Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Emily Coison

Interacting with @Rage Lonethorn@Symphonia

Emily watched the new arrival warily. She was an unfamiliar face, possibly a first year. Though perhaps Emily just hadn't noticed her before. She just hoped for the life of her this girl wasn't a terrible roommate, like her last who'd leave their food scraps everywhere. By any means her polite asking for Emily to move, even if the girl ceased to look her in the eye, gave Emily at least a small spark of hope to hold onto as she stepped to the side wordlessly. A small squeak came from the girl's side and Emily looked down to see the Enfield, an odd creature that seemed to be part... fox was it? By any rate it was something she hadn't seen before "Who's this?" She asked. She just hoped the beast wouldn't destroy everything, either way, if this girl was her roommate might as well start conversation now.

The was when the young man glided through students in their direction. Everything about him seemed to exude a arrogant confidence, from his smooth steps to his obviously overpriced shades. Soon enough he reached them, making a distasteful comment about the girls' clothing as he passed. Emily wasn't one to necessarily care about the response to her clothing, particularly in such a setting, but this man was saying something arrogantly negative aimed at her, she couldn't help herself, "No, but arrogant asshole seems to be," she snaps back, rolling her hazel eyes. She turns back to her roommate with a sigh. "I swear, every year there's always a handful of first years that think they own the place when they've barely unpacked, unbelievable. The name's Emily and as long as you don't get on my nerves you'll get through living with me just fine,"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Laurel -

Laurel had been quite content until she was nearly startled off her branch, however the startling was far easier to deal with than the loudness of a voice so close to her. While she had heard the other gifted walking along the path towards where she was she hadn't expected to be blasted off her branch by such loudness. Physically the only indication of being startled she gave was the twitch of her black coat that made the thick golden necklace that rested on her chest ripple. She opened her eyes rather slowly, yellow orbs outfitted with infinitely black pupils that constricted and dilated as they adjusted to the new level of light that greeted them. Her form was lithe and regal in appearance or at least she liked to think so as she raised her head to peer down at the young man who had disturbed her. The motion fully displayed the necklace that seemed to be stitched to her skin as well as the golden cuffs that rested on her front legs just a few inches above her paws.

With her slight displeasure at being disturbed Laurel assessed Asmund, finding that other than the longish hair he sported and the facial hair he wasn't as ugly as she had hope he would be. Not particularly in her own tastes but not exceptionally displeasing to look at. She pondered briefly what it was about him that she found unattractive and there was not one particular thing that she could pin point that stood out but she brushed away that train of thought as she looked at him, yellow eyes beginning to swirl with the more human green that belonged to her human face.

The change rushed through her and in only a moment a woman sat, strong denim clad legs astride the still smoldering and blackened tree branch. Her full dark pink lips were pursed just briefly before the expression was blanked and replaced with an easy smile. "I am well, tired but well. Might I ask why you are speaking at such a high volume?" She tilted her head questioningly as she peered at him, green eyes focused on his form as he lay on the bench. He was quite large and wondered which God he was aligned with.

Just as she was about to leap from the tree a set of small angry birds chirped at her. They pushed firmly demanding that she go speak to a lad that had destroyed their nest, babies included. Pretty soon the tree around her was filled with small and angry animals. She pushed calmness and sorrow for their losses as she let each one express their grievances about this person who had destroyed their homes. She recognized some of the animals around her as those that lived in a tree she often like to lay in, one she found clarity in and suddenly she was quite irate about the situation.

"Güzel," She called the hyena abruptly and the creature swiftly appeared from the brush, the large hyena looking fierce with the hair standing up along her spine. She turned to the other gifted, "I would love to talk but it appears someone has destroyed my friends home. Perhaps we will meet again another time." She nodded her head at him, long black hair sweeping around and falling down her back and over her shoulders as she turned to move, changing forms once more. This time rather than simply releasing tendrils of smoke from the heat around her body she was truly aflame. Fire licked across her skin as she shook out her coat sending small sparks sailing through the air only for them to sullenly burn out before they touched anything.

