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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Several streets away from the conflict at the theatre, a girl was walking along the sidewalk. Her coat was pulled tight around her against the night air, and underneath that all she had on was a pair of shorts, tattered sneakers, and an old t-shirt that at one point might been described as green. Her hair was tangled and more dirty than blonde, and she had the gaunt look of someone who had spent more than their share of nights under a bridge.

Her eyes were fixed on the concrete beneath her, but she turned a corner she glanced up to take in her surroundings. The sight of people lined up outside a building ahead quickened her step, and as she slipped into the back of the line she could hear the muted thumping of music. The building itself didn’t stand out much; a five story block of steel whose only notable feature was two pink neon signs fixed above the door, the first of a woman wrapped in an angel and devil wing, the second bearing the name Angel’s Embrace.

The line moved slowly, and she kept her head down as people came up behind her, shuffling along until she stood in front of the pair of massive bouncers guarding the door. One, a black man with a white crew cut, looked her over, then sighed and held out his hand. “Alright kid, show me some ID.”

The girl tugged her coat tighter around herself. “I-I don’t have any.”

The bouncer blinked, then glanced at his partner, a taller white man wearing reflective sunglasses and chewing on a toothpick, who shrugged. “Not even going to try a fake or flirting? I like your honesty.” Crewcut shook his head. “But, no ID means you can’t get in. Move along.”

Nervously looking around, the girl shivered and bit her lip. “But, I-“

“Hey!” The girl jumped and whirled around. Behind her, a young man wearing jeans and a dress shirt, his arm around a girl wearing a short red dress and heels, glowered in impatience. “You heard the man. Move it, it’s cold out here.” As if to make his point, the girl beside him shivered.

Others in the line began grumbling as well, until Sunglasses suddenly stepped forward. “Calm down, you’ll get your turn!” Sighing, he pulled his toothpick from his mouth. “I’m sorry kid, but you do need to move along.”

Eyes flicking between the bouncers and the line of people, the girl hesitated. “I-I,” screwing her eyes shut, she blurted out, “I’m here to see Lady Tori!”

Both bouncers glanced at each other, and then Crewcut looked her over again, this time much more slowly. “Prove it.” The girl fished a piece of folded paper out of the pocket of her coat and handed it to him. Pulling a pair of small glasses from inside his jacket, Crewcut unfolded the sheet and studied it, pausing once to look the girl over again. Finally, he sighed, refolded the paper, and tucked it into his jacket, along with his glasses. “Alright, give me your hand.”

As Crewcut stamped something on the back of the girl’s hand, Jeans took a step forward. “Yo, what the hell? She barely looks like she’s fourteen, you can’t just let her in like that!”

Sunglasses took another step forward, planting his hand on Jeans chest. “Step off. She’s got business with the Lady, she gets a pass.”

“Oh yeah? Well what if I’ve got business with the lady?”

“Then I say you’re full of bullshit, AND I want to see your ID. Both of you.”

Slipping past the bouncers as the man continued to argue with them, the girl looked at her hand as she went inside. The same picture as the neon sign was stamped with pink ink, and she could still feel it tingling slightly from when Crewcut had pressed the stamp into her skin. For a moment, she felt a strong urge to run away, but before she could act on it it passed, replaced by simple nervousness deep in her stomach.

The inside of the club was… not what she had been expecting. If it weren’t so packed with people, she would have been impressed with how large it was. Sparsely lit tables were scattered around three sides of the room, the fourth covered by a long bar, behind which was a slim man with what may have been gelled hair and a woman with green hair. The center of the room was dominated by a large dance floor, and it was filled with so many people that the girl wondered how they were able to move at all, never mind in time with the music. Smoke rolled across the floor, and the lights cast a soft rosy hue over everything.

She stopped, blinked, and took a deep breath through her nose. While she could still smell the expected sweat, heat, and alcohol, she was surprised to find that they were instead intermixed with… strawberries? Sighing slightly, her shoulders dropped, and her coat opened up a little as she relaxed.

“Can I help you with something?”

The girl jumped again, turning around and blushing slightly. Standing beside her was a slim, dusky girl with long black hair and a pink two-piece outfit that showed off the many, many tattoos that decorated her body. Around her neck was fixed a pink and purple collar, with a purple stone in a silver filligree set in the center of her throat. She looked her over, frowning. “You look a little young to be in here.” She had to speak loudly to be heard over the music.

Nervously tugging at her coat, the girl glanced around the club. “I… I’m here to see Lady Tori.”

The waitress (or at least she thought she was a waitress) raised an eyebrow, and for the fourth time in as many minutes, the girl found herself looked over, causing her blush to deepen. “I see. Alright, follow me.” She led the way around the room to a stairwell, along with a door bearing a “Do not Enter” sign.

As they passed it and headed upstairs, the girl felt a brief, sudden, but powerful urge to not go near the door, and actually bumped into the waitress in her haste to get away from it. “O-oh, um, I’m sorry!”

The waitress smiled, blue eyes shining kindly. “It’s okay. Happens a lot for first timers. My name’s Katy, by the way.”

The girl fiddled with her coat. “Sh-Sheila.”

“Sheila, that’s a nice name.”


As they passed the second floor, Sheila paused to look inside. While it wasn’t nearly as crowded as the dance floor below, it was still just as filled. More tables filled the floor, a second bar with a single female bartender was arrayed against one wall, and there were three stages for the dancers. The longer she looked, the deeper the crimson that adorned her cheeks became, as the several waitresses going this way and that wore different colours of the same two-piece uniform that Katy wore, though Sheila’s eyes were primarily locked on the muscular, nearly naked man on the left stage.

