@Heckno12 That is true. I feel that there has been no real game changers besides adding a new type. I know mega evolution exists but it only affects a minority. Imagine dual typing making new types like rock + fire = lava.
@fer1323 That sounds neat and everything, but I guess dual typing more or less implies it anyway. I still think it'd be cool if there were dual typed moves.
@Heckno12 the metagame in pokemon is complicated already. The ivs, Evs, nature, stab, type advantages, etc. The metagame is about having the perfect strategy and team that what your opponent uses, you have a counter for it.
@fer1323 That's very true, seeing as everyone believes these next games will be the final in the sereies (barring a total reboot), I'm sure we'll see something interesting out of them.
@fer1323 Well many of the fangames like to take things on a darker turn, and in the end, GameFreak intends for most of these games to be marketed towards a younger audience. If they were to reboot the series, however, they could very well take it wherever they want.