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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Grian Rothfell_

Truly annyoing were the two words that have been circling Grian's head this whole time. So much trouble for 80 silver. He should have left this girl alone. But he never imagiend a Knight comnig here with a guy jsut as weirds as this one. And then this brat lied to the knight that he was a trafficker. Sure he wasn't the most honest businessman but he was deeply upset by being called something like that. There are others in his line of work that could possibly be such scums, but certainly not him.

" Might the two of you provide me with your names?”

As the knight asked Grian was cut from his line of thoughts. He didn't care mucha bout what the woman ins hining armor said, but was more interested in getting away. Thought it was a small incident for now, there was a remote chance he might get caugh for being a hitman, ending up really bad for him. Ont eh other hand he was interested in the connection between the two kids. Could sell an info like that for a lot of money on teh black market if even a knight is unaware of their origin. He could easely make much more money than the 80 silver coins he lost if he was to sticka round. After all what kind of honest man would blame a kid for losing mere 80 silver. And what not so honest man would turn down an oppurtunity to make loads of money. If nothing else he can snatch one of the statues the girl was holding, and sell it for a small miracle in some shady pawn house on the city's far end.

With a completely changed attitude he answered the knight. he was longer interested in those 80 coins. But sticking here to see what info he could get requied some finesse. And words were a lot different from simple swordplays. "My name is Grian. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." With a broad smiled he bowed before the woman. There was no shame in playing the officals. And as lnog as the knight was as interested as him, there was ought to be a lot of information to get. He was even willing to get friendly with this little brat that caused him so much trouble. He glanced at the girl and sent a fake, but probably legit enough smile towards her. No need to keep up the thought guy act. He was searching for more here than money.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



How troublesome. Of course the wolf was being all polite simply because a figure of authority was before him. It sickened her. Why couldn't he have been an adorable fox that liked receiving pets or something? This mutt needed a good beating with the hammer of justice, and if Chieko was physically capable of it, she'd have given it to him herself. But alas, all she was capable of was verbally berating him with harsh words. That said, that wasn't going to help her current situation at the moment.

"Chieko Okawa." The girl simply replied in response to Maria's question, but offered no more words. She wasn't here to make small talk with them, and she had already said what was needed so she remained silent. Instead, she simply looked over to Ryan....and walked over, standing rather close to him. She had no desire to be next to Grian, and well, it was obvious Ryan was from earth so it was rather comforting in this situation. So, she said nothing else though and remained quiet, looking over to Maria. She had no idea where they were going, so she'd have to lead the way to wherever they were, only adjusting the bag on her shoulder slightly. She hoped no one was going to take it from her...it'd be rather embarrassing to talk about. Especially with Ryan, since well, she doubted Maria or the mutt knew what exactly 'anime' and the like was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I wouldn't look up if they started hunting you instead."

Kondo gave a light chuckle and took another gulp almost devouring half his drink. He wiped away the booze spilled on his chin and looked at the street next to them for simple enjoyment of watching people. It was something he enjoyed doing on these hot kind of days. Lay back and do nothing more than enjoying yourself a little. It wasn't hard and could be done by more than one at the same time. Perhaps they should make a sport out of it, Kondo would be very good at it that way.

He told the giant about the tavern rooms and just like suspected the giant would offer himself to help Kondo. Kondo gave a somewhat amused smile at the giant. He was happy to hear but he didn't really need it all that bad. Perhaps if he ever felt like it, so probably not. Kondo could heal ruffling and a clap downstairs. They were customers most likely so Kondo didn't really bother. They would find their way eventually.

"Yea, don't worry. They aren't bad people I believe."

"Good thing that I'm not using something cute as carpet then."

She snapped at Tsuiho, way to damn lax. Perhaps she could pull her tail off if she pulled hard enough but from hearing her cute answer she suspected Tsuiho didn't really mind pain all that much. Sick twisted mind of her. Even her face told out loud that she liked Aya stepping onto her. Good, she could kick this fox the ground in later without her minding it one bit.

The fox stood up and told her Aya was pretty mean in which Aya gave her an irritated pout as she folded her arms over each other leaning lightly onto her hip as she did. They could play good cop bad cop if it went on like this. The fox nice enough? Say that again after pinning someone down onto the ground and basically groping them. Yep that wouldn't go out of her system ever again.

"I take that as a compliment."

Tsuiho mentioned something about her good hearing in which she gave a simple shrug. It felt like a headache to her so she really could use a nap after taking in this whole different world thing. Tsuiho already headed up the stairs, Aya gave a heavy sigh before starting to follow her at a much slower pace. This girl was too damn loud and annoying. She went up the stairs like a ten year old screaming someone's name. Why did Aya had to follow her in the first place. What would be the use of meeting a few people, it would be faster to find an exit out of this freakland.

Tsuiho explained the situation a bit to the two guys up on the roof terrace while Aya slowly entered the terrace too behind the fox. She wasn't even gonna try to stop this girl from talking pure nonsense. Stealing her? Dafaq. As the booming voice mentioned where she was Aya stepped away from the giant foxtail to look at the two man. One of them looked very lax and the other... Aya's face reddened as she saw the giant sitting there. Aya almost instantly looked away from them. She was jealous of tall people mostly but this was a new level of tall and wide. She was like 1/6th of the giant it's size, jezus. Aya gave a somewhat mumbled cold greeting. She definitly didn't look like the social one in the family.


Expected, the lively fox was at it again. He could hear her voice trampling up the stairs louder and louder. For some reason she was calling out his name the whole time although Kondo didn't really bother asking why. Almost tripping over the railing she made an appearance. In only a few seconds she came down to the point. About a lost girl that she wanted to adopt. This wasn't the first time no...

"Yo Tsu, my favorite least liked fox."

Kondo gave a gentle chill smile at her and noticed the black haired girl stepping from behind her. She definitly wore strange clothing. Looked like a fancy dress made by someone very skilled. A white piece of linen with a big ribbon on the back. Did she kidnap a young princess this time? Kondo also gave the girl a kind laid back smile and stood up. He chugged the last bit of his drink and took Kyojins mug if it was empty too. He walked past the two towards the hallway. He gave Aya a quick ruffle on the head messing up her entire hair as he went to get drinks for everyone.

"Hey kid."

He could hear some yelling from his back but paid no attention to it. He got a few drinks from downstairs and headed up again to hand them out to the other three. He quickly sat down again.

"So Tsu, is this your only catch this week? Sounds a bit desperate to be honest."

Calling her a kid! How dare he! He looked chilled and laid back and didn't look like he was going to do anything bad but this was outright unacceptable!

