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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Aron brought over a water and stood at her table. "Can I get you anything while you wait or is that all? He gave his usual friendly smile as he held a small spiral notepad and a pencil. Gage meanwhile went to work on a sandwich. As he gathered ingredients he paused. He just got a whiff of something....faint. He traced his steps back and realized it was Sophie's apron. He inhaled again before going back to the sandwich.

The bread was a homemade sourdough with chicken, tomato, bell pepper, and mozzarella cheese. He then went to work on a sauce. The sauce was light, a wine sauce that was drizzled on and the entire sandwich was transformed into a panini. As the sand which cooked, he got to work on the coffee. Today he did a macadamia nut brew. The simple style of the sand which was so that he could hurry and talk to Aron and figure out how they would get to Sophie.

In a few moments, both the drink and the meal was done and put into the shelf with a ding from the bell. Aron looked over and then smiled at Kim. "Never mind looks like it's ready." Aron grabbed the coffee and the meal and brought it over. One placed in front of her he got a small bowl with plastic containers of creamers. "Anything else I can get you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Finally finding Ana, Cassie rubbed her nose as if it tickled, contemplating the fact she had just tracked someone down using scent. As Ana spoke, she looked to her.

"Why?" Cassandra gave a shrug, "there's too much emotion there right now, and I've already yelled at them once." She looked down at her hand, and gave a soft sigh, beginning to unravel the bandages figuring she didn't have a need for it anymore. "And beside, everyone needs a friend, right?" She looked up and smiled, apparently unphased by having seen Ana drinking blood.

Anastasia looked at Cassandra and smiled slightly she didn't seem to be phased with her holding the blood bag behind her back, but decided to just slip it back into her purse with the rest of them she would have time to eat it later. "Thanks for the company, so why aren't you with the rest of your 'pack' little pup?" Anastasia asked, she had a feeling that she was one of the teens that were attacked at the lake. She watched as Cassandra removed the bandage covering her hand.

"And before you say anything that wolf that pointed me out, she is correct." Anastasia said with a soft smile as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed softly as she eyed the young girl up and down and smiled. "I'm Anastasia by the way." She said extending her hand over towards the other girl and smiled softly.

Cassandra gave another shrug, "truthfully? Because right now I can't stand Patrica. Because they consist of two people I could easily have fallen for, but both are beyond my reach now, and I don't want to do or say something that might be...bad. Because I was just attacked, told I am a werewolf, and the only person I have at home is my aunt, who if I don't cook for would probably burn down the house.

Maybe I just want to be with someone who doesn't consider me shy for once."

She gave a soft sigh, and put rolled the bandage into a ball, looking back to Anastatia, "I'm Cassie. It's nice to meet you. I can only wish it was under more...same circumstances" she gave her a smile, and took the offered hand

"I can understand that, I've had some people in the past that I can't really stand, you don't seem like the shy type to me you actually approached me even for being a vampire." Anastasia said with a slight shrug and smiled at Cassandra as she introduced herself, and gently took Cassandra's hand and shook it. "So i'm going to assume that you are going to be able to go home now that you are fully healed up?" Anastasia said gesturing towards Cassie's hand.

"well, let's just assume it's shock. She didn't have a right to speak to you like that. There's enough racism In the world, I won't just stand by and watch it happen in front of me. And maybe...maybe it's...the fact that I've survived again. Most people barely have one life threatening incident, well, I've had two now. Let's hope third time isn't the charm in this case"

Looking to her hand again, Cassie sighed, "home seems the logical choice-the doctors are probably going to wonder how I healed if I stick around" but so would her aunt if she went home now. Cassie hesitated, wondering what she should do

"Vampires and werewolves have always been butting heads for hundreds of years now, goes way back we enslaved wolves for our own purposes. So grudges last a long time, though that was before my time." Anastasia said with a slight shrug as she remembered her death experience back in World War II when she was turned. "Well seems like we have something in common with death huh?" Anastasia said with a soft laugh.

"Well you could always just say that it was just a scratch or something, just remember to keep it hidden the healing thing that is." Anastasia said. "I'm sure they will discharge you right away."

"why have grudges? The past can't be changed, it's what we do with the present that matters." Cassie said, "well death is one of the only surest things in life. It comes to everyone eventually. I however has experienced far too much of it in my short life. I'm glad everyone is safe, but I feel like this has changed us in more was then simply being something out o fairy tales."

They said you couldn't chose the family you were born to, but that you could choose the family you made. She loved her friends, but it felt like she was now born into a family she didn't choose. It felt like her whole life had now been changed. Could she still go to college?

"the hospital staff wouldn't be fooled, and neither would my aunt. They can't keep us here if we don't want to be, but how can I go home when I'd be pelted with questions for why I'm home and out of the hospital so early?"

Anastasia shrugged slightly and sighed. "It's just something that both sides wont ever give up, something I can't control I don't hate werewolves personally I've had friends that are werewolves even after I left my own clan." Anastasia said. "You will all have to deal with changing into wolves every month on the full moon, and all of your heightened senses you will experience as well or have already experienced."

She looked back at the hospital and knew that the sudden healing would be suspicious. "They would feel suspicious about the sudden healing yes, but it is something that you can't control so I guess you'd have to play off the wounded pup again unless you want to go and discharge yourself now."

"but why? From what I can see, both races working together could do so much." Cassie gave a sigh. She looked back to the hospital as well and grimaced. "I'm not going back in there. No matter how much they try, they can't get rid of the sick smell. The smell of death. I don't want to be in there. It's much better being out here"

"I don't know honestly." Anastasia answered looking at Cassie for a moment and smiled at her. "Well if you don't want to stay here longer, which I do understand you should discharge yourself. I could offer you a ride back home, if you'd like but totally up to what you want to do lovely." Anastasia offered, thinking that it would be a very nice offer to drive Cassie home from the hospital she was pretty sure now that everyone who was attacked by the wolf tonight were going home now.

"I should, but I don't want to go in there. They'll figure it out. I'll ring from home, say distress and that I just wanted to be home." Cassie said, the thought of going back into the hospital making her sick just at the thought of it.