She was off just as quickly as she had changed forms, leaving charred paw prints in her wake. The flurry of creatures followed her, flapping their wings and chattering their anger as she drew closer to the glade. It didn't take her long to spot the destruction. Her body burned with grief and anger over the sight before her. The animals drew around her, some of the braver birds landing among the cold flames that roared across her flesh to perch along her back. The flames that adorned her body generally were not hot. She could make them become so but she did not wish to harm the small creatures. They were puffed, feathers fluffed as they looked like little angry cotton balls. Her lips peeled back in a snarl exposing precarious fangs and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. She reined in her temper, extinguishing some of the embers that were still warm.

How could anyone ever think that this was okay, that it was acceptable to kill baby animals. It was spring after all and the forest was filled with baby animals, especially the canopy of the many trees that filled the glade they were standing in. She was entirely to upset to trust her voice but her body raged with flames, she was well within the vision of the witch who had caused all this carnage. She did however change back into her human form, the animals staying close to her sides. Around her sat a flurry of birds of all kinds, several chipmunks and squirrel families, among other animals.

When she did find her voice it was little more than a snarl, "Are you done killing baby animals and destroying homes?" Her voice was just as smooth as it always was, decadent and though it was normally warm and drew people in it was icy cold and quivered with barely contained in rage.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Asmund Gjanarsson

Asmund moaned. Why... just why did someone apparantly have to destroy the peacefulness of this place ? Of course he had not been able to hear what Laurel's friends were telling her, so he had to stick with the word 'destroyed'. If he had known that this actually meant fire, he probably would have laughed. It had been the stench of smoldering bark that had gotten him here...

He had really just wanted to take in the early morning atmosphere, and Asmund was considering staying here and just letting things happen as a viable option for several seconds. It would have allowed him to think about Laurel's question and, much more important, why she had been appearing to inspect him so intensively. He was probably somewhat spectacular to look at, but something told him that this had not been the only cause. He was unable to determine it any further though and ultimately, curiosity took over.

The gifted got up and started running, trying to follow Laurel as long as he could see her rushing through the woods. Apparently she had more information available to her than he had, so he could not allow himself to loose track of her. Shortly after her rather rageful address towards the other male, he reached them and was barely able to stop without colliding with any of the animals that were accompanying Laurel.

Between his heavy breaths, he asked: "What is going on ?"

@KuramaaaZ@Aspen Wren
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rage Lonethorn
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Rage Lonethorn RPG's Official Pear King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Donghyun peeled to a stop and kept a smirk on his face. Looks like he had let his mouth get the best again. He never intended to ping with his comments, but he noticed that this one may have struck a chorde. The energy coming from the girl who had responded made him feel warm inside, and he knew that the fun had just begun. “You know, some would appreciate my sense of humor.” With a swift step, he turned back to face the two girls, a slight gleam in his dark eyes. The shield he kept up guarded him from the hostility he was meditating on. No need to be rude, dammit, the young Asian scolded himself carefully. Speaking without thinking often got him into trouble, and now seemed no exception. “I am sure I can offer an apology, though. It’s not exactly polite to be so abrasive when you first meet someone. Who are you?”

With a careful smile, he lifted his shades onto his head, the frames sinking into the pale red and black hairs. The sneer he caught as he watched the two ladies encounter each other for the first time filled his soul with patience and happiness. People were so beautiful in his opinion, and the extrovert he was would take any hook of interactions. He did feel the tiny pang of jealousy considering he had not met his own roommate yet. “Actually,” Donghyun began once more without thinking, “I was wondering if you were a first year? Do you happen to know where the nearest shopping center is?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KuramaaaZ
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KuramaaaZ The newbie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Just as Vlad was about to leave, a large black creature suddenly appeared from the trees. It was a feline, probably a leopard. "How did that thing get here?" Vlad thought intrigued. It came here without making a sound, not even sticks breaking or leaves rustling. a large doglike creature appeared a few seconds later, and they both stopped at the tree stump where a tree was standing moments ago. Vlad's familiar quickly hopped on the ground and then on the witch's shoulder. It was frightened. This of course pissed off Vlad, which was ready to blast the feline into pieces when it suddenly changed into a rather attractive woman. This completely put him off the rails and he was confused for a second. He did read about shapeshifters, but didn't expect to meet one so soon.