"I'm not a kid anymore bastard! I am 17 already!"

She snapped at him but he was clearly ignoring her. She took a deep breath and stomped her foot onto the ground out of anger. Her hands were balled up and stretched along sides her body. Her face had gotten somewhat more red from her sudden outburst just like her upper body had tilted forwards a little. Her hatred didn't die down untill he returned.

"I said that i'm no kid!"

A mug was forced onto her chest instead of an answer. Her hand quickly grasped for the mug to make sure it didn't ruin her summer dress. Her anger died down a bit as she stared at the mug with the liquid in it. A light blush could still be seen on her face with a somewhat still mad aura about her but at least her mouth shut down for a minute. She was actually kind of thirsty. Without a second word she took a quick sip. Her face instantly cringed up. The taste made her mouth burn, what was this! Was this a joke?! Just like the taste she could smell the sharp smell of the drink. This was no juice. She pushed the mug away with her arm but still held it in her hand as she poked out her tongue.

"Bleh what is this crap"

"Yeah yeah adult midget I get it, here."

So if you kept feeding the girl she would stay quiet? Aya had completely calmed down, well at least that was untill she taste her drink. Kondo somewhat chuckled at the sight of her tasting alcohol. 'Adult' sure. Kondo sounded somewhat more serious. She wasn't gonna let that kid drink more alcohol even if it was an accident.

"Oh sorry kid, seems like I mixed yours up with Tsu"



Yoshino chuckled a little trying to hide it with the side of her hand as he called these people animal people. If he would say that to someone from here he would likely be beaten up by a few or get stopped by the knights. Well it was a joke this time so it wouldn't cause any serious problems.

"Just to be sure that you know, each race has a name so it would be pretty smart to learn those or ask them if you meet them instead of calling them animals haha."

This guy was to nice to get beaten up anyway so she trusted him a ton already. He went on about his world. It sounded pretty ideal if she heard him like this. Self driving carriages, sounds to good to be true. Must be expensive too if she heard him like that.

"Sounds like a dream to me, perhaps I should come with you to this dream land haha."

Daisuke showed Yoshino an apple out one of her bags as she simply stared at it. Apple? Sounded weird but it was pretty alike to what they call it, he also mentioned that he couldn't read any of the signs so maybe his language came from Lugnica's language?

"We call them Appas here though so you must be from pretty far away if I hear it like this, hmm."

Yoshino shook her head slightly to just forget about it for now, she had to comfort this boy, not make him sadder. Well they were almost there anyway so he could relax a little.

"It is here around the corner"

Yoshino did turn the corner like she said and entered a building down the street. The crescent moon tavern, a not so well known tavern in town. Yoshino walked over towards the bar and placed her bags on the counter. She gave a huff and turned around to Daisuke.

"You're ton of help, thank you."

Yoshino gave a smile at him as she let herself fall back against the bar. Her head tilted towards the side and her eyes closed for a moment in tiredness. After a short minutes she stood back up again and gave the boy yet another smile.

"I'm gonna cook dinner so feel free to explore the tavern. There are some people upstairs most likely so feel free to join them if you wish."

Yoshinobu gave the boy a wink and spun herself around to get behind the bar. Yoshino gracefully started to make fire with the use of some flint and steel so she could start cooking as Daisuke was free to explore. She looked rather concentrated on it if you could say.

Hamaguchi, Hamada


Addison sounded quite thankful towards the small Hamaguchi which made her happy. Hamaguchi liked doing good things for others so she tried to do as much as she possibly could even if it would impact her daily life. Addison chose a few fruits which weren't too expensive so it made Hamaguchi not so worry as much about it as she did first. Perhaps this was a bad person after all and would use her for bags and bags of food. That would be the worst but she shouldn't think of Addison as that.

Hamaguchi gave the army girl a quick smile and looked at the fruits herself too. With drool hanging from her mouth she ordered two fish which were quite expensive since it was a living animal before but she really needed it. Hamaguchi both put them in a sack together with a few different kind of other vegetables. She gave the man one silver coin exactly and closed her sack after she had paid.

"Thank you very much again"

She gave a catish smile with a polite bow and waved the market guy off as she head further making sure Addison was catching up to her.

The busy fruit stall guy looked like he was really trying his hardest to get customers for his stall. Most people were regulars so they were steady income but occasionally he was able to get another customer that he didn't know yet. Today it was Hamaguchi's turn to shop again and just like usual he was happy to see the cat girl. Without much words Hamaguchi got to work on her routine. Hamada's gaze turned to the one next to Hamaguchi. A friend of hers? An unusual friend for sure, a customer was a customer no matter what.

"Good day young lady, can I offer you the freshly picked peaches!"

The man listened closely to the woman as she whispered to him in an unusual fashion. The girl was asking if his fruits costed much. The man wanted to burst out in laughter but that would have been rude to a customer.

"But of course, it is hard to get high prices with all these other vendors on the market so I do my best to get them as attractive as possible. Only 10 copper coins miss."

He gave the girl a wink and placed his finger in front of his lips in hushin manner.

"Shh, sellers secret hehe."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 18 days ago

Ryan Dreane

"So, from what you said earlier...You don't know what's going on either do you?" Ryan asked, slightly dejected. It could be worse, he could be the only person in this situation.

"My name's Ryan by the way. The lady there is Maria von Hol-Hohen-" Ryan froze up slightly, names weren't exactly his specialty. With everything going on, he was sure that it was forgivable. "She's the Commander of a group of knights from what she's told me."

Ryan leaned over the shopping cart as he followed Maria's lead. "So, how'd you get here? If the cart's not evidence enough, I was shopping. Given the bag you have there I'm guessing you were doing the same? That's the closest thing I can think of to a lead."

It was almost refreshing really. He never thought he'd be happy to have someone around that was slightly more lost than he was. This place was so incredibly foreign, it was terrifying for sure but at the very least his life wasn't exactly in danger. With that thought he glanced at the one that called himself Grian. The big wolf man looked like he could snap Ryan in half if he had even the slightest inclination. He had a feeling that Maria intervening may have saved her life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica


Truly a group of oddities all rolled into a single anterague walking through the city, but their destination was clear. At least to Maria it was clear. It took but a few moments of their time, but eventually Maria, the potential suspects in a crime that could hardly be understood as direct, and Ryan, the stranger who had found an even stranger land, had arrived at the Iron Bell Knights headquarters.