"a ride home would be nice, thanks. If it isn't going to inconvience you" despite the offer, Cassie didn't want to be a burden to Ana

"Very well, and it's no problem at all, my car is out in the parking lot." Anastasia said with a soft smile as she stood up and adjusted her purse slightly as she started to lead the way towards the parking lot and made it to her car and unlocked it. "And you aren't inconveniencing me at all, I was about to head home myself." Anastasia said as she opened the door and got into the driver's seat and once Cassie was in Anastasia started up her car and started to drive back into town.

Cassandra was relieved that Anastia didn't press that she go discharged herself, and followed the other girl to her car. "thank you." Cassie would give directions to her address, and took a moment to text her friends that she was going home.

"well. I don't want to have prejudice just cause you are a vampire. I'd like to be your friend" she said after she had sent the messages to the others

"I wouldn't mind having you as a friend, I just moved into town as well it's hard to find friends when you are new to the area." Anastasia said as she drove through town listening to Cassandra's directions and managed to get there rather quickly. Once they were at Cassie's house Anastasia stopped the car and looked at her friend. "I hope you have a good evening, and i'll see you around town." Anastasia said as she quickly took out a small piece of paper and wrote down her phone number for Cassandra. "Text me anytime you'd like."

Cassandra nodded, accepting the paper, she put it safely away. "I will. Thanks for the lift. Maybe we can hang out soon. Would be nice to have something stable with what's coming" Cassandra climbed out the car, and kneeling down, she scooped up the fat cat that walked up to greet her, scratching him between the ears



Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: anyone

Cassandra was running. One of the only times she felt free, happy and just relaxed was when she was pounding across the ground, as fast as she possibly could. Staining her muscles, feeling the burn, the heat, the wind as she ran was simply amazing.

The last week hadn't been easy, but the few moments she scrapped to herself to just run was a blessing. she could feel herself becoming stronger, and a part of her just wished she could just top it off to her exercise, but knew now she couldn't. She could run further as well, and if she let herself she could run for hours.

She stopped for a moment, on the outskirts of trees and inhaled, letting the smells of the town, the trees, people wash over er in an intoxicating ave. Some scents were familiar, like the smell of the trees, the town was as familiar to her as the back of her hand, and the people-such a mix of scents it amazed her. Each was individual, like a finger print. No two were the same.

She let the breath out in a sigh, and continued to run, eventually finding her way back to her home, where she showered, changed, grabbed her guitar and headed back out again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Zhaliora Patricia, @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Caits Cassandra & @BlackPanther Aron & Gage

It had been a rather long and interesting week for Riley since after the attack, she had noticed the increase in her strength and senses were stronger than ever. She had hung out with all of her friends since the attack, but didn't talk to much about the attack, Riley had spent as much time as she could with Vanessa trying to learn more about who and what she was now and to find out why they had been attacked. Riley had woken up early that morning and took her dirt bike out for a ride and drove through the woods behind her back where there was a natural trail, Riley had thought about driving back up to the lake to get the RV which she had forgotten there since the attack.

Riley remembered also spending a lot of her time with Patricia as well, she was trying her best to try and find a cure for her new condition which she knew that there wasn't one as far as she and Vanessa knew but she let her try anyway. They have of course gotten even closer, though they did hide it from her friends, when it was just them they kissed and made out and relaxed together as well.

Riley then decided to take her bike up back to the lake, which was a few minutes of driving eventually Riley made it there the camp site still looked the same. The police finished up their investigation last week so everything was cleared out, she stopped her dirt bike and took off her helmet and took out her phone to send a text to all of her friends who were at the lake.

"Hey everyone, if anyone isn't busy right now the mess from last week is still there could anyone come up and help?"

Riley hit send as she walked among the wreckage and then looked down at the spot seeing the blood where she had been attacked, she shuddered slightly at the thought as images from that night flooded her head. Riley decided to head over to the RV and try and clean things up inside as well.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Ace of flames01 Sophie

Anastasia had decided that she would head back over to the hospital not because she needed some blood, she already had her fill from the bags that she had taken from the week previous, she wanted to help out those and volunteer there. As Anastasia pulled her car over into the parking lot. She got out of her car and looked around the hospital she hadn't been there since the night of the wolf attack and talked with Cassandra who she found was rather cute.

Anastasia walked into the hospital and talked with one of the receptionists and told her she was there to cheer up some of the patients, she was told to go to one of the rooms where the patient Sophie was. Given the directions Anastasia started to walk through the hallways until she found the correct room, she could see the girl on the bed and gently gave it a knock. "Hello are you awake?" Anastasia asked as she stood outside of the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jamaal listened to Vanessa’s story as he learned from a werewolf about werewolves. It was a fascinating topic. He made a mental note to try and protect the werewolves of the area as long as none of them killed a human. Out of the story that Vanessa told she realised that none of these new wolves would be bound to their changer considering she is dead. He smiled lightly at the thought knowing that they would be their own person, with no one tying them down. After Vanessa had finished speaking Jamaal had politely excused himself. He was grateful for the knowledge of werewolves but he didn’t want to impose or influence their decisions, after all he was a police officer.

One Week Later @Lord Zee

There had been a lot of paper work as a result of all the wolf attacks from last week. He had to fill out some reports and write his final notes or thought on the incident before the case was closed. They could find no evidence of human involvement so some of the police had decided to keep an eye on the forest. Manny never wanted an incident like that to happen again. He had been called out to at least two possible suspicious people on private property and two theft complaints. He went to the residents of the people who complained and asked for a description of the person and what they took before returning to the station to do more paperwork.
After a few hours of doing some research on some escaped criminals he made a note of any that had been sighted within the area and emailed the list to the sheriff. The email read;
Dear Sheriff
I have done some digging into a possible list of any criminals in the area. I have narrowed it down to those who have been seen in the area recently, also here is the reports from the two theft complaints and two suspicious persons complaint on private property.

After clicking send he got up from his desk and put a post it note on his computer which stated “Gone out for lunch, ill be back in about an hour.”
After that he walked to the doors of the police station and left the building. He was going to head for the café so he decided to take the car, when he go to the town centre he parked his car in a car park that allowed you to stay there for free for 3 hours.
He would go to the café and order some tea with some fish and chips.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kaylee Jade Evans

Location: Red Lake Camp Grounds - Scene Of The Attack.
Interacting With: Riley Walker (@Nallore).