A short whistle from above her snapped her back to attention, and she continued to follow the other girl up the stairs, into a sparsely decorated office. A large window, giving a complete view of the second floor, filled the back wall, with a modestly sized desk, a high backed swivel chair, and a pair of chairs arrayed in front of it, which Katy gestured towards. “Here we go, have a seat. I’ll go see if she’s awake.” Sheila nodded, the warm atmosphere of the office finally persuading her to take off her coat, hanging it on the back of one of the chairs before sitting down. Katy smiled warmly, then turned towards a door set in the left wall.

Slipping through the door, momentarily sending a shaft of light across the room, she softly closed it behind her and reached out to the side, her fingers sliding a dimmer switch ever so slightly. A soft light spread across the room, revealing an expansive bed covered in dark purple covers. Beneath those covers cuddled three other women. The one on the right was normal enough, with shoulder-length brunette hair, an identical collar, and a pair of soft leather cuffs that were linked together. The other two, however, were decidedly not human.

On the left, nearly indistinguishable in the dark from a shadow with her brown skin, at first appeared human. As Katy’s eyes traveled downwards, they traced the long, sinuous shape that wove back and forth beneath the covers. She knew that if she pulled back those sumptuous covers, that long, heavy tail would be adorned in the iridescent scales of a rainbow boa. While she also wore the same pink and purple collar as her human companion and Katy herself, an identical bracelet was also clasped around her wrist.

However, it was the sight of the center woman that she drank in. Propped up against a wall of pillows, her scaled hands lovingly caressing the heads of the two woman who cuddled against her chest, the glow of her violet eyes pierced straight through darkness, sending a delicious shiver down Katy’s back. “Excuse me Mistress, but there is someone here to see you.”

The soft smile playing about Talith’s lips curved higher, and she dipped her horned head. “Thank you, Katy.” She licked her lips as the other girl turned and slipped through the door, eyes fastened on her nearly naked bottom, then bent down and brushed a soft kiss on the foreheads of her slumbering lovers before melting into the shadows, resolidifying beside the bed. She glanced as the girl and weresnake shifted in response to her absence, chuckling in her throat when the former was soon solidly trapped in the coils of the latter. If the sleepy smile and the way she nuzzled under Becky’s chin was any indication, Grace was not disturbed in the least by her situation. Talith slowly swept her tail over to give the pair one last caress with her stinger, then sighed and began walking towards the door. Her bracelet flew across the room, born aloft by a hand-shaped shadow coming out of the wall, and as it clasped around her wrist her body briefly fuzzed, her scales, tail and horns vanishing. She paused at the door, briefly contemplating just walking out, then decided against it with a sigh. Shadows wove through the air and wrapped around her human body, and she stepped out into the office.

Sheila nearly jumped out of her seat when the door opened, then hastily stood up from her chair and tucked her hair behind her ear. Nervous butterflies roiled in her stomach, but when she raised her head, her heart stopped with a loud thud and her mouth hung open. The most gorgeous woman she had ever seen, clad in a black t-shirt and black jeans, was walking towards her, hips rolling just enough to catch her eye if she wasn’t completely captivated by her beautiful violet gaze.

Talith smirked as she strode behind her desk. “Close your mouth, dear, you’re drooling.” She chuckled against as the teen’s teeth clacked together and she frantically wiped her hand, momentarily puzzled to find that only half of Talith’s statement was true. Sitting down, she steepled her fingers and peered across at her. ““So, Katy tells me that you came here to see me.”

Swallowing hard and feeling like she was going to melt into the floor from that soft voice, Sheila nodded. “Y-yes ma’am.”

“Milady,” Talith corrected, and she smiled again as the girl flushed the most adorable shade of red. “So, what brings a pretty young thing like you to want to meet me?” She waited expectantly, but the only response she got was silence and the crimson flush creeping up the girl’s ears and down her neck. What’s this? Has she never gotten a compliment before? She narrowed her focus, and suppressed a sigh. Mmmh. Embarrassment, nerves, a little preening and… a hint of arousal? Oooh, she is just so PRECIOUS! “Let’s start with something easy. What’s your name, sweetheart?”

“Sh-Sheila. Atkins. Sheila Atkins.” She silently cursed to herself, and then wanted to smack herself. “Milady.”

“And how old are you?”

“S-sixteen, Milady.”

Talith remained silently, looking at the girl expectantly. Nervously shifting her weight, Sheila bit her lip. “I-I am!” Her eyes glanced off to the side, and her voice dropped low. “In two months.”

“Good girl. I can tell when people aren’t being entirely truthful.” Hmm, sixteen. Innocent, or no? If not, then she certainly can’t have had much experience. Talith licked her lips just slightly, and much to her delight caught the girl’s eyes flick down to watch. She would be so tasty either way. “Now, since Burnie and Joel aren’t supposed to let underage teens in, even if they are as pretty as you…” She smiled again as she saw that adorable blush again, savouring the tiny spark of arousal as it burst into a candle flame. Standing up, she slowly walked around until she was standing in front of the girl, and perched on the edge of her desk, leaning forward so that their faces were mere inches apart. “What brings you, in here?”

