Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This rp will have you, the players, take the roles of Third year students at the Academia Crystalis. A institute that trains magic users such as yourself to hunt and exterminate beasts and rogue magic users. You will be thrown into a world that was nearly destroyed by the very same type of magic you now wield. The world of Emelea is full of dangers, the five floating continents getting more and more overun with beasts awoken by the magic fallout from a terrible war.

Can you rise to the challenge?


The world of Emelea is a place of magic and wonder. Home of fantastical beasts and mystical entities. Consisting of the five floating continents that all center around a magical, crystalline core. It a place where the mean to travel is by airships and great winged beasts. Where man and women wield magic trough the use of the very same ore that the worlds core is made of: Immortalis. At its current state, the world is currently enjoying a rather shaky peace. Alexia and Ispea, two great empires that have reached a truce among themselves and their allies after a war that threatened to rip the foundations of their very world apart.

When Alexia first emerged it did so out of the ashes of a particular grueling family feud back on the smallest continent: Melanor. The winner of said feud, was Alexia the Immortal, of whom the entire Empire derive its name from. She was the first to realize the potential of crystalline ore she dubbed Immortalis. Immortalis ability to draw and bind beasts and spirits as well as transmute into different forms proved a versatile and dangerous tool. In particular when paired with men and women who could synchronize with said spirits, bonding with them on a metaphysical level.

These crystal wielders became the custodians and honor guard of the queen as she set her eyes on Amatheas and the continents riches. She made made landfall soon enough, bringing with her war and destruction.

Alexias rise to power and subsequent invasion brought a sudden urgency for a unity between the otherwise warring smaller states. The closest to Alexia was Ispea, who formed out of a myriad of kingdoms on Anathema who all more or less shared the same ancestry. Ispeas people were all very hard working folk that unlike Alexia, did not come out of a sudden and long period of bloodshed Their initial vision was one of peaceful coexistence and aimed to level the playing field so that they and Alexia may sit down and come to a understanding. But Alexia did not heed their warnings and sent their diplomats back with dire news. Submit or be destroyed.

United under the a charismatic King Sebastian, the Ispians fought valiantly against Alexian invasion. At first, they had nothing compared to the fearsome crystal wielders of Alexia and suffered defeat after defeat. But deserters from Alexia jumped ship and provided Ispea withe the knowledge to fight back. Ispea, being rich on the mysterious ore that nobody had found a real use for before, set to forging their own arsenal. The Kingdom of Ispea and Alexia would engage in a terrible war that would end up involving all of the known world in one way or another.

The northernmost of these formed the Bathmeran Republic, intent on protecting themselves from the two power hungry nations to the south. However, as they rose to prominence. They did not posses the same resources and wealth of crystals as the two big nations to the south, so they set to really master what they did have. Their weapons became known as masterpieces that outshone any of the Alexian or Ispean ones. They tried to remain as neutral as they could in the conflict, but their mastery of crystal forging made them a target for both empires.

Fourth to spawn out of the continuous struggles was the island nation of Kalthran. They actually broke free from Alexian control when Ispea managed to isolate the coast line closes to said isles. The People of Kalthran had always been fiercely independent and been raiders and pirates before becoming subjugated. They were also known for their technological advances, having birthed some of the world's greatest geniuses. Among these the man who deserted Alexia for Ispea and gave them the secret to fight back. Due to their position as an island chain, they struck an alliance with Ispea, and together they became a stable enough military force to halt Alexian Expansion.
Lastly the Nation of Helia grew out of the forested areas of the furthest south, partially cradled within the many valleys of the Helian Mountains, namesake to their nation. They had a unimaginable wealth in crystals that needed deep and extensive mining to reach. So they had simply dug out the mountains while the others were busy fighting one another. That is, until they found the mother load of all mother loads. Once they found the purest, most rich vein of Imortalis, it spread like wildfire. Alexia, being the only of the others to be border to border with the country, mounted a full scale invasion. This spurred Ispea to reignite their own grudge with the Alexian Empire as they launched a massive offensive into its easternmost territories, aided by the airships of the Kalthran navy.


