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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Cecily Ashworth

Location: the Morgue

Cecily couldn't help but admire Dr. Brinne a little bit more. The first time she had met Caesar, she had been scared to death of the man. Every minute she was near him, she felt like he was a boot, and she was just a little ant. And even now, after a week of nearly being killed and having the terrifying man only look out for her, she still felt slightly nervous. The very fact that Natasha wasn't worried about being ripped in half as she put a hand on Caesar's shoulder won her Cecily's admiration.

If Caesar wasn't there, she might have made a slight joke about the TSA finally turning murderous. It wasn't exactly appropriate to say in front of the next of kin, and instead, the acting coroner nodded at Dr. Brinne. "How many airports are there in Justice? There's the big one, but I imagine there are smaller ones, private ones...If we fuck up and look into the wrong airport hangar, the press'll report on it, and whoever is behind this will know we're on to them." It was something they'd have to do right the first time. They couldn't afford to let the murderer know that they nearly found the crime scene. It would be like sending out a beacon, warning them that they would need to clean up their mess a little more thoroughly soon.

"Yes, of course," Cecily nodded, mulling over Caesar's request. She assumed that he asked for the favor as a sign of trust for her, and she hoped he realized that she didn't actually do the autopsies herself. Dr. Brinne would be the one performing them, given that she had a medical license, and Cecily was only proficient with pouring herself DayQuill whenever she fell ill. "The next of kin information would be helpful. And yes, I was almost a murder victim," Cecily replied. It was a bit ironic to her, given that in the first two years she was in Justice, she was undergoing therapy for depression. Homicide was never a possibility that crossed her mind for what her own death certificate might one day read.

"Caesar...Did Alicia have a Facebook or anything? Did she ever mention the names of her friends?"

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Boston Heights

Seeing Marc with a gun, his finger on the trigger, Tuesday's eyes widened. Sure, the two of them had had their ups and downs. But...he wouldn't kill her, would he? She gulped a bit as he came at her, but seeing him put the gun away, she let out a side of relief. The hard stuff tended to make her a bit paranoid, and she almost laughed at herself, even as Marc pulled her into a hug.

"Smoker lungs, Marc...Can't breath..." Tuesday joked, snickering a bit as he let her go. "And good. Ask me no questions and I won't have to think up some bullshit to tell you. And, while I'm at it, I'm just going to plead the fifth in advance...Just in case." She winked a bit at him, though her face was a bit drawn. She had gotten worse since the reunion, it was written in her face and her features. Of course, she still didn't look nearly as bad as some in the Deadlight District--but those that had known her in high school, such as Marc, they would notice.

"Fine, fine, fine..." Tuesday sighs, mockingly putting her hands up in the air. "But I don't see why we need to visit Riley. She isn't my mom. I'm a fucking adult and I'd like to be treated like one." At the thick accent, however, Tuesday realized there was little chance that the man was Marc's partner. The name sounded familiar as well -- she remembered seeing a girl reading one of his books in Cell Block D.

"It's actually Sunday," she teased, shaking his hand. "Chloe Ridgeway."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte - Relic chuckled a bit. "Well damn, color me impressed. It might not be your area but you know a hell of a lot more than I do. Okay," he says as he looks back at the plans. "Boston Heights was built in 1927, started construction in 1925. But there was another building that was on the lot before then," Relic adds. "The foundation was already established. Maybe if we could find what building was there before Boston Heights was it could give us a clue to why this lot was used or at least why the tunnels were in place." Sighing slightly he moved to the sewer maps of the city dating in 1930. "There are so many of them that aren't in use anymore, some put in place as far back as 1850's from the looks of it. Gold Rush era?" he asked as he looked over towards Mali. "Oh was Scooby Doo lying when he said Miner 49er?"

@Nallore - Roy let go of Ronnie but kept a close eye on the man. "Hard to trust addicts, they always slip back and end up getting people hurt," Roy said as he stood a step back. Ronnie was glad Roy hadn't searched him; illegal firearm and a bag of pills would have had him thrown in the lock up real damn fast. Adjusting his over shirt he looked over towards Riley and rose a brow. "You know I knew her Riley, remember the pictures and everything I showed you at the Roller Derby last week?" Roy shook his head a bit. "I think she was asking me," the detective retorted and Ronnie went "Oh, whoops." Sighing Roy leaned against the kitchen bar and shook his head. "I didn't know her personally but I had arrested her a few times. Once with Ronnie here and a few more for breaking an entering into various places," Roy said. "She had a habit of poking her nose into things," Ronnie chimed in rubbing the back of his neck.

@Scallop @Morose - "You know, you could always try telling me the damn truth from time to time; after everything we have been through I would hope that you would trust me by then. And yeah yeah, she isn't your mom, you are an adult. We can go over the traits of an adult later on," Marc said as he moved through the building and then out and up over towards Riley's door. Shaking his head a bit as he checked his notes to make sure he had the right one before knocking on it. "Riley, you home? It's Marc, I have a surprise for you," he called through the door before glancing over towards Tuesday and Felix.

