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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The cramped enclosure Hyng was stuck in--whatever the hell it was--wasn't budging. He had been trying to push his way out for who knew how long, with no success. The lack of any feeling of limbs was worrying, though, to say the least; had the explosion been bad enough to kill his eyesight and force his limbs to be amputated? Something worse? He shuddered at the thought. If he could never see again... That would be... VERY unpleasant, to say the least.

After a minute or so of failed pushing with that he assumed to be his legs, Hyng gave up and decided to used his head... Or, more aptly, his face to push his way out. This worked a bit better, at least; the sealed cage seemed to be giving way a lot easier now, and for once he could actually BREATHE. Shoving his way out, Hyng glanced around himself and saw... Well, it was a pretty dark place, all things considered, and the rocky ceiling and walls were... Strange. He prooobably wasn't in the laboratory now.

It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the place, which was... Probably a cave, all things considered. As far as he could recall, there were no caves near the university...

"Am I dreaming or something?!" Hyng asked himself internally (though it was really more a scream than a question) before looking around. Other... Things seemed to be waking up, but for now... He had to get a good look at himself... Or something. The sensations of pressure on whatever the hell he had just been in, of the cool, damp wind in the area... It was far too realistic to be a dream. Luckily enough, there seemed to be a pool of water a few feet away. Or, well... It seemed to be a few feet away, what with his face being so close to the floor now. Dragging himself over like a worm would have, Hyng reared his head and looked down at the... Somewhat clear pool of water in front of him.

A blue snake stared back at him.


"You're kidding, right?"

He was... A snake.
Holy shit.
A snake. It HAD to be a snake.

"What the hell?!"

The gravity of the situation dropped onto Hyng as he moved away... Well, in an attempted slither rather than the awkward crawl he was doing before. A snake. This had to be some sort of prank, right? He had to be in a coma or something, right? Maybe someone funneled in hallucinogens or something? But wait, that would leave him unable to move or feel or percieve reality or even think straight... And he was CLEARLY doing all four. So then...

"This... This isn't a joke... Is it...?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That shot did it. After it, all I could perceive was complete and total darkness, as if I was flung into a void. For a brief moment, I worried about what the thief might steal, and how my family might react... but then I realized that this was either a coma... or I was dead. Either way, whatever that thief was doing wouldn't really effect me for... well, let's just say, quite some time. It seemed like this dark nothingness was going to go on forever, and, to be honest, it seemed more like I was dead, but... I wouldn't be able to think if I was dead, right? And... then a light... it started off small, but it seemed to approach me, it seemed to get larger and larger as it did so, and, soon enough, it filled my vision... and then I was thrown back into darkness. I thought that, perhaps someone tried to save me from death, and failed, hence the light... but then I heard three words, though, they sounded as if they were in my head, just, not my own voice as my thoughts usually were "You're kidding, right?" who was kidding? Was I kidding? Was this whole thing kidding? I started to feel... limbs? I could move, again, somehow? Another trio of words assaulted my mind, as I tried to get up, and make sense of all of this "What the hell!?" was that where I, and this mysterious psychic were? If so, then I suppose I SHOULD have believed in some sort of religion, huh? I seemed to be surrounded in walls, and as I finally got the hang of moving around, I tried to ram into one of the walls at full speed... which wasn't that much. It took a few tries, but I managed to break it.

Finally, light again. I could see again, after a short adjustment, and once my eyes adjusted to the new light level, I heard another thought from whomever had these psychic abilities "This... This isn't a joke... Is it?" a joke? Was the psychic man in danger? If so, then I suppose that made two of us, as I seemed to be dying (again) of thirst. Thankfully, as luck would have it, there seemed to be a clear water source up ahead... as well as an odd-looking snake. I ran up there, and tried my best to avoid the snake... only to stop dead in my tracks as soon as I saw my own reflection. "Wh...what!? Okay... okay... this HAS to be a coma, and some sort of weird... coma dream. Yeah, there's no other explanation," I tried to calm myself down, as the creature that was reflected on the water's surface was... well, it was about as far as you could get from being human, save for being a snake, or some sort of spider. Though I knew it probably wouldn't actually do anything, I still felt compelled to drink from the water source, and it tasted pretty good, though, this could have just been from my thirst, rather than any sort of indicator of quality. I wonder where that psychic guy is... and, if he's in trouble, will he even accept help from... a kobold? A minor monster creature straight from D&D? I thought as I tried to keep my distance from the blue snake, who seemed to just be sort of... er... standing? Sitting? Perhaps it was just staying there, given the fact that it can neither really sit, nor stand, given its lack of limbs... made me kinda feel lucky I still had them, and, hey, thinking about it, I still had hands, so that was a plus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Simba realized that his struggling wasn't helping him to loosen his leg and just as he accepted that he would most likely drown. Seconds after the last bit of air still in his lungs left him he was blinded by a bright light and passed out. When he came to the fist thing he noticed was that could breathe again and that he was out of the water.

