Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Laurel Demirci

Moving easily through the trees in her alternate form Laurel headed for the far outside edge of the lake. The others tended to gather on the near side of the lake, hopefully far from even her keen earshot. She padded softly across the lush grass as the sun rose behind her, it's flaming rays warming the ground just behind her as she remained in the shadow just ahead of the light. It dispersed the dew that glistened at the tips of leaves and blades of grass in front of her, furthering damping the sound of her paws touching the earth. She was next to impossible to hear as she headed to her favored spot for a brief nap in the warming light of the sun after a long night's run.

She hadn't bothered to go home though her brother had come to visit briefly during the break. He was as dashing as ever, insisting that Laurel was simply ravishing as well. She wasn't nearly on the level of stunning that her brother was, he was a fine greek sculpture made from the most exquisite marble by a master craftsmen while she was a poor depiction of the goddess she was born to embody. Her lean feline body was well muscled, long and compact layers of muscle that rippled beneath shimmering black fur.

She reached a tree that she frequented, its bark marred by deep claw marks from her regular climbing. She bounded easily up the tree, perching along a limb that jutted out to the edge of the lake. With the sun rise to her left and darkness to her right she laid quietly a low rumbling noise making its way from her throat as she exhaled. It wasn't quite a purr as leopards couldn't manage such a noise and she was no exception but the throaty noise voiced her pleasure just the same.

The break had been welcome, classes were wearing on Laurel's patience and she wasn't quite sure she could handle much more of someone trying to coach her into consciously increasing and decreasing the level of noise that she produced in everyday life. It was part of her training here at the school, they wanted her to be able to control her passive gifts like some of the more powerful Gifteds in her line could do. She could do it some but she chose stealth over the being a loud noisy human like everyone else. It was something that made her unique even if she wasn't as stunning as her brother was. She would settle for this even if no one fawned over her as they did him.

This was just the perfect place to nap, the sun warmed her inky coat, making her spots visible in the bright light. She lay perfectly still other than the twitch of her long tail and the swivel of her rounded ears, her noise of contentment reverberating from her closed jaws.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Light, all she could see was light, blazing, blinding, consuming everything. Screams pierced through the roar of flames. Her fellow students' screams. She desperately tried to draw on her magic to put out the fire, only succeeding in further fuelling it. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." she whimpered as smoke billowed all around her, choking off her words...

Lainie opened her eyes, her panting breath ragged in her ears. The sweaty sheets were bunched around her. Just a dream. Her relief was short-lived; a faint orange glow appeared at the end of the bed, hissing and crackling. "No, no, no..." she muttered to herself, pulling her knees up to her chest, struggling to tamp down the rising panic. It was no use. With a whoosh, a flame leapt up at the corner of the bedsheet.

The young witch gasped, throwing all her mental focus into picturing the flame shrinking to nothing. She'd used this spell before, she could use it again... Thankfully, it worked. The fire sputtered out, leaving only a blackened patch of fabric and a thin wisp of smoke. Lainie took several deep, shuddering breaths, wrinkling her nose at the smell. In for a count of five, out for a count of six. It was a breathing exercise her mother had taught her, and calming herself as much as possible was of utmost importance.

When the shaking that ran through her body subsided, Lainie pushed back the charred covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed, looking around the room to make sure no additional damage had been done. She wondered how the person who would be sharing a dorm with her would feel about doing so, and could only hope she never ended up harming them.

The first rays of morning light had only just started to stream in through the window, but there was no way she was going to get back to sleep. She hurriedly washed and dressed before heading down the hallway, a can of water tucked under her arm just in case. It was unlikely that many other people would be awake. Even so, she would have to talk to Miss Bertram as soon as the witch advisor was up and about. Incidents like this were the reason Lainie had stayed at the academy over the summer, to keep learning control. With classes starting again in a week, hopefully she would gain even more of a hold over her magic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dominic Matraz

Dominic immediately regretted sending the moving men away, as they had only carried up the stairs and no further. With excess supplies and equipment as a present from his mother, he found he really didn't have the basic strength to push the cart containing them all and would have even more trouble unpacking it all. He realised he had been sent a challenge to actually set up his own lab instead having a pre-built one ready for him such as the one at home. His mother was never one to cater to laziness and considered ingenuity, drive and hard work above all else. He sighed and became pushing.