Simply put, “Headquarters” might not aptly describe the location. It was a military installation that seemed ripped out of the teutonic order from the castle-like bulwark, short bastions protecting the headquarters from any sort of outside harm. The opening arch was large, double or even triple the size of most men. Though the base was designed to protect the people, perhaps the designers thought it best to protect whatever lay within from the outside world, as one would do to protect a jewel or some sort of prize. However, unlike a true keep, the size of the building was nowhere near that of a true castle. It was a decently sized fortification, but it seemed more meant for perhaps an armored barricks than anything else.

After a short while of standing to the door, it had slowly, but surely opened, its heavy wood preventing the leaves from truly alleviating the great burden of it’s open. Well, perhaps that was not entirely true. The mechanics behind the door opening definitely alleviated the great weight of the door, but even so, the door’s weight didn’t allow the system to effectively obtain true effectiveness. A door that might as well be the closing gate to a castle was instead used to protect this base within the doors itself.

Buildings to protect those of the city when in need, and to prevent those who would attempt to rob or pillage the location. Not that there were many brave enough to disrupt the flow of the Knights. However, the Iron Bell knights, once a prominent force in Lugnican history, had been reduced to a shamble of its former self. To outlookers, the Iron Bell Knight;s downfall seemed to have been on the coattails of Maria’s ascendance, which is why Maria had become a tad bit infamous to those outside the Order, but there were hardly a more loyal or righteous Order of knights in all the lands.

The interior was perhaps a bit too over styled for a defensive structure, likely with help of the Hohenzollern interference. After all, Maria was from a distinguished household, and money was never an obstacle for Maria. She had lead the three to a room with the The interior was lined with silver candlestick holders and occasional porcelain, A room of riches, perhaps a bit too extravagant to exist within a structure of this calibre.

Shelves lined with a seemingly endless supply of books also were contained in this room. Some were novels, others the works of historians and playwrights. Some contained within them the laws of the lands and others information on criminals from past encounters.

The day shone through glass windows. A few windows stood out. They appeared to tell a story in the stainless glass. The tale of a knight who protected some sort of tower from harm. Most likely something relating to the Iron Bell Knights. .

Obviously, this room was someone’s personal study. And that someone would be Maria.

“Take a seat,” Maria requested of the two suspects, gesturing them to the seats before a desk of sorts .The two seats were positioned far enough that individuals would not be able to reach one another in the event they were to stretch their arms towards any given direction, but close enough as to have a degree of closeness with the individuals sitting. There was not a seat for Ryan at the time, however, he held little involvement aside from a promise Maria made to ensure his safety.

“Grian, your name was? Allow me to introduce myself to the both of you as well, Cheiko. I am Maria von Hohenzollern, commander of the Iron Bell Knights and an enforcer of Justice in this fair city. Normally there are other areas to interrogate witnesses and criminal alike, but I felt that I could at least trust the two of you within my study. I am much more comfortable within here after all, and I wouldn’t wish to alarm either of you with a more dreary setting. This is a civil dispute at best, and I am sure that we can at the very least get along.”

Maria spoke in a rather matter-of-fact tone, as if she was reading from some sort of script she held in her mind. Perhaps that was not too untrue. After all, she did believe herself an arbitrator of justice.

“I am going to ask you a series of questions, and depending on the answer I shall determine the best method of future actions. I shall start with you, Cheiko. You seem to have a certain foreigner aura about yourself. As does your “friend”, Grian, but yours seems more akin to the individual I had promised respite for, Ryan. As a knight, I am under duty to the people under distress in this country. Could I perhaps ask about where you come from?”

Maria then turned towards Grian to ask him a single question while she awaited a response from Cheiko.

“And as for you, Grian, could I ask your purpose for being within this city? You seem to also be a foreigner, therefore I must inquire your reason for being here? Are you here merely as a traveler as your appearance would suggest, are you immigrating, or perhaps do you have business within this city?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



"No." Chieko replied to Ryans first question. She had no idea whatsoever, aside from the fact she was disappointed she likely wasn't some protagonist in anime. Really, a shot to the ego right there, but it wasn't the first time she had felt utter, crushing disappointment. Most of the time, it was because an anime didn't go the way she wanted it too, but details details. She had for the most part, decided not to think too much on it though. Was she happy? Not at all. In fact she was already a little homesick, but there was very little she could do about her situation. Most of the times, it was almost impossible to return home in a situation like this.

More importantly, Maria was the commander of an order of knights? Chieko's head swiveled towards her, and if Maria just so happened to look she'd have seen her eyes light up slightly in admiration, before returning to their usual bored expression. Well, she had just found who she was going to be hanging around until she got a handle on this world. She didn't get long to think on it though, before Ryan asked a second question.

"Y-yes...I was shopping..." She adjusted the bag unconsciously again. Yep, no way she was letting Ryan see it. "And talking with my little sister." Her head turned towards the ground at the mention of her sister, hand reaching into her coat pocket and feeling her cellphone...she wondered if it was possible to get a picture off of it before the battery died? It would...be a comfort, even if a small one to have something like that. She doubted she would be able to recharge it as well.

For the rest of the walk, she was mostly quiet. Any more questions of Ryan she would answer in equally short and precise manners, likely coming off as somewhat...distant, at least. She was mostly internally thinking over everything so far, and slightly worrying about her little sister. For one, without her there she'd probably get up to no end of trouble...probably wouldn't even study and do her school work.

Of course, when they reached the Headquarters of the Iron Bell Knights, Chieko's mood improved considerably. It was again, something ripped straight out of some sort of medieval fantasy anime and she couldn't stop staring at it. It wasn't anything large or overly fancy to be sure, but that was exactly how an order of holy knights or law bringers should appear. Functional and not overbearing. One didn't need to be fancy to intimidate. It all just mattered about how good they were as an order.

...but well, looking cool was always nice. Shiny white and gold paladin armor with a bunch of wing motifs always was so nice to look at, heh. Wasn't a priority, nope. Not at all.

Of course, all thoughts were brushed aside when she just saw how many books were in the room she was being brought too. She instantly wanted to read all of them. They likely contained quite a bit of information on this world. She most definitely wanted to get to reading them as soon as she was able. Maria would likely not mind. She seemed at least like the reasonable sort, unlike a certain mutt. Before she could ask though, Maria asked them to sit, and Chieko obeyed.

She took a seat, though she didn't appreciate the closeness of Grian.

“I am going to ask you a series of questions, and depending on the answer I shall determine the best method of future actions. I shall start with you, Cheiko. You seem to have a certain foreigner aura about yourself. As does your “friend”, Grian, but yours seems more akin to the individual I had promised respite for, Ryan. As a knight, I am under duty to the people under distress in this country. Could I perhaps ask about where you come from?”

