Character you have created:
Kayla Mason
Fletch (at the start)
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):
#E38C2D “Fire bush orange” for speech. Simple italics for things that are in her mind.
Character Alignment:
Walking the Line (at the start)
Secret (at the start)
Character Personality:
Kayla is usually reserved in nature, keeping to herself in the general public to a point where those who are relatively close to her think that she is scared of the strangers she walks with. Regardless of walking in the city, if a stranger spoke to her while she is working in the garage, she is polite to them to give off a sense of good interpersonal skills. However, if she is in a social setting, she is usually relaxed and cheerful, knowing that she is in the company of good people that she can trust. That personality, however, changes dramatically when she is confronted with evil. She is ruthless, calculating and, at times, callous. Transitioning from her normal self is as easy as a flick of a switch. Transitioning back, however, something completely different happens.
Kayla has a diamond-shaped face, her face evenly tanned except for a few faint tan lines across the bridge of her nose and from the corner of her eyes to the tops of her ears. Her eyes are upturned in shape, with her irises cognac brown in colour. Her nose is small and snub in shape, complementing her downward-turned lips. She has a few freckles in the area where her cheek bones are, which are slightly present. Her ears are medium in size, her right ear pierced twice in the detached lobes and a bar through the top while her left ear only has one piercing in her ear. Finally, her head is topped with very long, charcoal black hair that is often kept in a ponytail kept behind. She has a straight, lithe body shape that is toned like an athlete. She has a falcon tattooed on her shoulders, the wing tips on the corner where her collar bone and shoulder joint meet. The tattoo is marred by only one scar on the left wing, which looks like it came from a bullet wound that also appears on her left chest at around the same height. There is also a scar running down the centre of her chest, around where the sternum of her ribcage is.
See below
Origin Info/Details:
Kayla was born in Palm Springs, CA, to Thomas Mason, a USAF Combat Rescue Officer and Koko Morris, a retail manager of Black Foot descent. Her childhood involved moving about to towns and cities close to where her father was stationed. During one of the moves when she was 7 years old, she saw a local archery club and had a go doing the sport. She instantly fell in love with it and picked it up, also moving from club to club during her childhood and some of her teenage life. When she was 13, her parents filed for divorce due to the strain on the marriage of Thomas going overseas, with her mother winning her custody. They subsequently moved to Lost Haven to begin a fresh, stable life.
With a consistent life, Kayla grew up with the guidance of her mother and fellow archers at the club she settled into. Her school life was good, being around everyone and well-liked by everyone. This development reached great levels as she got accepted into Caltech in Electrical Engineering, her degree being having a lot of funding from USA Archery as an international recurve archer. During this time, while working as a bar maid in one of the bars, she met Jason Rodriguez, an English Major at Loyola Marymount University a couple of years older than she was. The chemistry between grew quickly that by the time she graduated from Caltech with Honours, she already moved in with him and was applying to various aerospace engineering companies.
Weeks later after graduating, learning that during the time that she was both on the shortlist of competing for the USA at the Olympics and got accepted to an interview with a global avionics company, Jason ‘popped the question’, leaving her life in a great place. However, on their way back from celebrating the big occasion, a couple of guys approached them demanding everything of value to them. Things escalated with a struggle between Jason and one of the guys, who had pulled out a revolver during the struggle, and the gun fired at Kayla’s left shoulder, tearing through her left lung in the process. The man then turned the gun on Jason and shoots him in the chest, killing him before the paramedics got there. Kayla remained in a coma for a month, with both her biological parents and Jason’s family paying for her medical bills.
Kayla spent a year recovering, both physically and mentally, from her injury. During this time, she was informed by the physiotherapist that due to the damage caused to her muscles and shoulder blade, she wouldn’t be able to compete in recurve archery at all due to the strain on her back muscles. While she had lost her fiancé and her career prospects, she fought tooth-and-nail to keep her archery, sacrificing her recurve bow in exchange for a compound bow and building up her shoulder muscles, plus her fitness, with kickboxing. Despite all this effort to keep her archery, she moved back to Lost Haven to live with her mother long enough to get a job at a local garage, run by the 54-year-old Jeremy Taylor, who was understanding of her situation.
