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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Ohh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have used such an insulting term like an assassin," Kurokono smiled, continuing on his sarcasm to that so-called Hero, "I should call you guys Ninjas instead, I'm sooo looking forward to your Kage Bunshin no jutsu, go transform into some frog or something. Oh bitch please, you should learn something like Rasengan and become Hokage~~"

Kurokono was glad to see Emile run, now all he need to do is to just delay them for something like 30 seconds instead of an all-out battle. Huh, that totally innocent lady is wiser than I thought... At first, he was worried about eliminating them, 'cause their client would simply just send more of them if those two are killed. And capturing them alive wasn't really a good idea too, 'cause it is clear to him that they are so well-drilled into their missions that they would complete it even if it takes them their arm, their leg, or even their junks between 'those'. Those guys are probably trained from birth, their lips are sealed tight...

"Huh?" Kurokono felt a grab & pull by that wolf guy. "Ha, that magic is pretty neat, no need for me to hold them off now~"

"Anyways, Mr Gorilla, I'm here in the Capital to learn more about magic, 'cause I'm bad at casting even the simplest spells~" Kurokono stated whilst still being dragged, "My master taught me the sword, but as you know, we people from the village aren't so smart for spellcasting."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Aleph Banton

"I say when it ends!"

Put quite simply, Aleph enjoyed stories with a strong plot, fun or great characters with believable development, and interesting fight scenes to go along with the conflict, should there be any of that content in said story. It is because of this that even had Aleph grown up on Earth and had access to the kind of show this man was referencing, he would still not understand the man due to it fitting none of the criteria previously stated. But of course, Aleph did not recognize these terms were from another world and simply figured that the reason he sounded crazy was because the man was evil, and Aleph did not particularly understand evil. That had to be it.

It had seemed the lady desired leave this area as soon as humanly possible, and as Aleph's business was protecting her from these guys and more importantly, protecting the world from this "Ronin" in particular, he had no desire to stop her. The further she was from these crazed men, the better. Around this time, the mutt and the fake samurai tried to pull one over on Aleph and his companion.

Of course, Aleph was not going to have any of that, especially right now.

"Stop right there!"

Though he was incapable of seeing them, that did not prevent the young Hero from firing at them with his concussive blasts he had used earlier on Vesta. Understanding that they intended to jump their way out of this mess, Aleph fired upwards with three blasts and as blind as they were, one of them had missed. The other two, however, did not. As Luck would have it, he managed throw them towards two vital areas on his opponents.

One area was where Grian was holding Kurokono from. The suddenness and power from the blast would surely cause him to lose grip of the Ronin, meaning he would be leaving alone. The other, of course, would strike Kurokono himself in a very delicate place, a place where no man should ever be hit. The pain would likely be severe. Considering there wasn't really a way to see these blasts coming due to the darkness, it wasn't likely they would be able to evade it, but who knows.

Hopefully the young lady that suddenly joined them was doing okay. Maybe his companion was seeing to that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

"You... where did you come from?" Vesta glanced over her shoulder wearily at the man speaking behind her. Was he talking to her? Such a disrespectful tone he spoke with as well...if Vesta was 100%, no even 60% then she would have no qualms about beating some respect into this man. It mattered not to her how he looked, to her he was simply another commoner. One with no next to no clothing on she might add.
Definitely a strange pervert. She wouldn't deny his looks, but he was definitely a strange looking pervert.
"I see no need to explain myself, a Celestia, to someone beneath my rank, especially one as perverted as yourself. How poor must you be to not be able to afford clothing? Or do you simply get off by doing it? Either way it's your problem my dear sir and I suppose I shouldn't judge." Vesta might've been slightly harsh in her tone of voice and choice of words, but this was actually being tame. She could've and has said worse to people before.
However she didn't know his circumstances so wasn't going to be too judgemental. But surely someone of his looks had the ability to afford clothing? Although she was mainly just trying to dodge his question. She wasn't going to admit she had no idea how she got here, her pride wouldn't do so. So distract the man by insulting him and hopefully he would drop the subject. A genius plan indeed.
"However you have approached me at an opportune time for myself. You see I must get to an inn by the name of Crescent Moon. As I seem to be feeling a tad unwell and not familiar enough with the capital to know my way from here, I need someone to guide me. I'll offer proper compensation of course once I meet up with my attendant. So if you wouldn't mind Mr Perverted-No-Shirt?" While Vesta had phrased her request as if he had a choice, her tone certainly wouldn't make Heinrich feel like there was much choice in the matter. And of course she couldn't help but throw in the obligatory insult at the end. So long as she believed him to be a perverted weirdo, she would treat him like dirt. No less than that, she actually liked dirt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica
Iron Bell Knights HQ

@Lucius Cypher

"What proof do you have that I am your perpetrator? Is it wrong to flee a sudden fire? Is it odd that a performer of the streets carry steel?"

Mithril turned his attention, but not his head, to the knightess and continued.

"By your laws, I am a victim of an assault upon my person. You are a witness. Tell me, will you not defend my honor after being attacked by a vigilante?"

Mithril had no idea if the elf actually had some sort of authority. Or if the knightess did. But it would be fun to see what came of it all anyways.

The man was not wrong. Maria, by her desire for righteous actions, did not believe it was within the realm of a knight to pass their judgment on another without the details of their actions known. The man could have been a regular civilian; a regular civilian who happened to be carrying a rapier on the streets at night and was utilizing the rooftops to jump around the area.

Maria would not go as far to say that the man was “right”, but through her actions of attacking the man instantly instead of giving him time to throw down his weapon and surrender peacefully, to Maria, Atisha had de-legitimized her statements. If the man had turned himself in there would have been no cause for violence. Laws exist to protect the people, not the other way around.

However, there was no way for Maria to stop the actions of the elf-girl as soon as they had started. She had committed to her offense as anyone would have, but even so, she seemed so sure of his involvement in the fire. Did the two have a history together? Or perhaps did Atisha see the man commit the act? Of course, one is not to question another person’s evidence until after an investigation is launched. Lives are saved by de-escalation of a situation through removal of the suspect from society and questioning them through evidence.