30 mins later, Dominic had finally gotten it all up into the apartment and into his room. He took a quick break, using the time to examine the spacious room and look for best place to start setting up. He had requested nothing but a bed, a desk and many, many shelves. This allowed him space to fill almost every corner of the room with equipment. By the time he was done, the room has transformed into a laboratory. Jars of ingredients lined the shelves, vials, test tubes and glass tubes placed around the room on tables. The single desk had stacks of books and scrolls.

Satisfied, he opened Cauldron's cage and placed her bed and feeding bowl next to his bed. She shot out and trotted around the room several times, gazing at each section of the room before settling on her bed and sleeping. He didn't expect much from her but even that was more underwhelming than usual. He shrugged, took a book from his desk and sat crossed-legged on his bed and began to read.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Asmund Gjanarsson

Apartment 305 was a spacious thing to have. There was a large window on one side, a number of small lamps hidden behind decorative, opal glass mounted along the walls, the door on the other side and - most important of all - a high ceiling. Aside from that, Asmund had found it holding nothing but void. There was no trace whatsoever of a roommate. This was unusual, but if numbers were uneven, someone had to pick it. It meant that he wouldn't have someone to talk to when he felt lonely and didn't want to go out. On the other hand, it also meant that he would have the whole room for himself.

The gifted was looking at himself via a huge mirror that featured a massive frame plated with silver that was leaning against the wall. It was ornate and gave the impression of being really old, maybe antique, but its owner knew it wasn't that valuable. Yet it was in better shape than the clothing of the man it was reflecting. Asmund's white shirt was clean, but he couldn't deny the fact that it was worn out and had become thin. The same thing went for his black shorts. Much to his excuse, it had to be said that it was difficult and expensive to get clothing for someone who was close to nine feet and had arms thicker than most men's thighs.

He turned around, inspecting the mess he had filled the once empty room with: The mirror, a cabinet that seemed to stem from the same era, a large, baroque writing table and a set of two chairs that perfectly fit to it. They were meant for visitors, for himself he had brought an enlarged, reinforced version that failed to completely mimic the style of the others. The bed was standing close to the window, and seeing this he asked himself if he should rearrange things and tidy up or just pick the other option: Do nothing and start living with things as they were until you got so used to them that the desire to rearrange and clean up would finally subside.

He decided for the latter and left 305, locking the door behind him. This morning's sun was just too attractive for not going out. Unbeknown to him, his slow trip through the gardens around the lake led him closer and closer to Laurel's location. Asmund's walk was the far opposite of her silence, his shoes were like ships flattening a lot of grass and grinding the ground below it with each step he made.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rage Lonethorn
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Rage Lonethorn RPG's Official Pear King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Donghyun Park strutted with poise as he rolled his Tumi Vapor suitcases along, one handle in each hand and one foot steadily in front of the other. Slung over his shoulders was a gift from his mother, Coach’s latest backpack for men. It was a burgundy campus backpack with a “bold racing stripe to add a sporty twist.” Bold, Donghyun had repeated that to himself over and over once he had looked up reviews on the backpack. He may have trusted his mother, but whatever he wore needed to be chic and in season. Shading his eyes from the sun was a set of silver, Prada sunglasses. The rectangular shape of the frame accentuated his smooth cheekbones, and there was something about the space look that made them his favorite pair.

The lanky teen let his eyes flicker over the building where he would be staying. He flew into autopilot as he thought about who he would be rooming with. Would they be as different as he was? This would be his first year at Rosa Clare, and he did not know what to expect when it came to the people and atmosphere. Did they love the outdoors or desire private study at all times? Would his roommate be an open book or a locked journal? Perhaps if he was lucky, he would have his own entire suite to himself.