Thus began the Crystal Wars. A conflict so catastrophic and cataclysmic it would not only effect the five nations, but all of the other continents and their nations as well. The war saw such an endless escalation in magic use that it reshaped the world around them.
The war would come to a dramatic conclusion when Sebastian, who had pressed the Alexian army to its limit, making them fight him and Helia both, was killed. The Alexians managed to sneak an assassin into his quarters and killed him in his sleep. Sebastian’s oldest son Orwen was not much of a commander, but he was a man enamored in the idea of making massive displays of power. He had his scientists devise a super weapon. He found and bound the king of all Dragons himself; Bahamut. He harnessed the dragons power for his own own gain, binding it into the purest of crystals that he forged into a gauntlet which allowed him to unleash the unparalleled force of Bahamut upon the Alexians. The devastation was immense. He didn't lay siege to cities, he simply turned them to smoldering ruins.

Queen Alexia, having conquered almost all of Helia by now, had to return to defend her Empire in person. She did however hold an ace up her sleeve. Her own magical weapon was that of a spirit called Nebulus, a cosmic entity in its own right that she had found and bound within the Helian mountains.

The two met with their armies at their back at what became known as the Valley of Immortals. Bahamut took to the skies, raining down death from the skies and Alexia released her magic in turn. Their approaches were different. Where Orwen unleashed the actual beast, riding on its back and using the gauntlet to channel the Dragon Kings magic into a weapon. Alexia on the other hand had Nebulus gather all its power into her and her crystal, unleashing it as one massive blast intent on wiping her enemy out in one go..

The devastation that her attack unleashed when it clashed with the that of the King of Dragons tore the mountains around them apart. It turned men into Immortalis crystal as their flesh transmuted. It caused ripples in reality and turned the sky around them red for a moment.

In the aftermath. Both King Orwen and Empress Alexia stood petrified, turned into crystal like their armies. With nobody to wield them, the two great creatures Nebulus and Bahamut took their leave. What more, this sudden reality ripping and magical apocalypse vastly and utterly changed the way the behaves. It agitated and empowered beasts of all kinds.

The shock that rippled through the corridors of power that day is still being felt. Leaderless and in some ways without most of their military might, both Ispean and Alexia had to withdraw. Helian forces managed to push back Alexian occupation and Kalthran secured their independence.

It was the Bathmeran Republic who initiated the Peace talks. Who got the mortal enemies to sit down. There the President of the Bathmerians, Cid West, lay down the law for the future. Their war had cost everyone almost everything. The final showdown had ripped reality apart and mutated the less savory of beasts in to real nightmares. The magic fallout was all over the world, not only on Anthea. Magical storms raged, making trade between continents that much more dangerous. Even the glow from the core had changed from clear blue to angry red. Something had to be done.

Enter the Academia Immortalis. The study and understanding of Immortalis and the preservation and rehabilitation of the world. Founded by the leader of the greatest nations themselves, they built a massive citadel city right where the battle had taken place. Here they would take in the the brightest and most bold of crystal wielders to train and educate the future generations about the dangers of wielding magic without cause, understanding or discipline. All while the brightest of scholars researched ways to undo or at least lessen the effect of the magical cataclysm.




The center of the new world order so to speak, is the Academia Crystalis. Not only an Academy but a organization removed from the political squabbles of the world. They are independant but receives funds from both private donors and the nations themselves. In turn, they have build facitilies all over the world to take in and train young would be wielders to a tleast grasp and control their talents. But the crown is the Crystal Spire Academy itself. Here the sharpest of minds ponder the mystery of Immortalis and magic. Here you train to be the best you can possibly be. Students are taken in at the age of 18 and trained by the most powerful and experienced wielders around. Many do not make it at their first try and end up repeating the entrance exams again only to come in a year or two later. Thus the ages vary around 1-5 years between some students. They are taught both the theory behind magic and its practical uses. And they are given combat training, lots of combat training. This is not only because the world is a dangerous place but because the stress and danger of live combat situation puts your spiritual bonds to the test.

