Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Red Lake

Cassandra gave a soft sigh, taking the ointment. She knew water would be better, at least to clean the wounds, but the ointment would help. [color=f6989d]"I don't want to hear you ever say that again. Its not your fault. Its not your fault they are weak, spineless people who should love and care for you rather than do this to you"/color]

She knew Aron would be easier to deal with, so she examined his wounds again, before ever so gently using tne rag to make sure there was no small fleck of silver, or anything from the belt. She was truly trying not to hurt him anymore then necessary. But she did what she had to quickly, before applying the ointment.

"water would be better to clean, so maybe we can do that at the lake" she said, "Although we might have to walk. My car might just die if i take it up there again"

She went over to Gage to do the same. Their silence and attitude scared her. What else had happened? She didn't ask, as she continued to try and help, but knew she couldn't.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Red Lake Music School.
Interacting With: No one in particular/ Anyone who wants to join her.
Key: Syleste (No Change), Jackson (Bold), Syleste and Jackson (Italics), Music Teacher (Bold and Italics).
Songs: "I See The Light" (First song/ Duet), and "Clair De Lune" (Second song).

The sweet melody of her fingers gliding over the ivory keys of the piano filled the practice room she sat in, her ever unseeing eyes staring down in the direction of her hands for only a few moments longer til the gentle sound of a guitar joining in caught her attention, causing her already rather bright and ever happy smile to grow over her soft pink lips, and forcing her to turn her attention over in the direction she could hear the soft strumming of the strings. This was what she loved- the music… one of the only ways she had ever really been able to express herself to those around her… and oftentimes, it was her only means of escape from the stresses of everyday life. Tearing her rather cloudy sky-blue orbs away from where she knew Jackson was sitting upon the stool beside her, Syleste returned her mind back to the grand piano, the already beautiful melody she had been playing changing slightly as she began to sing, barely noticing their teacher sitting off to the side listening to their every note.

“..all those days, watching from a window- all those years, outside looking in… All that time, never even knowing just how blind I’ve been…” Pausing for a moment, she took a small breath, her head tilting lightly to the side causing some of her long bubblegum pink locks to fall gently over her shoulder before coming to a rest as she leant her body forward, her foot pressing down lightly on the peddles every now and then as the song called for it, “..now I’m here, blinking in the starlight- now I’m here, suddenly I see… Standing here, it’s all so clear, I’m where I’m meant to be… And at last I see the light; and it’s like the fog has lifted… And at last I see the light; and it’s like the sky is new… And it’s warm, and real, and bright; and the world has somehow… shifted…”

Her voice trailed off, her brows furrowing together slightly as though she were thinking about the words she was singing as her fingers slowed, pressing the keys in slow succession for but a lingering moment before she once more brought the song back to its main progression, “..all at once; everything looks different… now that I see you…”

Lifting her head up, she shot a seeing-less glance over in Jackson’s direction, missing the soft smile he gave her as the two of them continued to play, the tune slowed, becoming softer… almost sweeter than it had been moments ago before finally, it once more began to build, the sound of Jackson’s voice filling the air causing a soft blush to creep over her cheeks as he lifted his foot up from the ground, choosing to instead rest it on the edge of the piano stool she was using.

“All those days, chasing down a daydream- all those years, living in a blur… All that time; never truly seeing, things the way they were… Now she’s here, shining in the starlight- now she’s here, suddenly I know…”

Her lips parted slightly as she heard the sound of the guitar come to a stop, her fingers continuing to dance lightly over the keys in front of her as she lifted her head up, her soft pink lips parted slightly in confusion, though it didn’t take too long for her to understand why he had stopped when she felt the back of his fingers delicately brushing over her cheek, causing it to flush an even brighter shade of red.

“If she’s here- it’s crystal clear… I’m where I’m meant to go.”

Shyly turning her attention away from him and back down to where her hands were, Syleste lightly bit down on her lower lip, unsure of what to make of the attention as he once more returned his hand back to the guitar, his fingers once more strumming as the both of them continued the song, their voices blending together to fill the air before floating around the room, “And at last I see the light.”

She fell silent a moment as he continued, “And it’s like the fog has lifted..."

“And at last I see the light.” Tilting her head ever so slightly to the side, she smiled; her voice soft as she took the next line on her own, “And it’s like the sky is new…”

“And it’s warm, and real, and bright… and the world has somehow shifted…” Flicking a quick glance in his direction as the both of them paused, and the gentle tune they had been carrying once more trailed off into almost nothing, she turned back to the piano, her hands coming back though this time playing slower, “..all at once everything looks different… now that I see you… Now that I see you…”

Waiting a few moments longer once her hands had come to a stop on the keys, Syleste let them slip, bringing them both together in her lap as she turned her body, her ankles crossing underneath her as she looked back in Jackson’s direction before the sound of their teacher’s voice called out to the both of them.

“Nicely done; I see you two have been practicing. I think with a little more work, it’ll be perfect just in time for the concert when it comes round.”

“H-Huh..?” Unable to hide the surprise, or even the slight flicker of nerves that crossed over her features at the thought of performing in front of such a large crowd, Syleste shook her head lightly, though the action seemed to go completely unnoticed by their teacher as he patted her rather roughly on the shoulder before leaving the room, the sound of his heavy footfalls getting further and further away eliciting a sigh of defeat to fall out through her lips, her head stooping down slightly as she hunched her shoulders over, “..why does he always do this to me..? He knows I don’t do so well in large crowds… I just get so nervous, and I just-… I just shut down completely…”

Feeling the warmth of a familiar hand upon her shoulder, she fell silent, only lifting her head back up when she felt Jackson’s fingers softly hooking under her chin, guiding her and urging her to once more meet his gaze even though he knew she couldn’t see him.

“He has faith in you. He knows that you can do this- we all do. You’re stronger than you think you are Syleste.” Closing her eyes as she felt a soft pressure against her forehead, she blushed brightly, her cheeks practically glowing as she finally managed to wrap her mind around what had happened; and as soon as she had, it was over, and he was once more standing up straight and pulling his lips away from her forehead, “Take care okay..? I’ll see you at school; remember, practice during free period.”


Not really sure what else there was to say, she slowly turned herself back to the piano, waiting until she could no longer hear his gentle breath or footfalls before she replaced her hands upon the keys, a second sigh slipping through her lips as she let her fingers brush almost delicately over the ivory. So they thought she could do it… she was more than sure she was going to (once again) disappoint and let them all down… but at least, for their sake, she could try…

Shaking her head lightly as though in an attempt to rid her mind of the thought, she began to play once more, the new melody different… slightly more classical… and while it filled the room; unbeknownst to her, it also floated out the window on the gentle breeze for all and any to hear…
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @ChaoticFox Charlotte, @rivaan Natasha @Vicier Syleste, @Meiyuki Alyssa, @Zhaliora Patricia & @BeautifulSnow

Riley leaned herself up against the tree and stared down at Natasha the woman was very suspicious to her and she wasn't willing to trust her, just randomly showing up in town after the attack it just didn't sit well with her. Riley looked back towards Charlotte for a moment as Natasha rambled on to her about the ethics of her job, Riley didn't like someone trying to pry into her own personal life and she wasn't willing to risk her friends for the 'story' that she was writing. Riley crossed her arms over her chest and then started to think about showing the hunter where the fake site of the attack was. "I can show you, but it will have to be a bit later today or something I do have some plans with friends."

Riley was hoping that Natasha would accept it and then turn around and head back into town. "Just meet me at the Bed and Breakfast, say around five o'clock and i'll take you?" Riley asked, and then she shuddered slightly at the thought of being interviewed, she wasn't going to do it and get the rest of the members of her wolf family into any trouble. "Anyway i'm gonna be going now, I have some plans today." Riley said as she looked towards Charlotte and smiled slightly towards her.

Riley walked up towards Vanessa and leaned over towards her friend and whispered into her ear. "Theres a strange woman here, I don't trust her just keep an eye out on her. I'll come back and lean the mess later." Riley said as she walked over towards Patricia and smiled softly and gave her a gentle loving hug. "I'll see you later." Riley smiled and gave Patricia a little wink before heading over to her dirt bike, and hoped on and started it up.

Riley quickly turned her dirt bike around and started driving down the dirt road back towards town and where her house was, as the roads slowly went from dirt to concrete. Once Riley was back at her house, she noticed the RV parked in the driveway and had a feeling that it was the woman at the lake and slightly grumbled to herself. Riley took out her phone and decided to text Alyssa since she hadn't talked to her friend in a week.

"Hey Lyssa, what are you doing later?"

Riley hit send and then started to search through her contacts and pulled up Syleste's number to give her friend a call as she remembered her having practice earlier that she totally forgot about and felt bad that she didn't go and see her friend play.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Natasha Jackson

Location: Near the campsite & then back at the B&B

Interacting with: Riley @Nallore.

“Thank you, miss. Seems like I really may not need to hang around this town too long!” Tasha exclaimed in joy, seemingly glad she was going to be done with the journalist job quickly and then leave on her next job.

“Actually that’s perfect!” She added when Riley told her to meet at the Bed and Breakfast.” I’m staying there for the night, so it’s a perfect place to meet and then we can quickly get this over with! Cool, I will now head back…*sigh*” She said, throwing a look at the forest, making an annoyed expression as she seemingly didn’t like walking all the way through the forest.

After that, the blond woman slowly started walking back towards town. She didn’t even turn to pay the Charlotte any attention at all. At first she walked slowly, but as she got closer and close to town, she sped up as the trees cleared up, until she was out of the forest


Natasha had returned to the B&B and quickly left her camera there, along with her notepad, before she made a quick dash towards her camper, entering it and closing the door shut behind herself. She wanted to make a few preparations just in case. As any self respecting hunter, her camper was equipped with traps to deal with any intruders. That’s why she quickly began setting those up, preparing them in case any curious pest decided to sneak where they didn’t belong.

She quickly set up the sleeping gas trap, which was going to be quite effective for Natasha also grew wolfsbane in a few ceramic pots at the far end of the vehicle. Then there was the automatic door close, which was going to make sure any intruder stays inside as the gas does it’s thing. Granted she could always just activate the protection from the runes and sigils that were engraved into the vehicle’s frame to keep any supernatural outside as long as they were in effect, but she deactivated those for now. This made for a fine trap and with the traps connected to Tasha’s onboard computer of the camper set to send her a message when someone’s caught, all she needed to do was wait till a curious wolf takes the bait.