A simple question with a simple answer.

"Japan." She simply replied, thinking that would be a sufficient answer. She had already said she had no idea how she got here, so there was no need to restate that. For a few moments, she didn't seem to elaborate before she realized that wasn't likely enough information on the subject. "It's...far away...I think. All humans. I've never seen a fluffy mutt like him before outside of...fiction."



"Auuu, favorite least liked fox? What are you talking about? I'm everyone's favorite cuddly vixen!~" Tusiho whined with a small giggle, obviously not taking the assumed jest seriously. For once though, she stayed quiet and let Aya at least speak somewhat with Kondo as she listened somewhat attentively, ears twitching with obvious interest in the conversation that followed. Mostly because she had been handed alcohol, and that was always good way to get her to shut up temporarily.

She was handed the drink, and immediately began drinking it, only taking her lips from the mug to speak.

"Ehh? I don't think she drinks, Kon-Kon." Tsuiho giggled brightly. "I think she's to pure for that, eheh! White as snow, even." Now, the others might not know exactly what she meant by that, but Aya would likely understand that as an obvious reference to what had happened on the first floor. She was never going to get that image out of her head, nope.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



When they entered the tavern, the first thing it reminded Daisuke of was one from some sort of fantasy movie, this looked almost exactly like imagined. The ale and booze was kept behind the bar in barrels, like something you would see from old times where he was from. Daisuke placed the bags on the counter and let out a small sigh of relief, those bags were actually heavier than expected.

"You're ton of help, thank you."

Ah, there it is, the sweet sound of a meaningful 'thank you'. There's something Daisuke enjoys about hearing those words, but he's not entirely sure what it is. Maybe its the feeling of being appreciated.

"You're very welcome. Don't be afraid to ask me if you ever need help with anything else." he said with kindness.

"I'm gonna cook dinner so feel free to explore the tavern. There are some people upstairs most likely so feel free to join them if you wish."

"Okay, thanks."

Daisuke thought that meeting some new people and making friends would be a good idea if he were to stay in this world for as long as he thinks he is going to, which is the rest of his life. There isn't any way he can imagine being able to get back to his own world, he doesn't know if hes in a different dimension, different planet, or whatever it may be. It's only safe to assume that he won't be leaving this world. As he walks up the stairs to go meet with the people there, he can hear talking. When he reaches the top of the stairs he sees a guy who has long purple hair and looks very laid back, he seems like a down to earth kind of guy. Sitting next to him is a huge, tough looking guy who looks mean and rough, but Daisuke has met lots of big friendly people before, maybe this guy is like them, or maybe not. There are also two girls standing side by side, one is a cute looking girl with cat like ears and dark short hair, with a long puffy tail. The girl next to her is a beautiful young girl who looks the same age as Daisuke with cute brown hair and gorgeous sparkling eyes. The clothes she's wearing look quite familiar, it looks like clothes he would see someone wear where hes from. Maybe she's from his world, and appeared here at random as well. Daisuke notices he's staring at the girl, almost drooling over her. Probably not the best first impression. He shakes himself out of it and introduces himself to the group.

"Uhh, sorry for the interruption, but.. Hi, I'm Daisuke. I came here with Yoshinobu. She looked like she was struggling carrying some bags in the marketplace, so I thought I'd ask her if she needed help carrying them."

He knew that wasn't the full truth, but it would be hard to explain that he was sitting at a fountain, looking all depressed, and Yoshinobu walked over to him to introduce herself. So he decided just to go with a simpler version of the story.

"Once we got here, she said that there were people up here I could join, so I came to introduce myself." he said, with a friendly voice and smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"Oh really? So like a bounty hunter? Or a vigilante?"

Dante simply answered."Bounty Hunter, otherwise I would have already cut these goblins heads off. and the law probably wouldn't even blink" Dante told her sounding quite sore around the second part of his dialog, though Dante couldn't help but wonder what this lady was happy about.

"I wouldn't mind too much actually...but my mistress might. She's always telling me not to go off with random men I've just met. Such a bore." Avery pouted slightly before lightly bonking him on the head with his staff, his mischievous smile returning as too the glint in his eye. Almost as if he realised something important, Avery looked upwards and allowed his fist to fall into his open palm.
"Oh and I totally forgot I hate goblins. Especially one as ugly such as yourself. Sorry~" Avery loved being such a huge tease.

That goblin, in particular, wasn't too happy about being let on and then planned to drop far in advance. "Why you son of a C*** teasing bitch!" He yelled before he begins struggling hard to get out of his bonds.

"I swear when i get out of theses ropes I'm going to-"
"Shut up"


Dante sudden cut him off by knocking him upside the head with his fist, causing him to fall unconscious. While turning to Avery Dante begin shaking his wrist. "I would appraise it if you would avoid provoking the violent criminals in my cart, it already a pain pulling them through the streets." He told her sounding a bit sore about what she just did.

"Though I wouldn't mind going on one with you Mr Dante." Avery gave Dante a teasing wink before turning away and giggling. Almost as if embarrassed.
"Although that's only if you can help me hide. My mistress is quite cross with me right now, that's why I was running. She gets quite scary when angry so maybe lying low would be a good idea for the rest of the day."

Dante couldn't help but look surprised "A Date?" Dante asked her. Didn't he just met her, but oh well it would hurt to get to know her a bit better. "Alright sure, I'll help you hide but first, i need to bring theses guys to the guards so why would stab someone else in the knees, people need those for adventuring." He told her before he began pulling them to the prison. "So out of curiosity, What did you do to deserve beginning hunted by your mistress? Did you skip out on your lessons or something?" He asked her calmly as he told the goblins in front of Guard barracks and went inside to get the guards attention.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery couldn't help but giggle into his hand in an overly cute fashion at the goblins reaction. He was just what he thought would be the reaction, and he thrived off such attention. He pouted slightly however at Dantes slight reprimand of Avery treating his prisoners that way but reluctantly nodded before mumbling under his breath.
"They started it..."
Although Avery could tell just by looking at the goblins even he could've taken them on by himself, so he wasn't afraid to tease them one bit. But since Dante had asked rather nicely for him to stop he supposed he SHOULD. At least for now anyway...
Avery titled his head slightly at the mention of stabbing people in the knees though. He could understand the concept, but it seemed kinda random saying that out of the blue. It kinda reminded him of something he heard back home....
Quickly snapping out of that daze when he heard Dante talking again, an impish grin began to form on his face.
"Oh it was nothing really...she just doesn't have a great sense of humour." Avery's eyes told a different story however as they darted suspiciously around.
"I mean all I did was cover her in flour. Everyone else thought it was hilarious! Vesta on the other hand? Not so much." Avery was trying to pass it off as if it was nothing as the trap laughed nervously at the memory of dropping the bag of open flour as Vesta had entered the inn they were staying at. He had cracked up laughing, and actually was the only one laughing. Everyone else in the inn had a stunned silence at the time before fleeing.
They had learned their lesson from the first day they were staying when he had set up a tripwire for her. Oh boy the chaos....Or the 2nd day when he set up the rope trap which hung her upside down. In fact it was amazing that Avery even had the courage to continuously do this.
Avery followed Dante inside the guardhouse in his usually skipping way, almost as if he only knew how to walk if he was bounding about.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gulping down the remainder of the small mug, in comparison to him, in one go before placing it down to the table and giving off a refreshed sigh. He really needed something alcohol based to keep up with such energetic people like the fox, he was a large guy so fluffy things that dashed about everywhere was hard to keep up with! Smiling he noticed his friend starting to move off, likely to go and get them all a drink, as expected for someone like him, he was a generous guy when he wanted to be that was for sure. Thankfully the ale here was not enough to down him in a few human sized mugs, he was only starting to feel the faintest of buzzes in fact.

