asked, looking around the place while moving her wings behind her back, unsure of how the older woman would react to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Argus Leandros

Argus gritted his teeth as he was chastised by Sanders, his grip tightening on his weapon as he considered telling the old shit exactly what he thought of his damn opinion. However, before he did anything he might regret, he channeled more energy into his blade, causing it to glow ever so slightly. He took a few deep breaths and nodded towards the man, not trusting himself to speak at this moment because, in all honesty, he was actually getting pissed with all of this bullshit. That idiot of an Oni blows their cover with his outburst, and yet he was the one who got in trouble, and for what, telling him to hold his fucking horses for a bit and think. As the other member came over, he resisted the urge to send a death glare his way, just deciding to go along with it and head over to the city gates.

. . .It's okay.

Argus nearly jumped as he felt the girl's tingling touch and quiet voice, holding back a sting of curses as he channeled more energy into his weapon. He took another deep breath to calm himself, and quickly took his hand away from the strange girl, not really caring if the action was rude or not.

There's nothing okay about anything. This place is a miserable shithole and it's making it hard to get a handle on my magic, which is already problematic enough in it's own right as it is? Do you know how annoying it is when it's impossible to keep your cool unless everyone else in the room choose to stay calm as well." He spoke in a slightly harsh tone, only looking at her from the corner of his eye as his now free hand clenched into a fist. For a split-second, the skin seemed to darken ever so slightly, the lines of his veins being outlined in deep red, but the affliction vanished as soon as it appeared. [color=Red]"Look, I'm going to look around for something to do for the day in the surrounding area. If I'm lucky, I can find something I can take my anger out on, cause storing it all in my blade is only going to work for so long. If you guys want to follow, I won't stop you, but don't expect me to be the most amiable of travel companions right now."

By this point, they had passed by Isla and Ashlyn and were approaching the gates of Belka. Argus would continue on his way out of the town, going out into the wilds by himself if need be in order to relieve himself of his extra baggage. Whether that turned out to be the guild he had found himself stuck in was decision to be made when he was in a less easily agitated state of mind.



"Oh, that's an adorable action, Manami-chan. I had no idea you were so pure. If that's the reaction I can expect out of you, then maybe I should dress this way more often." Nidhogg chuckled as he noticed how the water saint covered her eyes, though this was interrupted by Jane throwing clothes at his head before giving him what she must've considered an insult. "Why thank you, Jane, I do try my level best to ruin you and Maxie's every waking moment."

His fun was interrupted, of course, by Maxie's attempt to intimidate him, something he should've realized was pointless by now, just as Nidhogg had realized a long time ago. Nidhogg simply did it to bother or goad the man when he was bored and wanted to have a fun brawl from time to time. But when he tried to use his inept sister as a threat, Nidhogg couldn't help but laugh out loud at the thought of Jane being a threat to him.

"Ah, Maxie, I must say that you're quite the kidder. How would she be taking my head, exactly, when I'm pretty sure she can't use the restroom without you their to help her through it. Not to mention that I have a rather simple way to incapacitate her . . ." And suddenly, Nidhogg's shoulder exploded into a shower of red and gore, spattering a good portion of the room in blood, focused mainly on Maxie and Jane, though Manami and Shiro were mostly spared from the experience. As the wound healed up, Nidhogg kept a smile on his face as he took the clothes that Jane had given him and started to put them on, taking off the loin cloth for a moment to leave him fully nude as he put on the pants, followed by a simple shirt. Both were black in color, which made it really hard to see any of the bloodstains on them. "Oh, and I'm sure Manami can fill you in on any details you need to know, because I really don't feel like telling you, and besides, I think you'll be having to play a fun game of 'console the trauma victim' with Jane, yes?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Yashia

@Joshua Tamashii

" I will be fine. When it comes to dad he can look scary at first but he's actually a giant teddy bear. He is only dangerous when he is ticked off and it takes a lot to tick him off. I will be fine...if you wish to join it's fine with me. I'm just not sure how Elyse feels about him or ryu I don't want her to be frightened like yesterday from the tension. Plus I am not sure if Jamie and Jarvis has plans with their daughters or not." she said to lucus as she shaked head before placing her hands on her hips.

