Captain Silvermane Kraken
Brandt Théomore "Théo" Trout
The ocean has no rules. A pirate who can rule the sea knowing this, is a true king.
◾ Name:
Captain Silvermane Kraken; Captain Kraken; Captain Silvermane; Brandt Théomore "Théo" Trout; The Sea King; The Pirate King; The Sea Bastard; The Silver Devil; Silver; Théo (he is called this only by his father, which is how he will always know who his true father is)
◾ Age:
◾ Gender:
◾ Sexuality:
◾ Origins:
On his mother's side, he is Diovirene, and to the Diovirene, his surname would be "Sand." On his father's side, he is of the Quell Sea, and thus his surname is "Trout." Unlike the Gullys, his skin is tanned, and his hair that was once as brown as molasses is prematurely white from mysterious circumstances explained in his "Biography." He bears characteristics of both his mother and father that some with keen eyes are able to note. He does look slightly similar to his Gully brother(s) and sister(s).
◾ Residence:
The Sea
◾ Clever ◾ Naughty ◾ Creative ◾ Cutthroat ◾
◾ Personality:
Brandt was born with the blood of a prince and the blood of a whore. He was lucky to have grown up not afflicted by his mother’s fatal disease, but he grew up watching as it sapped her of her beauty, mobility, and then lastly, her mind. He grew up just in time for he and his mother’s roles to be swapped, and for a boy, it was difficult, watching his mother deteriorate. It made Brandt strong and mature at an early age until she passed on.
Without a mother or a father, Brandt became independent and free. His first voyage was from the Diovire Desert to the Quell Sea to meet with his father. To this day, he never forgot the truth he saw glimmering in his father’s eyes when he recognized him. From his lips, he had denied their blood connection, but Brandt knew that the Lord of House Gully was a liar. Unlike most children who would have been disgruntled about their father denying their existence, Brandt understood why Lord Gully had done so, and he didn’t let it ruin his life or resort to vengeance.
Brandt was resilient and optimistic—if not just in a self-centered manner—he believed himself to be the true heir of House Gully and that he has prince blood. He used this knowledge to amass a fleet of the most experienced and cutthroat pirates from all around Lhivoria. It was his arrogance and beliefs that led him to become one of the most powerful and feared pirates on the sea. Because he was so honest and so zealous in these beliefs, his crew was caught up in them, and they too believe them to be true. He is the pirate king.
As the pirate king, Brandt’s name when whispered on the sea is a frightening one. Many sailors fear that by saying his name, then it carries on the wind, and the Silver Devil appears. The sea tales say that the wind is the captain’s ally, and it always fills his sails to allow his ship to catch-up and out-maneuver his enemies. The tales say that the captain’s hair turned white when he looked Death in the eyes, and since there is a story concerning his left eye and that any who gaze upon it die. The tales say that the captain has witches for wives. They are called the Silver Witches as well as The Sirens of the Sea. His wives lead men to their deaths.
◾ Role & Career:
The Pirate King and self-proclaimed ruler of the ocean
◾ Hobbies & Interests:
○ Knife Tricks
○ Drinking Games
○ Sea Battle
○ Stealing (to include from other pirates)
○ Women
○ Navigation
○ Polygamy
◾ Likes & Dislikes:
▲ Drinking
▲ Chanteys
▲ Beautiful Women
▲ Challenges
▲ Sex
▲ Knives
▲ Booty (interpret that as you will)
▼ Disrespect (to a lady mostly, but he will slap and kill a "bitch")
▼ Being outsmarted
▼ Naysayers
▼ Parties with no booze
▼ Anyone who dares kills or sullies any of his wives
◾ Other:
Brandt stands at 6'3" and weighs 192 lbs. He is lean in build and not too heavy for his knife arts require him to be lithe and quick. His complexion is slightly tan due to his Diovirene characteristics and he wears an eye patch over his left eye that the "sea tales" says is the Eye of Death. Really, the story about that eye is entirely different, and it is explained in his "Biography." His hair is prematurely white and that too is explained in his bio. For being a pirate king, most expect the roughest looking pirate, but bearing the blood of the Gullys and the blood of the finest whore in the Diovire Desert, it is no wonder why Brandt has many wives.
Special Note (1): Brandt knows who all of his brothers and sisters are for he still keeps track of the Gully lineage. Because he knows who they are, there may be an opportunity for "partnership" or even "mercy" in the future. He still considers them blood unless one of his siblings/cousin(s) wishes to believe otherwise. Word of advice - don't believe otherwise.
Special Note (2): The exact story as to what happened on The Island of Death is not explained in the biography for it is a secret that Brandt has told to no one, not even his wives (at least so far unless they are eventually played by players). Brandt would only share such a secret with a close friend or "sibling."
Special Note (3): The Kraken's flag is black but unlike ye olde skull and crossbones, it bears an undead kraken in white on the front.
Special Note (4): Brandt can supposedly navigate the ocean without the need of the stars or other instruments to guide him. With his mysterious left eye, he can supposedly see the pathways or "ley lines" of the sea.

◾ Family Members:
♥ Lord Arthur Gully - father
♥ Lady Amara Gully - step mother
♥ Lady Amelia Gully - half sister
♥ Lord Tybalt Gully - cousin?
