Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

CS (Let's do this!)
Name: Arin
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Human: Telepathy Dinosaur: Can breathe ice.
Species: Human/Dinosaur
Crush: Ayaka(Ninkitty's character, not mine)
Relationship: Ayaka
Personality: Arin is a very nice guy who would go out of his way to help someone in need even if he doesn't know them. Cares deeply for his girlfriend and as a result, hates seeing her get hurt in any way. He may be really nice, but don't cross him.
Bio/history: TBR
Other: If he is really angry, he will become a giant dinosaur. So if you're looking to be his friend, don't anger him.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: On my own, why would I want to work for him?

Name: Hunter
Nickname: none
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Knows Death magic, but prefers shadow magic.
Species: Necromancer
Crush: "As if!"
Relationship: "Waste of time."
Personality: Evil, cunning, Rude. When he wants something, it's usually for his own personal gain. Cares only for himself and no one else(or so he says). The rest is TBR.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): "Why would I waste my breath when I have more important things to do?"
Other: Knows Arin and for some reason really wants to defeat him(the rest is already in the plot).
Working for Hunter or on your own?: "Work for Hunter? In case you haven't noticed, I AM Hunter!"

Name: Price
Nickname: none
Age: 20(lost track of his real age long ago)
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Normal: Telepathy and flying. Demon: Can become as tall as a skyscraper after overfeeding on human blood(I like tallness :P)
Species: Vampire with a hint of demon. (He's not a hybrid)
Crush: none(unless Ninkitty ever brings Terra back)
Relationship: Single(same as above)
Appearance(s):Normal: Demon: (ignore the glasses)
Personality: He is such a sweet person to where he can come off as too friendly.
Bio: He was once just a normal human fulfilling his life and rock star dream. Then one fine night when he was sleeping on his couch, he somehow became a vampire. He now lives with a demon inside of him which loves to bite, kill or turn every human in sight whereas Price doesn't want to hurt them at all. Due to this, he tends to avoid humans in fear of hurting them.
Other: There are three ways to trigger his demon form. 1. A human stands or sits way too close to him. 2. He is surround by humans or 3. Simply by the smell of human blood. On a side note: He plays guitar(might not have it here though)
Working for Hunter or on your own?: "On my own."

Name: Jyden/Darth
Nickname: none/none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Telepathy, can phase through anything except metal, able to climb walls without a ladder or a rope. Natural Acrobat. Can create dark lightning and earthquakes
Species: Cursed Mutant
Crush: none
Relationship: Single
Appearance(s): Darth(his Dark Side):
Personality: Jyden is quiet around others until he gets to know them. Tends to stand or sit by himself most of the time. Darth is all about killing everything and anyone who happens to be close by.
Bio: TBR
Other: His dark side(Darth), only comes out at midnight which no one should be able to see or hear during the day except Jyden. However, anyone who shares telepathy might be able to hear Darth, but they still won't see him during the day. Oh and he's gay.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: "Well, if you consider walking around with an annoying voice in your head on your own, then sure." (He's talking about Darth here).


Name: Juno
Nickname: none
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Telepathy
Species: Neko
Crush: none
Relationship: Single
Personality: Quiet(unless he's mind-talking to someone), shy and Friendly.
Bio/history: TBR
Other: Born mute, but gifted with telepathy. Oh and he's gay. Also, friends with Price.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: He'll eventually be with Price(in the rp).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Joseph Anderson
Nickname: Joe
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Nothing worth noting. "Sorry I'm kind of useless, aren't I...?"
Species: Human
Crush: No one. "I don't think anyone would like someone like me..."
Relationship: No one. "..."
Appearance: Six feet tall, long brown hair, brown eyes, pale, slightly chubby. Usually wears a black jacket, white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black and white running shoes.
Personality: "Must I really really talk about myself...?"
Bio/history: Just your average college student. Works a part time job and does well in his classes, however he has long suffered low self esteem, doesn't have many friends, and isn't on the best of terms with his family, and is often bored with life. He constantly wishes that something, anything interesting would happen to him and tends to daydream of fantastical adventures or interesting scenarios. Well, he got his wish... he just went to bed one evening and awoke to find himself in a place that he had never been before...
Other: He's gay.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: On my own. "I don't even know where I am, let alone this Hunter person..."

"Let's do this, I guess..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Let's do this.