The ever familiar feeling of dirt being kicked up behind her from under her paws had her heart singing within the confines of her chest- how long had it been since she had the chance to just run..? All this packing… all the goodbyes... she hadn’t had a single moment to herself. Over the past week or so it had either been her parents nagging for her to get all her things safely sealed away in boxes or suitcases, her older brother breathing down her neck to make sure she wasn’t goofing off or getting herself into any trouble, or her pack calling them out so that they could send her and her brother off the in the right way… not that there really ever was a wrong way to say goodbye…

Damn she was going to miss them… Brayden, Sara, James- bloody oath, she was even going to miss Damien. For the longest time, the pack had been her family… and now, they were all so far away from, leaving her in the capable hands and guidance of her older brother, Hunter- he was going to freak out when he finally read the message she had sent him about going out to explore…

”Kaylee- we’re in a new area… someone else’s territory. You’re not to go out alone; we’ll do that together when I get back home.”

His words of warning once more flashed across the forefront of her mind- ah God, she was going to be in so much trouble… Shoving the thoughts out of her mind for the time being, Kaylee brought her attention back to the path she had found herself on, her lithe frame fast and barely making a sound apart from the light jingling of her tags round her collar as she pushed herself further with excitement- the scents… all so new..!

The moss… the dew… the lake… the coffee… the blood… the dirt-… Her mind had her halting completely as she backtracked, allowing her nose to once more filter through the different smells until she once again caught the unmistakable and slightly coppery aroma of blood. The very presence of it had her beautiful orange coat stood on edge, though slowly she made her way forward; snout to the ground, and mind working to shut out all the natural scents she had picked up as she continued to follow the trail through the wood until finally, she broke the tree line into a clearing forcing her to pause and lift her head so that she could gain her bearings.

The campground… it was a mess- reeking of blood, though the only thing stronger was the distinct aroma of ground coffee filling the air around her. It was everywhere, and with just how pungent it was, it meant that whoever it was that had been drinking it either was still there, or had not long ago left the area. Either way, that bit of knowledge was enough to have her hesitating at the edge of the clearing for what felt like a lifetime before finally, she pressed on, her movements slower… more careful than before, and her eyes darting every so often around the area as she moved herself further and further away from the safety of the trees- damn Hunter was going to murder her if she got herself killed…
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @Vicier@Nallore

Cassie had nearl reached the cafe, when she got Riley's text message. She didn't even hesitate. Riley shouldn't be up there alone, not where they had been attacked. So turning back, she jogged back home, and throwing her guitar in her car, she started it up, the little old car coughing to life, she started to the camp site, the car chugging along. She got as close as she could, and stopped.

It was harder then she thought to get out, to walk to the camp site. She didn't want to go out there. But she did. She climbed out the car, and shoving the keys in her pocket, she took a step. And then another. When she was close, she started to call out to Riley. "Ri-" but something made her stop, and she pressed against a nearby tree. Someone was there, creeping about. The scent wasn't one she knew.

She moved from one tree to another, towards Riley, reaching the campsite she didn't stop to look around, just went directly to Riley. "Riley" she said softly, "there's a stranger here" the thought of another wolf attack made her shudder, and she looked about, "It doesn't smell like Vanessa" how weird to even be having such a conversation. Scents, of all things! "what if it's another wolf?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: The woods / campsite

Interacting with: Riley @Nallore, Connor & Cassandra @Caits, Kaylee @Vicier


Vanessa laughed about Connor and shook her head. "I just didn't want to scare you by howling.. I could have changed and lick your face next time" she said as she suddenly had a text for Riley. The past week she had felt flea that Riley had joined the little pack thing and she was glad. She still had to explain to that teacher that a Alpha actually was a teacher and not just a boss but she really didn't feel like starting all over again with that women.

"Time to get dressed lazy pants, we are gonna check out the camp sit with Riley and everyone else that is showing up. I managed to explain stuff to them a week ago and gave them the choice of accept in my heel or not. Riley did, I believe you do too so we do have a pack... sort of" Vanessa said and got up again. She wore a short jeans and a basic tanktop. She was walking on bare foot. "Take your time waking up, don't fall asleep again. I will see you at the campsite" she said and then started to run.

Sge wanted to be there before anyone else was there. On her way there she smelled something different.. weird.. something she had never smelled before. She let out a howl, a howl that made clear this was her territory. She then ran faster towards the campsite. She bumped into Riley and they fell on the ground together. Vanessa rolled over, Riley ending up on top. "Jeez, only a week and you wanna overthrow me?" she asked but with a big smile. She looked at Cassandra. "Don't worry Cass, you can only be bit once and this sure ain't no wolf" she said and right at that moment the dingo walked onto the campsite.

Vanessa turned around with Riley one more time, then got up from the ground and helped the girl up too. She looked at the dingo. "This one got some nerve getting on a stranger's territory. But.. then again I can't believe what I see... Girls, I believe we are standing eye in eye with a were-dingo .. Strange animals but they do think the same about us" Vanessa said. She did a step forward to the dingo and held a hand up. "Hi there.. I believe that you are new here.. Maybe it's a idea to change back so we can talk.. Yet a guy is about to head over so if you don't have clothes close by, you can better not turn" she said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: The Hospital. -Timeskip- Home. Campsite.
Interacting through text With: @BeautifulSnow@Caits@Vicier@Nallore

Charlie explained everything to him at that point, the wolf attack and how he ended up in the hospital with everyone else. Billy was shocked to say the least. If it had gone any worse, then he might not have had any friends at all anymore. Though he remarked that it was strange after all, that he was already up and moving about. In the heat of the moment however, it was the farthest thing from his mind. The two boys walked and talked before they came to another part of the hospital. As they rounded the corner, he saw some people he knew slip into a room and then the door shut. He looked at Charlie with a inquisitive expression but Charlie simply said that he needed to go back to his room and that everyone else was probably resting too. Billy took that as sign he needed to go home, so he did. He said his goodbyes to Charlie, but something told him in the back of his mind, that nothing would be the same anymore between them.