And based on what Maria knew, the man before her was the primary suspect in the firebombing. Even if he was a street performer, if he was to drop his weapons, there would be no need for conflict.

“Law is what brings society together; law the aspiration of humanity and the protection of the fleeting understanding of “justice”. Justice can only exist in the conduct of the Kingdom only as it resides in the hearts of our citizens.” My heart of completely unclouded. My actions are all those of this “justice”!”

There was one action that Maria could never forgive, and that was the killing of innocent civilians. However, this man was not innocent. Any rational innocent individual would have thrown down their weapons. Only those with something to hide choose to fight against the establishment.

“It matters not if you are a commoner or a nobleman; an untouchable or a king. I, Maria von Hohenzollern, will be the one to judge you! I am not someone as petty to think ‘I will kill you’. When I think ‘I will kill you’ the deed has already been done!”

The “first stone” had been cast by Maria. The first action was dictated by those of “power”, a form of justice within itself. It didn’t matter who you were if a noble or not, one must wait upon their uppers as an action of their desire. Therefore, who gets the first “move” was destined to be the one with the greater “power”.

Maria’s logic definitely operated much differently compared to her elvish counterpart’s. Whereas Atisha's attacks were committed to for their attempt on the man's life,

The first thrust was aimed towards the man's tendon on his assumed dominate hand due to the placement of the rapier he had on his person. The next was towards his shoulder, hoping to limit his range of attacks to a minimum. Maria’s attack was her attempt to disarm, targeting the man’s tendons, shoulder, and other debilitating blows over “killing blows”. However, this was merely her attempt at “prodding” her opponent. Learning about their actions taken and basing her next move off of what she had learned.

Even if the man had double the skill of Maria or her compatriots, the simple matter was that as long as Maria or the Elf and perhaps even Tani were constantly pressuring the man, he would likely have little recourse unless he was able to create an advantage with one of the targets, or he would be forced to disengage and use the roofing to his advantage, seeing as Maria didn’t have the same sort of free-running training, but that would not stop her from at the very least trying. She knew that if there was an advantage to be had, it was now rather than later. If lives were saved by the actions of Maria, then at the very least she could say to have delayed the man’s actions. Any other design was irrelevant. Maria believed in saving the most amount of people as efficiently as she could. And if that meant placing her own life in danger, then it was something she had meant to be. Those who take up the sword are ready to die at any moment to protect those who are not strong enough to protect themselves.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Here you go Nick, sorry for that hehe... I should have paid more attention."

Hamaguchi felt her bag disappearing from her hand. It was punched away from her scattering all the coins over the ground. A look of terrify struck over Hamaguchi her face. Her shirt was let go too making her fall backwards in the mud. She didn't care about her white clothes now or that she couldn't go to the shop now since her clothes were dirty but more about the coins. She quickly went over the ground to get all of them while Nick grinned at the sight. A heavy foot hit her stomach sending her flying against a wooden fence nearby. An unpleasant welp could be heard as she hit the fence, it looked quite painful. She coughed for a moment but stood up and got the coins again whilst Nick was laughing.

"Disgusting haha. It has been a pleasure miss kitty."

"N-no problem Nick..."

She said with a hurt voice and a cough in between while flashing a smile and standing up with her coin bag again. That didn't go half bad. Nick walked away giving her a goodbye wave before he started walking off with his gang letting out a loud laugh altogether. More than half the people in the slums had seen the scenario and spoke to each other about it but didn't help. They were all terrified of Nick and how they could be his next target.

Hamaguchi stood there silently. Her clothes, fur and half her face were brown of mud There were some bruises on her arms but she could still smile with an half broken smile at the four of them with the bag still in her hands. She still had money for food.

Eli dashed from under the bridge towards her while Emi and the other child kept cowering in fear beneath the bridge. Eli got in between Hamaguchi and Nick as she spread out her arms to stop Nick from hurting Hamaguchi more.

"Stop it you meanie myan!"

"Leave big sis alone!"

Eli seemed to have gotten quite aggressive towards the man and Nick didn't like it.

"Oh? We have quite a struggling kitten! Ha what a joke!"

Nick stepped closer to the kitten and bend his body over closer towards her face with a big smirk on his own face.

"You wanna fight kiddo? HAHAHA. OOW."

Eli had scratched his face with her nails and hissed at him aggressively. She looked serious about this one. Nick wasn't taking it though.


Nick had taken out a dagger and sliced the small cat girl her body as quick as possible. Her clothes teared open just below her chest leaving a big cut for such a small girl with blood gushing out. She fell backwards with a painful yelp and passed out from the pain short after. Hamaguchi duck next to the small girl to immediately aid her with tears rolling down her cheeks.


"You got what you deserved! Tsj bastard"

Nick felt the cut near his eye as he walked off with his crew into the distance. Meanwhile the other two siblings had gotten over towards Hamaguchi who was trying to heal the small cat girl.

Shiina timidly turned around when the man was speaking to her in a weird manner. She tilted her head slowly when she was called some sort of assassin? The man looked a little bit like a samurai of some sorts. Well there were those kind of types in her world after all. They lived the way of the samurai or something and talked weirdly. Shiina kept gazing at the man, she had no clue what he was saying or how to even respond. That is why she kept quiet.

One of the others in the alley commented on the penguin traitor too. It appeared he was on her side! Shiina turned her head towards the man and gave a quiet nod to confirm that the man had tricked her into believing he was a big penguin and her hero from the past.

Before she knew it the wolf man started shouting and trapped them in a cloud of black smoke that spread out over the alleyway in matter of seconds. She could only see darkness and felt nauseous. She started coughing from the smoke and let herself fall to her knees as she tried stopping herself from coughing more. The smoke was however quick to falter again giving them their vision back once more. Shiina had black spots on her clothes and skin, even her hair had spots of black mixed in. Shiina looked around in confusion to what had happened.