Doubt it, he smirked to himself as he opened the door to room 204. The key he had received overseas worked like a charm. The smell of burnt popcorn tickled his nose, telling him that the apartment was already in use. He opened one of the doors near the living area, shutting it quickly after noticing someone else’s bed sheets spread over their mattress. A few feet away, he found himself in his new bedroom. He rolled his outrageously priced suitcases in and immediately started hanging up all of his clothes. Unfortunately, he had only packed clothes in the huge suitcases. To him, that meant only one thing: shopping spree. Perhaps if he waited long enough, his roommate would reappear. It gave him time to unpack anyways.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Emily Coison

Emily listened to the hustle and bustle of the arriving students. Suitcases gliding over the floor, the 'clomp clomp' or 'pitter patter' of shoes slapping on the floor, the squeals and cheers of reuniting friends. With her naturally advanced hearing that came with her species damn were there sounds. Sounds, sounds everywhere and they were disrupting. She gave a sigh, placing her book face down on the small wooden table that sat next to her bed.

Emily had arrived at the academy the day prior. As much as she thrived in the company of others some of those 'others' were just simply... what's the best way to put it? A nuisance. Anyway, the idea of trying to squeeze tgough crowds to get to her room and hear the squeals and cheers of reuniting friends was not in her best interests soon the day before she made her way to the academy. It was not a long trip, her apartment wasn't a huge distance from the academy and between that and her advanced abilities getting to there was not overly time consuming. She arrived to her dorm to find it empty, not to her surprise at all. Most didn't arrive until the proclaimed day to do so. Soon enough she had made her bed, set up her things and unpacked her suitcase before before spending the night reading. The next morning she was awoken by student's entrances onto the floor. Knowing she was defeated she got out of bed and filled her time with books, the sounds not so distracting as they were now.

As the sounds of students became louder and louder she gave up on attempting to read and left her book on the nightstand. She opened the door to the grand hallway that connected all the rooms and stood in the doorway, watching the rushing students and trying to distate who her roommate might be. In the process she delivered slightly intimidating glares at students that were too loud. Emily herself wasn't an intimidating being but to those who didn't know the vampire may have seen that potential in her. She gave another sigh as one of her glares were ignored and awaiting someone she was at least decently close with to find her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suleykaar had found that their last break went pleasantly well. Him and the Gorgon managed to bond a bit and the tension between Morgan and himself seemed to settle down a bit though there was still some slight animosity coming from Kiara but who could blame her. He ruined a few good nights for her and then never directly apologize. It wasn't that he wasn't sorry, but rather he couldn't bring himself to say it. It never sat well with him and most times she was around he basically seemed to shut down in his own way. It was odd. Anyone else he would just brush off and say it was unfortunate but it was different with her. Everytime he looked at her, he had this light feeling in his stomach and a light blush though it couldn't be seen through the red tinted skin. He had however, become better aquainted to Samantha who seemed to take a heavy liking to him but Sulley was unsure about her sometimes.

He had been walking the halls of the school, thinking about some activities the school could use during the school year until he smelled smoke. Was something on fire? No, otherwise the smell of whatever was burning would follow but instead it had an unusual smell to it. Magic. Sulley rubbed his temples and sighed. "It should be a damn requirement that students have some control over powers and abilities." With that he made his way towards the smell. @LuckyBlackCat He came across a female student who seemed...to be...carrying a...bucket...or something akin to that? He frowned slightly as he approached her, his signature "smile" adorning his face.

"Can you help me out. I seemed to have smelled smoke coming from this direction and was curious to see if anyone has smelled it too. Would you happen to have known what happened?" He asked with a cocked brow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 7 mos ago


More people were filling the hallways, footsteps and chatter replacing the silence. Chewing her nails, Lainie pulled back to avoid crashing into anyone. Her gaze darted from the floor to the growing crowd, then back again. Large groups put her out of her comfort zone, yet on some level, the sight of other students chatting and bonding so effortlessly brought with it a pang of envy. If only she could be that confident. She thought of the other members of her coven who had no trouble making friends, who had everything to be self-assured about, who had magic that helped rather than harmed.