Billy was seemingly forgotten about within the next week. There was no calls, not texts to do anything and his boredom got the best of him during those days. He seldom went out of his room, still remembering fresh wounds and a dead sister. What were his friends doing in that room together? He was no fool, and understood that this dreaded silence was his own doing. He came under the notion that the wolf attack upon his friends had somehow bonded them together even more and the more he thought about it, the more it began to make sense. He googled it, and found that victims of the same violence tended to bond together over their tragedy but there was something else that he plauged him. If Charlie had been seriously messed up from the attack, then how had he healed so quickly? All of his friends must have. It wasn't right in the slightest. It was almost supernatural.

He typed into google 'Wolf attacks on humans but no injuries.' A plethora of garbage came up about wolf sightings and attacks but one thing did peak his interest. On the third page, it appeared to him- Werewolves. Of course! Why hadn't he thought about it before, they healed quickly and then spent time together. The more he thought about it, the more it sounded stupid. He pushed away from his computer and got up, time for some long needed fresh air. Billy keys and went outside to his car, and drove in the direction of the lake. Maybe he could find something more, maybe not, but he did love the lake in the summer.

Upon his arrival at the camping parking lot, he was surprised to see Cassandra's car already in the lot. How odd, that they would pick the same day to go to this place. It was more relevant to her but Billy was curious to see the place where it all happened. He got out of the car and shut the door silently, no need to freak her out. He walked upon the path to get to the campsite and as it came into view he could see the RV among other things, including a group of girls and a giant dingo. He gazed at the giant dingo for what had to be a good minute before realizing that it didn't make sense. That shouldn't be right there. He took a step back and stepped on a twig, and it sounded to him like a crack of thunder. His eyes went wide with horror, he had no idea what he had just stepped into but found himself on edge.

Sheriff Colton

Location: His Office
Interacting With:@Maria 127

Nothing, that was what they found. No hints of the wolf, no other signs of foul play and Vanessa's words haunted him. There had to be some logical explanation to all of this but he just couldn't think of anything at all. For the last week they had gone through routine over and over again but when it came down to it, Dave realized they would probably never find anything else.

He scrolled through his email and saw what Jamaal had sent him. He was surprised to find that the kid had found a few small tidbits out. He replied with, 'Good job, follow up on those leads ASAP.'

He then went back to filing more paperwork and signing documents.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Caits Cassandra, @Vicier & @Lord Zee Billy

As Riley started to slowly put away the wrecked tent that her two best friends have been using together the night before, which was still covered in now dried up blood. She sighed softly as she started to get the things out of there, that was when she heard a car pulling up near the RV. Riley backed out of it slowly and turned around to see who it was. She recognized the car as Cassandra's and smiled, glad that someone had actually gotten her text. "Hey Cassie." Riley then stopped as she could pick up a scent herself eucalyptus? Riley looked towards her friend. "I don't know the smell either.." Riley said softly as she looked around she caught movement in the corner of her eye until she spotted a Dingo?

Riley jumped suddenly when she could hear the familiar howl of Vanessa, and yelped loudly in surprise when Vanessa suddenly tackled her to the ground, and then Riley was on top of Vanessa looking down at her friend. Riley had looked up to Vanessa for the past week now and she respected her more now. "Oh yeah i'd totally want to take the Alpha rank out from under you." Riley said jokingly as Vanessa rolled off of her, and then accepted the hand and pulled herself up.

Riley dusted herself off and turned to look at the Dingo that was still on the edge of the camp then she heard some more footsteps and turned to see that it was Billy. Riley quickly went up to her friend and gave him a hug, she was actually glad that he didn't come to the camping trip a week ago. "Hey there Billy." Riley said with a soft smile then her attention turned back towards Vanessa. "Maybe the were-dingo was just passing through?" Riley asked as she approached Kaylee but kept her distance still and smiled at her trying to be friendly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: The woods
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow @Nallore@Lord Zee@Vicier

Connor rolled his eyes, and rolled off the air mattress, he pulled a clean shirt on, not particularly worried about being half naked for a few seconds. "Its more I may as well be with others, then struggling with something that shouldn't be possible by myself" he said, finishing dressing he was only a few moments behind Vanessa, following her easily. He stopped at the mention of someone changing, and cleared his throat "Ah. Don't mind me. I'll just...walk over to the lake and stare at it if you wish to talk"

He circumvented the campsite, moving towards the lake.

The scent was different to Vanessa, and now he assumed the teens attacked here, and he frowned. It didn't seem like they were dangerous, and in any case, it was four against one-five. He looked over and said to the other male "It would not be polite if the young woman wishes to return to human form for you to make her uncomfortable, care to join me by the lake?" Connor didn't seem to know he was making a mistake, he just assumed that this guy was on the camping trip, and had been attacked as well, having not received a good look at all the campers that night. He didn't even stop to think that Billy's scent was missing something the three girls had, and the dingo.


Location: Red Lake

Cassandra didn't know why it should be so shocking to here that there were other were creatures out there, but it was. And besides, what was a dingo doing here? They were Australian animals. Of course, people could travel, but still. Wouldn't she have her own pack, in Australia? Or were they migrating here?

"You know...the strangest part is that if she's a dingo, shouldn't she be in Australia?"

Cassie studied the were dingo, but stayed close to Vanessa and Riley. They might not be able to be changed, but they could still be killed. Vanessa had proved that. No. She wouldn't think about that night again. shaking her head, she gave a soft sigh, looking up as Billy entered, and then a stranger. Cassie was god with faces, but this guy was new to her. He seemed familiar with everything, with Vanessa at least and he wasn't running away screaming at the sight of the dingo.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kaylee Jade Evans

Location: Red Lake Camp Grounds - Scene Of The Attack.
Interacting With: Riley Walker (@Nallore), Cassandra Spencer & Connor Vos (@Caits), Vanessa Von Strong (@BeautifulSnow), and Billy Swanson (@Lord Zee).