Kayla is usually reserved in nature, keeping to herself in the general public to a point where those who are relatively close to her think that she is scared of the strangers she walks with. Regardless of walking in the city, if a stranger spoke to her while she is working in the garage, she is polite to them to give off a sense of good interpersonal skills. However, if she is in a social setting, she is usually relaxed and cheerful, knowing that she is in the company of good people that she can trust. That personality, however, changes dramatically when she is confronted with evil. She is ruthless, calculating and, at times, callous. Transitioning from her normal self is as easy as a flick of a switch. Transitioning back, however, something completely different happens.
Kayla has a diamond-shaped face, her face evenly tanned except for a few faint tan lines across the bridge of her nose and from the corner of her eyes to the tops of her ears. Her eyes are upturned in shape, with her irises cognac brown in colour. Her nose is small and snub in shape, complementing her downward-turned lips. She has a few freckles in the area where her cheek bones are, which are slightly present. Her ears are medium in size, her right ear pierced twice in the detached lobes and a bar through the top while her left ear only has one piercing in her ear. Finally, her head is topped with very long, charcoal black hair that is often kept in a ponytail kept behind. She has a straight, lithe body shape that is toned like an athlete. She has a falcon tattooed on her shoulders, the wing tips on the corner where her collar bone and shoulder joint meet. The tattoo is marred by only one scar on the left wing, which looks like it came from a bullet wound that also appears on her left chest at around the same height. There is also a scar running down the centre of her chest, around where the sternum of her ribcage is.
See below
Origin Info/Details:
Kayla was born in Palm Springs, CA, to Thomas Mason, a USAF Combat Rescue Officer and Koko Morris, a retail manager of Black Foot descent. Her childhood involved moving about to towns and cities close to where her father was stationed. During one of the moves when she was 7 years old, she saw a local archery club and had a go doing the sport. She instantly fell in love with it and picked it up, also moving from club to club during her childhood and some of her teenage life. When she was 13, her parents filed for divorce due to the strain on the marriage of Thomas going overseas, with her mother winning her custody. They subsequently moved to Lost Haven to begin a fresh, stable life.
With a consistent life, Kayla grew up with the guidance of her mother and fellow archers at the club she settled into. Her school life was good, being around everyone and well-liked by everyone. This development reached great levels as she got accepted into Caltech in Electrical Engineering, her degree being having a lot of funding from USA Archery as an international recurve archer. During this time, while working as a bar maid in one of the bars, she met Jason Rodriguez, an English Major at Loyola Marymount University a couple of years older than she was. The chemistry between grew quickly that by the time she graduated from Caltech with Honours, she already moved in with him and was applying to various aerospace engineering companies.
Weeks later after graduating, learning that during the time that she was both on the shortlist of competing for the USA at the Olympics and got accepted to an interview with a global avionics company, Jason ‘popped the question’, leaving her life in a great place. However, on their way back from celebrating the big occasion, a couple of guys approached them demanding everything of value to them. Things escalated with a struggle between Jason and one of the guys, who had pulled out a revolver during the struggle, and the gun fired at Kayla’s left shoulder, tearing through her left lung in the process. The man then turned the gun on Jason and shoots him in the chest, killing him before the paramedics got there. Kayla remained in a coma for a month, with both her biological parents and Jason’s family paying for her medical bills.