Sheila was utterly captivated by the violet gaze that held her, though the view just below it was just as tempting. As she took a deep breath in a desperate attempt to calm herself, though, it caught in her throat. Is she wearing… strawberry perfume? She failed to stop a soft sigh from escaping her lips as warmth suffused her body. “I… S-Sarah told me to come here. She said you could help me out.” She glanced down, tugging at the hem of her shirt. “She didn’t say what kind of place this was, though. Milady.”

Talith grinned. “Sarah Walkerman? She wouldn’t. Always did have a naughty streak, that one.” Her brow furrowed as a thought occurred to her. “Sarah. She works down at that shelter on 25th now.” Sheila nodded, and Talith’s brow furrowed further. “Which means you’re homeless.” Another nod, and Talith sighed as she leaned back. “Now I see why she sent you to me.”

She fell silent, idly tapping her thigh as her eyes roamed up and down the girl’s body. Sheila swallowed and bit her lip. This was the fifth time now that somebody had looked her over, but while the other times had felt like just cursory glances, this time she felt like she was being inspected. Maybe it was the atmosphere, maybe it was the perfume and the warmth that was flooding through her, maybe it was a whim, but her shoulders slid back just a little as she straightened, pushing her modest chest forward. The other woman’s eyes paused, and she smiled appreciatively. “Well, as it so happens, I might be able to spare a room for you. But!” She raised a finger, which Sheila instantly became fixated upon. “This is not a charity. If you want to stay here, you’ll have to work for your keep.” Her smile grew a little wider as she tasted the shock and nervousness that was now surging through the girl. “Do you think you can do that?”

Sheila’s eyes flicked towards the window. “W-work? Um…” She bit her lip again. On the one hand, having a warm place to sleep that wasn’t crowded sounded awfully nice. And having a chance to be around that wonderful smell… One the other hand… “I… I’m not really a good dancer, Milady. And I don’t know if I could…”

Smirking, Talith crossed her legs, balancing her head on her fist. “This is a strip club, dear. Nobody is a good dancer until they try it.”

Back and forth between the window and the woman Sheila’s eyes flicked, fear and desire battling it out in her mind. Finally, she took a shaky breath, and her knees weakened as a fresh wave of strawberries assailed her. “I… I guess I could… Milady…”

Clapping her hands together, Talith smiled broadly and stood up. “Wonderful! Katy!” The office door opened, and Katy stepped inside, as though she had been waiting outside. “Allison and Lizbeth should be just about finished, yes?”

The waitress glanced at her phone, and for a moment Sheila wondered just where she had pulled it from. There certainly weren’t any pockets in her tiny excuse for a uniform. “They still have fifteen minutes left, Mistress. Allison might try to purchase more, though. You know how much of a mess Lizbeth can make.”

“Perfect! Why don’t you show, Sheila,” Talith’s smile widened as she caught the soft sigh that escaped from the girl, “upstairs. She can room with Joyce. Once she’s settled, take her downstairs and find her something more,” she bared her teeth, savouring the taste of nervous trepidation, with a hint of anticipation, “appropriate to wear.”

Clasping her hands in front of her, Katy bowed slightly. “Yes Mistress.” Holding out her hand, she grabbed Sheila’s and led her out of the room.

When the door closed, Talith groaned loudly and leaned against her desk. She had barely spent ten minutes with the girl, and already the anticipation was killing her. Such a delicious little thing! I will definitely be tasting her. In more ways than one.

Her eyes flicked towards bedroom door, and she licked her lips again. Restraint would definitely have to be the better part of foreplay, however. The longer the wait, the bigger the payoff, and she had others that she could tide herself over with. After all, playrooms didn’t clean themselves. Well, technically they could, but that wasn’t nearly as much fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The sound of a blast caught Benji’s attention, he looked to see a hole had been blasted straight through the back wall of the theater. Only moments later the deafening sound of an explosions sent him staggering with his hands instinctively covering his ears. The already rundown building shook from the force and a sharp ringing persisted in his ears well after the initial sound had gone. Before he had the chance to regain his bearings a fog filled the theater followed by an intense looking monster. Benji had never seen anything like it before, and he’d never seen supernaturals as powerful as the two who were fighting the monster. A part of him wanted to go full wolf and throw himself into the fight but this sort of thing was so far beyond any of his experience. He’d been in plenty of fights with guns, knives, or blunt weapons but monsters that constantly change shape and teams of heavily armed soldiers was way more than he was used to. As much as he hated to admit it, getting involved in that fight would be foolish even by his standards and the two currently engaged in the fight seemed to have it relatively under control.

The theater, which was a wreck before the fighting, looked like it would collapse at any second and Benji didn’t want to be around when it did. He shifted from his partial werewolf back to his human appearance and headed to the back of the theater. The back lot of the theater was occupied by a large bus and a women encouraging anyone looking to escape to hop aboard. He wondered for a second if this could be a trick of the scientists to get their hands on a bus full of supernaturals but it still seemed a better option than a giant horrible monster and over two dozen well-armed soldiers all blatantly trying to kill everyone. “Where’s this bus headed?” He shouted to the woman with the megaphone who seemed to in charge as he helped those who needed it aboard the bus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


The abomination had immediately changed tactics as soon as Jane wounded it. Now it swung around and split into smaller monsters that all rained down on Jane and the stranger. Each was as nimble as panther on the hunt and jumped with ferocious anger.
Thanks to her parkour skills, Jane just barely dodged a mouth full of teeth flying at her, but was struck down when a set of claws ripped open her arm. A burning sensation of pain instantly shot through her, worse than she could ever have imagined. With just as much aggression she yelled and turned that creature into ash.
The abomination, whatever it was, had been a quick learner. It couldn’t fight her with brute force. But claws and teeth, now there was something Jane couldn’t absorb. Not as long as it was used on a small scale anyway.
Jane’s retaliation had pierced the beast and continued into another wall, and it was now only a matter of time before the building collapsed.