She then left the camper, locked the doors behind herself and went back to her room at the B&B, waiting for all the fun stuff that was bound to happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miranda Burke.

Location: Hospital & Burke Residence.


A week had passed since the attack and Miranda felt different, One could say it wasa gut feeling but for her the blonde could not place it. She had appearently spend several mosre days in hospital then the others that were attacked, Her friends out in what could only be in record time, How could one heal so fast after being mauled the way they did, Even her wounds healed quicker than they should of when she should of been knocking on death's door with some of the others but her remaining in the hospital was more of a mental thing as the attack broke Miranda from the inside, She simply didn't want to leave and wouldn't speak to anyone. Soon enough though she had to leave with the suggestion that maybe Miranda would need to see a shrink to help her get over what happened and hopefully get her talking again.

During the week though Miranda tried getting back to normal, But it didn't work. Thinking she could simply throw herself back into work to keep her mind of things didn't help as intended as the strange difference she felt was playing up, Miranda first noticed it when an air gun was used on some tires, not being used to the heightened sense of hearing was to much and was force to leave due to the searing high pitched sound and subsecquent migraine that followed. What was happening to the blonde? She was not awake when the group was in the room having there wolfie talk and so had no idea that like the others she was infected by the wolf bite and was infact changing, In fact it was bloody scaring her.

Since thewn she had learned of Kimberly still being in the hospital, She seemed to have come of more worst than any of them put together as the teen was in a Coma, Only god knows what Alyssa must be feeling or going through, Miranda had the feeling there was something more going on between the two but the attack kinda stopped all of those ';are they an item thoughts'. Miri had not spoken to anyone of her friends since the attack, Not even Vanessa or Riley, Hell even her parents of whom wait for when she was ready, giving her time to process everything, It was frustrating at times for them but they did whatever a loving parent could do for her and hope it was enough while she spend most of her time at home except for when she visited and spent a little time with Kimberly everyday talking to her going with the saying that even when in a coma they could hear you, Only time would tell if that really worked or not.

Toda though had been different, When she was sitting at the bedside of Kimberly, She could over hear some woman talking to nurses, prying information about the attack and claiming to be a reporter. Miranda wanted nothing to do with that but could help but listen in, it seemed some information was given, So much for doctor/patient confidentiality. Something was not right with her though, like feeling but she could not place it, After all it was nothing new that new people came to and pass through town but to come and inquire about that was worrying, Just how far did the news of the attack go? She waited for the woman to before she made sure Kim was comfortable in bed before leaving for home.

Miranda did receive a text from Riley about going back into the forest to clean up the scene which made her frown, The idea of going back up there was not a pleasent one at that, It was good to see Riley was like back to normal at least, well she hoped that was the case and wondered if the others had been going through the same changes? Or was the blonde simply being paranoid? Still at some point Miri knew she had to go back up towards the lake, Her Camaro was still parked up there, untouched for a whole week which was never a good thing but it was getting the courage to quickly go up there and retreive it, What happened to that strong willed and determind blonde that her friend come to know her as?

Cleo D'Nile.

Location: Cafe & Red Lake Music School.

Interacting with: Syleste Astrea Nioré @Vicier (once Cleo get's to the music school.)


For Cleo the week had been normal as one could expect from some one as hyper and crackers as she was, not that one would complaint unless they were at he receiving end of a prank or something. In fact though, young little Cleo had been trying to be their for her friends in her own little way, trying to cheer them up since the attack, As soon as she heard about the attack she sneaked out of her home against her step-fathers wishes and B-lined for the hospital the next day which got her some beatings when he got home later on that same night when she would get back but she remembered well spending time with many of her friends, including making Aron and Gage stay in there room to heal refusing to leave until they got better, Even going as far as dragging them back in the room, they must of allowed her to do that as it must of looked amusing.

That was days ago earlier in the week and her friends except Kimmy were out of hospital, Cleo had not really any chance to spend anytime with them sadly, must of been because they were dealing with things there own way but she was always around if her friends needed the funbag around for shits and giggles, Well maybe not Alyssa, She always seemed to get to tense when Cleo was around and the last thing she needed to being that girl punch bag. She was not aware of the changes going on within them unaware that at any given time she could sense they were different, Even if she could not understand it, Cleo had secrets of her own, Some of which she was not even aware of herself. Toda once more Cleo had to hide some of the bruising she got from her step father, How he could beat on some one not even half his size was beyond her but she wouldn't change, not for him or anyone else even if some felt felt her attitude was way out there at times.

Cleo had her usualy popsicle, A dark red one, she loved the colour and the berry flavour of it, She had got he twins their favourite ones to, it was a normal thing for her to do and at least tease Gage with his favourite flavoured popiscle only to get chased by him everytime knowing full well he would catch her anyway, but it was fun for her and she always enjoyed the twins company. Unfortunately she arrived at the Cafe with nothing more than a pout on her face, they were not there, any of them, The hell they all go? There was one guy there tending to the cafe and let her check the back to prove to her that the twins were not even there wich prompted her to offer help, wha t else could she do? it as not like she would cause any trouble right?

How wrong one could be, the poor guy would probably get a lecture later on why one should not leave Cleo unsupervised in the cafe's kitchen, It was only a matter of time before she figured out how to use the coffee machine to make herself fresh cups of coffee, For her this was like christmas, The only thing better would of been alcahol but this unlimited supply of coffee she had would more than do for now, She can be like a hamster on Coffee without it let alone getting more caffeine in her system, But that would be her reason, she was unsupervised. She placed the popsicles into the freezer there for the boys before being a nosey moo looking through everything as she simply could not sit still no more, It was only a matter of time before she broke something and it happened to be the coffee pot she made fresh, Smashed all over the floor, Cleo let out a "Nooo!, My coffee." befre a few moments later a loud audible voice yelled out for her. "CLEO!!" Her eyes widened as she knew she was in trouble yet again. "Oh shitballs." She said to herself before running out the back.

Her great adventurous escape had brought Cleo to the music school, Maybe it was hearing the music or simply her grand hiding plan that one one would think she would hide her, She would not know but it felt like the right idea at the time, The twins must not of arrived at the cafe yet to see the evidence of Cleo's presence, otherwise sure one of them would of caught her by now. She would innocently deny it of course. Running through the miriad of halls, Cleo ran past the room that Syleste was in playing music, she had known the girl for quite some time, She was awesome and Cleo was convinced this girl had superpowers or something. Skidding past the door for a moment almost losing her balance in the process, Cleo came back to the door and looked in seeing Syl playing the Piano and she grinned, perfect opportunity.

Her tongue partly sticking out, Cleo quietly opened the door to sneak in and closed it the same way, quietly as once could before turning back and looking at her friend, This was it, she was convinced this time she had her and would succeed, If anyone was thre it must look rather amusing see Cleo literally like in some sort of Pink panther movie or something as she slowly tip toed towards the girl, She was half way there and felt like some super stealth ninja about to finally sneak up and make Syleste jump finally. 'So gonna get you now' She thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jammal Kirk Maderson @Lord Zee
After logging on to the computer he decide to research the criminal records of his suspects. It seemed that these suspects weren’t as harmless as he first thought. He now knew that he had made the right decision to investigate their past and do a digital search.
Opening up his email once more he began to email the sheriff, it read:

Dear Sheriff
I have done some in depth research on my three potential suspects and I have found them to be quite harmful to our society.
Suspect 1 is known for Arson and serious physical harm to others.
Suspect 2 is known for theft, Arson and murder
Suspect 3 is known for Kidnapping, Torture, Murder and stalking.
Due to the unsafe nature of these suspects I would like to be allowed to digitally follow them and see if they are still in the country and if necessary deactivate the bank cards and stop their money flow. With your approval I will start tracking them down today.
- Officer Jammal Maderson
(sorry for short post. I couldn’t think of anything else to write.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

The twins remained silent as Cassandra put the ointment on and made sure the flakes of silver were removed. When she was finished they pulled on their baggy shirts and nodded. "Thanks" they both nodded when she said the wounds should be cleaned out with water. They looked at each other before nodding. They started to walk, but stopped and motioned for Cassandra to come with them. Even though they aren't saying much, they are happy that someone worried about them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kim Hansson

Location: Lakeside cabin

Interactions: None

Kim had quite quickly gotten bored being at the cabin. That and the sheer mess there was astounding to say the least. It had sapped her will to do anything. Downtrodden she wandered the few meters from the cabin to the lake and slowly made her way into the water. She waded out until the water was just below her holster and sighed deeply. "So much to do, so little time..." She looked over towards the other side and saw two teens sitting at the beach for a little while before they left. It seemed like they had an awkward conversation.

"No matter..." Kim said quietly and walked back up to the cabin and took a shovel and started digging into the ground. She was slowly digging a large square in front of the cabin. One side stretched for far longer than the other side. It was just about two decimeters deep and a few centimeters wide. She kept digging and digging until finally finishing the square and opened up the boot of her car.

She dragged out a large spool of black tubing and placed one end at one of the corners to the cabin before slowly backing the entire square, placing the cable in the ground. Then she proceeded to cover up the square with the dirt. Eventually there was a small station placed in the start and a dog house on top of it. Kim connected the wires and got the lawn mowing robot from the trunk and placed it in the station.

After a few hours of work, it was all done, she was floating around in the lake, taking a well earned rest. Resting up before the afternoon's and evening's testing.

Patricia Isaac

Location: Campsite, then home

@Nallore Riley

Pat was quick on picking up her things. She wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. She even packed a few of Riley's things that had gotten left behind. She sighed as she exited the tent only to be met by a hug. Pat blushed and smiled happily and hugged her little lover. She gently patted the girl's head and caressed her cheek before Riley left.

She had gotten so absorbed in it that she forgot to give Riley back her things. Too late though, Riley was already gone. "Bloody hell..." She had found herself cursing a lot more than before as well. Most things seemed to be going down the hill for her. She had yet to correct all the summer tasks and prepare for the new classes either. Her vacation was running out.