Name: Alexandra Jones
Nickname: Lex
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: hand to hand combat skills, manipulate/create fire
Species: Humanish ("I'm clearly just your average fire starting human")
Crush: None
Relationship: None
Personality: Lex has always been one to act first and talk later. She's been kicked out of multiple establishments due to her fighting or as she calls it rough housing. She's never been one to lay low. She prefers to keep to herself unless she finds you interesting. She has no problem watching the world burn.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): She grew up in an orphanage and never learned to express her emotions without physical altercation. She has never been officially trained, but she considers herself to be a weapon. She learned about her fire ability when she got into a fight with another girl at school and "accidentally" set her on fire. She's kept a low profile since then.
Other: She has a darkness in her that sometimes scares even her.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: On her own, but not opposed to working for him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Parell Nouin
Nickname: "Call me Parry and you won't be heading where the spirits I release go."
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Exorcism - Parell is adept at removing curses and hexes, and can bless people against those curses. Also, depending on the will of those bound, he can free spirits and use them against the unjust and the unholy. This is a tiring process, however.
Species: Spirit-Infused Human
Crush: "Alas, none yet." (Everyone.)
Relationship: "Maybe one day."
Personality: Righteous and just, Parell aims to free spirits and put them to rest where they should be. He is usually calm, but can be angered by certain things, like betrayal. He would never say 'Let's do this!

Bio/History: Parell has little memories of his childhood. The memories that linger are the most painful. He remembers his parents being slaughtered, his capture, his experimentation, how they attempted to create a slave by infusing souls into his very being. It left mental scars upon him that he has since buried deep. He wasn't entirely sure how he escaped, as he could only a bright light. After this he trained to harness his powers, and freed most of the spirits residing in his body bar the few who wanted to stay within him and empower him.
Other: He hasn't heard of Hunter yet.
Working for Hunter or on your own: On his own, and probably won't work with someone who's aims completely conflict with his own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Woops made a mistake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Name: Sakura/Miyako Yagami
Nickname: Saku-chan and Mi-chan(According to Tatsuya)
Age: 18 (they're twins)
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Due to descending from Shamans and coming from a long line of Shrine Priestesses, Sakura and Miyako have some very spiritual abilities, particularly abilities relating to banishing evil and protecting against evil forces, and many of their abilities are effective against "dark" creatures such as vampires, demons, and evil spirits.
Species: Human Shamans/Mikos
Crush: none
Relationship: none
Personality: Despite being fraternal twins, Sakura and Miyako's personalities are very different. Sakura is more playful and outgoing, and loves to tease people, though tends to mouth off to people, while Miyako is very shy, gentle, and easily embarrassed. The one major similarity between them is the fact that they're both slight brocons, always trying to stay as close to their older brother as they can and worrying over him, and they'll both speak up if someone says anything bad about him.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): TBR
Working for Hunter or on your own?: On their own, alongside their brother.

Name: Tatsuya Yagami
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Enhanced Physical Attributes, increased to near-superhuman levels by extremely harsh training, further enhancements by drinking blood, and Indomitable Will
Species: Human
Crush: None
Relationship: None

Personality: Tatsuya is normally a very calm person, able to keep his emotions in check, though he does seem to be confused by other humans, finding it strange how they constantly fight amongst themselves even when there are greater threats that they should be working together against. Due to the abilities gained from the spirit he absorbed, he is excited by blood, and his demeanor changes, becoming more outgoing and playful towards others, loving to mess with others, and also becoming more bloodthirsty. He is also very strong-willed, to the point that he doesn't even react to attempts to affect his mind or do anything to affect his spirit since those attempts don't affect him. Despite his personality though, he's very protective of his little sisters, due to them being the only family he has left, and has, on multiple occasions, ruthlessly cut down those that have threatened them.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): The only really major thing that Tatsuya reveals about his life is that the spirit of a powerful vampire who'd been slain by a hunter had tried to possess him as a child, but due to the incredible amount of willpower he has, he ended up assimilating the spirit's abilities into himself instead, staying human but becoming more powerful, and entering an even more powerful state through drinking blood. The females in his family are apparently the only ones born with any special powers, allowing them to perform their duties as shrine maidens and exorcists.
Other: Let's do this! ;D
Working for Hunter or on your own?: On his own, alongside his sisters

These will work, right? :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Woot woot!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ayaka
Nickname: Ayaka
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Powers to control the wind
Species: Neko
Crush: Arin
Relationship: Arin

Personality: Ayaka likes to hang out by the ocean or anywhere there are trees (so she can blow the leaves). She also likes to be around Arin but hates when people purposely try and make him mad.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): Ayaka moved to an island at a young age, where she met Luna. The two grew so close together that eventually they started seeing each other as a girlfriend. Her and Luna somehow got split up from each other, however, during some sort of adventure they were having. After a couple years, Ayaka decided to move on and nowadays has a boyfriend. She and Luna still get to see each other every now and then, though both are mainly doing their own thing now.
Other: she's bi
Working for Hunter or on your own?: I don't particularly like Hunter, so um...