She was considering turning around and going back to her room when somebody addressed her. She raised her head to see an unusually tall man with red and black hair, giving her a smile filled with what looked like dragon fangs. When he asked about the smell of smoke, she cringed. "Uh..." She glanced over her shoulder in the direction of her apartment before forcing herself to meet his gaze. "There was a slight, um, accident," she explained in a hushed voice, tightening her grip on her can of water. The shiny pink marks that speckled her hand, reminders of other incidents, stood out even more against her pale skin as she did so. "I-It's ok now, I was able to put it out. But you wouldn't happen to have seen anyone I could talk to about that?" She wondered if Miss Bertram would be up by now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

Morning found Morgan at his sanctuary once more, silently meditating in front of his altar. His sanctuary had grown somewhat in the short time that he had been attending school, in more ways than one. The surrounding flora seemed slightly lusher than the rest of the wilds, as though they had already seen a season of growth. His presence in the space had grown as well. A hollow in a pile of stones sheltered a small chest with a few books in it, and the painting Kiara had made for him hung from a low branch in a glass frame. To anyone with a sense for magical auras, the general area had built up a field of calm, gentle power. Morgan practiced here daily, and as a result he was better able to move and shape energy, and use his magic more efficiently within his sanctuary.

Over the break, he had spent a lot of time at his sanctuary and the lake downriver from it. A smile touched Morgan's face as he stood, remembering many evenings spent in the company of a certain faerie. He wondered if Kiara would be at the water's edge that morning, and decided to let his steps guide him in that direction. The river itself would serve as a path as well as packed earth, and would allow him to coax some speed from the waters. Almost without thought, he started through the familiar routine he used to practice control of his magic. Soon, the idler portion of his mind began to ponder what the new semester would bring in each class.

Lyla Warren

Doors opened and closed several times, and the general sounds of unpacking and sorting away belongings sounded through the otherwise silent apartment. On the other side of her door, Lyla didn't stir an inch. Not even the loudest sound her roommate could have caused while he unpacked did not rouse her. It was only several minutes after he had finished that the Splice awoke to the jangling of an old-fashioned wind-up alarm clock. A feather pillow knocked the clock to the floor with a loud clunk, and it ceased its obnoxious noise. The idea was for the clock to help her get up in time for class, but so far it had only managed to make her grumpy when she finally showed up.

Today, though, the slender girl dragged herself from her bed and stood up to stretch and yawn. Something about the space was different, and she could feel it even if she couldn't feel it. Wearing only an oversized t-shirt that she slept in, she padded across the floor to the door of her room, beginning to hum softly as she slipped through it. The furnishings of the common area were largely unchanged, but had been shifted slightly as though nudged in passing. A small sound, paper on paper, caught Lyla's attention and her ears swiveled towards the door to the other bedroom. It seemed that her roommate had been bringing some new things in, probably the equipment he had been waiting on. Smiling, she strode over to his door and knocked softly on it. While she waited, she scratched at the back of her left calf with her right toes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Symphonia


Member Seen 27 days ago

Seraphiel Charise
Mood: Annoyed
Location: Campus and campus dorms
With: @SouffleGirl123

The ripe stench of death followed her as she walked up towards the campus, causing various stares by those unfortunate enough to be blessed, perhaps cursed with better senses. Seraphiel ignored the nosey comments, as to her dismay, she hadn't been able to arrive as early as she had planned. Normally, she would want to avoid the crowds and potential social situations, as well as harassment from people; but as per usual that didn't happen. On her way to what was her first year at the academy, she had wandered off course and drifted towards that grip death seemed to have on her. In the end, she ended up coming across several dead bodies, and was questioned for hours. Somehow, it seemed impossible for them to wrap their head around her just stumbling across them. It wasn't the first time, and it would most certainly not be the last. Seraphiel and death had an interesting relationship, whether she wanted it or not.

Out of the corner of her eye she seemed to turn a few heads, something she always found particularly obnoxious. She was wearing a white bustier crop top, with low waisted black shorts, over the knee black socks, and a button up shirt she left open on both sides. Her shoes were a pair of black plaid skater shoes, shoes she loved over all others. She always had a deep loathing for high heels. Why people needed to be taller and ridiculously uncomfortable to feel they looked good was beyond her. Lugged behind her were two rolling suitcases, one pulled by each arm. On her back, a large and rather odd shaped heavy duty looking black case, in which she kept her archery supplies. "Are you done imagining me naked or should i put an arrow in you right now?" She said as she passed a boy that was gawking at her.

Beside her was Remi, her enfield and possibly one and only friend on the planet. He walked proudly beside his master, growling at everyone that even remotely looked in their direction. Some people seemed a bit confused as to what he was, as for the most part he had the head of a fox, front legs of an eagle, chest of a greyhound, body of a lion and back legs and tail of a wolf. But Seraphiel thought he as the most beautiful creature, with such a fun personality. Or she did after he stopped trying to kill her after she rescued him. Once upon a time it had been like one accident after another, but she was more stubborn than he was, and she hadn't given up on him.

