Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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"And zat, my students, is the outlining plot of Homers famous poem, ze Illiad." A man, if one would be so kind enough to call him that, paced back and fourth across a stage. A book was held in his gloved hands, its cover a soft tan, browns and blues painted in greek stylings. His hands obscured the title from being seen, but the teens before him all knew what the book was, as it was the story that he had been lecturing the students on for the class. "Of course, you should already have known all of zat if you did your vurk as vus instructed." He leered to a few of the teens, granting him shifty and nervous smiles in return as they knew that he knew they skipped out on their reading.

He seemed confident in his words, almost to a point where it could be considered cocky. However close to the truth that was, it was not entirely correct. His blue skin, pointed ears, glowing eyes and floating prehensile tail gave him a rather demonic appearance that he was not always proud of.

His hair, grown down to almost touch his chin, was silky and smooth, not that he would allow anyone to touch it. He wore a simple back coat with a high collar and a pair of loose fitting jeans to allow him to move as he pleased. However, that stopped down at his feet, where glove-like fittings covered his unusual, two-toed feet.

He was comfortable, how he walked so easily back and fourth on the stage as his students looked up him from the ground and in the stands. He wanted for them to be comfortable in where they learned in his class. They could choose to be on the stage, sitting down on the ground just before him, or further back in the stands if they felt so inclined to be there. Relative distance never mattered much to him, the acoustics were wonderful in the theater hall and everyone from any seat would be able to hear him clearly.

He cleared his throat to speak, but something in one of the seats had forced him to pause. A single brow raised in curiosity, his feet stopped and his body turned to face the object of his thoughts. "Oh?" He smiled and looked to his students, nodding in the direction of one sleeping Shawn In. "It appears zat someone has forgotten zat zis is ze time for learning, not for sleeping." He smiled wickedly as he neared the boy sleeping in one of the chairs, his arm propped up to support his head.

The Drama teacher could hear the class talking among themselves to decide the fate of the unlucky boy who had made the mistake of falling asleep before the most mischievous teacher in the school.

He dropped off the stage with ease, stepping slowly and carefully to see the sleeping boy as he sat there in the seat. Upon further inspection, the boy had been trying to stay awake. smuggled energy drinks could be seen on the floor next to his feet, all empty as he attempted to keep himself from this fate. Notecards and notes in general were all over the small table that sprang up from the arm of the seat, spilling onto the ground. Of course, the book of today's topic, the Iliad, was resting underneath Shawn's elbow. The bookmark, barely sticking out from between the papers was near the end, but not close to finished.

The teacher smiled and looked back at his students. Try as he might, there was no way that he wasn't going to punish Shawn for falling asleep. For getting so close, he might pull a punch or two, but the boy did need to get his act together.

"So, class." He said to his students. "What shall ve be doing with Mister In here? Hang him from ze ceiling? Put him in costume? Pretend as if he had slept through the millennia and woken up to disaster?" There were so many possibilities, but the pranking would have to be halted for now.

His hand slowly reached up to his temple, his eyes widening as he received a message from the Headmaster of the institute, Charles Xavier himself.

"Oh? Iz he here zat soon? I vill make sure that the class velcomes him with open arms. Who will be escorting him here?" He knew that Charles could simply read his thoughts, but he simply preferred to speak aloud instead.

"That would be me." The legendary Boy Scout of the X-Men himself, Scott Summers, opened the door to the theater hall and stood as dramatically as he could, a young boy with a closely shaved head standing next to him. Scott's hand rested upon the young boy's shoulders. He patted the shoulder and took a step forward, ushering the boy forward.

"Kurt, I'll leave him with you." The students, especially the younger ones, never got tired of seeing the big faces of the X-Men around, especially Ororo, Scott, and Raven. Scott wasn't quick to leave, but said little else as Kurt nodded back to him and left the boy continuing on his path to Nightcrawler. Briefly, he paused and turned back around. "Oh, right. The Professor wanted me to let you know that Doc Clement.... Something about him. Don't be surprised if he pops up, Professor wants to make sure the boy if adjusting well medically."

"Evervone," Kurt smiled at his students. "Zis is Peter, and he will be joining all of you in my class, and possibly other classes. He has been here for a few days, but ze long flight has left him tired, so he is starting school today." Just like how Scott did, Kurt patted the boy on his shoulders and allowed him to take any spot that he saw fit, so long as it wasn't already occupied by someone else.