@Morose @Sigil - Natasha sat down and rubbed her temples a bit, reaching down into her purse she pulled out a prescription pill bottle. Taking out a small white pill, she popped it in her mouth and washed it down with a a splash of water from her water bottle before shoving everything back into her purse and pushing it under the table. "Yes of course, her information would be very helpful. I can call the next of kin. And if you could get me the details of your other employee I could see what I can do about getting the body transferred here." Looking over towards Cecily she cringed a little bit. "Well isn't that fun, and I thought silver mine spelunking in India to rescue people was a bit nerve racking. Seems here isn't much better," she said before nodding in agreement. "Oh yeah, there are smaller ones for private companies. I didn't fly into Justice's main airport. Dr. Chang flew me in from India on a favor to Queensguard's private air strip because of my recovering from surgery still," she said as she motioned towards the scar that could be seen on the back of her neck.

@Pundii - Risa nodded slightly. "Yeah, I guess we could start there but do you think that Argus would be keeping an eye out on the UN to see if I returned? Or you for that matter?" she said in a worried voice as she started to pace around the safe house. Her arms wrapping around herself. She was not used to being in this position. She wasn't normally the target, she was the one taking out the target. Sighing she rubbed her temples a little bit before glancing back over towards Lucas. "Do you think we could get Roy to check it out for us? It wouldn't seem off for him to be checking the crime scene would it?" Sitting down at the table she tapped her finger at the grip of one of the guns. "Maybe we should look into what we were sent here for, it's still dangerous but maybe if we can follow it we could find out where things went wrong?" Over at Club Afterdark Zoie smirked a bit. "Then you need yer eyes checked hun, ain't no one decent around here," she chuckled before downing her drink and rising form her spot. "Unless yer talking about you," she added as Freddie came in. Freddie stepping over and asking for a bottle of water before slipping over towards Zoie. "Well high there you sweet thing, think you could give ol' Freddie a kiss?" he asked with a broad smile. Zoie just rolled her eyes. "You ain't got enough cash for that service," she said as she spun away from his paws and gave Scott a bit of a wink. "See you later tonight," she said before making her way out of the club.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley looked towards Roy as he spoke about drug addicts it reminded her a little bit about Tuesday, even though her sister didn't do anything to hurt her she just wanted to make sure that Tuesday didn't end up getting herself killed if some drug deal went wrong. She had been trying to convince her sister to go clean for years now, but she just simply gave up now after her second time spent in prison. Riley rolled her eyes slightly at Ronnie and smiled slightly she was talking to Roy and not him about that question. "Been hitting to much weed lately?" Riley said jokingly as she turned her attention back towards Roy as he mentioned his relation towards Danica, she sort of got the feeling that he didn't know her personally that much. "I was just mainly curious since you arrested my friend here and her as well." Riley said softly as she leaned herself up against the counter in the kitchen.

Riley then heard a knock on her door and instantly recognized his voice it was of course Marc she didn't really think he would actually come and visit her since he was just here on something to do with the murders here in Justice. Riley then stood up and made her way towards the door and opened it, she smiled as she pulled Marc into a friendly hug. "Well if it isn't Marc, you never call or write anymore." She said jokingly she hadn't seen him since the shitty murder reunion in Grimm. Then she saw Tuesday and smiled as she hugged her sister as well. "How are things Tuesday?"

Riley looked towards Felix a man she wasn't to familiar with personally and gave the man a soft smile as she opened the door further to offer the three of them into her apartment. "So what brings you over here Marc?" Riley asked as she gestured towards Ronnie and Roy. "This is my friend Ronnie and Roy." She introduced the two other men towards Marc. [color-cyan]"Can I offer you guys anything?"[/color]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Location: Public Records building

"Alright, well that clears things up a bit." Mali said, thinking through the information in her head while simultaneously walking through her mental process verbally. It made the talking and thinking a bit less refined, but it wouldn't leave a lot of dead space in the conversation. "It makes the possibility of the tunnels connected to my building being used for criminal activity seem a bit more plausible, but I still don't think it would have been a commonplace thing. See, these tunnels aren't the construction of any criminal organizations or the like. They were built by the city itself, so they would have knowledge of all of them, making it riskier to use for something as lucrative as smuggling alcohol. Even if they did have some abandoned or otherwise redundant ones, it's not like they would have too difficult a time digging up that information. Back in the 1920s the 1850s were only 70 or so years ago. It'd be like looking up stuff from the 40s today. Maybe even easier since the knowledge of how to look around through records like this were more commonplace." Mali sighed, rubbing her eyes.

"Still, when it comes down to it, if you think there's something to this, don't let me stop you from looking into it. Most of this is just me trying to infer what would have happened with logic and half-remembered lectures from high school and Freshman year of college.And as far as Scooby Doo is concerned? I dunno. I think the California Gold Rush was like the late. 1840s to the mid 1850s, so I don't think Miner 49er would be incorrect."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucas Walsh

Location: Safe House

Lucas rolled his shoulders a little, nodding as he leaned against the wall. He sighed softly as he stood there, he just didn't like the situation they were stuck in, not one bit. He had more and more reason to trust Roy as time went on, but he still couldn't bring himself to trust the man fully, every time he left the safe house he half expected it to explode, or for him to come back with a team of agents ready to gun them both down, now that he knew for sure that Lucas wasn't acting on his order. However, Risa still trusted him though, it counted for something.

"If you can trust him to without compromising us, i'm for it." He nodded, it did make more sense for Roy to check the UN building, he just hoped he would find something without tripping a million wires and bringing them right ontop of him and Risa. "We could look into it, that's a good idea, you don't think Argus might have an agent looking into it too, though?" He questioned quietly, checking all the angles, now.