She couldn't help but loathe the fact that she was in this place at all, but she had become the crazy girl who hears voices, and somehow a serial killer; without actually being a killer at all. Seraphiel made her way to the dorm area, looking for room 507. If she had her way, she wouldn't have a roommate, probably not a dorm either. It was most likely however, that things were not going to go her way. It was usually typical that everyone got a roommate when in dormitories. The area buzzed with all different kinds of energy, there were several people that seemed to be excited and ecstatic for either the new year or to see their friends, but as she looked around she also saw a lot of people plagued with anxiety, and some which didn't seem happy to be here at all.

Finally she saw a girl standing in the doorway, of what she could only assume was the missing room number. It had to be her roommate. She was extremely fair skinned, but almost strikingly so, with an interesting color of faded hazel eyes. She chose for the moment not to stereotype her species and instead stood in front of her offering an "Excuse me." And nothing more. She was rather cold and uninterested in her delivery, and didn't really make any kind of eye contact as she did so. Remi looked up at Seraphiel and made a high pitched trill sound.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Time: Morning → Early Afternoon
Location: Her room → The halls → The field by the lake
Interacting With: Persy

Kiara blinked her mascara-coated eyelashes a few times in the mirror of her vanity. The hand carved and beautifully ornate cherry wood piece was brought in from her personal suite in the Unseelie Castle. It used to be her mother's, and the mirror itself was magically linked to several others throughout the Unseelie Queendom, including the one in her father’s room. She hardly talked to anyone using it these days, but it was nice to have in case she needed to. Faeries didn’t really use cellphones and the like.

Once she deemed her dark and romantic makeup design complete, she sat back to give her look a once-over. The smokey eye and cat-like winged liner was probably a poor choice, as she planned on training all morning and then later cooling off in the lake, but she looked damn good for the time being. At least her hair was more appropriately styled in a messy bun. She wore a top that covered the bare minimum for school policy and a pair of shorts that she could easily work out and swim in without having to change in between.

By this time, Persephone was flitting about and excitedly pulling at Kiara’s hair to get her moving. ”Okay, okay! I’m going!” the faerie girl said just as the bat darted off into the halls. Kiki jumped out of her chair and sprinted after the bat, tearing through the halls in a fit of giggles. She bumped into a few people and blurted out quick apologies as she kept on running.

Chasing Persy lead her out to the courtyard and lavish gardens that the Academy kept. In this vast outdoor space, Kiara lost all hope in tracking down the bat. Instead, she went on with her plans to train by the lake. Professor Bertram had taught her a lot about controlling her magicks last semester, and Kiara still had some personal goals to reach during this break. She wasn’t just a student here, she had a warrior’s heart that yearned to fight by her father’s side… to make him proud. She had a long way to go still.

The unseelie faerie spent the next few hours diligently levitating rocks, moving them in varying directions and speeds at will, and hitting targets. Sweat plastered her spray of fiery red bangs to her forehead as she breathed heavily. Deciding that she’d had enough magick practice for the morning, she untied her cherry-colored locks and shook them free. Kiara then took a running start before jumping up and plunging her petite frame into the refreshing lake water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Laurel Wren -

Laurel was very nearly sleeping, her eyes closed tightly against the brightness of the sunlight that warmed her inky black coat. She was laid across a broad limb that stretched out from the trunk of the tree, one hind foot dangling from the tree as her long tail swished easily back and forth. The tip was curled up and jittered back and forth as her tail swung. The more comfortable she became the louder and more throaty the growls became. Her body was also beginning to smolder, light tendrils of smoke coming off her. The bark of the tree beneath her was starting crisp and smoke as well. The charcoal smell filling the air around her as the smoke breezes away.