In a puff of blue smoke, he appeared back on the stage, posed and pointed at the sleeping boy. "Back to the task at hand." He chuckled. "Who has ideas for a harmless prank?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Chrys grunts. He is perched on a the back of a seat with some notebooks scattered around him and his attention on the one in his lap. "I'm not one to play pranks... Got the brunt end of a few too many bad ones to care for them." He continues to scribble in his notebook, not really paying attention. He takes a pause every now and then to flick through the pages almost as if referencing something. A closer inspection shows that he is drawing a sword, with an extreme level of attention to detail. "I could however, Shift him into the piano locker. It locks on the outside making it an effective cage...." He looks to the back of the stage. "It would be room enough for him..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Heidi was sitting at her desk at the edge of the classroom. In front of her was her notebook, it's contents a detailed itinerary of the next seven days, from her morning workout and laps around the building, to breakfast (the exact minutes she started and finished carefully calculated), and all of her classes. She had chosen to do drama this year because she was beginning to bore of the math-based subjects she had recently acquired Doctorates in.

In truth, she found Drama painfully easy. All of her assignments were done in one sitting whenever she wanted to unwind with a good book, and she mainly just used the class time for other things, like planning her week out, designing her next robotics-based project, or sometimes just relaxing.

However, as she was just starting to get into a nice lull, her brain registered that her teacher was about to punish a fellow in-class relaxer. This made her aware of her position and she tried to make it look like she was paying as much attention as she actually was. Appearances were important, after all.

There was a new kid being introduced. She looked at him long enough to remember his face and link it with the name 'Peter', and then carried on daydreaming. Another person not to talk to...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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For the better part of the class Jacob had stayed quiet while the teacher taught them all about various actors throughout history and different methods to acting. None of this appealed to Jacob very much and the only reason he was here was because he accidentally showed up on the first day of class and didn't have the guts to tell his teacher that he wasn't interested in the class.

Now finally after who knows how long, something interesting was happening. One of the other students (his name was Sheen or something) was out cold and the teacher was had opened the floor to the students on what type of prank to pull on the unconscious mutant. Jacob immediately made up his mind on what he wanted to see happen.

"Ceiling, celing, ceiling!" Jacob chanted, over and over again as he lightly banged his fists on the chair in front of him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Heidi seemed to have nothing to say about pranking Shawn, but both Chrys and Jacob both seemed to offer ideas. Peter, sitting down quietly next to Heidi, looked over to the girl questioningly. "Is this how he always is?" His russian accent was thick and rough, his words sounding like he had just been studying up on the english language.

He was a little bigger than a normal thirteen year old would be, but he already seemed to be growing into his body well. His hair was buzzed, cut as short as can be while he wore only a simple yellow t-shirt with a red hem, and blue jeans. He wasn't exactly shy, but he was rather soft spoken. There was nothing that he, personally, could offer to the situation. Not that he was enabling the pranking, but becoming a large, metal man would not be all that helpful in tricking the older boy. "We could... Pretend that he slept into the future. Everyone abandon the theater and leave him here with myself."

"Oh?" Kurt tilted his head. "And how vud zis trick him? You may be new, but you hardly look enough to insinuate such a thought."

Peter stood from his seat and took a breath. He had to remember to breathe, to feel, to flex muscles that only existed to him. It was so tricky, activating his mutation on his own without something triggering it to happen. Slowly, his body began to bulk up and grow, his skin growing a ghostly white, then sparkling silver, then finally turning to some metal. Everything he was became metal, his hair, his eyes, it was all like he was the liquid metal terminator. His loose clothing now fit him properly, Kurt even looking at him evenly from his position on the stage.

"I no longer look as human as I did. I could be ah robotic creature. He would be unaware of the situation." Peter explained himself, looking amongst the students shyly. He was unsure how the others would react to him transforming as he did, even if they were all mutants together. Perhaps they could combine all of the plans together for something great? He was unsure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Chrys chuckles. "That's pretty cool. Haven't seen that kind of ability before." He grins, looking over Peter. In his days following his father in the military he'd seen a lot of different kinds of powers, but not any that changed the constitution of the body. "And that's a pretty good idea. Count me in." He twirls one of the pencils in his finger. He wouldn't say it, but this was his most boring class, as he preferred to train. He snaps and shifts all of his books but the current one into his bag. "The question I have is how to make the Theatre look futuristic...." He scratches the back of his neck and leans back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose was scheduled to see a headshrinker everyday at the same time. She couldn't stand him. All that fancy talk, he was trying to impress her or something to get in her pants just like every disgusting man.