Amaya VanIsisandCecilia

@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun@Lunarlors34

Amaya looked over where Cody was speaking with James while watching Hunter and her speak. "Hey Cecilia....you see the two Phoenix wing members over there. Can you fly to the younger one of the two and let him know I am going to spar...last thing I need is him or mother hen interfering with a friendly spar match between two dragonslayers who are probably more or less bored since there are no matches today I think." explained Amaya as the cat looked towards Cody and James before she nodded sprouting it's wings before floating towards Cody hovering in front of him " Hi, I'm Cecila. I am Amaya's partner as of this morning. She told me to tell you both not to interfer as her and the other guy are going to have a friendly spar between slayers."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Thor was a little bedazzled by Argus suddenly pulling back his own hand out of reaction to her move. She took a step back but stayed calm and listened him out. She was trying to calm him but it looked like she only made him more stressed because of her meant to be good deeds. The area they were in apparently already made him frustrated seeing all these people being treated so poor. She couldn't disagree he was completely right. But his reaction seemed to strik Thor quite hard. Her gaze sharpened at him as he decided it would be better if he went outside. Weak, that was the only word Thor could think off. He wasn't gonna at least try to help these people and only thought about himself. Truly weak.

Thor said no more and only clenched her fist as Argus walked out of the gate together with one of the other Frenzy plant members to accompany him. Thor looked down at the ground for a moment and didn't even look at the back of Argus anymore. She looked back up again and was soley foccused on what was ahead of them. She didn't share a single eye contact with the surrounding people and said no more after she knew what would happen if she did.


Isla had a promising smirk stuck on her face knowing she might have gotten onto something here. This girl wasn't here for nothing, if she found out that she was perhaps a spy of some sort Frenzy Plant would surely reward her with something nice. If she played it well that was. The girl didn't look that hostile however. She was clearly displaying some great radiant power but furthermore she looked rather innocent. After she began talking she suddenly halted and was displaying quite odd behaviour indeed. She startled Isla for a second by jumping out in front of her all of the sudden.

She couldn't note what was happening but it sure was weird. After a short few seconds she could see rock crumbled falling out of the bottom of Ash her hand and looked a little weirded out. Isla looked around Ash her hand towards the possible location it came from and noted that Ike was glaring at her again. Isla took a step back with her arm risen in front of her out of instincts to protect her. Her face got a little white as she gritted her teeth in annoyance. She somewhat gave a mean stare back at him but was certainly quite shocked that Ike was still onto her. Ash asked her something but it took some time for Isla to reply back. She kept staring at Ike while talking back to Ash still looking pretty terrified.

"Y-yea something like that. I think he doesn't like me very much."

Ash also discovered isla wasn't a Frenzy Plant member either. Isla awkwardly laughed back at her with one of her hands rubbing the back of her head.

"Hehehe, I guess you are right yea. They are kind off taking me hostage if you ask me. After 3 days they still aren't satisfied with my behaviour but they at least offer me a roof and food so I guess that is a plus"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|City of Belka

Damian noted that Sanders heard him, but for the time being decided to keep silent. At least until one of his members had a real outburst, though he thankfully didn't yell. While Master Sanders dealt with that, Damian watched the funeral procession closer. Something seemed...off. And when the cleric told them what happened, Damian's instincts said something wasn't being said. But for the time being, he opted to follow the cleric with the rest of Frenzy Plant, watching the alleyways for any movement and the like. What are these people hiding...

Hunter Jorgenson|Streets of Crocus

Nodding at Amaya's acceptance of his unspoken offer, Hunter changes course to head towards a less crowded area like a park so that they'd have plenty of room to spar. Admittedly, he had no idea what kind of Dragon Slayer she was, only that she was a dragon slayer like him, so he'd have to be prepared for anything. Upon reaching the park, he turned to Amaya. "I'll give you first move if that's OK."

James Hunt|Streets of Crocus

James chuckled at Cody's response. "Don't worry about the last time, it could have been anyone that ran into those two, it just happened to have been us. Now then, how abo-" He finds himself interrupted by an Exceed flying over and telling Cody to not worry about Amaya as she was going to have a spar with the person she'd been talking to. James had recognized him as Hunter Jorgenson from Dragon Fang after yesterday's match that had him and his guild mate Ammy against Rider's Blade. "Assure Lady Amaya that we won't seek to interfere. In fact, I think we should to get you some actual armor of some kind so I don't leave you with so many bruises after our training sessions Cody."