The blood… the sickly sweet smell of copper was everywhere- it had her stomach churning causing her to want to chuck, though all she could manage was a couple of dry reaches before she shut her eyes, forcing herself to take a couple of deep breaths before continuing on once again. The campsite was a mess; and that was putting it mildly… Aside from the blood splattered over a good majority of it; the site was littered with tents that had been torn to shreds. What was left of whatever food, drink, and whatever else had been brought with the old occupants had brought with them scattered about and abandoned completely… and though she hated to admit it to herself, it was clear what had happened here. But then… what animal could have been so confident that it would just up and attack a site like this..?

Slowly moving herself forward and towards one of the closer tents, she stooped her head down, lightly nudging at the remains with her muzzle before something caught her attention, forcing her to once more lift her head, her ears perking up slightly as she let her attention glide over to where she could hear the hushed and panicked tones of a girl obviously speaking with another… Stranger..? Wolf..? Wait- was she speaking about her..?

Hesitating a moment close to the tent she had been getting a closer look at, Kaylee inched herself around the edge of it, her nose twitching slightly as she tried to push past the strong aroma of both copper and coffee to the one she had obviously missed- faint but there; mixed in with the already overwhelming smell of nature that surrounded her. Flowers… and was that-… was that grass..? Interesting; though before she had too long to think on it, her greyish-green eyes met with those of the two girls that had been speaking… They barely looked older than she was… but the fact they had been speaking about scents-… Something was different about them.

Either way, they had seen her...

It wasn't anything she couldn't handle. That was the beauty of being able to turn into an animal that most (if not knowing the difference) would just believe to be a dog; and it was the very reason she had kept the collar that her friends from her old pack had given her as a joke. Moving herself just that little bit closer to where the girls stood, Kaylee slid her front paws forward, her chest pressing against the ground and her tail flicking back and forth in the air happily as she barked at them in a playful manner; the dingo waiting a brief moment before she stepped forward, nudging at a stick that was laying on the ground in front of her with her nose.

Play dumb... play dumb, and throw them off till you can feign loss of interes-... The sound of a howl filling the air caused her to snap her attention away from the girls and over to the forests edge, immediately forcing her body to tense up; the sudden rush of a figure flying past her eyes before colliding into one of the others forcing a fresh wave of air to rush at her. The refreshing aroma of petrichor filling her nose, and causing her senses to once more put her on the defensive- there was another one... and by the warning howl that she had given just before her not so subtle entrance, this one was in a position of power... an alpha of some kind..?

And there went that talk again. Wolves... and biting- wait... were they like-... were they like her..?

The way the woman talked about territory... the way she seemed to look straight through her, and know exactly what she really was... That just helped to confirm it. Taking a few tentative steps backwards, though never once letting her gaze wander away from the Alpha as she seemed to step forward and take the point in front of her, Kaylee lowered her tail, her ears pressing back against her head as she tried to work a way out of the situation she had accidentally gotten herself into- for someone who had just caught a stranger wandering around territory that she owned, the woman was being friendly... too friendly...

Actually, they all were- well, that was apart from the one sheila who seemed smart enough to question the fact that there was a dingo running around the woods in the first place when, like she said, it clearly belonged back in Australia... The girl seemed to be slightly, if not just as weary and scared of her as she was of them. Though before she could think on it for too long, the sound of a twig snapping loudly from somewhere to her side had her jumping, her beautiful orange fur standing on edge, and her ears pressed now flat against the sides of her skull as she shot a quick look at the guy who had just joined them.

For the love of God... just how many of them were there..?!

Billy. Finally a name. He didn't smell like the others... but the thought didn't help to ease her mind, or the tension she held within her body... With every moment she spent there, she was slowly becoming more and more outnumbered. It was official; if these people- these... things... if they didn't rip her to shreds, her brother was most certainly going to do so when she got back to the safety of her home.

Her tail lowered further, disappearing between her hind legs as she slowly though carefully began to back away from the people who filled the area in front of her, her eyes flicking back and forth between them as she tried to create more space however the feeling of her back hitting up against something hard though warm had her once more jumping (almost out of her fur), her paws scrambling underneath her as she hurried to the side, her full and utter attention turning up to the second man who had joined the gathering.

That's it... she was most definitely a goner... Fight or flight reflexes were well out of the question, and now all she could do was pray that her brother took her body back home so that the pack could give her the proper send off...

Wait-... they wanted her to shift back..? Whimpering softly at the idea of changing back and showing a bunch of strangers who she actually was, Kaylee continued to back away from the group until she felt her body pressing up against a nearby tree, the oddly calming aroma of parchment and smoke washing over her as the man she had just bumped into began to wander away from the area, inviting the other to join him out of politeness to her.

Seriously... just who in the bloody hell were these people..?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Vicier@Caits@Nallore(anyone else I missed)
The Twins

Aron moved away as she ate, coming back only when she was done and leaving. He grabbed the money and stuck it in the register when his phone went off. It was from Riley. Aron looked at Gage who was staring at Sophie's apron. "help out Riley first then Sophie?" Gage nodded.

The twins got the okay from their boss and had two people coming in to cover them. They took off their aprons and ran toward the camp site. They both paused and approached slowly.

The twins seemed to appear out of the shadows behind the dingo both looking rather aggressive. One on each side of her as they leaned against the tree. "Whose this?" a light snarl was produced by Gage who was already more aggressive then his brother. Now he was territorial on top of aggressive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kim Hansson

Location:Café then on road towards lakeside cabin.

Directly: The twins @blackpanther
Indirectly: @nallore Riley @Vicier Kaylee @caits Connor and Cassandra @Lord Zee Billy

Kim just smiled towards the boy and pulled out a pair of glasses from her pocket and replaced the ones she was wearing and put on a glove on her hand before placing a device on the table. Soon after she started waving around her hand in slow deliberate motions, deep in thought.

"No--no..that's all," she said, now preoccupied with her task. In her eyes there was a drawing in the air over the device which she was making adjustments at and looked for a solution to a problem.

For some reason it always felt like she was behind on her work. Despite having no deadline to adjust to, it always just felt like it. A problem here, a snag there. It kept her up at night when something remained unsolved or bugged. She guessed this was why she always was working on something. That, and she gets bored easily when nothing is happening. Hyper-active mind is a pain in the ass.