She didn't have the patience today to put up with his mumbo jumbo, she went into woody area around the campus. She found a nice shady spot, with soft patch of grass. She sat down and just watched nature. The squirrels were her favorite they would come to her now some would even let her play with them. She would like to take one with her but that would be cruel.

One of the squirrels fell asleep while she pet it. She stopped so not to wake it up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Heidi watched Peter sit beside her. She hoped that she wasn't required to make conversation. The best action to take would be to say nothing anmd act cold so that he quickly learns how she's going to act every other time they meet. Heidi did not want to have to deal with a complex social situation (every social situation to her is complicated) and was content to carry on with silence, but then he directly asked her a question; "Is this how he always is?"

Heidi's heart started beating faster. Which route should she take now? Not answering at all would be rude and would paint her as unfriendly, and while her brain knew that would be the cleanest conclusion, her heart didn't want people thinking those things about her any more than they probably already do. That said, it was clear that she needed to answer him.

That decided, how should she answer him? Mumble a monosyllabic answer, again, painting her as a little bit of an unfriendly loner? Should she smile and chat, which will make the best impression but require her to keep up that kind of behaviour with him? What should she do?

She recalled the advice Lightsmith had given her about what happens when she starts to panic like this; she just had to turn her brain off and start speaking.

All of the above happened in the blink of an eye, before she outwardly huffed in disapproval of Nightcrawler's actions. "Pretty much," she said quietly. "You eventually get used to it and ignore it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sitting in the back of the room Nate finds himself moving towards the new kid. The metalic change of his body causing Nates mind to see his mothers abilities shine through again. His mind takes this transformation in and stores it for a later time.
"We could always change the lighting around him, making a disorenting effect, making it harder for him to see whats really around him."
The color around Nate starts shifting, first red then blue then green then purple and lastly orange before settling down to the normal everyday colors. He pauses in front of Peter, "Man you remind me of someone. Its your idea, lead on."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Good, good!" Nate choosing to warp light around the area would keep Shawn from focusing on Peter. Chrys would be able to warp Peter around with objects in the area, and Kurt would be able to help jacob stick poor Shawn to the ceiling to have something to wake up to. Everything was going so well.

A though occurred to the drama teacher. "Ah." He exclaimed. "Peter, are you indeed metal?" The boy nodded, his movements not even making sound despite being metal. "you should not touch Mister In. He iz a controller of lightning, you may shock yourself if you are not careful."

Peter nodded in understanding. Some of the people in his class were more open about their mutations than others, it seemed. He wondered what Heidi's was? She did not seem to be the talkative type, but that wasn't a big problem for Peter. He could enjoy the silence as well as anyone else, perhaps just as much as Shawn was enjoying his name.

Meanwhile, and older type of man trodden through the gardens behind the mansion. All of the X-men were home, and he only had one person scheduled to see at the moment.

Poor Miss Kensington.

If only he were a telepath like Charles, maybe even like the fabled Emma Frost from so long ago, Jean would have also been a great candidate for his spot. However, he made a vow to help Charles however he could. After the dust cleared, Blake made his way to the X-Mansion to help however he could, even seeing Magneto briefly before he disappeared again.

She didn't check in with him on time, that was the first signal. He was well aware of her past because of Charles, but him knowing this was not the important thing. Samantha didn't seem to open to the idea of him knowing, and as long as she refused to open up to him, there would be no progress.

He hoped he could find her soon. While not technically a student anymore, there were still things she could be doing than ditching her therapy session with the one and only Lightsmith. Heidi came for council sometimes, upon Blake's request, actually, as he wanted to see her grow and evolve comfortably with herself and her mutation. Having someone to guide you would go a long way, especially with kids so young.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Now that would be something shocking to see!!" Nate smirks, "So who's got the duck tape?"
Looking at the supports leading up to the celing Nate considers the ammount of weight each could support.
"Um teach, how much can these supports hold?" Nate asks Kurt, thinking of his increased mass. Over 500 lbs was no laughing matter. If he stepped wrong he could very well bring down the house and in a worse case end someones life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana was attending one of her many classes, she forgot which, she wasn't really paying attention at the moment all her concentration was drawn to the boy in front of her who had received a paper cut that was bleeding. She could smell it, it was screaming at her to drain him dry. She was subconsciously licking her lips. It was taking all her willpower not to lunge forward and to do as her instincts demand.