“We have to go!” she shouted with as much air as she could spare, before creating a flash from her palm that kept the multiple attackers at bay. Only now did she get back on her feet. “There are other ways to strike back, but not here, not now!”
A large piece of the ceiling dropped down in a cloud of dust, and many more were falling also, so Jane started to move back. Her powers were almost drained, and it didn't help either that she was bleeding badly. Soon she would be helpless if a new source of energy didn't appeared.

Luckily a literal roaring thunderstorm could be heard outside, and she knew one of her supernatural friends were just about ready to cover her escape.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orlan


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Have you heard of the Supernatural Underground? If not then try and remember the Underground Railroad for you lot and that's the gist!" The old woman shouts. "We leave in one minute before more of those soldiers arrive! Picked up two more of those thirty man trucks on this radar thing!" She shouts as one more bus pulls up just beside the old woman's. The smaller bus right outside the hole decides to ram into two more of the split up abominations, it rather conveniently pulls up beside the two combatants. "Will you please board? We don't have too long before we have ourselves a makeshift bunker." The slightly more sane occupant shouts to them.

"Alright..." Paulson takes Willa's hand. "Givin' her support I see, and lemmie' help with him." The captain attempts to pull Paon up, but instead falls, tearing a bit of Paon's shirt off. "I see not even a crane can lift him!" Goldie jokes, the other three soldiers laugh to some degree, Paulson helping captain Crane up. "Goldie, you might be useless for many things but you're decent enough for jokes! Are those blue lines below his back?" The captain questions. The quiet soldier reaches for his gun, Goldie for a bottle of water he had in a freezer on the van. "Water, Goldie? Are you drunk?" captain Crane asks.

"Mal! Who was that on the bus?" Hal asks as Mal begins helping. "A terrorist Hal, a woman who cares for other supernatural beings, not just shapeshifters... Ripped off an old anti-slavery organisation called the Underground Railroad... Supernatural Railroad, you know I saw it's formation, that forest your mother died in? She killed off old Greyscales and saved our foes. Now that mad woman has started one of the biggest movements of supernatural beings to other realms, other countries, even submarines designed to be homes... how that works is beyond me." Mal explains as he transforms certain parts of himself into different cleaning utensils to try and be more efficient. "Why has dad then gone off to the security offices?" Hal asks. "He has? I need to go." Mal says before disappearing up the ventilation ducts, making it to the security offices a minute quicker then Graham. "Listen Graham, that woman is your wife... She is alive and our enemy." Mal states to Graham. "She was the reason I decided to join this organisation! Now I find her working with those things?! Mr Right had better salvage this thing or I might have to do something more drastic. Now where can I find the brig list? I have an idea to bring them out in case of that fairy's failure which is all too certain if that's her." Graham almost shouts in frustration, fear and in uncertainty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Willa O'Shea

Willa saw the lines and acted fast. She let her irish heritage flow in her temper. "Now look at ye pawin' at me friend and rippin' his clothes! Haven' ya heard o' tattoos? Blimey, the man was'na always blind. Now get yer grubby hans off o' him. Are ya alright P?" She asked Paon and she squeezed his hand a little.

Willa got between Paon and the soldier she had just made look like an idiot. Willa put both hands on her hips and tapped her foot angrily. "Move back and let the man outta the chair afor I find yer bosses and tell 'em how you're treatin' people. Tis bin a while since I've seen soldiers this rude an most of those were on the tele."

By this time she was more then ready to go and she tugged on his hand a little bit to get him moving. "Let's go P afor it's mornin'." She turned to Teddy and said, "I thank ya miss fer yer generosity and I wish ya all the luck." She smiled kindly at Teddy and glared back at the rude soldiers while she waited for Paon to get up and ready to go.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nomad

Nomad The Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alnnar kept fighting the monster and leading it into his trap. But the girl decided to fight as well, blasting off the arm of the monster getting it's attention. It split into to and now they were each fighting one. The two forms shifting but now it was weaker, slower then before as Alnnar caught on one of it's punches then kicked the beast sending it flying back. Hitting another column as it crashed through. The girl was looked weathered and was at the end of her abilities as the creature was bearing down on her. Coming up behind the monster he kicked forward, hitting the back of it's leg behind the knee before punching into that hole made from the girl. Soon his eyes erupted in flame again. The Inside of the monster started to glow red as burning flesh started to fill the air. Soon fire erupted out of it's eyes and mouth as it was getting burned from the inside out. The outside flesh started to bubble as the heat caused it to boil before catching fully on fire. Those flames licking off of the beast "I told you to run child" he said as parts of the building were starting to collapse. "Now RUN!" he shouted as he that monster was soon a chard. Soon though he was hit in the back. He was tossed a distance but twisted and landed on his feet skidding. He wasted no time, dodging falling debris closing the gab as it was turning it's attention back towards Jane. "your fight is with me!" Despite all this Alnnar him self barley looked winded as he fought. The timer had run out, more and more of the building collapsed as it was soon rumbling and started to fall down at full force now. He grabbed Jane, twisted and tossed her, flinging her outside through that hole she created. As the monster raged at him the building couldn't last any more as the entire structure crumbled and fell. The ceiling collapsing, the walls caving in as he fought the monster, at the last second the monster swung and hit nothing but air. Alnnar bursting into smoke as that creature was crushed by the weight of the building.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jason "Echo" Reed

The soldier pushed him. It wasn't all that hard, but he made a show of falling back off his chair.
"Military brutality, geez! You damn scientists think you run the bloody world, I swear..." he rubbed the back of his head as he spoke; observing all the sounds idly.