The familiar sound of her bike revving it's engine calmed her down as she got on it. She gave a glance towards the others, including the new lady. So many new people around here recently. Pat had barely kept up with the conversation, stuck in her own world. It didn't matter much though as she started driving down the road towards the town.

It didn't take long before she was at the B&B and saw Riley on her phone. She revved her bike once to signal her approach before pulling up next to her. "Here...you forgot a few things.." she said and handed a leather bag to Riley. "I'm going to my place to pack a few things before driving out....somewhere...to relax and take a picnic. Feel free to tag along. I'll be at my place for about half an hour if you're interested before I leave." Pat handed Riley a note with her address before driving off home.

She didn't bother removing her leathers and just removed her helmet as she entered. The familiar meow met her as she did and bent down and patted her cats for a little while. "Sorry girls...I'm leaving again soon," Pat said and filled up their food and water before heading into the kitchen and started packing a cooler bag with some supplies before sitting down on the couch and waited to see if Riley showed up or not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: The woods / campsite

Interacting with: @Nallore's Vampy Anastasia


Vanessa hugged her mother and gave her a smile. Her father, who had fallen from the ladder while plain tiny the window frames, waved from the porch. A few days ago she had suddenly gotten a call from her mother and even though she knew she had a huge responsibility in Red Lake with the pups, she couldn't stay away. "Do You think you can handle him? she asked and her mother nodded. "Yeah, I th I so.. Will you be alright?" her mother asked. Vanessa nodded and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"don't forget to have fun babygirl" her father said and Vanessa laughed. "don't worry about me dad.. And stay away from that damned ladder!" she said and with her bag she walked to her car. Her parents didn't know what she was, at least not exactly. But they did know that something had happened. She simply couldn't say too much about it. "We will visit you soon alright?" Vivian said and Vanessa nodded. She climbed into her car.

Short after she closed the door, started the engine and put in her seatbelt she send both her parents one last handkiss and then started driving back. It was 10 am now so she would be back around lunch time.

~ Back in Red Lake ~

The moment Vanessa drove by the Welcome sign she felt more home. She drove right away to her dinner, with a bit of luck she could still have some people come in. First thing she did was sending Riley a text: Sorry for disappearing on you all, my father fell from the ladder doing chores and my mother needed some help around the house. See each other soon. Hug V. She parked her car right in front of her dinner, it was her favorite spot. While putting on her shades, sunlight even did hurt her eyes the afternoon! She got out of the car and grabbed her bag.

Just as she closed the door and turned around to walk over to her door, she bumped into someone who's body was colder than normal. Soto after that she smelled a at first rather yucky smell but when she looked up she saw the Vampire girl she had seen earlier. What was her name again? She didn't know and even didn't know if they had ever introduced themselves to each other. "I'm Sorry.. I wasn't planning on bumping into you... Did I hurt you?" she asked. Probably not she thought to herself but then again, not only vampires have a massive body. Werewolves have it too. "Can I maybe make it up with offering you something to drink?" Vanessa then said and closed her eyes while shaking her head. "That sounds weird.. I guess you know what I mean and what not" she said.

It was weird to be nice to something you had learned to hate, but then again, maybe Cassandra was right and maybe vampires weren't that bad.. Or maybe just this one wasn't.. She didn't know, this was the first one she had ever met.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Red Lake
Interacting with: @Vicier(indirectly) @BlackPanther Gage and Aron

"Anytime" Cassandra said softly, following the twins when they motioned for her to do so. She just wanted to bundle the both of them up and take them far away from their so called parents. She slowly took the lead, thinking they could go to the lake via town, and it was quicker then going all the way around.

They walked passed the music school. Cassie had had a few lessons there, just to develop the ability to read music, and had fond memories of it. She enjoyed hearing students at their play, and her heightened senses picked up the notes of a beautiful piece. She stopped for a moment listening to it, and if she had had time she might have gone in, to see who it was.

"I do love hearing good music" she said softly, finding another pleasure her abilities gave her now.

Kaylee Jade Evans and Connor Vos

Location: Connor’s Truck, The Book Shop, and Kaylee’s Hideaway.
Interacting With: Each other.

It seemed that the only logical thing to do was taken Kaylee home, so she could dress properly. So Connor loaded up his truck, deflating the air mattress and making sure everything was tied down or at least wouldn't fly away, and put the fire out. As he looked around, he realized that he wouldn't be coming back here to sleep. Something had changed, and it was time to become part of the town.

And he had an idea on just what he could be doing. While he didn't need an income, Connor knew that if he was going to be living in town, he needed a place he could go to everyday and be productive.

His gaze kept on slipping to Kaylee as he packed up, ensuring he had left no rubbish or mess, and when he was done he said ”so where do you actually live?” As he went over to her, wondering why he should want to kiss her again, or rather still. It seemed like a powerful force, that would once more spill over. He had never been so...Carnal. Was that something that had changed after he had been bitten, or was it something every teenager discovered, and he was merely a late bloomer? It wasn't like he could ask anyone that. One thing was certain, though. Whatever came next was bound to be interesting, and hopefully enjoyable. There was a brief, flickering worry about what would happen with the pack, but he decided to cross that bridge when they came to it.

“..if we’re being really honest here… I don’t actually know- like I said to you earlier, today is only our first day in town so…” Tilting her head to the side slightly, Kaylee shot him a nervous and apologetic sort of smile- she hadn’t exactly thought to memorize her new home address yet… it just wasn’t something that had crossed over her mind, however, she had done something that was bound to make this wild goose chase a lot easier on them both, “But…”

Breaking her hands away from where they were held together in front of her stomach, she took a few steps closer to him, closing the gap that was between them almost completely as she lifted them both up, her fingers playing with the tags that were hung from the collar she wore around her neck, twisting it around slightly and showing him the other side where her new address had clearly been engraved, “..I made sure to write it down so that I would always have it with me… and because usually if a dog gets lost and they’re wearing tags, people will always check for an address so that they can return it…”

For a fleeting moment Connor thought she meant to take the shirt off and change into her dingo form, but it wasn't so. “Well then, we can put the address into the gps, because beyond going for supplies I haven't stepped foot in the town” he said, as he took out his keys, he quickly read the address, memorizing it, he held the passenger door open for Kaylee, ever the gentleman.

Getting in himself, he quickly programmed the navigation system, an accessory Connor had mounted on the dashboard, the old truck outdated for such things. The inside was clean, and well looked after, and the truck started with barely a sound, showing that it had been well looked after and perhaps rebuilt previously. He carefully exited the woods, making sure not to get stuck or destroy any wildlife.

God… could he have been anymore perfect..? There was really no other word that she could think of that could even come close to what he was. Lowering her arms back down to rest at her sides as she watched him open up the passenger side door, she smiled, the gentle blush that had been covering her cheeks earlier on once more making an appearance as she made her way forward, being sure to steal a quick kiss from his lips before she stepped up into the truck, making herself comfortable before pulling her seatbelt on.

“Thank you, Connor… for everything…” Lifting her leg up so that it was instead tucked up under her body, Kaylee twisted ever so slightly in the seat, facing him a bit as he got into the driver's seat and began to drive them away from the area, her hand reaching out to rest over his on the gear shift, “..you’ve been nothing but good to me since we met… it means a lot… really…”

Connor couldn't truly say what he was feeling, driving along with a girl he'd just met, not to mention kissed, in a truck he had brought when he was 16, after everything that had happened. This seemed like the most normal thing in the world,’compared to recent events. It made him feel almost...normal. He quickly looked to Kaylee and smiled as they got onto the road, “the world would be a better place if everyone was a little bit nicer. But it's easy being nice to someone who is just so...well, amazing”

Turning his attention back to the road so he didn't crash the car, not that he was sure that would kill either of them, except maybe if they got a life threatening injury, he followed the directions the GPS spoke, hoping that they were indeed going the right way and weren't about to get lost.

“And you make it easy to be so.” The last week something had been changing within Connor, and this day it just all seemed to happen. He had had his future planned out for him since he was a child. And now it was wide open, and he could choose what he wanted. And so far that had been good, he thought, flickering a glance at Kaylee.

He didn't want to drive to end, because then it wouldn't be just them, and he was enjoying that. But the destination would always come. No matter what you did.

She didn’t want this to end… Just being there, right beside him- there was something about him that was just so calming to her, and she knew for a fact that it wasn’t just his scent. Smiling happily to herself as she let her mind linger upon that thought, her fingers curled, entwining slightly with his though not enough that he wouldn’t still be able to drive- she wanted more time to just be with him… The both of them. Alone. Because she knew the moment she brought him home, they were possibly both going to be facing her brother’s wrath… and even once she managed to shut him down, Hunter’s pouting and grumpy nature was most definitely going to ruin whatever it was they had managed to build up between them.

“..turn here.”

Speaking out and completely going against what the GPS was telling him to do, Kaylee shot him a quick glance, nodding her head softly in encouragement before she pointed in the direction she meant with her free hand, “..trust me... It’ll be worth it, I promise. Turn here and head towards that cafe in the main street; I’ll tell you when to stop. I wanna show you something before you enter the dingo’s den…”

Connor was curious about the change in direction, but nevertheless followed Kaylee’s instructions, turning where she told him to, and continue down the new road. Just where was she taking him, when she couldn't give directions to her house? It intrigued him, and he glanced to her briefly. It seemed that Kaylee too did not want to have others around them yet, and he found that reassuring. He was walking on unknown territory, and each reassurance gave him the courage to keep on going, to see what would happen between them.

“Okay, so where are we going?” He asked after a moment.

“..you’ll see… pull over there, in front of that building.”

Unable to hide the small though playful smirk that seemed to light up her features, Kaylee waited until he had pulled the truck over to a complete stop before she unbuckled the seatbelt, her body slipping from the seat and her feet once more hitting the ground as she opened the door, making sure to close it behind her before finally, she lead the way up to the front of the building which was clearly labeled with the words ‘Boulder Book Store’ in gold upon the darkened windows- it was really looking good… her parents had both done a great job getting it set up for opening day.