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel

Jack sighed, shrugging in defeat. "I honestly couldn't tell you, even though I wish I could Jackie. The first thing you need to do is tell her though, otherwise it's going to be a lot more difficult for us to help her recover. Then as for dealing with her...well, take it one day at a time. Get to know her first, even if there may not be a lot to learn right now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

He nodded. "Then I guess we have no choice. We'll ask around in the city today for sightings. Anything that could lead us to him." It was strange talking about hunting himself down. No, it wasn't him. It was only a fragment of his past. An echo. Sasha seemed to be acting strangely. "Is there anything else you want to tell me before we go out today?" He probed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Iron Enigma - Throughout Crocus
Luna yawned as she sat up from her bed that morning. She still felt exhausted from her battles yesterday, and having slept in her day clothes hand't been particularly comfortable either. Her arms had hurt so much and she had been so tired when she had finally moved to go to bed that she had decided that she should just sleep in her day clothes instead. She didn't really regret the decision, but it had still left indents in her clothes. She looked over at the bathroom door and wondered if she should even bother taking a shower before getting up for the day. She made her decision the same time she tried to get off the bed using her arms. Somehow they hurt worse this morning than they had last night before she had gone to bed. Maybe that was an effect of the painkillers they had given her completely wearing off. Once she had finally managed to maneuver herself off the edge of the bed, she turned her head to look at the other bed in the room. Seemed that Arie had already gotten up for the day, but she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she was down eating breakfast in the main room of the hotel?

Once Luna was ready, she headed down the stairs towards the hotel main lobby, and found that her inference was correct, Arie had already gotten up and come down to eat. Though it seemed no one else was there. Arie smiled when she saw her roommate and motioned for the younger girl to come over and sit beside her. "Salutations Moon, did slumber find you well?" She asked in her sweet voice and polite cadence. Luna just shook her head.

"No," the young sorceress winced slightly at how flat and harsh that was. Maybe she was hurting more than she had let on to herself before. Arie seemed unfazed however, and continued to smile sweetly at Luna. "Am I up early or late?"

"Most all our acquaintances have departed for the morning, yes," Arie answered, giving Luna a gentle hug as she sat down next to the telekinetic mage. "Are your arms well? I recall your complaints of them causing you distress, but I can only envision how they must feel now."

"They hurt like a sonofabitch," as soon as Luna heard what she was about to say, she quickly sped it up, hoping that Arie wouldn't catch that she had cursed, and she felt her cheeks turn hot. Arie just chuckled slightly and rubbed her back.

"Aww, my little moon is starting to grow up into a wonderful young woman," Arie giggled slightly and gave Luna a little noogie. "Don't concern yourself little moon, I won't concern any of our other guild members with your words. Let us put something on our plates first," Luna blushed more, and pushed Arie's arms away from her head.

"Th-thank you for your discretion Arie. B-breakfast would be nice."

Mark sighed as Laynette bowled another 100 points on the skee ball game. That was her third victory in a row. "How are you doing that? You've only got one foot to stand on! You don't even have a crutch since they made you leave everything at the door!" Laynette giggled, and stuck her tongue out on him.

"Maybe you're just bad," she offered, smiling coyly at him. He just rolled his eyes.

"Right, yeah. I think your cheating," Mark said, groaning as he rolled another ten.

"How do you even cheat at Skee Ball without any magic? If anything, you should be the one cheating," Laynette grinned harder at him, grabbing onto the edge of the next machine over to keep herself from losing her balance and falling over.

"That's exactly my point!" Mark explained, exasperated. Laynette giggled and gently grabbed his arm and leaning on him after he launched his next ball down the lane. "Maybe we could go do something else," Mark suggested as the ball even missed the 10 point hole that time. Laynette smiled.

"Oh fine. I guess we can do something else. Maybe... We could do a ring toss or soemthing?"

"Oh no-no-no. How about something like... An eating contest," Mark suggested.

"Sure," Laynette grinned, and suddenly Mark didn't feel so sure about the idea.