Scott Fairburne


As she moved to stand, Scott chuckled and reached out, taking her empty glass and giving her a nod, watching over her shoulder as Freddie made his way over. Reaching into the fridges behind the bar, he grabbed a cool bottle of water and chuckled as he saw Zoie dodge Freddie, winking back over to her and giving her a nod. "See you then, Miss Crawford." He smiled, turning toward Freddie as he handed over the bottle, smile shifting into a smirk as he stood there.

"That's the way it is, brotha' - you either got it, or you don't." He laughed, joking around with the bouncer as he moved to properly clean Zoie's glass after idly glancing up and down the bar to assure there were no more customers that needed looking after, or any refills needed. Things were going smooth for the night, he just hoped it would stay that way. Things at AfterDark always had the chance of getting... Rowdy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Boston Heights

So this was what he was getting into. Odd turn of events that was for sure. A reunion? Family Gathering? Honestly at this point the confused German author couldn't tell as he shook her hand. "Ah Chloe! That makes more sense than Tuesday, a nickname I'm guessing?" He asks with a warm smile as he then turns his attention to Marc, making sure to drink in every word the two exchanged, to get a good basis of these people, knowing that when it came to the writing phase, he couldn't leave out any little details.

Then the door opened and a whole new world, a whole new setting was open to his eyes. It was a nice apartment, he'd give the owner that and as he stepped in after the others he smiled wide at the girl and turned his attention to the two men in the room, the gruff guy and the younger but still gruff boy.

He tilted his head, remembering the boy from somewhere, but couldn't pin point the exact place he;d seen him at. A pleasure to meet you all! What a fine day this has been for me and introductions!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: The Morgue

A highly intuitive fly upon the wall might look upon the scene with a mix of horror and utter confusion. If Caesar were being completely honest with himself, his presence in the room wasn't exactly psychologically healthy. In his own strange way, though, it was like he was charging some manner of internal battery, powered by rage and sorrow. The old man had accomplished much, tapping into the primal power of his own masculine badassery. He had lost loved ones, several in fact. But this was different. It was a deeper and more profound sorrow, fueled by (amongst other things) honest and pure love. This was a fount from which he would draw the colors necessary to paint a masterpiece of fire and blood.

Caesar stood in the Morgue, feeling quite insulated from humanity with his six pack and pizza. There were two younger woman there with him, women with which he had been conversing. Mostly business, granted. But he still felt alone. It took him a moment to realize that the new Doctor was speaking to him, asking questions pertinent to the case.

"Lo siento... Umm, I have already informed the father of Miss Lorna Dunn. If you need to speak with him about the details, I can give you his contact information right now." The venerable man strolled to the nearest desk, grabbing a postit note and a writing utensil. He wrote a name and number down, in plain, legible script, referencing his sat phone to make sure he didn't make a mistake along the way. "Careful with this guy. I don't know if he's taking it worse than I am, but he sounds more like it."

Caesar shifted his conversational tone to something more businesslike as he continued, "As for getting the body transferred from Seattle - It is in the custody of MSS right now. It's ready to ship, all I need from you is a confirmation and it's on the next transport down here. Just to warn you: It's been badly burned. I don't know what you'll get from this, but you're the doc, Doc."

He looked longingly across the room, at the figures draped in white cloth. Yeah, someone was going to answer for this. Answer hard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Apartment

Tuesday rolled her eyes at Marc, grimacing a bit at Felix, as if they were partners in crime, the pair of them. She was sick and tired already of Marc's judgment. It didn't matter to her very much everything he had done for her, all of the times he came to visit her in prison. Addiction and self loathing had blinded her, and instead she flashed a winning smile at Felix, enjoying the anonymity for a brief moment. She could be anyone she wanted to now, no one could tell her no. If she fancied herself to be a stripper or a rock star, Felix would be none the wiser.

Until, of course, someone pointed out she was fibbing.

"No, it's a day of the week," Tuesday laughed. She considered for a moment playing around with her fantasy. Perhaps she'd claim to be an undercover agent, an investigative journalist, a graphic novelist, a politician... "You should've heard what they called me after I stabbed a bitch." Winking a bit at the author, she couldn't help but hope for shock value. It was perhaps the best thing about her brief stint in solitary. It had given her credentials, almost, something to show she wasn't another trafficker addicted to their own product.

Following Marc over reluctantly, Tuesday realized with dismay that Marc would run into Ronnie. With most people, Ronnie was able to convince them that she was the saving grace of the Deadlight District, that she wasn't Tuesday the drug smuggler, and instead Chloe, the poor misunderstood child who made a mistake years back. "If we're going to talk about the traits of an adult, I'd like a joint first," Tuesday commented, mostly kidding. "There. That was honesty. Mark it in your notebook, won't be happening again until I die."

As Riley opened the door to the apartment, Tuesday quickly took in the scene. Some man--hopefully not a cop, but she wasn't very optimistic about it--and Ronnie were already present. No sign of Riley's creepy roommate/girlfriend. But as Riley pulled her into a hug, Tuesday tried to hide her dismay. She had been actively avoiding running into her sister while in Justice. And being at her apartment, it tended to spoil that effort. It wasn't that she didn't like her sister or anything...

She just couldn't stand the looks of disappointment from her twin. "Not too shitty, yourself?"