The woman looked rather angry, and snarled some words talking about baby animals dying while pointing at the tree stump. "How did she know?" Vlad thought while lowering his guard, he was rather amused someone getting this worked about a damn tree. "Baby animals you say?" he said while a small smirk formed on his face, "Why would you care about small creatures that you probably give to your dog thing as treat anyways?" he took a small breath and continued " Do you realize how hypocrite you sound now? The strong lives on, and the weak and useless die, that's how nature work."

The witch then raised his hand and looked at his open palm. He then gave an intense stare at the woman "If you want to fight, I won't hold ba-..." while flames appeared around his hand. Before he could finish his sentence, loud footsteps and cracks of twigs and sticks were heard, and a rather large man appeared from behind the same place as the woman before.

"Great, even more company..."

@Aspen Wren@Fetzen
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Laurel -

Laurel laughed easily, a noise that was at odds with her current mood but it was a serene noise. She was utterly unperturbed by this lad's nonsense, she had a multitude of advantages over a witch. His scent identified him easily as did the flames. "I think you will find that fire is of little consequence to me. I am the embodiment of the goddess Bastet. Güzel has much better things to do than eat birds and squirrels. The only people who kill infant animals are fools, it is a useless waste of power and energy." Laurel's brother often likened her voice to poisoned chocolate, smooth and decadent with a euphoric warmth that draws one in but it was always a trick to lure you into her clutches. Her distaste was clear though as she pursed her full dark pink lips. When Asmund arrived she nodded to him briefly, unconcerned with her situation.

The young man before her was redheaded, with sharp features covered in freckles that marred porcelain skin. While she could see how one might think he was handsome, his behavior definitely ruined any feelings that might have come from his appearance. Her green eyes swirled with the yellow of her secondary form as she looked at him before they once again settled into a iridescent and shimmering green with a darker almost black rim around her iris. She brushed her long black hair out of her face as she set her body alight with flames that danced along her skin. Her plump lips curled up into a sensual half smile as she bent the flames, making them change color and move along her body.

As her eyes locked on his as she moved towards him, her body as graceful as any feline. It was when she really unleashed her gifts and let them possess her body completely that it was clear that she was anything but human, she was something entirely different. Her steps were slow at first, showing off the ease and silence with which she moved but after several steps she was merely a blur. In less than a moment she was standing in front of him, her petite stature belying her abilities. The amount of animals in the area had since increased three fold as they gathered to come see her in the forest as they always did when they sensed her. Currently however they kept their distance, staying away from the brilliant flames that adorned her body. A smile still played on her lips as she looked up at him. "Perhaps we should see if my flames will burn you. What do you say?" She murmured to him.

She turned her back towards him briefly, displaying the massively detailed tattoo that adorned her unblemished olive toned skin in the backless shirt she had on. She was back facing him in the next moment, looking him in the eye, her smile still in place on her full lips. Her black hair glimmering even in the low light as it cascaded down her back while she was looking up at him. She was more than close enough for him to touch, mere inches away from him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dominic Matraz

After frying up a stack of pancakes, decorating it with various berries in a symmetrical designs and powered sugar, laying out maple syrup and plates. He placed a stack of pancakes in front of Lyla and pulled out a chair for her to sit on. He placed a single pancake on plate for Cauldron and began making coffee. He felt the atmosphere in the relax began and he finally felt more comfortable. The skills needed for being proficient in potion craft was always useful in cooking despite only really using cookbooks rather than being taught.

"So, what type of splice are you? I mean noticed the fox ears...but I not entirely sure what gives you wings.." He thought for a second "Unless that's a rude to ask and if so feel free to ignore what I asked" He didn't want to be to pressing but his curiosity was itching to know. He felt that Lyla was a was gentle type of soul who didn't seem to mind many things at all. As someone who has been described as 'irritating and neurotic, with a penchant for nervous chatter' he hoped he was able to get along with someone who seemed very carefree and friendly. Maybe he could learn how to be more relax more infront of others.

"I haven't asked you if you would like any coffee or hot chocolate or any hot beverage in particular?" Dominic turning around to grab a cup and settle the kettle.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Asmund Gjanarsson

"Hey hey hey hey" came a voice behind the two that was betraying the basically inhuman stature of its owner, each of the words spoken out a bit louder than its predecessor in an attempt to achieve an attention-grabbing crescendo. "It seems that I should probably leave this place before I put the legal burden of being a witness in a case of homicide on myself. What do you two think ?"

