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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Scott Fairburne


Scott glanced about, noticing as Zoie came off and giving her a polite nod as she winked over at him. He generally got a mixed vibe of the woman, she was nice, and seemed to enjoy talking with him at the very least, but she seemed rather involved with Trisha, and that generally meant the kind of business Scott went to pains not to involve himself with. He didn't treat her any differently though, she was a customer and a regular, and so she got the treatment all of them did.

Smiling over at her as she came over and made her order, Scott nodded and put a glass on the bar. "Coming right up, Miss Crawford." He said politely, fishing around behind the bar for the usual bottle that was reserved for her, placing some ice in the drink before he poured it, letting it settle for a moment before he slid it over to her atop a napkin. Closing the bottle again, he tucked it back under the bar where he could easily reach it for any refills she requested.

"Hope you're having a nice evening, Miss Crawford." He smiled over to her in a charming and polite manner, sparking up an idle conversation more to pass the time than anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte - "Yeah, I can hook something up," Relic says as he leads Mali through the building, opting to take the stairs instead of the elevator down. He keeps moving down, to sub basement 7. Stopping he looks around and then heads down the hall to the right till he reaches a door titled "1920-1940" - pushing the door open he steps inside before placing his bag on an very dusty table and pulling out his laptop. Opening it he leans over and gets to work at setting up a connection "Okay, got a secure way for you to do this," he says unwinding a USB cable and passing one end to Mali. "Just make the call and you clear to say or send what you need. The connection will override your bars and I have it routed through the dark net. It's as safe as you can get other than standing in Fort Knox and talking to her face to face in a safe." Leaving Mali to do what she needs he starts going through shelf after shelf looking for something. Pulling out stacks of plans and laying them on another table before going back and getting more.

@Nallore - Roys nods to both questions and rubs the back of his neck as he looks at Riley. "Yeah, pretty much. Don't get me wrong, would love to sit down and talk to someone else about this shit and get a fresh perspetive but I can't. Especially not now that we got some high flying fucking FBI Agent in town taking over cases. What kind of fucking name is Tinder anyways? What? Is he used to start fires? What? The Government think just because he went to some high school where there was a serial killer he should be able to handle this shit?" Roy rambles more to himself than to Riley.

@Pundii - "Wonderful night so far, hope it gets any better. Though I have to admit that I am as nervous as a June Bug in the middle of Sprin'" Zoie says as she takes the glass and places it to her lips, taking a small sip. Leaning back in her seat she crosses her long legs and eyes him for a moment before glancing down at her drink as she runs her fingers over the lip of the glass. "Ever just want to disappear in a crowd and start yer life over hun? Ya know, forget who yas are and make someone new?" she asked wistfully as her thick country twang came through a lot thicker suddenly. Coughing slightly she waved off the answer and looked back up at Scott. "So, how are you liking Justice?"

@Scallop - "Deal, okay. Let's have a seat and let me bring you up to speed on what I know that the rest of the world doesn't," he says as he unbuttons his suit jacket and suits down. Resting his arms on his thighs he looks at Felix. "The man, David Lawson; that was in a shoot out last week. He was here undercover on my orders. He came to work for the FBI after a career change when he left the Marines. Wanted a fresh start. I knew something was up out here in Justice but I couldn't come at first because of another case. Lawson was my in guy. He called me the night he died, told me that he had some information and that he would be flying out to D.C. the next day so we could talk. Then I found out he was dead. I know the man that claimed responsibility to Peyton's death was in with the same league of people that killed Lawson, I just don't know how yet."

@Morose - Tasha pulls off her gloves as she steps over to the computer to look at the file and reads through it. "That's odd," she says as she looks over towards Cecily and then points at the screen. "Look at these. We have a bombing, a drowning, a shooting, a stabbing. This isn't a serial killer, this is a killer for hire," she says as she looks back at the screen. "Serial killers have a specific way to do things. It is like their calling card. They like order but all of these are different. And the methods are something else. Sure, there are a lot of common things you would see but there is also others. Poisoning, ad others. These are more passionate. Whoever did this... ten to one odds; it's a female." - Ronni shrugs. "Because the world fucking sucks that's why," he says as he looks around and then heads into the building with Tuesday. Heading up the stairs and knocking on the door. "Riley, it's Ronnie," he says and motions for Tuesday to hide around the corner. If Marc was in there he wanted to give her the chance to dart off if she wanted.

@Sigil - The streets are pretty clear, well for Justice that is; basically meaning traffic is actually moving instead of it being gridlocked. It takes about ten minutes to get to the destination. At the front desk of the coroners office is a mousey looking woman with brown hair and glasses sitting on the tip of her nose. Looking up slowly from the top of her book her eyes widen a bit looking at Caesar and in a thick English accent says, "Caa...an I help you?" she asks before knocking over her diet soda all over her paper work. "Bloody hell!" he gasps as she tries to clean it up. The folks in the room when Keystone enter jump out of their skin and cards going flying everywhere. These are still some of the folks that were there before MSS came to the building - the ones from MSS that Alicia had hired are at a single table or standing around it as if nothing happened with their hands behind their back looking over for a moment from the table they are using to go over floor plans. "Assholes milking their hours until they get fired," one of the men at the control panel says.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Location: Public Records building

Mali approached the computer, taking the USB cable from Relic with her casted hand and pulling out her phone with her right. And then she stood for a moment looking down at the computer, not acting, but merely trying to think over how the conversation would go over. Sighing, she just plugged in the phone and punched in the correct number. She didn't even need to double check to make sure it was the right one. Mali knew it by heart.

She stood there in the musty silence of the building phone pressed directly to her ear hole. It's kind of odd how being in an otherwise quiet location seemed to amplify what little noise there was available. Mali's uneven breathing and increasingly accelerating heartbeat. The flutter of papers and folders Relic was pulling out. The long beeps coming directly from the phone. It felt like she'd been standing there for half an hour by time she heard the phone pick up, but in reality she had only been waiting about half a minute.


"Hey Hannah, it's me."

"Mal? Is that you?" the voice on the other side replied, increasing in pitch by at least half an octave. "Oh my god, it's been way too long! You haven't called since you moved to Justice."