Cecily Ashworth

Location: the Morgue

Cecily frowned a bit. How had the head surgeon gotten the connections to work with Queensguard? And then, after Wallace was murdered in the hospital, Dr. Brinne had been sent here to replace him. She rubbed at her face a bit, and for once, she didn't admonish herself for the terrible lab practice. It was all too neat and too tidy, but too chaotic and too messy at the same time. It didn't make any sense, all of these people and all of these connections. And what sort of favor could Dr. Chang have possibly done for Queensguard? For a moment, horror gripped her. Had the favor been killing Wallace?

"Vatican cameos," Cecily muttered under her breath, wishing that she had stayed in Pittsburgh and gone to graduate school, instead of moving to Justice. She missed her old apartment, the safety, and knowing that her roommate, Casper, was 6'4" and could handle any danger. It had been a simpler time, when the biggest challenge in her life was reconciling conjugated pi bond systems in organic molecules.

Didn't Alicia work for Queensguard? Cecily frowned a bit, strumming her fingers. She didn't know whether or not Dr. Brinne could be trusted. Hardly anyone in Justice seemed to be innocent, and her old apartment back in Pittsburgh seemed more and more tempting. Student loan debt would have been a preferable fate to being gunned down in Justice. Pulling out her phone, Cecily's fingers flew across the keyboard, sending a text to Gregory.

Queensguard Industries Private Air Strip. At the morgue now. ETA? -C.A.

"That was really nice of Dr. Chang to fly you in," Cecily finally said, raising her eyes to meet Dr. Brinne's. "And yeah, trust me, you don't want this job. It's like George R.R. Martin is in charge of who lives and who dies. Like the last coroner? Murdered in the bloody hospital."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte - "Well maybe they were for sewer and such but those were updated in the early 1900's from the looks of things, so were abandoned then. Maybe they weren't used back then but now a days they could be very useful to the right, or in this case the wrong people," Relic said rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I am half expecting to go down to them at one point and finding some pink sludge running through them like out of Ghostbusters II down there." Flipping through the various large pages of he stopped suddenly and found himself pulling up a chair as he sat down, his fingers running along the edge of where all the papers were bound together. Turning the papers he brought the binding closer to himself and pulled out his phone, taking several pictures before looking at the images he had collected as he pulled them up on his laptop and zoomed in. "Queensguard Construction..." he said as he looked over towards Mali. "Seems this organization had its hands into everything even back then," he added as he pointed to the screen. The name of the company there, faded but clear to read with the enlargement. Next to it a small symbol that resembled the ten sided figures that seemed to keep popping up.

@Nallore @Scallop @Morose - Ronnie kept his mouth shut when it came to answering any questions concerning drug use and just smirked a bit. Roy shook his head slightly to Riley's statement. "I arrest a lot of people," Roy stated simply as he took a step back. Hearing the knock on the door Roy's hand dropped to the gun at his side just in case. Ronnie kept himself from doing the same to the one at his back, not wanting to give Det. Gregory any excuse to arrest him just then. Seeing Riley okay with the people there Ronnie relaxed a bit and even though Roy's hand dropped from his side arm he stayed vigilant. Marc smiled at Riley, pulling her in for a hug real quick. "Hey girl, sorry, been busy," he said letting her go and stepping out of the way so she could see her sister. Sighing slightly he looked over towards Riley. "Cause of Lawson," he admitted before leaning in an stating quietly for Riley's ear and ear alone. "He was here because of me," he whispered before shaking his head slightly and glancing over towards Ronnie and Roy. "Oh, where are my manners. Special Agent Tinder, nice to meet you," he said to the two of them. Ronnie shot Tuesday a look of we sooo don't need this shit right now, while Roy groaned slightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Right... Well I am Det. Gregory and this is Castle, I mean Felix," Roy stated flatly before looking over at Tuesday and then Riley before glancing down at his phone as a text came in. So they were friends of the FBI agent in his town? This would prove interesting. "Thinking at this rate I'm going to need a stiff drink," Ronnie muttered under his breath.

@Morose @Sigil - "If you could that would be very useful Senor. I will need to contact her family to let them know I will need to keep her body a few more days," Natasha said as he handed over a pen and paper for him to jot everything down on. Hearing about the body she nodded. "Sooner I can examine the body the better. I might not be able to find anything but can't hurt to look." turning she looked over towards Cecily and gulped slightly. "Maybe I should have told Amy no to the job offer and stayed in India," she said as she sat down, running her fingers through her hair. Cecily's phone went off, a text coming in from Roy. At your place with Riley; and her sister, and some writer, and some FBI agent named Tinder, and a drug addict named Ronnie. ETA unknown. Leaning back in her seat Natasha huffed a bit. "Well we will need someone to go down to the airfield and see if they can find anything."

@Pundii - "I honestly don't know but I figure if he was going to kill us or hand us over he would have by now. I think he is all we have," Risa said as she paced about before flopping down on the bed and staring up at the ceiling. "They might or they might not. For all I know it was unrelated to everything or maybe my cover was blown and they decided to try to off me themselves in the bombing. Either way, all I do know is that we will need to be careful," Risa said in a disheartened fashion as she rolled onto her side and propped up her head as she looked over towards Lucas. "So, do we wait for Roy to get back or do we go ahead and head out?" she asked before her brows furrowed as she sat up. "There is somewhere else we could try? I did get that message about the place in the Diamond District for us to check out before everything happened at the UN. Maybe we should start there?"

