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Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Angel Eyes

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedXCross
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Xyxis' Presence

Xyxis is unknown to most of the tribes. The idea of abstract thought is likely without definition at this point in time, but there is a place that suggests a group that may have known him once upon a time. An old craggy valley hidden far away in the shifting sands of the desert suggests hides several artifacts that defy human comprehension. Shifted rocks and twisted markers that could not have been made by human hands hide in this old canyon, and some painted markers on walls suggest a meeting between humans and some terrible, horrible creatures – a mix of spiraling limbs and other things.

Xyxis would be the only one who knows said valley exists. And the artifacts within have the same effect as their Unnerving Sculpture, and some of the walls may still have some Overwhelming Images mixed within the actual wall paintings.
It almost looks like a personal playground Xyxis once shared with some poor unsuspecting people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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@Mae Rex's legend: The people known him as the god of corruption and sacrifice, as well as the emissary of destruction and end of days. His worship is frowned upon by most, though there are still those who came to him bearing sacrifices of blood in hope that their wishes be answered. However, sometimes in rare and forgotten text, a scholar might stumble upon the name Rex, but the descriptions and the stories they told seem to be of a different god altogether.
A ritual to reach the god of corruption is said to require the blood sacrifices of your dearest loves, though its exact procedures are unknown. However, it does not stop many of his worshipers from improvising.

PS: I made a cult cause why not. Free bloodstained togas for everyone!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HowlsOfWinter
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@KuramaaaZ Yes, it's still open. If you're planning to join, I would suggest working on a CS asap.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Melo
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@MaeMiselian appears often in the tales of heroes, so he'd be pretty well known. But as the ages pass and organised warfare becomes more of a thing, his worship mainly shifts to that of honorable warfare.(along the lines of Athena of greek mythos) Currently, his key locations are probably spots where he met, fought and battled heroes or where he left legendary weapons for heroes to find (which may or may not still be there)

Miselian also made the hall of heroes, a location in the afterlife only for the heroic. (Akin to valhalla). This is probably quite well known to people

Ylonia is probably only known as a minor deity, who played the key role in the tale of the death of a far better known elder god. I imagine her worship rises through the ages as art begins to develop. She'd be best known as a muse to artists, and that will then spread her worship as a goddess of beauty and love to the general popace. She doesnt have key locations now. But artisan guilds might be in the future.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelen , Lady Luck Presence :

Ashevelen is known by any man and woman that wanted to have luck on their side. She is not worshiped by normal men and women as the other Gods are , meaning that she doesn't have temples of any sort. Only thieves worship her as their Deity because in the life of a thief , Luck is important. A mark that turns his head exactly when a pickpocket takes it purse , a small crack on a twig that shouldn't crack and things like that are signs that Luck is not on the thieves side.

Also. Ashevelen is known as the creator of " The Land Of Luck ". A land where only good luck is known by those that are deemed worthy of such honor. It's basically a "Heaven" place in real life terms. There were people that tried to find a "portal" to this land of hers but no one did find it because it didn't exited. Only those that were truly blessed by Luck could find a way into the " Land of Luck " and from there. They would need to abandon their previous lives and live inside place. They would leave everything they had on their names and memories of those that lived there would be " forgotten " from everyone outside the world. Even those that entered The Land of Luck forgot everything about their previous lives. Immortality was also a gift that Ashevelen gave to those that entered her land.

Also. She left to the world an artifact of her own creation. A way for people to remember that Luck exists. She made the Ring Of Luck. A small ring made out of shadows that shifts it's form every night. Always looking as a ring but in a different shape , size and color. The wearer of the ring is blessed with good luck whatever he does. In the past the Ring was used by both Villains and heroes to bring either destruction or salvation to the place that the wearer used the ring. But. It came with a small catch. Every time the ring's power was used , the wearer became less and less man/woman and more shadow. If used too much the wearer would die and be "reborn" as a Living Shadow.

