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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
Avatar of Lasrever


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location; His dorm room → Heading to the Arena
Interacting With; No-one, yet.
Mood; Energetic → Enthusiastic

Everyone and their mother knew that Keats was gonna be in the tournament. In it to win it, far as he was concerned. He'd considered making posters, but eventually decided that they'd be kinda cheesy. As much as his face would no doubt improve the school's appearance if it was plastered everywhere, Keats figured that there was only so much good-looking one building could handle.

In all seriousness, Keats didn't actually care whether he'd win it or not. As long as he went out in style, it wasn't like it mattered anyway. Put on a show, that was his goal. Sure, someone else might come out on top, but everybody better be talking about Samuel Keats once it was all tied up.

He'd never taken part in the Tournament of Terror, but it was something that a lot of people looked forward to at Delphina. This year would be a little different though. Sure, they could feed them all these lines about them being one school now or whatever, but that didn't change the fact that there was one hell of a rivalry. It seemed pretty possible that things would get heated.

Keats loved it when things got heated. Always the best part of any competition. A couple cheap shots, and someone was bound to go off like a rocket.

Sure, he'd love to win if he could, but if that wasn't gonna work then he'd try and make one of those smug heroes angry. Really angry. Make 'em snap, and remind every single student in Delphina what those Mayweathers really were. Just stuck up nobodies who thought they were heroes, but that weren't any better than anyone else.

This was gonna be fun.

Keats had headed back to his dorm a little early to make sure he'd be ready in time. He checked his stuff, noticing a slight shortage of the fabric that he normally used in combat. Looked like he'd have to go shopping again. He'd head out later.

He always got some funny looks when he bought the stuff, mostly from the middle aged women who hung around in those sorts of places. Some of them, he'd swear that they had to live in the fabric store. Didn't they have families or something? Friends? A life of some kind? Not that it was any of his business.

He sighed, taking a moment to clear his head. Who had time to think about school when there was a massive super powered brawl right around the corner for them? Not him, that was for sure.

Keats was kinda curious as to how they'd picked him out. He hadn't asked, since he didn't want them taking it the wrong way. If he started questioning them, they might think he didn't want to be part of it. That couldn't be further from the truth. He'd barely been able to sleep for the anticipation, and was ready as anything to start sizing up the competition once he got to the meeting.

After gathering up a few extra strips of fabric - never hurt to be careful, after all - Keats started walking down towards the arena at a leisurely pace. He wasn't about to waste his time getting there early. Rather make the most of whatever free time he got. His expression as he walked was somehow even more smug than usual, which was really quite an impressive feat.

As he walked, he started to think of a few questions to ask. There were a few things that he figured might add some extra excitement to the whole thing. Personally, he wanted a theme song. Keats loved theme songs.

Location: Her dorm → Arena
Interacting With: Anyone in the arena/ Tournament people
Mood: Confused → Panicked → Frustrated → Nervous

Amy hadn't done much in the past week. It wasn't like she had any real reason to practice. Besides, she couldn't do anything in the Control Room even if she wanted to. Other than getting her ass kicked. Fun times.

Still, after she'd been signed up for this tournament, she really figured that she needed to train some more. Just wasn't quite sure how to do it yet. So far, she hadn't told anyone about being selected for the thing anyway. 'Tournament of the Champions' sounded like the exact sort of attention shed

Of course, most people would laugh at the suggestion anyway. Her, a champion? They'd figure bit was a joke. Amy was well aware that most people would view her as the underdog, no matter who she was competing against. And who could blame them? Not like they were gonna bet on a girl who couldn't even pass a single control room level.

Whatever. It didn't bother her, not really. Let them talk about how weak she was if they wanted. She could prove them wrong if she felt like it, for sure. She just hadn't decided whether she'd choose to yet.

Amy had settled down for a nap in her dorm before the time of the meeting. It wasn't like she was absurdly tired, but she just wanted all the energy she could get before confronting the other participants.

It was quiet when Amy woke up. That was a bad sign. See, normally she'd set some kind of alarm, and that would wake her up. She glanced over at her battered old alarm clock, and saw the hands frozen in place. Broken? Or the batteries had run out, one of the two. Either way, she'd probably slept a little too long, but at least it made sense now.

She was just about to lie back in her bed when her eyes snapped back open and she rolled out of bed in a tangle of blankets. The meeting! It was supposed to be this afternoon! That really wasn't good, especially if she'd not woken up. Being late to that sort of thing, when you were specifically invited, was the kind of behaviour that put you in Mrs. Lovelace's bad books.

Amy didn't really want to end up on that particular shit list. The woman was scary.

So, after getting ready as quickly as she possibly could, a slightly panicked looking Amy shot out of the door, barely even remembering to grab her phone. Definitely not taking time to check it, she shot down the stairs and out of the door. She ran in the direction on the arena, but was about three-quarters of the way there when she paused for a second. Something felt off.

With a sinking feeling, she checked her phone - something that, in hindsight, she definitely should have done before rushing on it of the dorms like a moron. Yeah, she was early. And sprinting across campus for no reason, which would explain some of the looks she was getting.

After taking a moment to catch her breath, Amy kept on walking, looking really annoyed at the whole situation. She guessed it was just nerves or something, but couldn't help but feel like a complete idiot. There was no point heading back to her dorm at this point, though, so she kept going towards the arena.

As she approached the entrance, she was muttering angrily, kicking stones out of her path in frustration. She hadn't even asked to be a part of this stupid tournament in the first place. She'd either have to show her powers or get the crap beaten out of her. In front of basically the whole school.

The joys of going to a school for superhumans were endless, clearly. At least she'd had a decent morning, without anyone paying her attention. Might be the last one she got for a little while.

She shoved the door open, heading into the arena and practically snarling in anger, glaring at the floor."I can't believe I even bothered running here. This is such b-"

She started to stutter when she looked up and saw Mrs. Lovelace in the center of the arena. After a pause that felt like hours, but was actually only a few Amy desperately improvised a completely different ending to that particular statement. "B-brilliant timing! I just couldn't wait to get here and hear about, the, um, stuff... and... things... and - You know what, I'm just gonna stop talking now."

She trailed off, not meeting the teacher's gaze as she headed to stand where she was expected to. Amy was pretty anxious for someone else to show up, because this whole thing was kind of nerve-wracking.

To be honest, her focus was kind of split between trying to figure out whether she'd annoyed Mrs. Lovelace and staring at the ground. It wasn't the best she'd ever felt. Definitely not going on her 'greatest moments' list.

She was so distracted after entering that she probably wouldn't even have noticed if there were a lion sitting in the corner of the room. If someone said something, she'd probably pay attention, but otherwise she was a little lost in her own world at that moment.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location; Walking towards Arena
Interacting With; Nobody
Mood; Mad

Amelia couldn’t believe it. Of all people they chose her. They knew she hated fighting! What game was Mrs. Lovelace playing? Or did her father buy her into the tournament? If it wasn’t mandatory to show up, Amelia vowed she wouldn’t go at all. But she knew that it would have consequences. Her father had made it very clear that one wrong step and she’d go straight to Delphina. The fact that both schools were now on common ground (literally) made that very easy for him. Still, the girl did not want to participate. She hoped that she could track down the person that she would have to fight. Maybe strike a deal.

Right now she slowly and very reluctantly made her way towards the arena. Secretly hoping she would be too late and be suspended. Still, that was a risky call at best. A thought flashed through her head. One that made her very sure that her dad was behind all of this. If there were camera’s, it would be the first time the youngest von Carstein will be seen fighting. Maybe even in her Elder Form! Such a thing would gather an insane amount of publicity to the already well known von Carstein name. So that was why he gave her the battle dress with an exposed back? So he would see her fighting so soon? Well, he was about to learn that Amelia could be just as cunning as her brothers.

Location; Dorm room → Arena
Interacting With; Amy(@Lasrever)
Mood; Self-destructive → Doubtful → Determined

Of course, Lucas was picked for the tournament. Who else but the true champion of Delphina would rise to the victory? One year he was allowed into the Tournament of Terror, and he absolutely wrecked the opposition. It was one of the ways he rose so swiftly on the social ladder of Delphina. A few days ago he had been released from the infirmary. And since then he has done nothing but train. Going from bar lifting to setups, he put his body through a rigorous training schedule that would leave the unprepared broken. But not Lucas, his body was used to this. Of course, the news of his participation was leaked to the Delphina Times. So every Delphina student just assumed he trained for the tournament.

Which wasn’t untrue, but far from the entire truth. Lucas trained because if he didn’t, he’d start thinking. In secret, he had been taking Eliana’s stolen pills to sleep. Maybe Jackson would have caught him, but Lucas didn’t care. Since the first night out of the infirmary, he couldn’t sleep. Every time he closed his eyes one flash or another went before his eyes. If it were full memories replaying in his head, he would not have that much trouble. But the problem was that it were mere fragments of a shattered piece of his mind. So to keep himself busy, he was on a path of self-destruction that looked very much like the path of self-improvement.

When the day of the meeting came, Lucas was standing before his bed. In his usually, sloppy attire. Looking at the leather jacket. The one he had hung up when he changed in the bodysuit right before the nightmare that was Red Level. For the longest time, it had been a relic of distant memories. Ones that reminded him of who he was, at the core: a villain. Terror given shape. But right now, it also bore a new memory. One that he still felt. Like a deep wound. He contemplated on wearing the jacket. Was he strong enough?

With his jacket on him, he entered the Arena. The short walk from the dorm had strengthened his resolve. He was back, stronger than ever and ready to face whatever would be thrown at him. The worst had already past. So with pure determination he now entered the Arena, looking Mrs. Lovelace straight in the eyes. She and him, they knew that a gaze could be so much stronger than words. Not just on an intimate level. It could be a show of resolve. He gave her a curt but formal nod. Then Amy arrived. Lucas threw her a fell look as the newcomer broke the silence. “Look what the cat dragged in.” he joked, loud enough so Amy would hear it but not Mrs. Lovelace. The jab was joined with his trademark grin. One that said so many things but right now was meant to say: I will destroy you.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
Avatar of Viciousmarrow


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location; Eliana’s Bedroom (Both) → CLOSET PANICKING (Eliana) → Control Room (Tris) → The White Room (Tris) → RUNNING TO THE CONTROL ROOM (Eliana)
Interacting with; As far as Ellie’s concerned herself → Each other @lovely complex@Viciousmarrow → Tris with Mrs. Lovelace, Amy, Lucas → Tris with peeps in the White Room
Ecstatic → Spooked → Crafty → Heroic → Enamored → Surprised → Jubilant
Exhausted → Uneasy → Hasty → Panic → Relieved → MORE PANIC

The dress was immaculate, a splendid shade of white intertwined with tulle fabric and lace embroidery. It was not overly posh, but it captured the essence of Tristram’s love. He could imagine how it would fit her thin figure ever so perfectly and his added touch of exposing her shoulders would not only make her feel sophisticated but also bring out her femininity. Her glowing skin was smooth as silk, her gaze reminded him of the mesmerizing green fairy of a french liqueur, and her irresistible, light pink lips belonged to him, untouched for as long as she walked Mayweather when she was fifthteen. The dress would only enhance the beauty that was Eliana Lovelace. Oh, how he hoped she loved it! That she would cherish this wonderfully crafted fabric and dream of her wedding day like he did for her! There were few better gifts his future blushing bride could receive, were there? After all, he had sunk a pretty penny into this endeavor.

Smirking gleefully, the modestly tall man carefully displayed her gift upon her diligently made bed. While his love was away, he'd stayed the night in her room, sleeping in her bed and taking in her scent. How wonderful it was… How sweet and succulent, like a tantalizing field of ripe strawberries. It was almost as if he could feel her lithe body next to his, so close to her alluring aroma. If his sweet fairy’s scent was this celestial, then how did she taste? He could only ponder. The sensations and roaming questions drove him crazy and his want for her expanded a thousandfold. He craved her- Nay, he needed her. If only possessing his divine prize was so easy…

Unexpectedly, the blonde nobleman’s ears picked up the sound of his beloved’s door unlocking. It was not quite yet time to reveal himself though! He wanted to fertilize her heart with his kind deeds until the time was right, until she was so enamored with him that there was no way she'd say no! Then she would collapse into his arms, exclaiming her love, and there would be no more need for these games. They would live a glorious life without pain or suffering, a life that minstrels would sing for ages. This was Tristram’s dream, something he would stop at nothing to achieve.

Laying a note upon her gift, he quickly got underneath her bed and felt himself fade into the ethereal, the plane between reality and the void. A barely visible specter, camouflaged by his abilities, his brilliant azure eyes awaited her reaction. The suspense was killing him! But he knew she'd love it. She had to! How could someone not bleed out their heart when another expressed their love in such a raw expression?

The previous night Eliana and Amelia had taken a detour and stopped at her room to get a change of clothes, since the following morning was the start of classes. If Ellie were to fall asleep, she didn’t want to risk rushing to her room to get ready. They watched quite a few Disney flicks, she was partial to Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, and Hercules. Primarily because of the female roles. Fortunately, Eliana did get two hours of sleep. Huh. Maybe it was this blossoming friendship she was obtaining with Amelia? She didn’t know and hell, she did feel god awful since she’s only gotten two hours of sleep in the past couple of days, but the fact that she did sleep was all that mattered to her. Her new friend was kind to lend her shampoo and soap, so her usual scent was covered with the fragrance of another woman. Her outfit was yet another simple one: black pants, a gray sweater, and ankle strap pumps.

The time was 3:18 PM and she needed to pick up her gym bag just in case her mother wanted her to do more than a display of her magical powers. From what she knew of these meetings, it primarily was a session where you were told nearly everything you needed to know about this year’s tournament. There were rumors going around that her mother rigged the pool, pulling out her daughter’s name, but why would her mother care to do that? Most people, at least heroes, feared the tournament and if people knew the system, it was the Headmaster and Headmistress’ job to pick the participants. Every year there was always something different, something modified, that would surprise the students involved, so Ellie was curious how this year would separate itself from the rest.

When she saw her mother in class earlier today, the stress was quite apparent in the older woman’s expressions. Today didn’t seem like it was the best day for her mother, so Eliana could not afford being late. If Mrs. Lovelace was harsh with any student for being right on time in her class (the saying goes early is on time, on time is late), imagine if her daughter was in the same position. Her mother could be merciless when it came to her children abusing their privileges as a child of a teacher. Ellie only used her mother’s key card to get access to the Library and Auditorium at night. Other than that, she would never abuse her mother’s power.

Sighing deeply, Eliana cracked her door open to peek in to see if her roommate was home. No. Thank goodness. She didn’t know where Brooklyn ran off too, since most nights she wasn’t here, but Ellie wasn’t going to complain. No roommate meant complete and utter peace for her. Gently pushing the door open, she strolled in, her short heels pressing into the carpet of the floor, as she made her way to her desk and placed her backpack on it. Not having anytime to take in the silence and peace of her room, her chartreuse green orbs trailed to her bed where there was an elegant and costly looking dress on it. Not just any kind of dress, a wedding dress. Suddenly, she felt on edge as the sea of anxiety curled into her stomach. Why was there a wedding dress on her bed? Was Brooklyn getting married and she so happened to leave it on her side - by accident?

Her gaze trailed down the fabric until she noticed the note. Her expression was unreadable - she didn’t know how she should feel. Cautiously, she walked closer to the dress and grabbed the parchment paper…

To my future wife,

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields.
And we will sit upon rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of roses
And a thousand fragrant poises,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;

A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.

The shepherds’ swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

Yours truly

Christopher Marlowe…” Her eyes couldn’t look away from the refined cursive to the words: my future wife. Was… was this some kind of joke? Was Lucas intentionally trying to creep her out? Don’t get Ellie wrong, she loved poetry more than most things in this world, but this was taking the prank too far - even going out of the way to find a realistic wedding dress? That can’t possibly be a REAL wedding dress, right? Turning to her desk, she placed the letter inside one of her novels, she chose: Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. As much as she wanted to freak out about all this, she didn’t have the time. Her mother would kill her if she was late.

Hurriedly, she picked up the wedding gown, but when she did so, she froze and dropped it on the bed near immediately, out of fear. It… felt extremely real. The fabric wasn’t something you’d find at a cheap costume store. Just brush it off, Ellie! Her heart was racing with the thought of Lucas going this far to freak her out. But why would he? He was in the infirmary all week, right? Maybe this was her paranoia. Maybe it was actually her roommate’s dress and her fiance left a lovely poem for her - assuming her bed was Brooklyn’s. For the time being, Eliana would believe that theory. Going to her closet, she took a dress bag out that held a red dress in it, from her aunt. A dress given to her to wear at the winter formal… something extremely daring for her style, but for her aunt’s sake, she would wear it. She wasn’t going to take the time to examine the red satin or how the dress would reveal her shoulders more so than the wedding ‘gift’. Bringing the bag to her bed, she unzipped it and tried her best to fit both extremely expensive dresses together in one confined place. After a minute or two, the bag was zipped once more and she scurried back to her closet, hiding it away deep, deep, deep in the back of her closet. Going by her dresser, she bent over to pick up her navy blue, gym bag. Honestly, most people would not assume an action like this would be seen in a room they thought to be alone in.

Oh, so she did love it! The look of absolute astonishment resonated on her visage, a silent scream that harkened a tale of joy. Tristram felt as though tears would cascade from those perfect green orbs of hers, and, consequently, his own. Though she knew nothing yet, the hidden man could already see his bountiful fantasies unfolding before him. This proved to be especially true when his awe inspiring vixen bent herself over to retrieve her gym bag, in reasonable haste to get to the Arena. Tristram’s heart beat sped up to a rapid pace, fixated on the scene that took place in front of him. The subtle curve to her petite body made him yearn, so much so that he forgot to concentrate on maintaining his intangible state. Raising his head ever so slightly, the back of his skull hit the bed’s metal frame. The sound of the impact was clear as daylight, not to mention the loud oof he emitted. Panic settled in his stomach, realizing his cover was about to be blown if he didn't do something fast.

With a wave of his hand, the woman phased out of existence and reappeared in her closet, one of her many articles of clothing now where she once was. Before his darling could react, the closet door slammed on its own, as if guided by an invisible hand. While he could have vanished and left her in a wave of confusion, a better idea floated into his head. Something that could get him and Eliana closer… Deftly, he scurried from underneath her bed and tossed any object he could find at the closet door, all the while beckoning for her dresser to swap places with that object. Entombed in such a small space, his poor fairy had nowhere to go. She was trapped until a hero came to the rescue. Tristram had every intention of being that hero. Grinning maliciously, the impish man disappeared into nothingness, arriving just outside her dorm room. Now to wait for her screams!

Things happened so fast. One moment she heard a loud noise by her bed, the next she found herself in her closet and the door shut on its on! Was she being haunted now!? Jostling the doorknob of her closet, Eliana realized she was trapped… and everything was completely dark since the lightswitch was outside the door. Fear crept inside of her and she couldn’t breathe. Calm down, Ellie… it’s just dark… dark… With as much power as she could muster, she started slamming her shoulder and arm into the door. Over and over again. Not only was her mom going to kill her but she felt like she was going to pass out in this hellhole. Her arm hurt, it would surely have a nasty bruise after this. Checking her body, she tried to find her phone… but she didn’t have it. Oh no, I left it at Amelia’s! By now, she was freaking out. Not one to usually yell, she shouted with her melodious voice at the top of her lungs, “SOMEBODY! I’M STUCK!” She wanted to give up. Just drop to the ground and cry, but she couldn’t, she needed to figure out how to get out of this situation. “Please…” she muttered.

As if on cue, Tristram could hear her distant cries, and although his first impulse was to barge in right away, he waited for a few minutes to let the despair really sink in. Not only that, but coming in right away might attract suspicion. Counting down silently, the clock ticked zero and it was time to act. Tristram Cringe, glorious saviour of Eliana, shouldered himself back into her room like a frantic ghoul. “Hold on, I'll get you out of there!” His voice was reminiscent of someone riddled with anxiety mustering up the courage to do a courageous deed, though it was all an act. His feet planted themselves in front of the dresser, and with a mighty heave, the blonde began pushing the heavy furniture out of the door’s path. Being a rather feeble man, the task ended up tiring him out more than he had expected. By the time his sweet Eliana escaped from her prison, he was panting and doubled over in an attempt to catch his breath, as if he had just finished some Herculean feat that required all of his strength and stamina. This, unfortunately, was not part of the routine that Tris had planned.

Rushing out, she saw the blonde Asian trying to gain his composure from saving her. Eliana went to him and helped him up, “Are you alright? Here, let me help you to my chair.” Her stare glanced over to the dresser. She didn’t understand anything right now. Were ghosts capable of moving an entire dresser in front of a closet instantaneously? After she helped him to her chair, her body still shaking from her near anxiety attack, Ellie thanked her colleague, “Thank you so much! I-I don’t know how I got in that position.

Eliana was… touching him! Giddiness spread through the illustriously garbed man, washing him in a strange yet welcomed euphoria. Nodding to the raven haired angel come to life, he took in this moment and promised to relish it forever. “I’m fine. Just out of shape, that's all.” he joked, tacking on a short chuckle as his breathing returned to normal. “It's my duty to help others, so it's not a problem. I’m glad to see you're okay… Strange forces are at work here though. Do you have any enemies? Perhaps you were given a cursed item?” Tristram began throwing ideas out at her, even if they were farfetched to say the least. Suddenly, his head tilted and his stunning blue eyes widened in curiosity. “Hey… You're Eliana Lovelace, right? I saw your name on the tournament roster earlier. Shouldn't you be at the arena? Your mom is… Well, you know.” Subtly, he hinted that she should get a move on, even if he honestly didn't want this moment to end between them. There would be more opportunities now though.

Eliana did have enemies. One in particular, but would Lucas use methods like these? She didn’t know him well enough or his connections to know how far he’d go on terrorizing her. We’re cursed items actually a thing? Before she could respond to the stranger’s first comment, the acquaintance recognized her and brought up...THE MEETING! Her eyes widened. Swiftly pulling away, Ellie apologized, “I’m sorry I have to leave. Thank you so much again! Mind closing the door on your way out? I-I need to go.” She didn’t have time to ask for his name or anything. Once she grabbed her gym bag on the floor, Ellie threw her door open, letting it lightly slam into her wall, and ran like the wind. She prayed to some higher power to make her at least on time, even then that wouldn’t make her mother pleased.

Tris observed as his jubilant fairy took flight, off to confront her mother and the other contestants of this year’s tournament. It was doubtful she’d make it on time, but that was a worry for a later time. After all, he had his own meetings to attend. Unlike her, he had powers that forsook the normal standards of time. As she bounded down the hall, the door seemed to close by itself, manipulated by the blonde's powers. Sitting cross-legged in his chair, he thought about the White Room although the image of the Control Room flickered into his head as he wandered back to Eliana. Yawning and stretching his hands outward, he called upon his powers of transportation and was whisked into nothingness. A moment later, the yawning man was greeted by the sight of black panties ringed by a beige pencil skirt. Blinking exactly thrice, Tristram realized he wasn’t in the White Room. He was in the Control Room since that was the last place he was thinking about! Which meant… his head travel upward until he was met by the fearsome glare of Cecilia Lovelace. From one Lovelace to the next! He wasn’t sure if this was an unfortunate circumstance or not. Considering how his arms reached up and how he was sitting though, there was no doubt he appeared to be some kind of pervert. ”Uh…” He honestly couldn’t think of anything to see in this awkward predicament.