@Pundii - "Stay safe Scott," Zoie said before the door closed behind her. Freddie smirked a bit. "Oh I got it, I got with a large fry and a free soda on the side," he said with a big shit eating grin on his face. Opening the bottle of water he downed it quickly before letting out a breath and having a seat at the bar. "I just don't want to pay her for anything," he chuckled as the owners office door opened. Standing up quickly he looked at Scott and smirked. "And you couldn't pay me enough to try for that one," he said before making his way back out the door to go back to his post outside. The time coming close to where he would start to have to let the ruffians in for the evening, still wishing he had time to make a McD's run before everything but hey he could wait for a double cheeseburger. The place was open 24/7. "Fries, gotta order some fries as well. Yummy, saltly, hot fries and an apple pie baby," he said to himself as he leaned against the wall outside of the club and grinned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

"Just kind of been going stir crazy being cooped up in the apartment the last few days. Also high on pain killers." Riley answered her twin, she laughed slightly at her little joke. Riley had a feeling that Tuesday had been avoiding her since she had come to Justice she sort of had the feeling why and decided to give Tuesday her space when she wanted it. Tuesday was the only family that she could still truly trust after all anyway, their parents disowning them to, then Marc went over and whispered into her ear. She didn't know that the two of them were working together on something, maybe if she could try and get some information out of Marc and find out what that shooting was all about.

Riley looked over towards Felix and then finally recognized him, she did read some of his books while she had been on tour and those long flights across the country and in between shows. "Your Felix Hausten I've read some of your books, they are pretty good." Riley said with a soft smile as she moved over towards the door and went to close it behind them all. Her apartment certainly did feel like it was a small little meet and greet party in here now.

Riley looked over towards Ronnie and Tuesday knowing that the two of them hated cops she hoped that they wouldn't mind waiting and hoped that they wont leave either. "So, how have Ada and Cynthia been doing?" Riley asked Marc she hadn't had much time talking to Ada since the whole murder reunion thing that her and Tuesday were apart of. "Also what brings you to my lovely apartment anyway?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Location: Public Records building

"You know," Mali said, resting her fists on her hips, looking at the papers over Relic's shoulder. "If I were running some sort of shadow organization like this, I wouldn't leave around my logo on everything I did. Or at least I'd change it up every couple of decades so that it would still nonverbally communicate to member, but so that it can't be so easily traced back by a couple of schmucks. Work through intermediaries that wouldn't slap your brand on everything. Keep them as in the dark as possible so it's harder to trace things back to yourself."

"But what do I know, they've more or less managed to remain shrouded in secrecy for so long so what they're doing must be 'right.'But anyways, I take it Queensguard is going to be your next point of interest for investigation?"
Queensguard sounded slightly familiar to Mali, but all things considered, that could just be because Queensguard was probably not an uncommon kind of name for things. Well it was kind of odd for it to be in SoCal due to it having little connection with Monarchy of any kind. She'd expect business names like that to be in the UK.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: The Morgue

Caesar quietly took the pen and paper from Dr. Brinne, writing down the appropriates for the body to be shipped in from Seattle. He attached the postit note that he had just finished writing upon to the doctor's notepad; the smaller slip of sticky-sided paper containing contact information for Lorna's next of kin. There was little to write about his Seattle associate, aside from a name and a few details to confirm that the body was, in fact, the one in question. He passed it back to her and pulled out his phone.

Ducking off to the side, the elder man tapped through various menus on his phone, before finding a specific contact. The device rung three times before Caesar began to speak. "Kelley Breeden. Put the remains on the next transport, standard release papers. Yeah. Justice, California Coroner's Office, care of Cecily Ashworth and Dr. Natasha Brinne. Only. As soon as possible."

Caesar found an empty chair and shuffled out a single slice of pizza, unceremoniously shoving it into his mouth. With an air of quiet ceremony, he poured a small amount of his frosted barley pop into a wastebasket (etiquette usually dictated that the liquid hit the ground, but in an office setting such precaution might be forgiven), before taking a sip for himself. A bite or two down, and his curiosity got the better of him. "Which airfield? Maybe I can help."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Apartment

A detective as well? Tuesday frowned slightly, dimly recognizing Gregory. Of course, she couldn't place him. She might have seen him on the news, or he could have been arresting someone in her building. Cops tended to look the same to her after a while, more of a uniform than an actual person. Tuesday grimaced a bit at Ronnie, her eyes flashing wide to signal her agreement. This was exactly the kind of situation that she tried to avoid. Ever since she started smuggling, the police possessed an additional threat. It wasn't just usage charges they could come up with now--it was a whole new ball park. She leaned up against the wall, trying to think of some sort of reason to leave the scene, until she spotted the door to Cecily's room.

"Your roommate home, sis?" Tuesday asked, figuring that there would be a fire escape or something she could climb out of. Marc may know she was in Justice, but it would only take a phone call or two, as well as some promises to a kingpin, for her to vanish and resurface in some other cesspool. Or at least, she hoped that was all it would take. Walking over to the door to Cecily's room nonchalantly, Tuesday pushed it open, peering inside.

"It's a fucking nerd paradise," Tuesday murmured, before glancing back at the others. She wouldn't be too surprised if Marc accused her of breaking and entering, just for opening a door in Riley's apartment. But to be truthful, at this point, she was expecting him to press some sort of charges against her in general.