Shooting a quick glance around the front of the facade, Kaylee found her gaze coming to a stop on one of planters, her brow quirking slightly before she crouched down, fumbling about within the flowerbed before eventually, she found what it was that she had been searching for. Producing the key from underneath a fake rock hidden among the flowers, she stood herself up straight once more, brushing her hands off a bit before turning to unlock the door, “My parents flew in early so that they could get this place set up… my mum and I love reading; hence why she now owns and runs a bookstore; opening day is tomorrow, though she said she’d leave me a key for whenever I needed to get in.”

Opening the door, she paused and looked back at him from over her shoulder, once more finding herself just staring and taking in everything that she possibly could about him before she motioned for him to go in ahead of her, “Come on; I told you there’s something I wanted to show you right… you didn’t think this was it, did you..?”

Connor wondered what could be so important in a bookstore, while he loved books, and you could escape within them, he had felt there would be something else. While the place looked intriguing, and enjoyable, he glanced about expecting something a little more. He followed Kaylee out the car, putting his keys in a small hidden box attached to the underside of the seat, he was not worried about anything getting stolen from the truck. It was just food and clothes, after all.

Following her in, he glanced about. “Well books are fascinating” he said, giving her a smile when he noticed her glancing at him. “There's more?” He asked, wondering what she was going to show him. It seemed everything would be an adventure with Kaylee, and he waited to see what she would show him.show him next.

She didn’t bother answering him; at least not with words, instead she closed the doors, being sure to lock them once more before she reached out, slipping her hand into his and tugging on it lightly so that she could lead him through the rather homely store, passing through shelves after shelves until finally they reached the back of the store, her eyes scanning over the titles until she found the one that she had been looking for: Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales.

“..found it…”

Breaking her hand away from his, Kaylee brought it up to the polished wood of the tall shelving in front of them, her fingers running over the side of it before slowing to a stop as she felt something off in the wood; a small hole that would otherwise go unnoticed by those shopping once the store actually opened to the public. This was it. Biting down on her lower lip as she concentrated, she let her eyes flick to her hand, watching as her nail began to grow and lengthen into a point before she brought it back to the wood, slipping her claw into the hole and waiting for the inevitable ‘click’ before she glanced back at him, a bright smile lighting up her features as she pulled the bookcase towards her, opening it up to a staircase that led to the upper level of the building.

“This is what I wanted to show you.” Waiting until he had stepped in and taken a couple of the steps, she followed suit, closing the bookcase behind them before she hurried past him and up the rest of the way, her arm lifting to brush aside the curtain hanging over the archway as she passed through it and into the room that had been made just for her, “..told you; mum and I share a love of reading… and she wanted to be sure that if I ever got into trouble, I would have somewhere safe that I could go.”

Pausing for a moment, she turned so that she was facing him, her hand lifting to rest on the back of one of the armchairs she stood by, her fingers lightly tracing the patterns in the material, “..if you want, you can use it as well… you just search for the right book, and open the door like I did… just use your claw…”

Connor followed Kaylee in, watching her with curiosity as she transformed a small part of herself, to open a hidden room. It was obvious, even from this morning, that Kaylee had more control over her shifting then Connor did. He wouldn't admit it, but he had been trying since the full moon without success. Following Kaylee in the secret room, he looked about. It seemed this was indeed a safe haven. Slightly embarrassed he looked to Kaylee when she said he could use it too.

“I don't know if that will be possible. So far I've only changed on the full moon. I don't know what I'm doing. I assumed Vanessa would teach us, but so far she hasn't” Connor said, knowing he was in an odd position. He didn't know who had changed him, nor did he care, but shouldn't be have some...instinct about what he was meant to do? Or was he simply too new? ,

Pausing for a moment in thought at what she had just learnt, Kaylee slowly took a single step towards him, then another and another until she was standing directly in front of him with her left hand resting lightly on his side, ”It's okay… it took me a few months of nonstop training to be able to shift at will… and longer to mature enough to even get that training… but here…”

Dropping her head down and to the side, she brought her right hand forward, brushing her fingers against his skin for a moment before she pressed her palm flat against his own, guiding both of their hands up so that they could see them, ”..part transformations are easier… claws and canines- it might hurt at first, but you get used to the pain after a while… Just clear your mind, Connor; think about something that makes you happy, and then when you're ready…”

She smiled softly, her eyes focusing on her hand pressed against his own, watching on as one after one her nails began to grow, sharpening to a point as if to show him what it was that she meant, ”..try to do it…”

Think about something that made him happy? He smiled that slightly crooked smile, looking passed they pressed hands to Kaylee, before he looked back to their hands, watching the transformation. How could he do that? How, when it went against all he knew about nature? Perhaps that was what was stopping him. A perplexed expression crossed his face, and he quickly filtered through all he had experienced.

Maybe the point about life wasn't about trying to make sense of it. Maybe it was simply...living. He frowned slightly. It was quite obvious that transformations were possible, he was watching it right then. So why was he fighting it?

He swallowed, and drew in a breath, trying to imagine his fingers shifting into claws. It was harder than he thought it should be, and he frowned. Things had always come easy to Connor, learning just seemed to come natural to him. This was however completely different to learning something out of a book. It was doing something that went against everything he knew, and it made the thing a hundred times harder.

He tried, but it didn't seem to be happening. Giving a frustrated sigh, he shook his head “I can't” had he ever uttered those words before, in reference to anything he tried? He didn't think so.

So concentration and thinking about it didn't seem to be his thing… there were other ways in which he could learn. Deciding to forego the thought of tossing him out the room and not letting him back in until he managed to do it, Kaylee shook her head lightly from side to side, her gaze soft and full of encouragement as she pressed herself just that little bit closer against his body- if he wasn't going to be able to do it this way…

”You can do this Connor, I know you can; we'll just have to try it another way…”

Unable to hide the way her smile flickered into a small smirk, she leant in closer to him, the hand that had been resting on his side slowly lifting up and slipping under the bottom of his shirt so that her hand was pressed up against his warm skin, her fingers curling slightly so that she could hold him in place and close against her, ”..don't think anymore, just feel… let it come naturally…”

Not bothering to give him any time to respond to what it was she had said, or what it was she was doing, she closed the remainder of the gap between them, her eyes closing as she sealed their lips together in a kiss, soft at first before she began to add slightly more pressure… more passion...

Connor had absolutely no idea what Kaylee was trying to do as she moved closer to him. Another way? This seemed to be entirely off the topic of transformation. Returning the kiss, it had the effect that Kaylee wanted, effectively clearing his mind, but it didn’t seem to help with the transformation. All he could feel was Kaylee, his own body seemed nothing, compared to the warmth that was Kaylee.

It just seemed instinctive to hold her closer, to never want to let her go. And maybe that was all he needed to know. Why was he fighting something, when it was apart of him, now? It wasn’t like he could turn back time and stop the attack. And...the thought made him feel guilty, he wouldn’t want to if it meant he wouldn’t be right where he was. Even if it meant his father’s death. Did that make him a horrible person? He didn’t know. But he couldn’t live in the past. Kaylee was trying to teach him, and he was failing her. He couldn’t do that, couldn’t let her down.

His first transformation had been painful, but perhaps that was because it was a complete one. It had been uncomfortable, and...unnatural. Perhaps that was because he had fought it. There was so much he didn’t know. Still, changing even a small change was painful. And uncomfortable. It wasn’t merely the fact that his fingernails grow, curved slightly, it was the rearrangement of the skin, the bones as they adjusted to the claw shape, and he pulled away, not wanting to hurt Kaylee.

The very moment she felt him pulling away from her, she tightened her hold over his side, her non-clawed fingers curling slightly more as she began to lead him across the floor until finally, his back was pressed against the wall- he was getting scared… it was what had him trying to pull away from her; but he was never going to learn if he always ran from the things he believed were wrong… especially in this lifestyle…

“..don’t-... don’t fight it… let your… instincts… take over…”

Her words came out muffled and slightly short of breath against his lips as she continued to keep the both of them as close as they possibly could be, her other hand slipping away from his so that it was instead resting against his chest, her claws lightly dragging over the material of his top and threatening to tear it as she curled her fingers, her head tilting to the side so that she could deepen the kiss they were sharing with one another.

“I don’t want to hurt you” the words were barely a whisper, but he didn’t have the strength to pull away again, in this he wasn’t strong enough. Completely overwhelmed, his instincts were not to hurt Kaylee, but he understood that was the human side. Was there anything wrong with that? Perhaps in this.

He was well aware that Kaylee could protect herself, indeed she was more experienced in the shifting aspect, but he was still reserved. He truly did not want to hurt her. As she continued to kiss him, he was helpless especially being pressed against the wall, and with Kaylee pressed against him. If she thought it was safe, then...wasn’t it?

Perhaps he made a mistake, simply letting go as she kissed him deeper. He felt the slightly familiar sensation of, it seemed, every cell in his body vibrating as he broke away, “I think...too far…” the pain, so much like it had been a week ago, rocked through him, and he shook, feeling his whole body changing once again. He wouldn't admit it, but it did scare him. What if it went completely wrong? But it was too late to do anything about it.

He only assumed it was over when the pain was gone, finding himself on all fours, but it seemed completely natural. He went to speak, but all that came out was a wolf's bark.

The moment the words left his lips, she pulled herself back, her actions coming just that little bit late and leading to some small scratches here and there as she took a couple of steps back from him, giving him room as she watched him drop to the ground in front of her- he’d done it… he had managed to change like she had been trying to teach him to do… though he’d been right when he’d said that it had gone just that little bit too far…

Laughing softly as the sound of his bark filled the room around them, Kaylee retook the ground she had lost by stepping back, her legs folding up underneath her as she sat on the floor before him, seemingly not even bothering to hesitate one bit as she reached out, running her fingers back through his gorgeous fur, “..heh; you did it, Connor… I said you could, didn’t I..? And I bet it feels a lot better now than the last time you changed…”

Leaning her body forward, she closed her eyes, her lips pressing square in the center of his forehead for a few moments before she pulled back, a soft chuckle falling from her lips as she curled the fingers of her right hand, lightly scratching behind his ear with her claws, “..hows about next time we just try for the claws..? Otherwise, you did great- I still remember the first few times I transformed…”[/color]
Connor found it truly frustrating that he couldn't speak. He bowed his head, for once glad that he couldn't truly blush in this form. He gave a sigh, wondering just how he was going to change back. On the full moon, when the sun had come up he had just changed back without trying.