Fortunately, Mrs. Lovelace didn’t seem too upset about it. Tristram, or Charade as he called himself now and formerly the nuisance Blink Dog, and her had something of a history. When he was younger and before his supposed mental breakdown, Blink Dog was always doing antics to impress his friends, such as spying on the female teachers, especially Cecilia, in the bathroom; thus this was nothing short of a surprise to her. “You shouldn’t be here, Mr. Cringe. Go. I’ll deal with you later.” she barked at him, ordering him to vanish from sight. The young man gulped and nodded in a panicked fashion, not bothering to glance behind him to see those who had watched his folly. Without another word, he banished himself from her sight.

Landing safely and soundly in one of the more comfortable chairs within the White Room, Tris spun himself around several times, faster and faster, before coming to a stop. No longer burdened by Mrs. Lovelace’s gaze, he gave a self-congratulating flourish of his hands to accompany his grand entrance. Had he had his parasol with him, his performance might have been made even more dainty. In the middle of the table, there was no doubt everyone was able to see this strange celebration. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he noticed he was actually a single minute early. Not surprising, considering he had the advantage of getting around faster than most of his peers. ”Ladies and gentlemen, is everyone ready for the greatest Snow Ball that Mayweather has ever seen? I’ve thought a whole lot about this, and, let me tell you… I’ve got some great ideas.” Without warning, he threw confetti from his silken pockets towards both sides of the room, making a great deal of a mess. Now this was fun! He'd planned that shocker last night, just before he had sneaked into Eliana's room. With a sweeping gesture, he motioned toward the tiny streamers that littered the area. ”Confetti! That is a must!” he demanded, even slamming a fist on the table to emphasize his point. Everyone had scarcely just arrived and the eloquent Charade was already leading the pack without any introduction to the meeting. There was sure to be some annoyance within the crowd today, but there never was any fun in a meeting without a little conflict. A few of them might hate him, but he was doing them a favor by livening up the place!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
Avatar of SkeankySnack

SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location: Dorm Room → Control Room Arena
Interacting With: Himself
Mood: Contemplative → Neutral Confidence

Unlike most people Elijah didn't receive some fancy email through the power of technology, but was rather surprised when a small envelope appeared under his dorm room door one morning; how curious, and written in braille as well. As his hand glided over the raised bumps his gaze became rather contemplative, an invitation to the tournament, his thoughts wandered from the unexpected to the anticipated. Did they finally believe he had enough control? Regardless of whether the professors believed so or not, he felt prepared, and though he didn't know his competition yet, he would find out soon enough.

The one known as Brimstone had gotten up rather early to meditate on the events of the day and the previous weeks. After his endeavor with Eliana he hadn't seen neither hide nor tail of her, and though worry had spread through his core, he suppressed the feeling, not wanting to be seen as some attention seeking dog; far from it. As for the tourney, well the time was nearing and grabbing his cloak he was out the door, his strides long and confident as he found his way to the control room arena. Others had already arrived, some he recognized, others he did not, Lucas in particular stood out to him, Gianna's right hand man, and a tournament of terror champion. If Lucas was in this, then things would definitely get dangerous, if anyone was truly a match for his raw strength though, Elijah felt confident that he would be the one to. As the saying goes, get too close to the sun and you may just burn.

Location: Dorm Room → Control Room Arena
Interacting With: Hemself
Mood: Meltdown commencing → Exhausted/Unaware

The young blonde had found herself tangled up in her bed sheets, hyperventilating and completely freaking the actual fuck out. After a really pleasant meeting with Minako and her new friend, Kayla had found herself spending more and more time, particularly with Minako. Now days later, after checking through her emails, she found the one that made her face turn paler than a ghost and she immediately hid herself away, locking herself in her room and trying to ostrich her way into the dirt.

"Whymewhymewhyme~?!" Kayla thought, her stomach turning knots in protest to the amount of stress and anxiety she felt. She wasn't a real super, sure she had her suit, but why choose her for this?! She hadn't even passed that many levels in the control room and yet they were literally throwing her to the wolves, or sharks, or frickin dragons that were the super powers of Mayweather and Delphina. She couldn't handle it, and yet she was absolutely, positively supposed to come to this frickin thing! That night, Silver did not sleep so well.

Exhaustion. It was written plainly on her face, anxiety and self doubt, add in a lack of sleep, equals to suddenly not caring about anything as exhaustion sets in. No sleep, not a single hour, and after this...she might actually have to skip classes, but could she even bring herself to sleep again? Kayla Styles trudged her way towards the control room arena, it was all she could do as auto-pilot suddenly set in as the alarm went off. She had put on clothing, but had done nothing to her hair, no makeup, no freshness, just a completely sad panda.

She entered the building, then the room, if there were others there she didn't register them. She felt like a phantom, a dead man simply waiting for the gallows as she fell in line, lifeless, listless. This was the end for her.

Location: Dorm Room → White Room
Interacting With: Himself
Mood: Unsure of his warning → Surprised → Content with life

After having overheard the meeting between the three Delphinas, Hugo had tried to search high and low for Samantha. When he did finally catch her, she was with her friend Avalon, and as Hugo approached, ready to tell her of the secret meeting, something stopped him. At the mere mention of Gianna, Sam's eyes suddenly lit up in an awful way, a similar glaring look of damnation that he had seen from Gianna herself, something sinister. It stopped him, and rather than having nothing to report, he simply played it off as an invitation for her, him and Gianna to get rather...intimate with one another. The glaring daggers and sudden change in wind speed was all the message he needed for him to hop away from mother hurricane; FAR AWAY. Now days later he received a message to join in the winter formal committee, which completely surprised him. Usually he wasn't tasked with such promising events due to his forgetfulness, the fact that he was chosen must of meant they at least wanted his imput and if was that important, he'd have to at least write it down somewhere.

Hugo walked through the halls towards the white room, in jeans, a flannel, barefoot and hair tied up in a man bun. His usual duffel pack was strapped to his back, his sword in one hand, his guitar in the other. As he approached the room he casually grasped the sword in his guitar hand to allow himself entrance to the meeting room. It didn't look like anyone else had arrived and with a big smile and friendly wave he entered inside and seated himself at an appropriate chair close by the window, having set his pack and sword by it, opting to keep his guitar in hand. Kicking his feet up on the table he lightly played his guitar, just strumming a few strings as he waited for the meeting to start.

Out of nowhere a rather handsome Asian made a rather exuberant appearance, spinning in his chair several times before shouting to the world and throwing confetti in the air. Hugo was a dimension hopper, so the fact that someone else could do it didn't really surprise him, even if it may have surprised others. After the young man had made his entrance Hugo raised his hand and waved to the Asian.

"Bonjour." And immediately went back to playing his guitar.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Minako Ikeda

Location: Campus grounds → Control Room Arena

Interacting with: Devon Slater → Cecilia Lovelace (used with @lovely complex’s permission and assistance) → Amy Stevenson (@Lasrever), Kayla Styles (@BeastofDestiny)

Mood: Conflicted/Angry → Defeated → Conflicted → Nervous → Neutral/Respectful → Determined → Happy → Concerned

3:00 PM

Minako Ikeda was not happy. At the moment, she was making her way across the school grounds from her dorm, listening to some calming music through her headphones and very conscious of the laptop in her backpack; more specifically, the information contained within it. That information had been the reason that she had left a message for her father, and was the reason why she was now waiting for him to call her back.

A ringing sound interrupted her music, and she touched a button on her headset. “Hello Father.”

“Minako. I only have a few minutes, is there something you need?”

”Yes.” Minako's eyes narrowed as she walked. ”Why are you running background checks on all of my friends?”

“I was curious to know who they were.”

The nonchalance in her father’s voice set Minako’s teeth on edge. ”You invaded their privacy, Father. It isn’t right.”

A sigh filtered through her headphones. “Minako, I have been doing background checks on the people you’ve met since your mother and I chose the doctor who delivered you. You are in a new school with people you’ve never met before, you can hardly blame me for wanting to make sure you’re safe.”

”Then why not do one on every person in the school?”

“Because that’s a lot of names to run down. I needed to prioritize.”

She stopped walking, mouth open slightly at the sheer audacity and simplicity of his tone, as though his answer was the most natural thing in the world to say. She had only been joking in anger, she wanted to believe that he wouldn’t do such a thing. On the other, she could readily see him running checks on everyone at Mayweather and Delphina. In fact, she’d be very surprised if he hadn't done checks on all the staff as soon as the decision for her to attend had been made.

Rubbing her eyes, Minako continued walking. ”Then why did you send me the results, Father? How can I keep this from my friends?”

Another sigh came through her earpieces, this time heavy and slightly sad. ”Because you are an adult now, Minako, and this is the modern world. Despite what some of your more… old-fashioned relatives may think, it is not my right to decide what you can do and who you may and may not associate with. I can only give you my advice if you want it. I sent you the results because I wanted to make sure that you could make an informed decision. What you do with it is your choice.” There was a slight pause. “Looks like we’re starting back up again, I have to go. This Mireworks fellow is detestable, if we don’t finish this quickly I think Akiko is going to strangle him. I look forward to hearing how your classes go.”

With that, he hung up, leaving Minako biting her lip and in a more conflicted state than she had been in before. The best thing to do would be to admit what her father had done, but she wasn’t sure how everyone would take it. She suspected that more than a few would be very upset.

3:10 PM

When she reached the control room, headphones stowed away in her backpack and quite pleased that she more or less had a handle on where everything was on campu), there was only one occupant: a very severe looking woman that reminded Minako a great deal of her mother. It was mostly in the eyes, a stern, watchful gaze that you knew missed nothing and analyzed everything. While Minako could not meet Cecilia Lovelace’s gaze (she suspected that using one’s powers on a teacher, even by accident, would not leave a very good first impression), nor did she shrink from it. She had spent almost the entirety of her life living with those eyes on her. Instead, she strode into the room with as much confidence as she could muster, and bowed. ”Good afternoon, Mrs. Lovelace. Minako Ikeda, here as requested.”

Prompt. If only your colleagues approached their obligations with a similar attitude."

The elder teacher’s tone was entirely neutral, betraying nothing, something else that Minako was quite familiar with from her father. From all that she knew, Cecilia Lovelace was an extremely… controlled individual. ”Being early gives one a chance to prepare, and it is better than arriving late, Miss.” Practice kept Minako’s tone equally neutral and even, albeit polite.

Again, Mrs. Lovelace’s expression did not change, only blinking once as she briefly eyed the girl in front of her. “You’re Devon Slater’s daughter.” A statement of fact, not a question.

”Yes Miss. My mother and he send their regards.”

More silence followed. “Records say you transferred the first day of vacation.

Minako nodded. ”There were other obligations that my father and I had to attend to, Mrs. Lovelace. My focus, however, is here.”

With her arms crossed, Mrs. Lovelace held herself tall, back straight, never a slight emotion written on her fair face, an aura of wealth, class, and power, as her crisp voice sharply responded, “Word of advice, since you're already off to a good start; I'm the teacher who will learn the most about you, and my expectations are high."

Here, at least, her father’s information was proving useful, and Minako truly sympathized with Eliana. Minako was no stranger to demands for perfection, though in her case her immediate family seemed to recognize that there was a time and place. If the frustration that she sensed from the elder Lovelace child was any indication, coupled with the impression that Minako was getting now, then Eliana had no such respite. Perhaps it was fortuitous that they had met that night.

Minako raised her eyes as far as she would dare risk. ”And I shall exceed them, Mrs. Lovelace.”

For the second time since Minako had entered, Mrs. Lovelace’s piercing blue eyes traveled up and down the girl’s body, committing even the most minute detail to memory. “I expect nothing less.

Sensing that the conversation was concluded, Minako turned and made her way to the back wall, setting down her back and sitting down a short distance from the door. Making herself comfortable, she let her eyes drift closed, and unbeknownst to her a soft violet glow illuminated them from within as she slipped into an internal trance. She had some time.

3:28 PM

The vibration of her phone alarm roused Minako from her trance, and she opened her eyes to find the room slightly more populated than it had been before. There were a couple people she didn’t recall the names for, but that was to be expected. Others however, she did recognize.

Of course, she recalled Lucas’s face, and was pleased to see that he had apparently recovered none-the-worse for wear. Another… interesting sight was Elijah. She hadn’t had a chance to speak with him again since the night that she had arrived, and that was a conversation that she very much wanted to continue, even though he hadn’t been entirely the most pleasant conversationalist.

By far, however, the ones that Minako enjoyed seeing the most were her new friends. ”Kayla! Amy!” Slipping through the group, she embraced both girls, smiling happily. ”I thought that I had seen your names in the email. I must admit, I was surprised to receive it, given how new I am.”

The expression on Kayla’s face made her pause, and Minako frowned. ”Are you alright, Kayla? You don’t look well. Are you nervous?”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location; His Dorm -> Going To Arena -> Arena
Interacting With; | Himself |
Mood; Excited -> Nervous -> Confident -> Determined

By the time Will had returned from his morning jog, Keats was gone, presumably already at the meeting for the tournament. After a very quick shower, Will quickly got dressed, and made sure he looked at least semi presentable. Mrs. Lovelace had always intimidated him, quite a bit. She was so...intense. Besides the fading black eye, his appearance was good enough for him, and so, with a bit of a spring in his step, he headed towards the Control Room.

The black eye was courtesy of Allen Hops. After discovering him to be disguised as Terry, the kid had gotten him pretty good, and then run off. Will was still upset that he'd lost the kid, and now the guy was in the wind. He hadn't seen the little master of disguise since that day, and had decided that the chase was over. If and when Hops showed his face again, Will could deal with it, but now he had more important things to deal with.

Like this tournament. With Sam not participating, he and Avalon were spearheading her side in the competition. It would be up to them to make sure a Mayweather won, and him being one of the strongest competitors, a lot of responsibility rested on his shoulders. He was a powerhouse, no one could deny that. Pretty much every telekinetic could be considered dangerous, and Will had been training all his life. He could go toe to toe with many an older student. He knew he had a very good shot at winning.

And so, he strolled into the arena, and took a seat, surveying the competition. Lucas and Keats would be tough, same with Masterson. He'd have to bring his best to this competition. Luckily, he rarely brought anything else.

Location; Her Dorm -> Going to the Arena -> The Arena
Interacting With; | Lucas @Legion02 |
Mood; Devilish -> Nervous -> Thrilled

Never let it be said that Brenna Lancaster didn't dress to impress. As she stood in front of her mirror, making sure she looked styled to perfection, all she could think was that she was going to be the best dressed person at this meeting. Smirking at her reflection, she walked out and began towards the arena. She and Lucas were two of the heavy hitters from Gia's side that would be at this knock off Tournament of Terrors. And people who went up against heavy hitters, well accidents happen.

Seeing Lucas no longer put butterflies in her stomach. She'd since pushed any conflicting emotions regarding her friend very deep down. She had no time to be fooling around with him, not since everything that's happened. What put her more on edge was the thought of seeing James. She'd been avoiding him for the past week, but she figured he could very likely be at this meeting. I need to talk to him. God damn Brenna, if he get's caught on the other side of this, you'll hate yourself she thought, her face becoming a visage of worry as she strutted across campus.

Her confidence returned as she entered the arena and saw her competition. The only people she was really worried about were Blake, and that new girl, the one who'd bumped into Gia. She was strange, and Brenna saw her as a definite threat. Spotting Lucas bothering some girl, she took a seat next to him. "Now Lucas, I hope you aren't being so rude to one of our Mayweather friends here. It's not polite to play with your food," she said with a smirk, and a glance at Amy that held no warmth. Only the wickedness that the Ice Queen was famed for.

Location; Her Dorm -> Going to the Arena -> The Arena
Interacting With; | Will |
Mood; Sad -> Determined -> Doing okay, or at least faking it

Avalon didn't like crying. She hated it. Tears were weakness, as her grandmother would say. Avalon held a similar sentiment. So it's easy to infer that she was especially unhappy as she sat on the floor of her dorm, tears streaming down her face and clutching a picture to her chest. The picture in question was of her as a young girl, no older than three, in the arms of her father. The picture had come from Will's mother, who'd been an old friend of her fathers. Upon discovering that she was friends with Will, she'd sent her many pictures of her father, pictures that he'd sent her. Her grandmother had never spoken about the man known to the world as Tesla, and her mother had often been too intoxicated to speak of him. When she wasn't she refused. She was still stuck at the funeral, grieving eternally.

This torrent of tears had been brought on by her selection in the tourney, a tourney which her father had once competed in, and won. And now, here she was, carrying his moniker, and competing in the same tourney. Could she live up to the precedent he'd set? She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and sniffled, before taking a deep breath and wiping away the tears. She cleaned herself up, and took a deep breath. Tears are weakness she thought, and began her march to the meeting. The march to make her daddy proud.

Once at the arena, she took a seat next to Will. "Hey, you alright? he asked, noticing her red eyes. She nodded and offered a weak smile, and he dropped it. I'll make you proud Daddy. I promise she thought, biting her lip and surveying the others in the room. There was already a healthy amount of competition, and they didn't even have everyone here. This would be a tournament to remember.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location; Private study room
Interacting with; Each other; Sam texts Avalon @smarty0114; Mitch texts someone and Milo; Delphina Times @Legion02; Jenna's blog mentions Lucas and Elijah @BeastofDestiny
(Involves @HushedWhispers characters)
Laid back → Enlightening → Bitter
Vexed → Attentive → Delighted

In the basement of the library, in one of the private study rooms, Mitch leaned against the door watching Samantha pace back and forth in frustration. His dark gaze followed her every movement, action, and infliction. He knew why she was upset. It was a no brainer. Gianna was placed on the Dance committee, along with them, and it got under Mother Hurricane's skin -- to no end. She would have to tolerate the Delphina bitch's presence, at least once or twice a week. Trying to play the peacemaker (sorta, not really), he stretched his body, while yawning, "You know, this might be a good thing." First day back from vacation and school was already such a drag.

With an instant swerve of her body, her bright blue orbs glared at the Headmaster's son, "There you go again." She growled with the bitterness of black coffee in her soul. Only when her nemesis became a topic of discussion was when Sam struggled to contain her boiling anger, "Putting two people that absolutely hate each other in the same room on a weekly basis is just asking for shit to hit the fan. Winona thinks she's doing us a service, but really, she just wants in on the fun."

Mitch raised an eyebrow, not understanding what she meant by 'there you go again'. Shrugging it off, he suggested, all whilst keeping his calm facade, "You gotta' stop with this whole 'I'm butthurt thing'. It's time to open your eyes, Sam." His words caused her to stop pacing. She locked her gaze with his, conflicted as ever (why did she put up with this ass?). "There we go, now I got your undivided attention." He gestured for her to take a seat. A devilish smirk graced his face before Mitch recounted the past events, "You do realize this entire past week her puppy has been stuck in the infirmary since the day you declared war? The day after Gianna made you cry?" She was going to interject but he wouldn't let her, she needed to shut up and listen. "That means Gianna was down a man, an important one at that, while you sat around and did nothing."

"I did do--" Before she could finish saying all the orders and petty things she's achieved this past week, he stopped her by lifting his hand up. Mitch was not going to have her act like she had complete power in this situation. If she wanted his help, she would need to learn to respect the allies she had.

"You need to use opportunities like that, more often. This dance committee thing, like I said, is a good thing." He let his words settle in before continuing, "Now for as long as Mrs. P wills it, Gianna is kept in a room for X amount of hours. Enough time for you to make things happen, even while you're stuck with your enemy. This is not including her main pawns, and your's--"

"They aren't pawns!"

"--being heavily involved in the tournament. Do you really think they will have as much time to plot and plan?" He walked closer to her and knelt down so he could meet her gaze at head level. "If you use your cards wisely, you might have a chance."

Samantha's eyes narrowed. After pushing him out of her personal space, her anger dwindled and her mind contemplated his words, "What are you trying to say?"

In his pant's pocket, he pulled out a small envelope and handed it to Sam, "Secure your resources." Taking it cautiously, she opened it up and saw a picture of Lucas... with Eliana's mother and little sister?

"What is this?"

"Image is everything. Just a little slight angle change and you can make a picture worth a thousand words." Sam held onto the photo and deeply stared at it. Lucas was Eliana's enemy, right? Why would he look so... happy with her mother and sister? The Lovelace's were a notable heroic family but what was Lucas gaining from this?

Something clicked in her mind and she put the picture back into the envelope and returned it to the calculative villain, "I see what you're saying." Heroes should look more like heroes, while villains, well.... Reputation was everything in this dog eat dog world. Samantha needed to make sure she had loyal comrades while also maintaining her image. She needed to be seen as someone worth talking about and to, someone who wanted peace, and someone that many people didn't fear. Heroes should not be feared. Her anger for Gianna was making her lose herself, which was exactly what the villains wanted. It's easier to ruin a hero's image than a villain's, but with the help of her team, she was determined to turn the tables around. Sam knew she wasn't a mastermind but unlike Gianna, her beauty wasn't intimidating and her heart was in the right place. She needed to bring the mother image back that everyone loved - become for the people, not just for herself.

Coolly running his hand through his hair, Mitch chuckled, "I've already blasted it on Delphina Times with my anonymous account. Headliner: Big Bad Wolf or Puppy in Love. Inside Scoop on Lucas and his feud with Lovelace!"

What have we here? Lucas, Gianna's puppy and all around asshole of Delphina, is warming his way into the hearts of the Lovelace family. One of the most globally renowned heroic families today! Is this a normal teacher plus student interaction or something more? Well folks, this wouldn't be the first time he's gotten heavily involved with his nemesis' family.

Has anyone noticed how well Lucas behaves around Mrs. Lovelace, while in other classes he just kicks his boots off and sleeps? Major slacker, even in seminars led by Delphina teachers! His bullying may very well be a cover up for his hidden intentions.

Maybe he's trying to get the mother's blessing? Oh man, that's a doozy. Lucas actually in love with Eliana Lovelace. Can you believe it? Her little sister surely does. Below the article I've attached her blog, make sure to keep following her to know how much Eliana is turning a bad dog good. Will the first cross-school relationship come from an unexpected corner? We'll just have to wait and see.
(Written by both Legion and Lovely)
Eliminator0397, Delphina Times

If anyone were to look into his username, it would lead to one person: Samuel Keats. Eliminator was a boxing term and he used the month and year of the villain. Wouldn't that be fun if Lucas thought his close guy friend blew his feud with Lovelace out of proportion because he thought it was petty? Also, the blog is proven to be Jenivieve Lovelace's because of her About Me section, which has a picture of her and Eliana together.

Looking at the time, Samantha stood up, tall and confidant as ever, "Way to go, Mitch! You're using your education for good. How does that make you feel?" She stuck out her tongue, before heading to the door. He didn't even bother commenting. "We should do this more often. You've exceeded my expectations, I'm impressed, but let's get upstairs, shall we?"

"Yeah, sure. You go on ahead. I want to check to see how many people looked at my post!" he lied. A big grin still plastered on his face, no signs of any emotion besides mischievousness. Sam looked at him pleased and simply nodded in response, exiting with her radiant charm and smile.

Mitch took the next moment to text someone, letting out a deep sigh. His brown orbs became distant, as he gritted his teeth.

To: Shitbird
(color will be left out to leave it as an anonymity)
I did what you asked.

He needed to see Milo soon, who was gone all vacation visiting his family. There was so much he needed to update his lover on.

To: ♥Milo♥
Roof tonight? Around 8? Don't eat dinner! You can snack.

While Samantha walked to the top floor, she texted her girl.

To: Avalon
I love you! Good luck at crushing Delphina butt! Oh. Bailey told me Ellie was dating the pyro. We can't possibly have one of our's caught up in that mess <3. Can you do something about that?

