Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Roxanne Waters

Location: Sports store

Roxanne return her friends smile with a meek of her own, before Tim gave a reply. Eight. Eight. Roxanne met Tim's eyes with a solemn glance. That was a lot to take in, even if she had nothing to do with them in high school. Roxanne turns to Ada and asks, "Anyone I...?" before stopping herself. Why did it matter if she knew them. They were her former peers regardless. She sighs, returning to the other womes' statements, "They have a point, I have a family to go home to, I'm not keen on being murdered here right now."

Her head snaps to Cynthia, her eerie singing was just straight up creeping and the last thing Cynthia needed was a reason to think she was stuck in a horror movie, however,blocking out the insane woman's next thoughts were near impossible. Roxanne wasn't sure what was creepier, the words themthemself or the childlike voice used. As Ada pulled the girl in Roxanne walked over to the pair and rubbed Cynthia's back soothingly.

"How can someone have such a Vendetta against their high school cohort that 10 years later they want to kill all of them? That's my question, 'cus I can't think of an answer that makes them not look pathetic and in need of growing a backbone,"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Behind the Sporting Goods Store

Tuesday frowned a bit, hearing Cynthia's rhyme. Ever since she ceased to go by Chloe and instead went by Tuesday, she always tended to notice days of the week a little more closely. She felt a kinship with other people, such as Wednesday Friday Addams, who also had names derived from it. Initially, her mind leapt to the conclusion that Cynthia was talking about her, before she shook her head. She had said between--not after. Though, she had admittedly been surprised that everyone in town seemed to address her as Tuesday. Some talk show must have done a tell all about Riley or some sort, bringing up her own past in the process to stun their viewers.

"Racism and comics?" Tuesday asked, chuckling a bit at the almost pathetic situation they were all in. And at Roxanne's question, Tuesday blurted the first thing that popped into her head. "Someone who realized the highlight of their shitty life in Grimm was murdering Simone, probably. Wanted to relive their greatest hits just like Ada and Kai are doing."

Glancing around uneasily, Tuesday hoped to spot a convenient sign, something that would give her an idea of what to do next. She knew that private eyes could be hired on occasion, and she mused with the possibility of hiring one--that, of course, would require money...which the drug addict lacked. "At this point, we might as well hire a fucking P.I. They'd do a better job."

Cops tended to make her uneasy--but at the moment, they were irritating her with their incompetence instead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Location: Behind The Sporting Goods Store Near Town Square

"Well that was just down right disturbing," Tim said looking over towards the girls as Cynthia kept prattling on in weird ways. "Maybe we should get you three back to the precinct and we can see what we can do about working out what she is saying. Can you three go ahead and take Cynthia up there? I have to go check on Marc with the other crime scene and these folks have to get this wrapped up. Then I have to see what is going on with Dj down at the hospital," Tim said as Cynthia sat there rocking back and forth sounding like the kid in The Shining as she just kept saying, "Redrum, redrum, redrum."

Tim stared at her for a minute. "Is it just me or is she starting to sound like a broken record of movie quotes?" he asked before shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose as if he was developing a very strong headache suddenly.

"Movies! Movies, let's go to the movies! And just what in the world would we go and see? I dunno, something big! Why something big? Isn't it better to watch something small? Who wants something small? Not me. Then why would you even bring it up? Bring what up? What are you talking about? I dunno, what are you talking about?" Cynthia started up again. Tim just rolled his eyes, it was going to be a long damn day. Why couldn't the killer just kill him so he could have the day off?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Alleyway near the store.

Riley looked towards Tim for a moment and then over towards her sister and Roxane as Cynthia continues her weird ramblings and started to sound like something out of The Shining and of course it was redrum which someone was murdering them all one by one. "I don't mind, it's probably the safest place in town now or something." Riley said as she moved towards Cynthia and helped the girl back up to her feet she looked towards Tuesday for a moment knowing that her sister hated the police. Riley moved Cynthia over towards her car and opened the door pushing the front passenger seat forward to let her in. "I'll be right back, just stay there." Riley said looking towards one of the officers and asked to watch over Cynthia for a few seconds.