Laying down, he stretched his front paws out, laying his head on them. He wasn't too sure what to do, truly. He gave a soft whine, trying to convey that he was thinking about how he was going to change back. It was frustrating to try and communicate without words in a body that wasn't made for charades. .

“..I get it; you wanna change back…”

Nodding her head lightly in understanding of what it was that he wanted, Kaylee thought back to when she had changed back at the campsite- it wasn’t particularly hard to do under any normal circumstance… and she had managed to do it at that point out of nothing more than pure anger towards the jerk who had been threatening her… but Connor was new at this; it had taken quite some time to get him to change in the first place, maybe it was best if she kept it simple, and just taught him what she had been taught.

Lifting her hand from behind his ear, she slowly worked to retract her claws, waiting but another moment before she scooted herself closer, placing her hand on the top of his head so that she could lightly and soothingly rub at the fur between his beautiful eyes… damn she could get lost in them if she wasn’t careful…

“..close your eyes, and relax your body… some packs have a mantra they recite to help new members calm down, or return back to their human form… back home in my pack; we sing, or hum, depends on how good your voice is…” Taking a moment to pause, Kaylee continued to rub his forehead lightly, unable to hide the bright red blush that crept over her cheeks at the thought of sharing with him the one thing that always helped her to change back whenever she felt she couldn’t.

“..I’ve been to cities, that never close down…” Her voice was soft… and almost inaudible, though she knew for a fact that he would be able to hear her clearly, it was just one of the many perks that came with what they were, “..from New York, to Rio, and old London town… but no matter how far, or how wide I roam; I still call Australia home… I’m always travelin’, I love bein’ free… and so I keep leavin’ the sun and the sea… but my heart lies waitin’, over the foam; I still call Australia home...”

Relieved that Kaylee seemed to understand him, he watched her as she moved closer, He wondered what she was going to do. He didn't t have to wait long, as she began to sing. While her voice was soft, he could hear every word, finding her singing to be beautiful. It slowly relaxed him, until he remembered something. Sitting up, Connor gave a bark. While the room was relatively private, he couldn't exactly walk outside unclothed. What happened to their clothes when they changed, he had no idea. But he would need clothes, that much was clear.

Trotting over to the entrance, he placed a paw on the door, looking to Kaylee. He trotted back, and gently tugged at his shirt she wore, trying once more to communicate non-verbally. He sat to see if she would understand him, tilting his head in what could only be an inquisitive manner.

Furrowing her brows slightly, Kaylee turned her body, watching him as he moved back towards the door before coming back only to tug on the top that she was wearing- okay… so maybe the choice to sing the first thing that popped into her mind hadn’t been the best one she’d made so far that day… for all she knew, he was into a completely different genre…

Nodding her head lightly though allowing her gaze to wander away, she turned her head off to the side, biting down softly upon her lower lip before finally, she returned her full attention back to where he was sat in front of her, waiting a few moments longer before she reached out towards him, urging him to lay down once more, though this time with his head resting lightly over her lap, her hand once again returning to his head so that she could begin to rub at his fur again- it was an idea… though whether it worked or not was another question…

“..I’m a forty-five spinning on an old Victrola… I’m a two strike swinger, I’m a Pepsi cola… I’m a blue jean quarterback sayin ‘I love you’ to the prom queen, in a Chevy.” The smile had once more returned to her face, her eyes seeming to hold a slight sparkle to them as she began to sing once more, though this time slightly louder and with a slight attitude entering her voice, “..I’m John Wayne, Superman, California… I’m a Kris Kristofferson Sunday morning… I’m a mum and daddy singing along to Don McLean at the Levy- and I’m a child of the backseat freedom, baptized by rock and roll… Marilyn Monroe and the Garden of Eden; never grow up, never grow old.”

Leaning her body over, Kaylee let her head drop to the side, almost resting it completely on her shoulder as she scrunched up her face, lightly pressing her nose against his before she sat up once more, a soft chuckle slipping through her lips before she continued on, her body swaying lightly from side to side as though keeping the beat only she could hear, “..just another rebel in the great wide open, on the boulevard of broken dreams… And I learned everything I needed to know from John Cougar, John Deere, John three sixteen.”

Connor was more then sure Kaylee knew what he was trying to say, but that she choose to ignore it. It seemed he wasn't getting out of being naked. She urged him to lie down, and he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Resting his head, he listened to her sing. The song she had chosen was different to the earlier one, and she seemed to be enjoying herself. When she pressed her nose against his, he quite deliberately licked her nose.

He closed his eyes, as it seemed the only thing he could do. He didn't think he would be able to open the door himself, and with what had happened he doubt even a wolf dog would escape unnoticed, let alone himself. He let out a sigh, and allowed two images to form in his mind. Or rather they just appeared there. One human, one wolf. He imagined the wolf must be what he looked like at the present time, which he found curious as he hadn't really looked at himself on the full moon. The human was of course himself. While he had noticed differences in what he could do, see, smell and bear, he hadn't thought such things would be seen in his human body. Subtle differences, but it was still enough to unnerve him slightly.

It was easy enough to figure out what he had to do. Focusing on the human form, it was like he was being pulled through cold water at an alarming rate,almost colliding with the image, he knew at once it had worked as he felt his body begin to change once more. Connor had long subscribed to the notion of alternative realities, and perhaps that was how this worked. Perhaps he simply borrowed the wolf shape, leaving his own human one in return. He would have thought on that longer, but the shifting was once more painful, and uncomfortable as it felt as if his bones were rearranging themselves into the shape of man.

He found himself cold, naked and laying on the floor, right in front of Kaylee. He found it odd that their clothes just vanished, but that his glasses had once more appeared on his face. Why did their clothes not survive the transformation, but the glasses did?

Lifting her free hand up so that she could wipe at her now wet nose with the back of it, Kaylee let her gaze fall back to where he was laying in front of her- he seemed so relaxed… so at peace… even if stuck a wolf. And that was when it happened; raising her brows slightly, her voice began to trail off into nothing as she watched him, never once even thinking to remove her hand from the top of his head as she continued to run her thumb lightly back and forth over his forehead, doing what she could to help him remain calm.

“..welcome back… did you have a nice trip..?”

Chuckling softly, she shifted her body over the ground, her legs slipping out from underneath her so that she was instead sitting on her hip, her shoulder leaning up against the wall that she had been using to hold him pressed up against earlier on, her smile holding for only a few moments before finally, it faltered slightly, eventually disappearing completely as she dropped both her head and gaze down and off to the side, seemingly becoming extremely interested in the patterns on the wall, “I-... Connor; I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to push you like that…”

Connor knew that he was unclothed, but it didn't seem to matter then, nor his heated face from the blush he was sure was there. Sitting up slightly, he reached out to lay a palm against her cheek, “it's okay, Kaylee. No harm done. Everything worked out, didn't it? Sometimes you have to run before you can walk” he gave her smile, hoping he was reassuring her, and not making things worse.

After a moment, he cleared his throat and said “although maybe I should have a change of clothes with me at all times. Ah. If you wouldn't mind, there's backpack with clothes in it in the truck” he couldn't very well walk out naked to the truck himself, anymore then he could as a wolf.

His gentle touch upon her cheek… Lifting her hand up from where it had fallen back to her lap, Kaylee pressed her palm over his on her cheek, her head tilting ever so slightly into his touch as she held it there, her eyes slowly lifting up until she was able to meet with his gaze once more.

He-... He wasn't angry with her..?

Smiling weakly at his sweet words of comfort and encouragement, she nodded her head lightly in understanding- they both needed to get dressed, and become decent again before even thinking about heading back to her place for dinner with her family. They were already going to have a hard time with her brother; they didn't need to give any other reason for him to become angry, or get riled up more than he would be.

”Okay… gimmie a bit, I'll go get it for you.” Reluctantly pulling away from his touch, she lifted herself back up to her feet, being sure to tug on the bottom of the top she wore to make sure she was covered before she crossed the room, her figure disappearing through the curtain and out of sight as she made her way down the stairs. This day was just so… amazing…

Maybe she would likeit here after all...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Riley Walker

Location: Riley's BnB then Patricia's Home
Interacting With: @Zhaliora Patricia & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa (Via text)

Riley felt her phone vibrate and took it out and looked down at her phone and saw that it was a text from Vanessa to apologize for not helping and leaving so suddenly, Riley smiled softly it was alright seemed like everyone was busy doing something right now and quickly started to text up her response to her best friend.

Hey Nessa, it's okay we can do it later, i'll swing by your place later and then we can try and fix it up later?
Riley hit send and started to put her phone back into her pocket. Riley heard a motorcycle driving up and instantly picked up the scent that it was Patricia's and smiled softly seeing her coming towards her and gave her a bag. That contained all of her things that she had brought up the bloody trip up to her lake, and noticed a small slip of paper that held Patricia's address blushing deeply. "Thanks Patricia." Riley said with a bright smile and watched her drive off back home.

Riley then started to think of the offer, and blushed even more remembering all the kisses that they had shared the last week she knew their relationship was wrong but Riley didn't care. Riley look a moment and looked towards the RV that was parked there she would have to investigate it later. Riley headed inside to put her things away and then grabbed the keys to her car and drove out of the driveway and headed for Patricia's place. Riley knocked on the door once she was there and waited for her to answer the door.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Anastasia had spent most of her morning at the hospital entertaining the sick there until she was tired and finished for the day, it was about midday now and Anastasia decided to head towards one of the small restaurants that were in town. As she walked along the sidewalk Anastasia wasn't paying any attention just as a door opened causing Anastasia to yelp in surprise and landed on her ass. Anastasia rubbed her nose gently and looked up to see who it was and instantly got the smell of a dog from her and remembered it was the werewolf from the week before.

