DMA Headquarters
Rome, Upstate New York
October 31, 2021
It had been about six hours since the conclusion of Thorne and Kerch's latest mission. He was currently back at HQ in his cell awaiting his next assignment. His "cell" was a rather comfortable one for DMA prisoner standards, the spacious room was customized to his requested specifications as it featured a very modern lounge area connected to a bathroom and bedroom at opposite sides of the cell. A TV was hooked up to receive most television channels but could easily be taken over by command to communicate with him whenever they pleased. A computer terminal was set up in his bedroom but heavy censorship restricted him from communicating with the outside world. His cell was a five star hotel compared to the other prisoners here but that was because Thorne was probably their best behaved inmate so far. Even with his good record, Thorne was not to different from the rest as he was forced to wear the containment collar whenever he was onsite. If a prisoner escaped their cell they would have the opportunity to release every other metahuman at this facility. To deter that from happening, every inmate had to wear containment collars, each specifically designed to be invulnerable to whatever abilities they possessed. If an inmate attempted to escape they could easily and very quickly be made docile as the collar would commonly send a very high voltage of electricity through their body, enough to incapacitate or kill them if need be. Thorne was sitting on his living room couch watching TV when suddenly it switched off to a video feed of Dr. Hayden, Site 47's Overseer and Chief Asset Handler. Dr. Hayden was a stern looking man in his mid 50s who spoke with a low and imposing voice with distinct age to its sound. "Sergeant Thorne, report to the vehicle depot immediately, your team is receiving new assets as well as a new assignment", Hayden was about to cut the video feed when he noticed Thorne was in the processing of replying. "It'd be nice to know why I'm getting a new team member and a new mission so soon", Thorne asked as he got up from his couch and headed towards his clothes closet.
"Not member, members. Your two man team with Agent Kerch requires bolstering for your next assignments. A DMA transport convoy was ambushed in Manhattan on its way to this facility. A large number of metahuman fugitives were in that convoy and have now escaped. Your team is responsible for finding and recapturing those escaped metahumans as well as investigating who orchestrated the ambush and bringing them in as well. If capture is not possible, you have clearance to kill. Further details will be given by Dr.Carson in the vehicle depot", without another word TV switched off, leaving Thorne in the dark of his room with only his thoughts to accompany him. "Sounds like we'll be away from home for a while", he said to himself before exiting his cell and heading towards the armory.
At the vehicle depot, Thorne found Dr.Carson standing by an armored personell carrier looking very out of place. She was incredibly focused on her tablet, going over her notes and research she didn't even notice Thorne standing right next to her, reading over her notes as well before saying, "Yeah I don't understand any of this". Dr. Carson let out a short yelp upon realizing she wasn't alone, stumbling away from Thorne she tried desperately to collect herself before speaking. "My research is classified for all non R&D personnel! I could get in serious trouble if anyone found out you saw this!", Carson's words were hushed and frantic as she tried not to bring to much attention to the two of them. The vehicle depot was a large chamber with numerous personnel nearby, however the drone of vehicles being worked on drowned out her voice from being heard by anyone except herself and Thorne. "No one is going to find out, Abby, now what's this about my new teammates you have me down here for?", Thorne leaned on the side of the APC, waiting for the obvious response by Carson as he loved to annoy her when he had the chance, she was cute when she was irritated. "How many times to I have to tell you, Sergeant Thorne, you are to address me as Dr. Carson and only Dr. Carson", the doctor rested her head in hand before looking back to her tablet. "How many years have I been here and you refuse to relax around me? I'm starting to think you don't like me, Abby", Thorne smiled from behind his mask, he wanted to see how long it'd be before Carson turned red with frustration again. "If your intention is for our relationship to be anything more than myself being your handler then you are sorely mistaken Sergeant Thorne", Carson didn't even turn her eyes from her tablet as she began to type in new notes and theories as to her current project. As for Thorne, he probably wasn't going to get anything else out of her until the rest showed up. For now he'd just sit in the APC, checking his weapon and use his mask's HUD to stream movies.