Aya jolted her body upright. Her butt was cold from the pavement she was sitting on. Short warm breaths formed in the air in front of her making it obvious it was rather cold outside. Her eyes wide and pointed towards her held up hands. She was trembling and not a only little to say the least. Aya started moving again, she moved her hands all over her body to feel if she had any pains or that something was wrong with her body but nothing. She was in the same clothes on the same spot in the same damn world! God f*cking damnit. Aya stood up and brushed off her skirt. At least those stupid clothes were gone now.

"What the f*ck..."

A cold breeze flew past her making her hug herself from the cold. Small tears formed in her eyes as she gazed around. The streets were pretty much empty with only a few shady looking people wandering around. Looked like Tokyo to her, only with little light...

"How... What... Did I fall asleep and someone dragged me out?"

She thought back on what happened. That creepy thing was in her room and it definitly tried to hurt her... She felt her body being hot and blood gushing out of her body through various places but, she was still here...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zin Parallex


After the explosion Zin got separated from Vesta and nearly taken out by the explosion, the blast itself knocked her on her ass and gave her a nasty injury on her arm. Instead of probably going around or through the fire separating her from Vesta, she instead began going the other way around and rubbing her sore butt. Midway through her walking to regroup with Vesta, a thought popped into her head she wouldn't need to group up with Vesta and probably look all over the place for her, she figured she could go to the tavern like Ease and the Elf girl had done. As she wandered about looking for the tavern Zin kept a hand over her arms wound to delay bleeding out in the street if it came to that, but even while she was walking alone and away from most people she did her best to not show that she was in any pain.

As she walked down the dark streets and stepped into the light, she noticed a girl lying on the ground and getting up. She looked like she didn't know where she was and looked like a fish out of water. Zin didn't bother with the girl she simply walked past her keeping her arm firmly placed on her wound, she didn't bother giving the girl much attention but soon felt she was kind of lost and turned back to the girl that looked even more lost than her." Hey, You !" She pointed to her." Which way is the Tavern ? Tell me or I'll make you tell me." She demanded to know which way the tavern was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mithril Blackblood
The Golden Sword


“Law is what brings society together; law the aspiration of humanity and the protection of the fleeting understanding of “justice”. Justice can only exist in the conduct of the Kingdom only as it resides in the hearts of our citizens.” My heart of completely unclouded. My actions are all those of this “justice”!”

There was one action that Maria could never forgive, and that was the killing of innocent civilians. However, this man was not innocent. Any rational innocent individual would have thrown down their weapons. Only those with something to hide choose to fight against the establishment.

“It matters not if you are a commoner or a nobleman; an untouchable or a king. I, Maria von Hohenzollern, will be the one to judge you! I am not someone as petty to think ‘I will kill you’. When I think ‘I will kill you’ the deed has already been done!”

The first thrust came after the self righteous drivel spewed from her mouth. Mithril was a criminal, yes, but he wasn't a.. No wait he was. They were indeed justified for attacking him but that didn't mean he was going to lay down and be overwhelmed by, what was that word again.. Ah yes..


The attack came in the form of a simple thrust aimed at his hand, similar to the elf earlier, but his blood was up no so the outcome was not the same. Mithril slammed his armored fist into the side of the blade as it thrust forward to divert the blade to the side with a loud ringer of steel of steel. Not to be deterred, the second strike on his shoulder cut a small hole into the fabric of his motley shirt but did not plunge into the skin. Hundreds of consumed swordsmen had given every last ounce of skill with their blades to the hungry will of the golden sword and made it a fearsome weapon it itself. Every detail of an opponents strike was measured against the combined knowledge stored in the recesses of Mithrils mind and turned to action on instinct.


Mithrils aura of fear turned to the purest anger as he channeled his magic into his open palms, resulting in a spark of flames.


Twin roaring flames erupted from his open hands as the magic exploded and took form, one hand pointed at the 'golden bitch' Maria while the other was aimed at the presumptuous elf girl. Even as the flames blazed out in all its fury it was all just a distraction. Behind one such curtain of flames came Mithril with his rapier in hand. As the fire dissipated, the magic lost as he charged, the outline of a silver rapiers edge cut through the flames aiming to decapitate the Knightess.
The flame curtain would not likely stop the Elf girl for long but it would still give him a few seconds to exchange blows with Maria, assuming that his swipe didn't kill the foolhardy woman first. Mithrils high pitched cackle followed the swing of his blade as it arced through the air.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Taking in the information presented by Malakaus, nodding with every piece of information debriefed at the trio. "Villages?" The elf said worriedly, touching the undersides of her long, elven ears softly as she sighed. "I-if it is possible. May I keep my hood on during the quest? I'd rather not attract unwanted attention. I know what the reputation for all elvenkind must be around the entire kingdom and I'd rather not be involved."

She would proceed to do so, pulling her cloak up to hide her elven features and sighed softly with a smile.

"Normally I would like to learn more about you and your abilities, however as a Knight of Lugnica I also have a duty to protect it. I sense that there is danger nearby and I must investigate. And I would like you three to come with me, so that I may see your skills." said the Orc as he walked out of the tavern.

Blanc blinked for a few seconds. "Huh? W-wait... huh?" She saw the armored "orc knight" walk out of the tavern and judging from the words he said before departing. She attempted to drag her meat shield out to meet wherever Malakaus was going.

@dabombjk@Forett@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryofu
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Ryofu The Mightiest Waifu

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Corentine de Flamel

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

Were these people idiots? What kind of moron would posture up and try to threaten someone that they had never met before, simply because they were offering help? To him, the sense that thought process made was nil. In fact, it was almost frustrating. This "ronin" was spouting some bullshit that he made up off the top of his head, and the wolf man was posturing like some bigshot. Not that Coren really had a problem. If they decided that they wanted to fight, Coren was more than happy to oblige. Unfortunately however, before Coren could correct their idiotic assumptions, the lady took off. She was going somewhere, but to be completely honest, Coren didn't really care. If she didn't want his help, then who was he to force it. That said, he was not going to let this stupid swordsman go after his slander.