Sam knew Avalon, Eliana, Lucas, Elijah, and Mrs. Lovelace were all in the arena. Perhaps a scene could blow up Ellie's love life, causing her mother to shut her down and make the Delphina boys' lives harder during their time in the Control Room until the tournament. She knew Mrs. Lovelace did not want Ellie to be dating, which only meant a mother's wrath was bound to surface if she knew the entire school thought Elijah and Eliana were going steady! If there's 'romance' flourishing between Lucas and Eliana, there can't possibly be any distractions with another villain. She giggled to herself. Things were surely taking a turn for the better.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location; Arena
Interacting with; Eliana with her mother → Sylvia with Mrs. Lovelace → Sylvia with everyone in the Arena (a comment directed to Lucas and Brenna) → Mrs. Lovelace with her students
Exhausted and Scared → Saddened → On edge → Reasonable and attentive → Surprised and nervous
Conniving → Snarky → Irritated
| Outfit | Outfit |

3:30 PM, on the dot.

The door of the control room loudly bursted open with Eliana Lovelace rushing in (sweat running down her face), throwing her duffel bag on the ground, and scurrying to her mother. Ignoring everyone else around her, Ellie went straight to her like the obedient daughter she was and deeply stared at her mother’s glare, trying to hide the coursing fear and her racing heartbeat, “No excuses. I’m late.” Her voice was out of breath and she wanted to just collapse on the ground, but she knew if she did… her punishment would turn out far worse than what her mother currently had in mind.

Her mother, who stood intimidatingly tall for a woman of 5’6”, turned her right hand over as if asking for something. Ellie’s heart dropped. She was losing access to the auditorium and the library. In silence, she dug in her pant’s pocket and reluctantly grabbed a hold of her mother’s extra key card. Sadly, she placed it in her mother’s hand. Cecilia Lovelace didn’t need to say anything. She expected Eliana from now until the tournament to focus on practicing - not read a book or play her cello. The two things that made her daughter feel somewhat better about her stressful existence. Mrs. Lovelace simply stared, those eyes that felt like piercing daggers, at her daughter, which was enough for Eliana to join the others. Not thinking where she chose to stand, the young girl went beside Elijah, which made her mother’s eyes narrow (but brush it aside, for now). Ready to begin the meeting, the woman of power opened her mouth, but before she could say anything she was interrupted by something dreadful.

The jet lag wasn’t doing Sylvia much good as her legs carried her to the Control Room, nearly 5 minutes late to the meeting before the tournament began. She was tired, groggy, and not in such a great mood after being forced to come back here to this hell hole. Ugh. At least she looked great in her extravagant black dress and bejeweled pumps! Plus Lucas Lovelace’s hotel in Japan had been such a great experience! A giant shopping center with so many good eats, connected to a luxurious theme park in the center of Tokyo! The man was truly a pioneer in hotel accommodations. Alas, here she was, all decked out in her finest garments and clanking towards this mandatory meeting. Someone else was supposed to be there, but with a few strings pulled, the Vargas had managed to put herself firmly in their place. That other person would have received a sad email about a “mix up in the system”. A grin spread upon the ginger’s face at the thought, silently hoping that kid was crying over it.

Sheesh. Thinking about it, she was in a very sadistic mood right now. Not that was much of a change, but part of her just wanted to carve someone’s soul out and serve it for dinner. That’s when she remembered what she’d seen earlier on Jenna’s blog and in the Delphina Times. Two of her most favorite people in the world popped into her head: Eliana and Cecilia, the sister and mother of her best friend respectively. Rubbing her hands together anticipatingly, there was a bit more of a pep to Sylvia’s step as she forced herself on at a quicker pace to get to the Control Room! Oh this was going to be so much fun!

”Ceciliaaa!” the redheaded princess practically sang when she spotted the Lovelace in the center of the room, finishing reprimanding her own daughter for heaven’s knew what. Waving and brandishing an obviously fake smile, she interrupted anything Cecilia was about to say and interjected in the rudest kind of way. ”How is my favorite Lowborn teacher doing today? I just got back from Tokyo. Your husband is as splendid as he ever was. You… well, you still like you picked yourself out of a garbage bin. So sad.” Sylvia came out swinging like the heavyweight champion of verbal abuse. Cocking her head, she saw that the expression in Cecilia’s face was one of both bewilderment and annoyance.

Good afternoon to you, Sylvia. You aren't supposed to be here.” Cecilia responded calmly and professionally. The ginger laughed at the Professor’s words, jumping into the explanation. ”Oh you don’t know, do you? Leave it to you to not check your emails. Well here’s a quick FYI: I’m in the tournament now! Splendid, isn’t it?” Though Sylvia was more than half Cecilia’s age, she was harassing the poor Professor with reckless abandon, knowing fully well that the blonde couldn’t touch her lest she face dire consequences. Unfortunately for everyone, she was far from done with her mockery. If people were paying attention, Mrs. Lovelace was subtly clenching her teeth and holding her tongue, knowing she would have to deal with this issue dilemma and give Mr. Vargas a call afterwards, though she didn’t believe it would accomplish much since they spoiled their daughter immensely. Meanwhile, Eliana clasped her hands together and took a deep breath in, holding her urge of stepping in.

Next to the Professor, Sylvia turned and gazed at the competition, like she was some kind of meat inspector checking the quality of the day's haul. A hand on her chin, she began mulling over their names, some out loud and in her head. There were respectable people in this group, such as Minako Ikeda and Amelia von Carsten, but not enough to impress this privileged white girl. Her chocolate orbs seemed to light up when she scrolled over Lucas and Brenna, nearly laughing out loud. ”Oh! Look! A couple of the whore’s lackeys! I don’t expect them to last long, no.” The whore was, of course, Ms. Gianna Daniels. There wasn’t a bone in her body that liked that girl, mostly because she had dated Vince, her Freshman crush, for a long while. How someone could date someone so promiscuous as her though, she hadn’t the faintest idea. Gia wasn’t a problem right now though. No, her focus was on Lucas, who'd be more admirable if he didn't hang around trash, and Eliana, the nerdy librarian that had no right to call herself a Lovelace. These two lovebirds were going to be the talk of the school, she was sure. ”Darling, did you know that Mr. Lucas has doe eyes for Eliana? Jenna told me. Well, and it’s on her blog. And on the front page of the Delphina Times. God knows why though. If you pulled yourself out of the garbage bin, then I’d say she’s one of those ugly little sewer rats. Seriously, what the hell is she wearing today?” She grimaced at whatever trashy outfit the eldest Lovelace sister was wearing, heavily criticizing the bookish girl. Shaking her head, she murmured, ”I just don’t understand how Jenna is the only one of you Lovelace ladies that has any dignity whatsoever.” Eliana’s hands tightened, but her mother lifted her hand subtlely, which told her daughter to let the self absorbed girl finish her tangent.

Not a second later, Sylvia sank her claws further underneath Professor Lovelace’s skin, dragging out skeletons better left alone. “On second thought, you won't have a semblance of dignity once your Lucas divorces you. Jenna’s told me all about those nasty fights, you know. I suppose you could try marriage counseling, but you know what they say about that: it never works out. I'll give it a year before you're on the streets.” Snickering, she watched Cecilia’s face twist up into a scowl. Sylvia hoped she would do something, just to give her an excuse to run to mommy and complain about how awful Cecilia Loveless was. The Professor was smarter than that though, not willing to risk her job over the ginger princess’ petty bullshit. Before she gave the reigns back to the blonde, Sylvia just had one more comment to make. Pointing at Lucas and Ellie, she began speculating on their relationship verbally. “Do you think Eliana likes Lucas back though? What if she wants to screw her dad, but she can't because ewww. But! She knows this guy Lucas who's sort of okay looking, I guess? So she thinks she can live out one of those weird, little fantasies of hers through him. Gross. Can't say that's unwarranted from her though. After all, it must be hard looking like a Troll doll and not being able to get a date. Desperate girls are just like that.” If it wasn't obvious yet, then anyone who had yet to meet Sylvia Vargas was getting a great snapshot of how the girl worked. Her tirade ended with Sylvia waving a hand to Cecilia, as if giving her permission to speak freely.

This is neither the time or place to express your speculations, but I’m sure Mrs. Dunn and Mr. Danford enjoyed every minute of it.” The teacher gestured up to the hanging office, whether the spoiled princess believed they were in there or not was entirely up to her, but she had a meeting to start, “Since you’re so determined to make this an interactive meeting, why don’t you and Eliana come assist me?” Their teacher directed them to stand a distance apart from each other, directly behind her, as if they would put on a display for the rest of the participants. In this matter, the entitled rich princess had to do as her teacher said, regardless of if she wanted to or not. This was more of a bluff than anything because Mrs. Lovelace did not have the time to have students fight in a fifteen minute meeting.

As much as Eliana wanted to do terrible things to Sylvia, she knew this wouldn’t end well for the red haired bimbo. Closing her eyes, Ellie sighed and then spoke up, “Mother, why don’t we save that for the tournament? As much as a sparring match would be great to be in, I’d like to save my cards for later.

While the fact that the Headmasters were watching them startled the redhead, it was only enough to quell her lampooning of Cecilia. Sylvia snorted at her opponent’s declination, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. ”So the scared bitch runs. How predictable.” she muttered with glee. Internally, she understood she would have lost this battle had they commenced. Sylvia may be an egotistical bitch, but she was self-aware of her powers, which were more or less lackluster offensively. Add on to the fact that mind manipulators, such as Eliana, utterly bypassed her defenses. It was better to hold your head high and go out swinging than to roll over like a dead dog though.

Like expected, Eliana said her peace and Mrs. Lovelace was grateful she did so. Hopefully, with no more interruptions, she finally informed her students, “Since we don’t have much time, I’m going to keep my explanation concise and straight to the point. Mayweather Sixteen has been with our school for years. It’s a full day experience, with breaks between battles, where you can fight your peers until either the time runs out and you are judged, or until your opponent forfeits or is unable to fight.” She paused and let that settle in before continuing, “You will be injured. You could fall unconscious, but I can promise you, you will not die. We will have referees and emergency medical workers throughout the arena but also, you will wear bracelets that can read your body pressure, heartbeat, and capacity to fight. If we think your opponent is at their limit, your bracelet will blink red. Depending on how in the moment you are, it may inject a serum that will sedate you. We start the day with eight grand battles.” Mrs. Lovelace let her eyes trail to each and one of her students as she spoke, “Who you fight won’t be known until the big day. You’ll be given a number 1 to 8. The person who matches your number will be your opponent. Simple enough.

Walking now, her heels resounding throughout the Arena, she continued to spill out information, while walking between them and looking at their expressions and posture, “Usually afterwards is the Epic Eight round, where the winners fight in another 1 on 1 battle and so on and so forth until there is two left for the finale. This year we decided to try something new.” She stopped in front of Lucas, meeting his gaze. Her stare read that she didn’t believe the rumors of him and her daughter. Continuing on her way, she added, “After all first battles have ended, the Epic Eight will enter the arena together. This year we decided to make a free for all challenge. Your goal: be the last one standing. Do not think the only thing you have to worry about is your opponent, which I do recommend studying every participant. The more prepared you are, the more likely you will win. For those who do not know what the arena is capable of doing, the arena is your enemy as well. It will form a scenario for you to deal with and random occurrences will most likely happen where you will have to think on your feet. Of course, you won’t find out any of that until the day of.

Returning to the front of the room, she smiled, no longer bothered by Sylvia, who seemed to be quiet or at least keeping to herself, for now, “If you have any questions, feel free to email me since we have inspectors coming in to evaluate the arena once more in just a few. I also think those who are capable of thinking of questions, should be the only ones who hear my answers. Questions could lead to better chances at becoming the Champion, so that’s why we’ll keep it confidential through email.

Gesturing to her side with her head, she gave them a task before they would be allowed to go back to their merry lives, “To my right, by the changing room, there are six polling stations, with a ballot box in each of them, I want you to write your name on the piece of paper and check the top three people you would like to fight at the tournament. This doesn’t mean you will get the chance to fight them, but there’s always a possibility. Feel free to write down your reasons why you want to fight these individuals in particular to perhaps convince me, I may consider them.” And with that, Mrs. Lovelace was finished. If they wanted to come up to her and talk, while they waited for a station to open up, they could, or they could chat amongst themselves. She truly didn’t want to deal with Sylvia, so hopefully someone would keep them occupied.

Eliana noticed her mother staring at her. Looking around, Ellie realized she was standing next to Elijah and a faint blush fell on her face before she immediately ran to one of the ballots. She knew her mother was going to pick whoever she pleased, regardless of what Ellie wanted, so she tried to think of who her mother would want her to fight. Poking her head out, she made sure no one was around her before quickly checking off names.

Eliana Lovelace

1 - Lucas Farweight - To challenge me on the battlefield with his physical strength and Solar Force abilities. I would also like to show that even a freshman can be capable of taking someone of his level down, for I have never gotten a chance to fight him before. (That last part may have been a lie...sorta. We haven’t fought on this level before. But… we’re always fighting.)
2 - Elijah Masterson - Similar reason to why I want to fight Lucas, his powers are fire and my powers are mental-based. I am not afraid to take someone like him down! And I would love to show that to you. (Maybe this will convince her that I’m not dating him...)
3 - Brenna Lancaster - I’m ready to face her. (You got this, Ellie)

Sylvia’s fists were clenched, an aura of animosity radiating off of her slender form as she strode over to the polls. She fully expected a call from her mother soon, considering the involvement of the Headmasters, but she doubted there would be anything that came of it. Her parents were pushovers and scarcely understood the concept of punishment. Either way, it really peeved her that she had to hear from anyone at all about this. In the booth and with deft, elegant handwriting, the angelic woman left her message for the Professor:

Do your worst, you Lowborn whore.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location; Somewhere in the library → The White Room
Interacting with; Jenna Lovelace by text, Brenna and Lucas by text, Jenna texts her sister, her mother, and Sylvia → People in the White Room
(Involves @HushedWhispers characters)
Always scheming → Conversational

Indifferent. That's how she felt this past week and that's how she felt when she received the email to attend this mandatory dance committee meeting. Lucas had been in the infirmary for most of the week due to an incident in the Red Level room, which was unfortunate but couldn't be helped. Now that he was back out and ready for action, they could continue their operations. She did have something in mind, something she wanted to happen sooner rather than later. Perhaps another meeting needed to happen soon. She'd wait until tonight, maybe take her companions out prowling in the Big Apple.

Occasionally, getting out and letting loose was something they needed to do, plus she had connections to a fun underground club that was more up their alley than the 'heroes only' party they crashed. Brenna wasn't the legal drinking age but Gianna had her ways of getting her in and getting her access to alcohol (this wouldn't be Brenna's first time going to this particular club). Gia had a great desire to corrupt some heroes, like naive Eliana, but that would require some deceit on her part. Her phone did inform her of the newest Delphina Times' post. All the more reason to do this.

To: Ellie's Problem
This is Lucas! Wow, your blog... surprised me. I was wondering, want to help me take Ellie out tonight? Don't tell her you have my #. I want to keep this a surprise.

From: Ellie's Problem
OMG. Saving ur # rite now! so glad you luv it! I knewwww it. Tho...2day is 2sday...

To: Ellie's Problem
College kids, remember? Convince your mom you're going to sleep over Ellie's. I want to show her... how a Delphina has fun.

From: Ellie's Problem
YES.YES. Party!? or...?

To: Ellie's Problem
More like a club, but we can get you two in. Dress her into something appropriate ;)

From: Ellie's Problem
U kno I will. Bring...some friends.

To: Ellie's Problem
Of course. Google map directions to Delirium, see you @ 9.

A devious smirk decorated Gia's face, as she sat in a lounge within the library. This was quite exciting, but she would have to keep her great plans to herself, for now. What was her gain from this? She wanted to have fun. What better way than to have fun with people like the lovely Lovelaces.

To: My Pup, The Gorg Apprentice
Delirium @ 9. Bring friends. Lets live for the night. ;)

Jenna was squealing on her bed, she couldn't believe Lucas out of all people reached out to her. She must be a phenomenal writer that made him fully convinced he loved Eliana! Her homework was kicked to the ground and she rolled in her bed in pure elation. Eagerly, she sat up and gasped, "I need to text people!"

To: Waffles
I have a bday party to go 2 2nite... can u come wit me? I want to spend more time wit u. Pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

To: Mommy
Can I sleepover Ellie's 2nite? She's having bad nitemares again. Nora said she'll be able to take me to school! Luv u mommy xoxo

To: Mommy
She hasn't gotten sleep in forever! I want 2 do this for her! Homework is done. Room cleaned. This is more for Ellie than me.

To: Bottom bitch
I got invited to a 21+ shindig! Want 2 help fool my sister and take her with us? Make her cool. I want her 2 think it's a highskool party.

Gianna had finished up her phone call with one of the bartenders, Giovanni Brunetti at Delirium, a family friend of Vince's. He absolutely adored Gia and was still in pain from their loss, so he knew how important it was for Vince's girl to get out and forget her woes. She had informed him of the possibility of her inviting a few friends, who may be underage. He was pretty understanding, since he could careless about rules, being a villain himself known as False Pretense (Trickery was his specialty. He could detect lies, steal with ease - the sleight of hand master, a pro gambler, but his actual power was his ability to induce lies onto others, forcing them to believe what he wanted). This wouldn't be the first time he convinced the bouncers to let underage kids in - Lucas, especially, was his boy. Even if he was having one of his moody days, she could use her powers to get everyone in - but the club knew her face and those who hung out with her. After she was done with the phone call, she texted him the names to be on the look out for tonight, mostly the Lovelace daughters. Gianna expected word to travel fast that she was going out with Brenna and Lucas later on today, not so much her tricking Eliana to enter an atmosphere she wasn't mentally prepared for - assuming Jenna could convince her mother. That would be left more under wraps until people saw her at a wild, underground club. Tonight would be a night dedicated to the younger creatures of the night, but hey, more business for Delirium. When she was on the phone, she did say Lucas and Brenna's name loudly, expecting news to travel and get to Sam or her messengers. Who knows? Maybe tonight could be fun in more ways than one. Unlike Sam's party, Gianna was expecting more visitors, heroes and villains alike, to trail behind and try to get into the club. Giovanni knew how she liked it: an open door policy (at least for those who drop her name to the bouncer).

Arriving on time, Gia took note that Mrs. P was too zoned in on reading that she was not paying attention to the discussion going on around her. Cool. That meant Gianna wasn't going to get in trouble. Her stare glanced over the faces from Sam, Mitch, to Tris, Jackson, and Hugo. Ah. What a lovely meeting we have here. There was also confetti everywhere. Probably Tristan's doing. Taking her seat beside Sam and Winona, Gianna smiled at her nemesis, "Nice day to have a meeting, don't you think?" This caused Sam to clench her teeth, but reluctantly reply, "Of course." Shaking his head, Mitch decided to get the meeting in motion, "So let's talk ideas!"

Winona nodded in agreement, "I want to hear what you guys have in mind. Our budget can rent a fairly decent place, hire a caterer, buy decorations, etc. We just have to keep the social dance at a classy level. Okay?"

Sam was tempted to offer something but Gianna intentionally cut her off, "What if the theme was black and white, but maybe we can have a Mister and Miss Congeniality and they wear red? Well, the guy like a red tie or something. I think what the faculty would love is if we recognized those individuals who truly got along with Mayweather and Delphina alike."

"That'll turn into a popular contest." Samantha rolled her eyes, but she wasn't completely against the idea.

"That's why you and I wouldn't participate in it. Honestly, I don't think any senior should participate in it. We should be role models and make them want to do good for both schools, wouldn't you agree?"

Intrigue gleamed in Winona's gaze as she made sure her secretary was writing the idea down, "I like where your head is Gia. Maybe we can have four rather than two? A boy and girl from both schools respectively and then they share a dance together, with the opposite school's winners, to show how well we're getting along! What are your guys' opinions? Any other ideas?"

Sighing to herself, Samantha offered, "Simply Divine can provide the works for us. Food, floral design and décor, a specialty cake, a photographer. They have a holiday menu too. It's a bit on the pricey side, but it saves us the hassle of seeking out many different places. We can look up more places but I don't think it gets any better than that."

Hm. Mitch was curious about something himself, "Mrs. Petrescue, would we have access to champagne or wine since New Years would be just around the corner? I do know some people won't necessarily be of age but..."

Glancing up from her letter, Margaret apathetically locked eyes with the boy, "There will be supervision, so yes, we could have alcohol there. Those underage would be limited to one glass of their choice for the toast."

"Oh snap! This is getting cool." Mitch was definitely getting excited now. This Formal was going to be tight. Wait... a toast? "Who will be saying the toast?"

"We could have these 'congeniality' winners say it, or we can have you, since you are the headmaster's son."

"Uh--" Should he? or...?

Winona chimed in, "That can be figured out later. Let's talk more about the party in general. Feel free to take on tasks if you'd like to."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Minako Ikeda

Location: Control Room Arena

Interacting with: Gianna Daniels, Eliana Lovelace via text, Cecilia Lovelace via email (@lovely complex), Kayla Styles via text (@BeastofDestiny), Amy Stevenson via text (@Lasrever)

Mood: Angry → Determined

To all outward appearances, save to those who were especially well-trained in reading body language, Minako was the model student. Eyes forward, hands loosely clasped behind her back, an expression of focused attention on her face. If one had been paying attention to her, they might have caught the brief flicker of disapproval when Sylvia Vargas entered the room, but otherwise there was no indication of any reaction what-so-ever.

Inwardly? Minako seethed.

That disrespectful… arrogant… stuck-up… undisciplined... poofy little… BRAT! Oh, how Minako very much wanted to smack her. She had never had the displeasure of meeting Sylvia in person, but she certainly knew of her. The eldest child of the Vargas family, and their greatest source of shame. The girl who got everything she ever wanted, and acted like the world owed her something. In most circumstances, Minako would have paid her no mind at all, someone who was simply not worth wasting her time on.

But this? To act so disrespectfully, and so publically, towards a teacher? And more importantly, towards her friends? No, she hadn’t missed the cracks directed towards Eliana and Gianna, and it infuriated her in ways that went deep, igniting things that Minako kept buried. Visions flashed through her mind, of Sylvia bound and bent over her knee. Exposed, vulnerable, begging for a mercy that was completely outside her power to obtain, and entirely within Minako’s to give or withhold. This girl acted like she owned the place, like she was untouchable. This wasn’t an adult who was getting ready to enter the world. This was a spoiled child.

What angered Minako the most, was that there was nothing special about Sylvia. Wealth tended to imbue that quality in people, that they were superior to others. Hell, she had grown up with people like Sylvia, her own uncle and cousin were practically just like her, if not so brazen in their opinions. As the saying went, power corrupts. There would always be people like Sylvia, and part of her father’s lessons was learning how to deal with them, because as often as not they were not worth trying to do anything about them, unless they were an obstacle. Then, you found a way around them. It was simply a matter of vision; people like Sylvia didn’t have any.

But now, as she made her way towards the polling booths, Minako knew that right now she had an opportunity to indulge herself. When she had first walked into the Arena control room, she had been largely ambivalent about the Tournament. It was interesting, yes, a chance to test herself against the other students, and she would certainly put forth her best effort. She had practically promised as much to Ms. Lovelace, and Minako always kept her promises. But ultimately, wherever she placed in the Tournament was not of real importance to her.

That hadn’t really changed, except in one respect. As Minako stepped up to one of the booths, she immediately wrote down one name at the very top, and circled it. People like Sylvia Vargas believed that the world owed them. The world owed them nothing, and sometimes they needed to see just how small they were in comparison. It was a lesson in respect that Minako would be more than happy to teach her.

1. Sylvia Vargas. The manner in which she spoke is unacceptable in ANY circumstance. Attending a school such as this is a privilege that should be earned, not a right to be bought, as I am sure she did. I am NOT going to lose to someone like her.

She tapped the pencil on the desk. The question was, how? Defeating her in the tournament would be ideal. She had no doubt that if Sylvia lost, she would raise a stink with her parents, but there would be nothing she could do. Her family was influential in its own right, and even if Sylvia did manage to get the school to make things difficult for her, well, success was the best form of revenge. She would have no power over Minako.

