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Inmate 7872

"Negative emotions like hatred destroy our peace of mind.”

– Matthieu Ricard

Released from solitary confinement into general population almost six months ago, Inmate 7872 is a textbook example of someone who has lost everything, possibly including her sanity. And there is nothing more dangerous than a person with nothing left to lose.

Basic Information

> Name:
Unknown for story reasons

> Nickname:
Inmate 7872, Nameless

> Age:

> Gender:

> Ethnicity:
Arab descent

> Sexuality:


> Crime:
Murdering an Inquisitor, Assaulting an Inquisitor (x2), Murdering an officer of the law, Assaulting an officer of the law (x6), Assault with a deadly weapon, Defamation, Conspiracy to commit treason, Kidnapping (x2), Illegal Biotech Upgrades (x3), Torture (x2), Sexual Assault (x2), Homosexuality, Theft of Empire property, Drug Use, Resisting Arrest, Public Indecency

> Years Spent
3, most of it spent in solitary confinement

> Prison Elective
Janitorial duty

> Cell-Mate
Christine Ramirez @Nallore

Education & Skills

> Occupation:
Her parents worked for one of the most prominent biotech companies in the world, and she was proving to be a prodigy in the field as well.

> Classes:
  • Medicine
  • Bio-engineering
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Maths
  • Languages

> Skills:
  • Photographic memory
  • Meditation
  • Braiding
  • Sewing

The Little Things

> Likes
  • Watching people
  • Bodies
  • Touching things
  • Learning new and interesting things
  • Messing with biotech
  • Intellectual challenges

> Dislikes
  • People asking her questions
  • Annoying people
  • People who do not speak plainly and to the point
  • The Empire
  • Inquisitors (hates them more than anything)
  • Anyone who asks for her name
  • Naive idealists

> Habits:
  • Unless she is actively moving somewhere, she is always sitting on the floor, watching
  • Always quietly hums an unknown tune to herself when not speaking
  • Has little regard for clothing

> Hobbies:
  • Meditation
  • Sifting through her memories
  • Humming
  • Expanding her knowledge base

> Fears:
  • Returning to solitary
  • Returning to solitary
  • Returning to solitary (she REALLY doesn’t want to go back)

The Very Big Things

> Personality:
An intelligent, driven, pleasant, and eternally curious young girl with a bright future. That would have described Inmate 7872 before they were locked up. Now, she is cold, bitter, has a dangerously inclusive knowledge of the human body, and straddles the very narrow line between genius and insanity. Inmate 7872 is a near perfect example of what happens when someone not only hits rock bottom, but plows into it at relativistic speeds.

Still, there are some traits that she still possesses from her old self. Given proper incentive, there is a chance that she will help you with something, particularly if it involves biotech or someone injured. She also still seeks to learn new things; offer her something that she doesn’t already know, and she will be much more likely to assist you. However, she may refuse you for no other reason than that she can.

Above all other things, 7872 hates the Empire. At the best of times, she sees it as a diseased creature that ought to be put down, and the Inquisitors as part of the disease. Her near complete isolation means that she is not entirely stable anymore; if she smiles, it's not because she's happy to see you. Or at least not in a way that you will find pleasant. There is nothing to hold over her as leverage, as everything that was once of value to her has been stripped away. At the end of the day, she cares about nothing and no one. Deal with her at your own risk.

> Backstory:
For the inmates contained in the juvenile detention hall of Port Hope, there is very little to do. Life is routine and repetitive; you leave your cell when the door opens, do the job that was assigns to you, eat when you are allowed, and return to your cell at curfew. The rest of your time is spent keeping yourself occupied until the last birthday present you will ever receive. One of the ways in which the inmates pass the time is through gossiping about anything and everything. Some people brag about what they did to get locked up, some bemoan the lives they could have had, and some just talk about which guards are safest to be around.

Almost three years ago, however, a new rumour began circulating around the hall, originating from an overheard conversation between the guards regarding a new juvie that had been placed into solitary confinement. This is itself was news enough; in theory, solitary was reserved for the most violent and dangerous criminals, but in practice, you were sent there if you had done something that really pissed off the Inquisitors. The odds of a juvie being placed in solitary were only scarcely better than getting a full pardon. As time went by, speculation began to run wild about what this new Nameless (named for the fact that those placed in solitary are stripped of everything, even their identities, and are scarcely acknowledged as persons' under the law) had done. Rumours ranged from being an infamous drug runner, to a sadistic mass murderer, to even more outlandish theories. Even a betting pool had been started as to what was on the Nameless's list of charges. But, as tended to be the case with Nameless, there was very little concrete information to be had. In fact, only two things were known for certain; this new Nameless was expected to remain that way until their execution, and the guards universally hated them.

A month ago, however, an astonishing thing happened. Rumour came from the guards that, for unknown reasons, the Nameless juvie was being released into general population. Now, at last, the mysterious Nameless would have a face, and the specifics of her crimes would be known.

What they got instead was a girl who barely spoke to anyone, even her new cell-mate, and did not seem at all inclined to share information about what she had done or her reasons for it. Some believe that, whatever she was before, died in solitary, leaving something else behind. She simply went about her assigned tasks, ate when she was allowed, and otherwise barely even left her cell. According to the guards, she is only a month away from her 18th birthday, and it seems that she has resigned herself to her fate.

> Theme Song:
My Name (Wearing Me Out) – Shinedown
My name is worthless like you told me I once was

My name is empty cause you drained away the love

My name is searching since you stole my only soul

My name is hatred and the reasons we both know

> E X T R A I N F O
Approximately a week following inmate 7872’s release into general population, there was a confrontation between herself and inmate Cameron Valdes. Inmate Valdez was needling inmate 7872 about her time in solitary and what she had done. After ignoring inmate Valdez’s questions and general annoying attitude for several minutes, inmate 7872 proceeded to calmly inform her fellow inmate that she possessed near perfect knowledge of the human body’s composition and functions, that she knew twelve different ways to very painfully incapacitate the girl with little effort, and another six to leave her crippled and in intense pain that would require extensive surgery to fix. She then proceeded to list off all 18 methods, and asked inmate Valdez what combination she would prefer she use.

Inmate Valdez left inmate 7872 alone after that.
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AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

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PhunkyPhoebe The phunk shall be within you.

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