"I don't need anger management...you just need to stop pissin' me off."
'Kat' if you're feeling friendly, as that is what she prefers.
Many of the scientists name her 'Aegis' however, for her abilities.
Short cut black hair hair and dull bluish-grey eyes are the things people would notice about her. Standing roughly at five foot seven with a somewhat large frame and rather athletic build she can come off as a bit intimidating to some people. Her snarky attitude doesn't help either. On her left cheek, has been engraved the number '4' in roman numerals. She tends to scowl constantly, or have an aggressive smirk on her face. She prefers lighter attire, being tank tops and other articles that let her breathe easily. She's not one for suits or uniforms of any kind, but as long as she can easily move in something she's not gonna complain too much.
Violent, has a bit of an anger problem, and a sarcastic, though usually well meaning, jackass. She prefers solving things with her fists rather than peaceful solutions. Diplomacy only causes headaches and she doesn't tend to think about such things - only the best effective method of kicking someones ass.
Despite this, Kat, is usually pretty friendly despite her snarky attitude and somewhat hostile seeming behavior. A sarcastic jackass, some would describe her, anyone is fair game for her snark and insults. Even herself, if she does something stupid. This makes people kind of...well, they don't exactly dislike her, but she's not gonna be winning any popularity contests. Not that she cares. All she needs is her shotgun and something to shoot at.
Truthfully, she's not a bad person and doesn't think much of it. Mostly, she just doesn't really care much of for other people, though she's loyal to anyone she might be working or living with and will save a total stranger if she happens to be in the same general vicinity whether they like her or not. Generally speaking, she doesn't mind what she is. She's a weapon, and she's gonna have a helluva lot of fun being one. Just give her something to rip to pieces, and she'll do it.
-Physical activity
-Being a sarcastic twit
-shady people
-Dishonest people
-chucklefucks that can't follow orders
As far as enhancements goes, Kat was designed to be a soldier. Simple enough. She got a pretty heavy dose of extra muscle and endurance, effectively making her muscles stronger, and able to withstand more pain and take more damage than one would normally have. She can punch really, really, goddamn hard, and mix with some pretty decent natural marksman skills and reaction times, and even without her abilities she'd make for a fairly effective weapon against other humans.
So, a short list for TL;DR
-Inhuman Strength (For punching the lights out of Gods three times her size)
-Inhuman Endurance (For lasting ten times longer on the battlefield, even while heavily injured)
-Close combat specialist (Focusing mostly on grapples and KO'ing something in a single hit, ripping the limbs off of 'Gods').
-Doesn't get fatigued from extended exercise easily, as her muscles don't generate lactic acid.
-Could easily run a mile in a minute or two, full sprint.
-Reflexes are about as good as a human could ever possibly be.
(think captain America in terms of physical ability)
Weapons? Well, she's been given a pistol and a shotgun, and can wield them fairly effectively.
Kat has the ability to make, and manipulate localized force fields and barriers. She most often employs this by keeping what someone might refer to as a 'shield' around herself almost at all times that can effectively absorb most physical and projectile attacks up to a threshold. And while it's no means impenetrable, it can easily provide quite a bit of protection from most projectiles.
The force fields can come in many shape and sizes, though most often she prefers making them sphere or square shaped and can be used for more than just defensive purposes. Slamming a large one into an enemy at high speeds tends to hurt. Not to mention trapping, and slowly crushing something to death inside of one. Her favorite though, is using them like bullets themselves.
Of course, they can be used traditionally for defense, if she has to, though it's not her preference, even if it's what she's probably most skilled at using them for.
Most often, they appear clear, turning a dark blue color near the edges.
@Lost Shadow
Welp, pretty sure I'm done. Don't think I messed up anything too badly, but do tell if I did.
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