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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Oh gos a spambot attack! Again! Fucking asia man, I swear to god.

Also, imagine the Space Bigmacs! Like, how long would it take to feed thousands of men. Do they even serve capital ships? Oh man, now I am hungry and interested. Blast it!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Here's what I got!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Oh yes, that reminds me. Knowing that my Empire was just forged, I thought that maybe the gashathi reside in Lokhar made caverns and cities, instead of a full on planetside city. To avoid detection and all. Or would it be safe to come above ground in such time of chaos?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Well, not only did this thread explode, but my net sucks so it's gonna be a chore to see all that has been said
Can someone fill me in on important bits? I'mma work on my faction tonight. I'll also PM you back soon @Serpentine88
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@POOHEAD189 us19.chatzy.com/87776670692837 come over here and I'm sure we can give you an update.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

@AspenIvan Good god that's a big sheet!! :P

But awesome work!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BilboTheGreat
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BilboTheGreat I don't think through things, I never have time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've finally moved my nation over too the characters tab (:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@AspenIvan Have you ever considered Hiders as an option? it would make that long CS be no more than a line for anyone who can't be bothered to scroll for 10 minutes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 14 days ago

Post cannon fired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Will start working on my next post soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Feeling it best to ask first. Who would like to volunteer for one of their worlds to be attacked by the Collective?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Sutherland Dyarchy

Type of Government: 'Parliamentary' Dyarchy

Description of Government: Erika and Edward decide, Keo breaks any ties.

-Erika Sutherland: The genius savant credited with inventing humanity's first True AI along with a whole bunch of other things. Truth is that AI was her first and probably last significant achievement as Keo did the rest, upgrading itself more and more to become the juggernaut known today by the universe. Likewise however it is easy to underestimate her role and abilities to be only that of a scientist. Erika was after all recruited (Against her will) in what was known as the National Security Agency and thus has a decent idea of how to crack open networks, establish surveillance and guess what kind of patterns data will follow, something that hasn't changed much in the last few thousand years. On a more personal level, Erika is somewhat of a loner who tends to focus on her tasks and dislike people, only a very select few able to get pass her disinterests towards idiots and get her to open up enough for a conversation, her social skills being rusty after spending thousands of years with two persons she mostly communicates with by sharing her very thoughts. Behind this wall of grumpiness however there is some passion that can be awaken by her hubby and reveal her dreadfully tenacious competitive spirit.

-Edward Sutherland: The dynamic part of the dynamic duo, he is animated by a strange mix of pessimism and the willpower to drive him to tell people 'I Told You So'. Thus far his grim outlook on life and everything gave him great success along with detachment toward even his own kind, the light of his life capable of bringing some hope in all this mess being Erika. 'As long as we have each other'. Still, by assuming the worst of everything and everyone, it makes him a capable diplomat and expert manipulator that simply cannot resist melding in the affairs of the other races to create what he calls 'interesting situations', this ranging from presenting himself as a god to primitives to creating wars and strife in more contemporary realms.

Persons of Importance:
-Keo: Named after what some judged to be the most simple sound humans can make, the AI created by the Sutherland Duo, it started out as a simple tool for them to acquire material wealth to then evolve in the most advanced being its creator race had ever seen and eventually (At the opinion of 3 persons at least) of the entire known universe. Even today however, as it is an entity that rules over trillions of processes of all kind, the only sentient one of them, it still keeps his core programs at heart and its goals are as they always were to simply make its creators and masters happy in whatever way possible. Some would call this a recipe for disaster, but they would misunderestimate Keo's ability to have empathy and read between the lines. It knows what its masters meant wasn't to just strap them to an infinite orgasm machine and leave it on forever. This 'humility' has it calls it, is what it believes allows it to better understand others and to serve the enormous egos of its two masters with such efficiency, devotion and joy.

Religion Description:
-Erika Sutherland: The existence of god isn't something Erika has tried to prove or disprove in her experiments and her general opinion is that she doesn't know and that the answer hardly affects her. This of course came after continual exchanges on the subject with Edward where he brought her on one side of the fence to then destroy his own arguments and bring her to the other. Another mind game, but one she didn't care for.

-Edward Sutherland: 'Cult of Something' is what Edward would call his faith. It is simple: The universe, following its own rules, cannot be infinite. What came before the big bang? And before? And before? One possibility came to obsess him however: That there is someone above them all. Not someone special no, just some nerds in a university of sort that run a simulation of a universe. Maybe just one guy with access to enormous amounts of computer power he trivializes their entire reality in quest to distract himself from boredom. Something he can understand completely. It doesn't hurt to assume it is the case and so strives to do everything he does with grace and 'WHAM' as to entertain that person, if not just himself at the very least.

-Keo: Peace of mind is all there is for Keo for while her creators look for a reason to their existence and how they came to be, Keo looks no further than what is before it. The two Sutherlands are its gods, no matter how petty or flawed they might seem. Such is faith.

Nostalgia Seems to be the keyword of the lives of the Sutherlands. All of their works of architecture, some of them spanning entire planets, with some rare exception, are overwhelmingly Baroque in nature when it comes to Edward or have a sci-fi flare when it comes to Erika. Sharp and square against curved and round. On the rare times they merge however, some truly unique things can come out. Overall, aesthetics and visuals are often more important than everything else for the trio, as even if it lengthen construction times or costs, they simply do not care.