It was with an halfway sarcastic tone and certainly not meant really serious, but an approval of the situation did look different, too. At least that was what Asmund was hoping for as he now indeed started walking away, slowly. That guy - he didn't know yet that he had already been assigned to be his future roommate - had done something very wrong, that was not in dispute for him. However the gifted didn't consider playing around with one's powers in order to intimidate and threaten others a good thing to defuse a situation either.

It was for this reason that he was holding back with his own assets. To be prudent, he didn't really go away. He just went to a place where he believed he could stay hidden while still being able to peek at developments himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Time: Early Afternoon
Location: The lake
Interacting With: Morgan @FateWeaver and later Vlad @KuramaaaZ. Laurel @Aspen Wren and Asmund @Fetzen are present but not addressed.

The calming cool of the lake water was like balm to her flushed skin. The workout had raised the the temperature of her core, so the refreshing swim was much needed. Taking the time to relax as a reward, Kiara floated on her back with her arms behind her head and let the sun bathe her skin, which was now a glamoured pale porcelain instead of stony grey. In rare moments like this, she let her guard down in favour of peace.

“Good Morning, Kiara” a cheerful voice from a very close proximity startled the faerie. Kiara let out a small chirpy scream as she flailed out of her dead man’s float and into an upright swimming position. “Lovely time for a swim, eh?” Morgan asked with a smile painted in mischief. Kiara giggled and splashed at him playfully.

“You got meee…” Kiki admitted in a defeated whine, her smile hinting that she wasn’t wholly upset about it. “How is your break going?" she asked, moving closer to the warlock. “Learn any new magick?” Kiara asked, remembering that she had something to show him.

“Professor Bertram suspects that I am an earth elemental fae, she helped me with a trick at the end of the semester.” Kiara cupped her hands in front of her and started to focus intently at the empty space within them. The air swirled and shimmered in a way that humans might describe as looking like ‘pixie dust’ as the object started forming. A water lily colored like a sunburst of purple and orange was now in her hands. She smiled and lifted them to tuck the flower in Morgan’s hair. There was an uncharacteristically soft, innocent look to her light pink eyes as she gazed up at him.

The affectionate moment was ruined by a startling, explosive sound. Kiara turned in the water to the source of the sound. One of her favorite trees was up in flames on the school grounds. Truth be told, Kiara loved each and every tree, it was in her nature. Regardless, this was still one of her favorite trees. To see some kid disrespectfully setting fire to it riled her up to know end. “Morgie, can you help put it out?” she asked in a hiss as she marched her way out of the water and towards the group, expecting the water mage to follow.

Kiara’s hands were balled into tight little fists and her small stature was laughable, but the dark, menacing aura she held made others think twice before mocking her when she was truly angry. Her eyes just a light pink were now a scarlet red, blazing brighter than the conflagrant tree. “WHAT do you think you’re doing?” the Unseelie girl asked the red-headed boy with bared teeth. They were sharp and pointed, distinctly non-human despite what the rest of her glamour suggested, yet it was her eyes that pierced him as she fiercely awaited an explanation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KuramaaaZ
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KuramaaaZ The newbie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The moment the flames sprung up around the woman's body, Vlad took a more defensive stand with his hands up and legs spread. "So she's not an average shapeshifter... Or perhaps she isn't one at all but something different" Vlad thought while carefully observing the approaching woman. And the big guy over there, he had this weird aura about him, as if he was holding back something terrible. But to his surprise the man left after a sarcastic remark.

Vlad's attention was back on the woman, which was a few inches away from his now. He could feel the pressure she was giving off, and the flames around her body weren't ordinary flames. They were magic infused, which are difficult to control or counter, but Vlad already encountered that kind of flames in the past so he had some experience with them although it resulted in his hands being grossly scarred. Vlad took a deep breath and stared directly into the woman's eyes, giving her the signal of him not being intimidated by her display. "You know I can remove those flames around you right?" he said without breaking eyecontact while pointing his scar covered finger at her flames. "...Or perhaps, use them against you" he finished with a grin. Hoping that his intimidation worked, since it wouldn't be as simple as he made it sound like, Vlad was ready to strike when suddenly another voice from behind caught his attention.