Jacob yawned as he sat down on the roof one one of the castle towers, staring out across the city quietly. He hummed quietly to himself as he gently unpacked his food next to him. A nice, autumn day out in the sun. As he smiled to himself and looked back towards his food, he suddenly found that Deyja was sitting there next to him. "Holy shit man, how do you even get up here that fast and so... quietly?"

"I was already up here. E-enough for two?" The shadow mage would speak quietly, almost unintelligible over the wind.

"I mean, there's enough for two if we ration it out properly, yeah. You... You weren't already up here, I would've seen you... How did you even get up here?" Jacob was completely baffled at his friends ability to seem to get just about anywhere if he thought it was lonelier than where he already was.

"I climbed. Nuts?" Jacob still looked fairly confused.

"No nuts. You climbed? All the way up here? Without getting murdered by guards or something?" Jacob handed his guildmate half of his sandwich.

"Thank you. The guards never noticed, just let me climb up. One girl cheered me on. Didn't you see me when you flew around?" Deyja took the half a sandwich and bit into it, staring off into space silently besides the soft munching of lettuce in his mouth.

"No, I didn't see you. Weird... Do you like my sandwich?" Jacob bit into his half of the sandwich, watching his friend, curious as to if he would enlighten him as to how he ascended the tower without being seen.

"Yeah, it's tasty, thank you for sharing. Maybe I can buy you one later," Deyja suddenly slid off the roof of the tower onto its balcony, leaving Jacob up on the roof blinking confusedly and slowly munching on the half of the sandwich he still had.

Arie hummed softly as she and Luna walked through Crocus, looking up at the huge buildings and strange people they found themselves among. This was the first time Luna had ever really been in a major city before. The few times she had, it was on a mission, so she had to keep away from all the hustle and bustle, except for the one time she had gone to visit Phoenix Wing for her guild, but she didn't really stay in Magnolia long enough to enjoy the sights and really experience the atmosphere there. Now she didn't have any real time limit, other than she had to be back at the guild hall by three so that they could leave. An event for which Luna was excited for, as they'd finally be on their way to meeting Melina again. It had been so long, and Luna couldn't wait. Arie, however, insisted that they go out and see the sights instead of staying at home and daydreaming about when they met up with their former guild member; there would be plenty of time for Luna to do it while she was on her way.

It had taken a little bit of arguing to convince Luna that missing the last day of the games was the thing to do however. In truth, Iron Enigma would probably have to miss the last day evenif they stayed in Crocus. Their guild had taken a serious beating over the past week, and they didn't have five members who could compete in the games without risk of permanent injuries anymore. Mark had a broken rib, Luna's arms were cracked, Laynette's foot was broken, Deyja had internal and external bruising, Solux was a no-no on the fact he'd go too far, and the rest of the guild had been injured on the attack on Iron Enigma. The thought of that event made Luna's hand cench slightly tighter around Arie's, but she managed to relax it before her flamboyant friend really noticed anything was wrong.

Taking a deep breath, Luna looked up at the sky. "So, how do you think us leaving the game spontaneously is going to go over?" She asked quietly, hoping to not catch the attention of anyone that may be interested in the games. She managed to succeed, fortunately.

"Oh, Mister Sheldon will likely be befuddled and vexed. After he gets a hold of his emotions it is likely that they will try to displace an alternate team from the game to return it to an even number," Arie answered, turning towards her friend and smiling gently at her, squeezing her hand a little playfully. "Are you concerned over the events yet to come?" Luna nodded.

[color0000FF]"I am a little afraid of what might happen, yeah,"[/color] Luna blushed slightly, looking down at her feet. Arie let go of her hand, lifting it up and gently stroked Luna's head, causing her to look up slightly.

"Hey, don't concern yourself over such trivialities, dear Moon. All will find itself the way it deserves to be, correct?" Arie reassured her.

"Y-yeah, I guess it will," Luna said softly, kicking a rock and sending it skittering around on the pavement. "What... What do you think of Phoenix Wing?"

"Phoenix Wing? What concern have you over them?" Arie looked down at Luna, and, seeing her face, decided to go ahead and answer the younger girl's question first. "Well, I think Phoenix Wing is consumed with persons who are a small bit more full of justice and righteousness than they should be. They put their ideologies hypocritically above those outside their guild, but are quick to dismiss the failings of their own members. However, they are only human, and it is not as if we don't do some of the same. What I detest most about that guild is that they attempt to force ideologies onto others, while we are content to let be what be."