The problem was, however, she didn’t know much of anything about Sylvia’s powers, which was a disadvantage. Of course, given how new Minako was, there were only a handful of people who even knew what her own powers were, so that placed them on an even playing field. What Minako needed was information.

A small smile played about her lips. She wasn’t going to stoop to her father’s level, not unless she absolutely needed to, but she did have resources she could use. Allies who might help her. And she needed to talk to them anyways. Reaching into her skirt pocket, she pulled out her phone.

To: Gianna

What is the soonest we could meet? There is something I need your help with, and a secret I need to tell you. It’s important.

Hope your day is going well.

To: Kayla, Amy, Eliana

I think we would do better in the Tournament if we worked together. We can help each other train, share information that we have learned, and if we make it to the free-for-all, we could help each other. Does that sound good?

Also, there is something I need to tell you all. It’s important.

To: Ms. Lovelace

Subject: Confirming the rules

I just wanted to make sure I correctly understood everything. The referees will intervene if a combatant is in danger of becoming seriously injured, but otherwise we are free to fight in whatever manner we choose?

Also, what are the rules regarding tools and weapons in the battles?

Arigatoo Gozaimasu

Minako Ikeda

With that out of the way, she slid her phone back into her pocket and turned her attention back to the slip of paper. Besides Sylvia, Minako simply didn’t know enough to decide if there was anyone else that she especially wanted to fight. She knew that she didn’t want to fight Kayla, Amy or Eliana, but asking to not fight someone was likely out of the question. Turning her head, she looked over the small crowd of teens and pursed her lips, then turned back to the booth.

2. Avalon Middleton. It would be beneficial to test myself against a more experienced opponent.

3. Amelia Carstein. I do not know what she is able to do, but she seems to be an intriguing person to test myself against.

With her choices settled, Minako dropped her paper into the ballot box and returned to her friends, stopping to pick up her backpack and walking with a great deal more natural confidence and purpose than she had when she had first come in. No matter what this Tournament would bring, she had a goal now. And Minako Ikeda always excelled at her goals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location; Arena
Interacting With; No-one
Mood; Annoyed → Excited → Determined

Keats had arrived in the arena just before Sylvia did, watching the ensuing drama and finding it more funny than anything else. None of it seemed directed at him, but some of it sounded completely off-base. Luke having a thing for Lovelace, for example. Far as Keats could tell, Luke hated the girl's guts, so he wasn't sure where that had come from. Then again, the guy's hatred was kinda obsessive. Keats preferred to think that his buddy was better than some preschooler pushing a girl around because he liked her.

The idea that it was in the Times was a surprise, though. Mostly 'cause it was hard to imagine someone in Delphina picking a fight with Luke so blatantly. After all, he could probably stomp most of them. Keats would probably look into whoever wrote it once he got the chance, anyway. There were times to stir up trouble, but if one of his schoolmates wanted to do that, then there were the Mayweathers to target. Trying to start some kind of internal feud was just a stupid decision.

Keats didn't spend too much time thinking about it, though. While Luke was his friend and all, and he kinda sorta had an obligation to try and give the guy a hand, it wasn't like Keats himself had anything to do with it, beyond helping out with a prank or two. He had the tournament to focus on anyway, didn't he? Drama wasn't gonna be one of his top priorities for the next while. Unless someone else decided to try and make it one.

It was a testament to Keats' enthusiasm for the tournament that he actually gave Mrs. Lovelace his complete focus when she started talking, and listened to all that she said. Rarely would he actually bother paying attention to any lecture, even a short one like that. Once she'd finished talking, Keats found himself even more eager at the prospect. Making a mental note to take the teacher's advice on board, he cast his thoughts forward to the tournament. There was stuff he wanted to know, but most of that was to do with the match-ups.

One thing Keats was sure about was that he was ready. Completely, one hundred percent ready to get this thing going. Hearing about how this was gonna work just made him even more excited - an 8 man brawl? Did it get any better than that? Talk about an opportunity to let loose. Finally, after all this schooling and rules crap, he could just let loose until he had to stop. It was probably the best thing he could have asked for.

The changes in the arena sounded like they'd be interesting as well. Adapting to the situation was a useful skill for any villain, and he liked to think he was pretty good at it. He was smarter than he looked, despite what he chose to show people. Part of him worried that he'd end up going too far by accident, but he pushed it to the back of his mind for now. That would just be what happened in the fight, and he couldn't go worrying about it. If someone was weak enough for that to happen, they didn't have a place here.

Keats decided he'd be best heading over to the poll station, putting in his requests. He had a few ideas about who he wanted to take on. People who were strong, and who'd put on a show in a fight against him. Even if he lost, he wanted a worthy opponent, not someone who he was expected to just stomp. That wasn't how he did things. Thinking about it, he grinned as he wrote down his requests. He didn't bother making it formal, and it was obvious in his writing.


1: Will Blake - We're roommates, and I'd say both think we're tough. I hate to say it, but he's good. I'd like to think I'm better. Truth is, I wanna find out which of us comes out on top.

2: Avalon Middleton - Sparky's always had a bone to pick with me. Thinks she's queen of the whole damn world. We'll see if she keeps that up once I pound her face into the dirt. All in the spirit of competition.

3: Kayla Styles - I wanna see how her tech stacks up against natural talent. I got a hunch she's stronger than she gets credit for, and I wanna see how much.

Once he was done scribbling down his requests - with the addition of a few doodles to emphasise his point because why the hell not - Keats walked out of the polling station. Well, more like strode. It was obvious that he was feeling pretty good. Despite the slightly immature delivery there was a pattern and reasons behind his requests - first, they were all Mayweathers, and second, they couldn't really mess around in his head. Will could see his thoughts, but unless Keats had missed something, the guy couldn't mess with them so it was good enough.

The main reason for this was because Keats was scared as anything of what playing with his mind would come up with. He didn't want to risk a breakdown in front of the whole school - who knew what damage that could do to his reputation? As long as people just figured he was some brainless bruiser, they wouldn't try anything with him, but if his weaknesses were put on show... He tried not to think about that.

For now, it was just time to prepare himself for what was coming. Maybe he'd be able to grab a spot in the control room. There was some stuff he wanted to test about his powers if he had time. Really find out his limits before someone else found them for him. In Keats' experience, the middle of a fight was a bad time to find that kind of thing out.

Sure, the smartest thing to do was probably trying to find out about the competition, but it didn't matter who he was up against. Keats was confident he could take them down. Well, most of them anyway. As for the rest - hopefully someone else would take them out before he had to. A man could dream, couldn't he?

For now, Keats walked towards the door. He'd heard everything that he had to. If he thought of anything else, he'd ask, but he didn't see a reason to stick around.

Location: Arena
Interacting With: Minako Ikeda @Thundercrash Kayla Styles @BeastofDestiny
Mood: Surprised → Nervous → Frustrated → Resolute

Amy just about jumped out of her skin when Minako wrapped her up in a hug, making a fairly undignified noise of shock. Once she realised it was just her friend, Amy looked a little embarrassed. "Minako! Sorry, I'm just kind of jumpy right now. For obvious reasons." she said, waving her hand at the surrounding participants. After a second, she looked at Kayla.

"Sorry I didn't notice you either - but she's right, Kayla. In the nicest way possible, you look like hell. And by that, I mean your face says you genuinely want to die. I thought I was stressed." she said. Amy would have pressed to find out what was wrong, but it was at that point that any attempts at conversation were put to an end by the arrival of some redheaded girl. Who, in Amy's opinion, seemed like a complete bitch.

It was true that Mrs. Lovelace could be strict, but the woman didn't deserve to sit there and deal with some stuck-up brat calling her everything under the sun. That girl was the sort of person who figured that everyone owed them something, just because Mummy and Daddy had a lot of money or influence to toss around. Ugh. At least it didn't seem to phase the woman too much, since she was still happy enough talking with them about the tournament.

Amy felt her heart drop into her stomach when Mrs. Lovelace explained the rules. A free-for-all? That really, really didn't suit her. Even if she got people on her side, she wasn't sure she could use her abilities without screwing their days up. It was definitely worrying, to say the least. If she hadn't already been freaked out by the idea of the tournament, this would have made it happen. As it was, it had turned her nerves from 'this is bad but everything will be fine' to 'oh my god I'm going to die before I even turn 20 this is bullshit'. Not the best.

Still, she looked around the room, thinking about the comments from earlier. 'Look what the cat dragged in', 'Don't play with your food'. It wasn't unusual, but today of all days it had gotten on her nerves. She'd been selected for the goddamn tournament, and she still wasn't anything more than a joke. A weakling. The girl that always got her ass kicked, that couldn't beat the control room. Not worth fearing, not worth hating, not worth even a second thought.

Without realising it, Amy was clenching her fists a little. The same thoughts just kept running through her head. She was frustrated. It was finally dawning on her just how sick she was of all these supers acting like they were above her, above anyone that they thought of as weaker than they were. And she couldn't even blame them for it, because she hadn't done anything to make a mark!

Closing her eyes for a second, Amy thought the situation over. She had two choices here. Either she could suck it up for the whole tournament, pretend she was the weakling that they all thought, and go about the rest of her school life as a nobody. The girl no-one knew, and the girl no-one cared to know. Or she could make her mark. Find one of the strongest, the top dogs from both schools, and wipe them out. Of course, for either one of these to be logical, she'd have to face down someone that everyone knew was strong.

After all, if she just forfeited against someone weak, it made her look like she had something to hide. But if it was someone tough, then who could blame poor little Amy for backing down? To be honest, though, that wasn't what she was planning on. The tournament was the last straw. There was a slightly forced expression of calm on her face as she headed to the polling station. Hopefully people would assume she was just hiding nerves rather than anger.

Picking up the pen, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure there was no-one watching her answers. Seeing her choosing to take on the sort of people she was aiming for would only raise questions. Questions that she didn't feel like answering, at least not yet.

Racking her brains, she took a moment to think. Who were the big names at this thing? A few people came to mind right away, so she started scribbling her thoughts down.

Amy Stevenson

1: Brenna Lancaster - If I have to reveal my powers, I'd prefer to show how strong I am. Taking out the Ice Queen makes a point of that, and I think it'd remind her not to underestimate others. Especially in this kind of school.

2: Lucas Farweight - As stated, I want to show my strength. I can't think of anyone that more people view as strong. Again, I feel that I can catch him off guard. If I can defeat Delphina's champion, I won't be going under the radar any more.

3: Will Blake - He doesn't seem like a bad guy, but he's powerful. If he's the one I have to fight, then at least I'll still be able to make my point. Although I'd probably feel worse about it.

Satisfied with her answers, Amy put them into the box. She wondered if the teachers'd be surprised at them, but somehow she doubted it. They knew what she was capable of, more than pretty much anyone else in the school. There was a reason she'd gotten in to this school, and she assumed there was a reason she'd been selected for this tournament as well. She had a few questions for Mrs. Lovelace, but those could wait. Hopefully she could get the information from someone else anyway. Someone that didn't scare her.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out. A text from Minako, huh? Reading it, Amy nodded to herself. She'd been thinking that she needed a training partner anyway. Besides, if the girl had something to tell her, then Amy wasn't about to just blow it off. The text said it was important, so it could end up being urgent.

To: Minako

Sounds good to me! Was looking to start training anyway.
Just say when + where :)

Slipping her phone back in her pocket, Amy sighed. Well, at least she'd have some sort of help with training. She needed it, that was for sure. Although whenever she got the chance, she felt like doing some research on the tournament participants. Research being a very loose term for her actual plans. Technically, 'sticking her nose where it didn't belong and trawling through classified files' was more accurate.

Amy knew that there just had to be something on the school network, but she couldn't crack the security on that thing. She'd tried plenty of times, when she was bored, or intrigued, or procrastinating something more important, and it just never seemed to work. Hacking that thing just wasn't possible for her. Well, not alone.

With a few friends in the right places, though? That would be a different story. Looking calm, Amy had finally found herself some resolve. If the school was going to make her play their little game, it was her job to play to win - they couldn't get mad at her for that, right? Besides, if they wanted her to be a hero, then she'd need to do a bit of 'detective work' eventually. Really, if you didn't get caught, the rules were more of a suggestion anyway.

If anything, Amy figured she'd deserve extra credit.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location; Arena
Interacting With; | Himself |
Mood; Annoyed -> Intrigued -> Confident

Will wasn't particularly fond of Sylvia Vargas. They were in the same year and they'd shared a few classes, and he'd quickly pegged her as a much meaner version of Avalon. Too much money, too much attitude, and much too aware of it. He was rather shocked to see her here today though. He knew her powers weren't exactly streamlined for offense. Which was good for him. One less person to worry about. Not that you have to worry about many people here he thought, a his mouth pulling into a small smirk.

The changes being made to the Epic Eight portion of the contest interested him the most. A free for all, reminiscent of a four-player Super Smash Bros match. That'll be interesting he thought. Now it mattered even more who he and Avalon beat in the first round. With any luck, they'd each get one half of Gia's dream team, and then they'd be free to work together in the Epic Eight round. Come on Will. Things rarely go according to plan these days.

After Mrs. Lovelace had finished her explanation of the tournament, Will stood up and swiftly strode over to the ballot boxes, already confident in the names he was going to check. Sam had let him know via Avalon that Lucas and Brenna were priority number one and two. Taking out Gia's lieutenants would make a big statement, and both he and the side he was on knew it. Obviously, those two would be his first choices to take out, but with a third choice left to him, he figured he might make things a bit personal.

1.Brenna Lancaster - You have to plan ahead to win this thing. Brenna is strong, maybe not as strong as Lucas, but strong. The difference is that she could effectively deal with multiple adversaries, so I'd rather take her out quickly and not give her a chance to take me down in the Epic Eight.

2.Lucas Farweight - If I can't take on Brenna, then I think Lucas would be a great test of my abilities, not to mention it would be nice to have him out of the way before the free for all.

3.Samuel Keats - I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a little bit of a rivalry there. Okay, a lot of rivalry. I just want to prove that I'm stronger than him, cause I know I am.

With his ballot completed, he slipped it into the box and stood against a wall to wait for Avalon, surveying the competition one last time. This was going to be a hell of an event. An event that I'm gonna win

Location; Control Room Arena -> Outside
Interacting With; | Will |
Mood; Irked -> Intrigued -> Satisfied ->

Sylvia Vargas. A watered down version of me. Some of us actually earned our way here Avalon thought, glaring at Sylvia as she continued her campaign of cruelty against their instructor. Avalon was spoiled, that was a cold hard fact, but one thing Avalon wore like a badge of honor was the fact that she hadn't needed to buy her way into Mayweather, despite her grandmother's urging to do so. She'd gotten in on pure skill, and that wasn't something everyone here could say.

Avalon glanced at Will once Mrs. Lovelace mentioned the new free for all portion of the tournament. Luckily, she was confident that she and Will would both place in the final eight. To her, it was almost a sure bet. They were two of the most powerful people there, they could definitely do it. The only question was who the other six would be. If she had her way, Lucas and Brenna wouldn't be there, and neither would Keats. Though she would like the chance to beat Sylvia up, one on one.

With Mrs. Lovelace's explanation complete, Avalon headed over to fill out her top three choices, though she was slow to arrive, and was forced to wait for a spot to open up. She quickly checked her phone for any messages while waiting, and smirked as she read the text from Sam. This is going to be fun she thought, smirking as she walked up to fill out her ballot.

1. Lucas Farweight - This asshole needs to be put in his place. No one better but me to do that. He probably won't even see it coming, but trust me, I'll make him wish he'd dropped out of this school.

2. Wannabe Frozone Brenna Lancaster - Ice Queen's had this one coming for a long time. She might want to rethink applying to Delphina when I'm done with her.

3. Sylvia Vargas - Do I need a reason other than the fact that she's a giant bitch? Also, I do the red head thing way better so, I'd like to just make a show of superiority on that front

With her ballot completed, Avalon strolled over to Will and linked her arm through his, smiling. And then, as if she'd just remembered something, she turned to face Eliana Lovelace, and cocked her head. "Ellie! Elijah! I totally forgot to ask! How did the date go? Oh, you know what, just tell me later. You've got my number!" she shouted, feigning interest with a large grin. This should teach the little girl to mingle with the other side. "Wasn't that a bit much? Will asked as they exited the arena. Avalon looked up at him and grinned. "All's fair in love and war."

Location; The Arena -> Outside
Interacting With; | James @FacePunch |
Mood; Amused -> Excited -> Nervous

Brenna couldn't help but chuckle at Sylvia's attempt to tear down her and Lucas. Even with Vince gone she still tries so hard to go after Gia. Kind of depressing, honestly. she thought, shaking her head and rolling her eyes as the annoying excuse for a Powered continued her irksome tirade. Someone needs to put this bitch in her place. Quickly.

Brenna feigned disinterest as Mrs. Lovelace explained the tournament. Whoop dee doo! A free for all portion! Who gave a shit? Brenna had this in the bag anyways. In fact, she wasn't quite sure why anyone else had been invited. The only people here who, maybe stood a chance against her were Ellie, Elijah, and Blake. And she was ready to knock each and every one of them down to win. The Snow Angel doesn't play to lose after all she thought, smirking.

She strutted over to the ballot box with confidence once Mrs. Lovelace had finished. Brenna couldn't help but laugh internally at the path her life had taken. Years ago, Brenna had been baking cookies with Ellie in the kitchen while Mrs. Lovelace graded papers in the next room and told them to keep the music down. Brenna wouldn't ever admit it, but she'd always wanted Ellie's mom to like her. Of course, even then, she'd been a troublemaker, and Cecilia hadn't been quite a fan of that, but still. The Ice Queen had always secretly wanted to be part of the Lovelace family. And now, Brenna was her student, and probably the one she liked the least, besides Sylvia. An interesting turn of events, if Brenna had ever seen one.

After a moment of thinking, Brenna quickly jotted down her choices for opponents in the first round of fighting. The first two were mainly business, but the last one? That was a bit more personal.

1. Will Blake - He's strong. I'm strong. It's a match made in heaven if you ask me. What can I say? I like a good challenge.

2. Avalon Middleton - She called me a bitch the other night. I want to get even. Pretty please?

3. Eliana Lovelace - Round two?

Content with her choices, Brenna submitted her ballot and walked out of the arena. Reading Gia's texts she smirked. And then she gulped. It looked like fate was finally pushing her to talk to James. Fuck you fate she thought, despite the fact that she was already walking over to him, just as he'd left the building. "Hey. Can we, like talk or something? she asked, biting her lip.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
Avatar of Viciousmarrow


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Arena → White Room → Outside
Interacting With: Cecilia, Sylvia, Amelia @Legion02, Kayla @BeastofDestiny, Hugo, Sam, Gianna@lovely complex, Jace
Mood: Confident → Annoyed → Lovestruck → Calm → Serious

As his long legs briskly took him to the Control Room, Leon reflected on the headache that not only he faced, but the Headmasters and Professor Lovelace as well. He wasn’t late to the meeting, no, but a few others were. Not of their own fault, luckily, otherwise Cecilia would have their heads on a platter. Rather this was the cause of a massive mix up caused by the one and only Sylvia Vargas. Leave it to Mayweather’s very own “princess” to screw everything up, right? Sure, he would have loved to have been in the tournament, but that wasn’t going to happen. He’d won last years tournament after all.

The beaming man strode in with a waft of confidence and pleasant cologne, waving Professor Lovelace down. Currently, it looked like the participants were voting on their opponents for the arena. He could only imagine what kind of setup they’d have this year. Last year had been some kind of maze wherein he worked with another person to get through the trials and tribulations they faced. Afterward, the remaining teams squared off with one another until one set was left. The last pair, the two that had shared the experience of victory together and cultivated a strong bond, then faced off. Needless to say, it resulted in him winning. It was an especially proud moment for him sure, and standing here in the Control Room, an air of nostalgia hit him.

”Professor Lovelace. Just popped in to tell you that you might have a few stragglers. Ms. Vargas over here caused a bit of a mess in the system when she decided to put herself in the tournament. God knows why though. Can’t see her winnin’ with those dainty powers of hers.” he expressed, his slight Southern accent oozing into his words, to the strong blonde in front him. Lovelace was tough, yeah, but once you got to know her, she wasn’t that bad. Leon liked to think that she enjoyed having him around, but it was kind of hard to tell with her. ”Oh fuck off, Leon. I can’t help I’m special. The familiar redhead’s cheesegrater of a voice racked through his head. Damn, she never knew when to shut up, did she? His head snapped over to her and his dark eyes narrowed, daring her to continue talking. ”Yeah, you’re gonna be real special when I put my boot up yo’ ass.” Sylvia looked like she was going to say something, but her gaze diverted upwards, staring at something unknown to him.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Amelia. Her luscious blonde hair, those striking blue eyes, the ample curves that kept him locked on… She was beautiful. No, she was more than beautiful; she was heavenly. His lips parted slightly, always so dumbfounded when he got to staring at her. ”Damn, Amelia, you look fine as hell today, girl.” he blurted out loudly. This wasn’t a rare occurrence. In fact, it was pretty common that he’d commend Amelia on something that’d she’d done or how she looked on a given day. He wasn’t exactly discreet about his feelings, and it was hardly a secret that he really liked the vampiress. To the side, he could hear Sylvia burst out in a raucous chorus of laughter before she strode out the room herself, causing his cheeks to get warm. Why he hadn’t asked Amelia on a date yet was beyond him.

Clearing his throat, he got back to his business with Lovelace. ”Anyway, I’ve got a couple of my people gathering the last few. I’m about to go get Hugo from the White Room right now. Do you want them to come back here? Or…?” he asked the Professor, quirking an eyebrow at her. “Send them to my office. I’ll update them there.” she responded. With a nod, Leon backed away and started out. His business here was concluded. ”Alright, y’all have a good time now. If you got any questions about anything, I’ll help you as much as I can.” he addressed the participants, being as helpful as he could be. It’d be their decision if they chose to come find him, after all. It would probably be a wise choice though, considering all things. As he stepped outside, Leon suddenly remembered something somewhat important. Turning around, he pointed at Kayla. ”Kayla Styles. Come see me when you have a chance. I’ve got somethin’ for ya.” With his final words, the Warden saw himself out. Now to find that weed head Hugo…

A hustle and a bustle later, Leon was entering into the White Room. Boy, was this a scene. Sam and Gianna in the same room? Who the hell decided that was a good idea? At least one of the professors was here to watch over the proceedings, else he might have come to witness a murder scene. ”Hugh. You got 5 minutes to get to Lovelace’s office. Now. he half-joked, knowing fully well that the Rasta man could get there in moment’s notice. The Warden was exactly the biggest fan of him, considering his “hobbies”, but he was nice enough and didn’t get into too much trouble. ”Also, while I’m here... Sam, Gianna. You two have exactly one week to settle your differences or I’m gonna be knockin’ heads. I’m not gonna tolerate this petty bullshit between you two on school grounds.” An air of tension seized up as he addressed the elephant in the room. His threat was genuine, and he was sure they knew it. Leon didn’t exactly have the authority that the Professors did, but he did have some jurisdiction. They’d be damned if they thought he wasn’t going to use the full extent of his powers to put their little feud down too.

Some days, Leon wished Gianna wasn’t so… power hungry, he supposed. She was an attractive woman and plenty smart, but she didn’t use what she had for any good. As far as he was concerned, now she was just as bad as Sylvia. Okay, maybe not that bad, but it was a close call. ”Well, I think it’s appalling that Seniors don’t have anything to do with this Mr. and Ms. Congeniality thing. Why don’t we have an awards ceremony? Confetti awards! For everybody!” Leon’s head turned to see who spoke up, diverting the conversation back to the formal before he had added tension to the room. The face was familiar, though much different from what he remembered. ”Blink Dog? God damn, you look you jumped straight out of an anime. Can’t judge though. I love me some Inuyasha.” he commented out loud. That’s one thing you could count on Leon doing: speaking his mind. The eccentric man swiveled his chair around, gave the Warden a curious glance, and then proceeded to gleefully pelt him with confetti.