His internal celebration about his presumed rescue lasted up to the point he opened his eyes and noticed that everything looked blurry and the colors looked odd. His first thought was that he might have suffered minor brain damage, but he soon realized his situation was a lot weirder when he tried to get up.

His arms and legs didn't seem to want to do what he wanted and his tail kept getting in the way. "...Wait a sec, tail?! Looking over his body he quickly realized he had been turned into some kind of oversized cat.

"Well it could be worse, at least I'm not a fish or anything." Despite his lame joke anyone with experience with cats could tell from his body language that he wasn't as calm as he tried to appear. His ears were pressed back and down to the point that they were more or less flat against his head and his tail was tucked in between his legs and close to his body.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Well, this was odd. One second she had been taking a shortcut home through a construction zone, the next she was floating in darkness. She folded her arms against her chest, eyes closed and brow furrowed as she stood on an invisible floor trying to think about just how in the hell she got here. It had been a rather windy day. Kinda storming, actually. In fact she remembered something about a tornado warning a county or so over that could have also extended to where she lived. Lets see...there was also the sound of metal groaning followed by the sound of some heavy metal crashing in the distance, and not the kind you listen too.

...fuck, did that really just happen? Did she die? Like that?

...pfft, laaaame. She at least wanted to go out with a bang when she died. Like say, make a doomsday weapon with her newly received engineering skills and blow up testing it or something. Well, not everyone got a chance to be an evil genius in their lifetime. Goddamn it, she was really looking forward to world domination, though. Okay, maybe she was just trying to keep herself calm at this point. She wasn't a character in some fantasy LN or something. Taking over the world was unrealistic and quite stupid, even if most of her characters in her DnD campaigns and other things happened to have a severe case of megalomania.

She looked down at her nonexistent body. She would have laughed ruefully, if she could have. That was just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes, as they say. Life had a tendency to fuck people over quite a lot, some more so than usual. Really, she should have expected it to give her a soul crushing something after being so friendly so long.

Well, nothing to do now but wait for whatever afterlife there was. A small point of light in the distance brought her back from her thoughts. It was getting close pretty fast. Her first instinct was to run from it, but from the rate it was moving, that wasn't gonna work. So instead, she let it happen.

The light washed over her.

And the feeling of her limbs returned. Maybe sometimes life was also a total bro and didn't kill you!

Breathing was the next thing that returned. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, Exhale. The first thing she learned to do in her martial arts class to calm herself and clear her head if she was getting worked up in a match. A simple calming breath worked wonders most of the time. She simply laid there for a few seconds, on whatever hard, rocky surface she was laying on.

After a few seconds, she decided to take a look at her surroundings. Wherever she was, it was a bit dark...and definitely felt a bit cramped. She also realized the ground was a lot closer to her than she was used too. Well, she didn't lose her legs, since she was currently moving them...though it also felt like she had another appendage growing out of her tailbone. What? Well, sitting around here she wasn't gonna get any answers.

"Wh...what!? Okay... okay... this HAS to be a coma, and some sort of weird... coma dream. Yeah, there's no other explanation,"

Sounds like she wasn't the only one with a mild case of 'What the actual fuck was going on'. She stood, turning her head towards the voices, realizing her back had in fact, been to a pool of water and quite a few other people. The person who spoke...was a Kobold? Of the lizardy type, it looked like.

"Well it could be worse, at least I'm not a fish or anything."

A second voice spoke up as she walked over to the pool with the others. Well, putting two and two together, she definitely wasn't human any more if these chucklefucks were anything to go by, and this water was clear enough to see her reflection, so why not! Would be a definitely good idea to see just what she looked like, so she peered into the pool of water.