Riley quickly turned around and made her way back towards Tuesday, Tim and Roxane looking towards her sister more then anything. "I know you really hate the cops more then anything Chloe, would you be alright going there with everyone else?" Riley asked softly, she didn't mind going to the station hopefully it will be alright there so that they could try and jog Cynthia's memory. "Should we get Ada, Kai, Marc and Ashley over to the station as well?" Riley asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Roxanne Waters

Location: Sports store

”Wait, what’s going on between Ada and Kai?” Roxanne asked at Chloe’s comment. Her question remained unanswered as the group returned to the more important topic upon them. At Chloe’s mention of getting a PI Roxanne gave a shrug. ”I’m sure Tim’s doing all he can. I’m sure the police can sort this out just fine,”

Tim mentioned how disturbing the insane women’s ramblings were and all Roxanne could reply with, ”You don’t have to tell me twice,” although she did agree with Tim on that she wasn’t going to get on this guy’s bad side, if it was her arse being chased after the last thing she wanted was to lose a policemen’s will to help her. At his instruction she gave a nod, ”Sure, sure, glad to help… if I can be of any use that is. I haven’t got much skill of a protection unit, sorry,”
Cynthia’s muttering turned into a The Shining reference and Roxanne sighed, shuttering slightly. She couldn’t, and didn’t want to know, what the hell Cynthia faced in that mental prison that turned her into this rambling mess of a woman. She was like a child in an adult boy with knowledge and memories a child shouldn’t know and have.

Cynthia’s muttering took a complete emotional turn, even if talking to herself was a worse sign of whatever the hell she had at least it wasn’t so dark, right? Roxanne couldn’t help but hum Let’s Go To The Movies from Annie at Cynthia muttering of the possible reference. What could she say? Every song she’d given the choir she used to run at a school she contracted out to before having her twins was embedded in her head, often the sung-by-junior/senior-primary-school-students version which wasn’t particularly as impressive as the original but definitely adorable.
Roxanne turned to Riley, ”You want to take the lead? I’ll follow in my car. Are you alright with Cynthia? She won’t be too much of a distraction, right? I can take her if she will be,”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Behind the Sporting Goods Store ---> Riley's Car

Tuesday huffed a bit, spotting Tim's eye roll. This wasn't getting anywhere. She knew that police could be incompetent, but this was ridiculous. And when she had heard that Tim became a cop, she laughed. She fucking laughed. Her suspicions were confirmed--he wasn't a cop. He just played one on TV. "I'm sick of your bullshit, Tim," Tuesday said pointedly. Her normal fear and aversion to the police vanished.

However, it came right back as Riley suggested they all head down to the station. Her plan of getting some Sherlock Holmes like person was gone if they went, but she could hardly refuse. She shrugged her shoulders in response and got into the car, watching Cynthia through the rearview mirror. More and more bad movie quotes were spewing out of the girl. And if there was any portion of film Tuesday knew, it was the awful ones. Those were the only films they showed during movie night in prison.

"You said it was a male, and now you're quoting fucking films," Tuesday said, still keeping an eye on Cynthia. "If you're scared of the asshole, they already know you know by now. They probably think we know. So why don't you just smile and tell us who did it, okay? Otherwise, the funeral parlor in town is going to hand out fucking coupons to our relatives for coffins. Riley and I might even get a two for the price of one deal."

Was it harsh? Extraordinarily so. But Tuesday was already sick of the same murders repeating themselves, and with the more Cynthia rambled, the more she suspected the answer was somewhere inside of that crazy ass brain. She just needed a push.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Location: Behind The Sporting Goods Store Near Town Square

Tim looked at Tuesday, his mouth agape. "What the fuck?!!!" he said pointing towards Cynthia. "And of course she's scared, I'm scared! Everyone's scared! Everyone that has been killed was a Senior Superlative, so that includes me. Fucking Christ!" he spouted off before turning around and running his hands through his disheveled hair. "I am so over my fucking head!" he groaned as he looked down at his phone. "Come on Marc, call me asshole," he muttered under his breath.

Cynthia popped up from her seat and hopped out of the car without a word and grabbed Tim and started to sing.

"Don't it feel like the wind is always howling?
Don't it seem like there's never any light?
Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?
It's easier than puttin' up a fight

No one's there when your dreams at night get creepy
No one cares if you grow or if you shrink
No one cries when your eyes get wet and weepy
From all the cryin' you would think this place would sink
Oh, oh

Empty belly life! (empty belly life)
Rotten smelly life! (no no no no no)
Full of sorrow life! (full of sorrow life...)
No tomorrow life!

Santa Claus we never see...
Santa Claus what's that? Who's he?