Every now and then she took a drink from her glass before the sandwich and coffee came over. Kim ate and drank with one hand while working, almost seeming uninterested in what she was putting into her mouth. She looked over her glasses at the boys and could see an urgency in their movements.

She might be bad at picking up hints, but she did see that one. She nodded and finished her coffee in one swig before collecting her things and replaced her glasses once again. "Thanks for the meal," she said and placed way too much tip before getting up and left the shop.

Kim got back into her car and started driving down towards the lake, music blaring on full volume, pipe in mouth. She wasn't driving that quickly down the road. Eventually though she could see the messed up camp in the distance before she turned off the road and down a smaller one before she came to the campsite. Her destination was different. It was an old cabin down by the lake that her grandfather owned.

Patricia Isaac

Location:Home then the lake

@BeautifulSnow Vanessa

As her phone beeped she yelped, causing her cats to meow as they stirred from their nap. "Sorry.." she said quietly and looked at the gun in her hands. It made her shiver with fear. She disliked guns. Not for what they were, but what they could make people do.

Pat had taken instructions from the lady at the shop. Kim was it? She was confident enough to hit a target, standing still, at closer range. But hey; it was something at least! She put the gun to the side and looked at her phone and smiled when she saw who it was from.

When she saw what the message was her face darkened slightly. It sent a shiver down her spine. She hated that place. Pat had been up there once already and got something minor. The place...it gave her the chills. But they had to go back sometime after all. She thought this was too soon though.

She grabbed her purse and looked at the pistol. Her concealed permit had not yet arrived. It was better to leave it at home. She stowed it away somewhere hidden and fed the cats before leaving her apartment and got on her bike. Helmet on head before starting it up. The calming roar of the engine made her sigh softly.

Pat revved it a few times before starting to drive off towards the campsite. While she could not carry much on the bike, it was all she had in means of transport. Part from her car at her parents, but that was far away.

It did not take too long until she arrived, having followed a car for a little while before passing it. "How rude to play music that loudly.." she said to herself when she had made some distance.

The campsite was what she expected it to be. Horrifying yet again. She shook her head and tried to calm down as she drove up. Pat saw Riley, Vanessa....and a few others. Even a.....dingo? Her face under the helmet twisted into a mixture of surprise and wonder.

She was so surprised that she did not get off her bike for a while until that music came back which pulled her mind back to the situation and Pat got off her bike. She left it still turned on, just in case.. Neither did she bother removing the leathers, nor the helmet and just lifted the visor slightly. "Another one of your.....friends Vanessa?" the words dripped with venom as her body tensed up, ready for whatever might happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kaylee Jade Evans

Location: Red Lake Camp Grounds - Scene Of The Attack.
Interacting With: Riley Walker (@Nallore), Cassandra Spencer & Connor Vos (@Caits), Vanessa Von Strong (@BeautifulSnow), Billy Swanson (@Lord Zee), Aron & Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), and Patricia Isaac (@Zhaliora).

Her heart sunk further within her chest as the sound of another voice filled the air, mixed with the sweet smell of cinnamon, and the fresh aroma of pine trees- bloody hell… just how big was this pack..? But where the other five had been on friendlier terms; it seemed as though these two were more than willing to take her in a fight should she do anything that didn’t like...

It was just too bad that she’d had enough.

Having first turned her attention over to the guy who remained silent, Kaylee scrunched up her muzzle, her lips curling back over her sharp canines as she let out a low though rather defensive snarl, the fear that had once been clear upon her features instead twisting into an aggression as she began to lash out at the one who had been threatening her. Seriously; what the hell was this guys problem..? Attractive or not (and she had to admit that he was), there was no need for him to act like a jerk…

Pushing away from the tree and up onto her hind legs, pain flickered across the surface of her eyes, her howl twisting slightly as she began to do just what it was they seemed to want her to do; her bones twisting and cracking back into place as she stood herself up tall in front of him, her arm lifting up to flip her long dark locks back off of her face as she met with his gaze, seemingly not even bothered about the fact that she was stood naked in front of the group.

“Kaylee..! That’s who I am..!” Her accent came out strong and clear, ringing out through the area as she took a step closer to the guy she was retaliating against, being sure to get up in his face before she allowed her gaze to wander, her stormy greyish-green orbs slowly trailing down his body and back up again until she once again met with his own eyes, a small smirk playing over her soft lips as she scoffed out a single laugh, “I’ll give ya this mate… you might be hotter than a forty degree day; but you threaten me again, and I’ll be sure ta give ya something to threaten me about…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Caits Cassandra, @Vicier, @Lord Zee Billy, @Zhaliora Patricia & Kim & @BlackPanther Aron & Gage

Riley watched as Kaylee started to become more and more agitated then she looked back over her shoulder at Cassandra and nodded slowly she knew that Dingos weren't native to the US let alone were-dingos. Riley then caught the familiar scents of Aron and Gage as the twins came out from the woods, and Gage being the defensive one asking who their new guest was of course he sounded aggressive towards Kaylee. Riley stood up when she heard the loud noise of the motorcycle and knew that it was Patricia from her bite, she blushed softly for a moment seeing her again though still wearing her biking gear and helmet.

And then Patricia started spitting venom towards Vanessa and sighed softly and knew that the two of them may never get along. "I don't think Vanessa knows this one." Riley said as her attention quickly went back towards Kaylee. Then a car was driving by Riley could hear the loud music coming from it as it drove up another path towards a cabin that was near the lake, Riley watched the dingo getting more and more stressed. Riley could hear bone cracking and shifting as Kaylee stood up, the fur slowly disappearing as it grew into a girl that was around everyone's age except for Vanessa's and Patricia's Riley stared at the naked girl as she yelled her name.

Riley quickly stepped in between Gage and Kaylee her hand gently laying on Kaylee's shoulder before letting go quickly and avoided staring to much. Riley turned her attention towards Gage trying to calm him down before a fight could break out between any of them. "Hey Kaylee right? I'm Riley, the aggressive twin there is Gage, and his brother Aron." Riley said as she gestured towards Cassandra and Vanessa. "That's Cassandra and Vanessa." Riley then pointed towards the two non wolves in the group that Riley trusted and friends with. "There is Billy and Patricia."