A pale green scaly reptile thing stared back. So she was a lizardman, or a Kobold too, then? Huh, fancy that. Would explain the feeling of an extra appendage on her butt. Was probably a tail.

"Welp, I dunno about a dream." She said, looking at her clawed hand. "But this is goddamn awesome." She replied, perhaps a bit too calmly. Better than being dead at least. She may have been a relatively weak monster, but hey, she still remembered her martial training. She'd be the baddest Kobold lizard thing out there and make those silly little other races tremble before the might! "I'm a freakin Kobold. That's fucking awesome."

Okay, so maybe she was still just talking shit to keep herself calm, but it'd be a bit difficult for the others to tell. To distract herself further, she stared giving her body a full inspection. Green scales that seemed rather durable, about three feet tall with some fairly sharp teeth, claws on her hands and feet, and a stumpy sorta tail. Okay, then. First law in her new world order: No one could stand taller than she was.

...okay, getting a bit ahead of herself there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

... Why... why had everything gone so dark all the sudden?

The smallish girl was, needless to say, quite confused. Her memory was... foggy, at best, one moment she'd been walking home and then there was a whole lot of nothing. And now she felt like she was lying on something. Grass? Had she fallen? Why would she had fallen? Jeez... this was just annoying. Slowly, the girl opened her eyes.

Immediately there was some confusion when she found that her visual range was much further then it used to be. She could see in front of her, as well as also... above her. ABOVE HER. How could she do that? Why could she do that? The girl pushed herself up off the ground rapidly, attempting to get her legs under her as she sighted a whole host of strange creatures ahead of her... and realized something else was very wrong when she heard clicking as her legs moved. And... she felt... more of herself. For a moment, she froze. Her pigtails bobbed slightly in reaction to the previous rapid movement.

Slowly, she looked down. She had... two arms, a human torso, human hips... somewhat smaller and slighter then she remembered being(what was she a little girl or something why what?!) though it wasn't like she was the most mature-looking person before anyway and... and then... then she saw what had become of her legs.

From the thighs down, Ariana was a spider. There was a spider body. Spider legs. Instead of legs, she had a spider.

This took precedence over whatever anyone else was doing, even though there were... things all over the place.

"... I-I... spider... I... what is... I..."

She trailed off for a few moments, quaking, eyes wide.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Adam crawled along the concrete path as the pursuers who shot him walked away.

"Punk-ass double crosser..." One of them muttered.

Adam felt the surge of pain from his new wound and clutched it in agony. He looked down, and saw his hand drenched in fresh blood. The young man turned over and looked up at the night sky, obscured by iron steps and balconies of the apartments surrounding him. So... this is how it ends. Three months of a comfortable life on the run and this is it... death in some godforsaken alley in the middle of fucking nowhere town. He chuckled with his dying breaths, reminiscing on his life and the final moments before the end of his time. At last, the darkness of death had overwhelmed his vision, Adam knew that he was now, well and truly, dead.

Huh, weird void of absolute nothingness. Surprisingly, the thing he thought death would be, just the thing he absolutely hated it to be. That sucks. Well, flying through emptiness could be fun, for a while. Was he flying? Floating? Death was weird. Suddenly, the darkness was completely flushed out by a blinding white light. Weirder...

Mox woke up in a dimly lit... place, of some sort. He groggily got to his feet. This place was big! Without noticing everyone, Mox immediately went to the pool of water. He was so thirsty. He scrambled over to the water and cupped it with both hands as he gulped the water. It wasn't the most refreshing water, but it did quench his thirst a little. Mox sat back and watched the water calm down from his hands. It was then he saw his own reflection. What... the actual... fuck? He jumped to his feet, turning around as he looked at his body. Mox felt his face and his abnormally large nose. He turned back to the water and saw his ears too. "WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HERE!?" He yelled out. Even his voice had changed. (OOC: His voice sounds like a WOW goblin from the Cataclysm pack, you can find it on Youtube). Mox looked around, noticing the other assortment of weird creatures. Lizard people, some creepy looking spider girl and something that looked like a cat but wasn't? Was that a snake? THERE'S SNAKES AND SPIDER PEOPLE?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Oh thank god my chest doesn't hurt as much anymore." Coming out of a drunken daze born was one groggy reincarnator who, like the others in the nearby vicinity, turned out to be quite different from her previous form. In this case, it was the lack of thumbs and hands that indicated something was off. "Why do I feel so... off..." Looking at the now feather wings where her arms used to be, the harpy's mind clicked on and all endorphine-drunken hallucinations were tossed out the window when she realized just how altered her body had become. The fact that looking down showed off scaly legs and wicked looking talons only reinforced the fact that things were DIFFERENT.