No one cares for you a smidge
When you're in an orphanage

It's the hard-knock life for us
It's the hard-knock life for us
No one cares for you a smidge
When you're in an orphanage
It's the hard-knock life
It's the hard-knock life
It's the hard-knock life! "

Everything she sung she did it as if she was in a movie her arms flailing around and spinning. Then she bowed, grabbing a stick off the ground and smiling brightly. "You like me! you really like me!"

Tim just stood there wide eyed looking at her and then glancing over at the other women. His phone ringing nearly made him jump out of his skin before he answered it. "Hello? Marc! Fucking hell! No, just startled me. What? Um, yeah, okay. You sure? Right. Headed that way now," he said before hanging up.... "Okay, let's get to the station. Marc is going to meet us there."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Alleyway near the store.

Riley looked towards Tuesday as she got slightly verbally aggressive towards Cynthia, but then again she couldn't blame her sister she was on edge as well. Sure she had her run in with some crazy ass fans but she was able to either get away or her body guards if it was suggested every now and then. Riley looked towards Roxane at the mention of Ada and Kai and remembered she wasn't there yesterday. "Yeah apparently Kai and Ada finally kissed and made up after they broke up." Riley answered her friend and then looked towards Cynthia as she started quoting yet another weird movie reference. She knew the lyrics to it, but she didn't remember what the movie was actually called Riley would let out a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair and nodded towards Tim. "We will meet you at the station then." Riley said as she started to make her way towards her car.

Riley opened up the front door and waved for Roxane, and Cynthia to get in her eyes went towards the display in front of the store and shuddered slightly seeing the body of yet another fellow classmate murdered in that gruesome way. She sighed slightly as she got into the driver's seat and waited for everyone to get into the car so that they could get to the station.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Roxanne Waters

Location: Sports store

At Riley mentioning Ada and Kai restarting their high school spark Roxanne raised an eyebrow. This would likely end badly. She couldn't help but jump slightly at Tim's yelling, "It could be a coincidence? There were a lot of superlatives. Heck, there was a superlative for most likely to stay in Riley's band, I don't know if we can count on that idea..." she says, her eyes straying to Cynthia's flailing and singing, choosing not to mention she was ever-so-slightly out of tune. She gave a sigh, running a hand though her hair. Cynthia was reminding her of a student in one ofthe classes she used to teach more and more by the minute, except that child had the adorable factor that all 6 year olds hold, Cynthia just had mental problems.

Riley waved Roxanne to get in. "You go," she instructs, "I'll follow in my car. Do you want me to take Cynthia? She might be a bit of a nuisance in the car. I can take her," she offers, her eyes floating to the woman
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Car

Tuesday huffed a bit, rolling her eyes at practically everyone. The situation was more than slightly on her nerves, and for a mere moment, she missed prison. Things were settled quickly, without all of this playing around and waiting to be killed. She flexed her fingers slightly, remembering the one brush she had with prison justice.

"Cynthia!" Tuesday called out, seeing her jump out of the car. The girl spun around like a possessed doll, and Tuesday couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Don't tell me Crazy here isn't having a theme to her prattling. With all of this talk about movies, maybe it's Ash," Tuesday said, half serious and half joking. Of course, Cynthia had already confirmed that their killer was a male.

"Maybe what we need to do is look at the list of superlatives and figure out which ones have to do with movies. Eliminate whoever the fuck is dead on the list, and then all of the girls, and we'll have something," Tuesday suggested. "That'll be one get out of jail free card, please, for doing your shitty job for you." However, she didn't leave the car. She remained in the back, shutting her eyes, as she fished her hand around in the bottom of her purse. If she was lucky, there'd be something in there to help her pass the time. Even oxycotin would do the trick for her at this point.

"Maybe Tim should run for Congress..." Tuesday murmured, once Riley was back in the car. "He'd fit in great there, sitting on his ass and twiddling his thumbs all day."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Alleyway near the store -> Her car to the Police Station

"All of the old band members from school went to do their own thing, I did bump into them briefly yesterday and kept in contact with them. They aren't the type to even think about murdering anyone." Riley said softly as she looked towards Cynthia and then Roxane as she offered to take Cynthia in her car. Biting her lip for a moment and she looked towards her sister, they really didn't have that much time to bond since this whole thing started. "If you are alright with taking Cynthia with you, that would be fine with me." Riley said as she looked towards the crazy girl. "Roxy here will take you with her to the station." Riley said as she looked towards Roxane once more giving her friend a slight smile.