IF allowed. She also has a "Creation" of her own. ( like the Zeus's Pegasus ) She is the creator of " The Shadow People ". Creatures that dwell in shadows and are known to watch the lives of men/women in the world. They act as "spies" for Ashevelen , a way to protect those that swore allegiance to her and a way for her to see the world without actually being there. They don't have a physical form in the shadows but when they materialize they appear as humanoid forms that look human that always change their physiology. As if in a constant turmoil , much like the humans.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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@KuramaaaZyep, we are still open! IC will be starting up soon, but you can still submit a character even if it goes up.

@melo so would you like to describe any key locations belonging to Miselian and I'll add them to the map?

@Ashevelendar you can absolutely have an artifact and Shadow Creatures (love me some shadow creatures, dawg *highfives* *ahem*) but they'll be GM controlled and I will place them in the roleplay. Is that ok? Otherwise those sorts of things would be more abilities then anything else if your character were able to call upon them at will.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Melo
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@Mae I dont have anything specific thought out. Could be something like the typical legendary sword in the stone, hidden groves currently unknown to man or the resting places of heroes who took their divine weapon into their grave. Do you want anything specific or does that suffice?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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@Mae My character cannot do that at will. On her last ability tier there is an ability states this : " Ashevelen makes the shadows dance around her confusing enemies and there is a 10% chance that the one that strikes one of her shadows to be absorbed by it and reborn as a Shadow Creature." for as long as the battle is going on. Is this ok or should I change the ability ?

So yeah. It's more than ok :) It's great ! They usually don't "show" themselves because they are shadows after all. But I was thinking that if...Ashevelen in no longer a God ( being reborn and all that ) they could've gone feral because no one is there to control them anymore ? Something like...shadow hunters that kill anything in their path , something like that ?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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@MeloIf you don't mind where I put it, that's fine

@AsheVelendar oh of course! I was thinking they'd be native in the world as well, those ones would be GM NPCs who might recognise Alexis ;D And sure, I'm sure many of them will have gone feral :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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@HowlsOfWinter Your immortal soul is currently a bicycle, or something.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Is Yaoi allowed?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Melo
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Melo I am a hedgehog!

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@MeloIf you don't mind where I put it, that's fine

@AsheVelendar oh of course! I was thinking they'd be native in the world as well, those ones would be GM NPCs who might recognise Alexis ;D And sure, I'm sure many of them will have gone feral :3

Feel free to place cool stuff related to miselian wherever :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

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@Letter BeeCharacters of all sexual preferences welcome.

@MeloExcellent >:3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

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@Mae They are native to the world. They are there , watching your every step from the shadows. My character only gets to control them because she created them after all but not full control.

GM NPCs ? What are those ?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HowlsOfWinter
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@HowlsOfWinter Your immortal soul is currently a bicycle, or something.

LMAO wth xD I'm laughing.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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@HowlsOfWinter I greet you, bikeress of Fate, wheeler of the Cosmos. Blessed be her unrivaled beauty.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

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Just quickly checking if any of you guys are including Xyxis on your potential Starkissed pairings for your hetero/homosexual characters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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As you've said, Daethaneus destroyed a continent, which is now cursed with his energy. As eras pass, the energy fades as magic does, so when they reach the Medieval Era, it's still there, but weaker; Renaissance-esque era it isn't very noticable; and Modern Era it's almost undetectable. His Immortal soul is drawn to the centre of the land (the largest city in later eras), and will always return there if his mortal coil is destroyed. His name is probably well known but his worship is extremely rare, those that do are seen as cursed, psychopathic warmongers and murderers.

His name is used as a curse synonymous with any form of Death or War. A phrase like 'May Daethaneus follow your steps!' would be like wishing someone to be followed by death and hatred, or 'Daethaneus smiles upon you.' would be calling someone a murderer and warmonger. In the modern era, it's basically saying someone is in a cult.

Also, his Thyt'r still roam the lands, and (with your permission. for plot reasons) some of them have travelled to other continents, searching for their lord and master.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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