"Tch. Idiots. If you want to fight, just say it. Don't try to make yourselves look good by throwing out random slander."

The moment he felt like striking however, the wolf man made his move. A blast of black smoke. Well, there was one thing that the "ronin" had been correct about. Coren was indeed an assassin. Just not on the target that he was stating. And if Grian thought that a little black smoke was enough to escape from a man of Coren's calibre, he was sorely mistaken. The moment the black smoke started to blast out, it all slowed. Coren pulled a small device from a hidden pouch on her person. An invention of his from some time back. It was a tool that he very much liked though. It appeared to be several layers of sticks, but with a flick, it revealed its true form. A v notch that went down to a straight line. It cut at a 90 degree angle to a duel notched section to stabilize. One solid piece of elastic between the upper v notch. With another swift movement, a small metal ball was secured on the elastic.

At the same time, Coren's mind split. Calculate. Estimate the weight of his opponents. Two men. Approximate weight. Variance of plus or minus 5 pounds. Sound of impact. Force used. Calculated. With all this in mind, Coren estimated the position of the two while pulling back on the elastic.



Fire again.

Two metal balls sped toward the enemies with force to kill. One directly at where they would be, and another to close them in. Of course, they were in the air, so it would be nearly impossible to dodge. The second bullet was to account for the chance he could somehow.

Ha. It seemed as though his companion had a similar idea, and though he was firing seemingly randomly, two of his shots coincided with Coren's calculations. Perhaps this "hero" was more formidable than Coren's original estimations. Regardless, it would be difficult to get out of the situation the pair had set up without injury, if not impossible. Excellent.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Kurokono was still facing the back whilst being dragged. He could see the magic blasts shining brightly and coming at him. Hah, I knew that this wouldn't be so easy... He let out a slight smirk, This time, its not just his gramps beating the living hell out of him, this time, its a battle of life and death. No guns or anything, just simple engagement of Swords & Magics. And a note to himself: He's not even facing a 'Samurai', he's just facing a bunch of 'Ninjas'.

As the blast came close to him, with one draw of his sword, he slashed at the two magical blasts. Tilting his sword a bit, the curvature of his sword touched the two magical blasts gently, altering the trajectory of the blasts and thus redirecting away from both of them.

With only one hand (He was still being grabbed by Grian on his left shoulder), that technique wasn't executed perfectly, one of the Magic blast that was sent to his nuts instead grazed his left leg. "Grghh... Just a light wound..." He gritted his teeth to deal with the searing pain on his leg, as he stanced his sword pointing forward, ready for any further attacks.

One of Corentine's metal ball was heading to Kurokono's heart, and before it reached the metal made a slight tap on his sword, which he was using it as a ruler. That was enough for him to feel that something was coming and instantly, with a quick flick of his wrist, he flicked away the metal ball coming at him. Little did he expect that he would feel another tap on his sword again, and the timing was too late for him to deflect with his sword. In a last-ditch attempt to save his own skin, he blocked the metal ball with his bare hand. The force of that metal ball, though didn't pierce his heart, it fractured his right wrist. Seriously, that blast was meant to kill us... He's not sure whether that 'Gorilla' guy was aware of what was happening behind him, but right now, his left arm being grabbed, and his right arm being done in and lastly his left leg being grazed, he really need a doctor for this...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 8 days ago

Eris Reinhardt

All the knights, including Lady Maria, had to leave shortly after Eris was brought to the infirmary and the other children from Earth never came here in first place, leaving Eris to her own devices for quite sometime. Or rather, a few minutes, as it turned out when Eris checked her watch.

Left to her own devices in a strange world where she didn't knew anything or anyone and overwhelmed by fatigue and the leftover dizziness from the earlier spell, Eris simply let the tiredness take over her and dozed off.

During her sleep, thoughts of home as well as how and why she had come to this world occupied Eris' mind. It wasn't even like she wanted to go back, though she surely felt the lack of her sister. Would the two of them even be able to see one another again? "What do I do, Eins?" Eris though as she was suddenly shook from her sleep by an uproar. I was the middle of the night however, it seemed that the knights were scattering around the city for some reason unknown to Eris.

"Excuse me, can I-"

"Please, is it too much if-"

"Could I-"

Eris tried time and time again to approach one of them to ask a few question but, without Lady Maria around it seemed like all the knights did was rush, trying to figure what to do. "It's not like I can leave now, without thanking Lady Maria and the others." Eris thought as she walked around the knight's HQ, after being sure that she was feeling well enough to do so.

Eventually, Eris found her way to a library. She called a couple times but, there was no one there. "This seems like a as good as any other place to stay." Eris said as she got in and almost immediately got in when she was sure that there would be no surprises waiting for her. As expected, Eris was unable to actually read anything, but she could at least try to commit some of the glyphs to memory and figure what they mean later.

"Well then, what to do now?" Eris flipped the pages of a book idly, wondering this very question.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyojin had of course asked the man to knock on the door out of politeness since from his experience just going right into a girls room, even if the door was ajar, was a very bad idea. However as Ease started to knock and ask if she was alright, silence filled the air and not the good kind either. Something felt more than a little off about this, even if the girl had passed out was she really that heavy of a sleeper to not hear everything with the door ajar and everything?

"Alright. Now we can enter and check is she is-"

The mans worry from before was starting to move over to him by this point, but before any of the men could take action, oh wait he was a man, Avery kicked open the door to the room! Oddly enough even the giant thought that was not subtle enough...

"Well that solves that... Kondo is going to be upset with you"

Kyojin scolded Avery before peeking into the room and seeing if the girl was scared as hell from their entrance! However what he found left him very confused as he stared towards the empty room, which made him walk into it and look around more intently. There was no way that she could have left from the front door that was for sure and Yoshi had the back door covered, and they were two floors up with the window! This was all very confusing...