Then Riley watched as Connor she remembered seeing him briefly a week ago back at the campsite. "Forgive Gage for his rudeness, uhm so yeah we were attacked by a werewolf a week ago. I just came here to clean up and asked for some help."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Campsite.
Interacting through text With: @BeautifulSnow@Caits@Vicier@Nallore@Zhaliora@BlackPanther

What the fuck. Billy didn't really know what to think about what was going on. Or if anything, he was overthinking about everything. Riley came over to him and gave him a hug while he stared at the dingo. In the moment, Billy didn't actually return the hug but thought it incredibly odd that she was acting completely normal under the current circumstances, much to his annoyance. His facial expression turned into being completely dumbfounded and he wished someone would have just told him what was going on. What the hell was a were-dingo anyways? Half of the things the girls were saying wasn't making any sense to him.

Then it got even stranger as another guy showed up. He was so casual about the entire thing but what startled him was when he spoke to Billy. Return to human form? Impolite? That thing wasn't a girl, it was just a dingo or a were-dingo. Then it hit him like running into a wall and a deep look of panic struck his face as he took another step backwards. There were different types of canine species that lived all over the world and from how they talked, that thing wasn't normal and could change into a girl. If that was true, then the people around him had to be different right?

Before he could utter a word, the twins arrived on the scene. This only further proved to Billy that something was seriously not right here. Did Gage just snarl? Then before he knew it a biker lady showed up, the voice was oddly familiar as it spoke to Vanessa. Another friend of hers?

Then it really happened, the Dingo let out a painful howl as it stood on it legs and changed right before his eyes, into a naked girl. His jaw dropped slightly as he stared in disbelief. Had that really just happened? He rubbed his eyes, half hoping he would wake up at home but no, there she was and her accent was definitely Australian, and along with her nakedness, Billy began to feel slightly uncomfortable. Riley spoke next and explained the situation proper. Charlie had healed quickly, no, all of his friends had healed quickly because they hadn't been bitten by a regular wolf, no they had been bitten by a werewolf.

Billy had no idea what to do so he simply said the only thing that came to mind, "What the fuck." As he stared at all of them with a mix of fear and surprise on his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: The woods
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow @Nallore@Lord Zee@Vicier

Connor gave a sigh. He could understand the boys anger, but there was no need to threaten. "calm down" he said to everyone present, his voice soft, but serious as he approached the girl, taking off his shirt, he held it out to the girl, "you can't stand around naked, some cops might still show up here after all. No need to get imprisoned for indecent exposure" he spoke politely to Kayle, in a way that befit his upbringing, but then he smiled, almost crookedly, warmly, "and I'm tall enough that it might just look like a short dress on you"

He glanced over the others gathered there, "I'm Connor. Some of you may remember me, from that night. I was attacked a little while ago, and Vanessa helped me that night you were attacked." he said, his voice changing to one of grief, a sadness that seemed to reflect in his eyes.

He glanced to the boy he had mistaken for a part of the pack, and grimaced. Well, he supposed that cat-or wolf-was out the bag. He should e more careful, he supposed. "I believe what you are looking for, Billy, was it?, is something your friends are as well, answers, correct? You seem smart. And capable of using a computer. Perhaps you have already figured it out, before coming here, right?""

He looked to Gage and said, "you need not be aggressive, look around you, you are surrounded by friends, and Kayle is not. You have back up, if things should go wrong, she doesn't. Not that I believe it will" he realized he was probably stepping out of bounds, and sheepishly, he stepped back, ceding authority to Vanessa, stepping behind the group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: The woods / campsite

Interacting with: Riley @Nallore, Connor & Cassandra @Caits, Kaylee @Vicier, Billy @Lord Zee, Twins @BlackPanther and Patricia @Zhaliora


Suddenly of went fast. Vanessa had no time to explain anything or she suddenly saw the twins. Gage's treatment wasn't what she wanted and at the moment she wanted to speak up again, a motorcycle stopped. the remark Patricia did was it, she would make sure this women will shut up for once and all. "Well Patricia, I actually hired this girl to bite you. Nice huh?" Vanessa said and her voice was filling the air with sarcasm. "Just like you just came from that gun shop.. Or did you think that leather could hide the smell of metal and silver from me? she added and then looked at Kaylee.

"Okay, back to our visitor... Nice to meet you. I'm Vanessa, the alpha of this pack biscuits" Vanessa said. She gave Gage a gear. "Move it over here you two" she said with a clear command in her voice. She saw Connor being nice and smiled. "Thanks Connor for being helping out.. Just, use your nose first my dear friend" she said. She ruffled his hair and then looked at Billy. "Can you hold this to yourself?" she asked the boy. Probably not, but she had to find something for it. Just a little too much people got to know this secret.

Vanessa walked towards a weekend bag and grabbed it, she opened it and out of it came some female clothes. Her clothes. "Here are some extra clothes for you" she said with a smile. "And don't worry about the grumpy wolf here. He won't do you any harm. But you sure have some explaining to do.. Where are you from, other than Australia and how did you end up here? You are on my land but, it's alright. I'm not the type of alpha that will kill every trespassers. she explained.

"But I am very curious, are you on a journey trough here, are you alone, are you gonna live here? Cause, some people might think that I am a big bad wolf trying to get everyone I love killed" she said and gave a vicious look toward Patricia. "But I am still learning myself about being an Alpha and I sure don't want to be like the man that changed me" she said and then turned her back to Patricia. She was done with that female and she knew Riley would feel the difference very clear, but just one more with venom filled word or look from that teacher and Vanessa would turn in a big bad wolf.

