"Danica... where are you?" a voice called out on the winds. Danica looked around frantically, she knew the voice but the storm raging around her was preventing her from seeing anything. The snow fell heavy on the mountain top, the air frigid; her breath fell heavy from her lips in clouds of fog. Adjusting her crampon in the wall of ice in front of her, digging the spikes deeper she tried to look around, there was nothing but white. Pulling out her ice tool she swung and dug it into the ice face, chipping away as the frost splattered about. Shoving an ice screw into the face she quickly secured a carabiner and ran her line through it. Another anchor point in place.
"Dani!" the voice screamed as the mountain felt like it shook. Danica's eyes widened as she felt herself loosing grip. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no," she spat out as she tried to tie off the line, feeling her feet starting to slip out of place. Snow from above started cascading down like a sheet from above her, knocking her this way and that, shoving her body against the ice face before she began to tumble back.
"Shit," was the last thing she was able to get out before the frantic scream erupted from her lips as she tumbled back; the force of the avalanche from above beat into her body and drove her down; each anchor ripping out of the wall face. There was nothing to stop it. When it was man versus nature, nature always won when it really wanted to.
"Dani!" the voice screamed again.

Danica Graves nearly fell out of her chair as she jerked awake from the nightmare. Sitting up straight and trying to catch her breath as she looked around wild-eyed. It was only a dream.... That was what she kept telling herself as she looked around her apartment, her laptop open to the latest story she was writing. She had finally began to work on the one that she never started after she came back from over seas. Brushing her hair out her face she groaned a bit; her hands dropping down over the edge of her knees.
"Just a dream Dani, snap out of it," she told herself as laced her fingers together. They felt so cold right then. Icy to the touch. She hadn't felt that type of cold in over a year. What was going on? Shaking off the feeling she massaged her fingers a bit as she stood up, pushing her rolling chair back and walking around her apartment. She could hear the city outside her window and more than that she could hear her neighbors. Stepping over to the window she pulled back the curtain and glanced down from her top floor apartment. They were gearing up for a block party. It was the first the buildings had had in quite sometime.