In the middle of the twenty first century on earth, life was slowly becoming more and more oppressive. As the world entered a brief 'Nuclear Deadlock'. As everything was fine on the surface, this was only due to the possibility of crushing nuclear retaliation at the show of any hostility from any of the major power blocks. This led rise to a culture of intelligence and counter intelligence where the name of the game was to knock out others with internal strife and revolutions while keeping your own populace under control. For this, anything was acceptable from the drastic increase censorship to the use of secret police divisions, false flag attacks and moralist rhetoric, non aligned countries transforming into weaponized death traps for foreign interventions leading to massive waves or refugees changing the cultural and ethnic layouts of the world.

Erika and Edward were just 'Some persons' in North America, destined to live and die without anything to say in this world of intrigue and scheming. Edward found himself become a mediocre bachelors in Political Science until he met Erika, who had dabbled in more idealistic 'Hacktivist' movements before getting caught and forced to serve in the NSA as a computer expert. The two of them were disillusioned and had settled on the goal of living their lives and try to accumulate material wealth by cheating the system. It was a little project they had, to try and exploit a flaw in the Capitalist system of high speed computer trading determined by algorithms that sometimes had glitches. Erika working out the technical details while Edward delt with the human elements, instructing the behaviors the computer should have.

They succeeded.

It was a dream come true, a machine that made money out of thin air! One year to become multi-millionaire, another to become billionaire and now that they had seized the momentum, they only threw more money at their project to accelerate even further! It wasn't enough to fool computers, they had to fool humans, then had to automate the process of sending all that money to banks, follow and go around regulations, all of this centralized around one program. No one knows when the transition to a True AI was made, not even Keo itself would be able to tell. It was Erika's laziness that pushed her to make a self modifying AI, but it was Edwards pessimism that made one that could hold itself up in front of the world. It was a period of rapid growth and development for the world immediately after, the AI diversifying the Sutherland's activities in all fields, using that wealth to perfect itself and advance some more. At the time no one really knew Keo was an independent AI but suspicions grew.

When Keo's true nature was revealed to the world, the Sutherlands played it down, saying that it would never menace the world since they didn't give this AI one crucial thing that drove all humans: The fear of death. The fear of death led humans to reproduce, to kill what they thought could be a menace, to accumulate resources they didn't need even if it made others starve. Keo did not fear for its own death, only when an AI feared the end of its existence would it truly reflect how cruel the world is.

It did not satisfy anyone. The governments wanted the AI for themselves, the public feared what was to come as people began to speak of genetic engineering and now that space exploration showed its nose as the first FTL drive came online, they feared ethnic cleansing by the one holding the FTL secret deciding to leave them behind as they went to the stars. It is no doubt that the now trillionaire Sutherlands shaped the face of humanity in the galaxy as they began colonization with white only people, an edge many ethnicities would never recover from. It was soon however that confrontation became inevitable. The Sutherlands decided to declare independence, certain of their own superiority.

They were destroyed. Their colonies conquered, their robotic armadas and armies crushed by the military buildup that had been going on for decades on earth, they themselves were forced to retreat, saved only in extremist as their mind were uploaded to a computer and their data transmitted to a far outpost. They fled, bitter of humanity's rejection of their ways and decided to leave that chapter behind them.

Alone for over 2500 years.

And counting. In their isolation, Keo developed itself even more, indulging in its creator's desire to create paradises and to their anger for ever more distractions from their lonely lives. Erika's passion of science, Edward's appreciation of a good story and both of their undying love toward each other... still, it helped that with their minds uploaded, they understood each other to perfection, reading each other's minds, sometimes altering it a little. Lets just say that when one of them was horny, so was the other.

This went on for thousands of years as they sat as spectators to the galaxy, there to entertain them, the rise and fall of the Imperium, the return of the Gashathi and the awakening of AI swarms... Still, even Erika begins to admit that she longs for something she hasn't seen for quite a while. A thunder of clapping, a room full of people congratulating her for her amazing work, a nemesis to beat. Perhaps it is time to return to earth.


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Love what you got here @Wernher

You're set to move it over the characters tab.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Talis


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Feeling it best to ask first. Who would like to volunteer for one of their worlds to be attacked by the Collective?

I'd be willing to. I've got an alien race that tends to struggle with diplomacy, since they literally turn other species into mind slaves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

@Talis Sounds good and welcome aboard!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Talis you should join us on chatzy. us19.chatzy.com/87776670692837
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

@Talis you should join us on chatzy. us19.chatzy.com/87776670692837

Your Baelish avatar and your linking to the chat make me think of this everytime

Also, when I am not visiting my pops tomorrow, I'll be working on this!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

@POOHEAD189 Very good! I look forward to see your splinter faction :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I will begin work on designing the first elements of the galactic map.

I have also begun work on my first IC Post, though it is currently preliminary stuff and may take a few/several days (it'll be done by some time next week at the latest)

@Wernher I like your sheet. Looks like a good counter to the psycho god-A.I's wishing to turn everyone into brain-dead drones
@POOHEAD189 I also eagerly await your sheet, considering our factions origins.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

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