Kayla spent a year recovering, both physically and mentally, from her injury. During this time, she was informed by the physiotherapist that due to the damage caused to her muscles and shoulder blade, she wouldn’t be able to compete in recurve archery at all due to the strain on her back muscles. While she had lost her fiancé and her career prospects, she fought tooth-and-nail to keep her archery, sacrificing her recurve bow in exchange for a compound bow and building up her shoulder muscles, plus her fitness, with kickboxing. Despite all this effort to keep her archery, she moved back to Lost Haven to live with her mother long enough to get a job at a local garage, run by the 54-year-old Jeremy Taylor, who was understanding of her situation.
Hero Type:
Human/Technological (Other)
Power Level:
Street Level (at the beginning)
Human/Technological (Other)
Power Level:
Street Level (at the beginning)
- Archery: Having been an archer for nearly 20 years, she has an understanding in the care of her bow and is able to shoot at any distance and shoot with near-precise accuracy. If her sight is out of range of her target, she is able to estimate the distance and shoot the distance, often with good enough accuracy to injure the target.
- Mechanical and Electrical Aptitude: Combining her trade as a mechanic and her knowledge in electronics from her degree, she is able to understand a few systems. However, she is more suited in manufacturing systems that aids her in her night time antics.
- Close quarter combat: While she is not as great in this field as her archery, she has 3-4 years of experience in kickboxing that enables her to hold out on her own against a few criminals. Any more than that and she is in trouble.
- Photographic Memory: She is very good at remembering a lot of things. This especially comes in handy when she needs to remember what her last gadget arrow tip was and what position in the cycle of gadgets that is in in order for her to get to the needed gadget tip without a problem.
- Internal Exo-Armor: (Ability is hidden for the time being, but will note it down just so that everyone is aware that it is there) In rare occasions where something is bigger than what she is physically capable of doing as Fletch, she is capable of ‘bleeding’ mechanical armour from within to the surface, whether it is the full mechanical suit or parts of it for what she needs in the moment. Most common parts she transforms are her eyes and legs.
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 150kg of total weight (mechanical suit is inside her, so she’ll weigh more than her appearances suggest)
Strength Level: Normal in human form
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human
Endurance: Human, though situational
Agility: 15x human level
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Trained (Mastered in archery)
While Kayla is an impressive athlete and archer, she is still human and can be injured like one. This is not helped with her costume being geared towards mobility, speed and practicality to use her bow. Another flaw she has is that when she is at full draw, her concentration is purely on the target, so is vulnerable to attacks from any other direction. When in a physical confrontation, her left shoulder is a good target as it has been weakened from her pre-accident condition. If exerting herself for long periods of time, the wound on the left side also has an effect on her breathing. Another result from the accident is her emotional psyche is compromised, especially when big events occur.
More weakness will show later in the RP as soon as her power suit form emerges.
Supporting Characters
Thomas Mason – Estranged Father
Koko Mason – Mother
Jason Rodriguez – Fiancé (Deceased)
Adria Rodriguez – Jason’s Mother (Rarely in contact)
Caesar Rodriguez – Jason’s Father (Rarely in contact)
Jeremy Taylor – Boss of the garage.
Mia Rice – Childhood friend and flat mate
Jackson Mathers – Work Colleague at Taylor’s Garage
Archie - When she encountered War-Pulse and Evergreen, the latter had given her a plant-based familiar based on the appearance of a small sugar glider. While not able to hold its own, Archie has a lot of agility to evade attacks and can drop seeds that are capable of exploding when they come to contact with a surface with enough force.
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
Picture of the costume (there was a lack of Compound Bow or the extra quivers, but just to give everyone an idea on what she looks like in costume):
Sample Post:
”Doctor, her BP and heart rate are dropping.”
“Give her 125mls of epinephrine. We need to get her into surgery now.”
The sounds of doors bursting open were close by. “Ok, we have a 25-year-old Native American female with a GSW though the left chest. The bullet went through, but it has caused damage to the left lung and shoulder blade. We’ll need to get her into surgery and drain any fluid that has built up in there. There might be damage to any of the pulmonary artery, so we will need to check and repair any of the damage to the vein…”
“… Ok, 3, 2, 1, Lift!”