"Yeah," Mali said, staring down at the floor, scratching her nose. "I've had a very eventful 3 weeks or so."

"Yeah, I heard about the Danica Graves suicide and the UN Building explosion that happened last week and worried a bit about you. I almost called you to make sure you were all right. In any case, it's good to hear you're in one piece."

"About that... My left hand's kind of completely fucked up."

"Did you get into another fight? Seriously Mal, you haven't even been there a month. You can't be doing this, even if you're in Justice."

"I was jumped by at least five guys in the fight where I broke my hand, so it's not like it's completely my fault and this isn't important right now, I have more important things to talk about right now. It actually relates to Danica's suicide. Probably. Remember Peyton Glencross?" Mali turned on the phones camera and took pictures of the relevant images in Peyton's file case. From there she sent the pics via text to Hannah's phone.

"Danica's sister? The one who was killed by that guy who did the murder-suicide last Sunday? I remember hearing that story six months back. And saying all that stuff out loud now comes across as really suspiscious."

"Well she and her professor were studying something old. It was something they found on a dig in Athens. I'm sending you the pictures right now. I think it has to do with why she was killed in the first place. I don't really know what it is, but I thought you might be able to figure out what it is. Would you mind looking into it?"

"Well Mal, I'm kind of busy at the moment, but I'll look into it when I have the time."

"Thanks ba- Hannah. Be careful out there. Oh, and if you find out anything, don't tell me right then and there. Wait for me to call again, or text me "Ellie" if you think it's something I need to know ASAP." A brief silence followed on the other end of the phone.

"You're sounding awfully paranoid right now, but I won't pry right now. Stay safe out there, and don't get into any more fights now, kay?"

"I'll try not to."

"I'm serious, Mal. It's not good for you to be getting into fights. Even if your ability to kick ass is kind of hot. And don't wait so long to call me again, kay? Bye."

"Bye Hannah." When the phone hung up, Mali let out a sigh of relief. She unplugged her phone and turned towards Relic. "So how are things going over here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley remembered hearing about Marc coming into town even after what happened back at the reunion as Roy started going on about Tinder. "Well, if it comes to Cecily or if she is in trouble i'd like to know." Riley said softly as she ran a hand through her hair and started to remember the reunion back in Grimm and what had happened. "I was actually from Grimm as well believe it or not, and I knew Marc growing up in high school as well." Riley said as she shuddered slightly at the thought of one of the victims was put into her prom dress. "Anyway I was sort of an outcast back in high school, Marc was kind of the quiet kid but he was a jock back then." Riley said and smiled slightly.

Then she heard a knock on the door and heard Ronnie's voice, she actually wasn't expecting to see him this soon and thought he was coming later on in the day. "Hold on a second." Riley said softly as she made her way towards the front door and opened it seeing Ronnie standing outside and quickly gave him a hug. "I thought you were going to swing by later on today, whats up?" She looked over her shoulder for a moment at Roy, she wasn't sure if the two of them knew one another or not. "Is Tuesday with you by the way?" Riley asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: the Morgue

Cecily pulled her hair back, redoing the ponytail. The longer she worked in the lab, the more undone and disastrous it tended to get. Stepping aside to let Natasha at the screen, she peered over her shoulder, frowning slightly as the files located to their suspect were opened. It wasn't at all consistent, and it caused Cecily to sigh a bit. Serial killers were marginally easier to catch than contract killers. Though, there wasn't much of a difference between them.

"Guess they must take credit cards then," Cecily quipped, making a subtle reference to Suicide Squad. She had a friend who worked in the department as a forensic artist, though sometimes doubled as an autopsy assistant. Suicide Squad was Bonnie's all time favorite movie, and the thought of her best friend being happy brought a smile to her face. She hadn't seen Bonnie much. The original plan was that she and Bonnie were going to live together, but the forensic artist hadn't been ready to live with another person just yet. Her husband had been killed in action. That left Cecily without an apartment, and long story short, she ended up living with Riley Ridgeway in the Boston Heights.

"Wait...Hold the phone...Female?" Cecily asked, her tone lowering to a whisper. She glanced around the room, visibly paranoid, as her hands started to shake slightly. The woman who killed her -- the woman she knew must have been responsible for Wallace's death, perhaps Danica's as well -- what would be the odds? As much as Cecily wanted to chastise herself for her personal feelings, she couldn't help but dread that she knew who did this. "Don't share this information with anyone. Anyone asks what we found, we got nothing. Dead end." With her phone out, Cecily snapped pictures of the files, and then shoved the phone away, before quickly closing them all.

"If this is who I think it is, then this is a fucking mess we don't want to be in," Cecily said, before her heart skipped a beat. For a moment, she considered that Natasha had been sent to kill her, to probe her for what she knew. She tugged on her hair, and glanced around wildly, before running out of the morgue. Everything that she had spent two years in therapy repressing came flooding back to her, and Cecily almost bolted for the emergency exit. But remembering how weak Natasha had been, she calmed down slightly. They wouldn't have sent someone who just did chemo to kill her--and they wouldn't have had her killer expose the identity of another killer to her.

She took a deep breath, pulling on her ponytail again as a way to relieve stress. "Dr. Brinne...You're a lovely person. Don't stay in Justice. You'll just end up on the table," Cecily said, nodding to Alicia and Lorna's bodies. "The minute they vote in a coroner, I'm quitting. Just...Just don't get sucked into this place, or they'll kill you." As soon as she could, she would let Caesar know who had killed his daughter -- that it was Proserpine. Cecily had no evidence for it, but the two girls had been close, at least as far as the YouTube footage of the Roller Derby had been concerned. And as soon as Prosperine was locked up in prison, she'd be able to sleep soundly at night.

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Boston Heights

Tuesday obliged, darting around a corner. She listened carefully to the conversations going on in the hall, hearing two familiar voices -- and an unfamiliar one. Her heart dropped, remembering every bad FBI show she had ever seen. Agents never came alone. They always had partners. Silently screaming, Tuesday clenched her fist, before deciding Ronnie could handle the agents and Riley on his own. He'd understand.