Name: Luna
Nickname: Luna
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Powers to control water
Species: Neko
Crush: None
Relationship: None

Personality: Her favorite thing to do is play in water, particularly the ocean. Overall, she's a pretty nice person.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional):
Other: Luna grew up on an island. Though she doesn’t exactly live on this island anymore. In fact, her and her best friend Ayaka left the island on an adventure. To Luna, however Ayaka is more than a friend. The two of them visited many different islands and places together. Somewhere in their adventures, however, the pair got split up. Nowadays, the two of them still see each other often enough, but for the most part do their own thing.
Other: she's bi
Working for Hunter or on your own?: Whose that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Accepted, Nin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Ageless (Human form has the physical appearance of a man in his 20's)


When in human form Ty has the potential to increase the insanity in a weak minded person when him and they exchange eye contact. No he doesn't control them like mind control but he does provoke and intrigues the weak minded to embrace their insanity. He isn't a telepath but once he has successfully led someone to rely on their insanity he can continue to torment them in their minds. He often does this through illusions and hallucinations. Even if he is in a human like form he doesn't inherit the bodily limitations. He doesn't need food or water and doesn't face fatigue. One more important thing to remember about Ty is that his physical abilities are far beyond that of a human.

In his True Form his skin takes on a grayesh and black color cased and black material that's tougher than Diamond. When in this form his ability to cause people to become insane isn't limited to just eye contact. He simply has to obtain his targets blood and the rest is history. In both forms he has regenerative abilities but in his true form the ability is at its best. He also has the ability to fly unlike his human form which is obvious since this form has wings. In this form he does potentially have the ability to posses other beings and grant them powers.

Ty does seem unbeatable... well he sounds unbeatable but he is actually not that tough to defeat. Light magic, blessed weapons, the usual anti demon weapons and spells against the darkness works on him. He can't be exorcized but he can be sealed away.

Fallen Angel




True Form

Chaotic Evil, if it doesn't make him more powerful then its gonna die. If it doesn't benefit him in any type of way he will find a way to subdue whatever or whoever it is and force them to. Although he oddly has a soft spot...for the mentally insane or like minded people. So if your also evil or insane than your an A+ in Ty's book. As a psychotic person he has a dark sense of humor and enjoy torture(receiving, giving or spectating it).

Bio/history(As always, this is optional):
Ty is an ancient Angel that stepped out of line and became what he is now. A cold hearted decomposed shell of his Angelic being. He was originally imprisoned but escaped during an unspecific time in the past. Now he roams the land destroying and conquering whatever he can get close to.

•Ty in his human form can actually see very well. His eyes are red and blue because in his true form he actually has four eyes. Once he is in his human form the eyes of similar colors become one and choose either eye socket to preside. His red eye is what inflicts insanity in both forms so it's best not to focus on it.

•The bandages in his human form are exactly where the collar restraints are in his demon form. He also stands at about 5'9".

•Ty wears a gas mask to regulate his breathing to keep his human form.

Working for Hunter or on your own?:
"I wouldn't say 'working for' it's more of working with..."

Let's do this! O(≧∇≦)O
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago


Luna accepted. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Diana
Nickname: None
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Lunar magic, prophecy, assassination skills
Species: Dark Deity possessed human
Crush: Hunter, though doesn't show it. "What crush? He summoned me, nothing more."
Relationship: Single right now. "Just how I like it."
Personality: Loyal but sometimes tests Hunter's patience, just to keep him knowing that he summoned her by his own choice knowing she was a Dark Goddess. Though sometimes her vessel resists her grip. A "Let's do this" kind of person.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): Diana is a Dark goddess, one of the ones who presided over the art of Necromancy. She was summoned by Hunter and placed in a human vessel.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: Works for Hunter slightly grudgingly, often plays with him to try to make him think she can do as she pleases with him but typically obeys him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Nice. :)

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Name: Shiro Mochizuki
Age: "I'm nineteen. If you can't tell something so obvious, you should get your eyes checked."
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Intuitive Aptitude. He and his brother also have a mental link with each other, allowing them to find each other along with working together easily. They can also speak to each other telepathically through it.
Species: Human(Though his brain is closer to Superhuman)
Crush: None
Relationship: None
Personality: "Ah...do I really have to answer this? *Sigh* What pain in the ass..." Due to how incredibly smart Shiro is, he has lost interest in nearly everything, becoming bored with the world. Nothing is ever new or wondrous to him due to his abilities, and therefore everything bores him. He also tends to accidentally insult people due to his offhanded comments and bored tone.
Bio/history(As always, this is optional): "It doesn't matter. Now stop asking."
Working for Hunter or on your own?: "Hunter isn't nearly intelligent enough for me to follow him, and even if he was smart enough, he could never understand me enough to control me."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Accepted again. :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Yesh! Shiro's gonna piss off everyone. XD
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