What in the hell? Tris seemed a bit off his rocker now. Absolutely a different person from the man he remembered tossing into what he and the other Wardens called “the Cave” every other day. It wasn’t exactly jail or prison, but it was a holding area for the horribly intoxicated or those who needed some time to cool off. Mentally, Leon made a note of Blink Dog’s seemingly unstable state. He hadn’t seen the man in close to a year, now that he thought about it. Maybe he was just tripping on something new? Heaven only knew.

Written by @lovely complex

Reintroducing Danny Leoni, Senior Journalist extraordinaire and head editor of Mayweather - He is a apathetic hero known as "The Unswayed". His mind is completely filled with white noise which makes it impossible for any mind manipulators to have their way with him. Along with that, he can extend his ability to fill an area of his choosing with the same white noise that is in his head. Last time he was seen was at the Heroes Only party.

And don't forget Public Relations Director of Student Council, Jace Duran, Delphina Senior, "Inferno Fist".

This meeting was complete balls - why did he have to be here again? Jace leaned in his chair bored as shit. He had nothing to add to this dumb ass dance that gave college kids another reason to outshine each other. Yawning, he wondered how long he had to sit here. He was the guy who was basically the main advertiser of both schools. They needed some Delphina students on council so they forced him to be the 'Public Relations' guy. Good thing he didn't mind informing his fellow student body about the lame shit the school had planned for them. He also had full access to the school's website, so yeah pretty good deal for not really giving a damn. However, this was dragging on and he needed a goddamn smoke. Leon's entrance was a perfect time to bounce the fuck out. Rising from his seat, Jace stretched his rather handsome physique "Gonna take a dump."

Krysta immediately interjected in disgust, "You're disgusting."

"I'm human, baby." He gave the uptight bitch a wink, brought his gaze to Mrs. P, who simply smiled, which gave him the OKAY (she totally loved him), then made his exit. Coolly waving while walking, he chuckled, "Leon, definitely stick your foot up Krysta's ass, she could use the pain."

”I already made that threat earlier. Low lifes like you don’t get to use it.” Leon quickly retorted, glowering at Mr. Inferno Fist with some intensity. Like Jace, he exited after his business was complete, though headed toward the complete opposite direction he was, to the outside world. God forbid he have to deal with that scumbag today.

Strolling down a book aisle, Jace caught sight of his 'buddy' Danny Leoni, a guy, who shared a similar interest with him - you know, journalism. He started to whistle the rhythm to Flo Rida's song Whistle, which signaled Danny that he was near. The scrawny senior turned his head to see Inferno Fist and simply sighed. Jace gestured with his head for the Hero to join him in the bathroom. Both making their own paths to the same destination, the man with dark hair with a dash of red by his bangs took out a pack of cigs. Not really caring about people seeing him with it or not. Once he entered the loo, he made sure no one was in the bathroom. After a couple of minutes, Danny followed in and locked the door behind him. By the time the hero boy entered, Jace was already by the window and blowing out smoke.

"What do you want, Jay?" Danny, who usually does not have emotion written on his face, stared at the villain with annoyance.

Letting smoke leave his lips slowly, the Delphina student gazed out the window toward the sky, "You have something that can spice up this petty feud. You know what I'm talking about."

"You have far more influence than me, Gossip Boy." Walking toward the villain, Danny snatched the cig away from him and took a drag. Shrugging, Jace leaned against the wall and grinned at him.

"Liked the newest post, Danny boy? Pretty tight shit, I'd say. Lu and El possibly fucking? God, I can't wait until someone gets that on vid. Stuff like that could really make your paper popular." He took a moment to run his hand through his hair - Jace was a damn sexy man and he knew it.

Danny was well aware that Jace Duran was the current moderator of the Delphina Times, though not creator. The gal that made the site had long graduated. It gets passed down to people they deem worthy to handle the task. "You want me to make a gossip column... for the school's newspaper?" Passing him back his cancer stick, Danny gently blew smoke out the window. His dark gaze examined the taller man, contemplating his motives.

"Not necessarily. Maybe something more like Dear Abby, though we could name her Sophia, since I like Sophia. I'll name my future child that, for sure." Placing the fag back into his mouth, he smiled, knowing that Mr. Leoni was intrigued - a mouse caught in his trap, "We create a anonymous persona of someone, maybe based off that Sylvia bitch, who knows more than she should. Someone, who would be willing to advise these troubled students that get their shit blasted on the web. Someone, who talks about her opinions on the juice." He paused and let the smoke flow out of his lips, it flowed around them and hit Danny's face. Taking the delicious narcotic out of his lips, he flicked the ashes out the window, "Just imagine how popular your paper will get."

"I'm listening." Danny's arms were crossed and his foot made a melodic tap in the bathroom.

"Good, 'cuz I didn't want to blast something I found out about you. Google is great. You should check out your name more often. Scandalous. I'm impressed, but you may want to make sure you take that shit down, you know with your money. But don't worry, I got a copy of the vid."

"Are you blackmailing me?"

Tilting his head back, Jace couldn't help but nonchalantly let out a laugh that felt like a deep river washing over a path of stones, "Only if you decline. Dude, this is a win win situation." He paused to make sure Danny understood that he wanted this to be a mutual business relationship, "Plus, I want you, Mayweathers, to be in on the juice. I gave you access because you're special to me and hell, because of me you've had some really good articles. I think you owe me. Work for me, Danny boy. You won't regret it."

Tossing the cig out the window, Danny rolled his eyes, "I don't think I have a choice."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Arena
Interacting with: Via texts to Keats(@Lasrever) and Brenna(@smarty0114)
Mood: Angry and seething → Confused → Calculating → Rude → Excited → Determined

Lucas was positivily, seething with the remarks of Sylvia. She made a mistake there, for entering this contest still. Vargas was the kind of girl that stood out often and well enough to warrant some searching by his group. And of course, she was pretty bad at keeping low profile. She threw around her mommy and daddy often enough as a threat. Still, when she dropped her comment about him and Eliana, Lucas took a step forward. It took all his power not to go after her and hit her square in the princess’ face. It would take Gianna’s maneuvering, not raw force, to take her down. He stood back in line when Mrs. Lovelace explained the challenges ahead. A duel and a free for all. This would be easy.

When they were released Lucas did not go towards the polling stations immediately. Instead, he checked Delphina Times. Whatever bastard blasted the story would suffer. The name was… eerie. Keats? But why? No, it didn’t make sense. Keats wouldn’t post such a thing. Still, he figured he better confronted his friend. Maybe it was a joke gone wrong?

To: Keats
Yo! Need to talk, tell me when you’re free..

The text was short, but again, Lucas wasn’t the one to text long messages explaining his needs. He didn’t mean any hostility and, as Keats knew him well enough, none would be taken. He then thought about the tournament, as he watched how people filled in their forms. This wasn’t just some dumb fight. At least, not anymore. The arena, in a week, would be a battle zone. And he would need support in the final showdown.

To: Brenna
Train well, k? I’ll need you in the free-for-all. Only when we’re both standing one can fall. Silver will fit you.

Rude, crude and harsh. Why would he type such a thing? It was because, as much as he wanted to deny it, the name “Brenna” still made him feel… strange. That wouldn't help. Nothing good would ever come between them. So he was hoping that through being crude, he’d stop feeling funny around her. Though he hadn’t really thought about how Brenna would feel about it. He didn’t have the time.

Approaching the polling station, he did get one more message. A Delirium night? Oh why yes, that would be excellent! Dellirium had this strange effect on him. He could let go, drink in abundance, dance with everyone not caring who it was. He even flirted with a score of ladies, though he never took it further than that. The attention was more than enough for him. Every night that begun at Delirium ended as a legend. A mythical night, half remembered.

To: Keats
Scratch whatever you’re planning for tonight. Delirium night @ 9. Know what, scratch tomorrow’s plan too.

Keats and Lucas in a bar in NYC. Joined no doubt by Gianna herself and Brenna. Lucas couldn’t imagine one person to make the picture more perfect.

Eventually it was his turn on at the polling station:
Eliana Lovelace – I’ve said it before, she’s strong. Maybe on par with me. I need to challenge myself against mental power users, and she’s the strongest of them all.

Avalon Middleton – She’s one of the strongest Mayweather students present. A little friendly rivalry between the schools couldn’t do any harm, could it? Besides, everyone is waiting for this to happen.

Will Blake – Not only a strong telekinetic, I’ve heard words that he’s also a telepath. Which makes him not only the third dangerous person in Mayweather, but also a worthy adversary.

Lies. All of it. He wanted to take down Lovelace so much and more now since Red Level. He couldn’t be sure, as his memories of the time were fragmented, but he knew she was in on it. She was, somehow, responsible for him failing. He wouldn’t believe anything else. So she had to perish, so he could prove himself that he was stronger than her. That he was stronger than the shattered memory she gave him. Avalon was Samantha's first lieutenant. Taking her down would practically declare that they won the war already. At least physically. She'd put up a hard fight no doubt, but he wanted that. He wanted her to break all her limits, to turn savage. He wanted to expose her as a hero without mercy, a super who wouldn't think twice to utterly destroy someone she didn't like. It was a Delphina Times story waiting to happen. Avalon was just as bad as he was, she just happen to go to Mayweather. Will... Well will was their bitchboy to Lucas. The kid would do everything for Avalon and Samantha. The only reason he would was because he could have Sam if he did it.

Location: Arena
Interacting with: Leon(@Viciousmarrow)
Mood: Angry → Observant → Flattered → Worried → Resolute

Amelia arrived just in time, but apparently it wouldn’t have mattered, as she noticed Sylvia strolling in. Amelia didn’t know the girl, but when she was done with Mrs. Lovelace, Amelia would very much have liked to step in and drain half the girl's blood. Hell, even her eyes mirrored her desire for a second. But she pushed it down again. Here wasn’t the right time. She would have done it if she was in Delphina. Her father would have defended her through fire. But she was in Mayweather now, and one wrong move would mean he’d get her expelled and enrolled in Delphina. On the same day so she wouldn’t even need to go packing.

When Mrs. Lovelace was done, Amelia sat back in a corner, thinking, and observing who’d she fight. She was new, and she wanted to lose. But then again, she had no doubt Mrs. Lovelace knew that. So she’d throw her an opponent that would just beat her up for the entire match instead of just delivering one strike and be done with it. The present Delphina’s were cruel enough in that. Especially the Ice Queen. She could only imagine the girl with an ice cold heart, uncaring for the suffering of others.

But then Leon made his comment. She turned away, so he wouldn’t see her blush. The older guy had done it several times. First she was confused, then she learned it was just his way of talking. In her mind, he called her beautiful. Though her father would have disapproved immediately: “A daughter of mine is not fine as hell. You are the daughter of the von Carsteins. We showcase elegance, beauty, pride and strength. Learn that and try not to embrace yourself any further.” In fact, her father would have disliked Leon quite a bit too. As head of the Wardens he was known to pass on the wrongdoings of others to teachers. Snitching, as her father would call it. She could only sit, blush and thank god that he hadn’t asked her out yet. She couldn’t bear to say no, but she’d have to. She’d seen it happen with rebellious cousins. One, a few years back, ran away with some guitar player. His band flunked, all businesses denied him the stage. When she didn’t return, they went after the family. The player’s siblings suddenly got rejected from college. Loans were suddenly due. They couldn’t borrow more money. All in all, the von Carsteins had nearly ruined an entire family until the cousin got back. She never stepped out of line again after that. She wanted to spare Leon’s large family that. So in an attempt to flee the scene she just stood up, swiftly walked past Leon whispersaying: “Thanks.” And went towards the polling station.

Sylvia Vargas – I believe she should receive a lesson in respect.
Brenna Lancaster –
Lucas Farweight –

She didn’t really have a real reason to fight the last two. Well, not a reason she’d want to share. Brenna was simply cold and uncaring. Amelia wanted to take her down, only to get her back on her feet again. Teaching her how it is to be helped. Lucas… Lucas simply had to be made clear he wasn’t the strongest in the room. Because he damn well acted like he was. She wasn’t entirely sure she could take the guy, but she saw him in the infirmary enough. She’d send him there again if he didn’t promise to back off from Eliana.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: Walking away from the Arena
Interacting with: Amelia @Legion02, Kayla @BeastofDestiny and Jenna via text @lovely complex
Mood: Annoyed → Clever → Gossipy

Sylvia was a bit vengeful after Leon strode in and insulted her ego, as if he were superior to her in some fashion. As if! His little fancy for Amelia, someone Sylvia had not yet had the pleasure of meeting, was quite intriguing though. It would be a shame if someone ruined that fantasy world of his. A sadistic sort of smile curled up on her lips as she thought of the best way to slight Leon: showing the newbie vampiress a different side of their dearly beloved Chief Warden. Sauntering up to the lovely, Highborn blonde, she let her presence be known with a whimsical giggle. ”Can you believe that? That Lowborn has the hots for you. Simply disgusting if you ask me, and knowing your family, I’m sure they’d be inclined to agree.” the redhead commented, her voice full of false concern for Amelia’s well being.

”And the nerve he had! He said he had ‘something’ for Kayla right in front of you? Clearest innuendo I’ve ever heard. I’m sure he’s got a great big ‘package’ for her, if you get what I mean. Gross. Her face curled up into a visage of unparalleled revulsion at the thought. One of Sylvia’s fragile hands flew onto her new acquaintance’s shoulder, as if to reassure the blonde that everything would be okay. ” Look, I know you’re new to the school, so I should tell you what’s what, especially concerning those two. It’s a known fact that he and Kayla have been fucking since she first got here. Don’t let her appearance deceive you now. She might look all innocent, but she’s a freak, from what I’ve heard.” The Princess of Mayweather made sure that she was within earshot of Kayla Styles when she decided to divulge these lies to Amelia. What was Kayla going to do? Punch her? That tiny blonde bimbo was the least of her worries as far as Sylvia was concerned. After all, she didn’t have any semblance of a superpower.

To add salt to the wound, the redhead flashed a smile and waved at the shorter blonde in passing. A loud chirp emanated from the costly, black handbag that dangled from Sylvia’s shoulder. ”Oh, who could that be?” she pondered out loud before taking her hand off Amelia and digging for her bejeweled iPhone.

From: Jenna-Love<3
I got invited to a 21+ shindig! Want 2 help fool my sister and take her with us? Make her cool. I want her 2 think it's a highskool party.

The text puzzled her momentarily, as she didn’t know anyone off the top of her head that Jenna would have known that could get them into an alcohol friendly event. Well, whatever the reasoning, Sylvia was always prepared to hang out with the infamous, younger Lovelace. She was, after all, her best friend… or were they more than that? They certainly acted like it when they were together... And then there was that one night not that long ago. The memory brought a flush of red to the vixen's face.

To: Jenna-Love<3
U know I’m always up for anything, bby. We’ll make Ellie look like a bad bitch. Meowww. <3 Maybe she’ll actually get a guy that’s at least a solid 7 for once.

Her text was finished in the blur of eye, and she glanced over at Amelia apologetically. ”Where was I?” Sylvia asked, although she immediately snapped back into focus without any word from the vampiress. "Right, right, right! Warden Leon, the man of the people, and Mayweather's ardent champion." She made sure to recant his name with as much mockery as she could muster. "He's not such the great guy he'd like us to believe. Lots of skeletons in that one's closet. I can tell you right now he's always searching for a girl to screw. He once confronted me about having a 'good time' in the janitor's closet on the first floor. I told him he could march right on along because there was no way I was going to get with someone so misogynistic and disrespectful. Needless to say, he's had it out to get me ever since." she spoke her lies like one of the legendary orators of old.

The eldest Vargas kept talking, finally getting to the point of her slander. "I'd stay away from Leon, dear. He's no good for any of us ladies. Girls like us need to stick together so we can watch others back, you know?" All this talk was to butter this girl up for a potential alliance since Sylvia knew many of the others would do so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location: Control Room Arena → Mrs. Lovelace's Office → In the Training Room of the Control Room
Interacting With: Mrs. Lovelace and Eliana @lovely complex
Interacting With: Sends an email out to Minako @Thundercrash, a text to her daughter, Jenivieve, and acknowledges Hugo
Mood: Annoyed → Respectful → Contemplative → Honest → Surprised(yet unsurprised) → Reassuring

Sylvia Vargas, what an annoyance. After a rather loud and bombastic introduction, coupled by a demeaning tirade and some rather interesting news involving Ellie and Lucas, the meeting finally went underway. Elijah was completely focused, listening to every word out of the professor’s mouth, but couldn’t help but see glances she was giving to the oblivious Eliana who stationed herself right next to him. He had to wonder what would be the cause of it, but considering the woman’s strict nature, it had to be him, why else would Eliana run off so quickly, her embarrassment present as she did so. Elijah would need to speak with the good professor, but also for another reason. Rather than approach the polling stations, he instead approached Mrs. Lovelace, ”Excuse me, Mrs. Lovelace, might we have a moment to speak in private, away from everyone else.” His pose was formal and respectful, he only required the professor's attention and he knew she would give it to him since he asked so politely.

The older woman with a constant resting bitch face kept her arms crossed and her green orbs as chilled as the breath of death. Someone who seemed far more cruel than she actually was. Cecilia Lovelace wasn’t one to often smile, nor would the blind man be affected by the indomitable nature that surrounded her. A teacher, a wife, and a mother. Three words that described her in the simplest of ways - all which required love and attention toward someone: a student, a husband, and a child. Her emotions could manifest her very being into a monster untold. Being passive was not an easy feat to accomplish and yet here she was, unreadable and unnervingly silent. She examined the boy that stood before her. Elijah Masterson. One of her best students in his year, aside from Lucas Farweight. It seems she may have given her daughter too much freedom by allowing her to room on campus. Eliana was involved in petty gossip and conversed with individuals like Avalon Middleton about ‘dates’. Then there was Sylvia, who thought she could get a rise out of her. If only her parents did not raise her to be such… a pain. Yet, her youngest daughter found the insufferable girl to be worth her friendship. Don’t think she didn’t hear that Jenivieve shared personal family information with Sylvia. For now, Cecilia would take it as hearsay. Until proven wrong, she would give Jenivieve the benefit of the doubt.

Of course.” Turning her body, Mrs. Lovelace led the way to her office which was to the right of the arena’s door, inside the main training area. As she walked, she glanced over Eliana signalling her daughter to come to her office after she was done talking to whomever. It might be time for a mother daughter chat. After entering her office, she sat down in her large office chair and gestured for Elijah to take a seat, “Elijah, if you don’t mind, I need to check my emails. Feel free to express your concerns, I’m listening.” Opening up her computer, she started reading all her emails, while listening to the boy and possible romantic interest to her daughter speak in his eloquent yet monotone voice.

Tch, what a pain that Avalon was, openly announcing his and Eliana’s date. He was sure the ‘hero’ was trying to get a rise out of Mrs. Lovelace, at best embarrass Eliana publicly. He followed the professor and took a seat when offered, intertwining his fingers together as he spoke with the woman privately. ”Considering I can’t read the ballot, I figured speaking with you my choices was the next best option, they are as followed.”

Lucas Farweight - We’ve never truly seen eye to eye, and despite our association with one another as classmates, I feel he would be an even match, besides what better matchup than fire and sun?

Jessica Sterling - I’ve heard she’s strong, I want to see that strength for myself

Sylvia Vargas - Someone with such disrespect needs to be taught a lesson, broken down to the very core, then built back up.

Elijah sat back in his seat and contemplated the aura of the woman before him, he believed now was the best time to address Avalon’s outburst earlier, ”There is another reason why I asked to be seen. I’m sure you’re curious about my outing with your daughter, the brunch was lovely”

To: Ikeda, Minako
Subject: Re: Confirming the rules
Date: Oct 11, 2016 3:43 PM EST

Hello Minako,

Yes. Referees, faculty, and staff will be keeping a close eye on each battle. You won't die, but you could be hospitalized for a week or two. In the Student Handbook, it states that during the year we will test our students physically, mentally, and emotionally. Students will be wounded, but not enough that it will ruin their lives. We are here to give you strength, power, and endurance but most importantly, confidence and control. We want you to succeed, but you cannot succeed until you fall.

In the real world, if you or your peers were to get in a fight with someone, may it be at a bar, or because an individual is robbing a bank, do you think your opponent will play fair? Or use any means in order to achieve their goal? We all have choices to make and sometimes good people may have to do bad things. Outside, where not everyone obeys 'the law', some individuals may choose to make their opponents immobile or dead. The arena will not be too far from reality. If your opponent isn't playing fair, should you? We want to prepare you for these encounters.

Depending on your opponent, you may or may not be allowed a weapon, but not of your choice. If we are allowing weapons in a match, both participants could have access to it or there could only be one that you would have to fight for. Everything depends on who you're fighting and what challenges the arena wants to give you. Of course, there are the exceptions of those students whose abilities rely on their weapons.

Thank you for contacting me.
Have a good day and stay out of trouble.

Mrs. Cecilia Lovelace
Disciplinary & Defense Instructor
Control Room Supervisor

Looking up from her email, Mrs. Lovelace nodded at Elijah’s choices, “I’m sure to see a common theme in people’s choices.” That comment was regarding Sylvia and the scene she had just displayed not too long ago. Leaning back in her chair, she deeply stared at her student, fully aware of the elephant in the room, “A fight with you and Lucas would be worth the watch, especially since it seems you two have a keen interest in my daughter.” Did she believe the rumors? No, not necessarily, but if she could find out more of what her students, especially her daughter, is doing on campus then by all means she would.

”This isn’t about fighting for your daughter’s affections, though considering how much the schools love their gossip, I don’t blame you for viewing it that way. He’s strong, but he’s not that strong and taking him down might send a message.” She was digging, that was for sure, but there was nothing to dig for, so he might as well answer honestly.

Her phone began to vibrate uncontrollably. Glancing over, she saw her youngest daughter’s name. Before she went to check it, Mrs. Lovelace speculated, “I know my daughter. She is fond of you, most likely because of your intelligence, Elijah.” A mother knows best, even if Eliana didn’t always see eye to eye with her. While opening her phone and quickly reviewing her second child’s texts, she replied to the boy in the robe, “As much as I can see a fight with you and Lucas, I have other things in mind. Don’t worry, you will get your chance but maybe not in your first battle.

Elijah nodded, understanding that the decision was fair and he believed he was capable of making it to round two, just whoever he would be fighting was the real test to that. ”I believe that I’ve shared all I need to for now, thank you for your time ma’am, was there anything else?”

Sighing to herself as she glanced over the words on her phone, Mrs. Lovelace knew this was breaking some kind of line of student and teacher relationship, but she asked, her tone with a hint of worry, “This may be unprofessional of me and I do apologize in advance, but if you’re willing, can you see if my daughter has gotten any sleep lately?

Was that not obvious? ”No disrespect, but did you not witness her state of duress yourself?” He paused letting the phrase sink in, ”Even I don’t have see it, but it seems her aura is off kilter, stress, anxiety, exhaustion, they’re all there.”

Mr. Masterson. That was my way of asking to find out the cause without outwardly saying it. I do not… do this often.” She gestured at her and him and how she was asking for a favor because her eldest child feared to tell her anything that bothered her, “My daughter has looked worse even with sleep. Actually, she copes better without being flooded by--” She held her tongue, he didn’t need to know that much, “She seems to trust you more than me. I am not perfect and... I know she won’t tell me anything. If I treated her any differently in front of you all, the school would see that as favoritism and my job would be on the line. Yes. I may be cruel, but I want what’s best for her.