Still out of sight, Tuesday quickly made her way down the stairs of the Classic Building, noting that Marc's car was still parked outside. Figuring that Marc was inside Riley's apartment with his partner, Tuesday decided to duck into one of the other apartment buildings. There were three under the realm of the Boston Heights, and if anyone asked her why she was there, she could plausibly say that she was having trouble finding Riley's place. Or that she got off on places of death and decay. Dashing into the building next to Riley's -- the Rose Building -- Tuesday entered the main floor entryway. Slamming the door behind her, she darted up the stairs, not stopping until she reached the highest floor. Tucking herself away into a corner, she let out a sigh of relief.

She was safe. Marc Tinder and his buddy were in the building next door. No one was going to send her back to prison. Leaning her head back against the wall, she had no idea that Marc was just a few floors below her -- or that she had slammed the door shut in her fright, likely alerting him to her presence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: En route to, and at, The Morgue

Threading in and out of traffic, Caesar handled his Harley Scorpion reverse trike like a seasoned pro. Years past, he thought that this kind of personal conveyance was a pretentious, unnecessary modification to what was already a perfect street machine. Then he moved to Seattle, pursuant to expanding his business. The hilly, changing terrain and oft wet streets made it a little more uncertain, riding a two-wheeler at high speeds and taking corners while chasing down the various types of people he suddenly felt the need to involve in a high-speed pursuit. It was his daughter, Alicia, that suggested a trike.

It took some convincing, but after a while he warmed up to the idea. All the speed of a standard motorcycle, slightly better cargo capacity, and three-point stability at all times. He settled on a reverse trike for two reasons: First, the cornering issues common to motorized trike kits could be overcome with two wheels in the front, thanks to individual tire braking and exploiting drift. Second, and probably more importantly - It looked absolutely badass. Caesar was pleased with the choice.

But back to business. Traffic was with him, so the elder Mexican took the opportunity to make two quick stops, turning the otherwise ten minute jaunt closer to sixteen or seventeen. One of his stops had him carrying away two boxes of ready-made pizza, the other a six pack of something domestic and mildly alcoholic. Both fit handily into his trike's storage, which in truth was a set of saddlebags and some bungee mounting points. A touch of creativity kept his cargo stable. Mental note: No hairpin turns. To be truthful, he was more of an enchilada man himself, but recognized that the person he was going to visit would likely not be as big of a fan.

The closer Caesar got to the Morgue, the more his heart felt heavy. He was going there to discuss a case involving the death of his daughter, only a week before. What tears he could shed over it, he did. There were more in there, to be sure, but they could wait until he was done doing what was needed. All the same, what little feeling he was able to muster earlier that day was gone. He was likely to be in a room adjacent to the bodies of his girls. Maybe even in the room with them, if they allowed him that kind of access. Emotionally, the venerable man could handle it. It was merely a stack of meat, now. A thing which might hold answers, the kind that Cecily needed to advance the case. Still, he wasn't looking forward to it.

The trike pulled up to the main parking area of the Morgue. Careful not to tip his precious cargo too far, he fastened the pizza boxes together with the hook-end bungees that had secured the cheesy goodness to the back of his Harley. Now much more ergonomically portable, Caesar could comfortably haul both pizzas and his paper grocery sack of frosted barley pops into the main building.

In through the front, up to the main desk, and just in time for the impromptu fizzy aspartame desk wash. This lady looked a little overworked. And jumpy. Jumpy could mean many things. It was probably best to act in a manner that was the least conspicuous, despite the fact that Caesar was, in fact, Caesar. Of course, he had been in this building before. Not too long ago, too, for the purpose of identifying Alicia and Lornaā€™s bodies. He didnā€™t remember this lady behind the desk the last time, though his mind was on other things. This day, he tried subtle. Ish.

Caesar calmly walked to the main desk and set the pizzas down. Quietly, he signed the Visitors Log with the name ā€œIsador Cortezā€, reason of ā€œEntrega, Comidaā€. He smiled just a bit, and handed half of his extra paper napkins over to the receptionist. Still without word, Caesar picked up his boxes and walked down the florescent illuminated hallways and staircases, checking the occasional window, further and further back until locating the desired entryway. The walk back dragged up the shadow of last weekā€™s emotions.

A psychological scar that would never fully heal was present in the man, though perhaps showing a little less than the average man who had lost children. His way was not to sob uncontrollably and shake his fist at a merciless God. Caesar spilled enough emotion already; more would be counterproductive. When all this was done, he could ride out someplace, find a quiet, windswept mountaintop to inhabit for a few days to be alone with his grief and booze. But for now, there were people deserving of his attention. Some more than others.

The Lab. More specifically, the office area attached to The Lab. A quick peek inside confirmed the presence of the young lady he had come here to meet. Unfortunately, it was difficult to open a door with both hands full. Quietly fumbling, Caesar managed to turn the door handle juuuust barely enough, but a lateral movement was not possible considering the awkward position he had put himself into, thanks to his unwillingness to merely set the Bag Oā€™ Beer on the floor for three seconds. The obvious answer aside, Caesar had to use his head.

The door swung open with a reverberating BANG, as Caesar slammed the sturdier part of his forehead into the faux wood portal. Some off-center vibration affected the swing, lowering the drama factor involved somewhat, but luckily the air conditioning kicked on in the hallway at that moment, providing the slightest tossing of his hair and wave of his long, black coat. Truly a vision of tequila nights, sandpapery stubble, and raw, adrenaline laced testosterone was he; the Righter of Wrongs, Pitier of Fools, Sacrificer of Virgins (in a manner of speaking - also, probably werenā€™t virgins), and Grand Arbiter of the Y Chromosome. Were there a deity dedicated to Sheer Badassery and Retributive Violence, said deity would likely come to him for advice. Caesar: Screaming finality without uttering a syllable.

Plus, he brought pizza.

There was pain and rage, both quiet, both in check, peeking around the corners of expression. The professional man remained in control, and very likely would continue to do so. He was a man of great self-control, especially in matters of staggering importance. This solid nature was sorely tested when he took mental note of the goings on in the room. Not the least of which being a pretty, fragile-looking woman working over one of two very familiar looking cadavers. They ought to look familiar. A week ago, they shared meals and arguments and laughter. They were the only people in a long, long distance that he considered family.