Her nose twitched, flicking her whiskers at the smell. Her breaths were hotter the surrounding air, making it look as if she were breathing smoke, perhaps she was if the smoke rolling off the rest of her body was any indicator. It wasn't long before she heard the sound of footsteps that were quite loud for a regular person. She, however, paid them no mind as she lounged like the big cat she currently was. She was quite a ways off the ground perhaps twelve or fifteen feet off the ground, just shy of being over the surface of the lake. The tree she was laying in was just beginning to sprout leaves, the little bundles of green brightly shot out from the dull grey of the tree limb. They were rolled in tight rosettes like the smallest of blooms while others were nearly completely unravelled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Asmund Gjanarsson

The first thing Asmund noticed about Laurel's presence wasn't herself, but the smell of smoldering wood. It sent him on a profound search for its origin, annihilating the gifted's original plan to sit down and take a rest. He wasn't eager to be surprised by a developing bush fire he could have been able to stop if he had made the effort to do so at an earlier stage. However, he naturally didn't find anything, and the concentration he was inspecting the ground with actually prevented him from looking upwards and detect the real cause or to hear the growls. It wasn't until a wisp of smoke that refused to disperse quickly enough allowed him to backtrack things that he noticed the black leopard.

From almost directly below her, he tilted his head back and greeted her. "Oh... hi there. Almost missed you! How ya' doin' ?" He didn't really know her although they were in the same year, but her leopard form immediately grabbed his interest. It could be seen in his eyes that were literally scanning it, absorbing any detail from the long tail up to the fur. Aside from that, 'chesty' was a pure understatement for his voice, and if he considered the volume he was speaking with as normal - what he indeed did -, his shouting possbily could be heard easily across the entire lake.

The branch Laurel was lying on was too high to reach, so Asmund decided to go with his initial choice and sat down on one of the wooden benches that were distributed along the lake's banks, close enough for them to be able to continue any conversation with ease. The backrest was way too small for him, a good reason to stretch out on it like in a bed. It also spread his weight along the sagging boards, making it less likely that he would accidentally break the thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dominic Matraz


IT had been noticiably quiet fro quite some time and Dominic hadn't caught even a glimpse of his flatmate, the entire time he was reading. He shifted from his position and scooped up a sleepy eyed Cauldron, moving forward off his bed and quietly opening the door into the greater apartment. The first thing he noticed was that the short red headed person in front of him had fox ears. He stared them at them, and noticed one twitch a little before locking eyes with the owner of said ears and trying to put on a welcoming smile.

"H-hello, My name's Dominic Matraz. I-I'm your new roommate. Uh-nice to meet meet you-" He extended his right hand out very briefly before realizing it was the same arm cradling the now awoken Cauldron and the retreating it back and replaced it with his actually free hand for a handshake. Or may be he should have bowed or kissed her hand like he saw other gentlemen do when they greet a woman. Deciding that the latter option was by far the last thing he would ever do to some he just met he double-downed on just completing the introduction stage without anymore incident.

"Hectic morning, huh? Sorry about all the noise, I just couldn't feel sleep comfortably without being surrounded by all sides by glassware. I promise the keep the noise down." He smiled nervously, fidgeting with his glasses, and Cauldron's ears. " Well, I don't know about you but I could go something to eat. I brought some ingredients, why not have an early - late morning brunch on me. Any thing you'd like... umm I didn't quite catch your name." He scratched the back of his head, wishing he had learned more than just the number of his apartment when he asked.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

By the time the lake was in sight, Morgan had long since ceased his practice and lightly jogged over the flowing surface of the river. While he had simply walked atop it while walking at a normal pace, the increased force of his footfalls tested the limits of the fragile magic and his bare feet dipped a few centimeters into the cool water with each step. As he reached the threshold of the lake proper, he was just in time to see a familiar figure slip beneath the surface. A smile lit the Warlock's features and after a brief moment of thought he allowed the water to accept his body in silence.

Under the surface of the lake, Morgan's vision was nearly as clear as it would be above. While he did use his limbs to propel himself, he took a certain satisfaction in using the water itself to aid in his movements once more. It was easy to see why the river and lake drew him so; he was very literally in his element. Not to mention the fact that the very person he had hoped to see also frequented the lake and nearby field. She was indeed present, and he could see a blaze a fiery hair ahead of him in the water. Diving deeper to hide himself, he decided that this was the time that he would surprise her rather than the other way around. Moving closer until he was under and behind her, he waited patiently for her to gain the surface. Once she had he headed upwards himself, careful not to disturb the water until his head reached open air again.