"What the...."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Grian Rothfell_


After Grian and Kuroko jumped in the air, leaving the enemis blinded in the smoke behind, Grian was paying full attention to finding the girl. Unlike he tought at first, it wasn't as easy as looking around. The city was very big, and they were high enough to see a good chunk of it. He looked around as the wind furiously trued to move him off his trajectory. It was really hard to concentrate. He was just about to start declining when he heard the blazing of fireballs behind them. He glanced back for a second, amd saw as his companion cuts one, and bareky dodges the other. Grian sighed in relief that the man could use a sword, but the sound of metal clinging distracted him, yet again. He looked back once again, but the anger on his face quickly turned into fear as he saw the wound on Kuroko's hand. Goddamn bastards on the ground, how'd they even hit em? Heroes my ass, he though as he began quickly descending. He grabbed onto the man behind him, so the other can rest with the injury.

Only about 30 meters above ground, he saw the girl who was running for the slums. Without hesitation he pulled them both towards the ground in a spiralling fashion, which would look deadly to anyone watching. Thank god his spell allowed him to jump high and land light. They landed a few meters in frint of the girl, rolling on the ground as the side effect of the spinning. Grian shook his head before standing up and making szre to stand in the girl's way. "I see you have Yang magic. Can you by any chance heal as well?" Grian only now just looked around and noticed the houses around him were run down, and very cheap, tho still one or two stories high. So they were closing in on the slums. He grinned to acknowledge the fact that they traveled quite far in such a short amount of time. Surely if the two would want to catch up, they need to run for around 10 minutes, provided they can find them. Before continuing he added to his speech. "And please, we should try and be elsewhere. These parts are dangerous." To reinforce his statement, he looked behind him, where the smoke cloud was still rising.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aya pulled the top of her dress to the front a little to look at her body. No scars nothing, she slided her hand over her body to feel if she was hurt anywhere but nothing. She let go of the top of the dress which slowly fell back in place again and glanced around with an irritated look stuck on her face. She felt vulnerable, she felt tired and her body was heavy. She felt like she was slacking but she hadn't even done much today. This was way to strange.

Aya glanced around but didn't remember which way the tavern was anymore. She knew what it looked like but nothing more. The fox girl had led her there so she wasn't paying much attention to the route but more towards the fox girl. Perhaps she should just walk and see. She could always trace back, probably. While hugging herself she slowly slid forwards leaving the alleyway. Timidly she glared around the street. It was shady and scary. The grip of her arms tightened as she continued to move forwards. Her head tilted forwards a slight bit while her facial expression deepened in fear clearly displaying that she was scared.

Aya closed her eyes and stopped in her tracks, she squinted as hard as she could and slappen both her cheeks making them bright red. Pull yourself together! She thought as she removed her smart phone from her pocket. She was quick to turn on smoothing music so that it would be somewhat easier to relax.

The volume was on low and close to her ear so only people close to her could hear and not everyone be bothered by it. She quietly moved along occasionally glancing around her with one hand bald up in front of her chest and the other on her phone. At least she made somewhat progress.

Aya shocked back as someone called out to her making her phone fall over her back. She was standing shocked with both hands repulsivly in the air staring at the girl, her exspression staggering from shock.

"W-w-what i-is i-it."

Aya spoke out and relaxed a little as the girl asked her where the tavern was in a normal manner. Aya had looked over her side to see her phone lying on the ground. It was still playing music and didn't look cracked. It had a slight dent in the corner but that wasn't such a big problem. She picked the phone up as the girl continued to speak to her she looked it over one more time and stopped the music holding the phone casually in her hand as she glanced over the girl once more.

"I don't, I was at a tavern but I got lost..."

Those horns are fake, definitly. It looked like she was still in her early years of life but to wear horns like a child. She must have some sort of disease like chuunibyou or something. Hopefully she wasn't all that mentally damaged.

"Hey... Hey! You're hurt. You should treat it, it can get really badly infected here. We should get you to a hospital."

Aya moved the phone into her pocket again and stepped a little closer to the girl. It must hurt bad, it was a pretty bad cut.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica
Iron Bell Knights HQ

@Lucius Cypher





El Goa not to be confused with the former portuguese city in India was a fire-based attack that would cause great destruction in the event the individual utilizing the attack had targeted Maria or her allies, but it appeared there was a completely different reason for the attack than what one could anticipate.

In the event that the man had performed the spell closer Maria’s blade would have likely taken the time during the cast to defeat her opponent. After all, Maria’s style of sword-fighting, as aptly described by the masked man’s frantic ramblings, was that of a “coward”. Her swordplay was about defeating the opponent through use of any advantage one has or any perceived weakness from her foe.

Maria was a skilled swords[wo]man, but her opponent seemed to have a few tricks up his sleeve. Normally one would expect it more prominent to utilize magics of the “Yin” class in order to defeat opponents. Creatively her opponent had set fire to the roof with his “El Goa” spell in an attempt to disorient his opponents.

It had worked.

In defense of the spell’s instantaneous ignition, Maria choose to cover her eyes for but a moment, but a moment is more than enough to get an advantage in combat.

Under normal circumstances, an individual who had looked away during their battle with an opponent as skillful as the Man with the Golden Sword, Mithril Blackblood himself, their head would have been cleanly cleaved off, their cathode artery slashed and their life rightfully ended. To take eyes off of combat when you know now the skills of your opponent was suicide.


Waiting, watching, and testing opponents to obtain incite as to their choices during combat, then utilizing this information to come up with, not to create a pun, sure-fire methods of defeating opponents that were grounded in reality. Not to recreate an opponent’s strategy, but to reverse engineer their actions into appropriate stratagems employed by the Hohenzollern sword-style’s user.

A family of heroes without a heroic style of fighting. Perhaps it was not the idealisms of a hero that constituted a hero. It was merely being in a place at the right time. Perhaps it wasn’t about being the best swordsman, but the one who lives to tell his tale elsewhere.

The moment she had realized the attack was not to damage but to disorient, as someone who practices the Hohenzollern style of swordplay, there was a window. A moment of opportunity to protect against the threat. To understand the actions of an opponent was to win the battle, so long as there is an appropriate recourse for the action.