It was a red haired girl, with a short stature and wearing a bikini, she had a pretty face but this wasn't the moment to think about stuff like that. "Another one?" Vlad thought completely surprised by yet another person in this damn forest. And the moment she started to yell about the tree as well, the witch couldn't contain the annoyance anymore. "ARE they seriously ready to fight me just for a damn tree???" and before she could finish what she was saying, Vlad sent out a massive wave of fire at her with a full swing of his arm. It wasn't aimed at her thought but just a few inches above her as to distract her. Vlad then quickly turned at the feline fire girl and quickly formed a fireball which he then shot at the ground just in front of her, sending dust and debris around her and himself. During this moment of distraction, Vlad ran away as fast as he could, into the trees with his familiar safely clutched between his arms. This encounter was to much for him and he couldn't be arsed to deal with it for a fucking tree.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Emily Coison

Interacting with @Rage Lonethorn

"If you think that's funny I think you should get a better sense of humour," Emily says dryly with a sigh, tugging on her raven ponytail with a sigh. Crossing her arms she gave a grudging acceptance yet ceased to offer one of her own, even if it was what was morally right. "Who are you? That's a very broad question, I am many things. If you're just awsking for my name though, I'm Emily. What is your name?"

"First year?" Emily gave a snicker, Sweetie, this is my third year. You first years are adorable though. So naive. I remember those days. If you wanted a shopping centre you're gonna have to do a bit of walking, it's quite a hike from here. Unless you have advanced speed because of your species or whatever. There's a cafe here though," She looks over the man. This was always (not) the fun part, figuring out what they were. He appeared human, well human enough. A rather eccentric human but human nonetheless. That opened a look of spots. Damn, why is almost every creature humanoid or had a human form? Then again, Emily was more than happy to appear mostly human. She doubted she'd enjoy appearance, well, anything else really. She inspected him once more, her hazel eyes trying to seek out something that would dictate what this man was. Finally defeated, she gives up her inquisitive gaze and rests on the balls of her feet. She tugs tge hairband out of her raven hair and allowed it to fall down her back before completely admitting defeat, "What are you then?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Laurel -

@KuramaaaZ@Silent Observer

Laurel chuckled lightly at the threat, it would take a lot more than witch magic to turn her own fire against her. There was a distinct difference between the fire she created and the fire that he controlled. A brilliant smile lit her face when she saw Kiara come raging through the forest. The fiery, red-headed faerie was as volatile as jet fuel and swung emotions very quickly, it was her nature and Laurel loved the other girl for it. It made their time together as roommates rather interesting to say they least. Stepping away to let the faerie have at the witch she nodded briefly at her.

Kiara was dripping wet, no doubt having just come out of the lake with Morgan. The water mage was nearly always in Kiara's presence, between him and Suley Laurel wasn't so sure which of the three was going to win out or how it was going to end. Whatever happened would be a long time coming and Laurel wouldn't miss it for the world. There was always something going on between the trio. The situation between them seemed to suit Kiara well enough though and she was happy for her roommate.

She almost felt bad for the fire mage, he had no doubt come here with the intent of practicing his craft. Now he was being assaulted by two of the smallest women on campus. It was nearly enough to make her chuckle, he still deserved to be punished for destroying nature, especially when the school had rooms set up entirely for practicing ones craft. Laurel had spent many long days and nights in the rooms learning to control the most tedious of her powers. The goddess's wrath was one that was reserved for slaughtering the pharaoh's enemies but when it had become apparent that she could be just as vicious as the goddess herself without much warning she'd spent the last several years learning to control it completely and fully.

Today was no exception for her control of her gift, she had to remain in control. It wasn't until the mage threw a ball of flames toward Kiara and herself that some of her resolve cracked. Her normally warm green eyes swirled with the yellow of the leopard she kept at bay. Her nostrils flared slightly before the black haired woman had been replaced with an equally black cat. Flexing the muscles that extended her claws she was off in a flash. A blur of inky blackness as she loped easily after the mage. It was a slow jaunt for her really once she had caught up with him. Laurel transformed between one step and the next as she trailed after the mage. "Do you truly expect to outrun me? I assure you that this is a rather slow pace for me. Your cause for running truly escapes me. Kiara and myself have to be the smallest women on campus." She gave a bit of a grin, her full lips turning up to reveal her white teeth again, her canines slightly longer than they should have been. Her green eyes were still swirled and dotted with the vibrant yellow that belonged to her other form.