Luna nodded, wringing her wrist. 'Y-yeah, okay. Uhm, just, uh... I'm... Not as blind as I think some people think I am. Uhm, is that... A good explanation as to, uh, why I asked?" Arie nodded, and hugged Luna.

"Ah... Yeah, it was," was all that Arie could manage.

"So, you've beaten me at skee ball and then at eating, what next, running?" Laynette giggled, gently pushing Mark's side.

"I dunno, I was thinking arm-wrestling," she joked, relaxing as she watched a merry-go-round spin slowly in circles. Her stomach felt ready to burst at the seams. "After that maybe we could try Air Hockey or something?"

"I say we skip right to the air hockey," Mark suggested, having been sitting next to Laynette on the park bench they had found themselves on. He was watching a squirrel scramble around trying to find where it had left some of its nuts. "Or maybe head back to the hotel."

Laynette gave mark a sly look before responding, elbowing his side gently. "Are you propositioning me, Mark?" Her guildmate's cheeks suddenly turned red.

"W-wha? N-no! That's not at all what I meant! I just meant that I was tired and wanted a nap!" Mark held up his hands defensively, waving them as if he was trying to ward off the very idea. "I would never-"

"Oh, so I repulse you, huh?"

"That's not what I meant either! Y-you're not repulsive j-just I've never thought of you in that way!" Laynette laughed, and patted Mark's shoulder.

"Don't..." Laynette interrupted herself with another chuckle. "Don't worry about it Mark, I'm just yanking your chain," she leaned in and kissed his cheek, which did nothing to alleviate his fears. "Let's grab a drink then let's go see if we can't find a Ferris wheel or something to ride." Laynette would grab Mark's shoulder to help her stand up before grabbing her glaive from its resting place leaning against a nearby tree. It was a shame what was inevitably going to happen to the guild, Laynette thought, it might've been interesting to date Mark for a whole.

"A-alright. I'll pay."

Grant watched as another flourish of green and blue fire launched itself into the sky, much to the amusement of the crowd that had gathered around to watch the display of magic. Unfortunately for the crowd, the display was almost over, and after one last rainbow flourish in a draconian shape, the girl who was the source of the event would bow deeply to the round of applause the crowd was giving her. "Thank you, thank you. I unfortunately can't do another show," this would be met with awws, mostly from the younger children. "But I appreciate that you all enjoyed the show, see you next year! Maybe," the woman smiled, and took one last bow before going to make her way through the crowd, meeting up with Grant as she did.

"Enjoy the show, Vale?" She would ask, her voice surprisingly cold to her own guildmate. Grant just shrugged.

"I only really caught the end of it, but it looked like it was a pretty neat show," Grant replied, putting an arm around the younger girl's shoulders. She shrugged them off, and pushed him away slightly with one arm.

"Hey, hands off. We're just members of the same guild, and you're too old to even try to date me. And while I doubt that you're going to get arrested at any point in your life I'd like if you had at least one moral. Not to mention I don't want to date you anyway. So just... Keep your hands to yourself," her voice was harsh, and Grant rolled his eyes at her words.

"I'm not trying to put the moves on you, I'm just trying to show a little bit of affection for another member of my guild, alright? Jeeze, you make me sound like some kind of sicko," Grant let himself pretend to be offended, but the girl just rolled her eyes at him.

"You are a sicko. You kill, lie, torture, and steal just for your own amusement. While I'm only really opposed to one of those, the enjoyment you seem to extract from it... It's disturbing. Now keep your arms off me, alright? And you aren't showing affection anything. I don't even think you have that emotion for people," she would try to dodge away from Grant into a cafe nearby, but he would follow her, causing her to roll her eyes and sigh softly.

"Oh come one, you can't say you're that repulsed by me, can you? I'm just your friendly neighborhood blood mage, right?"

"Look, just keep away from me is all I'm asking. I don't want to be guilty by association or anything like that. I just want some coffee and a nice little snack before I go on to the next thing on my agenda for today."

"Oh, and what is this next thing on your agenda?"

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know. I'm not telling you it so you can just come over and crash my time. Now go away, or I'm going to tell Master Vale all about you trying to molest me on the street."