"Oh, hello there."

Giving the rather timid looking girl a wave with his big hand he smiled big and toothy, though that was soon wiped off his face as the girl looked away from him! Ah of course he guessed that the girl was not use to demi humans, well ones that did not look human like the fox did at least, he knew this all too well.. Though something was strange about how she was reacting, for one she had a red face for some reason that was not the common peering away that most had.

"Well at the least you are alright and unharmed from what I can see miss."

He took a pause in talking to take the drink from his freinds hand and sipped it right away, though it seemed he was wrong about the girl being timid! The words being thrown back and forth was rather shocking for someone talking with a stranger, but at the same time it was kinda funny as well, so he just smiled as the young girl exclaimed her age and argued with Kondo. However what amazed him was the fact that the drink also slowed down Tsu as well! What an amazing drink this was to do something like that, though he could only chuckle about her mentioning white as snow, the girl surely did not talk like she was that innocent. Soon placing down the mug his booming voice raised a little to catch their attention, deciding that he wanted to know more, he KNEW that something strange was going to happen today.

"Ahh~ Anyway young lady, I am sure we could get you some juice or milk. I bet Tsu would be fast enough to get there and back in no time heh. However I also wanted to ask you, if you are lost do you know where you are from? Are? The very least we could find your parents"

Leaning closer to Kondo to speak softer so only he could hear, he made sure to motivate the man since he knew the guy at least had contacts that they may be able to use for such a thing!

"They could give us a reward for returning her."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago



"Oh it was nothing really...she just doesn't have a great sense of humour." Avery's eyes told a different story however as they darted suspiciously around.
"I mean all I did was cover her in flour. Everyone else thought it was hilarious! Vesta on the other hand? Not so much."

Dante noticed that her eye darted away, and because of his police training couldn't help but think that Avery probably did more then she say she did. "That all?" HE asked kind of sounding skeptic about what she did. But after that, he was plan on pressing any further. "Well, Miss Avery it sounds like your quite the troublemaker." He commented honestly. "Please avoid causing a serious problem while you're with me." He told her calmly before he arranged to have himself paid for bringing the three goblins to justice alive and mostly well.

After a few minutes of dealing with the guards, Dante receives his pay for his deal. "Now that we have that taken care of I suggested we have your hair and hide you in plain sight." He told her before using his money to get her a cloak, which he then put on her tying it around the neck. Most of her body would be hidden from the sides and back as they walk around make harder to find. "The best way to keep her from hiding you is to keep moving." He recommends. Though he himself forgets to get a cloak for himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avery Ackbar Celestia

"You sound like Lady Vesta..." Avery puffed out his cheeks in an overly adorable sulky way as he made his complaint known to Dante. Although Avery supposed staying out of trouble would mean less attention on him, meaning less chance of Vesta finding him. He would rather meet up with her again when she DIDN'T want to kill him.
And it wasn't like Dante was wrong about Avery. He had always found one way or another to get himself in trouble; hell he didn't even have to go cause it. Trouble would find him eventually. He believed back home he would be what is called a 'problem magnet'.
Thankfully Vesta bailed him out more often than not, no matter how annoyed she might be with him. She was a pretty big softie despite what she might let on...
Avery hummed softly to himself as he waited for Dante to finish his payment discussion with the guards. It wasn't Avery's business so he decided to stay out of it, plus there was the off chance of a guard recognizing him due to his status or his troublemaker ways. Either way, he didn't want the guards to spoil his fun.
As Dante made his way back over Avery would skip somewhat happily to his side. He didn't get a lot of free time, so Dante was being a real life saver here in more ways than one. Almost made Avery feel bad for tricking him like this.
"My hair? I always have it tied up in a ponytail. There's just so much of it." Avery stopped to watch Dante buy a cloak before allowing Dante to tie the cloak in question around his neck. Avery didn't seem overly convinced hiding in plain sight was the best tactic.
His staff was a dead giveaway for a start. I mean, how many people wandered around with a metallic, key-like staff like this? That and wearing the cloak, while it did hide him quite effectively, would also make him seem...well suspicious no? Not that Avery aired his doubts, he figured that Vesta would be more concerned with cleaning the flour off right now rather than giving chase too much. After all, she knew he would have to come back sooner or later...
"So then Mr Dante what did you want to do?" Avery asked as he turned and gave Dante a bright smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 18 days ago


"No no no no...wait, yes." Jiru mumbled to himself as he saw the commander of the knights enter with a group of strangers. If she was distracted he could get to the evidence without a hitch...probably. His tail twitched in anticipation as he checked to see if there wasn't anyone watching. The coast was clear, and it was time to move out.

Scaling the wall with catlike (literally) agility, Jiru quickly forced his way in through an partly open window. Peering around, it seemed like the room was deserted. Given the beds lining either side, it quickly became clear that he was in the barracks. One would think that someone that had broken into this place a few times would have a good idea of the layout, but truthfully that wasn't the kind of thief Jiru was. Preplanning and preparations took up time that improvising simply didn't. That fact managed to both attract and turn away many customers.

Entering the hallway, he quickly realized that in such a large installation it would be almost impossible to find what he was sent for. Returning to the barracks, he managed to find a helmet that, albeit loosely, fit his head. His idea was far from foolproof, but the only other way to find the evidence was to search every single room in the building.

