Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Both twins let Cassandra clean their wounds. They both turned. Aron hugged Cassandra while gage stood back. "Tha k you Cassandra. Means a lot." aron let her go and looked at gage who nodded. "Thanks" They both pulled back on their shirts and aron rubbed his neck. "Sorry we dragged you into this. We will be fine...." Aron was trying to be cheerful and take away the depression. Aron looked at Gage who still looked down.

"We could go to Vanessa's dinner and compare food" Gage huffed. "My cooking is awesome." "Up to you Cassandra. What do you want to do?" it was clear the twins would pretend nothing happened. It was their coping technique.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Cassandra gave a small smile, kneeling to wash her hands, returning Aron's hug, hugging him carefully so as not to hurt his wounds. "that's what friends are for, guys. I'm worried about you two, and wish I had stepped in soonoer" she said softly, knowing that they would both be able to hear her. She had known their home life wasn't great, and she should have done something the day before the camping trip, when their adoptive mother had come into the diner. But she hadn't, and she couldn't change that. And now, even when they had the proof of their abuse, they couldn't go to the authrities about it, because their wounds would heal. It was a frustrating situation.

She wanted to be able to help them, but she didn't know how. All she could do was try and make things a little easier. At their suggestion to go to Vanessa's, she knew it was to try and take their minds of what had happened, and to make it seem to themselves that nothing had happened.

"Okay" She said, with a smile, wanting to just make sure they were going to be okay, "we can do that" There was of course the worry their parents might go to the diner, intent on finding the boys, but she would make sure they didn't get close to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 24 min ago

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha

Anastasia smiled softly at Natasha as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Tasha, i'm Anastasia its nice to meet you as well. But you can just call me Anna if you prefer that." Anastasia said as she ran a hand through her hair and thought about it for a moment when Tasha brought up the question about the wolf attack. Though Anna wasn't there when the wolf attack happened but she wasn't sure what to say she didn't truly trust this woman, after appearing in the town out of the blue after the wolf attack was a red flag for her.

"I honestly have no clue, I was at home unpacking my things since I just recently moved here myself." Anastasia answered and then looked towards Vanessa for a moment only she knew that Vanessa was a werewolf and Vanessa knew that she was a vampire. "But I do remember a few hunters going out into the woods to try and investigate things and try and get the wolf reward. But since the attack I haven't heard any news from farmers who have livestock killed."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Natasha Jackson

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant

Interacting with: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa & @NalloreAnastasia.(kind of)

“Damn…” Tasha said with tired voice, putting her hands on her temples.” I hate this job, here we go again…” She mumbled, noticing Anastasia’s quick and subtle but still change in expression and attitude when she mentioned wolves. That’s why she disliked these small towns in the middle of nowhere. People were already suspicious and tightlipped by defaut.

“So you too start disliking me the moment I mention it about my article…” Natasha said, looking at Anastasia.” People treat us reporters like lepers… Fine I give up… I will simply take my pictures from the campsite later and don’t even want to interview people anymore…” She said, rubbing her temples as if she had headache which she still did.” Please forget what I had asked.” She stated.” I will just send my redactor the old article I worked on. An old lady stuck in her pizza oven… somehow.” She explained, pulling a photo of it, she was given when she was investigating that event.” The grandma lived though, so no casualties there.” She said, hoping this would make Anastasia smile at least a little and return her from the sudden change of attitude and mood she briefly displayed when Tasha mentioned the wolf.

"Excuse me, would it be possible to get another black coffee?" She asked Vanessa with a smile. She needed to deal with the low blood pressure she was experiencing on top of hte headache. Those magic effects were really starting to throw side effects because her body was a mess. She needed a break... maybe after this job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Red Lake Music School.
Interacting With: Cleo D'Nile (@Damo021), Kim Hansson (@Zhaliora).
Songs: None.

The room seemed to stay quiet apart from their gentle breathing; in… out… in… out… Had she really managed to catch Cleo that off guard that it had rendered her speechless..? If she had, well… it was certainly a feat that not many were able to perform- the very thought had the corners of her lips turning up in a rather happy smile as she turned her attention back down to the piano she still sat in front of, her touch soft… almost delicate as she lightly pressed down on a key or two, causing the stray notes to fill the air and float about.