♥ Ser Lucan Gully - half brother
♥ Lord Ithobal Gully - half brother
♥ Lady Myriam Gully - half sister
♥ Lady Catarina Gully - half sister
◾ Biography:
Brandt was born to Lord Gully and a Diovirene whore by the name of Jesemine “Desert Lotus” Joyce. She was a beauty with long black hair and eyes so dark that a man could drown in them. Lord Gully, at the time, had no heirs and was away from home on voyage to the Diovire Desert coast. He had needed fresh air for the stress of his wife’s infertility had been weighing sickly on his mind and shoulders (she would later bear him children). It is uncertain whether Jesemine intentionally sought to steal the heart of Lord Gully, desiring for him to plant his seed in her so that she would be able to bear a child who might be able to lift her out of the slum she lived in, or that their meeting was by chance. After Lord Gully’s visit, she became pregnant with his child and sent word to him by a thief and friend named
Liota. Liota caught a ship to the Quell Sea region, and was able to cunningly sneak into the Gully Keep before she was accidentally killed by the guards who feared that she was an assassin. She gave the guard a message that contained the startling news that he would deliver to Lord Gully. In response to the message, Lord Gully sent Jesemine enough gold to take care of her child and to pay for funeral rites for her friend. The response hadn’t been what she had wanted for she had hoped Lord Gully would have taken his future son to his home, but he instead have given her gold so that she would remain silent on the matter and raise her son in peace.
Peace, however, did not come to Jesemine for she had contracted a disease from one of her johns. She was able to give birth to Brandt without him suffering any side-effects from her illness, but through the child’s growth, she became weaker and sicker up to her last years. She continued to write to Lord Gully, and received no response. She told him about his son and about how her health was deteriorating.
Brandt was twelve years old when his mother passed, and uncertain of what to do next with his life, he sought out the only other person he knew of: his father. He stowed away on one of the ships leaving to the Quell Sea. When Lord Gully had been returning from a diplomatic trip, Brandt boldly confronted him and was nearly cut down when his knights surrounded him. Brandt put his father on the spot when he claimed to be his son, which confused and angered the loyal servants around him. He saw it in his eyes, and would never forget the look Lord Gully had worn on his face then. He denied the claim and ordered him away before he had his knights imprison him. Brandt was left standing stunned and speechless, questioning whether his mother had been right or not, but he could never forget the truth in the look his father had given him.
The Silver Witches | The Sirens of the Sea
Brandt accepted that he was the true heir to House Gully, but he desired a greater title—something above his father and his siblings to be. It was only fate. How else had he lived when his mother was stricken with a life-threatening disease? With his royal blood, he was meant to rule, but reaching the title of Pirate King hadn’t been an easy journey.
He started fresh and naïve, boasting about his bloodline in many a tavern around the Quell Sea region. Intelligence eventually reached the Gully Keep about a young man claiming to be the son of Lord Gully, and an unsanctioned order was given to silence the fool. One night when drunk and asleep with a whore in his bed, an assassin entered his room and nearly succeeded in killing him. If not for the whore beside him, who had been a light sleeper, screaming into the night, then Brandt may not have ever woke. It had been Brandt’s first encounter with an assassin, and the man’s skill had frightened him. He spent majority of the fight running and struggling not to suffer a fatal injury. This led his killer to believe that he was nothing but an inexperienced coward. As soon as the assassin became overconfident, Brandt utilized Diovirene trickery and sent a knife flying right into the assassin’s throat. The man had died drowning in his own blood and Brandt had been able to unmask him and learn that he was one of his father’s men. Brandt realized then that if he wanted to build a crew, then the dogs of the Quell Sea would have to be won last.
Brandt returned home to the Diovire Desert and sought out the slaves. He stole and liberated many who chose to serve him under their own volition. Of those slaves, he married four who were the most beautiful and deadliest of women in the desert. All four were killers, bandits, and pirates reduced to a life of slavery as punishment for their crimes. They fell in love with the man who bore the blood of a prince and king, and chose to serve him under the name “The Sirens of the Sea.” They were not only capable of loosening the lips of any man or lady, but killing them.
If anyone would like to be one of the four sirens, send me a PM. I will leave this option open for a while, but if I don’t get any takers, then I will fill these roles with NPCs.Brandt’s crew had started off small, but gradually grew in size as they continued to liberate slaves in the region and recruit them onto his ship. Eventually, each of Brandt’s wives had their own ships, and Brandt had himself a small fleet. The ships left Diovire to return to the Quell Sea region, hoping to once again win over the loyalty of the pirates in the area. Brandt had managed to recruit a few, but they proved to be unlike the slaves he had on his ships. The pirates of the Quell sea were arrogant and wild. They needed more convincing that he was the true king.
Brandt was told a tale of Death in the body of an old woman who inhabited an island off the coast of the Vaernin Forest. It was said that the old woman bore the secrets to all the gold hidden in the sea, but many a pirate or sailor who braved the island never returned. Brandt was challenged to brave the island and return with Death’s secrets, and Brandt accepted. When the captain went ashore the island, he told his wives and men not to follow him. The captain was gone for three months and during that period, his wives found it difficult to control the unruly Quell Sea pirates. They tried to start a mutiny on countless occasions and The Sirens personally dispatched of those who were treacherous, but still many more appeared. They were soon joined by enemy ships who threatened to take Brandt’s fleet while he was away.
On the last day of the third month, Brandt returned to the shore to the crew’s relief but he was different from what they remembered. His hair had gone stark-white and his left eye had become a milky bluish-white color. They thought that Brandt might have gone blind in that eye, but he told them that he could see better than before. Brandt told no one what had happened and his reappearance had been shocking enough to end the mutiny on his ship. He mercilessly sank the enemy ships that had harassed his fleet, the men claiming that a man had left them and a Silver Devil had returned.
With the loyalty of his new crew won, Brandt put his old name behind him. Brandt Theomore Trout died on The Island of Death. He was now Captain Silvermane Kraken, Captain of the Kraken, and Pirate King of the Sea.