This was a different side to her, one he was not used to, but understood; a mother worried for her daughter and she wanted his help. ”I’ll do what I can to the best of my ability, but that’s all I can promise” he stood up to see himself out, hand on the door handle he turned and said, ”Your daughter is smart professor, I understand you may want what’s best for her, but some of her decisions you need to trust. Worry can overstress someone after all, I’d rather not see you keel over because of it.” With that he opened the door to find Hugo standing there, a senior, Mayweather. He stepped past him and the hippie walked in.

”Yo professor L! You wanted to see me?” The door closed behind him. Mrs. Lovelace directed Hugo to sit before sending her youngest child a reply:

To: Jenivieve
Only tonight. Don't make this a habit.

Take a seat, Hugo. Hopefully your colleagues don’t make you wait too long.

Elijah then looked for Eliana who was waiting outside as well and approached her. ”You seem rather worse for wear, are you alright?” He asked.

Location: The Control Room Arena → Wesley Cone Building
Interacting With: Sylvia, Amelia @Legion02Leon @Viciousmarrow
Mood: Exhausted → Admiring → Unbelieving (yet totally excited) → Unsure → Embarrassed → Sudden Rush of Anger → Unbelieving (Why’d I do this!?) → Worried then Relieved → Unbelieving (I can’t do this!) → Reassured → Confident
Mood: Calm → Concerned → Humored → Serious → Appreciative

Kayla eeped when Minako assaulted her from behind with a hug, and waved off both her’s and Amy’s concerns, stating that she was just tired. Then that Sylvia came in and made a ruckus, how dare she disrespect Mrs. Lovelace like that, her fist clenched but she didn’t move an inch. When the meeting began, Kayla tried to focus on all of the professor’s words, but her eyes kept closing and her head lulled a little. When the meeting was finally concluded and everyone made their way to the polls, she heard a rather familiar voice and her face flushed as she turned to see who it was. Leon Fulton, just thinking the name sent her face 50 shades of red, ever since she first laid eyes on him she started to crush on him, but never had the courage to actually ask him out. Why would he even be interested in a powerless little girl like her anyway, plus he obviously had interest in Amelia with the way he’d openly and loudly compliment her on anything and everything. She couldn’t blame him, she was rather beautiful and Kayla...Kayla was just some powerless girl trying to play superhero from Canada; how could she even compare?

Sighing she continued to trudge over to the polls and got a text, reading who it was from she smiled and texted Minako back.

To: Minako
That sounds like a really good idea, I’ll see you outside.

Midway through the text she heard her name called and eeped again, turning to see that Leon wanted to see her….she let that sink in; Leon Fulton, someone she crushed on and thought was a total dreamboat, wanted to see her. Her heart was a flutter, but she had to calm down and think rationally, it was probably something business related or...maybe she was in trouble? She didn’t think she’d done anything but...she texted Minako again.

To: Minako
I’ll see you and Amy later, I have to go do something right after this.

Closing her phone, she hurriedly made her way into the booth and started writing down her choices. She couldn’t think of any reason why she’d want to fight anyone, she didn’t have any reason to, but all the same she at least wrote down names. She really didn’t want to fight anyone she knew and there were a couple who seemed really intimidating, so she tried to write down people opposite to that category.

Avalon Middleton -

Samuel Keats -

Biting on the pen cap she struggled to think of a third name, until she started hearing loud talking from behind her. It was that Sylvia girl and...she was saying she was screwing Leon? Suddenly her face lit up like a tomato and she hurriedly tried to think of someone, anyone’s name. But she kept listening instead and heard...Leon being slandered...a player? A...a manwhore?! No...Leon wasn’t like that, and the red embarrassment on her face suddenly turned into that of anger, this bitch was going down. Disrespecting a professor was one thing, but disrespecting...him...Kayla audibly growled


She didn’t write a reason, but hopefully the way she jaggedly and forcefully scratched the words into the paper would get the message across, but she didn’t want to wait another week, she wanted to do something now. Turning from the poll, she marched herself towards Sylvia who’s back was to her, fists clenched, teeth gritted, she walked up and tapped the spoiled princess on the shoulder. As Sylvia turned, Kayla wound up her fist and with all her strength, landed a solid right hook, straight into that perfect barbie doll face and watched her tumble to the ground.

”Don’t you DARE bad mouth Leon like that!!” She shouted angrily, ”Unless you want more where that came from.”

”Wha-” The crunch of cartilage was clearly audible and throughout the room. Sylvia crumpled like tin foil onto the ground, pain lancing through her nose from Kayla’s sucker punch. She barely registered what just happened, much less her assailant. Stars danced in her eyes, blood trickled down her face, and tears poured down her beautiful face. The redhead was stunned and speechless, only emitting sorry sobs, whimpers, and groans as she lay there helpless on the ground. Nothing like this had ever happened to her, and she didn’t know what to do in response. Her nose was for sure broken, but she was so shaken by the event that she actually forgot about her own healing abilities, cradling the bloody mess that was her face in her hands.

Looking up at Amelia, not even caring that the bitch in front of her was crying and with less force in her voice she stated, ”And don’t you dare believe her…not even for a second” With that she turned on her heel and walked straight out of the control room, ignoring everything and everyone her priority was to find Leon and...oh no...reality started to hit her...what did she just do? The rush of adrenaline subsiding, her face returning to a normal color until it suddenly paled, ”I just hit Sylvia Vargas…”

Leon was where he usually was: in the Wardens’ Office in the Wesley Cone Building, which functioned as the haven for the Public Safety department. Well, he was either here or somewhere else on campus, but this was their main base of operations. It wasn’t really a luxurious room, but it sufficed. There was his desk, a series of security monitors behind him, a crummy looking couch, a TV, and a coffee machine. Thinking about, it actually reminded him a bit of his younger years. Minus the security monitors anyway. He was just about prepared to kick back and relax a little bit when the adorable Kayla entered. ”Ah! There’s the girl I needed to see.” he called out to her and motioned for her to sit in the vacant chair in front of his worn desk. Looking her up and down, she seemed anxious or something. Quirking an eyebrow at her, he asked her, ”What’s the matter, girl? You kill somebody?”

She found her way to Leon’s office, or rather the warden’s off and entered. When she was called in and found her to way a chair, she looked at him and rather dejectedly answered his question, ”I punched Sylvia Vargas in the face…”

Leon blinked exactly thrice at the short blonde, a look of complete confusion on his face. ”Wait. You did what?! God damn.” He was completely astonished by this revelation, and frankly, he wasn’t exactly sure he believed it since it was coming from the normally meek and mild Kayla. ”So when you say you punched Sylvia, do you mean like… you tripped her? Or… you fell on her? Nobody’s punched Sylvia before.” His voice was dead serious.

”She was badmouthing you, calling you a- a manwhore in front of Amelia and I got so angry, I walked towards her, tapped her on the shoulder, and when she turned I punched her right in the face...oh god I think I broke her nose…” Kayla paled, what did she even do?!

The Chief Warden couldn’t help but burst out into a fit of laughter, slapping the desk in front of furiously. The mental image of Sylvia Vargas getting decked in that vain mug of hers, broken nose and all, by the woman in front of him was possibly one of the greatest things he could imagine. ”That.. I can’t believe that. Kayla, you’re my damned hero. Holy hell.” Recovering from the outburst of giggles, he recomposed himself, a bright smile on his face. ”Oh man, she gonna be so mad at you, girl. That’s alright though. Ain’t nothin’ but a thing. You might have to explain this to Headmistress Dunn, but I wouldn’t worry about it too much. She likes you. Well, you and your father…” he explained calmly. The situation was still so damn surreal. Internally, he wanted more specifics on how it went down, like if Sylvia was crying or not, but there were more important subjects at hand right now.

”Well, anyway. Enough about Sylvia. Right now, we’re here to talk about you, Ms. Styles.” Shuffling around with some papers on his desk, he pulled up a report made up by one of Dewey brothers last week at a supposed “Hero’s Only” party, which ended getting crashed by some of troublemaking Delphinas. ”Now, it says here that you put yourself between Gianna Daniels and Samantha Youngblood when they started a scene. Says Sam was about to fry Gia’s dumbass. Most people would call your behavior stupid or foolish.” he told her, sternly but there was a hint of admiration in his voice. ”To us, the Wardens, we call that bravery. I mean, I can’t imagine. You ain’t got traditional powers like most people here on campus, and here you go, risking everything for a girl you don’t even know. Given any other circumstances, you probably woulda died. But you did what you thought was the right thing, and damn do I respect the hell out that.” Leon was praising and beaming Kayla with almost every word. His hand slid an unopened envelope to Kayla over the scarred desk, marked with the seal of both Headmasters. Scrawled on the front of the envelope was her full name and underneath were the words “The Order of the Wardens”. It it wasn’t already apparent, this was a full invitation to join their society. ”We need more people like you, Kayla.”

For a minute, Kayla thought she might have been in trouble for punching another student in the face, but instead here Leon was laughing. She blushed at his praises, even though she knew she hadn’t exactly made the best decision. When he finally stopped he got completely serious and again she felt she was in trouble when he brought up the night of those events at the party. Instead, he slid her an envelope, she picked it up and her hand brushed over the wax seals, turning it over it had her name on it, she was speechless, completely unsure of how to act to this sudden invitation. ”Y...you’re asking me to be a warden? I-I-I can’t do that, I don’t even have any powers!”

Leon rolled his eyes at Kayla’s defiant protests. ”It’s not the power that makes a Warden. It’s the spirit. I think people underestimate you, Kayla. You’re capable of more than you think, with or without powers. I’ll be there to support you. Me and the other Wardens. Ultimately, this is your decision though.” he told the adorable blonde. Hopefully she’d come around. Someone like her around would definitely liven up the place, he thought to himself. He could only handle so much of the Dewey brothers, after all.

For some reason, hearing that from Leon...it felt like...it actually mattered and for once Kayla didn’t feel so down about herself. She stared at the letter in her hand, she’d be taking on a huge responsibility, and even though she didn’t believe in herself, Leon did. Besides, if it meant she’d be spending more time with her crush… Gripping it tighter she nodded and looked the man straight in his eyes, ”Alright Leon, I’ll do it. I’ll become a Warden.”

A grand smile graced Leon’s lips, and he got up from his chair, went over to Kayla, and gave her a huge hug. ”I knew you’d accept! I’m hyped to see what you bring to the table, Kay.” the Chief exclaimed before finally putting the tiny girl back down. ”I’ll give you a taste of what’s to come tonight, when it’s usually a little more active. How does 8 work for you?”

Kayla was expecting a handshake, instead she was lifted off the ground, once again giving a tiny eep at the sudden contact. She hugged him back as he exclaimed and she couldn’t help but grin wide (and maybe take a small wiff, he smelled really good). Being put back down she stood up proud, a big smile on her face, ”S-sure, 8 o’clock sounds good, I’ll do the best I can!”

”Great! Hopefully it doesn’t end like the last time I trained someone… Got hit in the damn head by some goons with rocks. That was not a fun experience…” He paused and thought about that night, an annoyed look etched into his facial expression. ”Well, anyway. You’re free to go. I’ll be here if you have any questions though.” Leon spoke before heading back to his chair. He was a bit overwhelmed with work right now, especially since he had missed a few days last week going back for his little brother’s birthday. He still had to have glance at those security tapes from last week…

Even though Kayla should have been worried, she actually wasn’t, ”Don’t worry about any rocks, that’s why I’ve got a helmet on,” she knocked her head with a couple light taps for emphasis, giggling a little. She took out a piece of paper and grabbed a pen from his desk, writing down her number and handing it to him. ”In case you need to contact me,” she started heading for the door, and in a faux serious expression, turned around gave a salute, ”I’m off Chief, see you tonight.” She smiled and exited the room, then building. Pulling out her phone she texted Minako.

To: Minako
Just finished up, I have some incredible news to tell you both! Where are we meeting?

For once since she came here, Kayla walked tall, she was on cloud 9 and even though she punched someone in the face, she didn’t worry about it. For once in her life, she felt really confident about herself.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
Avatar of Wintergrey

Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cara Reaper

Location: Airplane - Mayweather Academy - Arena
Interacting with: N/A
Mood: Annoyed - Bubbly - Happy - Playful

Cara once again leaned back in her lavish seat, listening to the unending roar of the planes engine. Still no sign of the academy. In fact, still no sign of anything but clouds. She hated flying, it always took so long, and even when the plane was private the food just plain sucked. Rolling her eyes she bounced out of her seat and strode down the isle to the cockpit, where the only other person on the plane was. Peeping her head in she looked in on the captain and asked, "Travis, are we close yet? I'm getting bored."

Travis glanced back over his shoulder to see the young lady that he worked for. There was an expecting look in her eye, like he better have good news. Travis knew from experience that this one was a little off the deep end. Smiling as best he could, he nodded and replied. "Try and take a look now, you should be good to go."

Giggling in joy, Cara clapped her hands together before running out of the cockpit and to the nearest window. Still, nothing but clouds, but Travis' word was good enough for her. Turning and making sure that her suitcase was still tucked neatly away, she left it there and instead grabbed a small backpack.Strapping the backpack securely around her, she gave a small shout, "Cya, Travy. Thanks for the ride!" She blew a kiss and dissipated from the plane.

Around a 100 meters away from the plane she reappeared, falling fast. Tucking her arms into her side she rocketed through the layer of clouds. Immediately her vision opened up, showing her the vast extent of the land. Tears whipped from her eyes, of course she had forgotten her glasses, but it didn't matter. As she approached the ground, Cara reached up and tugged at the chord on the backpack. Immediately the parachute inside, sprang out, jerking her roughly up in the air. The parachute was pretty much useless for her, she could have easily just teleported onto the ground, but it was all about making an entrance.

Landing heavily on the ground, Cara took it in stride, moving towards the Mayweather Academy. Standing outside of the front doors was a student making his way inside. He stared for a minute, just having witnessed a girl in loose clothing fly out of the sky and gracefully land in a parachute. Should've come prepared, kid, you live in a supernatural world now. Strolling up to him, she attempted to fix her messy hair while asking, " 'Scuse me, is this Mayweathers? I just happen to be here to cause some mischief. Couldn't happen but notice that Delphina was burned to a crisp on the way down."

The boy, was put off for a moment, "Uh... are you a hero..?"

Cara laughed at the idea. Throwing her arm around the uncomfortable boy's shoulder she said, "A hero? I'm the baddest villain you'll ever meet." To prove what she said, she dissipated again, only to reappear a moment later, this time with a bag in hand. "Look," She held up the bag so he could see the dollar sign on it, "I stole this from a bank." Tossing it into the shocked boys hands she continued to walk right past him. "I'm just kidding by the way. The bag is from some TV set. The hands inside it are real though."

Laughing at her little prank, Cara dissipated before he could say another word. Stepping forward into the arena, Cara glanced around, there were a few people here. It was the only place she could see with people from the fall. Boldly shouting, "Well... who's in charge here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The White Room → Wesley Cone Building
Interacting With: Minako by text @Thundercrash → Each other @Viciousmarrow@lovely complex; Mention of Elijah, Keats, and Lucas @BeastofDestiny@Legion02@Lasrever; (Involves @HushedWhispers characters)

Impatient → Confused → Annoyed → “Sorrowful” → Generous and deceitful
Frustrated → Uncomfortable → Composed → Saddened → Empathetic → Pleased
| Oufit |

To: Fresh Meat

Stuck in a b.s. meeting, I'll txt u when I'm free. idk how long it's gonna be.

The dance committee meeting was primarily dedicated to brainstorming ideas since they had enough time to party plan. The Formal wouldn’t be until near Winter break, so yeah, plenty of time to pick and choose. There were constant jabs between Gianna and Samantha, but not blatantly obvious for people to cut in between them and tell them 'cut your shit'. While Gia waited for time to pass her by, she let people like Louis Dewey and Jace Duran have a good stare at her body. It was cheaper to dress sultry and she worked the look, so why not show off her assets? With her maroon painted lips, blue feathered earrings, black crop top, legs for days, and an eye catching red skirt, Gia's smile graced her face when she caught them staring. Sensually biting her lip, she gave them both a wink, which made Sam look at her in annoyance and mutter, "Slut." Winona couldn't help but touch Lou's shoulder to bring his attention to her. Gia's melting chocolate orbs scanned the room as everyone stared at her with various meanings behind their eyes. Locking her gaze with Tristram, who payed no attention to her, Gia tilted her head in intrigue. She didn't know much about the kid besides he went through a drastic style change. He use to go to major Delphina parties, the one Hero that had the balls to drink it up with a bunch of villains. A skater turned... weird. Theater might be his thing now?

Her ears perked up when the intercom suddenly went off. Listening to the Head Warden's voice, she sighed to herself, what did she do now?
Gianna Daniels, Elijah Masterson, Samuel Keats, and Lucas Farweight. Get to my office, NOW.

Her face did look perplexed as she wondered why Elijah, Keats, AND Lucas were being called to see Leon Fulton. That only happened if some shit went down. What happened? We're they all involved in something stupid? Or did someone frame them? She couldn't think about anything that could have put her in this situation... unless...

"What did you do now?" The blonde woman beside her sassed. Mitch nudged Sam to not start any shit. She's got to remember, her image matters. He gave Gia a peace sign, acting like things were alright between them, while Sam simply rolled her eyes. They may have done something to possibly gain an advantage in this war but that didn't stop the fact that Gianna Daniels was a damned eyesore, who needed to be ruined once and for all.

Shrugging and ignoring Mitch's existence, Gianna stood up and tossed her hair off her shoulders, "That's none of your business, but if you'd like to know I do have an open door policy, Samantha." Catching sight of Sam clenching her teeth, Gianna smirked and strutted out the room. Her hips swaying from side to side and her intoxicating, fresh and light, with lemon and bergamot scent trailing behind her. Whose idea was it to put these two in the same room?! The amount of hate, tension, and spite that was emanating between them was deplorable. This semester was going to be hell, especially in this White room.

”Well, I’d consider this meeting adjourned. Congratulations everyone, we got absolutely nothing done. Feel free to give yourself a round of applause.” the blonde Tristram piped up, clapping excitedly. ”Sam and Gia are truly leaders to admire, are they not?” His sarcasm drew the ire of Sam and her supporters, who shot dangerous looks at the flamboyant man.

”Why is he here? I don’t even know who he is.” Krysta complained, motioning toward the annoying, strangely dressed man, who was now spinning about in his chair. Tris snickered at her retort and plainly gave her an answer, ”Because I’m rich.” Without any semblance of a goodbye, he disappeared into thin air, leaving the empty chair rotating about.

Entering the building, none of the others had arrived yet. Going to the counter, she tapped the bell to signal that someone was in the lobby of the Campus Safety building. The Wardens were a bunch of students getting work study in, while monitoring campus, making sure shit didn't hit the fan. They weren't really good at their job. Jay Dewey appeared behind the counter, he was holding a stray cat, "Hey Gia! Look what I found! I want to call her Bailey, what do you think?"

"After Banshee? I didn't know you liked her Jay."

His cheeks beamed red as he held the cat close to him, "No... I just like the name. Plus you know I like Sam!" Shaking her head at Jay's obliviousness, she watched him look at the cat with a kiddish grin on his face. It was adorable, really, but she needed to find out what she did to be in this annoying place. She was already reprimanded for crashing the heroes only party, did someone find more dirt on her?

"Fulton wants to see me?" She asked, not really wanting to spend the rest of her day in his office.

"Oh yeah! Sorry. I got distracted... follow me!" She watched him press a button which gave her access into the Wardens' domain. Opening the door, her heels sunk into the carpet floor as she made her way to Leon's personal office. That probably got to his head that he was given an office. Jay dismissed himself by grabbing the cat's paw and waving goodbye to Gia. Such a sugary sweet boy. How sickening.

Knocking on the door, she prepared her face to look concerned and worried, a tad on the vulnerable side. Allowing herself in, she locked her worried gaze with the man who wanted to see her, "Hey Leon, how are you today?"

Leon’s dark eyes glanced up at the stunning vixen as she sauntered into his office, internally grimacing at her choice of clothing, or rather the lack thereof. He could only sigh and shake his head. His mother was right: girls these days kept losing more and more clothing. It wouldn’t come as a surprise to him if the next batch of Freshmen showed up bare ass naked. ”Oh, I’m in that in between state of being pissed off and stressed out. Your buddies Lucas and Keats are about to be knee deep in a pile of shit.” he spoke, all the while gesturing for Gianna to sit in the chair in front of him.

Intrigue lit up in the bronze skinned woman’s stare, but she made sure the concern never left her gentle face. Taking a seat, she leaned back, her chest as firm as ever, before replying, "That bad? What did they do?” She crossed her fine and long legs, while waiting for an answer.

The man was clearly uncomfortable with her rather revealing stance, though it would be a lie if he said he didn’t enjoy the sight. He was, after all, but a man. ”Damaged school property, breaking and entering… I think it would better to ask what didn’t they do.” Figuring he needed to do something about Gia’s appearance before it drove him insane, one of his hands opened up one of the desk’s drawers and produced a massive tome, which he slammed on the table. The title of the book read “Student Policy Handbook” in official looking text. Busily, he flipped through the pages until he found the article he was searching for. ”Enough about them though. First, I’ve got to address your failure to adhere to the school’s dress code.” Scooting the handbook over so that she could see it, a single digit pointed to the passage he wanted her to memorize. ”Section 4, article 3. All students are required to dress in a manner compliant with what is deemed decent and unrevealing.” Below was a list of clothing that was forbidden on school grounds, such as that short, red skirt she was wearing. ”Sorry, Gianna, but you look you just got off the AM shift working for a pimp named Randy. Gonna have to ask you to change.”

"Don’t you think that’s the problem with this world? Objectifying women because of the attire they choose to wear. What about freedom of expression? You know, it’s cheaper to dress as what you see as a slut than be one hell of a sophisticated lady.” Her brown orbs challenged him. There was no doubt that Gianna was a woman of power and all the school could really do to her was give her detention or some basic shit like that. Her grades were on point and she was a recognized villainess at Delphina. The Headmaster respected her even if she didn’t dress ‘appropriate’. Her and her late boyfriend were role models (well she not so much anymore), which was why this matter was never addressed.

The Chief Warden put a hand to his forehead and shook his head. He wasn’t about to get into this argument. ”Rules are rules, Gia. I don’t make them. I just enforce them. And right now, yo’ titties about to come out of that shirt of yours. I ain’t about to deal with that can of worms right now.” He was blunt and concise, not beating around the bush anymore. Stripping himself of his flannel, button up overshirt, he tossed it toward the woman, silently telling her to put it on. Leon was left in a white tank top that accentuated his well toned figure.

Sighing at the boy’s foolishness and how obedient he was to rules and regulations, she took his overshirt and put it on. Assuming he didn’t want to see her chest anymore, she buttoned the flannel up and crossed her arms, "Now that I’m covered, what did I do?” There was a hint of sass in her tone.

Leon narrowed his eyes at Gia when she started to give him an attitude. This wasn’t the time or place to get on her ass about that though. ”You didn’t do nothin’.” he responded before swiveling his chair around to meet the security monitors behind him. ”Last week, this happened while I was away.” Pressing a button, a video played on the screen that depicted a torn up Gianna walking away from the women’s bathroom, only to have an angry Elijah follow afterward and exit the building. ”What can you tell me about this scene? It… looks bad.” he informed her, a sincere amount of concern in his voice as he turned back to face her.