This was where she was happiest- where nothing in the world could bother her… that was unless the crowd grew large enough that it made her nervous and she froze up like she normally did… A quick jab of pain seemed to shoot through her very being at the idea of being stuck, frozen and unmoving in front of so many people; friends, family and strangers all laughing at her as she just sat there staring at the ivory keys like the idiot that she was…

The sound of a new voice filling the room from somewhere behind her caused her to shake her head lightly from side to side, ridding herself of that particular train of thought as she turned her attention back and over her shoulder, her bright though slightly cloudy baby blue eyes lingering unseeingly in the direction she thought the new-comer to be standing in- grandfather..? She didn’t mean Erik… did she..?

“..it’s okay; I-… I think I know who you’re talking about- Erik Hansson, right..?”

Tilting her head ever so lightly to the side, Syleste smiled warmly… lovingly, her bright eyes soft and full of compassion and admiration as her mind wandered back over the memories she had of the man in question- he had been so kind… never once treated her differently from any of the others; and taught her so much more that she could have ever thought he could…

“..he’s actually the one who taught me to play Clair De Lune in the first place- I used to sit and listen to him play it; and one day when he was practicing, he brought me up to the piano and began teaching it to me… it’s one of my favorites…”

Pausing for a moment, she brought her attention back down to the keys, the tips of her fingers lightly gliding over them back and forth a couple of times before eventually, she let her hands slip, bringing them both down to rest in her lap, “..I was sorry to hear of his passing; though… it is nice to finally meet you, Kim- he spoke of you often, and very fondly. He told me so much about you; I was beginning to wonder if we would ever meet.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Caits@rivaan@Nallore[and anyone I missed]
[h3]The Twins[h3]

The twins smiled at Cassandra and the trio made their way to Vanessa's diner. Gage didn't seem thrilled to be going to a different diner, but seemed better. Aron seemed a lot better. The idea of messing with his brother lifted his spirits considerably. They made sure to walk at whatever pace Cassandra set.

When the reached the diner aron strode in while gage held the door for Cassandra then went in. Both twins flashed a smile at Vanessa then Gage's smile vanished as he noticed the reporter and narrowed his eyes. Aron elbowed Gage in the ribs. Gage shot a glare at his brother then sighed and relaxed himself. Aron found a spot he liked and sat down with his brother sitting next to him and both made motions for Cassandra to sit with them. They were quite because they didn't want to interrupt...they would wait until they wouldn't be interrupting a conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cleo D'Nile.

Location: Red Lake Music School.

Interacting with: Syleste Astrea Nioré @Vicier and Kim Hansson @Zhaliora.

How did she do that?! despite all her efforts of going all stealth ninja on her friend Syl, the girl was even playing a beautiful piece of music to at the time and just when she was getting close she just pops out a soft 'hello Cleo' which had the stopped dead in her track and practically stand there like a dumb founded melon. Literally all Cleo wanted to do was blast into a hyperactive reply thinking of all these things she wanted to say but did not register out of her mouth. 'How do you do that?, it's like you got superpowers or something! come one tell me whats your secret?. These were some of things she had shouting in her head and wanted to say but settled with a little sly pout, yep somehow Syl had just done the impossible or at least didn't think it was possible and totally caught Cleo of guard.

Seeing her lips form into a little smile made Cleo smile also, It always made Cleo happy seeing Syl happy despite all the random crap or epic fails she commits herself to in an attempt to complete her mission of catching her friend of guard, Maybe it as mean of Cleo to do such a thing considering she is blind, But she cared for her friend so much and loved how she was always a strong, innocent and passionate young woman given that fact. Soon enough the silence was broken when Syl went back to playing the piano, Cleo was more than content enough to listen more and came and sat down next to her pink haired friend and continue listening with a smile, she did manage however to answer her question from earlier. "Riley didn't send me over... I kinda did a naughty at the cafe the twins work at." she frowned a little. "I think they will be very angry at me and I don't think the popsicles will save me out of this one." she added softly as the music went on.

Cleo was lost listening to Syl music that she had no idea that another individual had come into the room with them until they spoke up, this made her jump a little as she turned around to se who the newcomer was. In fact Cleo couldn't really put a name to the face, She had seen the woman a few times in town and ran shop? Yes a shop, Oh yes! the gun shop lady, Cleo had heard about her but never really spoken to, she had some black tints weaved into her blonde hair which were actually pretty awesome. The teen simply sat there as the two continued to talk to one another, it was clear they have some history thanks to the music, appearantly Syl was taught by the womans grandfather, 'small world huh?' She thought well it is a small town after all.