A feeling of weightlessness before a gentle thud onto something hard. ”Jason… Is he… alright?” I rasped, feeling like it is difficult to breath and to keep consciousness.
The doctor turns towards me, his uniform similar to the military doctors that I am familiar with during my childhood, “Concentrate on fighting through this, ma’am.”
I feel a mask go over my mouth and lips, breathing in the general anesthetic that was pumping through them. Just then, a man burst into the room. He was familiar to me. “D..d… Dad?”
The look on my father’s face… He didn’t look as worried as what was to be expected for his daughter in the state that she is in. “It’s going to be ok, Kayla. You will pull through this.” He then turns to the doctor. “Do it…” Everything then slowly fades to black as the doctor grabbed the scalpel and approached me.
Kayla screamed as she jolted awake from her sleep. She breathed quickly, deeply, raggedly. Sweat on her body felt damp on her skin, her sweat-soaked hair and sheets clinging to her naked form. The lights were still dark, suggesting that it was still night time. The mess that was her bedroom was familiar to her seconds after she woke up, clothes strewn across furniture and various mechanic tools lying in places outside of her toolbox. As her eyes slowly adapted to the darkness, the minor details within her room began to show. She had a couple of photos of her with a guy on her dresser, the look of happiness on both of their faces. The Taylor’s Garage logo, red lettering on a yellow square, that was sewn on her work overalls. She turned her head towards the alarm clock that was on the nightstand: 03:23 showing on the LED display. It was just another nightmare, she thought, heart feeling heavy in her chest. It was the same nightmare that she has had for the past 4 years. It looked like it was things that occurred from her past – the day of the attack – but as far as she was aware, she was unconscious at the hospital and she hadn’t seen her father since the divorce. … Will these nightmares ever end? Tears start to well up in her eyes.
The door to her bedroom opened slowly and a head peered around it. The woman on the other side had medium-length, wavy blonde hair, tied haphazardly into a bun. The rectangle glasses were also haphazardly placed on her slender, triangular nose with the dark blue eyes appearing black behind them in the dark. “Kayla, are you alright?” she spoke, worry apparent in her voice. It took her a moment of adjusting to the darkness of the room to notice the tears starting to fall down Kayla’s face. She walked into the room, making her way to the left side of the bed. The white t-shirt matched the 5’3” woman, the leopard-print pants completing the pajamas. “Did you have that nightmare again?”
The upset Kayla nodded and slowly curled herself into a ball, head sinking into her knees. The woman sat down next to her, her right arm covering her friend’s shoulders as she brought her close. The sniffling crept up to a whimper in the dark room as Kayla started to weep into the woman’s shoulder. As she was slowly rocked, she whispered only one thing. ”I just want them to end…” She then finally broke down and her cries become audible in the darkness of the night.
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 150kg of total weight (mechanical suit is inside her, so she’ll weigh more than her appearances suggest)
Strength Level: Normal in human form
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human
Endurance: Human, though situational
Agility: 15x human level
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Trained (Mastered in archery)
While Kayla is an impressive athlete and archer, she is still human and can be injured like one. This is not helped with her costume being geared towards mobility, speed and practicality to use her bow. Another flaw she has is that when she is at full draw, her concentration is purely on the target, so is vulnerable to attacks from any other direction. When in a physical confrontation, her left shoulder is a good target as it has been weakened from her pre-accident condition. If exerting herself for long periods of time, the wound on the left side also has an effect on her breathing. Another result from the accident is her emotional psyche is compromised, especially when big events occur.
More weakness will show later in the RP as soon as her power suit form emerges.
Supporting Characters
Thomas Mason – Estranged Father
Koko Mason – Mother
Jason Rodriguez – Fiancé (Deceased)
Adria Rodriguez – Jason’s Mother (Rarely in contact)
Caesar Rodriguez – Jason’s Father (Rarely in contact)
Jeremy Taylor – Boss of the garage.