"We will meet you there, just stay close to us." Riley said as she looked towards Tim she gave him a quick nod as Riley closed the door to her car and got inside of it. Riley closed her eyes for a moment as she would let out a sigh she looked towards Tuesday and laughed slightly at her comment towards Tim. "Yeah, I don't think he would truly get in though with what he did back in his high school days." Riley said as she started up her car and started to drive off towards the police station.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Location: Police Station

Cynthia kept prattling away with movie after movie reference, each one getting more obscure than the one before it. Tim was more than happy to let someone else field her as he hopped into his police cruiser and set off towards the station as the small team took care of finishing securing the scene there at the sporting goods store. By the time they arrived, Cynthia has basically stopped talking and was more or less in a catatonic state, just staring out of the window as she watched the world go by. The entire day had more than set her on edge and it seemed that things had finally caused her to break a little bit more.

Tim got out of his cruiser and looked around, seeing Marc's car there in the parking lot as the rest drove up. Cynthia got out of the car and walked around aimlessly in circles for a few minutes before heading towards the door and stepping inside. Tim rushed in after her diverting the clerk and letting her know it was okay for Cynthia to wander around and to just let her be for now as long as she didn't cause any problems.

"Where's Marc?" Tim asked the clerk.

"He's in your office waiting, going over the files you have," she said before she wandered out from behind the desk and took off after Cynthia as she went deeper into the police office. Tim nodded and motioned for the girls to go ahead and follow him back. "Tinder," he said as he shuffled off his jacket and stepped into his office. "Where is Ashley and the others?"

"I put them in a safe house for now," Marc said not looking up from his paper work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Roxanne Waters

Location: Sports store

Roxanne looked over at Cynthia, shaking her head slightly before walking to the crazy woman's side. "Come with me, Cynthia," she says gently, before guiding the bundle of movie references to the car. She returned her friend a smile while she waited for Cynthia get in the car before doing so herself.

Roxanne wanted to ask questions, about the killer, or for some form of clarification on the references but who was she kidding? Would Cynthia even be able to give her a proper answer? A straightforward one? That was if she could get in a word edgeways between her increasingly cringeworthy references. However, she stopped soon enough. Going dead silent as Roxanne followed Riley's car to the station. She glanced back at Cynthia briefly. "You 'right there Cynth?" she asks, to no reply. Roxanne sighed again, looking at the road in front of her.

At the station Roxanne parked the car and slipped out of it, watching Cynthia do the same before wandering in circles. "Cynth, the door's that way," she calls out to thw woman before watching her wander in another circle before sighing and going into the station.

Cynthia and Tim both came through the door finally and Roxanne waited for his conversation with the clerk to end before stepping into his office at his non-verbal instruction. "Shouldn'tone Iid us ve watching her, in case she starts blurting out more possible leads?"
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

Riley looked towards Tuesday as she drove towards the police station, she was tempted to turn on the radio but it would probably start playing some news of the recent string of murders in Grimm. The drive was rather quiet as Riley continued driving until they were finally there, she bit her lower lip for a moment remembering her time being there when questioned about the murder of Simone all those years ago. Riley couldn't help but feel like she blamed herself for what happened to Cynthia the young woman closed her eyes for a moment and sighed as she stopped the car and then took her keys out of the ignition. Riley eyed her sister for a moment and gave her a slight smile as she started making her way into the station.

Riley saw Roxanne once more and gave her friend a smile and then watched as Cynthia in her weird cyanotic state the girl was oddly silent now. "I don't think Cynthia would say anything about it unless she was asked about it." Riley said as she made her way towards Tim's office, finding a couch inside of the room Riley plopped herself on top of it. Tim came in as Riley looked at Marc staring at some of the files on Tim's desk, Riley raised an eyebrow when Marc said that the others were sent to a safehouse. "So they get the high life in a safe place while we are here with targets on our backs?" Riley asked as she sat back up looking towards Marc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Car ---> the Station

Tuesday enjoyed the relative silence of the car ride, raising an eyebrow whenever Riley glanced over at her. She knew that her sister would want to have a talk with her about her lifestyle, but she didn't care all too much about how other people felt about it. As long as no one was snapping handcuffs onto her wrists, they could all piss off, as far as Tuesday was concerned. And besides, they were all adults. They were all the same age. It wasn't like she was a confused and misguided kid starting down a path that would ruin their life.