Kim! that was it! thanks to Syl saying it of course. It was unusual not to really know some one in town but hey beggers can't be choosers in who you know but still it be rude to interrupt in others conversation not that it would normally stop Cleo, Just ask Alyssa about the hyperactive Cleo, somehow she always invaded that girls space just by being herself. Anyway satisfied that the two knew each other and Syl would be okay, Cleo decided it would be time to leave before some one from the cafe really does find her or the twins are aware of what she did and so she turned to Syl. "I.. Feel like I am interupting you two catching up and Of course I don't want to get caught by the twins as I would be in sooo much trouble, I best go for a bit, if you like I can come back and walk you home or maybe we can go out enjoy the fresh air or grab a bite to eat, provided they dont kill me" Cleo said as she carefully moved in to give Syl a gentle hug for a moment before letting go and standing up letting her friend have a chance to think about it and answer. before she would leave however she appraoched kim. "Kim right?.. Cleo." She said offering a hand and a energetic smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kim Hansson

Location: Music school

Interactions: Syleste @vicier Cleo @damo021

Kim's eyes lit up slightly as her grandfather's name was mentioned. So she did know him. It filled her with a warmth inside. Her eyes roamed across the girl. Young, pretty eyes, the clothes she wore. Kim's eyes returned to the girl's and she recognized the signs. She was blind, like Beethoven. She smiled softly at the thought of this girl being the next Beethoven.

Her gaze wandered the room. It was almost the same as it had been back then. It filled her with a sense of nostalgia. She had been in here for many nights. Sneaking in to play on the piano to impress her grandfather. In her own eyes though she had never become good enough to play for him. She never was able to obtain his level of perfection. Something she deeply regretted, and had also been pushing away since his death.

"He always did whatever he felt like doing." Kim chuckled softly and smiled. "I'm glad that you were able to appreciate him. He did talk about you every now and then. Saying how proud he was that you were able to play to such a level."

Kim didn't even notice the second presence in the room until said person started talking to them. "Hm..? Oh..." Kim stared at the hand in front of her then looked up at Cleo's face. "Sure.." she strongly grasped Cleo's hand and shook it before turning to Syl once again.

"Would you mind if I stay for a while?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 24 min ago

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha, @BlackPantherGage & Aron & @Caits Cassandra

Anastasia didn't mean to make a strange face when the mention of the wolves, she was also new to the town as well and could understand where the woman was coming from. "Sorry I didn't mean to, i'm also very new to the town like I said." Anastasia said as she thought about the campsite she wasn't sure if the camp was cleaned up or not since the attack. But then again it really wasn't her place to say that they should get it cleaned up or not. "I'm sure you will find someone who is willing to be interviewed on the wolf attack, i'm not sure the victims of the attack though would be willing to give out any info though." Anastasia said with a slight shrug as she ran a hand through her hair. Anastasia looked towards Natasha once more she could see the woman was either irritated or had some sort of headache.

Anastasia turned her head as she saw the twins Gage and Aron enter the little café along with Cassandra, she didn't know the twins but she remembered the brief conversation with her and Cassandra a week ago and gave her a soft smile. "Hi there Cassandra, how are you doing?" Anastasia asked as she grabbed her cup of coffee and took a drink of it and set it back down onto the counter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: Vanessa's diner
Interacting with:@BlackPanther@Nallore

Cassandra joined the twins, sitting down, she looked around the diner, frowning at the reported, but smiling as she saw Anasstasia. She gave a sigh, unable to help hearing what the reporter was saying. She clenched her hands, digging her finger nails into her palms. The reporter had the nerve to make it seem like she was a victim, because they wouldn't tell her anything?

"We should go up to the campsite again before she gets there and finish cleaning it up" Cassandra said softly to the twins. She didn't particularly want that spread about. What if someone connected all the blood, and wondered why they weren't still in the hospital or at least wonder why they didn't have bandages? "We don't need her causing a fuss, what if it causes people to wonder about our injuries? So far the doctors haven't spoken out, and they shouldn't withthe confidentiality thing, and being minors..."