"Good morning, Kiara," Morgan said cheerfully as he surfaced, one corner of his mouth quirked in a rare grin. His eyes held a spark of mischief hardly ever seen by any but her, and he could but hope she hadn't notice his approach and would react spectacularly. It was rare and difficult for him to surprise her, but he absolutely delighted in it. "Lovely time for a swim, eh?"

@Silent Observer

Lyla Warren

Lyla's ears flicked somewhat as the door opened, an involuntary reaction to a sudden noise so close. She smiled all the more, however, as her new roommate introduced himself. Paying attention to his words, she did not notice when he offered a hand to shake. She wasn't the hand-shaking sort anyway. If he hadn't sounded so nervous, the blind girl might have greeted him with a friendly hug. As it was, she didn't want to give him any reason to clam up on her.

"Oh! My name is Lyla!," she supplied happily, moving slightly to one side of the door in case he wanted to step out. "Honestly, I didn't hear anything until that stupid clock woke me up. I'm kind of a heavy sleeper once the sun is in the sky. Miss Pyari thinks I should try to adjust to a more 'normal' schedule, but I honestly don't see why. I mean, there are plenty of people that work all night and sleep during the day..."

About the time Lyla realized she was babbling, her stomach growled audibly. She blushed somewhat, her grin faltering as she fell silent for a moment. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say no to something to eat..." she admitted with a small smile. Thus far, she rather liked her new roommate. Something about Dominic reminded her of her creator, though she couldn't quite place it yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KuramaaaZ
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KuramaaaZ The newbie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was silent at the grove, only the eventual chirp of a bird and the calm flowing of the river was heard. The grove was located just outside the academy, in the giant forest surrounding the building. In the center of the grove was standing a rather big tree, it was also separated from the other trees, bathing in the warm sunlight. The peace was suddenly broken when a massive ball of fire flew toward the tree, hitting it with explosive power which was heard all over the grove. The bark around the center of the tree, where the fireball hit, was completely destroyed and so was most of the inner layer of the tree. But it was still standing.

"It was supposed to fall over!" yelled the red-haired wizard, "Did I miscalculate the amount of fire?". Vlad was visibly frustrated at his failure, he was sure it was just enough to destroy the center of the tree, toppling the massive tree down. Smoke was still forming around his left hand, especially his palm. His hands were covered in scars.

"What do you think Torchy?" Vlad looked up this familiar, which was sitting on his right shoulder. It was about the size of a small cat and looked at Vlad with it's big eyes, admiring his master. The frustration he felt before almost melted instantly after seeing his companion's cute face and he took a deep breath before focusing on the still standing tree again. "I'll get you down this time you shitty mass of low quality toothpicks" . Vlad lifted his left hand, half open, to shoulder heights in front of him. Fire started to form in his palm into a small ball, which was slowly spiraling. The ball became bigger and bigger until it was the size of a baseball and barely fitting Vlad's hand. He then closed his hand as hard as he could, crushing the ball of fire and bursting the energy he had amassed open, making it unstable. The moment he closed his hand he quickly pointed it forward, at the tree, and put his other hand on his left arm, like a cannon. And then, with his focus fully on the tree, he shot that fiery energy forward, which was getting bigger the more it flew, at high speed. The shockwave of the shot pushed Vlad a few steps behind.

The even bigger ball of fire hit the tree with full force, resulting in a considerably loud explosion obliterating the center and sending the top of the tree away, into the river. Only the tree stump was left with it's top completely black. "Yes!!" Vlad yelled, exciting about the destructive force he was able to produce and made a small jump of victory. But his breathing was much heavier then before and he had visible sweat drops around his face. Producing this much destructive power in such a short amount of time was really energy consuming and Vlad could feel the toll on his body. But the excitement overshadowed the exhaustion and he proudly walked toward the tree stump to admire his work. Torchy excitingly jumped from his shoulder onto the stump and was chirping. "Yes, beautiful isn't it? I can't even see the top of the tree"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Sulley cocked a scaly eyebrow to the answer. Giving a quick sniff in the air his eyes narrowed slightly. "Sulfur and smoke. That's what I smell and its strongest here. In front of you." He simply snorted out a plume of smoke from his nostrils and cocked his head to the side, giving off this mock judgmental posture. "You're fire based are you not? It's quite alright that you are. I am as well but much more adept to it then you seem to be which is fine by the way." He waved off any negative thought she would think he was implying. Controlling fire, specifically biological heat is extremely difficult and taxing on the body physically, emotionally and mentally but with the right mentor...Well, you know." He left that offer hang in the air as he gave her a nod with a smile, his usual smile that would also usually follow a deal. Some in the school would consider him a living devil but others saw him as a business man.