"...Okays, pros and cons time. Cons are I don't have opposable thumbs any more so manipulating things will be a right bugger along with the fact I'm apparently not human as well. Pros are... I guess I have natural weapons? And wings... Maybe I can fly!" Growing excited at the prospect, the monstergirl flapped her wings with all her strength and hovered above the ground at the amazing height of one foot before tiring out and falling flat on her rump. "Gah, birds don't have it easy..." Wheezing at how much effort it took to fly while rubbing her sore tailbone (plus new tail), the harpy mentally noted that a training regimen would have to be made to make use of any future flying.

"...Also I'll probably need some better clothes in the future as well. Rags aren't exactly known for lasting a long time..." Looking down at herself and seeing the rather baleful state of her clothes, she looked about and saw that there were other similarly talking monsters scattered about the area, reacting to their own bodies like they were unused to such. Maybe they went through the same thing she did? Tilting her head to one side, the newly-named Khari sat cross legged and looked like the bird-brain she was as she tried to figure out the situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bruised Bananna
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Bruised Bananna The directionally challenged

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The girl stared in disbelief at the pool of blood forming under her, spreading out like a ribbon. People were screaming and pointing, but no one came to her aid, as she tried to crawl away from her attacker, who was yelling loudly, waving his knife in the air while chasing a truck down the road.

“What did I do to deserve this?” She thought to herself as her vision began to grow fuzzy.”All I wanted to do was help.”

The next thing she knew, she was floating in a black void. She seemed to float aimlessly for an eternity in nothingness, vague memories forming and disappearing. Suddenly, she saw a bright light. Frightened, she tried to turn away from it, but it would not be denied. It came closer and closer, burning her eyes. She felt a searing pain, then nothing at all.

Calypso opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was a crimson ribbon, stretching out away from her. Confused at the lack of pain, she reached out to touch it, slightly relieved to feel the itchy wool of a scarf. She closed her eyes for moment, stretching sore and tired muscles before attempting to sit up.

Something was off. She couldn’t really explain it, but she seemed smaller, and was unable to stand properly. Also, the colors of the rocks and ground seemed odd, and slightly out of place. Trying to figure out what was wrong, she used her hind leg to scratch thoughtfully at the scarf wrapped around her neck as she took in her surroundings.

Not far from where she had been lying, there was a lake with a bunch of, well, THINGS. Scaly lizard-man monsters, bird and spider people, a funny little snake, and a very large cat were just a few of the odd creatures surrounding its banks. Rather than feeling fear, Calypso was perturbed.

“Is this hell? I might not have been the nicest of people, but I definitely didn’t deserve hell! Who can I complain too?” She thought to herself irately.

She studied them for a moment longer, wondering if she dared get close enough to take a drink. Her mouth was parched, and her tongue felt overly rough in her mouth. Deciding that she didn’t want to wait for a drink, she crouched down and began to inch slowly towards the water, belly nearly touching the ground, in patient, freeze frame movements, aiming for the part of the bank furthest away from the monster-like creatures.

Although it seemed to take ages, she finally found herself at the water’s edge. She took several desperate drinks before noticing the reflection looking back at her wasn’t one she was used to seeing.Instead of the plain, slightly nerdy girl she was expecting, she saw wide golden eyes, tufted ears, small, heart-shaped nose, and soft grey fur.

Calypso jumped in surprise a loud mew echoing throughout the area as she tripped over herself to escape the reflection. She could feel the fur all over her body rising until she resembled a tiny grey ball of fluff. Her dual tails twitched in opposite directions, as she tripped over the scarf still wrapped around her neck.

Collapsing to her belly, Calypso covered her face with tiny paws, praying that the creatures not far from her hadn’t noticed anything. She peeked between her paws towards them, not knowing what to expect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Having calmed down a bit Simba decided to explore the area he found himself in. The first thing he noticed was that there weird creatures all around him, and while wasn't sure some of them seemed as confused as he was. "WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HERE!?" He was sure about the confused state of who or whatever yelled that though.