The fact that they were partially disarticulated actually didn't bother him so much. He had seen all manner of gross and disturbing mutilation of corpses in his history, some of which he had done himself. The scene in front of him meant that something was being done about their deaths. Caesar was a little off center from the rest of humanity as it came to that. These weren't his daughters. It was merely what they left behind, and it they were being treated with the proper amount of respect allowed by circumstance. It wasn't unnerving, persay, but it did have an effect on him. Not that it showed.

He looked to the young woman, obviously not having the best of days herself, and muttered a flat, ā€Hola, Cecily. Busy day?ā€ His eyes darted to the other woman in the room, then back to Cecily, face forming an unspoken question. Caesar set the pizza on the nearest workable flat surface and checked what was inside. He had only grabbed the first two that were available; just now he saw that he grabbed a large cheese and a large three meat. Eh, it would do.

He addressed both of the women present. ā€Grab some. Beer too, if you want. Letā€™s talk.ā€
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Boston Heights

He furrowed his brow as he looked Marc Tinder up and down, getting a better chance to assess him. It seemed like he was telling the truth, he seemed like an FBI agent. But he wasn't sure if he could be trusted as much as he did himself. It was becoming obvious that words idly spoken spread like wild fire here, trust wasn't something you could rely on apparently here. So Felix knew how to play this city, which meant even a government official couldn't be trusted. He'd be trustworthy to an extent if he wasn't already deep in this whole plot.

But that just made the excitement roar even louder. What if he was involved? What if he was part of the whole "antagonist" party. What a great effect it'd have on the story, seeing from every side this whole mystery. He was getting too giddy just merely considering the outcome of him being in the presence of a mole. But what he said. Felix was tempted to take out his notepad and jot some notes, but he'd do that when he got home. He stored it in his mind for now. Lawson...an inside man. How fitting.

"Well if my hunch is right...they have more than just two people in league doing all this murders and chaos spreading through such a delicate city!" He smirked and paced the room. "You have my word, until this is over, word doesn't get into my books, but from what I heard from the beat cops, they have already got their hooks in the police department. Now what on earth are you planning to investigate to actually find some results?" he clicked his tongue and watched Marc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte - Relic listens as Mali talks, hoping that whoever she is speaking to can help. As Mali comes over he points to the floor plans for Boston Heights. "Your building actually. It was built back in the 1930's by, well we don't know. Some shell company back then but it was constructed with this," he says pointing towards the tunnels that connect through the basement apartments into the sewers of the city. "They are probably closed up now with the renovations the building has gone through over the last nearly 100 years but makes me wonder if that is how people have been getting in and out without really being seen."

@Nallore - Roy looks over to Riley and his eyes widen a little bit. "Seriously? Damn... That sucks, well where you came from but about this Marc guy," he says before shutting up and waiting for Riley to open the door. Ronnie grins as he steps inside. "Yeah, she is but looking out for," he starts before Roy grabs him by the collar and slams him against the wall. "What the fuck are you doing here Griffin?" Roy growls. Ronnie rolls his eyes a bit. "Fucking Christ Gregory! About made me shit myself!" Ronnie says as he holds his hands up. "Peddling drugs again?" Roy asks, tightening his grip. "Not since the last time you bought some you ass," Ronnie says narrowing his eyes, "go ahead, frisk me." Roy does just that before letting Ronnie go fully. "What the fuck are you doing here then?"

@Scallop - Marc nods a little bit. "That's good to hear," he says in reference to Felix not saying anything until everything was solved. "I was afraid they had already gotten to the local PD, why I sent Lawson in. Wanted someone from the outside. Lawson was former special ops," he said before running his hands through his hair and shaking his head. "Man saved my life in Afghanistan, spent years as a POW, and this place is what takes him out?" he mumbled more to himself than to Felix. Looking around he tilts his head to the side and points over to the wall. "Something isn't right here," he says as he steps over to a picture of the happy couple up on the wall. There is color fade around the frame that makes it look like more freshly painted than the rest of the apartment around the frame. Removing his jacket and rolling his sleeves up after taking the frame down he runs his hand over the wall for a moment before putting his fist through it and pulling it back. Shaking off the dust from his hand he reaches into the wall, fishing around for a bit before pulling out what looks like an evidence bag with an old gun in it. "Well lookie what we have here..."

@Scallop @Morose - Hearing the door, Marc hands over the bag with the gun in it and draws his own pistol from his holster. Placing a finger to his lips before taking off towards the sound of the slamming door. Leaning back against the wall he takes a little breath and listens carefully for a moment before checking the knob. Feeling it is unlocked he slowly turns it and starts pushing the door open.

@Morose @Sigil - "Yes, I would lay 100 to 1 odds it is a female. Between the records we have on this partial, they types of deaths, and the finger sizes around Miss Gonzalez's neck. It is most definitely a female." Going back to Alicia's body she takes out a ruler and starts taking measurements, jotting down notes on a piece of paper and doing some quick calculations. "Yes, female. From the hand size I would put her between 5'4" and 5'8", lean, and probably very strong for her size to be able to execute the amount of pressure to not only crush the vocals but start to crush the bones. This was pure rage, whoever this is, well she is very unstable," Tasha adds before looking up and cocking a brow. "Thank you for your concern but right now seems I either stick around and help or you get stuck with an intern," she says before sitting down and going back to work. As Caesar enters she looks up slowly and eyes the man, swallowing slightly. "Gracias pero no. My llamo Natasha Brinne," she states quickly before pulling the sheet back over Alica's body. "Y tu?" she asks as she crosses her arms over her chest, picking up on his accent that is anything but all American.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Just as Ronnie entered her apartment Riley quickly backed up for a moment just as Roy came straight at Ronnie and grabbed her friend by his collar up against the wall. It was obvious that the two of them had some sort of history together, she however didn't like the way that it was going on in her apartment. Riley quickly took a step in between the two men and then groaned slightly holding her side for a moment once Roy had finished frisking Ronnie. "Ronnie is a friend of mine actually." Riley said as she glared at Roy for a moment and then looked towards Ronnie. "We bumped into each other last week." Riley wasn't sure if she should be honest how they met or not, but she didn't want to get into trouble really either but she decided to lie unless Ronnie wanted to say anything about Danica. "We were going to head out for lunch with myself and my sister soon, just wasn't expecting him to show up so soon. And no i'm not into any drugs aside from the painkillers given to me by the doc."