One of her fellow classmates said something about a freak. Which brought her attention back to the moment. Tatiana looked to the student, she flashed her fangs and hissed. That was usually enough to deal with these prep school nitwits, on the rare occasion that wasn't enough she was more than willing to satiate her blood lust until someone stronger was able to pull her off.

Rose Mary's squirrels ran away probably another student not so friendly or a predatory animal, either way she had no reason to remain. She got up and brushed off her clothes. She got up she probably had a class to get to. She pulled out a paper with her schedule on it. She checked her watch. She realized she still had a couple of minutes before she would be late. She took the long way, she was in no hurry to get to Algebra I because solving for X in some asinine problem is not relevant to someone who is going to either be working a dead end minimum wage job or fighting for Mutant Rights under Xavier. Neither prospect was all that appealing to her, but the later was more than likely to give her what she want faster, that is if she couldn't arrange for one of her to classmates to grant it, that vampire chick seemed like a good candidate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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"Don't need duct tape when you've got good 'ol Jacob around!" Jacob said in response to the light shifting student. Jacob knew his powers were pretty worthless but due to this he jumped at any opportunity to show of some use of his more mundane powers. As a demonstration of his powers to the class Jacob picked up two of his text books and began making a loud coughing noise until long, thick strands of silk began to spew from his mouth, sticking to both text books and then finally sticking the two of them together with his silk's extreme adhesiveness.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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"Um teach, how much can these supports hold?"

It was quite a good question that Nate had asked Kurt. It wasn't exactly a straight answer that Kurt could give the boy, especially one who had five hundred pounds condensed into one growing child. Since the school had been rebuild for maximum mutant safety, even the theater could take quite the punch. Kurt could only take a guess though, and that it could not be able to hold Nate's weight. regardless of if he could or not, if he helped Nate get up there, and he fell, Nate would be crashing down at least twenty feet into the ground below, surely breaking the floor and finding himself in whatever rooms lay below them.

"I vud not recommend going up there, Nate." Kurt shook his head. However, Jacob made use of his powers with silk spinning to put two books together. Getting Shawn up onto the ceiling and keeping him there would not be hard at all. If everyone was in on the plan, they could begin work right away.

"Nate, instead, take ze door zere," He pointed to a door against the left wall near the stage with his tail. "and take ze passage underneath ze stage. Can you still bend light out here, from in zere?" It'd be the perfect place to hide. Now, all he needed was the help of one more student. "Heidi." He called out. "Could you be kind enough to see what our chances of pulling zis off vud actually be? Teleporting sleeping Shawn and Jacob, Jacob sticking Shawn while he's still asleep, waking him with Nate's lights, and our Colossus Peter scaring him into believing that he is far in ze futur?" There were a lot of parts to this, and while Shawn was not the brightest spark, he was quite smart when he absolutely needed to be. He was smart, but only when his own laziness wouldn't override it.

"Rosemary?" Booker asked aloud while looking through the gardens. He still couldn't find her, and the period was a little past half over. If she kept up like this, she'd never get in her required therapy sessions, and Xavier might never allow her to venture far without help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Pausing in though Nate considers. "I can target an area of about ten by ten at around one hundred and fifteen feet away." He smiles pointing to the ceiling, the wall, the floor and the door, "I can stand at any of those spots, two at once if you want, and he will never see me."
Nate thinks for a second, "If you want this can be disco flavored also if you like."

Turning to Jacob Nate Exclaims, "That is so darn cool. Can you make a hammick? How strong is it? Can you make a
tightrope? Can you make a big trampoline? Can I climb it or would I get stuck? Can you stick some to your hands and feet to climb on walls? Is it strong enough to attach to two cars and see what car can pull the other? Can you make a bridge? Can you cacoon Shawn?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana was able to regain her composure after the paper cut stopped bleeding. Her concentration returned to her science class. She always liked adapting the lessons into ways to kill. Her basic minimum legally required classes would never have given her the insights in how to mount a proper defense with make shift weapons or explosives. That is probably why Blade killed them all they thought to one dimensionally, that and they were way to overconfident. She couldn't wait to test some of her theories out, sure she could probably look it up on the internet to find out her answer but she found that the best way to learn is the application. She just wished she could use some of the students to test her theories on.