Blue lines..? Thats one Super. The other went for a gun slowly, whilst the other grabbed some water. Then the girl stepped in to defend the seemingly blind boy. Her heartbeat had increased the moment she had seen the lines, by the looks of things. So that was two Supers. There were three at minimum in the room, and four soldiers. Why was it that everywhere he went there had to be some degree of violence, or a trigger for violence?

It'd be nice if they would just be normal and get along.

His voice lowered to an inaudible pitch, directed at the man going for his gun, Jet whispers...
"Draw the gun and you die. Make a noise and you die. Let them walk out, or you die." nobody else heard it, except the one going for a gun. The quiet one. From behind the table, blocked by the chair, he levels a pistol with a suppressor attached at the soldier.

Then, from the table he laid behind, he shouted over to the soldiers.
"Not gonna lay a hand on a young lady, are you? Maybe let them go before you get a letter of discharge on 'ya doorstep. Maybe its best that you grab your order and bounce before someone calls the cops for harassment."

Maybe it was best if Jason didn't get involved sometimes...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
Avatar of BlackPanther


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Paon's face snapped to the captain as his shirt tore. He knew full well his stripes would show. However, just as he was about to snarl and release a good amount of lightning onto the men, Willa stepped in and played it cool. His head tilted as he took her hand and stood, the side with the stripes showing exposed how blue they are. If one were to look close enough small scale like edging is present.

He nodded to her, not allowing fear to betray him. "Apologies, yes let us go" his grip on her arm was enough to show his blindness. They way his gaze traveled slightly to the left of each man furthered it. "gentlemen." he then quickly urged Willa to walk out of there with him. He hoped the other two left would be able to handle themselves...

Peter drops down to all fours and crawls from shadow to shadow, keeping out of sight, until he reached the back tires of the bus. With a small chuckle he slashed them, insuring that this particular bus was not going anywhere for the moment. He then allowed the metal to drop and he leaped on top of the bus, his features twisting to something that could be defined as fear.

"well come on then let's go. I just leaped around like a dolphin to get here" the ear piece hidden in his ear let his words echo back to the scientists. Dolphin was his code for him going under cover. He would play a part for their information and it also told the men outside to allow the bus to leave if it could...if not they could attack and Peter would pretend to fight them to gain favor of these crazy people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She was watching what was happening from high above. The soldiers and scientists were doing their thing. Poorly, but at least things were coming along quite well. She did not care for their petty squabbles. The more whom died, the better it was for her. The more pain and chaos that was sowed, the better.

These mortals, they squandered the gift. The gift of life. The gift of choice. Anger boiled up inside of her as she thought about it. The Father had done it once. Almost done it twice. He had scattered them to the corners of the world, hoping that the mortals would not fight each other. Yet they kept fighting. Yet they kept defiling the gifts.

The ways of Alexander, slaughtering his way to power. When he died, it did not stop. They fractured and kept fighting. The rise of the Romans and their butchering ways. Exterminating thousands to keep the 'peace'. She had watched as the tribes butchered each other. Watched the ones living in this continent butchering each other instead of helping each other.

Throughout history, those in the mortal realm killed each other. Supernaturals, as the humans called them, and humans alike. They were all equally dirty. Neither appreciated the gifts of her people and the Father.

"It's time," she said to herself and started falling towards the ground. Yes, it was time. Time to put things into motion. As she dove towards the ground she channeled her powers and broadcasted to everyone present at the theatre.

"Greeting, you who oppose order. Why would you fight? Why do you oppose what is right? What would benefit all?" Her voice was domineering, loud yet eerie as it echoed through the minds of those present. "Now please...go along with the friendly folks that are here to get you."

She landed with a bang in front of the first buss, sending a shockwave through the ground with her mind to make it as dramatic as possible. Her wings flared out and her hand stretched out towards the first buss and the sound of metal twisting could be heard by those nearby as the engine was torn out from within and tossed to the side.

"Now please....let's stop this pointless fighting."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orlan


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Next time could you just throw the driver out? That took four hours to fit the engine in." Harriet jokes as she begins drinking a small amount of scotch she has on a small table besides her. "You obviously have no idea who the kind folks are. Those scientists kill these innocent beings for their skin, their bones just to make trinkets!" The mad old woman then begins pouring the rest of her glass of scotch down on top of the mysterious attacker. "My organisation doesn't fight, it takes ordinary, brilliant people who are being hunted for their pelts, their bones and for their so called inferiority and keeps them safe, those scientists want to commit genocide, mass murder and torture... would you like having the big bad foot stomp on your face forever? Or watch someone close to you have the foot? I don't." With that the old woman drops the rest of the bottle on the engine eradicator's head. "That was for four hours wasted you idiot." With that Harriet begins walking down the stairs to the second bus, a slight smile on her face.