Listening for the knight commander's voice, he eventually found what seemed to be her study. He quickly donned the helmet and poked his head in the room, careful not to show anything but the helm. The metal on his ears was certainly uncomfortable, but he managed to deal with it for the moment.

"Commander, ma'am, I was looking for the Atrius family seal." He said, sounding as professional as possible. Upon realizing that they would probably require some kind of reason to reveal that kind of information he began to sweat silently thanking the dragon that the helmet was covering his face. "Apparently another just like it was found at the site of an unrelated crime earlier today, so a few of the other knights suspect it may be a forgery. I was just sent to retrieve it so we can compare it to the real thing." He managed to say without flinching. At the very least it sounded believable to him.

It took him a moment to realize that the knight commander wasn't alone. Of course, I totally forgot about the strangers she entered with. "I'm sorry if I happen to be interrupting some important business, they told me it was urgent."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle nearly fell on his ass when he opened his eyes. Not even a few moments ago he had been watching television, eating pizza, when he closed his eyes and sighed from what he was watching. He was watching the news, and the news was reporting a rather large number of home robberies that seemed to be happening close to where he lived. Kyle was sick and tired of the news covering anything positive. Kyle closed his to sigh and when he opened them he was standing in the middle of a street, full of rather strange looking people wearing strange looking clothes. Kyle looked down and saw he was still wearing the same clothes. He was wearing a black long sleeve V neck shirt, with faded blue jeans, and converse shoes. Kyle patted his pockets and felt that his iphone was still there, as well as his wallet and pocket knife.

Kyle looked around and saw that the scene before him seemed to be like a medieval video game. People of human, and some non human, origin walked around. They were laughing, shouting, whispering, kissing, and generally living their lives. Kyle did not understand a single thing that was going on.

"What the actual ever loving fucking shit is going on? Oh god this is what I get for watching hentai last night. I am hallucinating. God is punishing me."

Kyle fell to his knees with his hands in the air.

"Jesus! I am sorry for sinning! I am sorry for giving into the sick desire of animated titties! Please do not forsake me and wake me from this exotic dream!"

As Kyle shouted this, he received very strange looks from the people around him. After a few moments had passed, and nothing happened, Kyle stood off and kept an iron clad facial expression of blankness. Kyle walked off confidently, slowly dying on the inside. Kyle walked a bit further until he saw something that helped him and other people out in every game and show. A tavern.

"Alright. Even if this is a dream it is very lucid. So since I am here I believe I should A gather some info and B stop talking to myself out loud."

Kyle strolled into the tavern......and frowned. The tavern was close to being empty, which dissapointed Kyle. He had wanted to drink, and laugh, and make merry with the locals of his dream. Kyle sighed then walked back outside standing in front of the tavern building, facing away. Kyle closed his eyes, then threw his hands up and on to his face.

"Tis a sad day indeed, when a tavern lack merriment."

Kyle calmed himself and looked back around the streets. People were still giving him weird glances. Kyle pulled out his cellphone and unlocked it. Kyle had hoped that, since this was a dream, maybe his phone would work and he could figure out where he was using dream google. But his phone had no bars, no internet activity.

"What am I suppose to do without internet. I guess I will have to...,"Kyle gulped and looked around,"Talk to people."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh? Kondo was pretty sure he had gotten some apple juice for the girl but apparently Tsuiho didn't have Aya's mug either. Kondo probably mixed it up with another barrel that did contain alcohol. There were quite many after all so he wasn't to be surprised. Kondo gave a somewhat bothered sigh and stood up to jank the mug out of Aya her hands. He placed it to his mouth and tilted it backwards with ease. The alcohol vanished in seconds. It was quite a heavy drink too but he did not even notice the tiniest grasp of it. Kondo gave the empty mug back at Aya with a coolish smile.

"There is juice downstairs, help yourself kid."

He was giving his drinks to strangers anyway so there was little to no hospitality in the serving of them. Kondo sat down again with a huff and took his own mug again to continue drinking his own delicious alcohol.

"A real maiden. A tongue of gold that can't be satisfied. She is still a child it seems though if I didn't drink that she would have spilled it for sure."

He sneered a little at the younger girl but paid no more attention to it for now. A far more intresting young man had entered the terrace too behind the two girls still standing. Kondo gave a small wave at the boy with a gentle smile stuck on his face. The boy looked just as authentic as Aya. Weird clothes that were well stitched and had weird logos all over it. A customer was a customer eh. He had come here together with Yoshinobu? Ah, that girl always kept surprising Kondo with the weirdest little things. This time she had brought a man... Was he suppose to get jealous? Nah, Yoshinobu only liked guys that could prove themselves with drinking, he believed himself that is.

"Welcome, hey kid. Get something for this dude too."

Kondo was outright drinking her drink even though she didn't want it. A red blush came down on her face with an agape expression on her face as she watched the man drink from the same mug as she did. Aya didn't say anything about it though and just let it happen. The mug was given to her again so that she could get a new drink for herself. She didn't really mind getting her own drink, he was at least so kind as to give it for free.

A new boy had suddenly appeared right behind her. He was wearing some kind of basketball clothing. Aya her face froze in place. Oh my god, what was going on. She hadn't seen anyone with clothing from her own world before this. Aya her face somewhat brightened up as she pointed at the boy.

"WHAAAAA! You must be from Japan too! I'm very positive about it! I'm right ain't I!"

Her body immediately stopped moving as the fox commented on the way she reacted to drinking alcohol. Her face turned beet red as the mug almost snapped in her hands. How did she even dare. Wide eyed she looked at the fox. She did warn her already. Aya breathed in deeply and kicked her own foot into the air. Her foot quickly came down again but this time with a fluffy tail stuck underneath it. Her foot crushed the cute looking tail underneath the sole of her sneaker.

Grumbling she walked away from the terrace inside the tavern. Kondo mentioned to get the new boy a drink too but she outright ignored him for the moment. She felt sorry for not answering back at Kyojin but she really needed to go steam off somewhere. She didn't want to hurt two people on the same day. Aya stomped down the stairs with an angry look on her face. She was quick to get downstairs and noticed a new girl standing there. It looked like she was working at the bar on something so perhaps she was working here together with lazy guy upstairs. Aya slowly approached her to ask for drinks and after some conversation with the bar girl was taken towards the back of the tavern where only personnel may come.

Kyojin was whispering over the table to see if Kondo was alright with his plan. Money did sound good and looking at her attire she might be from pretty high up if you looked at her clothing. Her manners may be terrible but she can at least have some kind of high standing background. Kondo gave a silent nod at the giant, they can at least try to give her to the castle to find her family or something and perhaps they may recognize the giant his abilities too.