"There's no need to-"

"I said go away, dammit!" She would turn towards him with an angry, and exasperated, look, and pushed him away slightly. Grant sighed, and turned to leave.

"Fine then, miss bossy Drake."

"Maybe there's a reason my name is what it is, Vale, now get lost! Sick of looking at your face."

"Someone's gotten all their insults from a kindergarten playground today."

"Oh go stuff it and get lost already!" Drake broke off the conversation by just walking to the line in the Cafe, ignoring any latent remarks by her guildmate. She was tired of having to deal with him all the time for the past week. Once they all went off to go catch up with his sister, at the very least, things would go back to some kind of normal where Drake could be off on jobs all the time and so she'd only have to deal with him in short bursts of time.

After Drake got her coffee and sat down at a table, she managed to procure a copy of Sorcerer Weekly's latest issue and began flipping through it idly. None of it seem particularly interesting to her, partially because she had already read it once, partially because it was dis-interesting to her anyway. Sighing, she discarded the magazine and finished her coffee before heading out into town. She was going to find something interesting ti do today, even if it was something illegal. Maybe she could mess with some of those people from other guilds, that could be interesting. She considered the idea for a while, before standing up, throwing away the Styrofoam cup before heading out into the Crocus streets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Rosalina Idwal
"What about what I want? Did you ever consider that?"

"So you want to keep blaming yourself then?"

@Lmpkio | @Caits | @Expolar

Rosalina sat with her hands gently folded underneath her chin, one leg crossed over the other. She considered what Carrie had to say on her proposition to conscript Light Guild members into the Rune Knights with her eyes closed in thought. It was true that enlisting known wizards and taking them from their guilds would not do well to help their image at all. Yet on the same note, the idea of bringing complete strangers into the organisation made her uneasy. She didn't voice these concerns, since she knew that the others would call her out for being a hypocrite. Rosalina herself had not belonged to a guild when the Knights enlisted her. Though if she were to be honest, it was for that exact reason that she was so uneasy. There was still so much the Council didn't know about her, nor would they ever know if she had her way. Just how many secrets did those guild-less wizards possess? How many of them would bring danger to the Council?

"That would be a wise decision." Rosalina lied, though her tone and inflection would only suggest to the others that she supported the plan entirely. "It is highly likely there are several rogue wizards gathered here in Crocus for this tournament. Permission to begin recruitment as soon as possible?" Rosalina was not incredibly keen on the idea of recruiting new members, but she was starting to grow tired of the same company day in and out. The other council members were nice people, and very skilled individuals, but their presence was starting to stagnate with Rosalina. No doubt they felt the exact same way about her.

Isabella and Bullet
"Promise me that you'll come and talk to me the next time you're feeling upset."

"What? Come on, Bella. You don't have to be so weird about it."


Bullet lounged on one of the various couches littered around the lobby whilst Isabella was up and about. The young lady was pacing around the lobby, deep in thought. Bullet sprawled himself out over the couch, yawning whilst scratching at his stomach. His gaze shifted slightly to Isabella, staring with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
"What are you even doing?" He hung his head off the side of the couch, staring upside down at the ceiling. The sensation was rather uncomfortable, but he wasn't really in the mood to move. Isabella turned her attention to him briefly before continuing her train of thought. Only this time, she thought aloud as to let Bullet know what was bothering her.
"The tournament is going to end soon, which means the big party in the King's Castle is coming up." Bullet raised his eyebrow at her. It seemed like such a ludicrous thing to be hung up over. The defeated look on Isabella's face only served to concern him.
"Yeah, there's gonna be good food. You'll get to sing and dance with everyone." Isabella paused for a moment at his comment before burying her face in her hands. She sighed in frustration before collapsing down on the couch next to Bullet. He sat up properly, not really sure what to say. However in the distance he noticed another young lady that seemed to be just wandering around the lobby.

"Hey, Bella, you know that girl?" He tugged at her hands gently, moving them away from her face so she could see Jane clearly. Her spirits lifted immediately, delighted at the appearance of the stranger.
"No, but I'd like to. She seems perfect for my dilemma!" Isabella instantly bounced up from the couch and dashed over to Jane. "You, you! Quickly come here! I have something to discuss!" Bullet stared after her with his mouth agape. Just what could be so important that it would require the attention of a stranger?
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