"The stations in California are much nicer," Tuesday observed idly, though her heart had begun to pound. As she exited the car with Riley, she couldn't help but feel like throwing up and running off, anything to avoid the police. Cynthia's playful insanity didn't take her mind off of it much, and she dug her fingernails into her arm, squeezing tightly in order to stop her fear and panic. She only succeeded in drawing small droplets of blood, her anxiety and terror still present as they made their way into Tim's office, where Marc, as always, was waiting for them.

"That's some fucking bullshit," Tuesday agreed, backing her sister. Marc might have been an FBI agent, he might have had the power to lock Tuesday up for a few more years and throw away the key, but she couldn't help but voice her opinion. "You don't get to play god, Marc. And for all we know, you're the creep behind all of this, and we'll find their corpses in the morning. Would explain how the sicko got a bullet proof vest--I bet the FBI has an entire fashion line designed around them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: Police Station

Cynthia just kept wandering around, muttering to herself as if nothing was going on and everything was at once. Nothing she said could be made out right then but Marc looked over towards Roxanne and nodded slightly. "Yeah, if you wouldn't mind Roxie, keep an eye on her for a few minutes while I try to straighten all this out," he asked in a firm but kind voice. Turning he looked at Riley and cocked a brow.

"We were at the set up for the picnic and the carnival tonight when we found another damn body, so I sent Kai with Ada and Ashley to a safe house while I secured the scene and waited for back up. Ashley has been getting threatening texts on her phone and Ada's dress was taken while she was asleep in her parents house. So yeah, I got them in the clear as quickly as I could when I couldn't watch their backs anymore," he informed Riley in a rather harsh tone.

At Tuesday's words though however he snapped, which was very unlike Marc. "How fucking dare you. How many times did I come to try to straighten your ass out in prison? Tried to help you get back on your feet? What just because I didn't pull some fucking strings to get your ass out of jail for crimes you committed I am suddenly on the radar? Doesn't matter that I was right there with your sister Riley in the gym yesterday when Atlas and Val left only to get killed? I see how it is Miss Ridgeway. You can go fuck yourself. Getting here late, your history of drug abuse, your arrest record and pointing fingers at those that have stood by you no matter what? That sounds like a lot more of a suspect. As far as the bullet proof vest goes, you can get those on fucking ebay, a pawn shop or a military overstock store," he growled at Tuesday.

Taking a deep breath he gave her a look of disappointment before sitting down and taking the files that Tim was holding out to him. "Anyways, I had planned on taking you all to the safe house as soon as I finished up here, I just hadn't been around you this morning yet and I was not about to broadcast it's location to the airwaves when there was a killer on the loose. Or was that just stupid of me?" he muttered under his breath as he went back to flipping through the papers and photographs.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

Riley looked down for a moment when Marc spoke to her and gave her his answer, she felt bad for snapping at Marc he didn't deserve any of it she was stressed and he was most likely stressed out as well. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose when you spent months on tour on just a small tour bus with your bandmates could be stressful it was nothing compared to this. Riley opened her eyes and turned to look at Tuesday she was going after Marc now, and Riley was about to say something to her sister when Marc finally snapped at her she raised an eyebrow when he accused Tuesday. Riley muttered to herself as she went and sat down on the chair and then looked towards Marc when he said he would take them to the safehouse once things were wrapped up here.

"Lets just fucking calm down yeah? This is what the fuck face wants divide and kill us off one by one." Riley said as she stood up. "And your wrong about Tuesday, sure yes her record isn't spotless like everyone is. Tuesday isn't a killer, she is my sister and I always have her back." Riley said as she thought for a moment. "What if we try and set up a trap for him or something if Cynthia cant ID our murderous friend?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: the Station

Tuesday's eyes started to water at Marc's comments. As much as she hid her feelings behind layers of sarcasm and humor, she was still the shy and sensitive girl she was in high school. The only difference was that she allowed herself to lash out now, demanding her independence and demanding to be treated as someone else. And having Marc yell at her, the words escalating to something she could have never expected from him, her chin started to wobble. Sucking in a deep breath, Tuesday looked up at the ceiling, hoping to keep the tears from falling. She mustn't let the tears fall, especially with everyone there to see.