The second thing he noticed was the lake and he immediately decided not to go too close to until necessary. Not long after he discovered the lake he saw a different kind of strange cat close to it. "Heh she is pretty cute." "What am I saying? She is a cat and how do I even know it's a female?" Disturbed by his sudden attraction to an animal Simba deliberately changed direction hoping to avoid the two tailed feline
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


She fell quiet soon enough, lost to her own thoughts. Chances were, these people were in a similar situation as she was, but she didn't know any of them, and as such didn't really have any desire to make small talk with them. It would honestly probably be a good idea to at least get acquainted with them, but...meh, screw that. She had her own problems at the moment. Sure, the idea of being a kobold was fairly neat, and she wasn't gonna question how or why too much. She was here, not much she could do about it at the moment. That didn't mean she wasn't upset or trying to fight back losing it.

As interesting as this was, she had a life back there and it had all just been taken away. She supposed being alive was better than being dead, after all, but...


Someone loudly shouted a similar thought to her next one. Looked like a goblin of sorts. She looked around, noticing a few new additions to their little party of recently deceased humans turned monsters. An adorable looking Arachne. She always had a thing for them in DnD campaigns and games. Or was she a Drider? Eh, didn't matter. Spider people were cool. Some sort of bird-brained looking harpy, two fluffy looking cats she sort of wanted to cuddle with. One of which looked pretty spooked. Lastly, some sort of slime thing. Well, Slimes were cool too. A little annoying though.

"No idea, but shouting ain't not gonna help, ya big nosed idiot." She said to Nox, a slight smirk appearing on her crocodile like face. "So instead, how about you use that tiny brain cell of yours to maybe do something productive, yeah?" She chuckled, before introducing herself...actually, how should she introduce herself. Her name, was in fact, Alexis in her past life. That was probably not exactly a good name to go by now...so...hmm...why not use the name of her character in the DnD game she was just at?

"Call me Neix." She said, chuckling lightly. "Bit of a shitty predicament, isn't it?" She took a few steps away from the pool, getting a better look at this cave they were in. Cramped, since there was quite a few of them here, and she didn't see any sort of visible exit at the moment.

...well, she needed something to distract herself with, but what? She wasn't really feeling up for idle conversation at the moment, and since she didn't have any work or home work from college to distract herself with...well...this body looked awfully scrawny, and she wasn't really used to moving in it. So, well, why not a work out or something then? She didn't have some poor guy to take out her frustrations on at the moment, but...meh, she needed to do something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Pushing through the darkness was a surprising experience but not so far out of the realm of possibility that it worried Saffron or anything. It was somewhat reminiscent of waking up after a particularly heavy party... or some other accidents throughout the years. Nothing as bad as your own pyrotechnician accidentally setting you on fire, though. Hopefully it hadn't done too much to their singing voice... though making it a bit rougher wouldn't be the end of the world or anything.

Being still of a predominantly human form, Saffron wasn't caught up in the general hysteria--her arms were too small, too hairless... but after having been barbecued, it was far better than she could have ever hoped for. The imp looked around whilst trying to work out why things felt a bit... off. The rest of the cavern, naturally, freaked her out rather a lot and she jumped back, ignoring her new-found ability to ignore that what goes up should come down.

"D-Dinosaur! Giant cats! Don't eat me!" she shouted, startled by her own childish voice nearly as much as the giant monsters crowding all around. Her career was ruined like this. "S-S-Stay back, monster sn-snake!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It seems like the group got several more members, two cats, one with two tails, a slime wearing a bow, another kobold, a goblin, some sort of... oh, wait, I think those are called 'driders', and a small, scared, flying girl. I didn't really want to say much for a while, as everyone went through the 'What the heck is going on?' phase, however, one of them, particularly the other kobold introduced herself as 'Neix', either she was foreign, or that was a character name, rather than her own. Must be nice coming up with names like that, I was always pretty horrible at coming up with character names, so I introduced myself using my own name, instead. "Name's Jeff... yeah, I know, that doesn't really sound like a kobold's name, but... I haven't been a kobold for very long," I then added "Yeah, Neix has a point, we're not going to get anywhere just by moping around, are we? Let's try to find a way outta here before... well, I have no idea what'll happen, but I'm sure it won't be good," I then realized that there didn't seem to be any visible exit, and Neix seemed frustrated, for some reason. I then heard the tiny girl speak up with "D-Dinosaur! Giant cats! Don't eat me!" and I assumed she meant us, and before I could try to comfort her, she shouted "S-S-Stay back, monster sn-snake!" I then finally got a word in with "Calm down, we're not going to eat you... even if I AM hungry. After all, I used to be human, and I'm not really into eating things that can talk," I had a joking tone in my voice, but I was actually serious about this... I just didn't know how much of this anyone would believe. Heck, for all I knew, I was the only one like that in the group... but, then again, if I was, then the others probably wouldn't have reacted the way they did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