The Academia is meant to be entirely free from politics. Obviusly, such a reality is to good to be true. But at least the teachers and instructors try to enforce strict neutrality and to get everyone to get along best they can. To be considered for the main academy, one has to have passed several rigorous tests at whatever local branch is closest. There is no secret that rich parents will spend a great deal of coin on getting their scions the best possible training before these tests. There are quite a few nobles and sons and daughters of politicians at the academy as a result.

That said. Life as a Academy student is hard and many flunk out first year. Those that remain have two years of grinding, soul crushing training to endure before they become eligible for field training. Incidentally, it is here our players will find themselves as a group of 3rd year students.


Magic was a big reason for the wars to begin. As the Immortalis ore was tamed, so did they tame the wondrous beasts that roams the lands with it. And with them, they tapped into magic like they never experienced before. A Crystal bound creature will directly share its magic with the crystal wielder, causing a sort of a causal loop between the two. This magic constantly grows and the more a person wields it them faster it grows. Before the war, it was standard practice to get as much use out of it as quickly as possible. Because the ever increasing power of a bond, men and women would end up wielding terrible powers by the end of the war.

After the war, it became clear that magic was far more dangerous than first believed. Of those that survived from the start of the war, many were finding it hard to distinguish themselves from their bonded beast. Their minds eroded as the connection between summon and summoner grew unchecked. And the war itself had altered the very innate magic of the world in a very real way and in many ways frightening. Once docile beasts grew agitated, some downright mutated from the ether in the air. Monstrosities that before were rare sights began to wander outside their territories. Literal Leviathans, the size of cities began to stir where they lay coiled and dormant close to the core.

It also affected the populace. Before the cataclysm, finding people who were capable of magic and binding spirits wasn’t easy. While there were more than a few at the end, by the time the dust settled after the cataclysm, more and more would find that they had the innate power of harnessing magic. These second generation of Crystal Wielders find that even without a spirit, they are able to manipulate magic only a rather limited degree. This is also one of the main reasons as to why the Academy became such an important institution.

Crystal wielding takes on one of two different practices. Either one utilize the spirits within the weapon internally by strengthening yourself and empowering your magic. Or you fight alongside your beast, complementing one another strengths and weaknesses. Most wielders tend to be stronger at one and a bit weaker on the other. But rarely do one stick to only the one option.


Before magic, human ingenuity was its own magic so to speak. The spark of ingenuity meant mankind grasped how to make machines such as train and airships. But coal was hard to comeby and a lot of the technology was merely in its infancy. Enter the Alexian Empire and Immortalis Ore. The magical crystal ore was capable of not only binding spirits. But a fire spirity could happily fuel the engine of a train for seemingly forever as you fed it a little coal time. And air spirits made the airships a reality, from slow and unreliable travel to quick and luxurius rides between the continents.

Airships: Even before Immortalis, travelling trough airships was a thing mankind had begun to explore. The pre-magitech ships were slow, cumbersome and not wholly safe. Relying on gasses and heavy engines that often slowed down as much as they carried the ship aloft, magic came as relief to many an engineer. Buy binding sylphs and similar spirits, the captain simply lets the creatures dance beneath large sails to provide extra lift and speed, while a firespirit engine gets the engines going.

Guns: Guns are not a new commodity per say. The rifle has been around for a while. But new models have begun to appear. Noteble is that nobody have figured out how to make an Immortalis gun yet.

Mechanical Misc: There are many other, wondrous things. Trains, automatons and others that you will encounter. Think steampunk, but instead of steam. Magic. Hahah!



The current home of our heroes, upon the continent of Anathema lies the largest amount of Immortalis in all of the world. Here several great powers have fought for control against one another. Biggest players in all of this is the nations known as Alexia, Bathmera, Kalthran, Ispea and Helia. Amathea is largely temperate with many mountainous regions. To the north, Alexia still hold large territories, to their south east lies Ispea and to their South west lie Helia. Bathmera lies furthest to the south. And of the north west Coast lies the Island country of Kalthran. In he middle of the continent lies the Valley of Immortals: a great, deep gorge ripped open during the Crystal War. Having partially above this gorge is the Academia Crystalis.