Cecily Ashworth

Location: the Morgue

Cecily nodded a bit, agreeing that it would have been best for Dr. Brinne to remain in India. However, she didn't want to scare the woman too much--just make her aware of the situation as it was. "Just leave town as soon as you can. And if you already signed a contract, let me know. My parents are lawyers," Cecily advised, a slight bitter taste in her mouth at the thought of her parents.

On paper, they were only slightly questionable in their ethics. They were the types who would defend OJ Simpson, who profited off of weakness and gave no signs of remorse. They forgot the human element of their cases, instead only focusing on the pay off. And they were well paid for it--it was how they put Cecily through university, the reason they moved so frequently, hardly staying in a city for more than a year, and how they afforded to send her brother to a boarding school specializing in performing arts.

Seeing the text come in from Roy, Cecily wasn't certain whether or not she was supposed to laugh. She could hardly think of why Riley would have all of those people over but...It wasn't really her business what Riley decided to do, especially given her accident. Tapping out a quick reply, Cecily tucked her phone away into her pocket.

Tinder? Isn't that a sex app? -C.A.

She couldn't help but feel slightly conflicted. Roy had given her strict instructions to trust no one, and while Caesar had been cleared, no one else had. There was no logical reason for her to delay heading down to the airfield, but the prospect of going without Roy made her uneasy. The pessimist in her said to play dumb, to wait for Roy, and make every cautious move that she could.

But as her eyes saw the broken man in front of her, as well as the bodies set on the table, she knew that she couldn't give into her fear. "Queensguard's Private Air Strip. We'll want to move before they realize what we're up to, otherwise, they'll make sure to give the place a deep cleaning before we can even get through the gates."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Hausten

Location: Boston Heights

Now. Things were heating up. Thoughts kept swimming around Felix's head as he thought about the sneaky words the red head had passed him. Stab? Was she some kind of murderer? Maybe a hitwoman? maybe an assassin? What a great spin that would put on the story even if this was false, he could just make sure this detail stuck in. Imagine if she wasn't even involved in the murders! The readers would love it. He eyed her up, standing in Riley's apartment, awkwardly, his arms by his side.

He turned his attention and nodded at all of them. He'd never met Detective gregory in his life but he'd heard his men talk of him. But then he saw Ronnie and Riley and as he was introduced as "castle" he put his hand to his chin, doing his best thinker pose. "Ah! the mismatched couple at the roller derby, I remember seeing you guys there before all hell broke yes, aha good times" He smiled at them all, sincerely as he mentally made notes about everyone.

"Quite good is the level I go for with my novels yes" He said with a snarky smile. "Agent Tinder here is in need of my specific set of skills, so here I am"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Date: Sunday May 21th, 2017

@Dragoknighte - "Well they don't use this symbol now a days, seems to be phased out during the 1950's. The symbol just keeps popping up in a more concrete fashion like with the object from the dig site. Wonder what happened to it," Relic said as he did a quick search over the net to the history of Queensguard. "Seems this company didn't even become a heavy player in the world until the 1980's when the owner died and his daughter took over," he said as he turned his lap top around for Mali to see Elizabeth's profile image on the companies main page. "I want to check them out but I have tried hacking them, they have a private connection that is a bitch to get through. If I could get into one of their locations I could probably gain access from the inside to their files but out here, there isn't really a chance in hell since I wasn't the one that coded it. We've got to get inside."

@Nallore @Scallop @Morose - Ronnie opted to keep close to Chloe through everything instead of standing around waiting for Roy to put him back up against the wall. "You know that guy?" he asked Chloe against her ear as she peeked into Riley's roommates room, referring to Marc. "How the hell do you know a suit?" he wondered outloud to her. Roy kept his eye on everyone as he stood there. He needed to get back to the safe house and update both Risa and Lucas but he couldn't exactly do that right now, especially not with an FBI agent hanging over head and the fucker bringing along a writer. Looking down at his phone he smirked a bit as he sent a text back to Cecily. "Might be, not sure. I'm old remember. Got people poking their head into your bedroom though. The place is getting crowded as fuck. A writer, a suit, your roomie, a drugie, and apparently your roomies sister. Hosting another block party I wasn't aware of?" he sent back before turning his attention back to the crowd at hand. "Cynthia is doing better actually the last I heard. She is in a half way house and slowly regaining part of her sanity I think. Ada, well that is a long story. Will catch you up later on with that one but I will tell you she's good. Kai is spoiling her rotten," he said chuckling a bit.

@Morose @Sigil - Natahsa nodded slightly as she took a seat and pushed her hair out of her face, it was at that annoying stage of regrowth. Not short enough to be out of her face, not long enough to pull back. Hearing the locations and such she nodded. She knew she wouldn't be much help out in the field right then. She got winded just walking across the room. Traipsing around a dirty airfield when she was being warned by Cecily to get the hell out of dodge because people kept showing up dead didn't exactly sounds like the wisest way to spend her time. She knew where she was helpful, with the bodies. "Why don't you two head down there and I will keep working here. Maybe I can find something else that would be useful. If I find anything I can message you," she said pulling out her phone and handing it over to Cecily. "Could you both put your numbers in there for me so if I do find anything I can get ahold of you." Sighing inwardly she picked up her purse and rummaged through it a bit before pulling out the itinerary she was sent before she flew out of Jaipur. "Here, this might help," she added, handing it over to Caesar. The itinerary wasn't much help - just her flight times and such. One thing that might have been of use was the instructions she had gotten on what to do when she arrived. It was a rough map of the place with the route she would have taken from the private hanger to the car that was waiting to pick her up. At least gave them some sort of idea of what was in the buildings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lucas Walsh

Location: Safe House

Lucas sighed, shrugging his shoulders, it was a fair point, he didn't really know why Gregory wouldn't have offed them by now, but there was something about it all still, in his eyes he could have easily been trying to lure them both into a sense of security. He shrugged his shoulders at her next suggestion, reaching up to rub idly at the back of his neck as he thought, moving to sit down and looking over at her. "Might be a decent idea, we could look into that now while Roy's away, and then head out for the other spot when we send Roy to the UN?" He suggested with a shrug.