"Are those scales?" Paulson questions after looking at Paon. "Lads, let's investigate our scaly blind friend here, possibly reveal him as the dragon he might be!" Crane calls out, Goldie throws the water, the quiet soldier attempts to tackle Willa and Paulson backs off in fear, knocking over a rack of crisps in the process.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
Avatar of Wick

Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Willa O'Shea

Willa reacts instantly and the quiet soldier lands on her back but instead of knocking her to the ground she spins while grabbing his arm and whips him across the room. Super strength in small sized people is often surprising. Willa acts winded trying to calm the situation. "Six brothers an ya think ya can lick me eh? You'll fine it's na so easy to pick on a Irish lady." She glared at them and concentrated on their guns. She was ready if she had to be.

Willa tossed her coat to Paon and called out to him. "P, put me coat on so as to keep other idjots from making the same mistake as these here." She turned back to them and glared at them. Her heart was beating so fast she was worried about them figuring out what she was. Her next thought disabled their guns and any tazers they might have. These items would be rendered useless.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A supernatural underground railroad, now that was a new one. Benji had never seen a collection of supernaturals in such large numbers before, it was strange but comforting to know there were supernaturals who could go toe to toe with the worse their enemies had to offer. His own experience as a supernatural, after the loss of his family, had been very isolated but knowing that his kind was organizing in ways that led to a well matched battle against the scientists and their soldiers gave him hints of hope. He had a slight grin as he watched the theater fall, crushing the scientist’s monster as the remaining supernaturals escaped the falling building.

A frightened looking man jumped on top one of the buses and suggested they all get going. While he nodded in agreement with this guy something about him made Benji feel uneasy, but he couldn’t say why. To be fair to the stranger he also got uneasy feelings around people who owned cats and being around armed soldiers and a horrible shapeshifting monster had already put him on edge to begin with. He didn’t have time to think on his unease though as what looked like some sort of winged creature descended from the sky and ripped an engine from a bus like it was nothing. He instinctively snarled as the woman suggested they all go quietly with the “friendly folks” who wanted to torture, maim, and slaughter them. Non-supernaturals doing the things the scientists did to his kind was bad enough but supernaturals helping these scientists were the lowest creatures on earth as far as he was concerned.

“Pointless fighting? Fighting for our own survival, for the right to not be skinned, mutilated and slaughtered is pointless?” He snarled at the woman his eyes flashing yellow for a second from his rage. The leader of Supernatural Underground argued back with the winged creature before throwing scotch and then a bottle at the, well what he was going to assume was some kind of powerful dark fae. Generally Benji didn’t support the wasting of good or even somewhat palatable scotch but he had to admire the balls on the older woman and he wondered what sort of creature she was to be so fearless in the face of such an adversary. He followed slowly in the direction of a new bus, one that still had an engine, while making sure not to turn his back on the winged woman. He watched for any sudden movements in case she tried to attack those fleeing the mangled bus or the man who had jumped on top the bus. He had passed on a fight before and he didn’t have it in him to pass on another fight but getting all these people out had to be the first priority. It would go smoother if this new advisory, who seemed to dislike fighting, was looking for violence but the primal force that was his wolf ached to be set free.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nomad

Nomad The Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the rubble finally stopped falling Alnnar reformed himself, though under it so nobody could see as she pushed up. His arm was back to normal as she surveyed the area. The creature was still alive, only just barley. Walking up to he placed a hand on it sighing "So much pain and anguish. What have they done to you." he said shacking his head "Let me end your suffering" he said as the beast erupted into flames. The heat so intense it instantly burned any nerve ending causing the creature to die relatively painlessly. "I morn you this night." he said standing from that charred corpse. He saw little victory here. All of this destruction and loss. It weighed on the Jinn.

There was an eerie calm as he walked through the rubble, heading toward Jane. He could shake it though. The feeling that something was off. But he didn't have to wonder long. Soon another was flying above the scene as he looked up. An angel, but he could not feel it's holy light. The divine since was gone. No, there was much taint, darkness and corruption inside of her. Thinking for a moment he sighed. "Is this what you call order? is that beast of pain and suffering what you call right?" he said "No, You side with those who would strip us of our free willm Given to us by Allah. Those who would end precious life with out thought. Yes, they are foolish and children. They stumble and falter. But instead of trying to control, should we not show them that there is a better path?" he walked back to Jane "Violence should always be avoided, but to fight for free will. To fight for your right to choose, that is not pointless." he said before looking back to the monster he had just killed. "Would you have us become that...so lost as to not even be able to choose a form." He looked to Jane now "They are children, and is it not our responsibility to guide them." he sighed some. He knew the night was not over, that this was only the start. The girl was right, war was coming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orlan


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I believe everyone is unanimously against you and the people you represent. Best fly off now, get dressed and get that perfectly fine scotch out of your hair... Shouldn't have wasted it really." Harriet jeers as she begins waving her pistol around. "I challenge you with this pistol, and just this pistol because I have no natural abilities, no shapeshifting, no manipulation of invisible elements, or visible for that matter without the help of tools. I am just the wife of one of the first scientists, the mother of one of the most ruthless too." She announces before aiming the gun at Zhaliora, firing multiple times at her. "Now get everyone in the bus or help me drive her off!" Harriet shouts while firing the pistol slowly, trying to be accurate with every shot.