With a deadpan stare, Gianna watched the ‘incident’ from the night of the party playback. Her expression was unreadable as she saw Elijah storm out of the girl’s bathroom and walk in the opposite direction that she went. Taking a deep breath in, she tried to gather her words but only bursted into tears, "I-I’m sorry. I didn’t think that moment would catch up to me.” She could hardly speak. Bringing her hands to her face, she tried to make sure she wasn’t ruining her makeup TOO bad. Fanning herself to stop the tears, Gia slowly but surely gained the courage to speak, "Elijah is my friend… I- I don’t think I should tell you what happened.

The tears and her reluctance essentially told Leon all that he needed to know about the incident. ”You don’t have to go into details, Gia. Right now, he’s facing some serious allegations. I just need to know what happened, otherwise this is going to have to go to higher authorities.”

"Oh no! That won’t be necessary. He didn’t touch me. He just…” She grabbed a tissue off his desk and tried to clean her face, "Elijah was really great friends with my boyfriend, who died in the fire. Do you know of Vince?” Bringing the napkin down to her lap, she clutched it in her hand, "He’s always had a thing for me but he just… couldn’t betray his friend, you know?” Looking up to the ceiling and recollecting the night, she sadly muttered, "Don’t get me wrong, I was frightened. I mean, who asks a girl out in the bathroom?” Her words were all over the place, she was torn between caring for her friend and thinking his actions were incredibly strange, "I’m still struggling with getting over…” Gia's voice trailed off as the tears continued to fall down like raindrops on a dreary day.

Ah shit. The situation was getting heavier than Leon had expected, but at least there was no sexual harassment involved. That would have been a nightmare to deal with. Gianna’s emotional downpour was starting to get to him, and he could feel tears start to well up in his eyes, empathizing with the girl’s pain. ”It’s okay, Gia… Have you considered counseling? Something to help you with…” he teetered off, knowing she’d understand what he was talking about.

Locking her weak gaze with his, Gia shook her head ‘no’ without saying a word. There was a moment of silence before she could reply, "Counseling never worked for me.” She was right in that aspect. If there was one thing she had a hard time doing, it was expressing her feelings. There was the option of going the ‘sexual molestation’ route, but… Elijah didn’t deserve that - even if he tried to pry into her personal business and was constantly trying to revert her back to the 'Old Gia'.

Nodding, he decided not to press her into seeking more help. He knew people dealt with grief in varying ways, and Gianna probably just needed more time to find the “right” option to cope with her pain. ”If you ever need to talk to someone, Gia, about anything, I’ll be right here. I can’t promise you I’ll understand everything, but I’ll listen, at the very least.” His voice was reassuring. If there was anything that Leon tried to be to everyone, it was someone that anyone could turn to for assistance. ”About Elijah though. What do you want done with him? He’s already going down for destroying that bathroom. We can impose a sort of restraining order, if you want.”

She was given the ability to punish Elijah? Biting her maroon painted lips, she thought to herself the potential paths she could take. Was Leon really giving her this much power? "That won’t be necessary. He’s still my friend even if… my rejection got him angry. Why not a good talk about how he should ask a lady out? He’s never been good with women.” A restraining order would mean along with Elijah not being able to go near her, she wouldn’t be able to approach him... That was far too extreme, even if the situation looked rather sketchy. "Thanks for the offer... I’ll make sure to give you a call.” She gave him a soft smile, something that Leon in particular probably hasn’t seen before.

”I’ll do what I can. Not sure if I can reform that whole ‘going into the women’s bathroom’ mentality he has though.” Standing up, he strode over to the door of his office, opened it, and gestured outward. ”You’re free to go.”

Standing up, Gianna wiped her eyes one last time with the tissue, tossed it in the garbage, and approached the righteous man, "Does my face look alright?” She was inches away from his, giving him a clear view of her brown orbs, her vibrant and plump lips, and her fair skin.

Being so close to this woman was enough for the Warden’s heart beat to escalate. Something about her scent and her scandalous appearance sent sparks flying, but Leon managed to compose himself well enough to not seem so affected by her. ”You look fine.” Outside the door, the sight of Jay sitting behind the counter with a cat in his lap was enough to break him out of whatever intoxicating spell Gia had over him. ”Jay! What the fuck did I say about that cat?! Throw that shit outside, or I’m going to deal with it myself.” he threatened loudly. ”Also send Elijah in.” With that, he left the woman to her own devices and closed the door to his office to await the presence of the pyromancer.

Jay pouted, obviously not wanting to throw the cat away. Gianna poked her head in the Dewey boy’s domain and saw that Elijah had just arrived and was waiting at the counter, petting the cat. Staring at him briefly, but not wanting to look at him for too long, she brought her attention to Jay, "Want me to hold onto her until you get out of work? Bailey sure is pretty. It would be sad if she was left on the streets.

The hero’s eyes lit up. Shooting up from his seat, Jay possessively grabbed the cat away from Elijah, "You’d do that for me, Gia?!” Without a second thought, he handed her the cat, who was surprisingly more accepting of people than Gia was use to.

"Yeah, sure. I don’t really care about school policy… but do something for me, real quick.” After digging in her purse, Gia grabbed her phone and tossed it to Jay. "Take my picture.

"Oh! Oh! I want a picture with Bailey too. Send it to my school email when you get the chance.” Jay began to press buttons on her phone. While he did so, Gianna messed up her hair to make it seem like she had just had sex with Leon, unbuttoned his flannel to reveal her cleavage, went by his office door, and held the cat close to her face. Jay was too focused on his cat to really understand the picture he was taking. Above her head was Leon’s office name plate, she closed her eyes and smiled. Lovingly brushing her cheek on the kitty's fur, Gia waited until she heard a *Snap* before opening her eyes up once more. Bringing the cat down from her face, Gia handed Bailey back to Jay and grabbed her phone.

"Okay. Your turn.” She whispered. The Dewey boy happily held the cat up high like simba and the Delphina sovereign snapped a quick pic, "Lovely.” Bailey was then handed back to her, for safekeeping. Once she made her way to the main lobby, a chuckle escaped her lips. Playfully winking at Elijah, Gia cooed, "Have fun~” and took her leave.

Elijah raised an eyebrow, her rather generous offer to care for the cat was surprising, her use of the picture and her promiscuity was not. He shook his head and at her comment replied, ”Gia.” Walking past her he approached Leon’s office and knocked on the door twice before letting himself in, closing it behind him, he greeted the head warden, ”Leon, you wished to speak with me?”

Note - Eliana and Elijah collab to come, which is a little bit before this collab in terms of time sequence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
Avatar of SkeankySnack

SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location: In the Training Room of the Control Room by Mrs. Lovelace’s Office
Interacting With: Text to Minako @Thundercrash, a text to her sister, Jenivieve texting back and forth with Mitch @HushedWhispers, and with each other: @BeastofDestiny@lovely complex; Elijah brings Cara to Mrs. Lovelace’s office @Wintergrey
Interrogative → Apathetic → Elucidative → Understanding → Surprised
Anxious and Tired → Remembering a time with Mitch and worried → Annoyed → Insecure and meditative → Explaining herself (to some degree) and Concerned → Warm

Eliana had caught sight of Elijah walking with her mother while she left the polling station. Hopefully the reason behind that was because he was blind and couldn’t write down his choices rather than anything… else. Her anxiety was creeping within her as they left the arena. Feeling her phone vibrate, she checked her messages. One from Minako and one from her baby sister. Minako wanted to spend quality time training. That sounded rather exhausting. Granted, Ellie’s emotions were all over the place as of recently. The heroic answer would be: yes, let’s team up and kick Delphina butt, but the socially awkward girl and ‘Troll Doll’ as Sylvia put it just wanted to practice alone, away from the masses. Sylvia’s jab wasn’t too far from the truth, Ellie didn’t find herself to be an attractive woman but beauty really didn’t mean a thing to her. She just wanted to be alone. Then again, this could be a good opportunity to study her possible opponents and mislead them in what she was capable of doing. Was it wrong that Eliana didn’t trust Minako? No. They’ve only known each other for a week. This was a competition. Whatever they found out about her, they would use that knowledge against her. You can’t trust anyone in a tournament as grand as Mayweather Sixteen.

To: Jenna
Only if mother gave you permission… and not too late okay? Where is the party?

From: Jenna
Duh, ma said ya! She even said I sleepova, u can ask if u no believe me. ANYWAYS. We goin’ shopping <3, I’ll see u sooooooon

Jenna didn’t answer her question of where her friend lived… such a scattered brain girl. Ellie supposed she could ask in person, but why did they need to go shopping? Oh yeah, a birthday gift.

To: Minako Ikeda
In terms of training, just tell me when and I’ll be there. In terms of telling me something, I have a shopping date, so… you have less than an hour to catch me. I’m heading to the library once I’m done talking to my mom.

Ellie didn’t know if her text came off standoffish or not, but it wasn’t like she was denying Minako’s offer. Her head shot up when she heard Sylvia crying and Kayla storming out, “What the hell happened?” she muttered. The spoiled princess ran to the nearest trashcan and puked her guts out. Jenna had told her that Vargas couldn’t stand the smell of blood. Rather than check to see if she was okay, Eliana decided to walk away, grab her duffel bag off the floor, and exit the arena, to wait outside her mother’s office. Thank god Lucas didn’t come and terrorize her. When she got the chance, she would need to ask her sister about her blog post, but also find out what was written on the Delphina Times… which she didn’t have access to. Maybe she can ask Mitch?

Leaning against the wall, she looked down at her phone. Ellie had last seen him on Thursday during lunch on the roof. That was an intimate luncheon that she did not expect. Mitch had told her he was dating Milo. Woah. That was a lot of information to digest but she was glad that both Milo and Mitch found happiness with each other and maybe, Mitch could protect Milo from Lucas’ bullying.

To: Mitch Danford
Hey Mitch! So-- I heard there was a DT post about me, mind telling?

From: Mitch Danford
Some scumbag took a pic of Lucas talking to your mom and Jenna. I think that was before he was sent to the infirmary?

To: Mitch Danford
And people think we’re dating? Do people not realize I HATE HIM. Oh sorry, I know he’s your friend...

From: Mitch Danford
No worries. He can be an ass, but so can I. Have you heard anything from Milo?

To: Mitch Danford
Yeah, he said he was going to get in around 4, so soon. He hasn’t texted you?

From: Mitch Danford
He’s had a lot on his mind… thanks El. TTYL.

Putting her phone away, her head looked up when she heard Elijah’s voice. His meeting with her mother was over, “I’m alright.

”You’re lying,” he retorted, unafraid of being up front with her, ”You haven’t been sleeping? Have you? Your aura gives it away.” Again unafraid of giving the facts, her body was a swirling vortex of emotions even though she may have been giving him a very calm facade. ”Really though,” he asked, a little concern glazing his voice, ”What’s wrong?”

God, kill her now. Why was everyone so concerned about her well being? She would be fine, if only they left her alone! “Getting no sleep isn’t something odd for me, Elijah.” Her tone was apathetic, as her restless chartreuse green orbs deeply stared him down, “Did my mother ask you to check on me?” That had to be the reason. Regardless if he could read her aura or not, he had better things to do than check up on a girl he went on one date with.

”No,” he lied, though his tone didn’t give it away, it never showed emotion unless he allowed it to, or unless someone pushed him too far. ”I’m checking of my own volition, I haven’t seen you in over a week and I’ve left it be, but now that I see you here, far different from when we first met and no, I don’t mean our date. Well, it's a startling difference.” That last part was at least true, she may have been apathetic until they started speaking, but the amount of stress and anxiety, the lack of confidence within her, that was new. ”So I’ll ask again, what happened?”

Frustrated with his response, she sighed, “Why do you expect I’ll answer?” This was one thing she didn’t understand about people, they expected far too much than they deserved. Yes. She may like Elijah as a person but that didn’t mean she had to tell him her issues like Lucas having her diary or the strange incident before the meeting that the blonde Asian saved her from. She was tired of expressing herself. All she received in return was pain. People didn’t care about her. They only cared about themselves.

He paused, ”I suppose I don’t. Far be it from me to force someone to say something they’re not willing to say,” He sidestepped her and began walking past her towards the entrance. He only wanted to bring harmony to others, but unless they were willing to share the discord, there was really only so much he could do. No need to waste his time on someone so unwilling, that of course didn’t mean he wouldn’t be too far off, it just meant it wouldn’t be his primary focus.

Watching him walk away, she closed her eyes and banged her head on the wall (ouch). She took the next moment to drop to the floor, rest her duffel bag beside her, and wait for her mother to finish whatever she was doing. Eliana couldn’t help the way she was, especially after her morning. Sylvia’s words coursed through her mind, her mother’s glances, Elijah’s disappointment… she was a terrible person, why did people even bother? The sounds of her surrounding disappeared, as she meditated internally. Today was not the best day for her, even after Amelia’s kindness from last night… somehow that got kicked out the door.

He traveled through the arena and as he approached the doors yet another person made a boisterous entrance, yelling out, asking who was in charge. What was it with these people today, he sighed before approaching her, ”Most likely you’re looking for Professor Lovelace then?” he jerked his head, gesturing her to follow him. Her aura was curious, it seemed controlled, yet sadistic, another villain? He hadn’t seen her before. Across the arena once more, down the hall to the professor’s office, he raised his hand, ”Through there.” Once she disappeared through the door he looked down once again at the young Lovelace and sighed. He seated himself down by her side, crossing his legs and placing his hands together.

”Listen for a moment, you know just as well as I do that I never interact with anyone. The fact that I’m sitting with you here now, some Delphinas would consider it taboo, and more personally it is not often that I find one of an equal soul. I ask what I do, because the last thing I want to see is someone else turn into someone like Gianna Daniels. There is a spirit about you that I do not want to see die, I’m not good at these things, but I try for the good of everyone and for themselves.”

Gradually opening her eyes to his voice once more, Eliana looked toward the training equipment that surrounded them, “That’s very nice of you to say.” Her voice was low, as she took in his words. Equal souls, huh? He did have a point with the whole sitting next to her. Nowadays, students would spread something like this on the web like wildfire but she was curious with his mention of Gianna and the fact that he saw ‘spirit’ in her, “You shouldn’t worry so much about others, it’ll tire you out.” Turning her head to look at him, Ellie softly asked, “You don’t think Gianna has spirit?

Elijah shook his his head, ”No, her spirit is still there, but it’s trapped, I’ve been trying to bring it back ever since…” he sighed, ”Perhaps worrying about others is tiring work, but it's what I feel compelled to do. I’m no hero Eliana, but I wish to maintain balance, bring back others from the brink and if I must, restore order in whatever way possible,” he stared at his hand, ”but I only wish to use that as a last resort.” He turned his head to her, ”With you, same as her, I feel I must try, even if I may not get all the answers, even if I’m hated for it, feared for it...”

Sounds like Gianna and I have something in common. We’re complicated.” Ellie gave him a gentle smile, before adding, “You sound like a true, genuine guy.” Turning her head to look straight ahead again, she shrugged to herself, “I’m sure with how passionate you are, you’ll get something out of Gianna. You’ve known her for awhile.” Bringing her finger to a strand of her hair, she played with it absentmindedly, “I need more time... ” She paused and debated if she should say her next words. Taking a deep breath, she confessed, “I like you, Elijah. But… I’m not ready to tell you… my problems.

”Very well,” He nodded, ”But a suggestion, I would like to help calm your spirit, even though you may not show it, you are a well and vortex of emotions. I have items of...arcane properties that can help deepen a meditative trance, if you are willing, I would like to show you. It may help ease your mind”

...Sure.” Since Lucas had her pills, she could use something to at least bring her awake state to a neutral level.

Their moment was cut short when Leon’s voice filled the building: “Gianna Daniels, Elijah Masterson, Samuel Keats, and Lucas Farweight. Get to my office, NOW.” Eliana’s face showed a sudden concern. Anyone called to the Wardens’ building meant they did something bad or someone had put them in a hard to get out situation. Picking herself up, she offered her hand to Elijah, “I hope it’s not too bad. Rain check for that whole meditative trance thing you want to show me?

It's always something isn’t it? He thought, accepting Eliana’s small hand to pull himself up. ”I’m sure it's nothing serious, as far as the meditation goes,” He places a hand on her shoulder, ”Just stop by my room anytime Room 2B Old West, Mitch is...usually not there.” He let a small smile grace his lips.

His smile made her heart pick up in rhythm. Elijah was really handsome and too kind to her. He didn’t gain much from this meeting besides her telling him she can’t share her personal issues with him. That she wasn’t ready to open her heart to him. Ellie felt obligated to repay him in someway.

Taking another chance, she wrapped her arms around him and brought him into a gentle embrace. She was silent for a moment as she buried her head into his chest. He was… warm. She liked how he felt.

At last, he needed to go to Leon’s office. Pulling away from him, the girl with prominent dark circles around her eyes gave him a cute, dimpled grin (too bad he was blind), “Thanks for understanding.

He was surprised to be suddenly met with an embrace, so surprised his body started to heat up a little before he regained control of himself. He wasn’t sure what happened but it felt...nice and...he shook his head coming out of his mini daze. ”It’s, no problem at all. I’ll see you around...try to get some rest...if you can?” He turned around and once again walked towards the entrance. He lost control..even if it was just a moment, he lost control of himself and yet...he actually kind of liked it, or rather, liked that she made him do that...Eliana Lovelace….what an interesting curiosity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
Avatar of Viciousmarrow


Member Seen 1 mo ago

S Y L V I A, A M E L I A, & E L I A N A

Location; Arena → Bathroom → Main area/Training room of the Control Room
Interacting with; Each other @Legion02@Viciousmarrow, with Eliana @lovely complex, a short feature of Lucas at the end
Pained → Sickened → Intrigued → Euphoric → Horrified → Appreciative → Pissy → Annoyed → Guilty → Depressed → Grateful
Bothered → Concerned → Compelled → Lusty → Regretful → Resolute → Uncomfortable → Serious → Drained
Enthralled → A sudden recollection/Alarmed → Vexed → Impatient → Hysterical → Uneasy, nervous, freaking out → Fuming → God awful

Amelia had a rather dazed look in her eyes for the entire time Sylvia was talking. The girl had already proven herself to be a massive bitch. Against a teacher no less! But then she turned around and tried to be nice to Amelia? It was the near literal definition of two-faced. How did Sylvia assume she’d react? Happy cause she warned her? Why would she even believe her in the first place? Bitchy people had the nasty habit of lying. And she had no doubt that that was exactly what she was doing now. In all honesty, she wanted to hit Sylvia too. Not just for being bitch, but for tarnishing a good man’s reputation. He was leader of the Wardens. How did Sylvia think Amelia would believe her!?

And then she got hit straight on the nose. By Kayla no less. The powerless girl. Amelia looked up shocked at the girl, completely surprised about what happened. But then the smell of blood hit her. The red liquid running from her nose instilled a hunger in Amelia. One she had to fight for a second. While in the same time she bent down to Sylvia. She may hate the girl, but she did just get hit which meant she needed treatment. “Sylvia. Sylvia! Look at me. C’mon, look at me. I need to see your nose. I just need to see your face.” She urged the fallen girl with a genuine caring voice.

It took Sylvia a moment to recognize what happened as the stars that danced around her head and the shock of the scenario faded away. Through the tears and blood that flew down her cheeks, she felt the pangs of rage and revulsion grow steadily. That Kayla bitch needed to pay for what she had done, but at the same time, she was so disgusted by the copious amounts of crimson ichor that totally drenched her. Sylvia rarely bled, especially not like this. The metallic scent was deplorable and sickening, enough to make her want to vomit. The curling sensation of nausea struck her like a hammer, and though the voice of Amelia implored her to look up at her, the redhead managed to get to her feet and flee to the nearest garbage bin. Not a moment later, she was retching up everything and anything she'd consumed today.

The vile concotion of gore and puke in the waste bin had Sylvia wanting to hurl again, but she managed to draw herself away from the awful sight before she could. A moment later, her body began fixing her broken nose at an astonishing pace, regrowing the broken fragments until it was straight and even once again. In fact, if it weren't for the blood smeared on her face, it appeared as if nothing had happened to her at all. Turning to Amelia, the mess of woman asked in an uncharacteristically weak voice, "...Can you help clean me up?" Though her nose was reformed, there was still a small, red stream flowing down her face and either onto the floor or onto her dress.

Leaving doubt that swarmed her mind out of her voice, she said: “Yes.” And took Sylvia by the hand, dragging her to the toilet. Where she quickly grabbed some toilet paper and began to help clean. Sylvia. The problem was though, that the blood started to smell intoxicating. Like a fine veal with roasted potatoes and thick gravy. With just a hint of wine or what Amelia could only imagine to be ambrosia. The drinks of gods. With a slight fixation she kept looking at the stains on Sylvia’s neck, even though she was helping to clean her up somewhere else, her eyes were glued to the scarlet spots.

“Lick it.” That would have been what Marcus told her. Her older brother was Delphina through and through. The villain known as Gheist often claimed a lady at a party. Whatever he did to her, Amelia didn’t think it was healthy for the girl. To his credit, he never went in much detail of his escapades. But when she confronted him about her own blood hunger he told her that he manages it in doses. Drinking from a plastic bag was nothing compared to drinking it directly from a source.

Right now, with the sent flooding her mind she couldn’t help but close her eyes and inch closer to the stains with the tip of her tongue out. Just a lick, she thought. Just a lick. She won’t feel it.

Sylvia was inspecting herself in the mirror of the bathroom, primping her appearance to perfection. The blood was gone from her face, though splotches still remained on her neck. No sooner had she noticed the remnants, Amelia was cautiously leaning in and... Was that her...! The redhead let out of a sharp gasp at the ever so slight sensation of the vampiress' tongue touched her neck. The eroticism of the situation had Sylvia's face turn beat red, her lips were agape, and her eyelids shut as she began to revel the experience. One of her hands laced themselves into Amelia's blonde locks, daring the woman to go further. "Don't leave a girl in anticipation now... Bite me." she purred, excitedly awaiting this new experience.

Her lust for blood took over. Its smell grew more delicious by every second. The moment when the tip of her tongue, laced with but a drop of fresh blood, reached her lips a slight shudder went through her. Suddenly her heartbeat went sky high. The fangs appeared. As she opened her eyes her pupils dilated completely, making her see so much sharper and so much more than she ever realized. A rush of intense hunger, lust and energy went through her. Would Sylvia have resisted, there was no telling just how brutal the event could have turned out. But the encouragement made Amelia take the gentle road. As she returned her lips close to the neck of Mayweather’s princess. With two soft pricks she pierced her delicate skin. The fangs released their hormones. Increasing the victim’s heartbeat. Making her feel an intense thrill. Amelia herself was also wrapped up in her fangs’ own rush. Gently she began to suck the fresh blood from the beautiful woman’s skin, feeling the fresh, hot blood hit her tongue send her up new heights of pleasure.

A bit too far, for Amelia to be used to. Her mind, fighting her vampiric nature the whole time, won her over for just a moment. But it was enough to force Amelia to open her eyes again. Suddenly, with the mind of someone human, she realized what she was doing. She pushed herself away from Sylvia in the moment of clarity. She held her hands before her eyes and turned around. Trying not to think about the blood. Trying not to smell the sweetest thing in life pouring from a girl just a few feet away. “Oh my god, i-I’m so sorry!” she said, frozen in shame, too afraid to look at Sylvia.

The redhead let out a quiet cry of pleasure when the vampiress let those sharp fangs of hers sink into the flesh of her neck. In tandem, sheer bliss ripped through Sylvia and she gripped the back of Amelia's head with a surprising amount of force, as if to keep the girl locked into place. It was like nothing she had felt before, a completely surreal occurence. Her legs quivered in excitement, and she was forced to grip the sink in front of her with her free hand to steady herself, otherwise the princess would have fallen to the floor. The onslaught of this heavenly delight had the woman completely devoid of thought, intently focused on the sensation that lanced through her.