She trailed off, realising she was rambling, and took a deep breath. She smiled at Anastasia as the other woman smiled at her, and said "I'm doing well, considering. How are you? I'm sorry I haven't got in contact yet...its been a lot to deal with"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Natasha Jackson

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant

Interacting with: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @NalloreAnastasia, @BlackPanther The twins, @CaitsCassandra.

Alright Natasha’s headache may have been a killer one, enough to put a lesser man to bed, but she had suffered such and worse before for days and weeks on ends. It wasn’t enough to dull her senses and she clearly noticed the reactions of the twins that entered.’ Those two are suspects too… judging by the way they reacted, they knew who I was. That means they were in the forest earlier and recognized me.’ The hunter thought, but pretended to not even pay them any attention for now. They were going to get their few minutes of fame later… That noted, she quickly also remembered the face of the girl with the twins. Good chances she was one too. After all the attack news she got, stated that the number of brats at the forest back then was pretty big.

“No, don’t worry I’ve already got used to it…” Natasha said with a smile.” No need to apologize, Anastasia. I will probably just drop the article depending on what that Riley girl shows me later.” The reporter said with a shrug. She knew full well that the brat would lead her to a surely clean place away from where the real attack happened. That was fine and she was going to play the role of being fooled then.

‘So her name’s Cassandra? Good to know.’ Tasha made another mental note. Gosh she was already hated so much in this town! That was fine, she preferred her prey to hate her, to fear her, to desire her dead! That way they would make stupid mistakes!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Vanessa's Dinner
Interacting with: The twins@BlackPanther, Natasha @rivaan, Anastasia @Nallore, Cassandra @Caitsand Riley by text.


Vanessa had giving Natasha her second mug with coffee and listened to what the women said. A reporter? Vanessa didn't know but of course couldn't come with anything about it. She was very happy that she could focus on her orders and not really had to say much.

When she heard that Natasha had a interview eith Riley she didn't know if she liked this.The young women simply didnt trust this reporter. Vanessa walked to the back and there took her phone. She texted Riley a fast message:

Riri, I have a reporter here.. just heard her saying she has a interview with you.. Please be careful.. Not everyone is who you might think they are. I don't have a good feeling.. keep a s.o.s text ready. Love V

Vanessa returned with a new sack coffee beans and a smile. "Cassington, Twins! What good to see you guys" she said with a smile and walked up to their table. "What can I do for you guys?" she asked and smiled. Over her shoulder she looked at Anastasia and gave the women a smile.

She then turned to the others and also gave them a smile and waited for their orders
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Red Lake Music School.
Interacting With: Cleo D'Nile (@Damo021), Kim Hansson (@Zhaliora).
Songs: None.

Erik-… Erik spoke about her..?

Lifting her head back up so that she was able to look over in the direction she could hear Kim’s voice coming from, Syleste listened to what it was the woman had to say, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly and her cheeks taking on a gentle pink tinge at the compliment- so Erik believed that she was able to play at an advanced level… he’d mentioned it to her a few times before, but she’d only ever though he was being nice- encouraging her to do better like any other person would. It was just what everyone did- her teachers… her friends… her mother… She had always taken it humbly; tried not to let it get to her head. After all, she was nothing special.

Almost forgetting completely that Cleo was even in the room; she jumped, the sound of her friends voice filling the room catching her off guard and causing her to turn her attention back down to her hands, her shoulders hunching over ever so slightly as she nodded her head lightly in understanding- of course Cleo was in trouble… but then again, when wasn’t she..?

“..you aren’t interrupting anything, Cleo- but I’ll wait for you here. Heh… I should probably try and get some more practice in anyway.” Lifting her head up, she couldn’t help the gentle smile that crossed over her lips at her words, letting her friend know that it was okay before she turned her attention back over to where Kim was once more addressing her, the light pink waves bouncing lightly upon her back as she nodded her head in agreement, “Of course- feel free to stay as long as you like.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 24 min ago

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha, @BlackPantherGage & Aron & @Caits Cassandra

"Well don't feel like you have to drop the article or anything i'm sure there are other ways to get information." Anastasia said with a soft smile as she turned around to see Cassandra and smiled at her giving her a slight shrug. "It's all good, I understand things have probably been busy over the last week i'm assuming." Ana said as she leaned back and turned to look at Vanessa as she took out her phone and sent out a text to someone that she didn't know most likely.