Underwear Boogie Y'all
Prancing around your apartment in your underwear was one thing but dancing in front of an open window in your bra and panties was another. JD Mason didn't particularly care, the girl had a banging body and she knew it. She ran her fingers through her long chocolate locks as she moved her body around the cramped little apartment. It was the only thing she could think of doing to get her in the mood and be ready for the upcoming block party later that evening. That day had been a bastard of a day. Her boss kept looking down her top and she had made little progress on her secret project which was becoming increasingly frustrating. It was because of this that she had agreed to attend the party; the idea of getting skull fuck drunk and forgetting that the ever darkening world existed seemed more and more appealing with every passing second. She checked her watch and realised it was probably time to start getting ready. The Minnesota born journalist was hesitant, coming to the realisation that she could be using her time more productively but hell, she was twenty two years old; who would se be in the future if she didn't allow herself any fun while she was this young?
For the evenings festivities, Jess had decided to opt for a short sparkling silver dress which highlighted her toned legs and perfectly pert derriere. Being the baby sister of a survival expert and the daughter of a farmer had done wonders for her body. She was incredibly fit and had never been sick a day in her life. She turned her dark brown gaze to her work desk, gazing at the two pictures on there. One of her big brother Dominic who was off gallivanting and filming a documentary in India; and one of her, the dead girl, Peyton Glencross. The Block party tonight was the first one held at the Boston Heights Apartment Buildings since her death. The reason why the once regular event hasn't happened in a while was obvious to everyone not an outsider; Peyton died on a party night, it just didn't feel right to have another so soon after her passing.
What did JD expect to happen at this party? She had no idea. She had only been living in the Heights just over two months. She still had yet to fully get to know the other tenants, some she knew of; like that hottie David Lawson from 3D or the delicious White's from 2A in the Rose Building. Damn they were a hot couple, JD wouldn't mind time with either of them. Finishing her sexy ensemble with some light jewellery and an out of place leather bracelet (a gift from her Ducky), JD looked at herself in the mirror and was satisfied with her appearance. Time to go play nice she thought. She took another glance at the photographs and then back at her wall which was covered in newspaper clippings.
"Here we go"
Prancing around your apartment in your underwear was one thing but dancing in front of an open window in your bra and panties was another. JD Mason didn't particularly care, the girl had a banging body and she knew it. She ran her fingers through her long chocolate locks as she moved her body around the cramped little apartment. It was the only thing she could think of doing to get her in the mood and be ready for the upcoming block party later that evening. That day had been a bastard of a day. Her boss kept looking down her top and she had made little progress on her secret project which was becoming increasingly frustrating. It was because of this that she had agreed to attend the party; the idea of getting skull fuck drunk and forgetting that the ever darkening world existed seemed more and more appealing with every passing second. She checked her watch and realised it was probably time to start getting ready. The Minnesota born journalist was hesitant, coming to the realisation that she could be using her time more productively but hell, she was twenty two years old; who would se be in the future if she didn't allow herself any fun while she was this young?
For the evenings festivities, Jess had decided to opt for a short sparkling silver dress which highlighted her toned legs and perfectly pert derriere. Being the baby sister of a survival expert and the daughter of a farmer had done wonders for her body. She was incredibly fit and had never been sick a day in her life. She turned her dark brown gaze to her work desk, gazing at the two pictures on there. One of her big brother Dominic who was off gallivanting and filming a documentary in India; and one of her, the dead girl, Peyton Glencross. The Block party tonight was the first one held at the Boston Heights Apartment Buildings since her death. The reason why the once regular event hasn't happened in a while was obvious to everyone not an outsider; Peyton died on a party night, it just didn't feel right to have another so soon after her passing.
What did JD expect to happen at this party? She had no idea. She had only been living in the Heights just over two months. She still had yet to fully get to know the other tenants, some she knew of; like that hottie David Lawson from 3D or the delicious White's from 2A in the Rose Building. Damn they were a hot couple, JD wouldn't mind time with either of them. Finishing her sexy ensemble with some light jewellery and an out of place leather bracelet (a gift from her Ducky), JD looked at herself in the mirror and was satisfied with her appearance. Time to go play nice she thought. She took another glance at the photographs and then back at her wall which was covered in newspaper clippings.
"Here we go"

Lawson propped his elbow up on the edge of his truck, the window rolled down as he drove through the streets of Justice. Today was the day and it seemed him and his bud were taking charge with most of the stuff for the block party. Sure this was the west coast but he wanted to expose the crew to a little bit of southern charm. What better way than to break out a smoker and have a good old fashion Carolina BBQ? No better way in his country mind. He had managed to rent a smoker from a local place and before he knew it he had hooked the monstrosity up to the hitch and was pulling it out of the parking lot.
Pulling up in front of the brownstones he parked and hopped out of the truck, the door closing heavy behind him as he smoothed back his golden hair and slipped his cowboy hat on. His boots scraped the concrete as he walked to the back of the truck and lowered the tailgate. Lugging some of the wood he had bought over to the smoker, he kicked open the hatch and shoved it in to the already burning embers, stoking it a bit before locking the door shut. "Aww hell yah, Sweet apple wood and hickory. Gonna be some good eats tonight," he laughed to himself. Climbing into the back of the truck he opened the cooler and started pulling out racks of ribs, briskets, and more. Each one already ready for their low and slow cook.
Back over at the smoker he plopped them down on the cast iron grates. Things were coming together. Looking around he didn't see his partner in crime. Placing his fingers along the edge of his lips he let out an ear piercing whistle. "Hey! Whitey! When ya gonna lug them tables out here?" he yelled out towards the buildings in general.