By the time the world began to recede, there really wasn’t that much more pain. That, at least, made it easy for Otsune to smile. Even then she could only do so feebly, though they were the last of the muscles to remain loyal to her in her final hour, but she felt it necessarily important that she did so. Did she fear death? Of course—the oldest fear of mankind was the fear of the unknown. She felt that terror acutely the day the doctor solemnly told her that there would be no recovery. At this instant it didn’t prickle her so badly. Leaving behind her loves, her friends, and everything she knew did not fill her with joy, but joyful memories surfaced in her mind’s eye. The light grew dim, leaving only the tear-covered face of her husband. Barely, just barely, she could feel his fingers entwined with hers, and the melodic beeping of the heart monitor. Through her melancholy she smiled still, for the sake of the man in whose heart she would live on, and in remembrance of all the wonderful things in her life that made her truly blessed. This was the end, she knew, but she had no regrets. She knew that something lay beyond this soft, quiet dark, and she had already made her peace with God. I’m ready, she had told her husband. I’ll wait for you. I love you. With God watching over her, what was there to fear in endless sleep…? She knew, as fell away from the light into a peaceable haze, that she would be judged fairly.

Otsune then awoke in an instant, as quickly as one rises from a sudden morning alarm. None of her usual grogginess troubled her, and for a moment she struggled to figure out her surroundings. After a few seconds the memory of dying sunk in, and her thoughts transitioned to what came next. The facts that she could feel moving air and see shapes alone provided her immense relief and validation; after all, what religious believer did not, despite the choice to live a life of faith, harbor some small, gnawing doubt at the back of her mind? At the very least this dark, cool place did not seem evocative of Hell, so she bit back her excitement and looked around, trying to discern the area. Almost immediately she discovered something off, and before casting an eye on any of the shapes in her vicinity she examined herself. It didn’t take a mirror or pool of water for Otsune to realize that in place of arms and legs, she appeared to have stubby, reptilian feet lined with doglike fur. A glance over the shoulder turned up a crocodile tail, but more fur as well. Though not panicked, Otsune could honestly say she was baffled. What!? Was there some kind of…mistake? She shook the thought from her mind and shakily stood to her feet. At the very least, standing on all fours felt natural, and not as awkward as it would be if a human attempted the position. Seeking guidance, the snapjaw looked around, exploring an increased field of vision but notable nearsightedness. She could easily, however, observe what appeared to be a skinny little girl with transparent clothes, wings, horns, and a tail. Otsune, now surprised and uncomfortable, shifted her gaze to a couple cats, a few goblin-looking creatures, and diminutive monsters weirder still.