Then it all faded away, and Sylvia's consciousness came flooding back to life. The vampiress was standing away, apparently ashamed of what had just transpired between the two of them. Panting, her chocolate orbs glanced over Amelia, a confused expression etched into her visage. "Why'd you stop? I regenerate, you know... I can't really bleed out." she pondered in between attempts to steady her breathing. However, a sudden downpour of guilt hit Sylvia like Kayla's sucker punch and an expression of horror gleamed off her. The image of Jenna flashed through her head, and all of a sudden she was strenuously pulling both her hands through her locks of red hair. "Shit! How am I going to explain this to Jenna..." Did this count as cheating?! Sylvia was quite worried about her relationship with the younger Lovelace, wondering how badly she had just screwed up. How could she have lost herself like this?!

So much went through her mind. A myriad of emotions. The high of her fangs were still fighting her rational mind. Trying to calm herself she tried to breathe slower. Forcing her heartrate to drop. It worked. But guilt and shame was still destroying her inside. That only got worse when she heard Sylvia asking herself how she’d explain that to Jenna. Another wave of guilty broke her down, but she forced herself to be strong. She had to be. Von Carsteins are proud and strong. Like a bastion the family had stood the test of time, of revolutions and of emotions. She wouldn’t be the one that couldn’t bare it anymore. With still blood red cheeks she turned around on her heel. She made a mistake. That was clear to her now. She let her vampirism take a hold of her. Now she would have to suffer the consequences. It wouldn’t be fair to let Sylvia take any harm out of this. She might be a bitch, and the hit from Kayla was definitely earned. But this, the biting, that was her fault.

“Sylvia…I-“ But when words had to be spoken, it suddenly felt so much harder. A heavy stone weighted her down. Guilt, but also fear. These were no small matters. Whoever this Jenna was, she wouldn’t take kindly to this incident. She took a deep breath again, forcing her mind to understand that this is what she would have to do. This was what it meant to be a hero. Not just helping people, but owning up to your mistakes. “Let me help explain it to your girlfriend. You-You’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve let myself go. Just.. Let me help explain what happened.” Before Sylvia stood a woman who had forced herself to be resolute. She looked confident, but pained. She wouldn’t let Sylvia bare the aftermath of the event alone.

The Princess of Mayweather was silently appreciative of Amelia's offer to assist her. Knowing Jenna, she'd most likely flip out in a jealous tangent if Sylvia tried to explain what happened, maybe even avoid her for a time. Sighing, the redhead decided it best to try and explain what the vampiress would be going up against if she really was serious about confronting Jenna. "Jenna is Eliana's sister... She can be very unyielding at times. Very unlike her sister, more like her mom. Um... yeah. She might try to fight you, depending on how angry she is." she informed the girl in front of her. "I think we might want to find Eliana. I'm assuming Jenna will be coming to pick us up for our shopping date." Sylvia bit her bottom lip and tried to think of where the eldest Lovelace daughter might be. Presumably, she didn't get too far from the arena. In fact, maybe she was visiting her mother? It was worth a shot. Shooting a questioning glance toward her new acquaintance, she pondered if Amelia was going to judge her for dating a 16 year old...

"So yeah. Let's check near Lovelace's office for Eliana. If she's not there, then I can call her. That might surprise her though. She doesn't know I have her number." Already starting off toward the bathroom door, Sylvia forgot all about the bloody splotches on her neck. There was no time to worry about that! Her relationship was in jeopardy after all!

Amelia took another deep breath and looked down. Such a tiny action, so much consequences. She didn’t want to hurt Eliana, yet it might have brought even more strain on the girl. Just when Amelia was getting to know the elder Lovelace a little. There was a distinct, deep regret on her face. She’d lie if she wasn’t afraid of what would happen. Both the Lovelaces would be very much in their right to hate her for her actions. Never the less, she was guilty, and would bear the consequences. “Yeah… Let’s go.” She faintly said. While trying to look not too far up. “I’ll take a punch if that’s what I’ll get.” In fact, she would prefer the punch over anything else really. In her short time at the infirmary aiding the nurse, it had looked as if physical injuries vanished quite swiftly. So she was counting on that. Though if they started yelling, she’d be far less capable of taking the hit. Her father used to yell at her, from time to time. She wished it would have made her stronger. But he left just enough time between each berating, sometimes even months, that it was rather like keeping an old wound from ever closing. The worst, however, would be silence. How she loathed cold glares and silence. Holding herself up a little more she strolled behind Sylvia.

With Elijah gone, Eliana needed to kill time while her mother was busy in a meeting. In her duffel bag, along with a change of clothes, was the Gothic Fiction Novel, The Phantom of the Opera, by the French writer Gaston Leroux. For five minutes, she delved deeper into the captivating story of a complicated love triangle, an obssessive 'angel of music', and a bewitching, clandestine, and dark journey for the female protagonist. She heard the arena door's push open, as she leaned against the wall beside her mother's office door. Gently licking her fingers, she turned the page over and let her green orbs roam the next page.

"Oh thank the heavens..." Sylvia muttered as she spotted the short Eliana, who was, of course, involved in one of those lame novels of hers. The girl didn't seem to have any interesting hobbies whatsoever. Ugh, She and Jenna really needed to spice this girl's life up, or she'd never find a lover. Marching up to the brunette, she placed both hands on her shoulders, closer to her than she ever had before. "Eliana! I... Well, we need your help."

The eldest Lovelace didn't hear two people approach her for she was enraptured with the story. She was at the part where the Phantom brought his pupil to his domain. The Music of the Night chapter. He shows her how infactuated he is with her. This leads to her discovering that he has a mannequin that resembles her exact features and it is adorned with a... WEDDING DRESS. Eliana had almost forgot about the wedding dress! When she was talking to Elijah, she could only remember she somehow got trapped in her closet and...

It was not until Eliana was touched on her shoulders that she heard the piercing voice of Sylvia. With a sigh of exasperation but also extreme alarm in her green orbs from the sudden remembrance of the dress she had found on her bed, she hastily glanced up from her book and looked at the people that stood before her. First, she took notice of the blood on the redhead's neck. Her gaze immediately trailed from the neck to her new friend, Amelia. Well, this was a strange view. She didn't realize they were friends. When Sylvia mentioned both of them needed help, Eliana felt her insides turn. Not only did she recall the dress from this morning but her colleagues had fear written all over their faces. The rich princess never came to her for help and somehow the problem involved Amelia?!

Before she dealt with this, Ellie needed to do something else before she forgot, "Hold that thought for one second!" After closing her book, Eliana put it away and sent out a text to the cruel man, who thought that sick joke was actually funny.

To: The Worst
You went too far. You're not funny.

Somehow, Lucas received her number. Ellie could choose to block it but then she wouldn't know if he was possibly cornering Milo or something. He liked to send her teasing texts occassionally. Sighing to herself, she put her phone away and brought her attention to Amelia and Sylvia, "Sorry... but yeah, before you two talk about anything let's go over there." She gestured toward the lounge, away from her mother's office. There was no need in risking her mother hearing whatever they had to say.

The sudden realization of how close they were to Mrs. Lovelace’s office made Amelia even more uncomfortable than she already was. Should the woman ever realize what just happened, she would have all the right to punish her. She couldn’t keep her powers in control after all. If only she had an inkling of self-control she wouldn’t be in this entire mess. But she had to lick, Sylvia. She had to lick the scarlet drops. Even now the two tiny spots were calling out for her. Forcing her gaze to fixate on Sylvia’s neck. Until she snapped out of it and pulled her vision to Ellie. Giving her a small, warry smile. But the blood kept calling, and she kept fighting it.

Amelia's eyes kept going to the blood, but Eliana wasn't going to point that out. With a tinge of jealousy, Ellie grabbed her duffel bag, not trusting to leave it behind, and acted like she didn't notice Amelia's fixation on Sylvia. Within time, they made it to a lounge area that was a good enough distance away from Mrs. Lovelace's office. No trouble at all!

As the trio moved away from Professor Lovelace's office, Sylvia's cellphone rang, blaring a catchy yet obnoxious electro-metal song. "What the fuck is this...?" she blurted out in obvious disgust. This wasn't her normal ringtone! Fishing for her phone in her purse, Sylvia answered and silenced the racket that draw unneeded stares. A crimson hue flashed onto the princess' cheeks, embarrassed by whatever the hell had just played. "Hello?"

A light chuckle escaped Eliana's lips, having a hunch on who changed Sylvia's ringtone. She turned her head to look at Amelia. She didn't want her to worry about whatever was on her mind, even if there was an unwarranted feeling inside her that made her want to slap Sylvia for putting Amelia in this position. Ellie's gaze was genuine and she gave her an expression that read: I'll understand. Whatever the issue was, Ellie wanted to believe it wasn't that bad. Even if it was, she didn't want Amelia to think it would jeopardize whatever they had. There was something about her new friend that she couldn't let go... unlike what she had with Elijah, Eliana felt like she could show Amelia sides of her she hasn't shown anyone. A weird connection, maybe?

Amelia wasn’t bad at reading expressions. She fully realized that Eliana’s face tried to make clear she wouldn’t be mad. How could she know that before she even knew what the problem was!? Well, maybe she did? To Amelia, Eliana was far more understanding over exceptional situations. Which came first as a bit of a surprise because she often looked as if she’d be the last person to fall in unique situations. But there was something grounded and rational while still kind and loving about Eliana. Amelia could only assume it had to come from experience. Still, she averted her gaze from Eliana, looking down at her feet while holding her fingers. Eliana may understand. But still, she may not. And if she understood or not, Amelia still felt the crippling shame. Mixed with strong desire that kept creeping out from the darkness of her mind.

"Sylvia, sweety, it's mommy."

The redhead huffed into the receiver. She knew what was coming. "Hey, mom. Are you calling about Cecilia's bullshit?" she retorted with an attitude.

"Honey, you've got to learn how to-"

"Mom, I don't care what the Headmasters or anybody says. Cecilia is a stupid bitch and I'm going to say it like it is."

"But, baby, that's not very nice. You should be more gentle and respectful."

"She's not nice to Jenna or I, so I have no reason to be. Jenna can't even be out after 8, like what the fuck? That's borderline abuse. I just want to spend more time with my girl-" she paused for second before she corrected herself. "..my best friend." Sylvia finished her complaint, spilling out some of the reasoning behind her hatred for Professor Lovelace.

Now looking ahead, Eliana narrowed her eyes. Why the hell was Jenna friend's with this girl? All Sylvia did was bash their mother, for what? Because her mother wasn't born into a rich family? We all have to start somewhere! Should I even be helping her?! Her fist balled up, as she tried to contain her inner rage for this dimwit.

"Just try to be a little nicer, please? The Headmasters really aren't pleased with some of your actions lately." her mother pleaded, not once reprimanding or scolding her daughter.

"Whatever. Also can you expel this cunt named Kayla Styles? She sucker punched me today and broke my nose for like no reason."

There was laughter on the other side receiver. Feeling humiliated, Sylvia's face twisted up in annoyance. "Kayla Styles? Isn't she tiny? Baby, are you sure you're talking about the right girl? I don't think Kayla could have done that to you..."

The redhead seethed at her mother's comment. "Elise, I fucking hate you. Don't call me anymore today. Also I'm not coming home tonight." With that, she hung up the phone, not even giving her own mom a chance to say goodbye. She was fairly sure that her company had heard everything, but she didn't really think that her behavior was much different from other mother-daughter conversations.

Amelia was in fact about to step in. Especially when Sylvia told her mother to expel Kayla Styles. Hasn’t she learned her lesson yet!? Did expelling mean so little to the girl? Expulsion could destroy people’s lives! Especially those of supers! Whatever Kayla’s super power was, she very much doubted she fully mastered it yet. That combined with an education not tailored for someone who could kill a person with ease if they wanted to, and something worse than a villain could emerge. Though she let out a sigh of relief when Sylvia’s mother appeared to have enraged her daughter. Though she was still disrespectful, she did hang up. Meaning Kayla might be spared the worst.

Still, the sheer disrespect towards her mother was absolutely baffling. Should she ever talk like that to her mother she’d get berated and grounded. Should she even dare raise her voice to her father like that she’d be smacked over her cheek before she could finish a sentence. How did this woman live!? In a strange way she pitied the girl. She grew up her whole life thinking she could talk to people like that. But sooner, rather than later, she’d graduate. From then on she’d get thrown in a world where speaking like that, to anyone, could mean losing your job, house or car. It felt weird, but she didn’t wish Sylvia a poor life.

Shaking her head in disapproval, Eliana placed her duffel bag on the glass table and sat her bottom on the white loveseat. Rubbing her hands together, she stared the two girls down, more so Sylvia than Amelia, "Alright, I'm listening."

Sylvia composed herself and breathed in deeply as she sat down next to Eliana, not exactly sure how to go about her next words. It didn't seem like Jenna had told Eliana about their relationship, which was probably for the best. Here she was now though, about to spill the beans. One of her digits twirled a strand of her nearly orange hair around anxiously. "So... um... You know I've been friends with Jenna for a long time, right? And that we're really close?" she began, eying the brunette for confirmation.

Crossing her arms and leaning back into the couch, unfazed and with an unreadable expression, Eliana muttered, "Sylvia. Get on with it."

Well, well. Apparently the nerd wasn't playing around today. Throwing her hands up in the air, Sylvia decided to get straight to the point. "I'm dating your sister, Ellie." That was about as easy of an explanation she could give. But next came the interesting part about telling her about herself and Amelia's uh... thing. Whatever that was.

Blinking and staring at the redhead for a moment or two, Eliana suddenly burst out in laughter. Covering her mouth, she didn't know if this was because she didn't know if she should believe it or this was a nervous breakdown. Wrapping her arms around her body, tears running down her cheeks, Ellie tried to let out a, "I'm.." Oh god if this was true her mother would kill both her and her sister, "-Sorry." Trying to gain her composure, she wiped the tears from her face and doubted, "No, seriously."

Eliana’s reaction sort of shocked Amelia. Who always assumed Eliana was a serious girl who knew when to make fun. Or was she utterly losing it. She felt as if she was spared some agonizing fact that made the situation far worse than she thought it was. Cause clearly, Eliana got pushed over some edge. Worry crawled into the nauseous soup of emotions that was becoming Amelia. Who fought now so hard to keep her composure herself. As she watched how Eliana was completely losing hers.

Was this bitch even taking her seriously? Eliana's outburst caused a snide curl of Sylvia's lips to twist into reality. "I'm not fucking around. I really like Jenna." she spoke harshly, but her demeanor soon changed. Her hand moved onto the brunette's knee, and she tried to seem as sincere as possible. "Look. I need your help. Amelia and I went to the bathroom because I was a mess, but then she... licked me and uh..." This was becoming extremely awkward to explain. "Like it wasn't sexual, but then she bit me and that felt really good, but I think Jenna might be pissed when she learns about this. I really don't want to ruin what I have with her."

There was the curling stomach feeling again. With a pale face, Eliana peered down at the hand on her knee. This... this was a lot of information. Moving her knee to the side so that Sylvia was no longer touching her, Ellie stood up and squeezed her way pass the two girls. She began to pace back and forth, "Oh man..." Her mind was going in circles, "How am I going to explain this to mother?" she asked herself. The whole erotic scene wasn't that big of a deal to her, but Sylvia dating Jenna. Oh no. Oh nononono. How was she going to solve this one? Think. Think. Think. Stopping for an instant, as if she were going to say something to them, Ellie shook her head and went back to pacing.

Amelia kept silent for now, letting Eliana and Sylvia fought out this one. The fact was that making their relationship was none of Amelia’s business. But then again, it was her transgression that seemed to force it to come out. She wanted to speak out against Eliana, telling her that forcing a ‘meet-the-parents’ was just a bad idea. Though it looked as if Eliana was far too stressed about the whole situation that she would listen. She kept herself out of the conversation for now, biding her time.

Jenna's sister was quickly becoming an absolute disaster concerning advice, as if she didn't even register what Sylvia was asking. Breathing out loudly, she crossed her arms in annoyance. "Why the fuck are you going to tell your mom anything? Are you going to help me or not?"

"Shut the fuck up, Sylvia." Darting her attention toward the redhead, Eliana glared tenaciously. Rarely did she curse, but when she did, the spite could be felt like snake's teeth digging into your skin. If she wanted her help, she needed to learn to keep her trap closed, "Unlike you, I respect my parents." Her green orbs locked with the brown eyes of her sister's lover, "My mom, whether you and Jenna like it or not, is going to find out. And it isn't going to be from me." Sylvia looked like she was going to say something but Eliana gave her a chilling glower, "You're going to learn how to listen if you want me to help your stupid ass." This situation was the worst. Calming herself down, Eliana clasped her hands together and smiled, "Let's deal with one problem at a time. Jenna will be here in 30 to 40 minutes, so you two are going to figure out how to tell her what you did. I may, or may not, intervene. If you want me to be honest, maybe you deserve her wrath. More so you, Sylvia, than Amelia. As her girlfriend you shouldn't have encouraged the situation. You know there's this thing called saying no."

This new side of Eliana was... surprising, to say the least, and it actually left Sylvia speechless. Depressed, even. Not sure what to say, she drew her long legs up onto the couch, wrapped her arms around them, and downcast her chocolate eyes to the ground. She should have denied the vampiress, but she was so caught up in the moment. Everything was a mess now, and it was all her fault. Yes, every word that Eliana spoke was completely right and deserved. She really was just a stupid whore who didn't deserve anything. Guilt and sadness overwhelmed the princess, completely breaking down on the spot. A torrent of tears rained down Sylvia's lily white cheeks as despair clawed its way into her soul, sucking her into the cold, black void. Where she had failed, maybe Amelia would have a better time talking to the brunette.

Amelia had a little bit too much of tough girl Eliana by now. She stood up, walked towards Eliana’s side of the lounge and sat down next to her. She hadn’t spoken until now, letting the fire of the conversation carry on and see what would happen. But now it was time to intervene. “Eliana.” She started, dead serious. “Sylvia and I came to you because we need your help to explain what just happened to Jenna. I’m not asking this as your friend. I’m asking it from you because you’re the sister of Jenna.” She looked at Sylvia, who looked positively destroyed by now. The pity inside of her only grew. She inched closer to Eliana, whispering: “Not too long ago you were on the edge of breaking down too, remember? Now help another girl who’s almost broken.” She said, more gentle than her first words. Showing she genuinely cared about Sylvia, but also about Eliana. She then turned back to her friend, whispering: “I know you’re mad at her. I know the situation is.. Well.. fucked-up. But forcing Jenna and Sylvia to tell Mrs. Lovelace is only going to hurt all three parties involved. Don’t do this to her. Don’t do it to your sister. Don’t abuse this situation.” Those last words, while still spoken gently, were dangerous. Pointing out a friend to their flaws was always risky business. More so to people who just became friends. Still, Amelia had to say it. They came to Eliana for help, and so far Sylvia only received judgement and got worked even deeper into trouble. That wasn’t fair.

Amelia began to feel the emotional drain upon her. And she still had to face off against this Jenna. Whoever she may be, she expected Sylvia’s girlfriend to be angry as hell. Amelia was pretty determined to face the music. But still, it would be a blow to her emotional state. Could she take one more? She couldn’t be seen crying now. Looking worried was bad enough, but she had to show everyone around her she was strong enough to weather this. That she was strong enough to get through anything. Even if it meant breaking alone, she had to prove everyone around her just how tough she was.

From Sylvia's tears to Amelia's begging, Eliana, who was now sitting on the loveseat beside the vampiress, felt like the worst human being alive. Her day started off terrible and with that, she took it out on someone that needed her help. Her right leg moved up and down nervously, "Alright... I'll help." This was all too much for Eliana to handle in one single morning. Lucas playing a creepy trick, her mother taking away Charlotte from her, Sylvia dating her 16 year old sister, without a doubt sleeping together, and Amelia seeing a side of her that wasn't... attractive.

Ellie doubted Jenna would react badly about this but it was always good to make sure if she did, since her sister was a wild card, that she was there to ease the anger. It was the whole... Jenna was dating behind her parents' backs that bothered her the most. It wasn't her place to tell her sister and her lover to tell their parents what they've been doing but she knew her mother would find out. She always did. Whether it was what Brenna did to Eliana during their highschool years or Eliana going on ONE date with Elijah... her mother always found out. Her stomach continued to sink with the realization that her mother may be aware of her feud with Lucas. How would she explain that one? Cupping her face with her hands, she muffled, "I have to meet up with Minako really quick... so I guess that means you're going shopping with us, Amelia."

With dread, grief, and just a flood of emotions, she picked up her phone and texted the Matriarch in her family.

To: Mother
Jenna and I are going shopping, can we have our meeting sometime later? I can call you when we get back? Well....that's assuming you're okay with me leaving school grounds.

Putting her phone away, she stood up, "I'm going to the library, if you guys want to come."

Sylvia was entirely grateful when Amelia stood up for her, intently watching the woman persuade Eliana to their side. Wiping her tears away, the redhead flew over and hugged Eliana, which made the antisocial girl freeze. "Thank you so much, Ellie. Maybe you're not so bad after all..." she whispered, her voice a little hoarse from her sobbing. The mention of the library visibly had Sylvia cringe though, and she immediately backpedaled away from the shorter woman, as if she had some kind of disease. "Uh... No thanks. The library is for... well, uh... people like you. No offense." Her attention turned to Amelia, who was also wrapped in a thankful embrace. Trembling, she squeezed tight and buried her head into the girl's chest, quite clearly about to breakdown again. No one had ever helped her like this! At least, not willingly... "I love you guys. You girls are the absolute best." For once, she was actually being gushy and appreciative for what she was handed. More sobs emanated from the princess, lost in an emotional turmoil, and her crystalline tear drops splattered all over the vampiress' flesh.

Slow clapping echoed through the lounge. Coming from the doorway. There, against the frame stood Lucas. The devil in disguise. Clapping his hand slowly with a wicked grin all over his place. “Now this has been absolutely touching. The Mayweather princess in tears! Good lord, what brought you so low girl? No, don’t tell me.” He looked with snake eyes at Sylvia. “I’ll discover it myself.” His voice sounded very overconfident. With a sort of theatrical flair he began to walk towards the group. Slowly but with evil glee in every step. “And Amelia. Guilt looks good on your face. I never thought some high up von Carstein could feel guilt. Your brother certainly didn’t.” he sneered. Despite what many would have assumed, Gheist and Twilight were not on good terms. Marcus often taunted Lucas’ ladyless side on any party. Obviously hitting a sensitive nerve. But taking on the senior last year would have been suicide. So now he obviously took it out on his sister. As for the final, he turned his wicked gaze at Eliana. ”Now you.” He made dramatic twirl, making sure Mrs. Lovelace wouldn’t momentarily appear from her office before he locked eyes with the other Lovelace again. “As much as I absolutely love ruining your life. I didn’t pull any pranks on you. Not yet. Though, as it appears now. You’re pretty good at becoming a disaster yourself.” With that said, he stood right in front of the three. Looking like a 9 year old boy who just got told to ‘go nuts’ at the candy section. He took a long look at the three girls. Each in a very different but equally horrible state.

After which he twirled around again and walked out of the lounge. Once outside he pulled his phone. He had stumbled upon the emotional downpour equal to the Niagara waterfalls a little before he announced his presence. Right in time to shoot an nice video of Sylvia hugging Lovelace and von Carstein. From his vantage point he could see the red lines on Sylvia’s cheeks by her tears. The 10 second vine went straight to Delphina Times. He honestly only wanted to get back at Lovelace. But with Sylvia humiliating him like that so publically. Well, how could he resist? Who knew that going to Mrs. Lovelace complaining why some vigilante like Leon dared calling him would yield such a great film? He definitely felt happy enough now to just straight up face Leon.

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