The silver of her opponent's sword came into focus but a moment later, and without the instantaneous realization that he was about to attack after the El Goa, she might have fallen for the blow. But Maria was tenacious. Maria would refuse this man’s actions to her grave, but her “grave” would not be here!

It was a jerking movement. A twist of the self. A simple jerking motion of “spinning” the body in a nearly horizontal position to avoid the attack. By reducing her current stature she was able to narrowly avoid the slash, her hair getting cut and her cheek grazed by the attack, bleeding as cut skin does, but because of this she was forced to crash into the stone tile of the roofing.

Perhaps if she wasn’t currently in heated combat for her life, something along the lines of “Damn! My hair is already short as is! At least with my cheek I could get a healer to repair the scar!”

But there was absolutely no time for that. Recovering from her self-induced fall, she quickly took a position to defend against the man’s barrages. The first of the attacks was aimed for her neck once more, but this time Maria was not momentarily blinded by the flame and was easily able to deflect the blow.

The temple,the collar bone, the ribs, the groin, Every attack a sure kill. Maria knew that if she allowed this man even a bit of room into her position that he would surely take her life. But aside from a few grazing blows, the coup d’grace never occurred and Maria still stood to oppose her opponent. Of course, a "grazing attack" to Maria was a bit ... Deeper than most would consider, but as long as she wasn't currently dead she would not slow down, even under extreme pain.

“H-he’s stronger than I gave him credit for. But there is something … off about him. For now, I need to create distance between us”

And with that, the lady knight jumped back a step to gain a more defensive position on her opponent while began to study him.

Maria’s sword style was one that was able to understand the styles and purposes of another and use that to her advantage in a fight. However, the man seemed to have no “style” to speak of his own. Not in the sense that a unskilled swordsman would have an incorrect style. It was more so as if he was not using a style that “belonged to him”. Rather, he was utilizing several “styles” at a single instance, all to their own devices. It was as if the man before her was more than one person, but that would be impossible as Maria was able to understand from her reality. It was more likely to her that the man was merely a skilled fighter and nothing more. A crazed loony, but that didn’t mean that his swordplay, which held the same zeal a painter has when painting what he knows will be his magna opus, at all affected by his state of psychosis.

“You got some moves. Color me impressed. What is a skilled set of hands doing within the depths of insanity? Surely you could be a bit more useful to society if you weren’t swinging that ‘thing’ around like a madman, or at the very least if you swing that thing around like a madman at enemies you could be a hero within your own right, no doubt. It is a waste.”

Maria had to come up with a strategy, or have either Tani or the Elf do something while Maria crossed blades with the madman. Otherwise this would be a lost fight. Maria knew that well. Unless Maria got lucky, she understood that this man would not stop until she was dead and it was likely she would be. Maria’s trading with the man had failed to come up with any strategy that could be used against him or reverse engineered and used to defeat her opponent.

Maria needed to be on the offensive or she would eventually lose her footing or fail to block one of his sure-kill attacks.

Even if she was outclassed

Even if she were to die here.

Good will always triumph over evil in the end.

She had a sworn duty to protect the people of this town as well as her fellow knights.

And Maria was not an individual to lie.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@kitsune @soragoku @liferusher@lunarlors34

Ezekiel "Ease" Evans

Before Ease could even hit the door the second time, another problem had arisen very quickly. There was a distinct lack of...door where his fist was. His eyes flickered open as he saw the now broken door lie off in the distance with the culprit being that same purple haired catgirl from earlier. He blinked his eyes rhythmically as his mouth stood agape. But she...How did...What the...Why do I even bother? He face palmed hard as he let out a sigh.

"Yeah just rip it off. I could always use more crap to get into today..." He said rather outloud as he walked over to peer into the doorless room. But there was something surprising-the lack of anything even being in the room.

"What the...?" He walked into the room, his eyes searching it thoroughly. No blood on the floor from what he could see. He looked under the nearby bed. He looked around the corners. He even moved drawers and looked under a nearby table that was probably there for studying. No blood, no broken wooden tiles, no signs of even the tiniest struggle. Nothing. The window didn't even look like it was touched, let alone opened for some escape. He looked on his shoulder to Ratatosk, who held that same expression of sheer disbelief at what he was witnessing. Or more accurately, what he wasn't witnessing.

"Ratatosk: E-Ease, I swear to the gods th-there was something there! I-I just-."

"I-I believe you man but...what the hell?"

Ratatosk smell was rarely if ever wrong. And Ease himself had a sense of trouble that he knew couldn't be false. Not by this wide a margin. None of this made sense. None of it. He stepped back to a wall for a second as then the realization hit. One of the few people from his planet were now missing and completely unaccounted for. This was bad. This was really bad. He stood up near immediately and looked over to the group. "Guys something isn't right here at all. We need to find that maid girl ASAP." He knew that maybe they just got the wrong room, but with this much weird shit? No. Not taking chances.

He zipped by his fellow compatriots and went over down the stairs, flying down them. He looked over to Yoshinobu and shouted over. "I'll be right back Yoshi!" His face wrought with panic, he ran out the door. He looked into the sky. Crap it was getting dark fast. Really fast. He lit a fire up in his hands as he checked around the alleyways near the tavern before coming back round to the entrance. Nothing in either of them? Did she leave? What was-Then something else caught his eyes. It was hard to make out but...smoke? And it wasn't from the previous house fire. It seemed to be a different direction entirely and far bigger than that could've ever hoped to be. His eyes flickered up again though at yet another bit of remembrance.

Didn't the red guy run that way?

His face slowly went into one of pure shock. He gulped before his teeth gritted near instinctually as he walked slowly forward. He finally stopped but a few 10's of feet from the tavern. "I...How the fuck did this all go wrong so fast? Th...they can't both be..." He said, slowly going to little more than a whisper as his shoulders dropped down as if he was tired. Oh so tired, with eyes simply staring out at the smoke.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sir Lurksalot
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Sir Lurksalot

Member Seen 3 days ago


"What... the... fuck...?"

