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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Don't worry. I think this is just a lot of the discussion that went on. I am usually quite quiet, so, there you go :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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@Jabber I'll probably swap endurance put for a defensive skill then. I was thinking about giving him an MP shield, or something that converts some % of damage into MP Damage instead, but that was going to be a few levels in. I'll figure something out.

As far as revitalizing light goes, the point was for it to scale super well- in the early game, it may be more worthwhile to use potions, but once the game gets on, 30% can be a lot. Revitalizing light was going to be one of his main or only healing skills for the foreseeable future.

I was looking for fixed percent skills, because I didn't intend on Callum picking up any major spells other than things like elemental damage to weapons or other things like that- he is not a caster by any stretch of the imagination.

And yeah... I kinda like Callum more than Allune, but Allune fits more niches adds more diversity to the character pool than bashy-healy Callum.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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If I was playing a game and invested weeks of grinding, missions, surviving the occasional PVP, and then die to have all my gear, skills, levels revert back to Basic Lvl 1. Id probably rage quit that game and never return. Now if I was stuck to play this game, then Id be broken by that. Like I'm going to restart it all again? Hell no! My first thought would be just to live it like real life and just make a living in a small safe town. Basically kicking me off the game to progress further on to and not see whats at the end of the tunnel.

Permanent death/ death in real life would really motivate me to not die too.

But but but, we could make death a bitter sweet thing. Like how about if you die you lose all your gear and money, the ability to even access or use passive/active skills, equip items to half your level(If you died at level 100 you only get to equip level 50 gear), and progression. The thing is, you keep your abilities that you got from your previous level, but you get a permanent basic stat boost (I'd go as far as double your original stats). So of course anyone your level will mostly likely steam roll you due to their superior gear, but it still possible to hold your own. You get a unique class that is marked as level one although your potential is hidden to all, creating a unique class. Food for creative thought.

Im down with the whole death in game is death IRL tho...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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I dunno about this discussion, but I do know I am against permadeath for various reasons. It doesn't add anything at all to the rp and honestly is a bit contrite. Maybe its just me, but in this situation I'd not give two shits about dying. Neither is Tis, and she's 100% not going to be afraid of dying. Like at all, and without that fear the whole 'you die in the game, you die in real life' loses any sort of weight. But then, I'm a cynical bastard.

While I do quite like Drama, I think the psychological effects of dying over, and over, and over again and possibly losing touch with reality because of it, is a more interesting concept to play out.

Meh, I dunno, the whole dying in real life thing is just boring and not interesting. There are much worse fates then death out there, and in a Video game such things might be more common.

whatevs, though. I'll save reservation until we get some clear answer from Jabber on that...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Personally more aligned with Rune's basis of repetitive dying. Kinda skimmed the argument, but this sprouted from the difference in death systems concerning SAO and LH. But yeh, undecided til Jabber gives a final word, hopefully in IC since OOC would just be spoiling it a tad bit. Then again, our OOC chatter has no connection to IC exactly.

On another note, Marionette is done, decided to forgo the IRL personality and backstory. @Jabber
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Okay, here he is. Not too sure about the spells that I've picked so I'll be looking forward to some feedback.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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It doesn't add anything at all to the rp and honestly is a bit contrite.

I have already made points (as has @ClocktowerEchos) about why it does add depth, conflict, and so forth. It can be elaborated even more, but I believe we have already made great points on why it does add things to the RP even if it isn't an individual's preference if you re-read the discussion more concisely. As for if it is contrived, the argument can be made that the concept of being trapped within the framework of virtual reality is contrived in the first place thus every way of tackling death can be seemed as forced, hackneyed, and so forth.

But yeh, undecided til Jabber gives a final word, hopefully in IC since OOC would just be spoiling it a tad bit.

True, it is a lot of us speculating and debating rather than knowing for the time being. But how the GM handles death can be the deciding factor in many users on both side of the debate it seems.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

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<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>
I have already made points (as has @ClocktowerEchos) about why it does add depth, conflict, and so forth. It can be elaborated even more, but I believe we have already made great points on why it does add things to the RP even if it isn't an individual's preference if you re-read the discussion more concisely. As for if it is contrived, the argument can be made that the concept of being trapped within the framework of virtual reality is contrived in the first place thus every way of tackling death can be seemed as forced, hackneyed, and so forth.