Rose Mary turned around the corner of a building and bumped into somebody. "Watch where you're going asshole." She knew it was just as much her fault as his, but she wasn't going to let that get in the way of her placing all the blame on him, if she could. She looked up to see who it was. She thought to herself, "Just great. Not this prick. Why am I always bumping into him." She crossed her arms. "What's first berating for skipping our appointment or calling you an asshole?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Heidi had noticed that the """conversation""" between her and the new kid had finished. Should she try to re-ignite it? He did seem to be engaging with this prank plan pretty well. Should she join in too? No, no, she wasn't going to bring herself to that level for a friend she might not even keep over the course of the day with her social skills. Besides, there will be other chances, other opportunities.

When her name was called, and she was asked to calculate the odds of this prank actually working, she mentally rolled her eyes and then, with a pause so brief she may as well ave been asked what on plus one was, she replied in a voice quiet from lack of practice yet just about loud enough for the class to hear.

"Between 68 and 86 percent, depending on his imagination and gullibility."

She hadn't even looked up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sixty eight to eighty six percent. That wasn't too bad. better than a coin toss, but worse than trying not to roll snakeyes. As Heidi had said, it all depended on how imaginative and gullible Shawn was. Kurts hands weighed the invisible options, his eyes curving up to the right as he considered all he knew about the sleeping boy. Especially waking up from sleep, there was a good chance that he might fall for it.

"We should get started and finish before class is over."

Peter, rather astounded by Heidi's thinking skills, looked back at the girl. He shifted back into his more human appearance, his clothes fitting loose once again as he took his seat next to her. If he had any guesses, Heidi either had future vision, to let her see all of the possible outcomes of the situation at hand, or she was just so smart that she could easily run those numbers in full between breaths.

"Is your mutation... your thinking?" He asked the girl in a similar volume to that which she spoke with. She seemed rather worried the last time that the spoke, so he spoke with more care, as if his steel strength somehow applied to his voice as well. Well, there was how Americans portrayed russians as the cold, hardened people, so there was a little something surrounding him even if it wasn't his own.

"We bumped into each other." Booker clarified with a raised finger and a calm voice. He wasn't going to berate her for missing their scheduled appointment, the one which Xavier had specifically written into her schedule three times during the school week, and he wasn't going to call her out on her calling him an asshole. He understood her past well enough to know that this was a standard reaction for her, and he wasn't going to use shaming to make her change.

"No, no. But we should get you a punch card for all the days you miss your appointments throughout the year." He chuckled and created a rather thick wall of light behind her to keep her from running off. "Now, we should get back to my office and try to make some progress before the class period is over."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Chrys taps his chin with a pencil. Hmm... "So, my question is this... I don't have any problem Shifting people around. I just need to know approximately how much mass I'm moving. It helps so I don't accidentally shift someone without losing any... Important stuff. Especially if there isn't an object to shift as a focus point." He looks up at the ceiling, calculating angles rapidly. It was much easier to move himself, but with others he wasn't string enough yet to Shift others with that kind of ease....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary rolled her eyes. "How many punches will it take to get something free?" She slumped her shoulders. "You do know half the reason I skip is your office. I much rather have sessions in a blizzard, guaranteed not to freeze to death, my power would provide me the heat necessary to survive may or may not provide you heat." She was lying it would provide him heat, she turned into living flame. The other bums loved her in winter, at least the ones that didn't try to kill her for being an evil godless mutant. Only took one charbroiled bum to drive the bigots away. When she was able to watch tv the crime shows always had female victims of sexual abuse talking to another female about it. Just goes to show that art doesn't always imitate life, to bad she would have opened up to a woman, possibly, maybe, potentially. She didn't ever see herself opening up to him.

Tatiana's chemistry class broke to perform the experiment he discussed earlier. She decided to run her own experiment Hank's was boring. She mixed many chemicals together. Hank waited until everyone who did his assignment left, he had Tatiana show him her experiment. Tatiana opened up a window and jumped out the window. She walked to a scorched patch of grass. She set up her experiment then flicked a match at it. She set off a firework.
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