Duncan was, despite the thunderous ache in his skull, alive. Laying face-down on the ground, sore and feeling like the hangover after a week-long, post-deployment bender in Cyprus, but still very much alive.

With a chorus of more growled profanity and several loud pops of his joints, the red-clad man heaved himself to his feet and put his hat back on, which'd been lying on the ground next to him as he took a look around and dusted himself off.

"Seriously?" He grumbled tiredly, realizing he was on the same damned street that he first popped into... whatever the hell this place was "...Back to square one?"

It was at this moment that his brain finally came back up to speed and fully processed the breadth of his experiences that day- Ramen for breakfast, standing guard outside parliament, taking the afternoon off to drive his buddy to the VA and nearly getting into a fistfight with the clerk working there, having to listen to Nickelback on the way home while stuck in traffic because Ottawa radio is utter garbage, getting all dolled-up because some relative of the Queen was coming across the pond for some big state dinner, showing up here, getting blown up...

'Wait, what?'

The Mountie's eyes abruptly flicked down to his hands noting that they were, in fact, actually there this time around instead of the burned, fleshy stumps he saw last time he bothered to give them a good stare down.

In fact, all of him was intact... and he wasn't entirely sure whether he should be relieved or profoundly disturbed by that.

"Well, alright then..." He managed out after a long exhale, his feet beginning to carry him down the road and around the corner while his thoughts began to ponder the ramifications of what all this meant "That's a thing that's happening now, I guess."

Idly, Duncan fished a cigar and his lighter from his breast-pocket.

He needed nicotine now, dammit.

"I...How the fuck did this all go wrong so fast? Th...they can't both be..."

His eyes snapped up, finally realizing he'd been walking and not paying attention this entire time and that he was now standing within earshot of that same man who'd been waving him down before... well... he got blown up.

And wait, what was he saying, standing there looking like a battered puppy wanting to go home? Did something happen?


He sighed.

'...Shit.' He thought, stepping forward as his conscience got the better of him 'Better see what's up.'

Not before lighting his cigar, however. Chances were he was gonna need a whole lotta nicotine to make it the rest of the night without murdering someone.

'...Swear to God, if I get blown up again for this...'

"Bud, you look about as bad as I feel right now..." Duncan stated as he got closer, probably catching the guy by surprise as he stared morosely into the distance "...And lemme tell ya, I feel like my head's been set on fire and then shoved up a horse's ass."

He took a drag and then exhaled, politely off to the side where it wouldn't blow into the man's face.

"So what's wrong?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Only slightly out of breath, Malakaus managed to get to the rooftops. He couldn't understand how Atisha could do this so easily; physically Malakaus was much stronger and athletic then Atisha was, yet somehow climbing, swimming, and generally moving about was something that was easier for her. It made Malakaus reconsider if he's really the muscle between the pair. A burst of fire some distance away reminded Malakaus of the matter at hand. While he was right that it was on the rooftops, he was still a few buildings away. He could easily see Atisha just as she unleashed her magic onto her foe, who appeared to be some sort of hooded assailant in a mask. He also caught a glimpse of Maria. Malakaus could guess that Atisha managed to convince the Knight Commander to come with her to apprehend a criminal, just like Atisha did with Malakaus. if Maria was here, then perhaps Tani was too. Maybe it was a bit overkill having all four of them here at once, but the fact that they haven't won yet told Malakaus that perhaps their opponent wasn't your run-of-the-mill thug. An assassin perhaps?

"And here I thought city life was boring."

With a running start Malakaus charged towards the battle, leaping over the gaps in the buildings with ease. He hoped that the others from the tavern were following him, given that he wasn't really keeping track of their location. And while Malakaus's heavy footsteps made his approach somewhat obvious, after he jumped up towards a taller building Malakaus had concealment against his potential opponents. When the time was right, he'd make his surprise attack.

@Seirei No Hai@Forett@dabombjk


It annoyed Atisha that Maria was still trying to get this man to surrender. She supposed it had to do with her "honor", but if she truly valued justice then Maria should waste no more time and cut this man down. Of course the madman began to rant about the cowardice of justice and so forth, to which Atisha responded by readying her spell. The man's rants gave her plenty of time to prepare, and when he used his magic to summon forth flame, Atisha was able to avoid it easily. "El Huma." The elf said quietly. The water at her feet quickly sprung towards her hand, becoming something akin to a serpent. And by simply pointing towards the flare directed at her, the serpent lunged forward, evaporating the fire and giving Atisha a lane to charge the madman while he attacked Maria.

Even after her spell protected her however, it wasn't gone; instead it coiled itself around Atisha's spear, as her magic guided it into action. As the madman attempted to cut Maria's neck Atisha leaped behind him. The moment she landed she thrusts her spear right into the center of the man. Normally she would have tried to aim for a less armored area, knowing full well that her blow may deflect off his armor. But that's when the water serpent attacked; just as Atisha struck, the serpent became a hydra, with multiple heads of ice blades exploding from the spear tip to skewer the madman. And unlike Atisha, the force from her magic was far stronger than her and more likely to pierce through this man's armor than her spear tip would. Through the back of his head, his shoulders, even down to his knees. One strike became many as they barraged the madman from behind. And while most of the strikes were intended to kill the madman quickly, a few stricks also were made to cut the straps and cloth that connected the mysterious object on his back. Atisha figured it was another weapon and disarming him of it would allow a greater chance to defeat him. As quickly as she came, Atisha sprung back before his counter attack and readied herself again.

The serpent returned to it's coiled form at Atisha's had, ready to defend her at her command. It took some intense focus to do both melee and magic at once, but for the elf this was child's play. If she had a spirit she could have easily coordinated with it just as well as she does her own magic-made serpent. And Atisha was focused on killing right now, which was why she called out to Maria in an annoyed tone. "Enough of your sophistry! Kill him and be done with it. Let's give the lost souls murdered by this psychopath some measure of peace."