She hoped they had frightened him, for all of his goading and scare tactics he didn't seem to actually want to fight them. Her long black hair swung and cascaded around her as she moved, eyes watching him carefully. He carried a small phoenix in his arms, she hadn't initially noticed the creature but now that her gaze rested on it she pushed emotions towards it. Projecting them easily to the creature, letting it know that she truly meant no harm. Generally it didn't take very long for animals to warm up to her once they realized they could communicate with her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KuramaaaZ
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KuramaaaZ The newbie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As expected, the woman caught up with him. But what he didn't expect was how incredibly quick she was. Without breaking a sweat, Vlad continued running, ignoring the woman's taunts. Normally he'd stay and fight and never back down from a fight but he was low on energy due to using higher than usual amounts of his elemental power, and if he continued to fight in this state he'd fall unconscious. The scars on his body and arms were painful as well, and had a faint red glow which was not a good sign at all. His breathing was also heavier, not due to the exhaustion but the draining effect the scars had on him.

His familiar was looking up to his master while holding itself tightly against his chest, it little eyes had a worried feeling about it's master. The phoenix then turned and could see the woman running closely behind Vlad, it was staring at the bird but something about her felt calm and welcoming.

Vlad quickly put the familiar in one arm freeing his other and looked behind him while still running, the woman was close to him and she still had this annoying grin plastered on her face, as if this everything was a game to her. " Don't mess with me!!" Vlad yelled when releasing something from his free hand. It was red dust which covered everything behind him. Vlad then snapped his fingers and the dust started to glow a bright red light. "Leave me alone, you creepy stalker!" and with those words, the dust exploded. It was not a particularly powerful explosion. The dust was designed to confuse or disorientate people or creatures alike.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


He simply smiled as he continued on his way down the hallway, figuring there would be someone else lingering the halls as well. He originally came to the school with a very pretentious attitude but a blessing disguised as a curse, his brother, helped him open up slightly to the rest of those he knew. However, the life of a dragon was still a rather lonely one. Many still thought him to be a "pompous prick" and others just steered clear. For awhile in this school that did not bother him in the slightest but the longer he stayed amongst the other creatures who showed human-like traits, he seemed to absorb them a bit more, understanding, jealousy, sadness, guilt and regret, and a few others that he casted aside when he was younger.

He decided it would be good to grab some food from the cafeteria and enjoy a freshly prepared meal. 'Seriously wondering if that girl will take up my offer. Although I wouldn't put it past her to say no. Timid ones did prefer the more passive routes but it seems with that aura of hers she may need some guidance but we will see.' he pondered to himself as he entered into the large café. He glanced around to see if he took notice to anyone in there but could not so decided to grab some food and sit near the corner and ust oversee everyone in there.

(A/N: I leave it open to anyone to interact with him)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

“You got meee…” Kiara's response broadened Morgan's smile, instantly snuffing out the mild concern that she had somehow sensed his approach. Her smile was all it took for her to grab his attention.

"You know I'm always trying to improve," he said in answer to her question, but she had something for him this time. He watched in awe as she created, for her magic bore no mark of summoning, a water lily in what had previously been empty space. As Kiara tucked the flower into his hair, Morgan felt the blood rush swiftly to his face and neck. At this point, he didn't try to hide it from her. Not that he would have had much luck in the water.

As all good things do, the moment came to an abrupt end. Most of those things don't end in fiery explosions though. Beyond Kiara, Morgan could see the flaming tree in the distance and let loose a heavy sigh. Before she could really request his help with it, he had started for the shore.

Grumbling more out of annoyance at the interruption and the other student's lack of control than any real anger, Morgan pulled himself from the lake and expelled the water from his clothing with a flick of is wrist. Rather than dispersing it, he drew it and water from the lake into his hands until he carried an orb about the size of an average beach ball. Following Kiara, he balanced it carefully until they reached the blazing tree. She began to shout, but the offending student lashed out with a wave of fire. It didn't even take a moment of thought for the Warlock to intercede, guiding the orb of water with his will to catch the spilling flames. With the cool detachment he maintained to work his art, he guided the water up into the blaze to begin to quell it. Where water met fire and steam was created, he captured the vapor as well to smother the flames.