Riley ran a hand through her hair as she looked at the two men crossing her arms over her chest eyeing them for a moment. "So, out of curiosity how the hell do you two know one another?" Riley finally asked and then looked towards Ronnie, and decided to offer him something to drink. "Would you like anything to drink or anything?" Riley offered, she then started to wonder about her sister. She knew that Tuesday was somewhere nearby and knowing her current job she was selling some drugs around, though Riley didn't approve of her sister doing that she was still her only family even if they didn't agree with anything a lot of the time since after Grimm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location: Safe House

Lucas kept his eyes on Risa as she slowly pulled away from him and moved over to their weapons. Moving behind the chair she'd been sitting in, he picked up the pieces of his PPK, following after her as he slowly and carefully began to put it all back together. Looking over the weapon as he moved over to her, he leaned idly against the wall as he flicked the safety back onto his weapon, reaching back to tuck it into the holster at the small of his back.

He flashed a half smile every time she looked in his direction, giving a genuine one as she confirmed that she was feeling better. It was the first time he'd had any real confirmation about it, it felt good. He nodded as she asked him about the stitches, moving past her to grab the medical kit from beside the bed. Moving over to her, he stood behind her as he set the bag down and opened it up, dragging out a pair of scissors and forceps as he looked over the stitches. "Y'know, I could've been a doctor." He said, it probably wasn't true, Lucas had only learnt what he knew about medicine from the company as he reached up, carefully using the forceps to draw out her stitches one by one as he cut them slowly.

"Just be gentle doctor," Risa purred as she glanced coyly over her shoulder. She was beginning to feel more like herself physically and emotionally now that the elephant in the room had been taken care of. She trusted Lucas more than anyone and took him for his word. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. He had made his choice, she had made hers. It was them against the company. She could handle that as long as he had her back.

As he started to remove the stitches she hissed slightly, she always hated this part. It made her insides squirm and her skin crawl as each stitch was drawn from her flesh. Reaching back she rested her hand on his thigh, her fingers curling into the muscle as he worked. Removing the last stitch, he leaned forward, brushing his lips idly against her cheek as he pulled back the scissors and the forceps, moving to put them back into the medical kit as he glanced over at her. Once the last stitch was out she jumped up and rubbed her arms quivering slightly as she got rid of all her heebies and geebies at once. "Thank you," she was finally able to say as she looked back over to him and let out a sigh as she pulled her shirts back down into place. Now that they were out, she was able to move and twist some but she was still careful. A week laid up after a major surgery meant she still would need time but at least that part was now out of the way.

"Just don't go and screw it up again, alright? Life's boring for me if you're stuck laying around." Lucas chuckled softly, zipping up the Medical kit as he moved to put it away beside the bed. Walking over to the bed she smirked a bit as she looked over to him. "Yeah. sorry about that," Risa said as she looked down and rubbed the front of her chest a bit. She hadn't looked at the situation as if she had screwed up but she must have some where along the line if her cover was blown and she ended up nearly dead because of a bombing.

Glancing over to the bed, he smirked as he moved over to her, picking up the small Diamondback as he took a few steps around to her left. "I thought even a small-time crook would know that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the play setting." He teased with a grin, flicking the slide back into place as he'd set it down on the other side of the weapons. Coming out of the daze she looked over to him and nodded slightly before taking a breath and going back to her thoughts as she went back to cleaning and securing the various pistols before her. She kept trying to figure out how her cover had been blown, she was always so careful.

He frowned at her as he stood alongside her. He could tell what must have been on her mind, it wasn't too hard to guess from the look in her eyes, the same one she got when she didn't quite understand something just yet. He'd been with her essentially the whole way, in his eyes, there was no way she could have screwed up which wouldn't have involved him, her cover couldn't have been blown if his was still intact, it just didn't make sense, there had to be some other explanation. Leaning over, he gently pressed his lips to her cheek, brushing them against her as he slowly pulled back, eyes watching her closely. "You did everything perfectly... None of this is on you." He assured her quietly.

Scott Fairburne


Scott moved around the immediate area of the bar, going through his usual routine of cleaning and refilling a few drinks to Zoie's left and right, all the time remaining close enough to listen to her as she spoke. For a moment he went to ask what was making her nervous, but, half-expecting it to be somewhat related to the kind of business he avoided now, he bit his tongue, simply smiling over at her as she spoke up again, chuckling softly.

There was something about the question however that put Scott into the smallest state of unease. He doubted that Zoie exactly knew how he would take the question, it was essentially what he'd done, or rather, tried to do with coming to Justice, though he hadn't been able to avoid at least a little recognition, it happened in a place like this. He simply shrugged as he chuckled again, pleased as she seemed to wave off the answer and moved onto another question.

"Reminds me of Harlem a lot, particularly around here, but it's not too bad." He shrugged his shoulders, glancing around the bar to some of the patrons as he picked up an empty glass, starting to clean it out. "Plenty of decent women around, and most of the punks know to avoid a big man like myself." He chuckled again as he turned back toward her, shrugging.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Location: Public Records building

"I don't think any entry point from an apartment to the sewer is going to be large enough for somebody to get through in one piece. Since you know, they'd basically just be toilet and sink pipes for the most part. Putting that aside does this information apply to Boston Heights as a whole, or just the Rose Building?" Mali asked, stifling a yawn. She didn't know if her quality of sleep had been declining recently or if it was just the warm, musty quality of the air in this building that was making he feel on the sleepy side. She had to commend the guard for being able to read rather than just passing out at his desk all day. Honestly if he did that, nothing would probably change as far as job security/accomplishments go.