"Your fine, I wasn't paying attention." Anastasia said softly as she stood up and dusted herself off her eyes looking back towards the werewolf in front of her. She truly didn't hold any ill will towards Vanessa because she was a werewolf, she smiled slightly at the offer and nodded. "I knew what you meant and thank you for the offer I wouldn't mind a drink." Anastasia said with a soft smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Red Lake Music School.
Interacting With: Cleo D'Nile (@Damo021).
Songs: "Clair De Lune" by Claude Debussy.

She was doing what she did best… Losing herself within the sweet melody that drifted out of the large grand piano, Syleste completely missed the familiar tone of her phone ringing from inside her jacket pocket, the well known lyrics of ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’ drowned out almost completely as she let her fingers continue to glide over the ivory keys, the music seeming to build… louder and grander until eventually, she paused, her fingertips gentle as she slowed her pace.

Clair De Lune… first written by Claude Debussy… The piece was by far one of her favorites; one of her most practiced and perfected to the point where her work and technique were almost flawless when in comparison to some of the others in the school that had attempted to try it. Originally named ‘Promenade Sentimentale’, though later renamed after the light of the moon; consisting of four movements, and once considered to be ‘rustic’ and ‘clumsy’ dance by those who lived within Italy, it was certainly one for the ages and featured in more than several separate movie scores… Giant… Oceans Eleven… Twilight…

She shook her head lightly as though to push the thought out of her mind- she might not have been able to actually see the movie; but everything she had heard about it led her to believe that she was the lucky one… the very idea of it had a soft chuckle slipping out through her soft pink lips as she continued to play the beautiful instrument, allowing it’s gentle melody to fill the room and warm her very core, leaving her completely oblivious to the world around her… or so it seemed…

“..hello Cleo…”

Her voice was soft, as gentle as the music that she was playing as she greeted her friend, the sweet though citrusy smell of mandarin and grapefruit floating into the room from somewhere behind where she sat at the piano, giving away to her friends arrival long before she had even heard her carefully taken footsteps nearing her. Letting her hands pause over the keys, the music stopped, the girl taking a moment to lift her head up, turning it lightly to the side so that Cleo was able to see just the smallest amount of her face, her cloudy light blue eyes gazing unseeingly at edge of the piano keys.

“Riley didn’t come to pick me up like she normally does… did she send you instead..?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

The twins followed Cassandra silently. They seemed to be deep in thought as they went. When Cassandra stopped, they stopped. They heard the music too and couldn't help but listen and loose themselves in it. Aron had a small smile while gage just had his eyes closed. When the music stopped they snapped back into the mood they were in. The continued onward to the water and pulled their shirts off.

The wounds were still there, but they were less angry looking. They looked toward Cassandra and then each other. "Would you mind?" Aron's voice was a bit quiet. It was clear the two still weren't fully into asking for help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Natasha Jackson

Location: At the B&B and then Vanessa's Restaurant

Interacting with: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa & @NalloreAnastasia.(kind of)

Alone in her room at the B&B, Tasha made sure the door was locked, pulled the curtains to darken the room as much as possible and took a small box from her backpack. Being a hunter of the old school, she knew and used arts and things that seemed so alien and downright magical to most people, but hey there were vampires and werewolves and so many other things out there, it’s only natural people of the ancient times who didn’t have firearms, researched ways to help in the hunts. Herbs were one such things always useful, but temporary in general. What she was going to use right now was something else… gems.

Most gems and semi precious stones had magical effects if one knew how to produce them. She pulled a small earring with a gem in it and slowly put it on. It held a shard of moonstone. A powerful talisman, carrying the benefits of calming the mind, clarity and protection at night with it’s powers getting stronger the closer the full moon was. Closing off her mind, she would focus on the gem, allowing herself to become one with it. It was the perfect effect to go against creatures of the night like werewolves.

One problem was that Tasha’s mind was not a calm and quiet one. To even start the process she needed a piece of Lapis Lazuli which calms the mind and allows her to start attuning herself to the other gems.

When she finally left her room, she wore 2 earrings, one with a piece of Lapis Lazuli and one with a Moonstone. She then quickly headed over to a café/restaurant thing she saw earlier while driving around town.

She entered without really thinking much about it, only to see 2 women… She shrugged for now and then just walked over to an empty table, picked a menu to check it out quickly before deciding on what to order.

“Excuse me, can I coffee… black… also something sweet please, I will leave the choice to you… ” She said, rubbing her forehead. She really needed to get herself through a cleansing ritual soon… her body seemed to start rejecting enchantments as the feeling of small pulsation in her head suggested. Eithat that or she had to start taking the happy pills again.. At least walking on embers didn’t cloud her head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Her dinner

Interacting with: @Nallore's Vampy Anastasia, @rivaan's Hunter human Natasha


Vanessa walked inside and placed her bags near a door with a 'Private Area' sign. She then made light in the dinner and started on making the coffee for herself. "what would you like to have?" she asked and then saw someone enter. She smiled nicely to her costumer and didn't say that she wasn't open yet. She could actually use the money as the last week was a rough one.

When the order came she smiled at the young women. "Your order will be made" Vanessa said with a smile. She started with making the order for the girl and in the mean time looked at Anastasia. "I will help this lady and then getttt you something to drink" she said with a smile towards the female. She made the coffee and prepared a turnover.

Most of the time she prepared them herself but since she didnt have time for that, she used one that was already ready and heated it. Sometimes you needed to improvise. She heated up the turnover and once done she laid it on a small plate.

Very funny thing was that every plate and cup in the dinner had a wolf paw on it. She walked over to the young female and placed the order on her table. "Enjoy your coffee Miss" she said. There was a strange scent around the girl but she didn't know what it was. Vanessa decided it wasn't important and walked back to her place behind the bar of the dinner and smiled at Anastasia. "Tell me your wishes princess, and I might be able to help you" she said. The princess thing kinda was a joke since the first Anastasia in the world was a Russian princess.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Red Lake
Interacting with: @BlackPanther Gage and Aron

Cassie was already crouching by the water, immersing the rag into the water, cleaning it quickly. She silently rose, approaching the twins. She was gentle as she cleaned the wounds, glad that they were lookin better. She judged by that that the silver was gone, but the water would still do good.

Once she had finished cleaning them, she carefully dried the wounds and put more ointment on, "Well, that's all I can do. I expect they'll be healed soon anyway, but looks like the silver is all gone" she said, giving them a smile, but she could see the abuse had marked them in a way that might never be healed. It pained her to see that, and she gave both of them a hug "you can't choose the parents you're given, but you can choose the family you have. We're your family now, okay?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha

Anastasia would smile softly at Vanessa and followed her and took a seat at the counter as she looked over her shoulder as she heard the door opening and stared at the woman who entered, someone that she didn't even know and made her way towards an empty table Ana turned her attention back towards Vanessa and smiled at her. "Take your time with the customer." Anastasia said with a soft smile as she turned around as Vanessa left behind the counter and turned over to make her way towards Natasha to take the woman's order. "How are you doing today miss?" Anastasia asked Natasha and smiled softly giving the woman a friendly welcome.

After Natasha had her order taken Vanessa turned to make her way back towards the counter to make the order, Anastasia thought for a moment and then blushed slightly when she was called Princess. "I'd like to have a coffee if that's okay with you?" Anastasia asked as she turned around and faced Vanessa and watched her make a cup for the three of them. "So when did you open this little shop?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Natasha Jackson

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant

Interacting with: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa & @NalloreAnastasia.(kind of)

“Could have been a lot better, but otherwise fine.” Natasha replied to Anastasia with a smile.” Got a little bit of a headache, but nothing unusual. Thank for asking, miss.” The hunter replied to the polite woman.” … But where are my manners, My name is Natasha, nice to meet you two.” She added with a friendly smile.

“Thank you.” Tasha replied as she took the cup of coffee. No suger or sweeteners as she wanted it, good! Without wasting another moment, she quickly brought it to her lips and drank the entire cup of hot bitter coffee on a single breath.

She then closed her eyes for a moment and her left fist clenched as she rode down the bitterness before she finally took a deep breath, her face showing a surprising amount of relieve in comparison to moments before. The bitterness kept her mind away form the pain and the caffeine was going to bring her blood pressure up and help with the headache soon enough. She then tried the turnover. It was pretty darn good, though a small detail on the cup and plate caught her attention… paws.

She then quickly pulled her mobile to check on the hunter website which was excellently disguised as a simple new news site. All she really checked was if any other hunters were in the area, but no. There were no other hunters in the state and the neighboring ones which was a good thing for her payday at the end of this. After putting away her mobile, she looked at the other two women.

“Forgive me for the curiosity, but what do you both think of the wolf attack that happened a week ago?” She asked with her journalist smile on.” I mean I heard hunters in neighboring towns talking about a possible hunting squad to track down the beast.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kim Hansson

Location: Cabin then music club
Interactions: @Vicier Syleste

Despite her intent to continue her testings, she was trumped by the call of the body. There was no food up here. She groaned loudly as she looked at the fridge and freezer. Both empty. What was she expecting really? No one had been here for a very long time. Kim wrapped a towel around her head and dried up quickly and put a smaller tank top on and some shorts. Her body was still not fully dried as she walked out, tossing the towel onto the porch and got into her car. It would be one hell of a quick ride back to town.

Her car's engine roared to life as she did a scandinavian flick and drove at high speed down the forest road. Gravel and dirt shot out from behind her as she powerslid through most corners to keep her speed up and was back in town at record speed. Kim got out of her car and looked at it. She would have to wash it off after today as most of it was covered in dust.

In the middle of all of her thoughts, there was music. Her movements stopped and she turned around. Her memory got jogged as if in a trance moving towards the building. "T...this..?" her voice trailed off as she found herself within the building and walking towards where the sound came from. There was already people here. But she barely seemed to notice. It wasn't until the music stopped that Kim seemed to be aware of her surroundings.

Kim's eyes snapped towards the one playing the piano. It wasn't the person she was expecting. Or rather, that was impossible, he was gone after all. A tear was in her eye before quickly brushing it away. "Sorry for the interruption....my grandfather used to play on this piano for me a lot...brings back memories.." She smiled softly towards the one playing, barely recognizing the other person in the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kaylee Jade Evans and Connor Vos

Location: The Book Shop and Kaylee’s House.
Interacting With: Each other and Hunter (Kaylee's older brother).