Takagi Hiroshi


Takagi just came back from a good hunt. She and some other bandits had just robbed about 5 wagons filled with costly supplies. The supplies were already put on the black market and so they had already gotten a fair hand of money. With that much money it was time to celebrate and like usual she was going to her hang out. Up till now she hadn't got much problem on the street by other people. They would sometimes look mortified at her but no serious actions were done against her. It was a good day so to say.

Takagi placed both hands on the back of her head and closed her eyes with a look of satisfaction on her face. Nothing could go wrong today. She opened her eyes again as she slammed herself into a boy standing near some tavern door. She stumbled back with only her nose hurting from the hit. She slowly started rubbing it in pain and looked at what hit her so hard.

"Oww ow ow. Sorry for that, I got taken by the moment a little hehe."

Her hand didn't falter from rubbing her nose as she spoke. She really seemed to be in pain by that sudden hit. It left some blood on her hand as she rubbed, luckily it wasn't running like crazy, only a few drops of blood so it was fine.

"Phew, you aight boy?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle fell to the ground, ass first and slightly bouncing. As he hit the ground Kyle had only one thing to say.

"Goddamn son of a whore!"

Kyle picked himself up slowly, rubbing his ass. He noticed that the women who bumped into him was slightly bleeding. Kyle stopped making it obvious he was hurt too, and began acting and talking theatrical. Kyle walked up to the girl and held her hands in his.

"Yes fair maiden I am fine. But you...words cannot describe my feelings of sorrow."

Kyle let go of the women and put his right back hand to his face as if he could not believe something.

"I only wished to stand and ponder what I would do next, but it seems fate has decided for me. Too make merry and joy with the women who I have caused to shed blood. Please forgive me, for I know not what I have done."

Kyle took a step forward and kissed the womens cheek.

"If it pleases you ma'am I would live only to serve until you have healed your injuries."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Couldn't help but give off a deep chuckle from the scene of the two of them going back and forth about this youth issue and the like, it was rather humorous! Still he was with his freind on the fact that he did give her a free drink, and while she may not have liked it, she could have at least just put it down, but still it just showed show young she was, which was cute. Still while his attention was on the new girl he did at least notice the new comer, as he had suspected today was turning out to be a day of strange people for some reason. This one however seemed to take the cake somewhat, with a lot of emblems across his body which made Kyojin think of a noble house or some kind of order?

"Huh? Japan? Where is that? Somewhere far off or?"

Rubbing his head once more as he heard this place called Japan, he had never before even heard of such a place, were they from some far off place? Still while he didn't get any answers while the girl seemed to snap in a way and punish the fox for her words! He could only give off a shrug at what was happening, really this was between them and it seemed he would never get any answers for his questions as soon the girl was gone. With Kondo agreeing to his plan he leaned back in his chair and gave off a chuckle soft.

"Well, butting heads witht he girl wont get you guys anywhere... Maybe we should help the boy to the castle as well?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Grian Rothfell_


As the ragtag group made their way across the streets, Grian began to wonder. Perhaps his approach to the situatuion was damned to be bad from teh get go. maybe he needed an alternate view on the events. Like a blessing of some sort. Yeah. If shit hit the fan he could make sure to get away with some of Cheiko's statues and art. That could be worth more than a few months salary. Possibly. Who knows. Maybe even up to 1 holy coins. But he would get more info from an appraiser. Preferably a shady one that doesn't ask questions. The price will be lower, but it is as untracable as... well as untracable as him. Or that weird hitman girl. Shiver ran down Grian's spine as he reminded himself of that weirld girl he met a week ago or so. Her name was T something, he couldn't remember. But damn was she a crazy chick, being all goofy but dead serious. Wouldn't blink after slicing dozens of throats.

As he was lsot deep in thoughts they arrived to the guard outpost. The creeking of the large doors woke him up from his philosophical slumber, presenting the enormous bastions to his eyes. "Well, shiiiet". He couldn't decide whether this was a fortress or a castle, but it certainly didn't look like a guard outpost. There was no way he could get out without a real hassle. Thought he had been in amny rough spots, getting into trouble here would be the absolutely worst. Not that he couldn't deal with guards, or that he couldn't climb walls, but climbing gigantic walls whislt being chased by guards was a different case. He stopped a few steps before the gate and quickly looked around. Not many openings. But he couldn't really stall for too lnog as the justice driven knigh in front would get suspicious. Just as she said. "Those who abide law have nothing to fear of." Wellp, it seemed to Grian that his situation turned from a profitable investement into a pile of ozzing bad luck.

As they crossed the inside of the outpost he noticed the lack of guards. A tiny glimpse of light that pierced the dark clouds dampening his rational thoughts. They were well equipped and kept an eye on each and every one of them, their hands near their swords. The sign of swordsmanship. From their stance to their general attitude, they seemed like trouble. So much for getting away with treasure. At least not here. As one of the more firece looking guards looked into his eyes, Grian couldn't help but look away. He was not comfortable being here, around all the law enforcement people. Thank god they entered a small room that looked like a study soon enough.

For a guard outpost this place was, well, kitted so to say. Expensive paintings decorated the walls along with dozens upon dozens of hard covered books, each costing a small fortune. Golden and silver chandeliers adored the place, giving it a very luxurious aura. Even teh wooden furniture was well made, handcrafted with care. Grian was no craftsman but he could tell the difference. He stole from enough rich folk to know, thats for sure. So either this was the treasury made to look like a room, or some high up had this as an office.

To his surprise the knight who led them here sat down in teh biggest chair behind the desk, and ordered him and Cheiko to take seats. The amount of mindblowing shit here was enough to keep him in a practical trans. This random ass knight who found them on the street was rich enough to afford a luxury even some traders cannot.

“Grian, your name was? Allow me to introduce myself to the both of you as well, Cheiko. I am Maria von Hohenzollern, commander of the Iron Bell Knights and an enforcer of Justice in this fair city.

Oh well, that explained all. The expensive decorations that only nobleman can afford in the personal quarters of a knight. The high walls to keep people out, and to protect and important person in case things go wrong. The few but wella remd and trained guards. All made sense by hearing the name Hohenzollern. They were known as an infamous family inside the "hoesnt worker" community. Their riches unimaginable, and most attempts at their lives failed. It seemed that this family had no weak spot. Well he was about to make sure this wouldn't stay the same. He remembered the name Maria, and made sure he would spill the beans to people who would give him enough money. After all, this is news that the underground community never heard of. But he was too lazy to take care of this lady himself. Or maybe he didn't feel liek it? He was suddenly filled with doubts. It all started with this girl, and now it seems like his morals are already bending. he cannot let that happen.