"I haven't been living there long, but I haven't noticed anything like people being in the building that shouldn't be there. Yeah, my apartment got broken into but that was somebody with a crowbar or something similar from outside the buildings and could have taken place any time within the span of like 2 to 3 hours. But people getting and out through the building itself? I haven't seen any proof of that. Unless you happen to have cameras or something on the buildings and those have turned up something off-kilter."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: The Morgue

The inappropriateness of his presence in the Morgue proper, while the bodies of his daughter and a lady who might as well be his daughter lay available for examination, occurred to Caesar. Naturally, he had to bring suds and pizza along for the event. Not to say that all of this wasn't effecting the older man, because it most certainly was, it was just doing so in a manner differing from most men in his position. It was like emotional fuel. In the past, he had gone to great lengths to find and messily expire people who hurt his loved ones. Generally, his role as an investigator never came into play for instances such as this; he was merely pointed in the right direction and let loose. It was easy to follow his tracks in instances like these. They were the ones painted in blood.

Caesar gave a simple nod of greeting to the doctor, following her introduction in Spanish. So she had no idea who he was. Either that, or she was a damned fine actor. It was of little consequence, if she was playacting effectively, if was a short matter of time before she got his identity from Cecily. He may as well be up front about it this time. He raised one finger, casting an expression that seemed to ask for a second of trust as his other hand reached for his wallet. The older man procured one of his credentials and held it up for a quick visual.

"Commandant Caesar Gonzalez, Mexican Federal, Retired. Private Contractor. We were working a related case when..." His voice fell away for a moment, genuine emotion playing in his brain (if not on his face), "...when this happened. We've been open about our findings. Hoping for a return on that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Boston Heights

His eyes followed Marc as he watched him go to work, talking about his old pal like his friend had done nothing wrong. From what Felix knew, nobody in the millitary was very, attached to what was considered right. Everyone did something dark when they were enlisted, that's what he had heard. So he found it hard to believe the guy who got killed and was some inside guy was some saint on the battlefield, but he shoved that thought aside.

He took the bag in his hands and passed it between his hands before smirking. He heard the slam. He could feel it vibrating through the walls. Not the actual feeling of the door slamming. But the excitement. In reality it was just in his head but he was sure there was an atmosphere building, the air was heavy with anticipation as he followed behind Marc, a manic smile on his face which he quickly forced down to a smaller less threatening smile.

He peeked in after Marc, hoping he would see what all the fuss was about.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: the Morgue

Cecily smiled a bit, hearing Natasha's quip about getting an intern. She knew it was the case, but she didn't want Natasha's death on her conscience. The job had already gotten to her before, landed her in two years of therapy in order to come to terms with the outcome of a certain case. Before she could reply, she heard the door slam open, and her heart practically exploded in her chest with fear. Scrambling madly for the pistol she now kept concealed, Cecily fumbled with it, hardly even having it drawn by the time she saw it was just Caesar, beer and pizza in hand. She let out a shaky sigh of relief, putting the weapon back away.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack," Cecily said weakly, though a bit of a grin played across her lips. "Maybe knock next time, yeah?" At his eye darting, Cecily nodded, a confirmation that Natasha could be trusted. She hadn't met the woman more than just an hour ago, but the brunette seemed harmless enough, and helpful.

"This is Dr. Brinne, she's assisting with the autopsies," Cecily explained, before biting down on her lips. She wasn't used to the family of the deceased coming into the morgue, much less helping with investigations. The bedside manner was awkward and clumsy, indicative of Cecily's own social skills. "And of course. It's largely unprecedented, but the new coroner can deal with that. Won't be my problem."

Glancing around the room, Cecily grimaced a bit, as she stared at the pizza. There had been pizza when Wallace died--it was likely the reason he had died. It killed her appetite, and the pessimist in her told her to watch out for needles in the back of her head. Rubbing her hair as if to confirm the instruments of death weren't present, she gathered up the file on Alicia, pulling out a duplicate of each form.

"This is what we know," Cecily said, going over the forms with Caesar. "And we think we know where the crime scene is. The detective assigned to the case hasn't said anything, and I haven't heard anything from the FBI agent in town," Cecily continued, glancing up from the paperwork. "If your BAC is under 0.02, then a trip to the nearest aircraft storage is in order."

Was it potentially out of line for her to allow Caesar so much free information? Yes. She herself would have been enraged at a coroner that did that, but yet, she could hardly care. "The woman who killed your daughter was Prosperine. The same woman who broke into the coroner's office and stole Danica Grave's gun."

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Boston Heights

Tuesday's eyes darted up, seeing the knob start to move. She held her breath, flashes of prison orange and correction officers appearing before her. Staying as still as she could be, in the tiny corner she had hidden herself away in, she couldn't help but pray it was simply one of the residents of the building. She doubted that Marc could've gone far from his partner, and the fact comforted her. The man who shared a name with a dating ap couldn't possibly be on the other side of that door.

And yet, she continued to remained tucked away, her body smaller from the weight loss that came with a druggie lifestyle. The door opened, pushing forward slowly, and Tuesday continued not to breathe, turning slightly pink. Smoking didn't tend to help with lung capacity, and far sooner than she'd care to admit, she drew a small breath. Not daring to move her head, she couldn't see the two individuals there, and she bit her lip.

It was times like these where Tuesday tended to reevaluate her life choices. She shut her eyes, remembering the first time she had used Adderall, and then the first time she tried something different, in order to stimulate her brain. Her addiction began as an attempt to feed another addiction--academic achievement. Stanford's pre-med track hadn't been easy, and the drugs had been meant to help her through it. They were supposed to give her clarity and focus.

But hiding in a corner of the Boston Heights, she realized for a brief moment how much she had wasted those years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia āš˜ Blossoming āš˜

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte - Relic shakes his head a bit. "No, I wish I did but who knows. With everything that has gone down at your buildings maybe the person that owns it does. I am thinking the basement apartments," he says as he points towards them on the blueprints. "Through here they could get in and I dunno, maybe into the larger duct works that come out in the hallways on the floors. Would make it much simpler to get in and out without being seen. This is what really gets me though," he says as he points to the old underground tunnels that come up under various places in the city. "These in the right hands could be very useful but these in the wrong hands.... and well you get the picture," he says as he starts taking pictures of each one of them with his phones camera before sliding them off to the side. "You know history better than me. Think these could have been used during prohibition to run liquor?"