"What the hell is happening? Captain?" Paulson asks, even more afraid and curious. "These are freaks Paulson, giant lizards, matter manipulating tyrants and murderers, use that gun on them!" Crane shouts, taking his rifle and beginning to shoot at Willa very wildly, laughing as he went. Paulson decides to just stay back as Goldie then throws the empty bottle at Paon, followed by two plastic knifes, a napkin and four forks as well as one spoon. "Are you mad?! If that blind man is a giant lizard he can probably withstand cutlery and be rather annoyed!" Paulson jeers, trying to keep his spirits up, after that an entire metal tissue box flies at Paon. "Happy now? I have some stationary too if that'll help, those compasses can hurt you know! Or the protractors..." Goldie states, annoyed at his inadequacy in combat.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After she tossed the engine aside she looked up and saw the lady pouring alcohol down on her. Mocking her with words and gestures. She could feel the want to kill the woman. She probed the woman's mind and took a little peek inside.

Something in there stopped her from just killing her outright. She was the wife of one of the scientists. If she killed her now it would probably make it more difficult later on. Her mind processed the information quickly before the bottle hit her head, adding flames to the fire. Did this woman think being the wife would protect her?

"Human filth," she snarled as another ran up. Zhal's eyes focused on this new one, probing his mind as well. "Yes..it's a pointless fight, because it's not a fight you can win. Instead join them, hunt the weak and let the strong survive."

She listened as another started speaking. His speech might arouse any thoughts of doubt in her, if they had existed in the first place. She started laughing loudly and smiled a wide grin. "But oh how wrong you are little Djin. This is all in the name of The Father. He considers you beings....as mistakes," she said into the minds of those present. "The Father, considers the humans his chosen ones, and the rest to serve them. I am just carrying out his divine will."

Zhal turned towards the human as she spoke and pulled out a gun. "You're a fool, that's what you are. Misguided." The lady started shooting towards her. The bullets deflected off to the sides behind her as she stretched out her hand and a portal opened. She pulled out a flintlock pistol before aiming it towards the lady and pulled the trigger, creating a large amount of smoke in front of her. Zhal's intent was not to kill, but at least put her out of action for quite a while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Paon gets water thrown at him. Cold water, his irritation quickly became present as he calmly caught the coat thrown at him in mid air. He then calmly allowed the other various items to him him before he removed his sunglasses and gently pulling out his phone. He then started playing music [so light em up up up light em up up...that one...] a large smile spread across his face.
"my turn yes?" he put his hands out as if he held a ball and then....he did. A ball of bright rainbow lightning that seemed to pulsate with life. He raised his head and stared into the captains eyes before tossing the ball. As the ball moved small streaks of lightning shot out of it and a static sound was heard.

Within seconds, there was a Clydesdale sized dragon standing in the place of Paon, his head up with defiance and his tail rigid. It was clear this dragon would usually be one for peace, but was pushed a bit too far as its mouth opened revealing more rainbow light dancing within. Without much in the way of earning a large lightning strike exited paon's mouth and headed for the quiet soldier. The newbie seems to not be on the attack list yet...possibly because that particular soldier dos not toss things at him.

Peter watched the angel descend and took the chance to leap down and look at the werewolf. A small flicker of...something not entirely pleasent...passed through his purple eyes before he smiled. Most would interpret that as a friendly smile, but for Peter it was more animalistic. His wings flicked as he gently moved around the wolf to the second bus, as he moved his skin shimmered with that silver shimmer. For right now he was going to ignore the djinn and stay undercover.

Information like this does not pop up very often, and damn it he was going to retrieve at least some of it. He lightly smiled somewhat at the voice inside his head. Ever familiar to him her voice was almost soothing. He shook his head and focused on staying on top of the bus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unknown100
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Far away from all the action, two men sat in an office. The place must have been a nightmare to keep clean, as it was all white. Floors, walls, ceiling even a large part of the furniture was white. There was expensive decorations and polished glass tables.
The two men wore suits that probably cost more than most people’s houses. At their sleeves cufflinks sat with the word EDGE, and they wore them proudly. Despite the obvious comfort of the chairs, the men did not look happy. On the flatscreen played a live feed, one of their agents recorded. It showed the theater collapsing, and before that a giant lightshow of a war had played.

“It’s our Jane. Always thinking with her fists. God damn her! A child, forever a child. She could be a force of nature if only she listened to us. She might even win us the war, if only she would be more discrete.”

“Do you think she will survive?” the other asked, a blond guy with glasses. Unlike his colleague he actually sounded concerned.

“Maybe. Maybe not. We have to start planning without her. Like how are we going to use this?” He nodded to the screen. “The scientists have played their hand, and I don’t think they expected this much resistance. The site is a warzone now, and we can expose them for the murderous tyrants they are. They can’t just spin this, people have seen too much, and the cat is out of the bag. Supernaturals are among us, and the government unleashed them on the streets without a second’s thought.”

Meanwhile Jane picked herself up from the solid ground. Her hood was down and sand and dirt fell from her hair.
The stranger had started another lecture while people fought for their lives around him. He even spoke to the enemy.
“Seriously, just shut up and get out of here! I came back for you, get it?” she shouted to him. More clouds had formed above, and she greeted the rumbling sound of thunder. It was thanks to her newfound supernatural friend whom could control storms. Hoping desperately that her escape plan would work she raised her fist and gave the signal.
Immediately lightning struck the ground a few meters from where she was standing.
Come on, hit me! she thought to herself.
Another strike, this one right next to her. She could almost smell the power coming from it.
Again! Make it strike me! This has to work.