"Unfortunately I do have to go but if you ever want to talk don't be afraid to approach me. I'm quite a social person, despite popular belief." He frowned at the end but offered a lopsided smirk as he turned and begun to walk away. "Oh by the way-" He turned back to face her. "My name is Sulleykaar and it was a pleasure to talk to you." Turning back again, he slowly began to walk away, just incase she wished to talk to him more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rage Lonethorn
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Rage Lonethorn RPG's Official Pear King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Donghyun finished setting up his desk and drawers. All of his finest threads were hanging enchantingly in the closet, and he patted his chest over his heart tenderly. “So precious,” he sighed with a small smile. Now that the latest season’s wardrobe was tucked away, Donghyun Park found himself with a moment to think. Sure, there were mountains and lakes and plenty of sites to see around the campus grounds, but where was the nearest mall?

The lanky adolescent locked his door before making a final sweep around the apartment. He had ditched his book bag and exchanged it for a Coach saddle bag, creamy like his complexion. A few pieces of plastic that gave him everything he wanted were tucked away in his wallet, and he could practically hear the ching of the cash register. The only problem he faced at the moment was finding the nearest shopping center and finding a way to get there. Perhaps a second year would know, definitely the upper classmen past that point too. Sure, he was outgoing, but he knew move in day could be busy and people did not exactly want to be bothered. With a wiggle of his nose, he walked out of the main entrance to the apartment, and locked the door carefully.

An idea came to Donghyun. Although he didn’t exactly have a map of campus on hand yet, if he could get to the top of the building, he could get a better view of the surrounding area. How many stories did the housing have anyways? Quickly, Donghyun began climbing the stairs two at a time, stopping at what he believed to be the top floor. He nodded politely as he snaked between students smoothly. His eyes flickered around at students left and right from behind his overpriced shades. He spotted one girl glaring from the entrance to her room as another seemed to confront her in the same doorway. The two were both pasty and dark haired, and their outfits seemed to beg for a touch-up. "I guess cute and chic just isn’t in season around here," he snickered as he passed by.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 8 days ago

Zatrion sat on his own under a tree, a slight distance away from the lake enjoying the peacefulness of the day. His ruby red eyes gazed over the pages of a book in his hands, a book detailing on some of the abilities a dark elf could have. A slight commotion from the water caught his ear but he didn't stray from his book as he turned the page. He himself had no affinity for such powers, very few did unless they were in some form of high rank in society. He had no idea if he would ever achieve such a status but it did not hurt to at least study on the matter if the chance ever came around.'Some day I shall make you proud father.'

Once finish the page he was on he closed the book and gazed up to the sky above. The day was indeed a nice one, calm before the commotion that would come with the beginning of a new year. His mind wandered onto other things as he shut his eyes. One being who he was put with as a roommate. When he had arrived and unpacked no one else had been in the room so it was still a mystery on who he was paired with. All he could hope that he didn't mind his rather blunt personality.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 7 mos ago



Lainie didn't take offence at the dragon person's comment. He was speaking the truth - she could hardly call herself adept. The whiff of smoke that still trailed through the air was proof of that. "Uh..." Something about his attitude made her hesitate. As much as she admired confident and charismatic people, they could be a little intimidating. She chewed at her lip and looked down, not sure whether to accept his offer.

As he turned around and headed back down the hallway, she made up her mind. He was right about the nature of fire magic. She needed somebody to teach her control, and to better understand her power - not only was elemental magic unpredictable, it was one of the lesser-known types. Not even her coven had been able to help her all that much. Besides, this person seemed friendly enough. "You'd... be ok doing that? Um, that'd be great," she said softly, taking a few steps in his direction. "Thanks." She gave a slight, uneasy smile. "Uh, I'm Elaine. Everyone calls me Lainie though."
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