She just sat there and enjoyed drinking her coffee and watched the teens that were in the room closely, she remembered last week that they had been attacked. But they seemed to be fine with everything so far with things considering. Anastasia ran a hand through her hair and stretched slightly, she felt her stomach rumble slightly and knew that she needed to feed pretty soon. But she kept it quiet for now, she still had a stash of blood in the fridge.

I'll be fine, don't worry but i'll text you if anything happens."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cassie gave Anastasia a smile and nodded "It has been, yes. But that's still not an excuse to neglect a friend" She said, "I'm dragging the twins to my place, later tonight, if you want to come over" Thinking about that, Cassie wondered if it wouldn't be a bad idea to get together. They had all sort of been scattered, gathering in twos or threes but never all together since the attack. She pondered that a moment, before looking to Vanessa.

"The twins had an idea to do some cooking, and compare food. I think Gage wants to prove he is the best cook in the group" She said, in a cheerful voice, sending Gage a smile, "So would it be okay to borrow your kitchen? Mine's too small"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins nodded to Cassandra when she spoke about cleaning. They both agreed with her. Their focus was then snagged by Anastasia talking. Gage glowered a bit at the reporter, he didn't trust her. Aron however, beamed a nice friendly smile. He even gave a small wave. Their attention was again pulled, but this time by Vanessa. They both opened their mouths and ordered. "Water and the special" they both tilted their heads and then they looked at each other when Cassandra talked about a cook off. Gage raised a brow. "Heck yes I want to do a cook off." Aron rolled his eyes and shook his head. "on the plus side we will have a lot of food no matter who wins" he chuckled as Gage lightly elbowed him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Natasha Jackson

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant

Interacting with: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @NalloreAnastasia

“Ahh, thank you!” Natasha said to Vanessa when she was served her second cup of coffee.” The coffee here is truly among the best ones I’ve tried and believe me I’ve tried a lot.” She said with a smile, taking in the nice smell of hot coffee, before she downed the entire cup on one gulp again. She closed her eyes for a few moments, her breath kept as she was tanking through the frankly not great sensation that the black coffee gave when drank at once.

Overall Natasha’s actions with the coffee clearly spoke something was off about her. After all no one would just drink the coffee the way she did it, especially not with the obvious headache she had.’ Just a few more weeks and I will have my rest…’ She thought.

“Well it all depends, Anastasia.” Natasha stated with a shrug of her shoulders.” I can write a quick article about it, but I cannot be sure it would pass the criteria set by the editor… Like he’s not the best of person so considering this is already a week old event… he may just say it’s old news and doesn’t matter. That’s why better have my back up ready. With that said, I’d better head back to the B&B. Have a good day.” She said, giving Anastasia and Vanessa a polite bow wit her head before leaving out the front door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Once geting assent from Vanessa, Cassie led the boys to the kitchen, glancing about. Since she was a child, she had been cooking meals for her Aunt and herself-Her aunt's idea of a meal was peanut butter sandwiches, and she often got creative. At least she made edible food.

She smiled at both boys, beginning to find her way around the kitchen, gathering food and gear she said"What say 45 minutes? We should be able to cook something in that time" She said brightly. looking to Gage especially.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins followed her. Aron looking more excited to eat then cook...while gage almost seemed that he was getting ready for a throw down. "I'm just going to eat the food...the best I can make is a milkshake" aron gave a grin and leaned against a wall.

Gage rolled his eyes at his brother and nodded at Cassandra. He seemed to be getting in a better mood at the idea of cooking. "45 minutes is more then enough" he started to think about what he could make. Several ideas popped into his head, but he settled on one and smiled. Comfort food would be what he went for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 24 min ago

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha, @BlackPantherGage & Aron & @Caits Cassandra

"Well I don't mind hanging out with the three of you if you'd like to have me around that is." Anastasia said as she looked over towards Natasha and gave her a soft smile and nod, she remembered seeing the B&B while she was driving through a week ago and thought for a moment as she knew that the girl that was living there was another of the wolf attack victims. Anastasia stood up and looked towards Vanessa and gave the woman a friendly smile and wave. "I should actually get going myself I need to finish writing my next book."

Anastasia then turned to look over at Cassandra and took out a small note pad as well as a pen and wrote down her phone number and handed it towards Cassandra. "If you want to hang out or whenever you have the little get together tonight i'll be over pretty quickly." Anastasia said as she started to make her way towards the front door.
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