And then the thunderstorm hits its mark; Jane was struck and thrown down on her knees by the violent impact. Her vision got blurry and her limbs started shaking. Before she could order another delivery, she was hit again and then again, and they kept coming.
A clear silhouette of her hands and knees where painted in soot where she was laying and trying to push back, so she would not get totally smashed into the ground by the strength of the bolts. Luckily for her they stopped as soon as she raised her arm again.
She had never felt such power running through her before. This plan had gone even further than she had wanted. But it worked! Her hands were almost vibrating and her heart was pounding like a locomotive. The little bit of lighting that shot between her fingers, as she stood up again, was quickly absorbed as well. Her eyes yet again glowed orange, but steam also started to pour out like something from a cheesy manga.

“Hell… fucking… yeah!” she whispered and raised her bleeding arm. With a single stroke of her hand she blasted a giant line in the ground where the Scientists had come from. The concrete was instantly obliviated, and pieces and dust shot up into the air like a giant wall, obscuring the view of anyone not close and directly in the fight. “Go! We can’t fight all of them!” she yelled out in the direction of the stranger and the escape vehicles.

There was a woman at one of them. Covered in armor with a set of wings on her back. In her hand a gun. She was undoubtedly with the Scientists.

Looking like a lion about to devour a mouse, Jane now directed both arms right at the winged woman.
And then Jane fired…

The blast was like radiant lava, heated up to the absolute boiling point. The beam itself shot out with such unbelievable force, Jane was pushed slightly back. The ground beneath the immense ray started to melt, and the air around turned red. It was as if pure hellfire burned the world with a glow warmer than anything.

Unknown to Jane at the time where the consequences of the Armageddon she had unleashed from her hands. All she felt right now was hate. A consuming hate. And she hoped her hate would allow them all to retreat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orlan


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Sod it! I'd rather be in prison!" Paulson exclaims before pulling a taser and trying to shoot Crane with it, the taser then fails and Paulson shouts in frustration, deciding to throw a metal tissue box at Goldie, and a whole pie into Crane's face. "Lads! Manuver! That thing cannot get all of us if we hide behind the counter!" Goldie yells as the quiet soldier is knocked back through the wall onto the pavement by the blast, "Send for a Chiropractor!" He squeaks in a high pitched Belgian accent. "He was Belgian?!" Paulson exclaims again before throwing Crane's armour at Goldie, sending the rather thin soldier over the counter face first and arse up. Crane takes cover a bit more reasonably. "Big dragon thing, miss, enjoy your new former and now current convict doctor! Let's run shall we?!" Paulson exclaims to the two he now surrenders to, before being shot by Crane, wiping the pie out of his eyes. "He ad it comin'! NO ONE BACKSTABS ME!" with that Crane begins shooting at Paon.

At the ruins two more smaller buses pull up, their doors opening. Harriet would have taken that bullet to heart if it wasn't for a flask of Sake which had stopped it enough to save her, Harriet then manages to support herself on a nearby pillar. "Stop wasting good alcohol!" Harriet exclaims, she then tries to shoot back, the pistol flying out of her hand as she cursed under her breath in pain. "You're out of date I'm afraid, couldn't even get past a flask! Now tell me one thing before these kind people send you screaming' home to your daddy, who is he?" Harriet questions after mocking her, even when wounded. "Is he some anonymous figure we should not care about? A narcissist who has manipulated you into horrendous deeds? Or is he a man whose words are being manipulated by someone who was close to him in order to justify mass genocide?! If you want to stop EVERYONE here, then try your damnedest because they will fight, and at the very least send the Father her golden daughter with an education. Ladies and gentlemen, you have waited too long for this, give our little golden daughter here a lesson on reality's brutality, then get the bus." Harriet jeers, aided by a random person in the crowds Harriet begins heading to one of the empty buses, up to the second floor of it, rather slowly, her pistol being collected by another person boarding the same bus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Willa O'Shea

Willa was still in fighting stance and she looked at Paon. "Ah now yuv done it!" She mumbled something in Irish and moved over to Paon's left so she wouldn't get hit by lightning. Looking at Paon in his dragon form she scolded him slightly. "I almost had us outta here and you couldna let it go?"

She laughed as the one tried to shoot Paon with his gun. "You'll na be hurtin anyone with tha thing." She said as she climbed up on Paon's back. "Now dun knock me off we are gettin' outta here." Willa turned them BOTH invisible and told him quietly. "P they can no' see us, go!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zhal could feel the minds of those here. Every emotion that they felt. Every thought that they had. It was rushing into her like a tidal wave. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. As if breathing in the energies around her. The fear, hate, anger and chaos was feeding her with power.

She exhaled and then took another deep breath. She could hear explosions going off, thunder. Death was around her. Death and agony tasted like sweet wine. While carnal pleasures were like ecstasy to her, death did the job.

Her powers were returned with force and her mind expanded outwards, touching their senses. She could feel the girl from before charging up just outside of the theatre. She was taking a gamble she knew, but it would be worth it to feel what they felt.

Zhal now had a bird's eye view on what was happening on the battlefield. Her mind connected and saw what they saw and she could feel the savoury rush of battle as her mind detached from her body, letting it roam free.

The woman started to speak once again. Zhal groaned inwards, she should just killed her instead of sparing her life. It was trivial though, but it did present her with an opportunity. "The Father," she said as she walked towards the charging girl. "Is the one you call God, Allah and so much more," her voice reached out to them, but a softer tone this time around.

She stared at the girl as the powerful blast came her way and flapped her wings, pushing her up into the air over the blast. She could feel the scorching heat cross under her. Zhal fed off the emotions the girl exhibited. She wanted to control her, making her a slave to her will. So much potential for destruction, so much potential for death.
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