No doubt the new target of the madman's wrath Atisha readied herself for his counter attack, be it magic or melee. She was also prepared to stop his escape if she tried to make one; at the man's feet was a puddle of water made by the serpent, but if he tried to move from his spot (Or in fact did anything), Atisha could make the puddle turn into a blade to pierce his feet, or freeze it to the spot and leave him immobilized. The only reason she didn't do so already was because she had used that chance to attack, which itself was more of a distraction with the bonus of possibly being a killing blow.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FamishedPants
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FamishedPants CEO of Vanderlay Technologies

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Heinrich Ford

"Keep a calm mind"

"I see no need to explain myself, a Celestia, to someone beneath my rank, especially one as perverted as yourself. How poor must you be to not be able to afford clothing? Or do you simply get off by doing it? Either way it's your problem my dear sir and I suppose I shouldn't judge." the woman replied.

Heinrich was familiar with the name Celestia. Celestia was the name of an online user whom had an unhealthy infatuation with a kid's show about magical horses, and was known to go around and post things relating to said show on websites where it should have been irrelevant. There were even a few times when Heinrich's keyboard clashed with Celestia's, though a decisive victory was never earned by either of them. Thankfully, Heinrich had been blessed by enough common sense to know that this woman was very unlikely to be said Celestia, and that she was instead of noble descent of some sort, judging by the way she arrogantly held herself.

He wanted to inform the woman that he did not dress this way because he was a pervert or anything, but decided against doing so as she clearly had little interest in him or his situation.



She wasn't interested in him? Was this the real life? Or was it just fantasy? This would mark the first time somebody he had met hadn't suddenly fallen head over heels for him, and he was so thankful for it! She may not have known it or even cared about it, but Vesta was already Heinrich's favorite person in this world merely because she wasn't enthralled by his normally-overwhelming beauty.

That being said, he still really couldn't fathom how she got in front of him. It wasn't any kind of magic he had heard of, and while he wasn't a particular expert... merely appearing before him with no special effects, no evidence of used magics? It seemed off, even for a world like this. On top of that, the people around where she had spawned seemed completely unaffected by her appearance, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.... which didn't seem natural at all!

Before Heinrich could ask her about it again, with feeling, she had started up once again, this time about getting somewhere. "However you have approached me at an opportune time for myself. You see I must get to an inn by the name of Crescent Moon. As I seem to be feeling a tad unwell and not familiar enough with the capital to know my way from here, I need someone to guide me. I'll offer proper compensation of course once I meet up with my attendant. So if you wouldn't mind Mr Perverted-No-Shirt?"

"I cannot claim that the name you've given me is particularly enjoyable. If possible, I would prefer you refer to me by Heinrich, or Ford if that is too much of a hassle." Ford's voice betrayed not a hint of irritation nor a dash of fear. It was merely a strong voice with the tone that almost sounded like he was discussing something mundane like the weather or breakfast. Despite Vesta being rather tall for a woman, her figure was far from intimidating and even were that not the case, Heinrich's tone could never leak something as ugly as fear through it. But it wasn't like she needed to intimidate him to get his cooperation in the first place. Vesta, ironically, was already Heinrich's favorite person from this world so far simply because she wasn't mindlessly devoted to him for no reason, like everybody else he had currently met.

He no longer envied the life of a harem protagonist, not after this experience.

"I can lead you to the Crescent Moon." he informed her, turning around. Unfortunately for Heinrich himself, it was in the direction he just came from, and that risked running into a few undesirable people, but such was life. He could distract them with a mindless task, if need be. "I would like to hear more about how you came to appear in the middle of the street, though. As far as I am aware, no such magic exists that is capable of that, so it intrigues me." expecting the Celestia to follow, he took off in a fabulous walk. "If it is that important to keep a secret, then I won't pry further."

Perhaps this new life was some form of virtual reality that was created in order to get Heinrich to be more sociable? Because if it was the old Heinrich, he wouldn't have even bothered to talk to this woman, even though she was mysteriously "spawning" into the street. But now there was an alternative that actually made him want to go out and speak to people. In the back of his mind, he held onto the smallest belief that yes, he was in some sort of therapy he hadn't consented for.

If only.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZekariVoblis
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ZekariVoblis Astro Sky Seeker Hellbent On Luxury Expeditions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Sir Lurksalot

He could feel it in him. This feeling as though someone had socked him directly in the stomach. It had been a year and 1/2 since he arrived. A year and 1/2 of just...loneliness due to having no one else that understood him. Actually understood him. And more importantly, someone who could reliably help him get back home or at least have an idea of what happened that brought him here. And now..far away in all that smoke, one was likely dead. Another? Missing without a trace. He couldn't even react in time to either one of their aids. That man was just gone the moment he took his eyes off of him. Ease's mouth just pathetically moved but with no words coming out. It was as if any words he could utter were just lost to him.

"Bud, you look about as bad as I feel right now...And lemme tell ya, I feel like my head's been set on fire and then shoved up a horse's ass."

Ease turned around. Aaaaand there was that man again.

"So, what's wrong?"

"What the..." Aaaaand he found his words.

Ease blinked a few times and looked left and right. He wasn't seeing things right? Nope. Guy still existed. And no worse for wear either. Wait wait wait...He closed his eyes. It was just him being paranoid huh? Alright...Composure...Regain composure. He finally let out a relieved sigh. His mind was clear again. "Nothing man...Nothing."

Wait wait. The maid girl. He couldn't forget about her. His eyes went steadfast again before clearing his throat. One was accounted for. What about the other? "A quick question. Actually 2. 1. Where did you come from? 2. You didn't happen to see a girl around here did you? She wore a maid outfit. May have been yelling in Japanese or something. Didn't seem like she was from around here?" His face was serious and stern. Maybe he could kill two birds with one stone.

He put a hand to his chest again. Only to stop from the cold feel of his own blood and a bit of pain. He winced. Yeah...not smart. It didn't matter though. Ease looked back up. "Please. It's really important."
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