<Snipped quote by Jedly>
True, it is a lot of us speculating and debating rather than knowing for the time being. But how the GM handles death can be the deciding factor in many users on both side of the debate it seems.

What you are saying is that, basically, our arguments are pretty much invalid, because they are objectively worse, right? I mean, that is what I have read between the lines, at least.

I'm not saying that I judge you for that. What you have brought up is better than what we brought up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

What you are saying is that, basically, our arguments are pretty much invalid, because they are objectively worse, right?

No, I do not think they are invalid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>
I have already made points (as has @ClocktowerEchos) about why it does add depth, conflict, and so forth. It can be elaborated even more, but I believe we have already made great points on why it does add things to the RP even if it isn't an individual's preference if you re-read the discussion more concisely. As for if it is contrived, the argument can be made that the concept of being trapped within the framework of virtual reality is in the first place thus every way of tackling death can be seemed as forced, hackneyed, and so forth.

<Snipped quote by Jedly>
True, it is a lot of us speculating and debating rather than knowing for the time being. But how the GM handles death can be the deciding factor in many users on both side of the debate it seems.

It really isn't that important tho and doesn't add too much of everything...

The only thing it adds is fluff to the world of the RP. I mean are we really expected to die and never come back? This isn't a show this is a rp and were are all trying to be 'that guy'. You know the Goku, Rock lee, Kirito, Hei, the Urkel... No matter what the situation is, are we just supposed to quit on all are post? On all are hard work cause of death that one person has complete control of? That doesn't sound fun too me. IF its perma death it should just be a wall to deter us from acting without thinking and making risky decision.

But don't those risky decisions make an rp great? Ie; Look at the sword stuck to the ground surrounded by skulls! What happens if I touch it... If everyone is getting molly whopped and that means the death of all you guys, cya wouldn't want to be yah! Ill take my happy ass back to the nearest safezone. But you can't just wipe out the playerbase, what would be the fun in that? If that really is the case sounds like im going to be making boring decisions in the Rp and just riding along until I get so bored I Leeroy Jenkins it. But we it wont be easy for us to die if Perma death is the case.

If it's like log horizon death, it matters even less! It's not like I will be handicapped beyond having fun or not being a functioning character in the team. That "discussion" with all your "elaborate points" doesn't change or mean anything, especially when the all mighty GM probably had an idea they wanted to use. Everyone so far has been just been dropping their collective thoughts on death, but you and @ClocktowerEchos decided to jump Pyro on every other sentence they put to "objectively" explain why their wrong and then baiting others with a passive aggressive tone so that others had to inform you to quit the aggro of your random hostility to seem superior of an Idea that doesn't or shouldn't matter to much to us. Now creating a larger overarching arguments in the OOC about an Idea that only the gm can make and that we all know is more of fluff then actually effecting the PC. The whole thing is Embarrassing.

So stop fighting kiddies! There is so much more to the world that we can be discussing about and sharing ideas.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

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Sorry ;-;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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It really isn't that important tho and doesn't add too much of everything...

That really is subjective when it comes to it— I disagree completely that it isn’t “important” and doesn’t add “much”.

The only thing it adds is fluff to the world of the RP. I mean are we really expected to die and never come back? This isn't a show this is a rp and were are all trying to be 'that guy'. You know the Goku, Rock lee, Kirito, Hei, the Urkel... No matter what the situation is, are we just supposed to quit on all are post? On all are hard work cause of death that one person has complete control of? That doesn't sound fun too me. IF its perma death it should just be a wall to deter us from acting without thinking and making risky decision.

I don’t know about you, but I am most certainly not trying to be “that guy”— characters can play many roles depending on player direction, interest, and so forth. But yes, if we made a stupid or untimely issue we should accept the consequences of our actions. If my character’s death brings greater meaning and development of the party, yes, I am more than willing to forfeit all of my hard work since it would have bearing on everyone else. Unfortunately, your perspective is not one I prescribe to.

That "discussion" with all your "elaborate points" doesn't change or mean anything, especially when the all mighty GM probably had an idea they wanted to use.