@Nallore - "I arrested this fucker for selling about three months ago, him and Danica," Roy says as he holsters his side arm and narrows his eyes towards Ronnie. "Hey, Danica had nothing to do with that shit! And I wasn't selling! I told you that," Ronnie bellows as he runs his hand through his hair. "Then why did you have a pound of weed on you?" Roy asks sarcastically. "Okay, I was going to sell the shit later but I wasn't in the middle of a sale when your bony ass came up," Ronnie said before looking over towards Riley and nodding. "Yeah, soda would be great," Ronnie says as Roy throws his hands up in mock defeat. "And where was your ass the night Danica died?" Roy asks but Ronnie just shrugs before getting slammed back up against the wall by the cop. "I was helping a friend!" he says, glancing over towards Riley and then closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath.

@Scallop @Morose - Marc glances around and then starts poking around the room with his finger placed along the trigger of his side arm. Eventually he stops and lifts a brow. "Tuesday? Get your ass over here," he say as he holsters his side arm and grabs her quickly, pulling her into a hug. "What the hell? You know what, never mind. I don't want to know," he says quickly before letting her go and pointing out the door. "I know you don't live here, so out. Come on, march young lady. Let's go see your sister, if she's home that is," he says as he crosses his arms over his chest and motions for her to get moving. Glancing towards Felix he gives a finger gesture for him to follow along. This was not what he thought he would be running into right then but finding someone that wasn't pointing a gun at him was welcome. Granted seeing Tuesday here didn't make things exactly easy. For all he knew she was back to her old ways.

@Morose @Sigil - Dr. Brinne cocks a brow as Caesar speaks, stepping over to him and resting her hand on his shoulder. She didn't know exactly what was going on but she had lost someone she loved dearly before, she knew the look in someone's eyes. "Mr. Gonzalez, I don't know how police protocol goes. I'm just a doctor but for me that means if this is your daughter you will get every last bit of information I have being her next of kin. If you can listen, I am willing to tell you everything I have so far. If it is too much, Cecily knows. I will proceed how is best for you," she says in a sympathetic voice before hearing the M.S. go off and turning her head, biting her bottom lip slightly as she goes over to read it she then looks back over towards Cecily. "The levels aren't exactly right for storage, they are higher. Airport maybe? A hanger near it?" she asks before puling her gloves off and tossing them into the waste bin. "Wait, you were attacked?" she asks Cecily quickly with a rather surprised look on her features.

@Pundii - Risa nods slightly as she lets out a shaky breath. She heard what he was saying but part of her still didn't believe it. She had to screw something up along the way but she couldn't argue with him, not at least until she had solid proof and she wasn't going to be able to get that being out of the company's loop now. Sighing she tilts her head up and looks up at Lucas. "Well if I didn't screw something up, then something went wrong somewhere. If we are going to get out of Argus's crosshairs, we have to figure it out. Where do we want to start?" she asks nervously. "And don't even think about going anywhere without me. I'm not letting your backend out of my sight," she adds in a coy voice. Out at Club AfterDark Zoie nearly chokes on her drink at Scotts answer and chuckles. "Right, good women? Sure ya don't need to have yer eye sight checked?" she chuckles as she sets her drink down. Glancing over as the owner steps back into her office and shuts the door behind her before Zoie looks back over towards Scott. "If yer lookin' for a decent woman you need to get the hell out of the Deadlight district hun. AIn't a single decent one among us."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley looked between the two grown men it felt like they were in high school or something as she eyed the two of them, but then the mention of Danica. Riley shifted slightly as she headed for the fridge and pulled out a coke, when Ronnie asked where Roy was when Danica was killed. Causing Roy to slam Ronnie up against the wall she would let out a rather load groan, it certainly reminded her of a scene back in Grimm when she had her fair share of run ins with Simone when she was alive. "For fucking Christ sake you are acting like two fucking high schoolers.." Riley muttered as she looked towards Roy.

"Can we not like do this in my apartment mind putting down Ronnie? I don't think he has weed or anything on him right now." Riley asked. Then her attention went towards Roy maybe he did have some information on Danica before she was killed. "So anyway did you happen to know Danica personally by any chance?" Riley finally asked, she looked towards Ronnie for a moment and then walked over handing the can of soda towards her friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Location: Public Records building

Mali scratched her chin with her good hand and hmmmed as she thought over Relic's question. Her eyes were focused directly on the papers before her rather than looking upwards, an indicator that she probably wasn't trying to recall some hidden information.

"Again, not my field of expertise, American History. I only know a bit more about than what was taught in high school, and even then I'm not sure how much knowledge I retain about the Prohibition. But if I were to make an educated guess I would have to say that use of sewer tunnels probably wasn't a tactic utilized in the Prohibition. At least not for my building. Depending on when exactly the building was built, it would have been completed either just before the 18th Amendment was repealed or even years after the fact. By the 30s the Prohibition and Volstead Act were both really unpopular bills and people would have known about the Amendment ahead of time and prepared accordingly."

"Furthermore, you have to think about the historical context of both the city of Justice as a whole and Boston Heights. I can't claim to be familiar with the area, but even if Justice was still a cesspool back then and that particular part of the city was as bad as the Deadlight District is now, I don't think smuggler's would use a newly built building for any sort of smuggling. When a building is new is when there's going to be the most people hanging around it. Too visible. Unless you can find the exact date of construction and trace the shell company that made it to some mafia crime boss, I don't see that connection being a thing. Besides, I don't think the sewers would be used by bootleggers in the first place. Too constrained. Harder to evade police. More difficult to transport booze."
In the back of Mali's mind, a little voice called out that it dearly missed booze before it was promptly silenced like a rebel in the Soviet Union.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucas Walsh

Location: Safe House

Lucas started to think as he watched her, scratching at his chin as she made her point, they'd need to start somewhere if they wanted to figure things out, they couldn't just sit around in the safe house and hope things blew over. He couldn't help but smile as she insisted on coming with him, chuckling quietly as he shook his head. As much as Lucas would've liked to keep her there while he went out, just to ensure her safety, she was getting better, and he knew she was more than capable of holding her own, so he would just have to accept her coming with him as he nodded.