A continent consisting mainly of volcanoes and now lava filled valleys. Most of these lay dormant prior to the Crystal war and the Cataclysm. Sadly, the continent is now nearly uninhabitable by humans. It is a known roosting place for all manners of dragons. This is where Sebastian's son Ornel first encountered and acquired Bahamut.

Heart of the Alexian empire. This continent is cold but temperate and much smaller than any of the others. Obilixia, being second smallest, is still almost twice as big landmass wise. Heavily urbanized, many great cities lie on the continent with Spire City as the greatest. Spire City Lies where the tundra start and the Mountains rise to the north while great forests spread out to the east.

A region known for its deep jungles and treacherous swamps. It once was the home of the brilliant people called the Anazari. However, they are long gone and their ascendents live mainly by the coast, as even before the Cataclysms, the swamps and jungles were nearly impossible to colonize. The monsters and beasts here are particularly nasty and foul tempered. After the Cataclysm the jungle has become a place only the bravest venture into. Often in search for the lost Anazari ruins and their secrets.


Large part of southern Ethia is inhospitable desert. Ethia doesn't house and larger nations despite the north being lush and ideal for colonization. This is mainly because the native Ethians. Ethians are a race of feline featured humans with extremely combative personalities. They are natural born warriors, and when they are not busy fighting one another, they will turn their impulses toward would be colonists. They are divided into a myriad of smaller tribes and war between themselves constantly. They actually used a form of crystal binding before even Alexia, but their traditions only allow tribal leaders to bind spirits. And those spirits are then passed from Mother to Daughter and Father to Son.


The world of Emelea is one of diversity. Six main races inhabit the world. Alari, Varsi, Norh, Ethian, Obeli and Balamastrians.


While there are many smaller states there are five that are larger and by far more powerful then the others. These five: The Alexian Empire. The Ispean Empire, The Bathmeran Republic, Helia and Kalthran. Below you will find very brief information of each.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

WIll be charachter creation here in a few hours!

Creating a character! So as you can tell, in this game your gonna be tied to a spirit. I will try and be rather lenient here, as I do not wish to hinder anyone and stifle their creativity to much. All I really ask is to make them reasonable. No "ODIN" or "SHIVA" from final fantasy that magically give you overpowered abilities that make everyone else seem like pipsqueeks.

Also, your power will grow during this RP and you will get to expand and add specifics to yours as you go along.
If you for example have a fire spirit. YOu start perhaps with "Ability to project a brief lance of fire out of his palms". Later you migh have added "Ability to create and maintain a lasting stream of magical flames"

You will start with two of these powers. Points to put into said powers will be rewarded as we go.

Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________

Age:21 at youngest, seeing how you are third years.

Magical Ability:

Weapon: Every wielder have an Immortalis Weapon unique to them. Each weapon is also assigned a name, this so they can easier account for them upon a wielders eventual death.
Magical Abilties: (Two to begin with. Keep them fairly level. They will grow later on)
Personality: Try to include what kind fighter your char is.
Misc Possession and Information

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________


Element (Darkness, Light, Lightning, Fire, Earth, Ice, Water, Air


Personality: Feral? Intelligent? Sneaky?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dionysian Puff
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Dionysian Puff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Umm, some questions/fluff suggestions.

1. Looking at Tech/guns section, I'm surprised no one's tried to make a railgun using immortalis rails and binding something that generates large amounts of electrical charge, only to find that the only materials that can survive being propelled by the force is immortalis, making it impractically expensive and resource intensive.

2. The Varsi seem to contradict themselves on their origin place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Umm, some questions/fluff suggestions.