Most of them spoke, but Otsune didn’t quite process the words. The conundrum pounded her head. Why? If I ever expected anything from death, it wasn’t this. I’m so confused. This is definitely not Heaven or Hell, or Earth, judging by these strange creatures. Maybe God has put me somewhere else. For safekeeping? A test? Or is this some sort of dream? She stared at the crystal water from afar, the angle permitting no reflection. Slowly she padded her way toward it, and a glance at its sparkling surface precluded any idea of humanity. I don’t know if it’s reward or punishment, but I’ll take it as a second chance. A few moments of listening to the others clued her in to their own confusion, fear, and so forth. None of them seemed quite as calm as she; perhaps none expected there to be life after death, as she had. At the very least, it made sense that they would be human souls installed into bestial bodies, just as she. Moving her long jaw experimentally, Otsune attempted to speak, and found her voice much more of a mental projection than a construct of air. ”He…hello. I am Otsune.” After a few seconds of studying her foot again, she thought about saying that she appeared to be some sort of lizard dog, but decided abruptly that she wanted to keep talking to an absolute minimum. A level head in this kind of oddball situation would not doubt help her immensely in coming to grips with this reality, though her heart beat with a certain youthful energy, one she had not felt for decades. Her muscles –God, it felt good to be able to move freely again!- begged for her to run, jump, and bite things. Otsune settled for a slow turn in a circle, and felt her ears flopping around. Fascinating…
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ariana wasn't really paying much attention to what was going on around her, at the moment. Not at all, in fact. Rather, she was still staring down in shock at the fact that her legs were now a spider. She was breathing rather rapidly, 'main' set of eyes wide. How? Why? Why would she be a spider person? How could she be a spider person? What would remotely explain how something this ridiculous had occurred? The tiny girl's human portion shuddered as she stared downwards. There were voices around her. The other things could talk? But she wasn't really listening to what they were saying. She was pretty completely distracted by the fact that, you know, her legs were a spider now.

She didn't know legs becoming a spider could happen. It didn't seem like something that should happen in any rational world. And yet, here she was. Her legs were now very much a spider. The complete panic she felt at this fact was combined with absolute confusion over her current situation. It wasn't a pleasant mix.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


The goblin stared at the first Kobold. "Big-nosed!? Tiny brain!? I went for months outsmarting idiots, Lizard Breath!" He argued back. How the hell was the thing so calm about it all! He's fucking green for Christ sake and she's got frickin' scales! It was then that another creature who looked fairly similar to the other one came to introduce himself. What the heck was a Kobold?

It seemed the first one went for some weird name and the other had used his real name. His human name. Adam decided to go with the first option of naming himself. No telling what could go on around here. "Neix and Jeff, eh?" He said, rather amused. "Alright, I'm Mox." He really couldn't think of anything better. Mox was a cool name? Right? Still adjusting to his new body and crass voice, he walked over to the two other creatures. "You'll have to forgive my outburst, I'm just as confused as the others around here." He said. Although, maybe the girl and spider person would need more calming down. Well, no reason to leave these people behind yet, might as well help out. "Well, if we're gonna get outta here, might as well round up a few others, there's strength in numbers y'know?" Mox advised. "I'll go talk to the Amazing Spider-Girl over there." With that, the goblin walked away from the Kobolds and attempted to approach the Drider.


"Hey, hey, hey. We all need to calm down around here, okay? Name's Mox. We're gonna get outta here, but I need you to take a deep breath and tell me your name." He greeted, holding out his four fingered hands out flat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hyng stared on as the mob of monsters around him started to wake up on their own. A few didn't even bother freaking out about the water, but those that reacted...

Well, they were probably notable. In truth, it probably wouldn't be a far cry to day they might be in the same situation as he was in now--a soul transposed into the body of an animal... Or, well, humanoid monster thing, in the case of the kobolds and the goblin.

A glance over at the half-spider half-human girl proved as much; the instinct of most of them in the wild, Hyng assumed, would probably prioritize something like food over appearance. Or, y'know, water.

The goblin, at the very least, seemed to have the right idea; calming the one who was the least stable was reducing the risk of further breakdown.

As soon as he said that, though, another thing started shrieking like a banshee while... Not actually being a banshee. It seemed to be a girl or something that stood maybe as tall as he was long, and was... Still freaking out. Fun.

Well, it was probably best to follow in that goblin's footsteps, all things considered.

"Whoaaa. Hold on there, it's not like anything's hostile right now; regardless, I'm not giant; you're just tiny. Probably. Look, freaking out ain't gonna fix anything, so why don't we just calm down and get our bearings straight before jumping to conclusions? For example... Names. Right."

To be fair, it wasn't the nicest response, but it was better than nothing.

"But names, huh...? Now that I think about it, my name's not really fit for a snake... How about..."

"Hyng. You can call me Hyng. That should be fine."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bruised Bananna
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Bruised Bananna The directionally challenged

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

To her relief, only a few of the creatures seemed to notice her, and they only gave her a few odd looks before continuing about their business. In fact, most of the creatures seemed just as confused as Calypso, some even seemed to be terrified of themselves.

Perhaps they used to be human, too? Calypso thought as she slowly sat up.