"Japan." Cheiko spoke up to answer a question Grian didn't hear. What did she say. Japan? What is that, some kind of a name or palce? damn why didn't he lsiten. Bad wolf. It seemed liket he others were jsut as baffled as him, so he tried acting naturally, and gave his full attention to the girl sitting next to him. "It's...far away...I think. All humans. I've never seen a fluffy mutt like him before outside of...fiction."

He didn't care much for the girl on teh way here as he was lsot in thoughts, but jsut now he realized how close they were sitting. The girl's body language expressed the unwillingness to sit next to him. Good. After all this brat called him a mutt. Such an offense cannot go unnoticed. But according to her she came from a palce with only humans. And... wait, that jsut makes her so much more precious. She obviously has no idea where she is or anything, and he could possibly take advantage of that. Such a good oppurtunity, it would be truly slothful to waste it. So he spoke up, incline to befriend the girl.

"Excuse me Cheiko, but please don't call me a mutt. You said you came from a place with no people like me, so I can let thid occasion pass. But let it be known that calling my race mutt is teh highest form of racial discrimination. Would you please refrain from calling me that, I would be truly thankful."

With that said he turned his attention back to the knight. It didn't seem like she was finsihed, and Grian couldn't allow to be impolite in front of her. Not for the sake of his incognito.

“And as for you, Grian, could I ask your purpose for being within this city? You seem to also be a foreigner, therefore I must inquire your reason for being here? Are you here merely as a traveler as your appearance would suggest, are you immigrating, or perhaps do you have business within this city?”

Such blasphemy. How rude. How impolite. How inapropriate. How arrogant. How truly annoying. How can she ask such a question. How could he possibly look like a foreigner. But eh, he would have to paly with it for now. maybe this is a chance to get friendlier with that Cheiko girl. She could be his way to riches, so he needs to take every chance he can get.

"I am, err..." He was clkearly unprepared thought. He was thinknig very ahrd to come up with something beleivable. He could say he lives here, but then she would surely ask what he works as. Then again if he says he came looknig for work, this person of pure arrogancy and blindness would surely lead him to the nearest palce where he could get a job. And that wouldn't be good for him. Unless... unless he could somehow become something like a knight here. After all he is at least as trained with the sword as the guards out there, maybe even better. And by the looks of Cheiko, she was hellbent on staying here, and was probably already making a list of which books to read ont he walls. If she could understand them at all that is. He was about to finish his sentence when a young man rushed in, adressing Maria with some sort of important business. Grin wasn't sure whthere he dodged teh bullet there, or took one as an oppurtunity flew by.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Addison smiled and gave a nod of thanks to the merchant. "Appreciate it." she said before jogging off after Hamaguchi to catch up. Munching on her snack, she looked at all the things the cat girl had bought. "I take it today was payday or something? You look like your enjoying yourself." she said, jokingly.

Addison had continued to think on her current joblessness situation. She could probably fake whatever credentials a healer needed these parts, as they had absolutely no way of figuring out her origins. Perhaps she might even attract more customers by playing the "exotic" card. "Hmmm.... I wouldn't have a store/clinic to operate out of for awhile... That probably takes a lot of money, just like anywhere else, so what could I do...?" she thought to herself as they walked. Then an another thought came to her.

"If ya don't mind me asking, what does a cute little thing like yourself do around here?" she asked Hamaguchi. To a certain extent, she was very curious as to what this little girl before could do for a living. Especially if the time period was anything like the history of her own... However, Addison somewhat doubted that last part. Sure their's no cars or phones, but for god sake their are freaking giant lizards pulling carriages around, so anything could be really possible as far as actual societal norms went.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was already late afternoon in the Royal Capital, hinted by the recently-lit flames of each lamp post surrounding the cobblestone streets full of dusty footprints of several shoes and the feet of several ground dragons passing by every now and then as they drag carts from both of common and noble origins. Blanc was standing in front of a fruit stand with a muscular man that seems to be in his forties behind the counter full of fruits. She had her facial features shrouded with the navy-colored hooded cloak that was large enough to cover even her elongated elfish ears.

"Here ya go lass, ten appas in a bag. Don't roam out too late now ya hear? The fruit salesman waved as the hooded Blanc left, only to wave back reluctantly before holding the plastic bag of appas with both her arms tucked together in front of her chest. The Snow Elf had this permanent blank look as she passed several people talking about their lives for today and how they did it, some even bring up the topic of elves which would force her to walk faster, hoping not to be found out even if she had her spacious hood on. Despite that poker face that she currently wears, she was afraid.

"Ignore them Blanc, these humans are pitiful by nature they'll believe anything as long as a person shows their power in front of them. Gullible idiots." Tundo, the blue-runed wolf turned out to behind her this entire time, not that anyone would mind since people think he's Blanc's "pet".

The Snow Elf shook her head, taking out an appas from the bag and took a bite off the side from it, chewing for a short time before swallowing it.

"Nothing's wrong Tundo. The fruit man was nice back there because I hid my ears. I don't care if they talk that about all elvenkind, I promise to change that someday." The Snow Elf spoke in her usual monotone expression. Blanc had this downcast expression as she looked at the bitten appas, her icy blue just staring at it for a few seconds until Tundo whimpered as a response to her statement.

"It's a long road... but I will support you no matter what. For now, it's getting late and I don't have time to stay any longer. It's best to find a place to sleep tonight hopefully they won't find out who you are." Tundo seemed to be yawning, given his mouth opened wide before shaking his head like a tired dog. Blanc would stop in her tracks twirling a complete 180 degrees just to kneel and pet Tundo, he may be a spirit but he has the traits of a dog.

"You can go to sleep now if you want Tundo, I'll be fine if I put this hood on." A simple instruction and Tundo disappeared in an icy white light, it isn't really attention catching so the people around wouldn't notice it and make a big deal out of it.

Turning back now, Blanc finds herself adjacent to an open-empty tavern to her right and another street path to her left. There were lots of people around and some of them are on their way home. She could either ask for directions to the nearest inn or wing it and find it herself. Right now, she's in front of what seems to be a young man in casual clothes kissing the hand of what seems to be a white-haired woman and the appearance of a third wheel who stands at an intimidating height.

"Hopefully they know where I can stay for the night." Choosing to go with the people making a bit of a scene in front of her, she decides to butt in on the conversation "politely" eavesdropping a little until they notice her. Oh wait. No.

She's actually shy. That's why she can't butt in otherwise they might think she's quite rude.

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