1. Looking at Tech/guns section, I'm surprised no one's tried to make a railgun using immortalis rails and binding something that generates large amounts of electrical charge, only to find that the only materials that can survive being propelled by the force is immortalis, making it impractically expensive and resource intensive. That amd immortalis does not magnetize

2. The Varsi seem to contradict themselves on their origin place.

Railgun tbeory is something modern science came up with. This rp does not know about the basic laws of magnetism. They just got past trains man. nobody os going to have a railgun. As for cost effectiveness. Immortalis/crystal smithing is insanely expensive amd long time as it is.

Thanks foe spotting the varsi yhing. Ill fix it when i get home from work
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 14 days ago

This kinda reminds me of Alderamin on the Sky, but with much more emphasis on the Spirits and Magic.

I've already got an idea for a dual-weapon weilding character with a bound Demon Tiger. Or something like that. xP
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

There. NThe Charachter Creation is up as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Debating between a roguey type or a standup duelist
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grif of Hearts
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Grif of Hearts Sometimes vaguely amusing

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I'll be getting to work on my character soon, Hellis!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dionysian Puff
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Dionysian Puff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Um, can we use ancestor spirits as a beast? Or, like the revenants of a long forgatten battle somwehere in the pre-immortalis north?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Dionysian Puff

People don't become spirits. However, something old that was formed due to the sheer amount of agony and death, I could see that be a thing. Man that gotta suck to bond with ;_; (Or it might a kind of spirit that was drawn to the valor and glory of battle. But I am edgy, so I went with death and agony)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dionysian Puff
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Dionysian Puff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Thanks for the speedy reply, also do you want us to PM you our CS, or post it here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Foxxie
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Foxxie Root of All Evil

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Dionysian Puff Post it here.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dionysian Puff
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Dionysian Puff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Fridtjof Kierkegaard
Age: 21
Frtidjolf is a large youth, standing at six feet and two inches. He wears his hair in the top knot style of his family's status and often dresses in dark or drab tones.
Race: Norh
Nation: Alexia/Tribe

Familiar: Hjálmarr the Revenant.

Magical Ability: Summoning

Weapon: Jorobifask and Steinnbrjota, a shovel and pickaxe respectively.
Appearance: http://nebezial.deviantart.com/art/death-vigil-sam-s-pacifiers-470251160
Magical Abilities:
Raise "Dead": Striking the earth with either Jorobifask or Steinnbrjota, Fritdjof raises an earthen construct and allows his familiar to possess it. And thus two became three, which is the current amount he can sustain. Cannot be used along with Undead Physique. The construct appears and moves like a human, but does not bleed and does not tire. As well, metal weapons are created along with the bodies, ranging from axes to swords to shields.

Undead Physique: Fridtjof channels Hjálmarr's unnatural toughness and strength to empower himself. Cannot be used in conjunction with Summon. Fridtjof’s eyes burn with ghostly blue flame and his skin and hair begin draining of color as he slowly becomes like his familiar.



Misc Possession and Information
-Doesn't like hot foods or liquids as they scald his tongue
-Sunburns really fucking easily

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name:Hjálmarr the Revenant

Element: Earth/Darkness

Appearance: The manifestation of a the "cursed" land Warrior's Helm that saw the deaths of hundreds on it's earth in the barren, frigid north long before the Crystal War. He appears as a decaying corpse, pale flesh stretched over deteriorated muscle and bone, string brown hair framing glowing blue eyes and noseless grin, and armed with a rotting and rusting great axe.

Personality: Despite his wretched state, Hjálmarr is still intelligent and lucid, if bloodthirsty and violent. When not screaming about the lack of knee deep pools of his enemies' blood he can be relied upon to offer pithy one liners like the psychopath that he is.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dionysian Puff
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Dionysian Puff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

forgotten to mention you in the CS post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You cannot link to a comic@Dionysian Puff and just go like (this is how he is.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dionysian Puff
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Dionysian Puff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


kay, changed it, anything else?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Dionysian Puff I would stick with 2 elements if I were you. Death isn't a element, but darkness is. It would make sense for a creature such as yours.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dionysian Puff
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Dionysian Puff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


kay, i couldn't find a list of elements so that's why i put the question mark.

wait, i'm literally illiterate.
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