"Already doing it, cowboy. Chill your Stetson
Cam was logging a table under each arm out into the central yard. The man was deceptively strong based on his lean build but as evident my his insane routine, the man was actually a robot or a God, possibly both. He placed the tables down onto the floor and perked his head up. He patted David on the arm and pointed skywards. "Well would you look at that Marine, JD is putting on a little show for us already. I tell you, if I wasn't married.... The soldier laughed as he motioned to the dancing half naked girl in the window before helping his buddy clear out the truck of all its gatherings. Lawson looked up to where Cam was pointing and his jaw went slack as he saw JD, quickly turning around and adjusting his stetson let out a bit of a breath. She was stunning but his country nature wouldn't let him ogle no matter how much he wanted to. "Man, stop looking before your woman catches you," he laughed. The thought lingered in the back of Cameron's mind; how would tonight actually go? He and Lyndsey were newcomers to the Heights and hadn't yet met everyone, even worse was the fact that they had moved into the dead girls apartment; what was her name again? They hoped to fit in with this group of people, in fact, they felt like life depended on it. What's a life without any friends?
Brushing a strand of his blonde hair from his stubbled face, Cameron glanced at his watch before giving his neck a good crack. "Alright marine, I'm going to go get changed for this soiree, be back in a little bit to help you put on the finishing touches" Lawson nodded and went back to work tending to the smoker. he was already drolling but right then he couldn't figure out if it was from the sweet smell of BBQ or from the sweet looking woman dancing in her apartment window. With that said, he headed into the Rose Building and into his apartment where his gorgeous girl waited for him. "What do people wear to Block Parties? I have zero fucking idea" He spoke aloud before heading into the bedroom, hearing the shower running. Turning up the radio a bit as it played a good tune. He peeled off his training clothes and began searching is wardrobe for something to wear, laying out some dark jeans and a black polo shirt on the bed, he gazed into the mirror of a dead girl with his piercing blue eyes and clenched a fist.
Six months ago

Peyton glanced at herself in the mirror with a hint of self admiration in her eyes. She hadn't touched a drink all night "You go girl" She thought to herself. She was satisfied with her work, it was hidden and she felt safe. Moving over to her laptop, she sat down and checked the tracking notification she had opened just after she had returned to the apartment from the Block Party. The package had reached her sister safe and sound, it was risky sending it to her but Peyton had to know it was in safe hands and after all she had been through, the person she trust most in the world was her sister. They had been through a lot together and it only felt right to do this.
Changing into her PJ's, Peyton ruffled her hair into a mess and glanced out of the window. The party was still in full swing, luckily all the windows were relatively sound proof so she knew she would get a decent nights sleep ahead of her big day tomorrow. Tomorrow she would expose the Lodge and all would be right in the world. As she climbed into bed and prepared to turn off her light, a knock disturbed the history buff. Of course there was a knock at the door at this hour, it was probably Lyle looking to borrow Cowboy Bebop again. Clambering out of bed, Peyton made her way to the front door and swung it open. Her mouth dropped open and her pretty green eyes widened with terror.
"Good evening, Miss Glencross. Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened."
Taking a step back Peyton tried to slam the door shut but the person before her wedged their shoulder into the door and shoved hard, sending her spilling to the floor. Peyton turned to run, trying to scramble to her feet as they stepped in and her apartment door closed; she gulped as she heard the tell tale sound of the lock click into place. She screamed but the block party was at its peak in the streets below and her walls were thick, it was a futile action but she screamed the nonetheless as she felt hands on her body, pulling her back and up off the floor.
They did not utter any words, that in itself was terrifying. The chilling greeting, their voice would be forever etched in her memory and those eyes, they looked almost like they did not belong to such a creature. Tears rolled down her face as they forced it into her pillow, silencing her already muffled screams. They turned off the bedroom lamp leaving only the pink neon glow from an outside sign to illuminate her terrified face. Even with the light, the room now felt darker than black. Peyton felt the cold steel press against the flesh of her temple, her own hand being forced to hold the gun.
"Please. Please stop" She begged into the pillow though she knew it was to no avail and that in mere moments she would meet an inevitable fate. She felt her finger on the trigger and their gloved hand forcing it down. She tried so hard not to succumb, she tried so hard not to squeeze the trigger. How had it come to this?
"Ssshhh, it's over now. You can go home, Peyton"
The blood splattered as the bullet ripped through her; unforgiving in its path to end her mortality. Her body slowly slipped to the floor as they released their grip on her; her body quickly going cold as the blood pooled beneath her body. On her desk lay a letter, carefully constructed in Peytons handwriting. They stepped out of the apartment, the door closing and locking behind them. The sounds of the party could still be heard below as the neon lights flickers from beyond the other side of the curtain, casting shadows over the once pristine form of Peyton, her lifeless eyes just staring out into the nothingness that now surrounded her.