She had to look perfect…

Frowning slightly as the strange thought crossed over her mind, she leant her body forward and over the sink, her soft greyish-green eyes flicking over her appearance in the mirror- oh, for the love of god, what the hell had gotten into her..? There was just something about him… something that made her want to put in effort; made her want to act like one of those prissy girls she knew from school back in Australia-… Argh, something was definitely wrong with her.

Slightly frustrated by the sudden train of thought, Kaylee shook her head lightly from side to side, her hands both coming up so that she could run her fingers through her hair, ruffling the long locks lightly before she stood herself up straight once more, taking only a few moments longer to look over the outfit that she had put on and give herself the okay before finally, she was satisfied, her feet (now dawned in her boots) carrying her back out of the bathroom and into the main room of her hideaway, a small smile seeming to play over her lips as she locked eyes with the guy who seemed to so quickly have taken her heart as his own- how was such a thing even possible..? Of course, she had boyfriends in the past… and ones that, at times, had become slightly more serious than her normal relationship; but this-…

This was different.

Lifting her hand up from her side, she used her fingertips to gently brush back some of her long dark locks of hair, neatly tucking them back behind her ear before she made her way back over to the open wardrobe she had pulled her clothes from, procuring a bag, and being sure to put the top he had given to her inside of it before finally, she closed the doors, her gaze slowly wandering over the room until she met with his gaze- his eyes… for God's sake, those eyes… those perfect eyes…

“..ready whenever you are…”

Connor was dressed in moments, pulling on an outfit similar to what he had worn before, the only clothes he had were all the same, after all. He spent the rest of the time as Kaylee dressed looking about the place. Or rather he wondered about, thoughtful. He couldn't help but think how this day just seemed to be… normal, and yet extraordinary. It could be said that Connor was inexperienced in what he now was, as well as whatever this was with Kaylee, and yet it seemed natural well perhaps not the wolf thing. Although he was enjoying the increased senses that came with it. If he concentrated, he could hear Kaylee moving about.

That was oddly reassuring to him. He ran a hand through his hair, finding himself flustered at the thought that he was so use to her presence already. He looked up as Kaylee entered the room, smiling at her. To him, it seemed he had smiled more just this day, then in the last year. There was just something about Kaylee, that made him feel… well everything.

He tilted his head, studying her. Was she slightly flustered? He smiled again and said “There's just something I have to do first, before we go” he said as he walked over to her. He leaned down to kiss her, unable to stop himself. He pulled back after a moment, and said “Okay, now we can go” another smile, taking her hand to head to his truck. While he was still worried about going to her family's place, he felt like he could take it on. After all, he had taken on a lot more these last few months.

Her cheeks were on fire- or at least, that’s how it felt as the blush crept over them at the simple kiss he had given to her. Why was this so right..? She knew nothing about him… he knew nothing about her; so why then did it feel as though everything that had ever happened in her life so far had been leading to that very moment where the both of them had laid eyes on one another for the first time..?

Smiling softly as she followed him down the steps, Kaylee turned, making sure to seal up the entrance to the room before they left the store; closing and locking the doors behind them as they left. Out of the comfortable intimate setting, and into the harsh reality of what was next to come for the both of them… her brother was going to flip his shit when they got home… Shoving the thought right out of her mind so that it wouldn’t worry her any longer, she slipped the key back into its hiding place before finally, she hurried to join him back in the cab of his truck.

“That was… a pretty cheeky move you pulled back there. Stealing a kiss like that…” Chuckling softly, she twisted her body around in the passenger side seat so that she was able to face him, her hands both reaching forward to rest softly upon his thigh as she leant her body in, her eyes softening as she searched his own- she was never going to get used to this… the way her heart seemed to skip a beat each and every time he gave her his attention…

“But, uh… you know all you had to do was ask, right..?” Her gaze flicked down to his lips, lingering there for only a fraction of a second before she closed the gap that was between them, her soft lips pressing lightly against his own for what felt like an eternity before she pulled back, leaving only a breaths hair between them, “..or not… you know; let’s go with not… I love it when you kiss me…”

Connor gave a chuckle, and retrieved his keys from their secret compartment, putting the keys in the ignition, "Oh, aye, but stealing a kiss just makes it so much… more then asking for one" he said, looking to her. It seemed like every time he looked at her, he couldn't get enough. As she kissed, he returned it, wanting to pull her closer, yet the truck wasn't made for such a move. He settled for the kiss, and smiled at her words.

"Why do you think I stole a kiss? Because I love it too"

He was all too reluctant to start the car, merely preferring her company alone, then going to meet new people. The truck started with the same ease it had shown earlier. "I just love being with you" he said as he pulled out the park. Everything about Kaylee attracted him, and he breathed her scent in deeply as it filled the cab.

He decided to use it as strength as he began to drive, once more, to her place. With the GPS's help, he wouldn't get lost. Hopefully.

The more they drove, the more her heart began to sink in her chest… and the closer they got to her new home, the quieter she began to get. Hunter was... unpredictable when it came to protecting his own; and the fact that she had not only disobeyed him, but was now also bringing home a complete and utter stranger for her family to meet..? This was definitely going to be a family dinner for the ages…

Shifting slightly, though out of nervousness as they pulled into the beginning of the drive, Kaylee let her hand reach out, searching for his own before she took a hold of it, squeezing it softly however in more of a comfort to herself as they continued down the drive to her new home. How could anything be this nerve wracking..? It wasn’t rocket science; it was introducing the guy she was with to her family-…

Oh shit… she was introducing him to the family…

She heard the front door slamming long before it even came into view; the unmistakable growl of her brother hitting her ears, causing her to shoot Connor an apologetic look as they pulled up, parking the truck on the front lawn before she hurried to step out, quickly moving to intercept her brother before he could get anywhere near Connor, “Hunter; relax okay..! It’s nothing; I’m fine..!”

“You disobeyed me, Kaylee..! How the bloody hell is that nothing..!” Baring his canines at his younger sister, Hunter stormed forward, his hands balled into fists at his sides as he met her halfway, his full attention focusing on her before the sound of a car caught his ear, forcing him to lift his gaze before shooting it over to the truck she had arrived in; pausing for a moment, he lifted his hand up, pointing over at the guy he didn’t recognize, “..who the fuck is he..?”

“It was nothing, Hunter..! You’re making a big deal out of something that doesn’t even matter-…” She turned her head, her gaze flicking back to Connor from over her shoulder before she brought it back over to Hunter, taking a couple of steps back so that she was clearly placed in between the both of them, “..this is Connor; he’s been nothing but good to m-…”

“He smells off- wet dog…” Snarling protectively, Hunter balled his hands up, his eyes flashing for a moment in his anger before he began to close the gap between them, “If you’ve done anything to her; touched her in anyway, I’ll kill you..!”

“Leave him alone, you bastard..!” Snarling protectively, Kaylee rushed forward, her hands once more dawned with her claws coming up so that she could once again intercept her brother before he could do anything stupid; the two of them instead turning on one another as she brought her arm across, her claws running across his face leaving deep gashes behind as she forced him backwards.

“I’ve imprinted on him..!”

Kaylee's nervousness was palpable. When she reached for his hand, he gave hers a gentle, comforting squeeze. If Kaylee was nervous, he would just have to be steady for the both of them. Which was easier said than done, as someone, clearly her brother, came storming out, quite angry and definitely intimidating. His behaviour alarmed Connor, and he was out the car before he even had time to think that he was putting himself in danger, not that he would have cared. As Kaylee put herself between him and her brother, Connor knew it wasn't to stop him from lashing out, but her brother.

And then it seemed to escalate from there. He was shocked as he came towards him, clearly intent on ripping him apart. Connor stood there, and blinked, wondering just how he could defuse this situation. Kaylee interrupted him again, and Connor hurried forward, even as she slashed her brothers face. Her words echoed through his head, he had heard of imprinting before, but only in the contents of animals imprinting on their mothers. An uncontrollable wave of love. It made his heart speed up a bit, even as he pulled Kaylee away, standing in front of her, a low growl tearing from his throat.

"No offense but you smell of wet dog as well. However, I unlike you, can get past that and get your own scent. I don't care if you are the king of England, if I ever see you treat your sister like something you own and can control again, you won't like it"

He recognized the hurried need to dominate, to show he wasn't afraid of Hunter, but he didn't take his eyes off Hunter, ready to defend himself if need be, to defend Kaylee. Right then, he would do anything to make sure she didn't get hurt. "I've done nothing I regret. I've not forced her to do anything. Of course I can't say I haven't touched her in anyway, but I would never presume to have more than she wanted. I care about her, a great deal despite only knowing her today. I know she's right there, right behind me, probably trying to figure out if I'll let her maul you again or how she can get past me; her scent overwhelms me, and her smile lights up my world…”

“If that is what imprinting is...well then, it's safe to say I've imprinted on her to. If that angers you, I don't care." He knew he was defying someone that could be deadly, but right then he felt deadly too.

One moment she had been facing her brother, and the next, she was behind Connor… her body pressed up against his back, and her lips parting as she watched him from over his shoulder, her touch soft as she took a gentle hold of his sides, listening to what it was that he was saying- did he just..?

Her once angered expression softened almost instantly at his words, her claws and canines both slowly retracting back leaving her with her normal pearly whites and nails as she shifted, her movements not only slow but purposeful as she stepped around Connor, her body remaining closely pressed against his own as she once more put herself between the both of them, her hands resting lightly over his chest as she stooped her head down, turning nuzzling it into the crook of his neck, clearly covering his jugular to protect him from any action her brother might take out on him.

“..he’s my mate, Hunter…”

That had him stopping dead. His eyes flicking back and forth between his sister and the scrawny little thing she had brought home with her- imprinted..? How was that even possible when he hadn’t even found his mate yet… Clenching his jaw for a moment, Hunter hesitated before eventually, he lowered his arms back to his sides, the gashes on his face already beginning to heal as he huffed out a laugh, his head turning away and to the side so he didn’t have to look at them anymore, “Ha… typical; she gets into trouble, and won’t face the consequence of defying her beta…”

Shaking his head lightly, he took another moment before turning his attention back over to where the pair of them stood in front of him, studying them for a good few moments before letting out a frustrated yell- this was one fight he wasn’t going to win, “Fine..! But watch yourself mutt; you might be my sister’s mate, but I don’t take kindly to strays being brought in off the street. And if you ever try and interfere with pack business aga-…”

“We’re not in a pack anymore, Hunter… we had to leave our pack behind, remember..? You even got to choose and train your replacement. I met the pack who runs this town- Connor is their beta… if-… if anything; we’re the strays, not him.”