It is indeed the GM’s call, and I am willing to accept that; but my points do mean something even if you happen to disagree with them.

but you and @ClocktowerEchos decided to jump Pyro on every other sentence they put to "objectively" explain why their wrong

It’s called a discussion. I did not “jump” on Pyro, I simply stated a counterpoint to expand on why I disagree. When you argue your point, your perspective is to pick out central points you have a counterpoint to. Your overt stance of defending someone is admirable, but ultimately misplaced as no misconduct or offense was meant or stated.

and then baiting others with a passive aggressive tone so that others had to inform you to quit the aggro of your random hostility to seem superior of an Idea that doesn't or shouldn't matter to much to us.

No such baiting, and no such tone. You placed your own discontent into my words— I assure you they were all neutral and objective, not aggressive nor condescending.

So stop fighting kiddies!

There was no fight and as I did not imagine any other individual as a child I would hope someone wouldn’t make such a condescending assumption upon me. My apologies to the individuals that have been offended, but that was never my intent or phrasing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 35 min ago

So.... are we going to move past this now?

What kind of parties do you guys think our characters should split up into? Or should we stay as one massive gank squad?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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What kind of parties do you guys think our characters should split up into? Or should we stay as one massive gank squad?

I figure that'd depend on if the GM has a vision for the party makeup or not; but I am more partial towards smaller groups.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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<Snipped quote by Thecrash20>
It’s called a discussion. I did not “jump” on Pyro, I simply stated a counterpoint to expand on why I disagree. When you argue your point, your perspective is to pick out central points you have a counterpoint to. Your overt stance of defending someone is admirable, but ultimately misplaced as no misconduct or offense was meant or stated.

that is really fucking materialistic

Personal attack

I am willing to bet on my life that no matter how awesome a sword you loose, the lose of a friend or your own life, knowing you/they can never come back, is always going to be much greater. Unless you're a self centered asshole.

Tl;Dr, if you disagree on permadeath, you're a "self centred asshole". Pyro was simply bouncing ideas and was very casual about it. This (^) should not have been posted.

I've debated for nearly 5 years and that wasn't a debate. That was, as Thecrash put it, a passive aggressive tone created to hamper argument. You, Gowi, were quite civil but Clockles, you were not.

This isn't a personal attack. It shouldn't be taken as such. Pyro acted very level-headed and you prevented them from having a further argument by using a bout of vitriol. Just because an idea is yours doesn't make it in anyway superior and you shouldn't lash out at others for having an opposing view.

The GM will have the ultimate decision so further debate isn't necessary. I didn't post this to start a fight, I posted this in support of Pyro who's probably feeling very put-out right now.

Can we just get on with things now please?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 35 min ago

More shoutouts to spuds for doing the lord's work.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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I completely admit that I am not exactly a stellar model of civility and do tend heatedly show my opinion if not a bit too blatantly. That said, I do not try to make myself superior not did I meant any personal attacks on anyone at least consciously.

I will be dropping out of this RP as I do not think that my behavior is very becoming. Apologizes all, good luck and good RPing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

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I completely admit that I am not exactly a stellar model of civility and do tend heatedly show my opinion if not a bit too blatantly. That said, I do not try to make myself superior not did I meant any personal attacks on anyone at least consciously.

I will be dropping out of this RP as I do not think that my behavior is very becoming. Apologizes all, good luck and good RPing.

I am a very forgiving woman, so, if you're just worried about me, don't sweat it. You don't have to leave for my sake. The discussion got a bit heated and I apologize as well, because I feel I have driven it a bit too far.

But again, you don't have to leave because of me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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don't know why either party made a big deal of it...but oh well.
why can't we be friends, why can't we...be friends...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

I am a very forgiving woman, so, if you're just worried about me, don't sweat it. You don't have to leave for my sake. The discussion got a bit heated and I apologize as well, because I feel I have driven it a bit too far.

But again, you don't have to leave because of me.

No its because I feel like I have made a fair few people in this RP dislike me or otherwise think of me in more of a negative light now in addition to me just feeling guilty, penitence if you would. All transgressions are to be punished and I do not believe myself to be above my own thinking.
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