In prison, she cried the first month, each night. They had put her in solitary to detox, leaving her with only the walls to talk to. The heaving and retching went on for weeks she felt, and vomit ended up in her hair. They only took her out to shower once a week, and she was clad in shackles, as her only human contact -- a female guard -- stood there wordlessly. It had been enough to drive anyone insane, but by the end, she thought she could never cry so much again. She would never allow her private shame to be witnessed. Tuesday had even come up with excuses to tell her friends, to claim none of it was true, and that she went abroad to do volunteer work.

Her mind snapped back to the present, and as Marc finished chewing her out, the dam burst. All of the tears came forward, as well as her repressed shame. Turning away from the rest of them, she quietly sobbed, grateful that when she ugly cried, she was mostly noiseless. Taking in a deep breath, she started to think of something to say. But nothing came to her.

Could this be rock bottom? Is this the moment when I repent and decide prison doesn't suck ass as much as I thought? Could I be Raskolnikov and not Svidrigailov?

"I...I knew kingpins, didn't know any serial killers that weren't hired help...But if anything made them mad, it was someone else taking credit for their work."

She stopped, her insides squirming with fear, as her gut told her to run, grab something nice out of the evidence lock up, and hitchhike home. "But the others...If someone goes down for a crime, they relax. They...They slip up, get reckless. The end result is the same. Both get fucked by the police in the end."

She took in a final shaky breath, hovering on the precipice. "So arrest me and make a media circus out of it. Draw the fucker out of hiding. You said it yourself. I look incredibly guilty, and I know how to rock prison orange by now. That's as good a fucking trap as any."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Roxanne Waters

Location: Sports store

Roxanne returned Riley's smile with a soft one of her own. With the current mental state of Cynthia she couldn't help but disagree with her, yet she didn't say anything. Marc went on to firmly tell Roxanne to go on and watch Cynthia. She gave a slight sigh and lingered slightly to hear Riley's comment. At Riley pointing out the others being safe in a safe home while they ad to protect their asses Roxanne couldn't help but snort a chuckle, "Sound an awful lot like high school, don't ya think Riley? While everyone's safe in their little groups and somewhat respected by at least one group at least one point than there was us, the freaks, we were left to cover our own asses,"

Drama started rising in that office and Roxane decided it best to slip out as instructed instead of creating more drama. "Sorry, I'll just... go find Cynth," she says gently. Truthfully, she wanted to be a part of this part, or witness it at least, but it wasn't like she had anything to contribute. Besides, she was probably the most experience with people with... less capabilities than most adults. "Cynth?" she called to the young woman gently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: Police Station

Marc bit his tongue, but the clenching of his jaw was obvious as he sat there and listened to the three women. "You know what, excuse me," was all he was able to muster through his clenched teeth as he rose from the chair and walked over towards Roxanne. "Nevermind, I will take Cynthia for a little talk. Why not just stay here with the others," he said coldly, leaving no room for argument before storming off to Cynthia and taking her hand gently.

"Cynthia, come on, let's go get you something to drink," he said in a stiff but kind voice. Gently leading her off towards the break room and away from the rest of everyone in hopes to get her to open up. Tim shook his head slightly as he sat down where Marc had been.

"You girls are really something aren't you? Pointing fingers at Marc, acting as if he is more than one man. He is doing everything he can to protect people but hey, that doesn't matter to any of you does it? It is just like high school. Marc was nice to everyone but hey you all still shit on him if he didn't live up to your standards. Sure he was going to put up Kai, Ada, and Ashley first. They speak to him, they keep in touch so he knew where they were to be able to help them. Just like you would have for each other since you knew where each other were. Yet, doesn't matter how much you crap on him he still does his job," Tim said as he leaned back in his seat.

"You three ought to be ashamed of yourselves acting like that towards him. And if your not, then well, you aren't the people I thought you were. And Riley, seriously. He never once accused Tuesday of anything, he said she looked more guilty than he did considering the evidence. But hey, don't see her in cuffs do we now? He hasn't taken her back for questioning has he? No, his words were he was going to take you three to a safe house soon as he could. But hey, you and Tuesday and Roxanne refused to hear that. Sure, we are all stressed but as far as this creep getting what he wants by tearing us apart... You three are the ones ripping us apart. Marc is the one trying to keep us together. No wonder he snapped," Time said as he stood back up, taking a few of the files with him and walking over to the evidence board, pinning things up and then going silent.

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