“Hmph… Just-… Just don’t ever worry me like that again, got it..!” Not even bothering to utter another word to either of them, Hunter turned on his heel, growling softly to himself as he stormed off around the side of the house and back out of sight, leaving them both on their own again.

“..I-I’m so sorry about him, Connor…”

As Kaylee moved around him, it took all his willpower not to push her back behind him, wanting to keep her out of harms way, but she seemed intent on cuddling against him, and, Connor saw with curiosity to protect a vulnerable target, as if they were truly animals in the wild. Unable to help himself, he did place an arm around her, both to be able to push her behind him again, and to receive comfort from the simple contact.

Suddenly Connor saw something else flicker for a moment in Hunter’s body language. Was he… envious? Imprinting must really mean something. As Hunter's gaze flickered between them, Connor could imagine what he was thinking. Connor knew that he looked like a good gust of wind would snap him in two, that he wasn't exactly intimidating. But he stared back at Hunter, defiant.

Well. He couldn't exactly argue with the stray comment, given he practically lived in his truck. He decided not to correct Kaylee. Right then, he didn't even know what position he was in the pack. Which once more reminded him to message Vanessa, and see if everything was okay, but it was swiftly removed from his mind, as Hunter began to leave.

Connor called out, "You don't have to worry. It's not like I'm going to let anything happen to her. You should have more faith in her, you know" he was relieved the worst seemed to be over and he let out a slow breath. "Well that was certainly… an experience." He looked down at Kaylee, unable to help himself, he kissed her on the top of her head.

"It's okay. I'd probably be the same if I had a sister" he said, and not for the first time wondered why his parents hadn't had other children. "I can't imagine anything more terrifying than that, so why don't we round it off, and see your parents?"

Nodding her head lightly in understanding, Kaylee gave no sign that she was about to move from where she was pressed up against him, her head once more nuzzling lightly into his neck as she let herself melt into his body, revelling in the warmth and safety that his arms had to offer her- this was so right… they were so right…

“..my parents are going to love you, Connor…”

It was nothing more than the truth; unlike her rather over-protective brother, her parents (while both worried) were rather relaxed when it came to their children being a part of not only the supernatural world, but also the normal one they had to grow up in. Lifting her head up from where it was rested on his chest, she gave him a soft smile, pausing for a few moment of thought before she once again met with his eyes, “Connor, did you-… did you mean what you said to Hunter..? About imprinting on me..?”

As she leaned against him, Connor held Kaylee close, more than content to stay out there forever. He appeared thoughtful for a moment, still not entirely sure what imprinting truly was, but having a good idea. “I rarely say things I do not mean, and I have meant every word I have said today” he said, smiling that slightly crooked smile. He would figure out its full meaning later. Although perhaps it wasn't something that could truly be figured out.

“I imagine we are giving your neighbors a lot to talk about, should we go in?” Not that he particularly cared. People would gossip about just about anything these days. He glanced back at his truck, where he had left his door open as he had jumped out, giving a soft sigh and going to close it.

Refusing to let go of him any time soon, Kaylee followed in his footsteps, her hands both reaching out to take a gentle hold of his before finally, she pressed herself closer into her, his arm hugged against her chest and her head tilting until she was able to rest her cheek lightly over his shoulder, softly nuzzling up into the crook of his neck, “The property is large enough that the neighbours won’t see a thing unless they actually grab binoculars… I told you mum and dad know about our world; they both accommodate and make their choices based on it as well- it’s also why the driveways is longer than normal, and the property has a lot of tree’s surrounding it.”

Pausing for a moment, she lifted her head up, allowing her eyes to slowly glide up over his shoulder… his collarbone… his neck… his jaw… his chin… his lips; before eventually, she met his beautiful gaze once again, her fingers entwining with his own between their bodies, “..it’s as supernatural proof as they can make it without lining the place with silver or wolfsbane, and digging a bunker strong enough to hold us during a full moon.”

Dropping her head, she fell silent for a moment, biting softly on the inside of her lip before she allowed her attention to wander away and over what she could see of the property until she felt she had no other choice, bringing her eyes back to meet his, “..and for the record; I’ve meant every single word I’ve said today as well… especially what I said to Hunter…”

Connor could see the strategic planning to the property, but he wouldn't put it past simple human curiosity to indeed have people looking with binoculars. Humans were naturally curious about other humans, especially new to the community humans. There was no telling when someone might come, bearing a welcome basket or casserole as they were wont to do, in order to get a bit of a peek-a-boo. Still, it did seem quite private, but it was nerve wracking enough to meet any girls parents, and just seemed more so after what had happened with Hunter.

And yet he simply couldn't stop himself holding her, enjoying the closeness, and the… rightness of it all. At the mention of the full moon, Connor recalled his own recent experiences. And he knew he had to become more adept, to truly be in control of himself at the next full moon, when the teenagers would first turn. But that was a thought for tomorrow. Today, it was only Kaylee. He smiled at her words, but he seemed sheepish as he said “I know, you've shown me so much that… well wonders me. But you're going to have to tell me what imprinting truly means, because I don't actually know” he admitted, feeling that there was so much he didn't know.

“Imprinting- it’s… hard to explain…”

Frowning slightly as she thought over how best to explain to him what she believed was actually going on between the both of them, Kaylee let her gaze wander, her hands never once loosening their loving grip around his arm as she began to lead them up to the front door, using her hip to open the door for the both of them as they made their way into the house, “..I guess you could say it’s kinda like love at first sight- but then that doesn’t really compare or give way to the gravity of it all…”

Shooting him a soft though apologetic smile, she quickly glanced around the living room, her head tilting to the side ever so slightly as she took a moment to just listen… silence apart from the muttering of her older brother in the backyard as he set up the barbecue- seemed luck might be on her side after all. Bringing her attention back over to Connor, she motioned with her head over to a small hallway off to the left of the kitchen and living room, letting him know which way they were going before she led the way down and towards where her room was located.

“..my old Alpha tries her best to explain it to all of us when she believes us ready to understand; she says it’s like some involuntary mechanism… like gravity shifting; or your whole world changing in an instant and without warning…” Finally letting go of his arm once she was inside of her room, she made her way over to her bed (which she had set up earlier along with her TV and consoles), shifting a couple of boxes off of it before she took a seat, her expression thoughtful as she tried to continue her explanation, “..supposedly, it’s how we find our soulmates… and once it happens; it’s as if the only thing that matters anymore- the only thing that’s keeping you here on Earth, and sane… the only thing that’s worth living for is that one person…”

Connor let himself be led, contemplating Kaylee's words. He thought back to that first glance, only a few hours past, really. He had wanted to offer clothes, not simply for dignity. And then everything since had been… all Kaylee. And he thought about how he had seemed to just be floating along since his father's death, but now… he felt rooted. He watched Kaylee move about her room, moving things before sitting down, and he stood watching her. Soul mates, but more than.


He wasn't actually too sure what to say. It seemed like… everything was settling, like a lake settling after a stone had been thrown into it. He rubbed the back of his neck, not nervous but merely… thoughtful.

"Kaylee… everything has been… just you. I don't know if it's imprinting or not, but I know… that I want to be with you" he said, walking over to her, and sitting down beside her. "And… I know… that I've never felt like that, in anyway before. I just know… that I feel like I've found somewhere to be, to live. And it's because of you"

Twisting slightly over the mattress, Kaylee lifted her head up to meet with his gaze once again- he was so sweet… Leaning forward, she closed the gap between the both of them, her lips pressing softly up against his own in a loving kiss before she pulled away, her forehead resting lightly against his own as she inched herself closer to him, “..I wanted to go home… to go back to Australia- I never wanted to be here in this country; let alone this town…”

Reaching over to him, she slipped her hands into his own, her fingers curling lightly as she took a hold of them, her body lifting up and twisting slightly as she shifted her position, perching once more on the mattress before she lifted her legs up, “But just knowing you, even for a few hours; I don’t want that anymore… yeah, I miss being there and being with my friends, but-… but for some reason, you mean much more than that; you make me wanna settle down… and more than that, you make me wanna settle down, and plant roots with you…”

Connor gave her hands a squeeze, he nodded, knowing it was the same for him. He couldn't explain it. And maybe that was the whole point. He shifted, bringing Kaylee closer to him, merely because he enjoyed the feel of her, right there in his arms as he wrapped them around her. He was well aware he had a duty to the pack that was forming here, and yet… he felt like he already had one, with Kaylee.

"I'm glad you came here" he said softly, "to me. I'm glad you disobeyed your brother, and went exploring. I'm glad we found each other. I'm happy, with you"

He lowered his head to hers and held her. He doubted anything would get him to let go, right then. It just seemed… perfect. The thought of her parents, her brother perhaps coming in was a very faded thought, nor did he think he would care. “It's been… a life changing day”

“..it really has…”

Smiling softly though in complete agreement to what he had been saying, she pulled away from him, taking her time to lay back over the bed before she lightly tugged on his hand, urging for him to lay down with her, “..if I could go back and do it all again; I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Waiting until he was laying down with her, she pressed herself into his chest, lightly brushing the tip of her nose against his before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, “..you’re the biggest part of my life now…”

Returning the kiss, Connor was more than content, laying there. There would always be grief over his father's death, as there would always be grief over his mother's, long dead now and wonder at why he had been allowed to survive. But right now, today, he… found it bearable.

He had forgotten what it was to lay on a bed that didn't need air. He gave a soft happy sigh, letting Kaylee simply overwhelm his senses, finding peace in that.

"As you are mine" every thought he had, it was about what he could do, to be happy here, to be happy with Kaylee. There wasn't a thought that they were, technically two different species, that on the full moon he might lose control, no thought that he didn't have a house of his own. Just… Kaylee.

“I want to...truly make something with you, Kaylee”
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