@Silent Observer

Lyla Warren

While Dominic prepared breakfast, Lyla retreated briefly to her room to dress for the day. Most of her clothing items were unique in either shape or material, for her to be better able to tell them apart. Denim shorts would do for today, along with one of her various t-shirts. By the thickness of the fabric, she judged it to be the sky blue one. A pair of simple leather sandals had her properly attired, and she returned to the little kitchenette where food had just been set out.

"Thank you," Lyla said as she took the chair Dominic pulled out for her, offering him a smile as she sat. Her fingers trailed lightly over the tabletop until coming into contact with a fork, which she picked up carefully as her roommate let loose some of his curiosity.

"I don't mind at all, honestly! I was spliced with a Flying Fox, a type of bat. It gives me an advantage a lot of other blind folk don't enjoy. The wings don't help too much yet, but the doctor says they're continuing to grow as I age. I've been able to glide a short distance for a little less than a year," the Splice explained as she took up the cutlery. Her wings shifted slightly when she started talking about them, a nervous reflex, and she could feel her shirt shifting around them. Like most of her clothing, it had been cut to accommodate them.

"Tea or hot chocolate will be fine, I'm not supposed to have coffee for some reason. Thank you for making breakfast, Dominic."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 7 mos ago



Lainie sped up her pace to keep up with the much taller, much more confident person's strides, almost having to break into a run. She wondered if she'd spoken too quietly - she tended to do that when she was nervous. Or she'd hesitated too long before replying. Would he think her rude? Would he go back on the offer?

"I-I'm sorry," she called as she caught up with him in the cafeteria, hunching her shoulders, careful not to knock into other students. Again, she didn't know if he'd heard her over the buzz of chatter that filled the air. She hadn't seen the cafeteria this busy in several months. Busy or not, though, this was where she usually ate at a table by herself. She hoped she wasn't making an idiot of herself in front of him and everyone else in the room. For all she knew, he'd laugh at her. She stood in place for a few seconds, biting her fingernails, before pouring herself a bowl of cereal and a glass of fruit juice. Taking a seat next to Suleykaar, she forced herself to look him in the eye. "I accept your offer."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Asmund Gjanarsson

Laurel and Vlad proved themselves to be quite adept at leaving the more than hulking gifted behind. Asmund wasn't eager to follow them either though. As long as there wouldn't burst any hostilities in flames between the...

Oh no. Well... did Vlad have some sort of hidden telepathic connection with him or was it just pure accidental coincidence that he made him spot a plume of strange dust that consumed itself in a noticeable blast shortly after it had been sent out ? Couldn't one have a peaceful morning after having spent a lot of past-midnight effort to move all of one's furniture around ? It made him quite a bit angry.

Despite the incredible amount of muscle in his legs, Asmund certainly wasn't the fastest around the block. Perhaps it was because he also feasted so much. It didn't take long for him to realize that by the time he would have caught up with them, things could very well have escalated badly now that Vlad had started throwing flames around. He did know however that he had something up his sleeve that would be much faster than him and could still be effective in stopping them.

There was a strange sound that suddenly approached the two from behind. If they were not too busy with themselves, they could probably hear it coming closer very rapidly and with an undulation in it as if it was caused by an object than spun around itself while flying. Asmund had tried to give it an aim as good as he had been able to given the very short amount of time available, but it was not sufficient to avoid every bush and every branch. The sound of cracking wood and smashed leaves mixed with the other noise. No, that probably would not help in calming down Laurel...

It hit the ground a few yards in front of Vlad, sending a column of dirt up into the air and leaving a remarkable impact site behind as it started to defy physics. The glinting thing bounced off and started flying in a wide circle despite not being subjected to any noticeable forces. It seemed as if it went to hit its owner, but Asmund picked it out of its trajectory with apparent ease. The object looked like one of these decorative amulets some people were wearing occasionally, but it was much larger.

"Would you two just stop what you are doing ?" he shouted, covering the remaining gap between them that he was trying to close.