She scratched absently at the scarf around her neck as she watched the interactions of the things around her. Some of them had calmed down enough to start making introductions to one another, but to be perfectly honest, Calypso was not that brave. It was a shame, too, as the scarf knotted around her neck was itchy and uncomfortable, and some of those creatures had thumbs . She was sure that one of the calm ones would be able to remove it.

She scratched at the scarf with more vigor, her tiny claws leaving snags in the fabric as she did so, giving her an idea. She used her front claws and dug deep into the fabric, attempting to pull it over her head. She struggled for a moment, growling low in her throat, until she was finally free of the annoying strip of fabric. What kind of sadistic individual had placed it on her to begin with?

She scratched at her now naked neck with bliss, before looking at her surroundings more closely. She was in a wide cavern with no discernible exit, but she did spot one of the only creatures that wasn’t nightmare inducing, a large, spotted cat.

Well, maybe he knows what is going on. She thought, stretching her back. He looks like he would be easier to talk to than the others.

With that thought in mind, she dashed after the overlarge cat, making nearly no sound as she did so. She made it nearly to his side before sliding to a stop. He was a lot bigger than she was, so tall that she could nearly walk under him. She swallowed down her uneasiness, and fluffed her tails to give herself courage. It was amazing how used to them she already was.


Excuse me, do you know what's going on?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unknown to Simba his attempt to get away from the two tailed cat failed rather miserably, evidenced by the fact she ran over to him. He was sneaking around when he heard a female voice come from behind. Excuse me, do you know what's going on? After he turned around,he quickly figured out who it belonged to.

"Can't help you there, but at least I'm not drowning so it's an improvement." Since the two of them were talking now the best thing he could hope for was that he wouldn't make a fool out of himself. "Honestly I don't think anyone here has any idea what is going on, and while I could be mistaken I have no intention of asking everyone." It wasn't that he didn't care about what was going on, he just reasoned that if someone figured it out he would hear it eventually.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The brief spell of panic was broken when the snake... talked back. Snakes didn't talk. That was one of reality's normal rules: snakes hissed at you at most, maybe poisoned or choked you if things went really bad, but they didn't strike up a conversation and tell you that you were small. Wait, she was small... she was...

At this point, Saffron's attention was turned to her new body. Those... odd feeling things... they were wings and a tail now that she looked. Well... with how many monsters were around, that didn't seem like too big a step down. But... her hair... her fashion... why was she all cute and innocent? With her size, how was she going to cultivate her awesome metal reputation again if she was this tiny cute thing!

At least part of her stage name would work... she could hardly use her original one now, and she'd have to build up an impressive monster reputation instead! Hopefully find some dolls with better clothing, too. "You can call me Saffron!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Well, her first thought was that Mox was hilarious. Probably would make for fun company at least, if she wanted to make fun of someone. But getting out of here, though? Well...that wasn't exactly her first thought at the moment. While leaving was a pretty fun idea, she was content to stay here for the moment. It seemed safe enough, and it was a good place to get their bearings at least. Still if everyone else left, she'd follow. Safety in numbers and all that.

Still, so many people were freaking out. Understandable, really. She'd probably be freaking out herself if she opened her mouth in any capacity that wasn't going to be mocking someone. Her head turned to the second one who was freaking out. She looked...surprisingly human compared to some of them. Ignoring Mox and the spider, Neix walked over to Hyng Saffron, and the other Kobold. Might as well introduce herself to the other Kobold. After all, they were the same race! Might as well get all friendly and buddy buddy so she can mooch off of him~

"Hyng and Saffron, eh? Well, aren't you too just adorable, heh~" She chuckled lightly. "Neix, if ya didn't hear. Guess we're all in the same boat here. At least I've got another Kobold friend~" She gave Jeff a smile, though her voice was full of obvious sarcasm. "Say, you got some food on ya...Jeff? What kinda lame name is that, anyways?"

"Whatever...I'm kinda hungry, actually."She then turned to look at Saffron...a mischievous, toothy grin appearing on her face, before it failed, and she shook her head. That was...well, kinda mean. A little far, even for her. "Before ya get scared again, that was a joke..." She fell quiet after that. Ugh, her mouth wasn't going to help things here, so she'd resign herself to silence for the moment. At least until she cleared her head a bit.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@Lugia
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