Mia Rice – Childhood friend and flat mate
Jackson Mathers – Work Colleague at Taylor’s Garage
Archie - When she encountered War-Pulse and Evergreen, the latter had given her a plant-based familiar based on the appearance of a small sugar glider. While not able to hold its own, Archie has a lot of agility to evade attacks and can drop seeds that are capable of exploding when they come to contact with a surface with enough force.
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
Picture of the costume (there was a lack of Compound Bow or the extra quivers, but just to give everyone an idea on what she looks like in costume):
Sample Post:
”Doctor, her BP and heart rate are dropping.”
“Give her 125mls of epinephrine. We need to get her into surgery now.”
The sounds of doors bursting open were close by. “Ok, we have a 25-year-old Native American female with a GSW though the left chest. The bullet went through, but it has caused damage to the left lung and shoulder blade. We’ll need to get her into surgery and drain any fluid that has built up in there. There might be damage to any of the pulmonary artery, so we will need to check and repair any of the damage to the vein…”
“… Ok, 3, 2, 1, Lift!”
A feeling of weightlessness before a gentle thud onto something hard. ”Jason… Is he… alright?” I rasped, feeling like it is difficult to breath and to keep consciousness.
The doctor turns towards me, his uniform similar to the military doctors that I am familiar with during my childhood, “Concentrate on fighting through this, ma’am.”
I feel a mask go over my mouth and lips, breathing in the general anesthetic that was pumping through them. Just then, a man burst into the room. He was familiar to me. “D..d… Dad?”
The look on my father’s face… He didn’t look as worried as what was to be expected for his daughter in the state that she is in. “It’s going to be ok, Kayla. You will pull through this.” He then turns to the doctor. “Do it…” Everything then slowly fades to black as the doctor grabbed the scalpel and approached me.
Kayla screamed as she jolted awake from her sleep. She breathed quickly, deeply, raggedly. Sweat on her body felt damp on her skin, her sweat-soaked hair and sheets clinging to her naked form. The lights were still dark, suggesting that it was still night time. The mess that was her bedroom was familiar to her seconds after she woke up, clothes strewn across furniture and various mechanic tools lying in places outside of her toolbox. As her eyes slowly adapted to the darkness, the minor details within her room began to show. She had a couple of photos of her with a guy on her dresser, the look of happiness on both of their faces. The Taylor’s Garage logo, red lettering on a yellow square, that was sewn on her work overalls. She turned her head towards the alarm clock that was on the nightstand: 03:23 showing on the LED display. It was just another nightmare, she thought, heart feeling heavy in her chest. It was the same nightmare that she has had for the past 4 years. It looked like it was things that occurred from her past – the day of the attack – but as far as she was aware, she was unconscious at the hospital and she hadn’t seen her father since the divorce. … Will these nightmares ever end? Tears start to well up in her eyes.
The door to her bedroom opened slowly and a head peered around it. The woman on the other side had medium-length, wavy blonde hair, tied haphazardly into a bun. The rectangle glasses were also haphazardly placed on her slender, triangular nose with the dark blue eyes appearing black behind them in the dark. “Kayla, are you alright?” she spoke, worry apparent in her voice. It took her a moment of adjusting to the darkness of the room to notice the tears starting to fall down Kayla’s face. She walked into the room, making her way to the left side of the bed. The white t-shirt matched the 5’3” woman, the leopard-print pants completing the pajamas. “Did you have that nightmare again?”
The upset Kayla nodded and slowly curled herself into a ball, head sinking into her knees. The woman sat down next to her, her right arm covering her friend’s shoulders as she brought her close. The sniffling crept up to a whimper in the dark room as Kayla started to weep into the woman’s shoulder. As she was slowly rocked, she whispered only one thing. ”I just want them to end…” She then finally broke down and her cries become audible in the darkness of the night.