@Aspen Wren@KuramaaaZ
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


He glanced over to see the young woman had followed him into the cafeteria. His smirk held firm as he ate quietly. He remained quiet for a while until she responded to his offer to which he stopped eating, wiping his mouth clean before leaning back with his head cocked to the side and slightly up. "Splendid. He smiled and leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table as his fingers interlocked, creating a resting place for his head. Sulley's eyes seemed to glow lightly. As a dragon, by nature, I have control over internal and external fire so what we will work on first is internal. However, I am your teacher and you are my student and will address me as such. We'll start as soon as your ready." The young dragon went to take a drink but stopped once it hit his lips. Placing it down on the table again he looked her dead in the eyes. My style of teaching is unorthodox and rather excessive but it proven to have great results." His eyes softened as he looked back to his meal, finishing it in short time.

He sighed. "So what brings you to this wonderful school, hm? Sulley cocked an eyebrow. She was a timid girl and he held an overpowering aura full of charisma and confidence. If she felt threatened by him in any way he didn't mean to, it was just in his nature to act as such.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Laurel -

Sure, Laurel presumed that she could be quite frightening if she wanted to be but she was quite positive this lad was overreacting. He had been the one destroying trees in the glade where most of the other students went to for peace. He had made his bed and thus could lay in it as far as Laurel was concerned. She moved at an easy pace despite him seeming to be sprinting for his life. Like any feline she moved with the utmost grace and elegance, her gaze focused almost entirely upon her fleeing prey. There were few things that were sharper than her eyesight but a close second to it was her hearing. She heard nearly everything, combined with the feelings from the surrounding animals, especially the small phoenix the mage carried it was becoming a bit overwhelming but she ignored some things, pushing them aside in her mind and dismissing them.

What she did not dismiss though was the whirring noise of an incoming object. She was quite displeased when her vision was taken by the brightness of the explosion they mage had concocted. A soft snarl found its way from her throat, her face twisting into a brief sneer as she slammed her eyes shut, relying on her other senses to guide her. Her steps never faltered though, her feet carrying her easily across the ground. Her eyes quickly recovered, allowing her to find the source of the noise she had heard immediately before an overly large amulet sailing rapidly through the air. The giant gifted she had met earlier crashing through the brush just behind them. He seemed to gather his breath before shouting at them.

"I'm not the one destroying things, perhaps you should consider yelling at the witch rather than one of your own kind." She offered easily as she looked at the much larger man. She moved easily, moving up and around the witch quickly before coming to an abrupt stop in front of him. Though her size was diminutive she was considerably stronger than she had any right to be and though due to the witches speed if he ran into her it would be quite similar to running into a brick wall. She would take a couple steps back with the impact to soften the blow but it wouldn't be something that was particularly pleasant.

She could easily see the large shape in front of them, better he run into her than into the tree that she knew would crash down into their path because of being struck by lightning in the previous nights storm. She could hear the imposing cracks as the charred would gave way. It hit the ground billowing up dust and producing an explosive noise just a foot or so in front of where she had stopped dead in front of the mage.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dominic Matraz

"Wow, i would have never guessed" He finished up the hot cocoa and placed the cup next to Lylas plate. "Its no surprise, coffee is known to be not the best beverage when in development of appendages" he finished up the cleaning and began packing away. "I spent a lot of my time learning but not much time experiencing and meeting, but on the plus side I can concoct just about any potion available...usually", his success was roughly 85% but the 15% margin of failure could yield anything from potions having a shorter effective time to having unusual side effects. Pondering on it, this was the longest conversation he had held since arriving and he spent most of it in the flat.

"I don't really know my way around this campus and I heard there was a greenhouse on campus. I don't what type of plants they have there but I think I can request for a spot for some of the more exotic plants I cant grow in a pot on my windowsill. Do you want to check it out? Hopefully we can meet some more people in our year" His meeting with Lyla had gone so smoothly, he wondered why he was so anxious in the first place. He went quickly hopped over his room and grabbed the campus map he had requested for earlier and hopped back to door scooping up Cauldron. "Oh I forgot this Cauldron, she my familiar and pet pig. If you feel anything brush against your legs or snuzzle up to you, its probably because you have food in your hand that she wants to eat" He paused to give Cauldron a little belly stratch she returned with glee. "Overall, she's a darling"
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