Standing again, he moved over to the weapons and picked up his PPK, sighing as he looked over it, simply beginning to go through his basic and usual routine as he loaded the weapon, ensuring the safety was on as he tucked it into the holster which was hidden at the small of his back, settling it there as he sighed, looking back over at her. "You're sure you're going to be fine to go, right?" He questioned, sincerely.

Scott Fairburne


Giving Zoie one last nod before she left, Scott turned his gaze to Freddy as he replied, chuckling at the man's comment. He kept his grin as the man spoke, looking over to the office as he pointed it out, smile fading a little. Scott did attempt to stay out of his bosses path whenever and wherever he could. She seemed like the could of woman who was surrounded by trouble, the kind the man wanted to keep his neck out of. When he turned his gaze back over to where Freddie was, he had already made his way back over to the door. Shrugging his shoulders, he let the smile return to his face as he continued, idly moving up and down the bar as he ensured everything was in good shape.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Location: Public Records building

"That actually works as a good transition to a point I've been wanting to bring up," Mali said, straightening her posture and folding her arms over her chest. "See, I haven't just been sitting around on my ass all week. I don't know about the depths of your networking, but I'm more or less alone in Justice. That's a really vulnerable position for me, so I've been looking into setting up some alliances in the area other than yourself. The first place I decided to start looking was Boston Heights. I figured that given the amount of weird shit surrounding the buildings, there are probably still happenings going on there. As for how I got access to some of this info..."
A loud thud sound filled the empty halls of the Rose Building as the landlord's body was slammed directly into the wall of the lobby. The collar of his shirt was bunched up in the iron grip of Mali's hand. Although the noise was loud, neither the wall was damaged, nor the man was harmed. Mali's entire body was tense, muscles rippling, veins popping, her face a twisted visage of wrath. Words shot from her mouth like bullets; each one containing more than its fair share of energy and intensity, but also uttered with utmost deliberation.

"Look you jackass, you're lucky I'm still even around to pay you rent. After the way you reacted to your tenant's apartment being broken into and the mystery vanishing of everyone in my building, I don't think anyone would blame me for moving out and leaving your ass with a worthless building sucking revenue away from you. Who'd want to move into the apartment complex where seven people died and three more disappeared in one week? Fucking nobody. All I want to know is who else lives in this apartment complex. Tell me that, and you get to walk away with everything intact."
"So I did a bit of research into the occupants of the building and found a few people who could end up as useful allies. Caesar Gonzalez, Mexican police officer turned federal agent turned multinational security CEO. He could be part of this conspiracy, but his daughters were two of the Boston Massacred. So he's either a sick bastard, or definitely going to be in a position of wanting some revenge. If anyone could get us inside a big company like Queensguard, literally or figuratively it'd probably be him. JD Mason, nosy bitch, Peyton Glenross' girlfriend and working for Channel 4 right now. Her journalist credentials could help with getting information straight from the source, and her nosiness definitely indicates that she probably isn't in on the conspiracy, but she's in a low level position and I haven't been able to find her at all. She's not missing, but I can't seem to get ahold of her. Cecily Ashworth, forensic scientist who's now head of the county when it comes to coronation. No, that's not the word. She's head coroner now. Probably not in the fold, but I don't think she'd be much help for this particular job, assuming she would even ally with us. But she's a possible resource to draw on later." Man Mali was doing a lot of talking today. The dusty Public Record Building air was starting to irritate her throat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 19 min ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley looked towards Tuesday asking about Cecily raising an eyebrow slightly towards her twin, Tuesday didn't really take an interest into her dating life. "No Cecily isn't here at the moment she's at the coroner's office right now like I told Roy i'm not sure when she will be back home." Riley said as she watched Ronnie moving over towards Cecily's room with her sister as the two of them whispered to one another. Riley moved over towards Cecily's room as well and gently closed the door. "Sorry I don't think Cecily would want people she doesn't know into her room." She looked towards Felix remembering that she had seen him on the other side of the roller derby before all of the shooting started. "Well Marc did pick a good protégé then." Riley said with a smile.

It's not like she didn't trust the two of them Riley didn't want to piss Cecily off if either one of them broke something or messed around Cecily's personal things. Riley took a step back as she looked over her shoulder towards Marc as he answered her question it was good to hear that Cynthia was slowly getting better despite everything that happened back in Grimm. "That's good to hear that the three of them are doing just fine." Riley said with a soft smile as she looked towards Ronnie and Tuesday for a moment knowing that the two of them didn't like either Marc or Roy at the moment in the apartment. Riley started to think for a moment to maybe get them out, then thought of an excuse to get out of the apartment.

