Name: Tauvav
Additional information:
HT- 1 foot to .55 foot (about the size of a chicken or turkey, small)
WT- 4-3.4 pounds.
Each Tauvav have the same distinct features from their plump, main body to their long skinny legs with four clawed toes. These toes were made for gripping and holding, allowing the creature to easily rip apart prey like small lizards, mice, or other creatures much smaller. Their skin is dark color and more earthy since they are a combination of reptile and avian features. Males and females look similar save for one important difference: Females' tail base are slightly wider, namely due to the toxin sack being fastened there, and their barb tip have a hollowed slit along the sharp edge allowing the toxin to affect any wound. The toxin is not lethal, but rather acts like morphine where the infected subject becomes slightly drowsy and numb to everything. Over time, it will cause them to crumble where the creature can cripple and feast on the subject at its own pace. The effects lasts only a few hours before showing no aftermath from the experience should the creature be interrupted in their attempt to devour their meal.
Fragile, a few well placed hits can easily kill one so the Tauvav uses speed and stealth to attack their prey. Often one traveling from one hiding place to another to distract/lead the target while others within its flock attempt to ambush or dart in for an attack. They often hunt in packs of 10 or more, their danger level increasing the greater their number and often known to take on prey several times bigger than themselves.