"We could start with the UN building, there might be something to find if we head back, pretty easy for the cops to look over something the two of us might notice in the rubble?" He shrugged, to be honest Lucas didn't have the slightest idea where it would be best to start, this was simply the best idea which came to mind as he watched her, crossing his arms over his chest idly as he waited to see if she had any other suggestions.

Scott Fairburne


Chuckling at her response, Scott shrugged his shoulders, glancing up the bar for a moment before looking down toward Zoie, a coy smile on his face as he kept cleaning his glass, letting his charms out for a whirl as was somewhat customary on a night that the bartender was feeling good. "Pardon me for sayin' Miss Crawford, but my eyes're picking up some decent ladies right now." He winked toward her with a chuckle, though her meaning was not lost on him, not completely. The kind of women in the deadlight district, regardless of their looks, weren't usually the softest and most innocent you'd find.

His eyes drifted over to the office door as it shut, Scott's gaze lingering on it for a moment or two before he turned back to Zoie and kept his smile, setting down the glass in his hand and picking up another to go through the same routine, idly continuing the conversation as he waited for her response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: The Morgue

Caesar's eyes narrowed at Dr. Brinne, giving her a once-over with a suspicious glare. Things were cautious enough, so it took him a second or two to fully understand that he was the interloper here, coming into their workplace with beer and pizza in a manner that could be construed as unprofessional. He frowned a little, then nodded and accepted her greeting. "Gracias, doctor. I am also interested in making sure Miss Ashworth is standing when this is done, too." Thinking about it, of the group that went to the Derby with Caesar, everyone except for the two of them was either dead or missing.

Despite accepting her greeting and condolences, Caesar remained wary. Just because she was being open and sympathetic, he did not feel the need to share too much in the way of non-case personal information. It was enough that she knew of his intent to keep Cecily breathing, the "whys" of the situation shouldn't concern her. If Cecily wanted to share, that was her business.

"That other woman there, Lorna..." started Caesar, looking over at the exam tables, "She isn't blood, but she is familia. Also my employee. I can get you the information on her next of kin, if you need it. We are obviously investigating her death, too."

Then to Cecily, "Another of my employees has been murdered. I don't know if it's related, and I don't know the coroner up that way. Timing is coincidental. I would like your permission to have the body brought here for autopsy."

J. Keystone

Location: Queensguard R&D Industrial Complex: Security employee lounge -> Gymnasium, with entourage

Oh, the less active of the MSS grunt personnel had no idea who their Acting Director was, no idea at all. For many of them, it was a first meeting. A very loud, potentially productive first meeting. The Cockney giant caused all manner of uproar, spewing profanities likely never heard previously in the city of Justice, possibly even the state of California.

Keystone was a bit more than a common bruiser; his time with the company had given him a less tangible skill set in matters of security protocol. Coupled with years of arduous training in Europe and mainland China, he was a formidable trainer, as well. And thanks to his formative years, growing up in the less savory parts of East London, he was a frightening man with a curious grip on profanity. The security personnel who seemed to know their positions and were working diligently (also one of the ones who tipped him off to the lazy inaction of many of the staffers) were largely left alone. But the others...

A short hop away, in the Complex's gymnasium, sounds of violence and disapproval could be heard. None dared actually enter the gym, but outside, a crowd gathered to peer through tiny windows and tinier cracks, eager to witness what sounded like a highly loquatious bobby/drill instructor putting a group of Americans through a meat grinder. Those who could not glimpse the horror firsthand were left to merely imagine what was transpiring inside. The yelling, clearly audible even away from the gym, left much to the imagination.

"Oi! Stop twattin' about! Get up and do it again!"

"You've only thrown up twice! Stop your bullshite milquetoastery and hammer that bag!"

"Keep pushing! Go! Go! You call those pectorals? I've seen bigger tits on a ten-year-old! GO!"

"Ey! You stop again and I'll sandpaper your arsehole with the bloody treadmill!"

"Oh, did you lot cock up, and royal ya did, thinkin' you could laze about after Miss Dunn's passing and all. Bloody disgrace you're making to 'er memory, 'ers and Miss Gonzalez both! You lot right and proper buggered the goat on this one, but it's alright. I'm gonna fix it up nice and tidy-like. We'll be the best trained, most disciplined sons and daughters of bastiches this side of the pond, I tell you what, and we're gonna make them proud, or I'm puttin' my boot up all of your arses and processing your walking papers. Get me? Do you bloody get me?"

The sounds of heavy crashing and hand to hand combat could be heard from within. Occasional slams upon the walls hinted at hurled bodies, though the vast majority of persons not in the room would never know the truth. The rare few who were able to witness the whole spectacle were the guards on duty, watching the surveillance video. It was a riotous laugh, for the less disciplined, and required viewing for the moreso. Perhaps he would use it one day as an instructional video.

To be fair, Keystone was pushing them hard, but was careful to avoid anything resembling actual injury. His goal was to inspire terror and discipline, not harm. And speaking of terror: "Oh, if you lot thought Miss Dunn was an 'ard trainer, you never met a bloke like me. AND I GUARANTEE, if I'm snuffed off anytime soon, the next bugger what gets this job is gonna be so much worse. Already made the calls, I did."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Boston Heights

Confused. Shocked. Surprised? At least two of those were certain feelings that Felix was currently going through as he observed the FBI agent, should he call him his partner or his boss? Eh who knows. Now who was this woman. He could already tell she was of some importance to Marc so he watched and followed along nodding to her.

For now he was going to have to take it slow before he could get a good climax in his book, for now he could get to work building the anticipation, and he supposed this would be good anticipation, creating an atmosphere of standard normal life, and imagine people's reactions when finally this boring time would be swept away. Just Imagine.

He smiled at the girl and stepped forward, his hand outstretched to her after she was free of Marc's embrace. "Felix Hausten, a pleasure, Tuesday ja?"
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