"Tuesday and Ronnie here and I were about to leave here pretty soon and go looking for some cars, since you've all probably seen the news of that pileup my ride got totaled I sort of need a new car and I don't really trust public transportation here." Riley told them it wasn't really a lie she did need a new car and she didn't trust using the buses or taxies here in Justice to save her life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Caesar Gonzalez

Location: The Morgue

Caesar made liberal use of a paper napkin and rose from his chair. The old man, the grieving father, was gone - replaced by a stoic, potentially violent man restrained by the thin veil of decency that separated him from the monsters he was accustomed to hunting down. There was, suddenly, an active role he could play in figuring out who was responsible for his daughters' deaths. This was what he did. The Professional emerged. The stresses of decades upon decades of life fell away, and though he was still obviously an aged man, the creases upon his face told the story of a jagged, dangerous man with bright, alert eyes and a sense of directed purpose. He wordlessly accepted the itinerary and ave it a once-over.

Generally, if the money was right, he would be given a target and pointed at it. The whys and wherefores didn't particularly matter to the client, be said client independent, government, or other. This time around, he had to exercise his skills as an investigator, not merely a person who killed things in manners most colorful. Being frank about it, if he was given a contract of that nature, the more wanton destruction and severed limbs flying about, the better. But things had been a little quieter, less gore-spattered in recent years.

"There must be other airports. Queensguard is as good a place as any to start. I don't have any equipment to collect samples, but I'm pretty sure I can get us in undetected. Get what you need, Cecily, meet me by my bike out front when you're ready."

Caesar left the pizza and six pack on the desk, donned his coat, and quietly exited the room. Prior to leaving the building, a mighty flush could be heard from a tiled room just off of the lobby, followed by a sustained, mechanical whoosh of air. THEN the dark man made his way to his Harley, which he mounted readily. As it turned out, Caesar had still not returned the spare helmet that Cecily used last time. The thought occurred to him that maybe he should just keep a "guest helmet" with his machine.

But first - airport.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Riley's Apartment

Tuesday shrugged at Ronnie initially, wondering what exactly she could say. They had been friends back in high school, and admittedly, he had done a lot for her. He tried to get her cleaned up and back on her feet, as much as she kicked and screamed and argued the entire way. It wasn't Marc's fault that Tuesday ended up the way she was. The idea that she could blame a single person for her behavior beyond herself was largely gone. She had picked the druggie lifestyle--plain and simple. No one else forced her to.

"We took the AP exams together," Tuesday finally answered. "He scored better than me. I cried as my parents expected perfection. I thought we had a special something," she finished, laughing lightly at the end at her small joke. Truthfully, Tuesday had tried to tell herself that she had a crush on Marc in high school, but even then, she vaguely suspected that she was about as straight as her sister. But if Ronnie had to know more, later would be a better time. She didn't want to delve into Marc visiting her in prison and watching as she went through the violent detoxing phase, just in case it gave him or Riley any ideas about sending her to rehab.

She shrugged slightly as Riley closed the door, having already taken a peek inside. She didn't understand why her sister wasn't just living with someone in her band, and it wasn't like Riley needed help to pay the rent. Despite being twins, Tuesday couldn't help but feel she never understood anything that went on with Riley.

"You've got to be shitting us," Tuesday exclaimed, hearing that Cynthia was in a halfway house. "Thought she was permanently banana balls....Huh. Good for her." At Riley's comment, she recalled that she had agreed to go car shopping with her sister. It was almost too work, keeping track of family relations. The prospect of moving, fleeing the city, was so enticing to her. With Riley watching her every move, it made it harder to smuggle product, and thus, harder to pay the bills.

"You gonna share with the class?" Tuesday asked, noticing Roy smirking down at his phone again.

Cecily Ashworth

Location: the Morgue

Cecily stared at the phone for a moment, clenching her hand slightly. She kept her cosplay supplies in her room, as well as her valuables--her comic books and other collectables. Those were the few things she had brought with her to Justice as she moved from Pittsburgh, leaving her life as a chemistry student behind in order to become a forensic technician. The Black Butler cosplay she kept in there had been a gift from her best friend in college, and he had moved back to England over a year ago. She huffed a bit, trying to think of an appropriate response over text.

This is why I don't do parties - C.A.

Sliding her phone away once more, she quickly punched her number into Natasha's phone, entering her name into her contacts. Hopefully she hadn't just given the mysterious shadow crime squad her information, but she couldn't help but like Natasha. And as Natasha gave the itinerary to Caesar, she felt more confident that if Natasha was a secret operative of some sorts, she was a particularly bad one. She could trust her.

Grabbing her mobile kit, Cecily ensured it had plenty of vials, swabs, tubes, and virtually anything she could think of that might come in handy. The container was a bit heavy by the time she was done with it, but it wasn't anything she hadn't carried to an active crime scene before. And with Caesar shifting to a seemingly more dangerous persona, she felt it was best to hurry, before he went from calm Bruce Banner to the Incredible Hulk.

Catching a ride w/ Caesar there - C.A.

Heading outside, Cecily sincerely hoped that she wouldn't be returning to the office in a bodybag. It was a gamble, but she figured that if two coroner's in a row were murdered, someone would notice. It was the type of coincidence that would be taken seriously, and with the FBI in town, she felt a little better. Hopefully Natasha would make it out okay as well--she had literally been dragged into this mess, but there was still time, Cecily felt, for Natasha to get away from it, before it was too late.
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