"Let me properly introduce you to my pack... We got Riley, my right hand.. Connor, who didn't officially say he is in it but I think he will join soon enough. I hope it. Cassandra, She is our smart one. Gage, the grumpy cat type you could say. And Aron, the sweet one" Vanessa said and knew very well that this was the first time that she actually called Riley her right hand. For the others she was just a little joking, they all were beta's yet Riley was the first Beta. "oh and let's not forget my first real human hater.. Patricia. That women rather sees me death than alive" she said but didn't seem really bothered by it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jammal Kirk Maderson

@Lord Zee While having his lunch at the café he heard his phone beep, so he pulled it out to check what kind of message it was. Jamaal was now glad that he had set up his emails to his phone, he unlocked his phone then clicked the app then the email to find that the Sheriff had responded back. ‘hmm I didn’t know he was at the office otherwise I would have just told him what id found.’ He quickly responded with –will do, ill update you as I get new information.- after sending the email he finished his lunch and so he paid and left.
Now he was beginning to wonder what would be a better way of following those leads. He could ask around about suspicious activity but that was risky, he could be staring in the face of the perpetrator and he wouldn’t know, or the perpetrator could hear about me snooping around and get scared off. Ultimately the best course of action would be to track them digitally, but doing that required a lot of paperwork and phone calls and he would need to run it by the sheriff first.

‘Looks like its back to the station then.’ He thought. After parking his car in the police staff carpark he begain walking to the entrance. He was so deep in thought that he had his head down and was looking at the ground only looking up to cross roads safely and to make sure he was going the right way. He looks up once more and walks into the police station and quickly goes to his desk. He pulls off the the sticky note and places it in the bin and logs into his computer to do more research on his potential suspects.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kaylee Jade Evans

Location: Red Lake Camp Grounds - Scene Of The Attack.
Interacting With: Riley Walker (@Nallore), Cassandra Spencer & Connor Vos (@Caits), Vanessa Von Strong (@BeautifulSnow), Billy Swanson (@Lord Zee), Aron & Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), and Patricia Isaac (@Zhaliora).

Whoever this guy was, he barely had anytime to respond to her threat before the others in the area began to make a move and jump into action- and while each were doing something different; all of them seemed to be trying to stop the fight before it even began.

Forced to take a couple of steps back as the girl who reeked of coffee pushed herself in between both her and the guy, Kaylee narrowed her eyes, her gaze threatening and locked with his from over the girls shoulder, being sure to keep her attention on the one she knew posed a threat as she listened to what It was that the girl was saying to her- so the jerk actually had a name… Gage. She let her eyes once again glide up and down his figure, sizing him up and not bothering to hide the fact that she was checking him out before she scoffed.

Heh… that explained it.

So they were wolves- werewolves at that, and it seemed as though they had only been this way for little over a week. Now it all began to make sense. She couldn’t help it, the smile that cracked over her soft lips before she lifted her hand up, using the side of her pointer finger to cover them up slightly as she began to laugh, not even bothering to hide her amusement at the new information that had just been given to her- they were nothing but a bunch of newbies.

“Pups..! You gotta be bloody kiddin’ me- all of you..?” Finally she tore her attention away from the Gage, once more returning her arm back down to her side as she turned her head, glancing at each of them in turn, trying to find some hint of a joke behind their words before finally, she turned her gaze back over to Riley, her bright and amused smile fading slightly over her features, “..you’re serious aren’t ya..? Well this is gunna be fun... Full moons comin’, an having a bunch of untrained pups runnin’ around isn’t exactly good for anyone.”

Shaking her head lightly from side to side in slight disbelief of what it was that she was being told, she let her gaze wander away from the girl, falling into silence as the sound of a rather dominant though still kind male voice called out for everyone to settle themselves down- these wolves were crazy… if they thought for even one second that everything was going to be all hunky dory, then they were seriously fooling themselves. Frowning a bit as she watched him take off his shirt, her soft lips parted ever so slightly from one another as she turned her head round, her eyes lingering upon the shirt he held out to her for what felt like the longest of times before tentatively, she reached out to take it from him.

“..thank you…”

Stooping her head down slightly, she quickly worked to pull it on and over her body, her hands coming back and around her neck so that she could gather her long dark brown locks, pulling them out from under the top as the ever calming smell of books mixed with smoke surrounding her, helping her to physically relax and causing for a soft pink tinge to creep over her cheeks- he was being nice… a gentleman; and unlike when the girls had shown her kindness, his just seemed that much more genuine.

And that was when it happened. Turning her attention over to the woman she knew to be the Alpha as she not only spoke up, but also held out some spare clothes for her to take if she wished, Kaylee let her eyes drop to the clothes, her jaw clenching for a moment before finally she once more met with the woman’s gaze, holding fast to her resolve as she lightly tugged on the bottom of the shirt she was wearing, giving her answer without so much as uttering a single word. It was simple… right now, she didn’t trust this woman as far as she could throw her…

Scrunching up her face out of slight annoyance at not only being told that she owed them all an explanation, but also at the thrum of questions being thrown her direction, Kaylee held her ground, her eyes only leaving the woman’s figure when she began to introduce her to the others that were standing around her; giving slightly better descriptions than the girl had not minutes before hand. Riley… so she was the one who smelt like she was addicted to coffee… Connor, Cassandra… Gage; the attractive pissy pants who looked about ready to rip her head off at a moment’s notice… Aron, the other attractive though slightly more silent one of the two boys…

She turned her head slightly, her gaze flicking over to the other woman that had been mentioned; Patricia. Clad in leather, and clearly concealing a piece… and was that..? Silver. Unable to help the way her lips curled back over her canines, she turned her attention back around to where Vanessa stood in front of her, once again meeting her eye to eye as she lifted one of her arms up, motioning to the only one that she hadn’t mentioned in the group.

“..forgive me if I’m wrong… but I believe you forgot to introduce Billy over here. Even if he’s not a part of your pack; I’d say he has as much right to be acknowledged as the rest of them; cause after all… he was just thrown into the deep end of the pool.” Tilting her head to the side, she raised her eyebrows in a mocking sort of way as if to push her point before finally, she turned away and gave the woman her profile, pausing for a moment and turning her head back around to glance at her over her shoulder, her hand raising and her pointer finger held up between them as though she had just managed to remember something important.

“Oh… and I don’t have ta explain anything to you. You might be an Alpha; but ya not mine, and I don’t trust ya as far as I could throw ya.” Tearing her attention away from Vanessa, she began to walk away, her eyes flicking up to meet with that of Connor as she continued forward, pushing up the sleeves on the shirt she wore as she made her way towards the lake, seemingly not even caring that she was walking with bare feet.
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